Adaptive Tracking Control of State Constraint Systems Based On Differential Neural Networks: A Barrier Lyapunov Function Approach

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Adaptive Tracking Control of State Constraint

Systems Based on Differential Neural Networks:
A Barrier Lyapunov Function Approach
Rita Q. Fuentes-Aguilar , Member, IEEE, and Isaac Chairez, Member, IEEE

Abstract— The aim of this article is to investigate the trajec- on the control design to realize an active compensation
tory tracking problem of systems with uncertain models and of MUEPs. The adaptive approximation of uncertain
state restrictions using differential neural networks (DNNs). The functions employing a nonparametric modeling structure
adaptive control design considers the design of a nonparametric
identifier based on a class of continuous artificial neural networks [such as artificial neural networks (ANNs)] offers a reliable
(ANNs). The design of adaptive controllers used the estimated option to obtain the approximation of the MUEP based on
weights on the identifier structure yielding a compensating the states or output measurements [1]. Traditionally, ANNs
structure and a linear correction element on the tracking error. are key tools for developing pattern classification algorithms,
The stability of both the identification and tracking errors, image processing methods, nonparametric models of complex
considering the DNN, uses a barrier Lyapunov function (BLF)
that grow to infinity whenever its arguments approach some finite biological systems, and automatic adaptive controls [2]–[4].
limits for the state satisfying some predefined ellipsoid bounds. Nevertheless, the ANN ability to approximate complex
The analysis guarantees the semi-globally uniformly ultimately functional relations between time-dependent variables justify
bounded (SGUUB) solution for the tracking error, which implies their use within the design of adaptive disturbance rejection
the achievement of an invariant set. The suggested controller controllers.
produces closed-loop bounded signals. This article also presents
the comparison between the tracking states forced by the adaptive Usually, differential neural networks (DNNs) are the par-
controller estimated with the DNN based on BLF and quadratic ticular name given to ANNs, which may approximate MUEP
Lyapunov functions as well. The effectiveness of the proposal is affecting dynamic systems. DNNs have good approximation
demonstrated with a numerical example and an implementation (nonparametric identification) properties in the presence of
in a real plant (mass-spring system). This comparison confirmed bounded or locally Lispchitz MUEPs. In consequence, DNNs
the superiority of the suggested controller based on the BLF
using the estimates of the upper bounds for the system states. are useful instruments to solve diverse control problems for
a large class of uncertain real dynamic plants [5]–[7]. In the
Index Terms— Barrier Lyapunov functions (BLFs), differential context of systems theory, a main characteristic of DNN is the
neural network (DNNs), neuro-identification, state constraint
systems, trajectory tracking. possibility of using the Lyapunov stability theory to justify
the MUEPs approximation quality. Narendra et al. [8] pre-
sented one of the first stability analyses (Lyapunov based) for
I. I NTRODUCTION DNNs working as nonparametric identifiers for uncertain sys-
tems. Such analysis yields the adjustment rules for the DNN
M ODELING uncertainties and external perturba-
tions (MUEPs) provoke considerable troubles in
any closed-loop control realization for uncertain dynamic
weights (learning laws) based on the so-called dynamic back-
propagation. Subsequently, Rovithakis and Christodoulou [9]
systems. Indeed, such uncertainties are sources of instability used the Lyapunov’s second method to obtain the adaptive
or poor performance for the controlled plant. A feasible learning laws, which guaranteed the ultimate boundedness for
method for limiting the effect of MUEP is designing the identification error. Most of these Lyapunov functions
a feedback controller, which may reject them by direct are quadratic (QLFs). Eventually, diverse Lyapunov-based
compensation. Disturbance rejection is the common name approaches derived new adaptive learning laws for DNNs
for such controllers. An online disturbance estimator embeds applied as adaptive nonparametric identifiers, state observers,
or adaptive controllers [10]–[13]. Most of the Lyapunov func-
Manuscript received February 12, 2019; revised July 8, 2019 and tions were quadratic forms of the identification and the weight
September 30, 2019; accepted January 11, 2020. This work was supported by errors as well, which corresponds to the deviation between
the Instituto Politécnico Nacional under Grant sip 20201286. (Corresponding
author: Rita Q. Fuentes-Aguilar.) the optimal (in some sense) and the online time-dependent
Rita Q. Fuentes-Aguilar is with the Tecnológico de Monterrey at Campus estimated weights. Although DNNs are mature methods for
Guadalajara, Zapopan 45138, Mexico (e-mail: approximating MUEP in a large class of systems, their appli-
Isaac Chairez is with the Tecnológico de Monterrey at Campus Guadalajara,
Zapopan 45138, Mexico, and also with the Bio-processes Department, Unidad cations in adaptive control designs for real plants require some
Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnología (UPIBI)-Instituto Politécnico extra conditions. One of these is the necessity of including the
Nacional, Mexico City 07340, Mexico. natural state constraints, which appear because of the presence
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at of physical limitations or the nature of the systems’ states (for
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.2966914 instance, movement range of articulations in robots, substance
2162-237X © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


