Tabel BasisData2 (Diisi)

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Employee_Id First_Name Last_Name Salary Commission_pct

100 Steven King 24000

101 Neena Kochhar 17000
102 Lex De Haan 17000
103 Alexander Hunold
104 Bruce Ernst
107 Lorentz
200 Jennifer Whalen 4400
202 Fay
205 Shelley Higgins 12000
206 Gietz 8300
Zlotkey 10500 .2
Abel 11000 .3
Taylor 8600 .2
Grant 7000 .15
124 Mourgos

Tabel Locations
Location_Id City State_Province
1800 Toronto Ontario
2500 Oxford Oxford
1400 Southlake Texas
1500 South San Fransisco California
1700 Seattle Washington

Tabel Departements
Department_id Departement_Name Manager_Id Location_Id
10 Administration
20 Marketing
50 Shipping 124 1500
60 IT 1400
Sales 149 2500

Tabel Countries
Country_Id Country_Name Region_Id
CA Canada 2
DE Germany 1
UK United Kingdom 1
US United States of Amer 2

Tabel Dual
Sysdate Add_Months Next_Day Last_Day

Employee_id Department_id Department Manager_id Job_id

Tabel user_sequence
Sequence_name MIN_value MAX_value Increment_by Last_number

Tabel runners
Runner_id First_name Last_name

Tabel wf_countries
Country_id Country_name Capital Region_id Life_expect_at_birth
Europe Island
Juan de Nova Island
Republic of Zimbabwe
Republic of Zambia
Republic of South Africa
Tabel Jobs
Job_id Job_title Min_salary Max_salary
Tabel job_grades
Grade_level Lowest_sal Highest_sal

Tabel join dari employees dan jobs

Last_name Job_id job_title
AC_ACCOUNT Public Accountant
AC_MGR Accointing Manager
AD_ASST Administration Assistant
AD_PRES President
AD_VP Administration Voce President
IT_PROG Programmer

Tabel join dari employees dan departments

Last_name Department_name
Whalen Administration
Hartstein Marketing
Fay Marketing
Davies Shipping
Vargas Shipping
Rajs Shipping
Mourgos Shipping

Tabel join dari employees dan grades

Last_name Salary Grade_level Lowest_sal Highest_sal

Tabel copy_departments
Department_id Manager_id Deparment_namLocation_id

Tabel Clients
Client_number First_name Last_name Email Phone
Tabel user_constraint
Constrain_name Table_name Constraint_type Status

Tabel view_high_pop
Region_id Highest_population Tabel_wc_countrCountry_name Internet_extetn

Tabel euro_countries
Country_id Region_id Country_name Capital Capital_city
Tabel Employee
Salary+300 12*Salary+100 Job_Id Salary*Commission_pct Name Comm
24300 288100 AD_PRES
17300 204100 AD_VP
17300 204100 AD_VP

4700 52900 AD_ASST

12300 144100 AC_MGR
8600 99700 AC_ACCOUNT
10800 SA_MAN 2100
11300 SA_REP 3300
8900 SA_REP 1720
7300 SA_REP
Tabel employees
Firt_name Last_name Salary Count Income Commissio
John Doe 4000
Jane Jones 3000
Sylvia Smith 5000
Hal Nguyen 6000

Employee_Name Pay Departement_Id Rate_Stated Hire_Date Employee_Raise
288000 90 17-Jun-87
204000 90 21-Sep-89
204000 90 13-Jan-93

10 21-Sep-87

110 7-Jun-94
50 16-Nov-99
Comm Length_fmLength_immax_salary Bonus Compare_thjob_sub_total
Employee_raiseStart_dateEnd_date Hire_date Longest_e Dept_sub_total

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