Atypical Antipsychotics

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TPP0010.1177/2045125317693200Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology R Murray, CU Correll

Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology Review

Atypical antipsychotics: recent research

Ther Adv Psychopharmacol

2017, Vol. 7(1S) 1­–14

findings and applications to clinical practice: DOI: 10.1177/

Proceedings of a symposium presented

© The Author(s), 2017.
Reprints and permissions:

at the 29th Annual European College of


Neuropsychopharmacology Congress,
19 September 2016, Vienna, Austria
Robin Murray, Christoph U. Correll, Gavin P. Reynolds and David Taylor

Abstract:  Available evidence suggests that second-generation atypical antipsychotics

are broadly similar to first-generation agents in terms of their efficacy, but may have a
more favourable tolerability profile, primarily by being less likely to cause extrapyramidal
symptoms. However, atypical antipsychotics are variably associated with disturbances in the
cardiometabolic arena, including increased body weight and the development of metabolic
syndrome, which may reflect differences in their receptor binding profiles. Effective
management of schizophrenia must ensure that the physical health of patients is addressed
together with their mental health. This should therefore involve consideration of the specific
tolerability profiles of available agents and individualization of treatment to minimize the
likelihood of adverse metabolic sequelae, thereby improving long-term adherence and
optimizing overall treatment outcomes. Alongside this, modifiable risk factors (such as
exercise, diet, obesity/body weight and smoking status) must be addressed, in order to
optimize patients’ overall health and quality of life (QoL). In addition to antipsychotic-induced
side effects, the clinical management of early nonresponders and psychopharmacological
approaches for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia remain important unmet
needs. Evidence suggests that antipsychotic response starts early in the course of treatment
and that early nonresponse accurately predicts nonresponse over the longer term. Early
nonresponse therefore represents an important modifiable risk factor for poor efficacy
and effectiveness outcomes, since switching or augmenting antipsychotic treatment in
patients showing early nonresponse has been shown to improve the likelihood of subsequent
Correspondence to:
treatment outcomes. Recent evidence has also demonstrated that patients showing early Robin Murray, FRS
nonresponse to treatment with lurasidone at 2 weeks may benefit from an increase in dose at Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and
this timepoint without compromising tolerability/safety. However, further research is required Neuroscience, King’s
College London, 16 De
to determine whether these findings are generalizable to other antipsychotic agents. Crespigny Park, London
Keywords:  antipsychotic, cardiometabolic side effects, efficacy, nonresponse, schizophrenia,
Christoph U. Correll, MD
tolerability, treatment resistance Hofstra Northwell School
of Medicine, The Zucker
Received: 20 December 2016; revised manuscript accepted: 17 January 2017. Hillside Hospital, New
York, USA
Gavin P. Reynolds, PhD
Biomolecular Sciences
Introduction parallel, we are improving our understanding of Research Centre, Sheffield
Hallam University,
The number of treatment options for schizophre- the potentially detrimental effects of antipsychotic Sheffield, UK
nia has increased substantially over recent years treatment on patients’ physical health, and there David Taylor, BSc MSc
with the development of novel atypical antipsy- has been an increasing focus on the importance The Maudsley Hospital,
chotics targeting different receptor subtypes. In of choosing the correct treatment for individual London, UK 1
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 7(1S)