concentrations in chemical or biotechnological systems, and nonlinear switched systems in lower triangular form. Among
some others) [3], [14]. the few studies on the BLF application for full-state con-
There are several evidences showing that the transient strained systems, Tee and Ge [16] developed a control design
period of the training process induces state oscillations of for nonlinear systems with state constraints using integral BLF.
large amplitude for the DNN identifier. Then, if these states Liu and Tong [23] introduced the adaptive controller design
appeared in the closed-loop realization of the adaptive con- (calculated with both symmetric and asymmetric BLFs) for
troller, there is a period while the controlled states may violate single-input-single-output systems with parameter uncertain-
the state restrictions. This aspect is relevant if the adaptive ties, and the entire set of states are constraint. A slightly dif-
controller based on the DNN estimated states must regulate ferent approach appears in [24] showing a class of distributed
real systems, which are highly susceptible to the control state constraints robotic device, which is controlled by the
action such a chemical, biotechnological, or biomedical plants. adaptive controller with gains estimated by a differential law.
Indeed, it is necessary that the control realization considers the This is considered as an intermediate result of a controlled
state constraints since the design stage offers a safety plant BLF. An application of BLF and neural network techniques
operation [15]. This design strategy ensures the fulfilment of is presented in [25]. Here, the use of the integral BLF
the state restrictions permanently (the entire operation time technique aims to propose the distributed attitude coordinated
of the controlled plant), instead of asymptotically. The appli- tracking problem for multiple constrained spacecraft. The
cation of DNNs to approximate uncertain nonlinear systems reconstruction of the leader attitude and angular velocity is
with state restrictions is a relatively recent proposal [4], [16]. solved with the implementation of a sliding-mode estimator.
Two main approaches appeared to solve such problem: the He et al. [24] presented a tracking control for a uncertain
application of projection operators and the application of multilink robot with full-state constraints. The application of
stability analysis for state constraint systems. The first method the BLF guaranteed the uniform ultimate boundedness of the
establishes a limitation for the DNN state to satisfy the closed-loop system. Liu et al. [26] proposed the adaptive con-
predefined constraints for the variables of the uncertain plant. trol for nonlinear stochastic systems (in the Brunovskii form)
This method implies the introduction of integral learning laws with uncertain parameters using symmetric and asymmetric
as proposed by Garcia et al. [17]. Though this option offers BLFs yielding the semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded
a reliable methodology, the technical difficulties in designing (SGUUB) for the identification error (in mean square sense).
the learning laws demotivated its application. Second, the sta- The results on the application of the BLF for the stochastic
bility analysis considering the state constraints appeared as system are even smaller. An application of a control designed
an efficient design technique for approximate models based using BLF can be revised in [27]. They considered the angle
on DNNs. This approach produces learning laws, which are of attack constraint caused by a scramjet, and the control laws
modulated by the distance between the current value of the were designed using BLF. A compensation for the unknown
DNN states and the known boundaries of the plant variables. actuator faults of the hypersonic flight vehicle is proposed
However, the regular QLF used in the stability analysis of the using back-stepping and composite learning.
approximation error is no longer valid because of the restricted The main contributions of this article include the application
domain of the states. Therefore, a new type of Lyapunov of BLF to deal with the adaptive control design for full-
function was introduced recently. These functions received state constraint systems that may not be converted to the
the name of barrier Lyapunov functions (BLFs) [18]–[20]. Brunovskii form, due to the uncertainty of the state relations.
BLFs are functions that grow to infinity when the states of In this case, the class of constraint states considers the ellipsoid
the system under analysis approach the domain boundaries. restriction [28], which is not a regular form of consider-
The characteristics of the BLF allow the application of the ing the constraints. Moreover, the SGUUB property for the
well-known controlled Lyapunov functions, which permit the identification error is formally confirmed via the application
calculation of the adaptive laws for the weights as a function of the second Lyapunov stability method. An experimental
of the approximation error. Moreover, the adequate implemen- evaluation justified the development of the proposed identifier
tation of BLF yields the design of adaptive controllers, which based on DNN for full-state restricted systems.
may guarantee that the state constraints are not transgressed. In some studies, there are evidences that the adaptive
To date, there are some studies showing the application of controllers designed by the application of BLF may not ensure
BLF for designing the learning laws of diverse ANNs [21]. the satisfaction of the state constraints and may demand long
Most of these approaches only consider the output restriction periods of gain tuning. Usually, the process of adjusting the
while the nonlinear system admits the Brunovskii canoni- gains implicates the recurrent (trial and error) modification of
cal representation, which is a restrictive assumption. Some the controller gains. This trial-and-error scheme may reduce
examples describing the application of BLF for the control the controller effectiveness, the actuators lifetime, and the
of output-constrained nonlinear systems appear in [16], where plant security. The second contribution of this article intro-
the advantages of the asymmetric and symmetric BLFs over duces a dynamic neuro-controller, which incorporates online
QLF are highlighted. Kim and Yoo [22] showed the design of gain control adjustment regulated by the system identification
an adaptive control for nonlinear pure-feedback systems with error [1], [4].
output constraints based on a class of integral barrier Lyapunov The application of a novel BLF allows proving the
functional approach. On the other hand, Niu and Zhao [20] closed-loop practical stability of the origin for both the
investigated the output tracking control problem of constrained identified as well as the trajectory tracking errors for a class of

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


non-Brunovskii-form uncertain systems. The stability analysis A. Characteristics of the Uncertain System
considers the plant full-state restrictions and their effects on In this article, the nonlinear systems with uncertain structure
the trajectory tracking analysis. An adaptive controller emerges satisfy
from the BLF-based stability analysis. The controller gain 
uses the adjusted weights of the DNN identifier. The solution d
x(t) = f (x(t), u(t)) + ξ(x(t), t). (1)
of both problems, the nonparametric identification and the dt
trajectory tracking, enforced the design of an exact expression Here, x is the state vector (x ∈ Rn ), x(0) = x 0 ,
x 0
< ∞.
for the weights dynamics. Consider that X be the open set such that x ∈ X ⊂ Rn . Usu-
The organization of this article is as follows. Section II ally, most of the works considering state restrictions introduce
presents some mathematical preliminaries describing the BLF the restriction that each of the states in (1) is bounded, that is,
fundamentals, Section III describes the class of nonlinear each component of the state x i satisfies x i− < x i < x i+ ∀t ≥ 0.
systems with uncertain structure and full-state constraints, The scalar x i represents the i th component of the state
Section IV introduces the structure of the neuro-identifier vector x. The lower and upper limits for x i are x i− ∈ R and
considering the DNN formulation, the class of activation x i+ ∈ R, respectively. These limits are known in advance. This
functions, and the learning laws for the identifier weights, article considers a different class of state restriction defined by
Section V defines the tracing control design and the impact the set
of the learning laws on the controller gain, Section VI  
 = x ∈ X |
2P1 < x + . (2)
presents the numerical simulations evaluating the control
design on a simple academic example, Section VII describes Here, P1 = P1 , P1 ∈ Rn×n is a positive definite matrix,
the application of the adaptive controller on a real exper- and x + is a positive scalar describing the ellipsoid bounds for
imental system corresponding to a mass-spring device, the system state. The nonlinear vector Lipschitz function f :
Section VIII provides a general discussion on the benefits Rn+m → Rn is composed by n-uncertain nonlinear functions.
of the adaptive control approach attained in this article, and Locally, the effect of internal MUEPs is gathered in the
Section IX closes the study with some final remarks and future piecewise continuous and integrable term ξ(x(t), t). This term
trends. satisfies the following inequality:

ξ(x, t)
2ξ ≤ γ0 + γ1
The main tool to design the adaptive controller is the BLF. Under the assumption of the state restrictions, by substitut-
These functions are defined as follows [16]. ing (2) into (3), the following inequality holds:
Definition 1: A BLF is a scalar function V (z) (associ-

