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Name: __Santos,Michaela B.


Subject: _Personal Spirituality and Faith__

Major Project
1. Genesis: Chapter 1
“The Story of Creation”


- Create
- Man created in His image
- And everything was good

 Genesis 1 gives an overview of what God has created. We see God creating living thing (plants,
animals and man) as well as non-living things (heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars to give
light and mark the passage of time as well as the sky, dry land and seas as dwelling places for
living things).
 This passage tells me how God’s sovereignty is shown and that God created with wisdom and
order is shown by his declarations that what he created was good or very by the fact that when
God spoke what he commanded occurred. God’s sovereignty is also seen in the naming of parts
of creation. We also see this in the gradual giving of structure to a universe that was originally
without form and void. The creation is presented as an ordered series of events. For example,
the creation of spaces for creatures to dwell in before the creation of the creatures themselves.
This places man at the pinnacle of creation since none of the other parts of creation are referred
to in this way. Moreover, man was given the responsibility of ruling over creation as God’s
representative on earth.

 Nothing is ‘to hard’ for God or could make him ‘Tired’, but rather as at the end of each day God
‘See’s’ his work, and that it is Good. We learn that not only does God stop to appreciate each
day’s creations, but also dedicates an entire day to it on the seventh day, and thus making it a
Holy Day for us to do the same.
 To always prepare for the Sabbath day because God gave us 6 days for work and play.
 Share the thought: We were created in the image of God…perfect…no flaws! Since God is holy,
this means we were also created holy. That original nature created in us changed to sinful
because of choices that were made by the first man and woman, as we will discover very soon in
our study of Genesis. I look forward to when we again shall be made like Him, restored to

Prayer: Lord, I desire a perfect heart, holy and acceptable to you. May this study lead me to
become once again more like you. May I be reminded about the importance of Sabbath day as it
is a rest day for you, so is it for me Amen.
2. Genesis: Chapter 37
“Joseph and the Coat of Many Colours”


- Forgiveness
- Dreams as God’s way of communicating
- Trusting God
- Being Christ-like un your profession

 In Genesis 37 we read the account of a man named Jacob (also known as Israel) who had more
than 13 children His favorite son was the one who was born later in his life. Because he was
favored, Jacob made Joseph a “coat of many colours”. The favorite golden child of his father,
naively tells his older brothers of his dream that represented that they’re all going to bow down
to him. The brothers dislike this dream, so they sell him into slavery and tell their dad, Jacob,
that he was torn by animals. They give his bloodied coat as proof. Joseph is sold into slavery, is
falsely accused of rape. While in jail he meets some staff members who served pharaoh. They
have dreams, Joseph interprets the dreams and they go as predicted.Pharaoh has a dream and
Joseph interprets it. Joseph is made second in command of Egypt. When Joseph is shown by God
that there will be good years for 7 years and famine for 7 years, Joseph begins a governmental
food bank. When the famine hits, his brothers come to Egypt to buy grain and Joseph is reunited
with his remorseful brothers and father.

And that's how the Jewish people came to Egypt.

 Through Joseph’s example, I’ve recognized the importance of seeking God even more when
things are going well. Prosperity and success will test your character infinitely more than
 Joseph remained dependent on God, and he never lost his way in the midst of such power and
wealth. He kept his God-given vision alive, served others wholeheartedly, and remained totally
dependent on God. Why, because he had a vision that had not yet been fulfilled. God was going
to use this slave to save his family and a nation.

 I ask God to always keep me humble because it’s prosperity that often causes people to lose
sight of their God-given vision or to attempt to bring it to pass through their own natural ability
 Even in the midst of this horror, God did not depart from Joseph. In some ways the story will get
worse – and when it does, God will still be with Joseph. God is working not only for Joseph
himself, but also for the larger purposes of God’s redemptive plan.

 I have been aware of times when the Lord has spoken to me when I was not expecting it, and I
would be foolish not to respond. I have found myself led to change direction whilst driving and
alter my destination, and I have also been led to phone people or write, sometimes quite
 unprompted. These things will happen in life to most people, but the difference for a Christian
is that we can see God’s hand in it; sometimes we see this at the time, and sometimes later.
Everything we do has consequences! Those who are most liberated are those who can be
confident of God’s providential guidance.
 Share the thought: Joseph saw himself as an agent of God who was instrumental in effecting the
work of God with his people. He knew the harm that people were capable of and accepted that
sometimes people are their own worst enemies. He knew the family stories of faith mixed with
doubt, He did not paint over their sins; rather, he absorbed them into his awareness of God’s
grand work. Our awareness of the inevitable, providential successfulness of God’s promises
makes our labor worthwhile, no matter the cost to us.

Prayer: Give us an open heart, Lord Jesus, so that we can place the turmoil of the day into Your
hands, and trust You for the future, watching to see how things will work out, but not stressing
ourselves with a sense of personal responsibility for all the details of what happens. May we rest in
You, and with our open hearts, praise You each and every day; AMEN
3. Daniel: Chapter 6

“Daniel & the Lion’s Den”


- God is my judge
- Miracle
- Prayer
- Temptation

 King Darius was ruler over Babylon and had appointment several men to help him
govern and lead. Daniel, the leader of advisors, was a man who believed in God and
followed the Lord's commands. The other men did not like Daniel and did not want him
in charge so they devised a way to get rid of Daniel. These men knew that Daniel served
the God of Isreal. They told King Darius to make a new law in which people could
worship and pray to only the king and if they worshipped or prayed to other gods, they
would be thrown into the den of lion's. The starving lion's would eat and kill the law
breaker.Daniel knew the new law, but committed in his heart to remain steadfast in his
prayer and praise to the Lord. Daniel prayed three times a day with his windows open.
When the men saw Daniel and brought accusations against him to King Darius, the king
was devestated because he favored Daniel. The king knew he could not change the law
and Daniel was thrown into the lion's den.

 The key is not to put your focus on your situation but on your all-powerful Protector.

 God was not concerned with man’s laws. He saved Daniel because Daniel obeyed God’s
law and was faithful to him. While the Bible encourages us to be law-abiding citizens,
some laws are wrong and unjust and are overruled by God’s commands. The lions' den
also symbolized Daniel's captivity in Babylon, where God protected and sustained him
because of his great faith.

 I ask God to putting my faith in Him to rescue me.

 God was not concerned with man’s laws. He saved Daniel because Daniel obeyed God’s
law and was faithful to him. While the Bible encourages us to be law-abiding citizens,
some laws are wrong and unjust and are overruled by God’s commands.

 The story of Daniel in the lion's den teaches us about the promises and faithfulness of
God, even if we feel like everything has been lost.

 Share the thought: To pray always and to forgive people

Prayer: We praise You for your compassion and mercy. We praise You for your grace in
forgiving our sins. Lord, forgive us for listening to others more than we hear You. Help us to
fill our days with Your words and promises

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