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Name : 1.

Pandu Rizky Mahendra (17013010158)

2. Alifiah Wulansari Mustofa (17013010159)

3. Lutfi Silfia Ningrum (17013010160)

Class : D – Accounting Department

Pandu : Excuse me, are you Alfi from Faculty of Economy ?

Alfi : Yes, I am. Sorry, who are you ? Have we ever met before ?

Pandu : Yes, we have. I’m Pandu, we are in one group when we did student
orientation. By the way, what do you study at Faculty of Economy ?

Alfi : Oh I see, but I’m sorry I forgot you Pandu. I study in accounting department.
How about you ?

Pandu : Never mind. I study in accounting department too, Alfi.

Alfi : It’s my pleasure can be one majors with you.

Lutfi : Hey Alfi, how are you ?

Alfi : Hey Lutfi, I’m fine thank you. How about you ?

Lutfi : I’m fine, thank you. Who is he ?

Alfi : He is my friend in student orientation. Pandu, she is my friend and I guess

that she want to know you.

Pandu : Oh yea ... Hello, what is your name ?

Lutfi : I’m Lutfi Silfia, but please call me Lutfi.

Pandu : How do you do ? Are you from accounting department ?

Lutfi : How do you do ? Yes, I am from accounting department. By the way, where
do you live ?

Pandu : I live at Jalan Diponegoro number 5 Surabaya. How about you, guys ?

Lutfi : I live at Lebak Timur 3 E number 1 Surabaya.

Alfi : And I live at Jalan Menur 3 number 19 Surabaya.

Pandu : By the way, its already at 12.30 pm and I have to go to class right now.

Lutfi : Oh yes you can go to your class, Pandu. Nice to meet you.
Pandu : Nice to meet you too, guys.

Lutfi : Alfi, dont we have a class today ?

Alfi : Yes, we do . But, where is the class ?

Lutfi : At 3rd floor number 23.

Alfi : Oke let’s go there ....

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