ξ(x, t)
2ξ ≤ γ0 + γ1 λ−1 +
max {P1 }{x }. (4)
ated with the dynamic system (d/dt)z(t) = f (z(t)) on
the open region  containing the origin) that is continuous, Note that the class of internal MUEPs includes bounded
positive definite with continuous first-order partial derivatives perturbations as well as slow growing dynamics with respect
at every point of  ⊆ Rn that satisfies the following to the system state. The control u ∈ Rm (m < n) is a piecewise
properties. continuous and integrable function. All the admissible controls
1) V (z) → ∞ as z approaches δ (boundary of ). belong to the following admissible set:
2) V (z) ≤ b ∀t ≥ 0 along the solution of (d/dt)z(t) = Uadm = {u:
2 ≤ u 0 + u 1
2 , u 0 , u 1 ∈ R+ }. (5)
f (z(t)) with z(0) ∈  and a given positive constant b.
Evidently, the adaptive control that should solve the problem
A BLF can be symmetric or asymmetric [16]. The following
statement must be included in Uadm .
definition formalizes the structure of barrier functions.
Definition 2: For any positive constants ka and kb , consider IV. N EURO -I DENTIFIER
the state constrain set defined by Z 1 = {z 1 ∈ R : −ka1 < z 1 <
Considering the DNN approximation capabilities described
kb1 } ⊂ R and N := Rl × Z 1 ⊂ Rl+1 be open sets.
in many classical texts on this field [1], the vector field in (1),
The use of BLF for controlled nonlinear systems with output
f (x, u), admits the representation composed by a nominal
constraint focused on the design of the negative semidefinite
system f0 (x, u | W0 ):Rn+m → Rn and the modeling error
function to ensure that the constraints are not transgressed.
f˜(x, u | W0 ):Rn+m → Rn . The Stone–Weierstrass and the
The use of BLF reveals that the stabilizing functions and
Kolmogorov theorems justify the approximation suggested
the control signal remain bounded [19]. Another important
here [29].
contribution of BLF is their capability to be less restrictive on
the initial conditions than QLF, [16], [20], [22]. A. Approximation Based on DNN
The approximation proposed here justifies that the dynamics
III. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT of the uncertain system (1) can also be described as follows:
This section presents the class of uncertain nonlinear x(t) = f 0 (x(t), u(t) | W0 )
systems with state restrictions, their characteristics, and dt
assumptions. + f˜(x(t), u(t) | W0 ) + ξ(x(t), t). (6)

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There are several alternatives to design the nominal dynam- B. Projected Identifier Structure
ics. This part of the modeling strategy based on DNN can Formally, x̂ ∈ Rn represents the state vector of the adaptive
be proposed using linear combinations of different nonlin- identifier. The learning law, W , should depend on the identi-
ear functions (polynomials, sinusoidal, and sigmoidal). These fication error, that is, the difference between the states of the
functions must form a basis of infinity-dimensional Hilbert uncertain system and the dynamic approximation, that is, x − x̂.
space to get an exact approximation of the uncertain function The DNN-based identifier satisfies the following dynamic
f (x(t), u(t) [29]. When the number of terms used in the representation:
approximation is finite, the approximation error f˜(x(t), u(t))
must be considered. The set of parameters W0 , which are d
x̄(t) = f0 (x̂(t), u(t) | W (t))
bounded, should be adjusted to obtain the most accurate dt
match between the nominal f 0 (x(t), u(t) | W0 ) and the x̂(t) = Pr{x̄(t)}
nonlinear dynamics f (x(t), u(t)), in other words, to reduce d
W (t) = (W (t), x̂ (t), x(t), u(t)) (11)

f˜(x(t), u(t) | W0 )
as much as possible. Considering that dt
the nonlinear dynamics f (x(t), u(t)) is locally Lipschitz and where the projection operator satisfies
under the class of admissible controls u(t), the following 
upper bound for the error modeling f˜(x(t), u(t) | W0 ) can z̄, if z̄ ∈ 
Pr{z̄} = (12)
be obtained [4]: ẑ ∂ , if z̄ ∈

f˜(x(t), u(t) | W0 )
2 f ≤ f˜1
2 where ẑ ∂ ∈ ω, such that ẑ ∂ = minẑ∈ω
z̄ − ẑ
2 . Note
that ẑ ∂ can be calculated online. The introduction of the
+ f˜0 f˜1 , f˜0 ∈ R+ ,  f =  f ∈ Rn×n . (7)
projection algorithm forces the identifier states to fulfill the
According to the approximation approach [1], the nominal state restrictions for the uncertain system (1). The class of
dynamics of the DNN are selected as follows: state restrictions can also consider the box-type constraints
analyzed in some other studies regarding adaptive controllers

f 0 (x(t), u(t) | W0 ) = Ax(t) + W0 (x(t), u(t)) (8) based on ANN and BLF. Under the given box-type restrictions,
    it is possible finding the maximum inscribed ellipsoid, that is,
W0,1 1 (x)
W0 = (x, u) = . (9) the corresponding matrix P1 . A robust control design based
W0,2 2 (x)u(t)
on this argument can be consulted in [28]. The adjustment
The matrices in (8) are A ∈ R , W0,1 ∈ R , of the DNN structure is defined by the function , which
n×n n×l

W0,2 ∈ Rn×s , 1 (·) ∈ Rl and 2 (·) ∈ Rs×m . is known as the learning algorithm. The second method of
Remark 1: A neural approximation presented in (8) has Lyapunov establishes this learning using a particular BLF. The
only one single neuron layer. With more layers, the number set of nonlinear functions f 0 (x̂(t), u(t) | W (t)), in (8), may
of neurons in the single layer increases. In this scenario, there be defined as an affine system composed by the following
is no necessity to include hidden layers in the structure of sections: the first one approximates the control-independent
the NN [4]. What is more relevant, additional complexities dynamics part through the combination of a Hurwitz fixed
may appear in the learning algorithm with the modification of matrix A ∈ R
n×n (selected by the designer) and the nonlinear

the neural structure. In addition, the trajectory tracking is not part which is approximated by some variable parameters W1 (t)
severely improved [1]. with sigmoidal multipliers. The second one defines the vector
The initial adaptive parameters (weights) W0,1 and W0,2 are field associated with the control action using the second set
unknown. However, we consider that they are bounded with of adaptable parameters W2 (t). Indeed, the complete structure
known bounds, that is of the approximation system is