patients to ensure that both their mental and nonresponse to therapy. This article is based on
physical health needs are addressed [Kahn et al. a symposium, convened during the 29th Annual
2015]. European College of Neuropsychopharma-
cology Congress (September 2016, Vienna,
In the recent National Audit of Schizophrenia in Austria), which sought to discuss the relevant
the UK [Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2014], a efficacy and safety data available for atypical
number of concerns were raised about the current antipsychotics in schizophrenia, with particular
standard of care for patients with schizophrenia. focus on cardiometabolic side effects, and how
In particular, it was found that expansion of early to optimize the treatment strategy in nonre-
intervention programmes and improved continu- sponders and treatment-resistant patients.
ity of care are warranted to optimize patient out-
comes. Alongside the medical care received by
people with schizophrenia, lifestyle factors play a Efficacy and tolerability of atypical
significant role in the course of patients’ disease. antipsychotics: research trials and
Indeed, numerous reports in the literature have clinical reality
linked cannabis use with poorer outcomes in
patients with psychosis compared with nonusers Christoph Correll
[Schoeler et  al. 2016], and daily tobacco use is Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, The Zucker Hillside Hospital,
New York, USA
associated with an increased risk of psychosis and
an earlier onset of psychotic illness [Gurillo et al.
2015]. Further examination of the causal rela- Antipsychotics are effective across a range of psy-
tionships between extrinsic lifestyle factors and chiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and
outcomes in schizophrenia is therefore needed. mood disorders. Efficacy is defined by response
to treatment in the acute phase, disease remission
We are now in a new era of treatment for and eventual recovery over the longer term (at
schizophrenia, where we have a greater choice least 2 years) [Carbon and Correll, 2014].
than ever of therapies for patients. Evidence sug-
gests that although second-generation atypical Treatment of both acute and chronic schizophre-
antipsychotics have a similar efficacy to first- nia should not only aim to improve symptoms but
generation typical antipsychotic agents, they should also positively impact on patient function-
are more favourable in terms of tolerability, espe- ing to ensure that patients remain stable over the
cially with regards to extrapyramidal symptoms. longer term. However, even those patients who
However, second-generation antipsychotics are demonstrate a reduction in symptoms may remain
not without side effects, and their impact on the unwell, and it has been observed that approxi-
endocrine, cardiovascular and metabolic systems mately half of chronically affected patients do not
requires close scrutiny and careful management, exhibit stable symptomatic remission for at least
particularly since these agents vary considerably 6 months [Carbon and Correll, 2014]. Long-term
in terms of their cardiometabolic impact. In addi- follow up is conducted in patients who are receiv-
tion to the tolerability issues associated with some ing psychiatric care, and who are therefore often
agents, poor response or resistance to atypical experiencing severe disease. It is these patients
antipsychotic treatment may be seen in up to who have the greatest medical need and yet a
30% of patients with schizophrenia, representing meta-analysis conducted by Jääskeläinen and col-
an important therapeutic challenge [Harvey and leagues demonstrated only a 13.5% median recov-
Rosenthal, 2016]. ery rate when pooling data from over 50 years of
research in such patients, with first-episode
A holistic approach to the management of patients also having low recovery rates, despite ini-
schizophrenia is key to successful patient out- tially higher response and remission rates than
comes. This should include: (1) ensuring chronic patients [Jääskeläinen et  al. 2013].
appropriate patient lifestyle choices; (2) pre- Recovery is difficult to achieve, with approxi-
scribing carefully selected treatments (based mately 80% of patients relapsing within 36 months
not only on efficacy but also on the side effect once antipsychotic treatment is stopped [Carbon
profile of the agent); (3) treatment interven- and Correll, 2014]. Relapse is the factor most
tions given to the right patient at the right time; associated with poor recovery, and patients who
and (4) treatment modulation and monitoring relapse represent a key therapeutic challenge, as
in patients showing treatment resistance or they are at risk of symptom exacerbation and

R Murray, CU Correll et al.

