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SPECIAL eNEWSPAPER EDITION With updated sports and bonus content
Price $2.50. Our 183rd year, No. 118 Monday, April 27, 2020


A new
way to
help in
Volunteer team of
state inmates makes
masks, face shields
By Luke Broadwater

KARL MERTON FERRON/THE BALTIMORE SUN Typically, the incarcerated men and
Missael Garcia, volunteering with Harbor West Collaborative, assists in a food giveaway at Freedom Temple A.M.E. Zion Church. women who work inside Maryland’s
prisons build furniture, sew bedsheets
and make American flags.

TIME OF DISQUIET But last month — when the first cases

of the novel coronavirus were detected
in the state — they pivoted to a new
operation: protecting their fellow Mary-
Despite pandemic, DACA recipients face imminent court ruling “We thought, ‘How could we produce
things to help in the crisis?’” said Robert
L. Green, the secretary of the Maryland
By Thalia Juarez “I cannot 8,000 young immigrants in Maryland without Department of Public Safety and Cor-
permanent legal status who could face deporta- rectional Services. “We started looking
Jonathan Rodas rushes in and out of operating afford to tion and lose their work permits, if the U.S. at the cloth sneeze guards. We’ve had
rooms in a hospital in Towson, delivering blood be sick. Supreme Court allows the Trump administration sewing factories for years in our system.
work to labs, cleaning surgical tools, pushing to end the federal program known as DACA. A This was an area where we could
gurneys and sometimes holding the hands of I cannot ruling appears imminent. repurpose those to help.”
scared patients. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals gives To date, about 75 inmates have made
Like many working in hospitals during the afford to not some 700,000 “dreamers” the right to stay and more than 24,000 cloth masks, 18,000
pandemic, the 25-year-old can’t help but imagine have a job.” work in this country. Many of them are young plastic face shields, 4,000 bottles of hand
he might catch the coronavirus. He prays that he working professionals or students whose families sanitizer and 1,900 protective gowns —
won’t get his mother and brothers sick. Missael Garcia brought them to the United States as children. all items that have been in short supply
But Rodas faces another layer of uncertainty in The Trump administration argued to the nine and are needed to slow the spread of the
the midst of the pandemic. He’s one of more than See DACA, page 7 pandemic.
The inmates — who volunteer for the
jobs and receive “good time” credits that
accrue toward their early release and a
small amount of hourly pay — have
produced enough masks and face

Ballots due Tuesday in special election shields to outfit each of the more than
See INMATES, page 7

7th Congressional District ■ HOW TO VOTE: Ballots must be

postmarked by Tuesday or voters can put
spread of COVID-19 has forced businesses
across the state to close and residents to stay
voting done mostly by mail them in a drop box by 8 p.m. Drop boxes in their homes, leaving only for essential
will be outside the three polling places purposes.
By Emily Opilo Tuesday and at the three local election In addition to picking a winner for the
offices in the 7th District. Voters can still 7th District seat — Democrat Kweisi
On Tuesday, Maryland will try some- request ballots online but must have Mfume and Republican Kimberly Klacik
thing it’s never done before: conducting an access to a printer. Voters who have no are on the ballot — the election is a test of
election almost entirely by mail. ballot can vote in person. how well Maryland can pull off an election
Ballots for the special election, which conducted via mail.
decides who fills the remainder of the term Postal Service and in drop boxes. That’s important because in June, Mary-
of the late U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, are Republican Gov. Larry Hogan made the land will repeat the process on a much LUKE BROADWATER/BALTIMORE SUN
due Tuesday and will be accepted by abrupt move last month to voting by mail in bigger scale. Ballots will be mailed to more Gov. Larry Hogan wears an inmate-
unconventional means, namely the U.S. response to the coronavirus outbreak. The See VOTERS, page 4 made mask during a hospital tour.

