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HASS Skills & Kath Murdoch’s Inquiry Cycle

Web Lesson Phase of The HASS Skills Content Descriptors

Objectives Inquiry Cycle
Our List and describe three Finding Out Questioning & Researching - Identifying the key values Locate and collect information and/or
Values values of Australian Sorting Out of democracy from primary and secondary sources; data from a range of appropriate primary
democracy. Collecting and organising information as a Venn Diagram sources and secondary sources (e.g.
to compare and contrast alternative perspectives on museums, media, library catalogues,
Compare and contrast governance. interviews, internet) (WAHASS52)
the values of Australian
democracy and Record selected information and/or data
dictatorships (extension). using a variety of methods (e.g. use
graphic organisers, paraphrase,
summarise) (WAHASS53)

Our Explain one Right of the Finding Out Questioning & Researching - Locating and collecting Locate and collect information and/or
Rights Child and why it is Sorting Out information from secondary sources to inform data from a range of appropriate primary
important. understanding of the meaning and importance of human sources and secondary sources (e.g.
rights; Linking WA Children’s Rights and UNCRC and museums, media, library catalogues,
Link this Right to the WA displaying this information as a concept map. interviews, internet) (WAHASS52)
Rights of the Child.
Record selected information and/or data
using a variety of methods (e.g. use
graphic organisers, paraphrase,
summarise) (WAHASS53)
Laws to List and describe Human Finding Out Analysing - Translating collected information about the Translate collected information and/or
Protect Rights observed in Sorting Out links between rights and laws into a different format (a data to a variety of different formats (e.g.
Our Rights different settings. cube graphic organiser). create a timeline, draw maps, convert a
table of statistics into a graph)
Describe a law or (WAHASS58)
regulation and explain
how it is protecting
citizens and Human
Web Lesson Phase of The HASS Skills Content Descriptors
Objectives Inquiry Cycle
Upholding Describe what could Finding Out Questioning & Researching - Presenting recorded Record selected information and/or data
Laws happen if a law didn’t Sorting Out information (the roles of law enforcers) as a using a variety of methods (e.g. use
exist. communicable product (job advertisement). graphic organisers, paraphrase,
summarise) (WAHASS53)
Create a job Analysing - Investigating the cause-and-effect
advertisement for the role relationship between the removal of laws and its potential Interpret information and/or data collected
of a law enforcer, impact on society. (e.g. sequence events in chronological
including a description of order, identify cause and effect, make
this role and associated connections with prior knowledge)
responsibilities. (WAHASS56)

My Vision Represent the link Going Further Evaluating - Drawing conclusions about the relationship Draw and justify conclusions, and give
between values, rights, Making between values, rights, laws and law enforcement. explanations, based on the information
laws and enforcement as Conclusions and/or data in texts, tables, graphs and
a hierarchy. Communicating & Reflecting - Reflecting on these maps (e.g. identify patterns, infer
conclusions to formulate a personal vision about the relationships) (WAHASS59)
Explain the links between importance of upholding human rights. Communicating
democratic values, rights, these evaluations and reflections in the form of a Present findings, conclusions and/or
laws and law hierarchy web and Blabberize video appropriate to arguments, appropriate to audience and
enforcement. audience and purpose. purpose, in a range of communication
forms (e.g. written, oral, visual, digital,
tabular, graphic, maps) and using subject-
specific terminology and concepts

Make Create an avatar to Taking Action Exploring concrete mechanisms to apply new Reflect on learning, identify new
Real safely express concerns understandings in our civic institutions (e.g. writing to the understandings and act on findings in
Changes about human rights WA Commissioner for Children and Young People to different ways (e.g. suggest additional
online. express concerns about human rights violations). questions to be investigated, propose a
course of action on an issue that is
significant to them) (WAHASS63)

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