increased treatment resistance [Carbon and [Samara et al. 2016], although this lack of superior-
Correll, 2014]. ity of clozapine may have been due to less severely
ill patients entering randomized trials or inappro-
priately low clozapine doses [Kane and Correll,
Efficacy of antipsychotic agents in first-episode
Patients experiencing their first episode of schizo-
While this network meta-analysis of acute anti-
phrenia are generally the most responsive to treat-
psychotic efficacy [Leucht et  al. 2013] provides
ment and often require relatively low doses of
useful evidence-based information based on
antipsychotic agents [Zhang et  al. 2013].
direct and mostly indirect comparisons of agents,
However, they are particularly sensitive to side
it also involved the collation of data from studies
effects and commonly relapse, often due to stop-
spanning >20 years and there are a number of
ping treatment. Acute efficacy with regards to
methodological issues that should be considered
total and positive symptoms is similar between
when evaluating its results. In particular, trial
the older first-generation antipsychotics and the
weighting was based on sample size rather than
newer second-generation atypical antipsychotics
methodological or scientific rigour. For instance,
[Zhang et al. 2013]. There are small advantages
differences in comparator drugs and doses,
for atypical antipsychotics relating to depression
patient characteristics, trial design and the size of
and cognition; however, relapse and treatment
placebo response that has increased over time
discontinuation are generally higher with first-
could not be fully accounted for [Correll and De
generation antipsychotics [Zhang et al. 2013].
Hert, 2013]. In addition, the effect size difference
When a person feels that their disease is no for efficacy was very small (median 0.11), where
longer affecting them but that the side effects of 0.2 is considered small, 0.5 a medium effect size
treatment (e.g. sedation, weight gain) are and 0.8 a large effect size. Such issues preclude a
impacting their life, they may choose to stop valid comparison between agents, which can only
therapy altogether. Thus, balancing efficacy and be achieved in rigorously conducted head-to-
safety is key to preventing relapse and ensuring head studies.
patient adherence to treatment. Multidisciplinary
interventions, focusing on patient engagement, A notable finding from recent trials is the increas-
treatment continuation, relapse prevention, ing placebo response observed. When considering
physical health and functional recovery are the early studies of risperidone and olanzapine in
paramount. the 1990s, the mean change from baseline in total
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)
scores was minimal in the placebo groups.
Efficacy of antipsychotic agents in multi- However, in studies of the newer agents, such as
episode/chronic schizophrenia lurasidone, a much greater placebo effect has
Direct comparison of atypical antipsychotics is been observed (up to 16 PANSS points in some
complex, since there have been few head-to-head studies). Therefore, these agents had to demon-
trials. The network meta-analysis performed by strate a large effect in order to achieve clinical
Leucht and colleagues sought to create a hierarchy superiority over placebo [Alphs et  al. 2012].
for 15 antipsychotic drugs based on evidence for Indeed, some of the placebo responses seen in
their acute treatment efficacy and major side effects, recent trials are equivalent to the effect sizes seen
collected from 212 randomized controlled trials in earlier trials with risperidone or olanzapine.
[Leucht et al. 2013]. When considering the efficacy
of antipsychotic agents as a factor of their ability to In well-controlled and rigorously conducted
control symptoms, all agents were superior to pla- head-to-head studies, the small differences in
cebo. The difference in antipsychotics given in the effect size seen in the meta-analysis by Leucht
first-line setting was small, with the exception of and colleagues are not replicated. While lurasi-
clozapine. However, caution must be exercised done may have appeared to have a lower effect
when interpreting the results for clozapine as these compared with some of the other atypical antipsy-
were driven primarily by older and small studies chotics in the meta-analysis rankings, direct com-
versus placebo or first-generation antipsychotics. parison of PANSS scores for lurasidone with
Furthermore, in a follow-up meta-analysis in olanzapine and quetiapine demonstrated no sig-
refractory patients, no difference between clozapine nificant difference between the active compara-
and other atypical antipsychotics was observed tors, although all agents resulted in significantly 3
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 7(1S)


n n
n n

n n
n n

Figure 1.  MMRM PANSS scores for lurasidone versus placebo or olanzapine in the PEARL2 trial (a), MMRM
PANSS scores for lurasidone versus placebo or quetiapine in the PEARL3 trial (b) [Loebel et al. 2013; Meltzer
et al. 2011]. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier and from the American Journal of Psychiatry (American
Psychiatric Association), respectively.
LS, least square means; MMRM, mixed models repeated measures; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.

better scores than placebo (Figure 1) [Loebel effects, blood dyscrasia and sedation, which not
et al. 2013; Meltzer et al. 2011]. only increase physical morbidity and mortality
risk, but can also impair quality of life (QoL),
Once an initial response has been achieved in cause stigma and decrease medication adherence
schizophrenia, maintenance therapy becomes the [Haddad and Sharma, 2007; Leucht et al. 2013]
most important aspect of ensuring that patients
remain stable [Kishimoto et  al. 2013; Leucht Surveys of patients and relatives have demon-
et al. 2012]. strated that the metabolic consequences of medi-
cation have a particularly detrimental impact in
terms of morbidity, QoL and satisfaction with care
Differentiating atypical antipsychotics based on [McIntyre, 2009]. Understandably, schizophrenia
their side effect profile relapse is associated with poorer QoL; however, in
While the difference in treatment effect may be patients with stable disease the metabolic side
small, the range and severity of side effects associ- effects associated with treatment can profoundly
ated with atypical antipsychotics is broad and there impact their QoL and functioning [Briggs et  al.
is considerable heterogeneity across individual 2008]. Thus, clinicians need to take into account
antipsychotics. Clinically relevant adverse effects the side effects in their own right, but also in order
include extrapyramidal symptoms, weight gain, to enhance efficacy and functionality through
metabolic effects, cardiovascular effects, sexual improved treatment adherence, which is often
dysfunction, hyperprolactinaemia, antimuscarinic impaired by adverse effects.

R Murray, CU Correll et al.

Figure 2.  Differing tolerability profiles of antipsychotics in a network meta-analysis. Adapted from Leucht
et al. 2013 [Leucht et al. 2013]. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.
AMI, amisulpride; ARI, aripiprazole; ASE, asenapine; CHL, chlorpromazine; CLO, clozapine; EPS, extrapyramidal symptoms;
HAL, haloperidol; ILO, iloperidone; LUR, lurasidone; OLA, olanzapine; OR, odds ratio; PAL, paliperidone; QUE, quetiapine;
RIS, risperidone; SER, sertindole; SMD, standardized mean difference; ZIP, ziprasidone; ZOT, zotepine.