+ + f 0 (x̂(t), u(t) | W ) = A x̂(t)+W1 (t)σ (x̂)+W2 (t)φ(x̂ )u(t). (13)
W0,1 0,1 W0,1 ≤ W0,1 W0,2 0,2 W0,2 ≤ W0,2 (10)
Here, W1 ∈ Rn×l , W2 ∈ Rn×s , σ ∈ Rl , and φ ∈ Rs×m . The
+ +
with W0,1 and W0,2 positive definite matrices of appropriate sigmoid activation vectors, σ and φ, are
dimensions. Also, the matrices 0,1 and 0,2 are positive

definite and symmetric. In [1], the structure in (8) was tested σr (x(t)) = ar 1 + br e −cr x
to design adaptive identifiers, state estimators, and adaptive

controllers. φr, p (x(t)) = ar, p 1 + br, p e −cr, p x . (14)
In (8), the adaptive parameters W0 are assumed to be
unknown but bounded and constant. Consequently, adjusting The parameters ar , ar, p , br , and br, p are positive scalars, while
the structure of f 0 (x(t), u(t) | W0 ) is the approximation cr ∈ R and cr, p ∈ R are eligible vectors of gains. Many
n n

problem formally, which usually implies introducing some methods can be used to adjust these parameters; however, for
time-dependent weights W such that they can track W0 . This the sake of simplicity, we adjusted them by trial and error.
structure working together with the adaptive law W such These functions satisfy the sector conditions
that x is asymptotically reproduced by the identifier state x̂,
σ̃ (z , z )
2 ≤ L
z − z
1 2 σ σ 1 2
and under the corresponding persistent excitation condition,
W approximates W0 simultaneously. ×
φ̃(z 1 , z 2 )u
2φ ≤ L φ
z 1 −z 2
2 (15)

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where σ̃ (z 1 , z 2 ) = σ (z 1 ) − σ (ẑ 2 ), φ̃(z 1 , z 2 ) = φ(z 1 ) − φ(zˆ2 ), external signals considered as noises and without the mod-
and L σ and L φ are positive and constant scalars, while σ eling inaccuracies, the error  must converge to the origin
and φ are positive matrices. Here, z 1 , z 2 ∈ X ⊆ Rn . These asymptotically. The differential laws are
functions are globally bounded in Rn , that is,
+ −2(1+κ)K i−1 P1 ψi (x̂, u)

σ (z 1 )
2σ ≤ L +
σ ,
φ(z 1 )u
φ ≤ L φ
(16) ¯ x̂, u) =
i (, , i = 1, 2. (19)
1 1 + ¯
x −2(1 + κ) P1  ¯
In (11), a Hurwitz matrix A as well as the time-varying
parameters Wi (t), i = 1, 2 should be found to guarantee the The matrices K 1 , K 2 are constants that chosen during the
state approximation of x(t) by x̂(t), that is, offline training stage [4], and the matrix P1 is the solution
of the Riccati-like matrix inequality [31] given by
lim sup
x(t) − x̂(t)
2 ≤ β
t →∞
P1 A1 + (A1 ) P1 + P1 R1 P1 + Q 1 < 0 (20)
where β > 0 is proportional to the power of noises and
modeling error. Section IV-C introduces the formalization of + +
with A1 = A + 0.5α1 In , R1 = W0,1 + W0,2 and Q 1 =
the adaptive identifier using BLF, that is, the design of the
learning laws for W . L σ + L φ u 0 + u 1 λmin {P1 } .
Lemma 1: Consider the DNN-based approximation (6) of
the uncertain system (1) with the modeling error f˜ satisfying
C. Convergence Analysis for the Projected the restriction (7) and the uncertainties fulfilling (3); then,
DNN Identification Error if there exists a positive scalar α1 > 0 such that (20) has
Let us consider the identifier structure in (11) with the at least a positive definite and symmetric solution P1 , then
representation of the nominal dynamics given in (13); the the origin is an SGUUB for the identification error with an
dynamics of the nonparametric DNN identifier are governed ultimate bound 1 given by
d lim sup

2 ≤ 1 (21)
x̄(t) = A x̂(t) + W1 (t)σ (x̂(t)) + W2 (t)φ(x̂(t))u(t) t →∞
x̂(t) = Pr{x̄(t)} . (17) 1 = (γ0 + f˜0 + λ−1 ˜ +
with min {P1 }(γ1 + f 1 )x )/
The objective of applying the identifier (17) can be stated as (2λmin {P1 }(1 + κ)α1 ).
follows: for the class of uncertain systems (1), to select the Proof: Let us consider the energetic-type function for the
constant matrix A and to design a set of nonlinear adaptive identification error
algorithms r (Wr (t), (t), u(t)), r = 1, 2 with  = x − x̂ to 
n, p
adjust the time-varying parameters W1 (t) and W2 (t) by V1 , W̃1 , W̃2 = ln
x + − 2(1 + κ) P1 
Wi (t) = i ((t), x̂(t), u(t)), i = 1, 2 2
dt + ki tr W̃i W̃i (22)
in such a way that the estimation of the upper bound of the i=1
identification error  is SGUUB with a bound equal to β,
or equivalently, the origin is a practically stable equilibrium with κ > 0 a scalar. This proposed energetic func-
point [30]. Based on the projection of the state on  ¯ = x − x̄, tion admits the fundamental properties of BLF. Note that
the dynamics of  satisfies
n, p ¯ W̃1 , W̃2 ) where
V1 (, W̃1 , W̃2 ) ≤ V1 (,
d ¯ 
(t) = A(t) + W̃1 (t)σ (x̂(t)) + W0,1 σ̃ (x(t), x̂(t))

¯ W̃1 , W̃2 = ln x+
dt V1 ,
¯ P1 
x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯
+W̃2 (t)φ(x̂ (t))u(t) + W0,2 φ̃(x(t), x̂(t))u(t)
+ f˜(x(t), u(t)) + ξ(x(t), t). (18) (23) + ki tr W̃i W̃i .
Note that

