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Project brief:

This Project will be network for all Printing shops in Kuwait, to allow users to print their
docs/photos/any printable items in all Printing shop in Kuwait, the customer can choose between
multiple shops based on his address, the shops also will be able to register and manage their shops
and provide their services .

1. General Project Specs :

1.1. # System language (Arabic, English) . Multilanguage for all.
1.2. #payment gate integration with : Or
1.3. All Project Pages should be Mobile responsive designs (Bootstrap) .
2. Web User Interface , the main page of the project that any one can see
(Bootstrap/PHP/MySQL DB):
2.1. The main page will be place to upload the items(Documents/pictures) for printing .
2.2. After the customer upload his items he will press on print button to start printing
process .
2.3. printing process is : Register the user or Login if registered before -> Select the Shop to
print -> payment process -> delivery process from admin side -> after delivery
completed -> user survey step for the order.((Similar to Uber app )
2.4. currency will be in KWD.( capable of accepting other currency at later stage))
2.5. The customer can print some document and ask for extra services
Comments : Some reuest might require sub services after selecting
like binding the document and any thing else provided from the shop , in the same
order the customer can print some photos.
(( Idea : similar to mcdonald when selecting an item and checking out – to get more
2.6. after press on print button customer will register if he is new , or sign in if he registered
already , registering should be complete process with email verification example .
Register thru social media Gmail / Facebook
2.7. he will choose payment method , either paying on delivery or payment gate(there will
be integration with payment service ) .
2.8. Customer will get notification on his email/SMS for Order confirmation details .
2.9. Shop admin will get notification with order details on his email/SMS mobile , also orders
list will be available in the admin panel .
2.10. customer can track his order from the customer control panel.
2.11. User can browse the printing shops by filter -> category by location and type .

3. admin panel / for the project owner(Me) and his(My) staff (Bootstrap /
php / mysql db)
3.1. admin panel can be accessed by more than one user.
3.2. General function for this control panel to manage the shops, customers, orders and
main setting for the project .
3.3. admin can (Add, Edit, Delete) customers .
3.4. admin can (Add, Edit, Delete, Manage) Shops .
3.5. admin can (Add, Edit, Delete, Manage) Menu items/prices for each shop.
3.6. admin can add product shipping details, also shipping duration ,and shipping type
3.7. analytics part important for the admin ( reports about top customers and top Orders
type). (Filter by Month /day /from to period / date both single and multiple / User /ID
/Shop )
3.8. mailing list to all customers .
3.9. notifications system to push notifications .
3.10. admin can add shipping types.
3.11. admin can add multi payments types.
3.12. google analytics to show the visitors number and more information .
3.13. Admin will get email notifications if there is report regarding bad shops from
customers , also will get notification for new shops registration .
Customer Service account their privileges to view orders chats – Accounts are from
supervisor and end user employee – note cancelation process review

4. Shop admin panel / for the shop owner and his staff (Bootstrap / php /
mysql db)
4.1. This panel for controlling the orders for each shop admin, managing shop services
menu, prices, shipping details, multiple admin can access the same shop . – without
delete order
4.2. Shop admin will get email/SMS notification on each order from the customer on his
shop .
4.3. Admin can see the orders and change the status between (Pending- Preparing – delivery
– completed) also download the items from the order (documents ,photos, etc.. ) and
then print them and prepare them for delivery if applicable .
4.4. After delivery finished admin can change the order status to completed, user will get
notification (Email/SMS) to do survey step.
4.5. Shop admin can see general statistics about his shop ( best customer for his shop , list of
orders filtered by status , best service sold ) – with money and admin power have the
capability to add it as an on or off button
4.6. After project is finished offer 5% fee for a summarized document on the code
5. Milestones Details :
5% design the full database on MySQL and send me the full structure.
25% Part (2) from the project full functional tested code and send me the full code before release
the milestone .
25% Part (3) from the project full functional tested code and send me the full code before release
the milestone
25% Part (4) from the project full functional tested code and send me the full code before release
the milestone
20% final project testing and solving all project issues , in this part the project should be up and
running without any issues , third parties testers will participate in this part also .
i should get the full code before release each part milestone .

I will not pay full project amount as milestone , after releasing each step I will pay the next milestone.

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