■ DEATHS DECLINE: Maryland officials
White House plans less virus talk, more on recovery
reported Sunday that the state has By Zeke Miller
confirmed 815 new cases of the Associated Press
coronavirus, 30 of them fatal, a
decrease in new cases and deaths one WASHINGTON — After two months of
day after the state reported its frantic response to the coronavirus, the
deadliest day. NEWS PG 2 White House is planning to shift President
Donald Trump’s public focus to the
■ WEBSITE WOES: Maryland’s new burgeoning efforts aimed at easing the
online portal to streamline economic devastation caused by the pan-
unemployment claims was back up late demic.
Sunday afternoon after it was taken Days after he publicly mused that
down temporarily as the state worked scientists should explore the injection of
to correct problems that have impeded toxic disinfectants as a potential virus cure,
its launch. NEWS PG 3 Trump has rejected the utility of his daily
task force briefings, where he often
■ WORKER AID: The state will offer clashed with scientific experts. Trump’s
relief to child care providers serving the aides are aiming to move the president
children of essential workers in the form onto more familiar — and safer, they hope
of a one-time grant. NEWS PG 4 — ground: talking up the economy, in
tighter controlled settings.
■ EASING RESTRICTIONS: European It’s a political imperative as allies have
countries work to reopen their seen an erosion in support for the
economies, while in the U.S., governors ALEX BRANDON/AP president. What had been his greatest
move at differing speeds. NEWS PG 5 Fewer virus briefings are expected as the White House plans to focus on the economy. See RECOVERY, page 7

TODAY’S High 58 Low 43 INSIDE Classified SPORTS 5 Horoscope SPORTS 6 Obituaries NEWS 6 Opinion NEWS 8

EVE RYON E S H O U LD WE A R A FAC E M AS K Stay informed:



State reports 30 more deaths
By Phil Davis Scott Gottlieb — the former As of Sunday, 1,463 Maryland- overwhelmed by the number of
Food and Drug Administration ers are hospitalized with the workers who looked to submit
‘unique’ as Maryland officials reported
Sunday that the state has con-
firmed 815 new cases of the
commissioner who joined
Hogan’s coronavirus response
team this month — wrote on
disease and 530 people are in
intensive care. Over 3,900 people
have been hospitalized with
claims. As of 5:30 a.m. Sunday,
over 99,049 accounts had been
activated, 56,200 claims had been