Assessment of the comparative tolerability of combination with the safety profile, individualiz-
atypical antipsychotics is limited by a relatively ing treatment by selecting an agent with side
limited number of direct head-to-head data from effects that the patient is able or willing to toler-
clinical trials and by difficulties in cross-study ate. Second, clinicians should ensure that patients
comparison, due to differences in study method- adopt a healthy lifestyle and reduce risk factors
ology and patient populations, as well as incon- that can contribute to increased psychiatric mor-
sistency in the reporting of adverse effects bidity. Third, clinicians need to be prepared to
[Haddad and Sharma, 2007; Leucht et al. 2013]. monitor and address the side effects that patients
Nevertheless, meta-analysis of data from clinical experience, either by switching to an alternative
trials together with results from selected indi- antipsychotic with a different safety profile, or by
vidual head-to-head trials have demonstrated employing additional approaches to help manage
clear differences between antipsychotic agents the side effects, such as adding behavioural inter-
in their relative risk of particular side effects, ventions or off-label adjunctive medications, such
including weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia, as metformin [Zheng et  al. 2015] or topiramate
QTc prolongation and sedation [Leucht et  al. [Zheng et  al. 2016], to counter bothersome or
2013], with lurasidone and aripiprazole demon- potentially dangerous side effects.
strating the most favourable side effect profiles
when counting the ranking of being closest to
placebo (Figure 2). Disturbances in the meta- Summary
bolic axis, including increased weight and evi- Across multiple studies and taking into account
dence of metabolic syndrome, are seen across study-specific characteristics, differences in the
the majority of antipsychotic agents. Patients efficacy of antipsychotics appear to be relatively
starting treatment gain weight regardless of the small and difficult to predict, whereas adverse
antipsychotic prescribed [Correll et  al. 2009]. effect differences are far larger and much easier to
However, some agents have a relatively low predict [Fornaro et al. 2016; Haddad and Sharma,
risk (such as aripiprazole, ziprasidone and lur- 2007; Leucht et  al. 2013; Taylor et  al. 2014;
asidone), while others carry a much more Yildiz et al. 2015]. Such findings have important
substantial risk (e.g. clozapine and olanzapine) implications for clinical practice, including the
[De Hert et al. 2011]. need to foresee, monitor and manage side effects
and metabolic parameters, individualize treat-
When considering the management of medical ment choices, and appropriately educate and
risk associated with antipsychotics, agent selec- involve patients in making optimized treatment
tion should initially be based on efficacy in decisions. 5
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 7(1S)

