Colours. Sounds and Letters.: Teacher Yulia Matiishyn

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Date: 26.02.

2013 Teacher Yulia

Class: 1B
Lesson # 67
Subject: Colours. Sounds and letters.
Lesson type: combined
Equipment: book, CD-recorder, class CD, flashcards, board.
• To revise the active vocabulary (colours and numbers 1-4), to sing songs, to
revise letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd, to listen to the Dd [d] chant, to translate and
write simple phrases in English.
• To teach to write simple words, to pronounce the sound [d]
• To develop pupils’ speaking, listening and comprehension skills
 To teach to be friendly

I. Preliminaries.
T: Good morning, pupils.
II. Warming up.
“The hello song”
III. Letters review
Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd (Name the letters, sounds and words)
Listen and chant (Letter Dd [d] chant) t-23
Let’s devide into 2 groups. Group 1 sings the first verse of the chant. Group 2
sings the third verse of the chant. Everyone sings the second verse.
IV. Vocabulary review.
Listen and sing the song. (colours) t-17
Look at the pictures and name the colours.
V. Relaxation period.
“Head and Shoulders”
VI. Listening.
Let’s count from 1 to 4. Listen and count cats and cars t-20
Listen to the song and sing (three, four) t-21
VII. Writing.
Translate into English:
A red cat
A blue car
A green apple
A dog and a duck
A cat and a car
A cat in a car
VIII. Assessment.
Did you like our lesson? What did you like best? You’ve done a good job. Our
lesson is over. Goodbye.

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