. The stability analysis derived in this i=1
article claims the existence of an SGUUB equilibrium point
Now, take its full-time derivative, which corresponds to
for both the identification and the tracking errors. The formal
definition of SGUUB is as follows.  
4(1 + κ) ¯
¯ (t)P1 d (t)
Definition 3: The equilibrium point x eq of the identification d V1 (t) = dt
error  with the state-feedback controller regulated by a suit- dt x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
able integrable controller is SGUUB, if for any , a compact  2  
subset of Rn , and all x(0) ∈ , there exists an  > 0 and a +2 K i tr W̃i (t) W̃i (t) . (24)
time T = T (, x(0)) such that
x(t) − x eq
<  for all t ≥ T . dt
The scalar  is named the ultimate bound.
Note that usually  depends on the modeling quality and the Here, the notation (d/dt)V1 ((t), ¯ W̃1 (t), W̃2 (t)) =
class of uncertainties affecting the dynamics of the system (1). (d/dt)V1 (t) simplified the style of this article. A relative
Therefore, it should be proven that without the presence of straightforward analysis [1] for the numerator of (24)

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leads to states x̂ such that the states of system (1) x track the reference
d ¯ trajectory x ∗ ∈ Rn asymptotically, that is
¯ (t)P1
2 (t)
dt lim
x(t) − x ∗ (t)
→ 0.
¯ (t)P1 (t)
≤ −α1  ¯ + β1 t →∞

¯ ¯
+(t) P1 A1 + A1 P1 + P1 R1 P1 + Q 1 (t) The control design aims to solve the tracking problem that
implies the necessity of introducing the reference trajectory,


+2 ¯
tr W̃i (t)P1 ψi (x(t), u(t))(t) (25) which must be the solution to the initial value problem for the
i=1 so-called reference model. Such reference satisfies
with ψ1 (x, u) = σ (x) and ψ2 (x, u) = φ(x)u. This result d ∗
x (t) = f ∗ (x ∗ (t), t) (29)
outcomes from the application of the matrix inequality X Y + dt
(X Y ) ≤ X −1 X + Y Y , which is valid for any with x 0∗ fixed. The variable x ∗ ∈ Rn defines the reference
X, Y ∈ Rnxk and for any positive defined matrix 0 ≤  = trajectory to be tracked. The design of the reference function
 ∈ Rn×n . This inequality is an extension of the Young f ∗ can be directly solved by the differentiation of the proposed
inequality [31]. The substitution of (25) on (24) yields reference trajectory. Here, f ∗ ∈ R × R → R is a locally
d Lipschitz function with respect to its first argument. To get
V1 (t) the control design, define the associated averaged performance
¯ ¯ index describing the tracking quality as
α1 (t)P 1 (t) − β1
≤ −2(1 + κ)  t
x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
¯ −1
  J (t) := lim sup(t + ν) (H (τ ))dτ (30)

P1 A1 + A1 P1 + P1 R1 P1 + Q 1 t →∞ τ =0
+2(1 + κ)
x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
¯ with H (τ ) :=
x(τ ) − x ∗ (τ )
2Q +
u(τ )
2R . Let us define
2   δ = x̂ −x ∗ ; then,
x −x ∗
2 ≤

2 +
2 . The application of
 d W̃i (t)
+2tr K i W̃i (t) ¯
+ i ((t), x̂(t), u(t)) . the Young inequality [31] implies that the performance index
dt could be presented as follows:
J (t)
Based on the existence of the positive solution P1 for the
≤ 1 +  −1 lim sup(t + ν)−1 (τ )2 dτ
Riccati-like inequality (20) and the learning laws for the t →∞
identification problem (19), the differential inclusion (26)
admits the following upper bound: + 1 +  lim sup(t + ν)−1 δ(τ )2 + u(τ )2 dτ.

 t →∞ τ =0
d ¯
2(1 + κ) (t)P ¯
1 (t) − α1−1 β1 (31)
V1 (t) ≤ −α1 .(27)
dt x + − 2(1 + κ)¯ (t)P1 (t)
This method separates the designs of the adaptive state iden-
Note that if (t)P ¯ tification problem from the closed-loop adaptive controller
1 (t) ≤ 1 given in (21), then
construction. Even when this strategy is useful to solve the
d problems independently, there is not an implicit solution of
V1 (t) ≤ 0. (28)
dt the separation principle. Therefore, a joint stability analysis
Note that the second derivative of V1 can be straightforwardly for both the identification and the control design must be
estimated. This second derivative is bounded within ; then, proposed to justify the solution of the trajectory tracking
the application of the Barbalat’s lemma and the argument problem. To obtain the estimated state, the identifier developed
yielding to (28) establishes the SGUUB for the identification in Section IV can be used. The control action should be
error. Based on the comparison principles and using the argu- applied simultaneously to the identifier evolution. The exact
n, p
ment, V1 (, W̃1 , W̃2 ) ≤ V1 (, ¯ W̃1 , W̃2 ); then, the result solution of the tracking control problem can be obtained by
n, p
in (28) can be extended to V1 . the application of the local optimal control technique. This
method overcomes the complexities of the mathematical and
V. C ONTROL D ESIGN AND C ONVERGENCE A NALYSIS FOR practical points of views raised by the necessity of minimizing
the second term in (31). Then, by the local optimal concept,
I DENTIFIER A PPROXIMATION instead of minimizing the averaged performance index, let us
minimize the local losses
2 +
2 within the given
Note that according to the problem statement of this article, class of controllers in Uadm , namely, feedback controllers
the set  can be either defined by the own ellipsoid restrictions with time-varying gain parameters. This part of the control
or formed by the inscribed ellipsoid within the intersection design problem considers an extension to the BLF proposed
of the sets characterizing the box-type state restrictions i , in Section IV. According to the published results on adaptive
that is,  = ∩ni=1
i , where nr is the number of restrictions. control solution based on DNN, the control model based on
Usually, nr = n. The closed-loop control problem solved in the identifier states can be designed as follows:
this article can be formally presented as follows: to design a
closed-loop control structure u = u(x̂) based on the estimated u(t) = [W2 (t)φ(x̂(t))]+ [u 1 (t) + u 2 (t)] (32)

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the origin is an SGUUB for the tracking error x − x ∗ =  + δ

with the ultimate bound 2 given by

lim sup
 + δ
2 ≤ c (37)
t →∞

with c = 1 + (2 /(λmin {P2 }α2 )) and 2 = λmin {σ1 }−1 L +

Proof: Following the same technique used in Lemma 1, let
us consider the energetic-type function for the identification–
tracking errors:

n, p
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the identification and control implementations. V2 , δ, W̃1 , W̃2 = ln
x + −2(1 + κ) P1 
where [D]+ is the Moore–Penrose inverse of D. The first term
u 1 is a compensatory element for the nonlinear DNN structure, + ln 1+δ P2 δ + K ic tr W̃i W̃i .
and it is defined as follows:
u 1 (t) = Ax∗ (t) − f ∗ (x ∗ (t), t). (33)
This proposed energetic function admits the fundamental prop-
The second term u 2 is used for the reference trajectory
erties of BLF for the identification result and the normalizing
tracking x ∗ , which is defined as follows: n, p
result for the tracking error. Note that V2 (, δ, W̃1 , W̃2 ) ≤

