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Position applied :
A. Personal Detail

Full name :
Place & date of birth :
Age :
Full address :
Gender :
Marital status :
Religion :
Nationality :
Phone number :
Email :
ID Card Number (KTP) :
Hobby :

B. Formal Education (primary, secondary, high school, academi, university)

School/College City Year of graduation Majoring

C. Training/Courses
Name of training/courses Period Location Year

D. Employment Record (previous working experience)

Company name Location Period Last Position Reasons for leaving

Job Description (last job) :

E. Health Record
1. Have you ever been ill seriously within the last 2 year? No Yes
If “Yes” please describe in brief :
2. Do you have any disamblement by nature or by accident? No Yes
If “Yes” please describe in brief :
3. Have you ever been hospitalized within the last 2 year? No Yes
If “Yes” please describe in brief, where and for how long :

F. Family Data

Full name :
Place & date of birth :
Full address :
Religion :
Occupation :
Phone number :
Full name :
Place & date of birth :
Full address :
Religion :
Occupation :
Phone number :

Blood Brother/Sister
Name Gender Age Education Occupation Address

I hereby declared that information stated in this form is correct and true. If it is subsequently shown that any of
the information is correct or untrue I hereby agree to resign from the company immediately.

Declared by,

(Full name and signature)


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