Metabolic and cardiovascular risks placebo in their effects on body weight [Leucht
associated with antipsychotics: review of et al. 2013]. The patients included in many of the
the evidence randomized controlled trials examined in this
meta-analysis were inevitably pretreated, so may
Gavin P. Reynolds have already experienced metabolic disturbance
Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University,
Sheffield, UK
and weight gain due to previous therapy; as such,
these data may underestimate the true effects of
antipsychotics on body weight.
People with schizophrenia have an increased
prevalence of many risk factors for the develop- In 41 drug-naïve, Chinese patients, treated for
ment of cardiovascular disease, including obesity, their first episode of schizophrenia, an increase
smoking, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidaemia in BMI of 7.7% was documented as early as
and metabolic syndrome [De Hert et  al. 2009]. 10 weeks after treatment initiation (risperidone
Consequently, life expectancy in patients with or chlorpromazine) [Zhang et  al. 2004]. In
schizophrenia may be reduced by approximately 87 Spanish patients, BMI increased by 10.1%
20 years, compared with the general population. after 3 months and by 17.1% after 9 months (risp-
Importantly, antipsychotic treatment has a com- eridone or olanzapine) [Templeman et al. 2005].
plex association with cardiovascular morbidity In the recent EUFEST study in 498 patients
and mortality in schizophrenia. Untreated psy- (162 drug-naïve), the least squares (LS) mean
chotic illness appears to have cardiotoxic effects, change in body weight from baseline to the
which may be reduced by low or moderate doses 52-week endpoint (last observation carried for-
of antipsychotics, while higher doses of antipsy- ward) was significantly greater for all agents com-
chotics may increase cardiovascular mortality, pared with ziprasidone (+2.24 kg [standard
perhaps by the effects on metabolic morbidity error, 1.1], p < 0.05), with olanzapine demon-
[Tiihonen et al. 2009; Torniainen et al. 2015]. strating the largest amount of weight gained
(+10.06 kg) [Fleischhacker et  al. 2013]. In
Other risk factors associated with an increased addition to weight gain, the consequences of
risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease antipsychotic treatment in drug-naïve patients
known to play a role in patients with schizophre- included substantial deposition of both subcuta-
nia include poor self-care (e.g. poor diet with neous and intra-abdominal fat, elevated glucose
increased fat and refined sugar, but less fibre, and lipid markers, and elevated leptin secretion,
fruit and vegetables), sedentary lifestyle with less all of which may have potential cardiometabolic
exercise and high stress as a response to psychotic effects [Zhang et al. 2004].
symptoms, particularly in poorly responding or
inadequately treated patients. Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue
into the bloodstream and sensed by the hypothal-
In young untreated patients with schizophrenia, amus, its primary function being to control food
studies have demonstrated no consistent trends intake. In experimental models, animals deficient
towards increases in metabolic abnormalities, fat in leptin and leptin receptors continually eat,
deposits or body mass index (BMI) compared with eventually becoming obese. In patients who are
controls [Arranz et  al. 2004; Fleischhacker et  al. taking antipsychotics, leptin levels rise as they
2013; Zhang et  al. 2004; Sengupta et  al. 2008], gain weight; however, this does not suppress their
despite some evidence for impaired glucose toler- food intake as it should, suggesting that antipsy-
ance [Perry et al. 2016; Venkatasubramanian et al. chotic agents may interfere with hypothalamic
2007]. However, there is clear evidence demon- control of food intake [Reynolds and Kirk, 2010].
strating that antipsychotic treatment is associated There are a number of receptor mechanisms that
with metabolic side effects. In the Leucht and col- are implicated in the weight gain associated with
leagues 2013 meta-analysis, three distinct groups antipsychotics, including serotonin 5-HT2C, his-
of agents emerged based on their effect on weight tamine H1, alpha-adrenergic, dopamine D2 and
gain in patients with schizophrenia (Figure 3). muscarinic M3 receptors. Indeed, olanzapine-
Olanzapine had the greatest and most consistent induced weight gain can be modelled by a combi-
effect on weight gain, with paliperidone, risperi- nation of 5-HT2C (but not H1) antagonism and
done and quetiapine occupying a middle position D2 antagonism in the rat [Kirk et al. 2009]. The
with a moderate effect. Haloperidol, ziprasidone action of antipsychotics at receptors in the hypo-
and lurasidone did not differ significantly from thalamus (mediating hormonal control of food

R Murray, CU Correll et al.

Figure 3.  Meta-analysis of antipsychotic drug-induced weight gain [Leucht et al. 2013]. Reprinted with
permission from Elsevier.
Crl, credible interval; SMD, standard mean difference.

intake) and limbic system (controlling appetite total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cho-
and reward) warrant further examination. lesterol [Mizuno et al. 2014]. It may therefore be
hypothesized that the relatively limited weight
Some antipsychotic agents may offer protection gain associated with some antipsychotics, includ-
from weight gain. For example, addition of ari- ing aripiprazole, ziprasidone and lurasidone, could
piprazole or ziprasidone to olanzapine in rats be related to a protective mechanism, rather than
results in a significant decrease in food intake simply the lack of a hyperphagic effect, which
compared with olanzapine alone [Kirk et al. 2004; may, in part, be due to 5-HT1A receptor partial
Snigdha et  al. 2008], and other animal studies agonism [Reynolds and Kirk, 2010].
have demonstrated that lurasidone treatment can
suppress the short-term weight gain associated While the protective effects of certain antipsychot-
with olanzapine [Reynolds et  al. 2016]. Such ics against weight gain have been demonstrated,
models of feeding behaviour may, however, be there are a number of considerations when using
subject to methodological issues and limitations adjunctive therapy. First, it is important to con-
(e.g. sex and species specificity) [Benarroch et al. sider the effect of combining treatment on a
2016]. Nevertheless, in a meta-analysis of trials patient’s psychiatric symptoms, to ensure there
examining adjunctive treatment with aripiprazole, is no exacerbation of existing symptoms or
there was an observed amelioration in the weight development of new ones. Studies of adjunctive
gain associated with clozapine or olanzapine, with aripiprazole have not revealed any evidence of
a significant decrease in glycated haemoglobin, unfavourable effects, with reported improvements 7
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 7(1S)