¯ δ, W̃1 , W̃2 ) where
u 2 (t) = − 1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) D P2 δ(t) (34) V2 (,

where D ∈ Rn×n is a diagonal matrix. The control structure

¯ δ, W̃1 , W̃2
V2 ,
is integrated by the model to realize the controlled neural 
identifier, a reference system with the desired trajectory and a x+
= ln
control that generates the input for the model, and the DNN x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯
¯ P1 
simultaneously (see Fig. 1). The adaptive control design forces
the modification of the learning laws as follows: + ln 1 + δ P2 δ + K i tr W̃i W̃i . (39)

−1 i=1
2(1 + κ) K ic P1 ψ1 (x̂, u)
1 (, δ, x̂) = −
x + − 2(1 + κ) P1  Note that the second term in (39) is not considering the barrier

c −1
2 K1 P2 ψ1 (x̂, u)δ term due to the natural restrictions for x and considering that
− the designed reference trajectories satisfy x ∗ ∈ . The full-
1 + δ P2 δ

−1 time derivative of (39) is
−2(1 + κ) K 2c P2 ψ2 (x̂, u)
2 (, x̂, u) = . (35)
x + − 2(1 + κ) P1  ¯ (t)P1
d 2(1 + κ) d
V2 (t) = + ¯
The matrices K 1c , K 2c are constants chosen to regulate the con- dt x − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
¯ dt
vergence velocity of the weights included in the DNN-based 2δ (t)P2 d
identifier [4], and the matrices P1c and P2c are the simultaneous + δ(t)
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) dt
solutions of the following matrix inequalities:  
c d
P1c Ac1 + (Ac1 ) P1c + P1c R1c P1c + Q c1 < 0 +2 K i tr W̃i W̃i . (40)
(Ac2 ) P2c
P2c A2 + + P2c R2c P2c + Q c2 <0 (36)

with Ac1 = A + 0.5α1 In , Ac2 = A + 0.5α2 In , R1c = Here, the simplified notation ((d V2 (t))/dt) goes for
+ + + +
W0,1 + W0,2 , R2c = W0,1 + W0,2 , Q c1 = L σ + L φ (u 0 + (d/dt)V2 ((t), δ(t), W̃1 (t), W̃2 (t)) contributed to the writing
u 1 λmin {P1 }), and Q 2 = Q 0 + σ1 . The following lemma
c style of this article. The straightforward analysis for the numer-
introduces the result which justifies the convergence of the ator of (40) and taking into account the dynamic trajectories
identification and the tracking errors simultaneously. of (1) modeled by the BLF-DNN as adaptive identifier (17)
Lemma 2: Consider the DNN-based approximation (6) of and the reference trajectories, the tracking error obeys the
the uncertain system (1) with the modeling error f˜ satisfying following equation:
the restriction (7) and the uncertainties fulfilling (3). Then,
if there exists positive scalars α1 > 0 and α2 > 0 with α2 = d
P −1/2 Q 0 P −1/2 δ(t) = Aδ(t) + W̃1 (t)σ (x̂) + W0,1 σ (x̂)
λmin such that both matrix inequalities (36) have dt
the positive definite and symmetric solutions P1 and P2 ; then, +W2 (t)φ(x̂)u(t) − (Ax ∗ + f ∗ (x ∗ (t), t)).

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The substitution of the dynamics for the identification and weight adjustment laws (35) yields
tracking errors on (40) yields
d2 θ (t)a θ (t)
2(1 + κ)¯ (t)P1 V2 (t) ≤
V2 (t) = + dt 2 (1 + θ Pθ )2
dt x − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)

where  is a positive-definite matrix. As all the elements that
× A(t) + W̃1 (t)σ (x̂(t)) + W0,1 σ̃ (x(t), x̂(t))
form θ := [ , σ (x̂) , (φ(x̂)u) , f˜ , ξ , δ ] are bounded
+W̃2 (t)φ(x̂ (t))u(t) + W0,2 φ̃(x(t), x̂(t))u(t) or piecewise continuous, then, (d 2 V2 (t)/dt 2 ) is bounded

+ f˜(x(t), u(t)) + ξ(x(t), t) almost everywhere. Hence, equivalently, (d/dt)V2 (t) is uni-

formly continuous, combined with the fact that V2 (t) is
2δ (t)P2 Aδ(t) + W̃1 (t) + W0,1 σ (x̂)
+ bounded from below, and (d/dt)V2 (t) is a negative semidefi-
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) nite if δ(t) ∈ .

W2 (t)φ(x̂)u(t)− Ax ∗ + f ∗ (x ∗ (t), t) Remark 2: The feasibility of matrix inequalities (20) and
+2δ (t)P2
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) (36) has been studied for many years. The seminal study
 d  proposed in [1], Chapter 4, has proposed sufficient conditions
+2 K ic tr W̃i W̃i . (41) to justify the existence of a positive-definite solutions for the
i=1 Riccati-like matrix inequalities. Then, for the first case studied
1/2 1/2
in this article, if the pairs A1 , R1 are controllable, Q 1 , A1
The numerator in the first term in (41) satisfies (25). Based on
is observable, and
this condition, the derivative of the BLF in (41) can be upper
bounded by Q 1 A 1 >0 (44)
¯ ¯ A 1 R1
d (1 + κ)(−α1 (t)P 1 (t) + 1 )
V2 (t) ≤
dt x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
¯ then (20) has at least one positive-definite solution. A similar

(1 + κ) ¯
¯ (t) P1 A1 + A P1 + P1 R1 P1 + Q 1 (t) set of conditions can be attained for the corresponding matrix
+ inequality (36).
x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)
(1 + κ) 2 ¯
tr W̃i (t)P1 ψi (x(t), u(t))(t) VI. N UMERICAL S IMULATIONS
x + − 2(1 + κ) ¯
¯ (t)P1 (t) Consider a second-order output feedback system (45) taken

