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DRC and LVS checks using

Cadence Virtuoso
Version 3.0
Start virtuoso
l  Open a virtuoso session in the directory which
contains the required cds.lib and lib.def files.
l  Command : virtuoso &
l  Open the layout corresponding to your
design(final_chip) in layout XL by right clicking
on the layout and selecting “open with”.
Change the application to layout XL. This will
open the schematic as well as the layout.
l  For DRC check go to verify -> DRC.
l  Specify the rules file and uncheck the Rules
l  Result will be displayed in the virtuoso
command window
l  Make sure that the total errors are zero.
l  If errors are found fix the errors before
proceeding to the next steps.
l  You can use the errors displayed in the
command window to debug or also use the
following to zoom into the errors locations :
verify->Markers->Find. Select “zoom to
markers” and then cycle through the different
errors by hitting “Next”. Uncheck the warnings
to display only the errors during this process.
Extracting the design for LVS check:
l  Go to verify-> extract
l  Specify the rules file and uncheck the rules
l  The results will be displayed in the command
l  A successful extraction(total errors = 0) will
generate a extracted cell view. Verify this
using the library manager.
LVS check:
l  LVS will compare the extracted and the
schematic views.
l  Go to verify->LVS.
l  Select “Form contents” and click “ok” if a
“Artist LVS form contents Form contents
Different window” pops up.
l  Specify the schematic and extracted views for
your design.
l  Specify the rules file and Hit run.
l  Make sure that the design passes LVS. The
previous slide shows the output generated
when the design passes LVS.
l  IF the netlists don't match use the following
resources to correct your layout or schematic:
-> click on output in the Artist LVS window to get
the report that will show the errors in more
-> You can also use the info button in the Artist
LVS window to get a more detailed view of the
errors for schematic or layout separately.
-> You can also use the Error Display button in
the artist LVS window to cycle through the
different errors in the extracted view and then
correct them in the layout view. Make sure to
open the extracted view before doing this
procedure. The schematic can then be opened
to cycle through the errors there too.
-> Also the shorts locator can be used to find
any net locations causing trouble in the
extracted view.
Following are some rules that can help you
debug the design using the output from the
Artist LVS window:
l  Number of terminals don't match:
This is commonly due to missing terminals/pins
in the layout or mismatch in terminal names
between layout and schematic.
l  Number of nets don't match:
If the number of nets given for your layout is
higher than that of schematic then layout is
missing some connections.
The first scenario for this situation is that your output will say something like “ ?Net /net 027 merged with /
R.” What the above line means is that net 027, which is some internal connection in the circuit, needs to be
connected to terminal R.

The second scenario for this situation is that your output will say something like“terminal gnd! in layout fails to
match any terminal in the schematic”. In the given case,a transistor that should be connected to gnd!
probably is not connected, so you would need to inspect your layout and find where a connection needs to
be made.

l  If the number of nets in the layout is less

than that of the schematic then there are
some connections in the layout that need
not be made but are present.
Note : In case the LVS process terminates in the middle giving the following error:
“The LVS job failed to run to completion” click on info button in the artist LVS window
and open the log file and check the schematics that need a check and
save(towards the bottom of the log file you will see something like “xyz” has been
changed since last extracted). Check the save the required schematics and then re
run LVS.
DRC LVS with Cadence
Common Problems and Solutions
Metal 2 spacing
DRC - you have a Vdd connection that is too close to a row
power line and are getting a metal 2 spacing issue. See pic.
Just move the power connection down a micron or so.
Metal 3 spacing
DRC – a quick jog in metal can cause a problem near a via.
Just move the via farther away.

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