in the Scale for the Assessment of Positive emergence of diabetes. Increased risk of the
Symptoms and the Clinical Global Impression development of diabetes is likely to be a conse-
Scale [Fleischhacker et al. 2010; Muscatello et al. quence of weight gain, which increases insulin
2011]. Second, since the currently available evi- resistance. However, there may be other contrib-
dence is from patients with weight gain associated uting factors, including the acute effect that some
with olanzapine and clozapine, further research is antipsychotic drugs, most notably clozapine and
required to determine whether the protective olanzapine [Newcomer, 2005; Rummel-Kluge
effect of aripiprazole (or indeed ziprasidone or et al. 2010; Vidarsdottir et al. 2010; Hahn et al.
lurasidone) on olanzapine-induced weight gain is 2013; Chintoh et  al. 2009; Houseknecht et  al.
generalizable to other antipsychotic agents asso- 2007], can exhibit in disrupting glucose regula-
ciated with weight gain. Finally, one must not tion. This can occur independently of adiposity
overlook individual variation within the patient or weight gain [Newcomer et al. 2002; Teff et al.
population, as some people may not benefit from 2013] and appears to be a direct induction of
this protective effect. insulin resistance [Henderson et al. 2005], indi-
cating the importance of monitoring plasma glu-
A further aspect of the metabolic and cardio- cose even in the absence of changes in body
vascular effects of treating schizophrenia is the weight.

British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP) guidelines on the management of weight gain,
metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular risk associated with psychosis and antipsychotic drug
In patients with schizophrenia who experience weight gain while taking an antipsychotic agent, there are
a number of strategies that can be employed, which are supported by the recent BAP guidelines [Cooper
et al. 2016]:
• Start initial therapy with an antipsychotic with a lower risk of associated weight gain (e.g. aripiprazole,
ziprasidone, lurasidone, amisulpride)
• In cases where patients have gained weight on an antipsychotic agent, consider switching to a lower
risk antipsychotic, as outlined above
• Consider adjunctive treatment with metformin or aripiprazole (if treated with olanzapine or clozapine)
to address weight gain
•  Ensure that lifestyle changes are implemented, including a healthy diet and exercise.

Summary when assessing any metabolic or cardiovascular

There is little consistent evidence of metabolic or disturbance in patients with schizophrenia.
cardiovascular illness in people with first-episode Evidence-based guidelines have been developed
psychosis before antipsychotic treatment; how- for the management of metabolic and cardiovas-
ever, poorly treated schizophrenia may increase cular risk in people with schizophrenia, emphasiz-
cardiovascular risk factors and mortality. In ing the importance of physical health in the
patients with well-managed and stable disease, management of psychosis.
weight gain is a common side effect with several
atypical antipsychotics and can lead to further
metabolic abnormalities. The exact mechanism Optimizing care in schizophrenia: the
for antipsychotic-induced weight gain is yet to be challenge of treating early nonresponders
elucidated, but antagonism at 5-HT2C receptors and treatment-resistant patients
and/or other receptors that interfere with the hor-
monal control of food intake has been implicated. David Taylor
The Maudsley Hospital, London, UK

There are a number of factors that may influence

the development of metabolic risk, including In addition to managing the side effects associ-
the choice of antipsychotic agent, with some ated with the treatment of schizophrenia, the
antipsychotics able to reduce the impact of weight clinical management of early nonresponders
gain induced by other drugs. It is also vital that and psychopharmacological approaches for
modifiable factors, such as exercise, diet, adjunc- patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia
tive pharmacotherapy and smoking, are addressed remain key unmet needs. Studies indicate that

R Murray, CU Correll et al.

Table 1.  Clinical predictors of antipsychotic people (76.4%); and rapid responders (who have
nonresponse [Carbon and Correll, 2014]. the greatest magnitude of response) represent
Fixed risk factors Modifiable risk factors only 15.4% of the patient population.

Male sex Longer duration of untreated Switching or augmenting antipsychotic treatment