δ (t) P2 A + A P2 + P2 R2 P2 + Q 2 δ(t) from [18]
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) d x 2 (t) − x 1 (t)
P2 − 2
2δ (t)P2 W̃1 (t)σ (x̂) x 1 (t) = x 2 (t) + 1 + 0.1 sin(0.1t)
− + dt 1 + x 14 (t)

1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) 1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) d
 2   x 2 (t) = x 12 (t) + 0.1 cos(0.1t) + u(t) (45)
d dt
+2 K ic tr W̃i W̃i

where x = [x 1 , x 2 ], x ∈ R2 , x 1 , x 2 are system states, and
W2 (t)φ(x̂ )u(t)−Ax ∗ + f ∗ (x ∗ (t), t) u is the input. The objective is for x to track the desired
+2δ (t)P2 . (42)
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) trajectory f ∗ (x ∗ , t), which is generated by a second-order
filter f ∗ (x ∗ , t) = [ωn2 /(s 2 + 2ηωn s + ωn2 ]y ∗ (t) with ωn = 1.5,
If the learning laws proposed in (35), considering the η = 0.8, and for y ∗ (t) defined to be a square wave of
closed-loop controller in Fig. 5(a) and by the assumption amplitude Y0 = 0.5, period T = 20 s.
on the existence of the positive-definite solution for the
nonstandard Riccati matrix inequalities (36), the differential
inclusion (42) can be upper bounded as follows: A. Identification Results

2 − 2α −1 

d α1 2(1 + κ)
¯ A training procedure was developed before the identification
P1 1 1
V2 (t) ≤ − is carried out. To solve this problem, the system (45) is con-
dt 2 x + −2(1 + κ) ¯ (t)P1 (t)

sidered with the constants K 1 , K 2 until the Barrier DNN fits

P2 −α2 2
2P2 D P2 the model. When the training was finished, the identification
− α2 − . (43)
1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) 1 + δ (t)P2 δ(t) procedure using the adaptive adjustment for the weights (19) is
complete. This training process includes the adjustment of the
Note that (1 + κ)
2 ≤ α −1  and
2 ≤ α −1 
parameters characterizing the activation functions of the DNN.
P1 1 1 P2 2 2
then (d/dt)V2 (t) ≤ 0. The application of the Barbalat’s A recurrent method yields the selection of the adequate set
lemma justifies the asymptotic properties of functions and of parameters, verified by the size of the ultimately bounded
their derivatives like in this case. Calculating the second zone for the identification error. For this simulation, the initial
derivative of (39) on the trajectories of the identifier and conditions were set as follows: x 1 (0) = 10−2 , x 2 (0) = 10−3 ,
control errors (within the region where (d/dt)V2 (t)) and the x̂ 1 (0) = 3, and x̂ 2 (0) = 1.2.

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Fig. 2. Comparison of the system states (black solid line) and the estimated Fig. 4. Comparison of the system states x1 , x2 , the BLF, and the QLF neural
trajectories obtained with the DNN identifiers with weights estimated as by network states x̂1 , x̂2 with control action in a 35-s interval in contrast with
the application of the QLF (red dashed line) and BLF (blue dotted line). the reference signal x1∗ (t), x2∗ . (a) Trajectory tracking state x1 . (b) Trajectory
(a) System state x1 . (b) System state x2 . tracking state x2 .

Fig. 3. Tracking error produced by the adaptive controller based on QLF

and BLF in the logarithmic scale.

1) Identification Numerical Results: To compare the per-

formance of the BLF DNN with the typical QLF DNN,
the simulation of both identifiers is presented using the same
model. The results for state x 1 identification are presented
in Fig. 2(a), as well as the results for state x 2 identification
are presented in Fig. 2(b).
Fig. 3 shows the tracking errors obtained with the appli-
cation of the adaptive controllers design based on DNN Fig. 5. Control law using (a) BLF DNN and (b) QLF DNN applied to the
identifiers with weights dynamic laws based on the QLF and system.
the BLF.
the application of the QLF and BLF, x̂ 1 (t), x̂ 2 (t), and the
reference signal x 1∗ (t), x 2∗ (t). The estimated states show some
B. Tracking Numerical Results oscillations if the reference trajectories have fast changes on
A set of numerical simulations evaluated the proposed their trajectories. The control law obtained from the use of the
adaptive controllers numerically. MATLAB/Simulink was the BLF DNN is shown in Fig. 5(a). In contrast with the control
software where the numerical simulations ran. Such simu- law presented in Fig. 5(b), the QLF DNN is implemented.
lations evaluated the existing of the weights learning laws, Table I presents the mean-squared error (MSE) of the process
the control design, and the comparison of the reference and for stages. In the first stage, the identification process error is
controlled states. The integration method was Runge–Kutta presented between the model trajectory and the BLF neural
with a fixed sampling period of 0.001 s. The evaluation of network as well as the identification error between the model
both adaptive controllers based on the corresponding BLF and trajectory and the QLF neural network. In the second stage
QLF identifiers used the same simulation conditions. For this of the presented methodology, the trajectory tracking error
simulation, the initial conditions were: (0) = 1, x 2 (0) = 1,
 x 15.04 is presented if the same control algorithm is applied to a
x̂ 1 (0) = 3, x̂ 2 (0) = 1.2, W1 (0) = 4.086
1.35 3.06 , and W2 (0) = DNN with barrier Lyapunov learning laws and to a DNN with
0.454 0.56 . Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows the comparison between quadratic Lyapunov learning laws. It is clear that the MSE
0.15 0.34
the states of both DNN identifiers with weights estimated with for both stages is always smaller for the trajectories obtained

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 6. ECP model 210. Rectilinear electrical–mechanical plant (mass-

