Python in Machine Learning: Department of Information Science, 2019-2020, TJIT

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Python in Machine Learning

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Python in Machine Learning

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Python in Machine Learning

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Python in Machine Learning




Why do men and women think differently? Why do they behave differently in stressed
situations? Why do women act more emotionally as compared to men? Why do men and
women excel at different types of tasks? Why do boys like to play with cars and trucks and
superman? These are the common questions which arise commonly in minds. The human
brain is a highly complex organ. Studies of perception, cognition, memory and neural
functions have found apparent gender differences. These differences may be attributed to
various genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors and do not reflect any overall
superiority advantage to either sex. Both sexes are equal in intelligence, but tend to operate
differently. Men and women appear to use different parts of the brain to encode memories,
sense emotions, recognize faces, solve certain problems and make decisions. Indeed, when
men and women of similar intelligence and aptitude perform equally well, their brains appear
to go about it differently, as if nature had separate blueprints. Sex differences in the brain
may play a role in learning processes, language development, and progression of
neurologically based diseases. Sex differences need to be considered in studying brain
structure and function and may raise the possibility of sex-specific treatments for
neurological diseases

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Python in Machine Learning

The adult human brain weighs on average about 3lb (1.5 kg) with a size of around 1130 cm3
in women and 1260 cm3 in men although there is substantial individual variation . Male
brains are about 10% larger than female brains and weigh 11-12% more than that of a
woman. Men's heads are also about 2% bigger than women's. This is due to the larger
physical stature of men. Male’s larger muscle mass and larger body size requires more
neurons to control them. The brain weight is related to the body weight partly because it
increases with increasing height . This difference is also present at birth. A boy’s brain is
between 12-20% larger than that of a girl. The head circumference of boys is also larger (2%)
than that of girls. However, when the size of the brain is compared to body weight at this age,
there is almost no difference between boys and girls. So, a girl baby and a boy baby who
weigh the same will have similar brain sizes.

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Python in Machine Learning


Based on more than 8000 autopsies of male and female patients without brain diseases the
normal brain weight of adult males and females in relation to sex, age, body-weight, and
body –height as well as body mass index were calculated. The average brain weight of the
adult male was 1336 gr; for the adult female 1198gr. With the increasing age, brain weight
decreases by 2.7 gr in males, and 2.2 gr in females per year

When it comes to the chromosomes ,the chromosomes only tell a small part of the story they
come in many variations, for beyond the binary XX and XY. Then there is the fragile X
syndrome option and various issues with the SRY gene .

In the essence the phenotype that results from a particular set of genetics is quite complex and
thus excludes a purely binary outcome.

To determine a gender identity a persons powerfull core knowledge of who they are is not so

We know that there is a significant durable biological underpinning to gender identity

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Python in Machine Learning


‘‘Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain’’, which purported to
reveal ‘‘fundamental sex differences’’

Between males and females in the hope of explaining differences in their psychological and
behavioural characteristics. There are several sound reasons for screening neuro scientific
data for sexual differentiation, chief among them remediating the historical
underrepresentation of females in biomedical research, which has disadvantaged women in
respect to disease understanding and treatment.

However, neuroscientific research on sexual dimorphism has recently elicited intense

criticism from scholars in both natural and social sciences. These critics contend that the
evidence-base for many claims of sex difference is plagued by bias and methodological

So Finally instead of using chromosomes we can use brain weight to detect the genders

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CPU Type : Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2020M

Clock Speed : 2.40 GHz


Keyboard : Multimedia

Mouse : OPTICAL Mouse

Hard Disk : 500GB


Windows XP


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Python in Machine Learning


from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

X = X.reshape((m, 1))

#creating models

reg = LinearRegression()

#fitting train data

reg =, Y)

#y pred

Y_pred = reg.predict(X)

#cal r2 score

r2_score = reg.score(X, Y)


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Python in Machine Learning




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Python in Machine Learning


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Python in Machine Learning


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Python in Machine Learning


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Python in Machine Learning


Research on the differences between male and female brain structure and function has huge
implications for educational theory. Male and female brains are wired differently and that is
why they learn, feel and react so differently. Studies have shown that girls tend to use the
areas of the brain devoted to verbal and emotional functioning, while boys generally use the
areas of the brain geared toward spatial and mechanical tasks . The male brain needs to
recharge and reorient by entering what brain scientists call a rest state.

Boys may naturally drift off or “space out” during a lesson. However, they are able to stay
engaged in visual or hands-on learning that involves symbols, objects, diagrams and pictures
but zone out when too many words are used [276]. Active learning strengthens neuronal
pathways, builds new ones and improves memory skills, reasoning and visualization
efficiency. We can use images for detecting gender identification

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As specified earlier the objective of the internship is to provide a skill and train the students
to new skills and about the industry environment. They thought us about python and machine
learning and how to work with them.

We learnt about new skills how to work with new programming languages learning to know
how they work and the importance over the other languages.

We learnt many programs where few of them had only software and few had both hardware
and software parts. It thought us to interact with industry people and about environment there.

During our internship they thought us about new skills and we were asked to work with those
skills later in designing small programs at first so that we would familiar with skills we learn
later we were asked to do one project using python with a topic of our convenience and later
we submitted the project with the small presentation given on the projects we developed. the
industry environment as we were allowed with the professionals we learn how to work in the
industry and how to connect and communicate with the effectively. We understand how the
industry work with real time projects and within the deadline given to them. We learnt about

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Python in Machine Learning



The male and the female brains show anatomical, functional and biochemical differences in
all stages of life. These differences begin early during development due to a combination of
genetic and hormonal events and continue throughout the lifespan of an individual, and are
involved in many functions in heath as well as in diseases. Mental and emotional health is
extremely important to healthy aging. Sex differences need to be considered in studying brain
structure and function. It may raise the possibility of early diagnosis and precise treatment
and management for neurological diseases, and may help physicians and scientists to
discover new diagnostic tools to explore the brain differences. Understanding the
development of normal brain and differences between the sexes is important for the
interpretation of clinical imaging studies internet material.

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Python in Machine Learning

Core semantics

"C math library".

Department of Information Science, 2019-2020, TJIT Page 17

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