psychosis may be beneficial in early nonresponders. In a
Younger age of Nonadherence to study by Hatta and colleagues, 60 patients were
illness onset treatment treated with risperidone or olanzapine and
Poor premorbid Greater number of relapses assessed for response at 2 weeks. Early responders
adjustment remained on the same treatment, and early non-
Longer illness Comorbidities (e.g. addiction) responders were either switched to the alternative
duration drug, or a combination of both drugs [Hatta et al.
2014]. Irrespective of initial treatment, early
Greater illness Early non-response at week 2
severity responders were most likely to remain on treat-
ment compared with early nonresponders (in any
treatment arm). In early nonresponders, a ⩾40%
improvement in PANSS total score was seen in
response to antipsychotic therapy begins within only 8% of patients switching from risperidone to
the first weeks of treatment and escalates over olanzapine, compared with 29% in the risperidone
time, with the greatest effect being observed plus olanzapine combination arm. In early non-
within the first 2 weeks [Agid et al. 2003]. There responders who received olanzapine as first-line
are a number of clinical predictors of non- therapy, a ⩾40% improvement in PANSS total
response to antipsychotic treatment, which can score was seen in 25% of patients who switched to
be categorized into modifiable and nonmodifi- risperidone, compared with 50% of patients who
able factors (Table 1) [Carbon and Correll, switched to the combination therapy [Hatta et al.
2014]. Early nonresponse (defined as <20% 2014]. In a larger study of 628 patients, early non-
improvement on PANSS total score at 2 weeks) responders to risperidone at 2 weeks were either
accurately predicts nonresponse over the longer kept on risperidone therapy or switched to olan-
term [Kinon et al. 2010]. zapine [Kinon et al. 2010]. Again, early respond-
ers fared better on the majority of clinical outcomes
Patients who exhibit an early response to treat- compared with early nonresponders, including
ment experience better symptom improvement, those who switched to olanzapine. Switching early
have improved functioning and are more likely to nonresponders to olanzapine at week 2 resulted in
adhere to therapy compared with early non- a small (though statistically significant) reduction
responders [Ascher-Svanum et  al. 2008; Kinon in PANSS total score, compared with non-
et  al. 2008; Liu-Seifert et  al. 2005]. Indeed, responders who remained on risperidone (p =
patients who do not experience even minimal 0.02). However, in a subanalysis of nonrespond-
improvement after 2 weeks’ treatment are unlikely ers who were still moderately-to-severely ill after
to respond at a later stage and may consequently 2 weeks, those who switched to olanzapine experi-
benefit from a treatment change [Kinon et  al. enced a more marked improvement, compared
2010; Samara et al. 2015]. In a study by Samara with those who remained on risperidone (p <
and colleagues, an early nonresponse [<20% 0.05) [Kinon et al. 2010].
reduction in PANSS or Brief Psychiatric Rating
Scale (BPRS)] at 2 weeks had a specificity of 86% Another potential strategy to improve the
in predicting nonresponse over the longer term outcome of psychopharmacotherapy in early
[Samara et al. 2015]. nonresponders is antipsychotic dose adjustment.
In a placebo-controlled study of lurasidone,
Examination of the trajectory of response to patients were randomized to receive 18.5 mg
antipsychotic treatment over an 8-week period lurasidone, 74 mg lurasidone or placebo. The
(irrespective of antipsychotic choice) revealed lower dose of lurasidone was included to evaluate
distinct subgroups of patients based on a 50% the efficacy of this dose, and this was the primary
reduction in BPRS [Levine and Leucht, 2010]. A objective of the study [Loebel et al. 2016]. Early
small proportion (8.2%) of patients are poor responders to 74 mg lurasidone remained on
responders who experience little or no response; treatment (74 mg/day lurasidone), while early
moderate response is observed in the majority of nonresponders were re-randomized to either 9
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 7(1S)




(n = (n =

(n =



n= (n =

(n = (n =

Figure 4.  (a) LS mean change in PANSS score from baseline in patients receiving placebo, low-dose
lurasidone, or lurasidone 74 mg or 148 mg (combined data); (b) LS mean change in PANSS score in ER and
ENR who remained on 74 mg lurasidone or switched to 148 mg lurasidone [Loebel et al. 2016]. Adapted with
permission from Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
BL, baseline; ENR, early nonresponders; ER, early responders; LS, least square means; PANSS, Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale.

remain on the same dose, or undergo dose escala- nonresponders who switched to 148 mg achieved
tion of lurasidone (148 mg/day). This secondary a mean change in PANSS total score of 21.8
aim of the study was to assess whether doubling points (effect size of 0.52, Figure 4b), which was
the known therapeutic dose in early nonresponders statistically significant compared with the change
would result in a clinically meaningful response observed in early nonresponders who remained
over 6 weeks of therapy. A sizeable placebo effect on lurasidone 74 mg [Loebel et  al. 2016].
was observed, with a change in PANSS total score Importantly, doubling the dose of lurasidone did
from baseline of 14.5 points. Low-dose lurasidone not have a significant impact on safety or tolerabil-
resulted in a 17.6-point change (Figure 4a). For ity. This study demonstrated that early nonre-
patients who received lurasidone 74 mg or 148 mg, sponders (at week 2) may benefit from an escalated
there was a significant improvement in the PANSS dose of lurasidone up to 148 mg/day. It also dem-
total score over placebo (24.9 points, Figure 4a). onstrated that low-dose lurasidone (18.5 mg/day)
Early responders achieved a 32.1-point change in is not effective for the treatment of patients
PANSS total score (Figure 4b); the early non- with schizophrenia, which is consistent with the
responders who remained on lurasidone 74 mg recommended starting dose of 37 mg. This is the
achieved a 14.1-point improvement, while those first rigorous demonstration of the clinical value