Fig. 7. Plant implementation. Simultaneous visualization of the desired
spring) used to implement the adaptive control algorithm based on the weights
trajectory (reference), the trajectory tracking of the plant, and the trajectory
estimated by the application of a controlled BLF.
tracking of the adaptive control based on DNN and BLF with perturbations
in state x1 . (a) Trajectory tracking for the state x1 forced by the adaptive
with the adaptive controller calculated by the implementation controller produced by the application of the BLF. This figure shows the
bounds for x1 fixed from −3.5 to 3.5. (b) Trajectory tracking for the state
of the BLF. x2 forced by the adaptive controller produced by the application of the BLF.
This figure shows the bounds for x1 fixed from −1.1 to 1.1.
An electrical–mechanical plant was used to implement the
trajectory tracking controller. The rectilinear mechanism is
manufactured by Educational Control Product (ECP) systems
(31 × 66 × 15 cm); the model is ECP-210 (mass adjustment
ratio 5:1, spring adjustment ratio of 2:1, and damping adjust-
ment ratio ≥ 10:1). The system consisted of a mass-spring
device with online measurement of the mass position (Servo
Amplifiers 5-kHz current loop bandwidth). A high-resolution
encoder measured the position of the mass connected with a
spring of unknown stiffness (160 count/mm). The actuator was
a brush-less dc servo motor (precision rack and pinion, 8-N
output). The interface used for real-time controller implemen-
tation was MATLAB real-time windows target with a sample
time of 0.001 s. No information on the mass or the spring was
considered in the DNN identifier design. The plant is shown
in Fig. 6. As the plant only can get the online measurement of
the position, a model-free observer was also implemented to Fig. 8. Plant implementation. Simultaneous visualization of the desired
trajectory (reference), the trajectory tracking of the plant, and the trajectory
obtain the velocity. A comparison between the DNN identifier tracking of the adaptive control based on DNN and QLF with perturbations
with and without the adaptive control gain restricted by the in states x1 . (a) Trajectory tracking for the state x1 forced by the adaptive
states constraints is presented. The following strategy was controller produced by the application of the QLF. This figure shows the
bounds for x1 fixed from −3.5 to 3.5. (b) Trajectory tracking for the state
used in the implementation: 1) an observer based in sliding x2 forced by the adaptive controller produced by the application of the QLF.
modes technique [32] to obtain state x 2 from the position This figure shows the bounds for x2 fixed from −1.1 to 1.1.
sensor measurements (state x 1 ); 2) a control using learning
laws obtained from a QLF; 3) a control using learning laws
with e = x 1 − ẑ 1 . The gains of the online robust and exact
obtained from a BLF; and 4) the addition of an unknown
differentiator (46) were λ = 5 and α = 7. The visualization
mass-spring element as perturbation input for both systems,
of the comparison between reference, the system, and the
with QLF and BLF. In the implementation, the observer used
controlled states (based on the adaptive controller using the
to obtain the second state [mass velocity, x 2 (t)] of the plant
weights produced with the application of the BLF) appears
from the first state [mass position, x 1 (t)] has the following
in Fig. 7. The mass position and the mass velocity, the cor-
responding desired trajectories, and the controlled states are
d d shown simultaneously. Note that the reference states are tacked
ẑ 1 = λ|e|1/2 sign(e) + ẑ 2 ẑ 2 = αsign(e) (46)
dt dt after 0.5 s with small deviations afterward. Fig. 8 shows the

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The introduction of the projection operation defined sim-
plifies the introduction of more complex state restriction sets.
Note that the ellipsoid restrictions considered in this article
appear as common restrictions in real systems. However,
the method proposed here simplifies the generalization of the
adaptive control design for restricted systems based on the
Fig. 9. Perturbed plant. Response of the state x2 . application of the BLF. The proposed BLF-based adaptive
controller uses the weights of the DNN identifier, which are
calculated using the state restrictions. This design strategy
introduces an adaptive gain, which is restricted by the state
constraints. Such adaptive form in the controller appears as
the major contribution of introducing the BLF instead of
the QLF. Moreover, the DNN weight amplitude produced
by the BLF was smaller along the transient period than
the QLF magnitude. Due to this dissimilarity, the ensured
Fig. 10. MSE for the tracking error in a logarithmic scale enforced by the
convergence region was smaller when the adaptive gain based
adaptive control based on BLF and QLF. on the BLF weights dynamics appeared in the controller
structure. The application of the BLF justified the asymptotic
convergence of both the identification and tracking errors.
This simultaneous convergence motivates the application of
the BLF for a state restricted uncertain systems, which indeed
has the origin as an SGUUB equilibrium point. Note that
the existence of such equilibrium ensures the existence of a
trustful region for tracking the reference trajectory, as well
as an efficient solution of the nonparametric modeling of the
uncertain system by the DNN identifier. This region can be
Fig. 11. Control signal implementing the weights based on the DNN-based reduced if the number of weights and layers in the DNN form
identifiers. increases as the approximation theory predicts. Note that the
designed control strategy can be extended to deal with diverse
corresponding results forced by the application of the adaptive systems with nonprecise mathematical models with positive
controller based on the weights produced with the application systems (including biological and chemical variants) as well
of the controlled QLF. The comparison of both trajectories as restricted robotic devices.
shows the benefits of introducing the BLF-based learning
laws in the controlled structure, which reduces the amplitude
of the state’s oscillations around the reference trajectories.
The selected upper bounds for the states were determined The proposed adaptive control design method solves the
experimentally considering the electronic and mechanical ele- nonparametric state identification as well the adaptive tracking
ments in the system. On the other hand, Fig. 9 shows the trajectory problems for a class of uncertain system with
state trajectories for the controlled plant with the presence ellipsoid state restrictions. The practical stability analysis was
of a perturbation over the experimental device while Fig. 10 applied in the identification problem using a BLF yielding
shows the MSE for the tracking error. The perturbation, the design of the weights adjustment laws of a suitable DNN.
in this case, is an extra mass-spring (50 g) element joined A trajectory tracking problem was attacked using the identified
to the plant, which was placed on the tip of the mass-spring system where the obtained error is bounded, and it is charac-
chain. Note that the controller (shown in Fig. 11) succeeded terized by the power of perturbations affecting the uncertain
to track the reference trajectories despite the presence of dynamics. A comparison between the BLF methodology and
the constant perturbation. Indeed, the nonlinear characteris- the typical one (using QLF) was made. The quality of the
tics of the dc motor as well as the nonmodeled nonlineari- identification process using BLF and QLF has been showed
ties in the spring-damper-mass system (including static and using a numerical example for the identification result and
dynamic frictions) motivated the design of a nonparamet- the tracking reference control problem. The BLF methodology
ric model- based controller. Moreover, the suggested con- showed better tracking results than the QLF as the MSE was
troller must include the system restrictions which helped to smaller in both the identification and tracking errors. Similar
reduce the consumed energy to control the system while conditions were observed for the experimental study evaluated
reduced the device oscillations on the tracking trajectory on a mass-spring system. The relevant results of this article
performance. A video of the plant implementation without motivate the application of BLF in adaptive controllers aimed
perturbation can be found in to solve the trajectory tracking of full-state restricted systems
The plant implementation with perturbation can be found in such as delays in both the control and the state, distributed interconnections as well as control restrictions.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University. Downloaded on March 29,2020 at 06:58:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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