R Murray, CU Correll et al.

of a dose increase in early antipsychotic non- unique clinical characteristics, while ensuring
responders, and may provide an additional avenue that lifestyle and other modifiable risk factors
for treatment modulation (other than switching are concurrently addressed. Individualization of
or combination strategies) in these patients. treatment not only involves careful consideration
While these data are encouraging, more research of the most appropriate initial treatment but also
is required, as it is still unclear whether a similar vigilant monitoring of the subsequent effects of
effect will be seen with other antipsychotic agents. treatment, in terms of both efficacy and side
effects, and a willingness to adapt or change treat-
ment, as required. If a patient does not show a
Summary response to treatment early on (within 2 weeks),
Since insufficient efficacy data exist to differenti- it is important to consider either changing or aug-
ate between nonclozapine antipsychotics in treat- menting the treatment, or (at least in the case of
ment-resistant schizophrenia, rigorous, pragmatic, lurasidone) increasing the dose at this timepoint
randomized, controlled trials are needed to to optimize the likelihood of subsequent response.
address this uncertainty [Kane and Correll, 2016; Furthermore, if a patient responds to treatment
Samara et  al. 2016]. Psychopharmacological but shows signs of developing adverse metabolic
approaches to treatment resistance include identi- side effects, it is equally important to consider
fying patients showing early nonresponse to anti- changing or adapting treatment in order to miti-
psychotic treatment and implementing a treatment gate such side effects and optimize the patient’s
change, either by switching to, or augmenting long-term physical health.
with, a new antipsychotic [Hatta et  al. 2014;
Kinon et al. 2010]. Recent data also indicate that Acknowledgements
patients showing early nonresponse to lurasidone Medical writing assistance was provided by Lucy
treatment (at 2 weeks) may benefit from an Clements of mXm Medical Communications,
increased dose at this timepoint [Loebel et  al. Tonbridge, UK.
2016]. A variety of clinical strategies are being uti-
lized to address the needs of patients with early Funding
nonresponse; however, it is important to remem- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
ber that the available evidence is based on group financial support for the research, authorship,
mean values and that clinical decision-making and/or publication of this article: The sympo-
must rely on a case-by-case assessment. sium was organized and funded by Sumitomo
Dainippon Pharma, Tokyo, Japan and Sunovion
Pharmaceuticals, New Jersey, USA. Medical
Conclusion writing assistance was funded by Sunovion
The adverse metabolic consequences of antipsy- Pharmaceuticals. This supplement was sup-
chotic treatment and early treatment nonresponse ported by an educational Grant from Sunovion
or treatment resistance represent important chal- Pharmaceuticals.
lenges in the management of schizophrenia.
However, these challenges are beginning to be Conflict of interest statement
addressed through the development of novel The author(s) declared the following potential
antipsychotic agents and by an increasing under- conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
standing of their underlying mechanisms of authorship, and/or publication of this article:
action, particularly in relation to receptor binding Robin Murray has received honoraria for lectures
profiles. Although the primary aim of antipsy- from Janssen, Lilly, Otsuka, Sunovion and
chotic treatment is to effectively control the symp- Lundbeck.
toms of the disease, it is now unequivocally Christoph Correll has received grant funding
recognized that the physical health of an individ- from Takeda and honoraria from Alkermes,
ual living with schizophrenia is as important to Allergan, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gerson Lehrman
their overall long-term outcomes and QoL as Group, Intra-Cellular Therapies, Janssen/J&J, LB
their mental health. Given the clear evidence Pharma, Lundbeck, MedAvante, Medscape,
demonstrating both the potential adverse meta- Neurocrine, Otsuka, Pfizer, ProPhase, Sunovion,
bolic effects of antipsychotic treatment and the Takeda and Teva.
wide variation in the side effect profiles of differ- Gavin Reynolds has received travel support,
ent agents, individualization of treatment is key to research support, honoraria for lectures and advi-
effective schizophrenia management. Each sory board attendance from Lundbeck, Johnson
patient’s treatment should be matched to their & Johnson, Otsuka, Sunovion and Janssen. 11
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