possible coronavirus, 30 of them fatal, a

decrease in both the number of
new cases and deaths one day
Twitter on Sunday that the coun-
try is “not out of the woods”
despite some declining figures.
COVID-19 at some point as of
Conversely, as many as 910
filed and 62,067 weekly certifica-
tions had been filed.
Black Marylanders continue to
after the state reported its deadli- “While there are signs of slow- people have now died or can be disproportionately affected by
Naval Academy to est day of the pandemic. ing in some areas, and nationally probably have their deaths attrib- the virus. There have been 6,742
virtually commission Kata Hall, spokeswoman for
Gov. Larry Hogan, wrote on
we may have hit a plateau, we’re
still recording more than 30K
uted to complications from the
disease. The past four days have
confirmed cases of the virus
among blacks in the state, making
midshipmen in May Twitter that the state has con- infections a day,” Gottlieb wrote. seen a combined 3,770 newly them the demographic group
firmed18,581cases of COVID-19 in “The trip down the epidemic confirmed cases, or about 20% of most affected despite constituting
By Selene San Felice total and that at least 827 people curve will be far more [gradual] all cases. around 30% of the population.
have died due to the disease. than the trip up.” Hogan said on “This Week” Hall wrote that 4,276 out of the
After canceling commissioning Hall added that 83 more people He added that while some hope that the state has fielded “hun- 18,581 cases have affected white
week activities, the Naval Acade- in total have probably died due to the decline will be similar to the dreds” of questions about the residents, who make up about half
my announced it will virtually the disease or complications increase of cases, much as it was in safety of ingesting household of the state’s population.
commission midshipmen in the brought about by the virus, al- China, the United States’ “miti- cleaning products after President About 15% of all confirmed
Class of 2020. though those figures have not gation steps were not as stringent Donald Trump raised the idea of cases in the state, 2,841, have
In a letter to the Naval Academy been confirmed by laboratory as China’s, they were leakier, and that possibly being a treatment for affected the Hispanic population;
community Friday, Vice Adm. testing. our epidemic was far more perva- the coronavirus. non-Caucasian Hispanics or Lat-
Sean Buck wrote that he decided The decrease in deaths and sive across our country.” The president later said he was inos represent about 10% of the
to pursue a virtual ceremony after new cases comes after the state He wrote that Americans being sarcastic, although the tran- state’s population, according to
consulting Gov. Larry Hogan, An- saw a spike Saturday, when state should expect a more gradual script of his remarks suggests the U.S. Census Bureau.
napolis Mayor Gavin Buckley, the health officials reported that 74 decline in the number of new otherwise. The state has yet to confirm the
Chief of Naval Operations and people had been confirmed to cases, similar to Italy, which is still The governor also pushed back demographic data of 3,652 con-
current Acting Secretary of the have died from the coronavirus in reporting hundreds of new fatali- against Senate Majority Leader firmed cases, including 134 fatal
Navy. a 24-hour period, the single dead- ties per day, but saw its lowest Mitch McConnell’s suggestion cases and 13 deaths probably
“While everyone shared their liest day of the pandemic in the fatality count in six weeks Sat- that Maryland and other states caused by the virus.
disappointment of not having an state. urday, Bloomberg News reported. should consider filing for bank- Prince George’s and Mont-
in-person event to celebrate this While the number of newly “We all want this to be over. ruptcy, saying that there is biparti- gomery counties continue to lead
milestone, all were in unanimous confirmed cases shows a momen- And things are mostly trending in san support for emergency fund- the state in confirmed cases. The
agreement,” Buck wrote. tary decrease, the state still has not the right direction,” he wrote. ing legislation to aid the states two counties have at least 4,987
“More guidance is forthcoming seen more than two consecutive “But we’re still very much in the affected by the pandemic. and 3,645, respectively.
on how we will make this ceremo- days in which the number of new thick of the epidemic.” While Hogan has touted suc- The 20783 ZIP code — which
ny as unique and as personal as cases was lower than the day Hogan appeared on ABC’s cesses in aiding the state’s health includes parts of Hyattsville, Adel-
possible.” before. “This Week” and CBS’s “Face the care system and procuring more phi and Langley Park in Prince
The virtual ceremony will hap- Michael Ricci, spokesman for Nation” on Sunday morning to resources to test for COVID-19, George’s County — continues to
pen on May 22, according to Gov. Hogan, wrote in an email that talk about the state’s response to the state had to temporarily shut lead in total cases, with 30 new
academy spokeswoman Cmdr. the state tends “to have a lower the pandemic. He said on “Face down its new online portal, which ones in the past 24 hours, bringing
Alana Garas. The video, which number of infections on Sundays” the Nation” that the state has been had been set up to streamline the total to 447.
Garas said will have recorded and but that the uptick in newly able to handle the additional unemployment claims, Sunday to Silver Spring continues to see a
live segments, will be available on completed tests is “encouraging.” pressure put on the health care correct technical problems. high number of cases as well, as
Watchstadium and through op- This month, the state bought system but that Maryland was The Maryland Department of three ZIP codes associated with
tions via television streaming serv- $9 million worth of supplies from seeing an increase in new cases. Labor, Licensing, and Regulation the Montgomery County town —
ices. South Korea to administer “We can’t stop the virus, but at said officials were working to 20906, 20904 and 20902 — have a
Buck also encouraged Class of 500,000 tests as governors across least up until now, we have resolve “technical issues with the combined 964 cases.
2020 graduates to conduct private the country continued to show stopped the overflow of our online BEACON application” and The 21215 ZIP code — which
swearing-in ceremonies and share signs of frustration with the health care system, the overbur- had taken steps to retain informa- includes parts of Northwest Balti-
them with the academy. Private Trump administration’s lack of dening of ICU [intensive care tion submitted through the appli- more and Baltimore County and
swearings-in would occur if there testing assistance. unit] beds and ventilators,” Hogan cation thus far. the FutureCare Lochearn nursing
is an officer in the home of the Hogan said he would decide told host Margaret Brennan. “Our The shutdown was the second home, where at least 170 cases of
graduating midshipman who is about reopening the state’s busi- hospitalizations and ICU beds are time the application has experi- COVID-19 have been confirmed —
able to perform the duty in person nesses and lifting restrictions on starting to flatten, but our deaths enced problems since its launch now ranks fourth, with 329 con-
using the same script used at the social gatherings once new cases and our infections are starting to Friday; the application crashed firmed cases.
ceremony, Garas said. decrease for 14 consecutive days. go up.” during its first day after it was
“The Class of 2020 is being
commissioned in truly historic and
uncertain times,” Buck wrote, “and
as throughout our history during PICTURING MARYLAND
peace and war, our nation and our
Navy turn to the Naval Academy to
produce graduates to lead and
serve the nation.”
The Air Force Academy in
Colorado held a scaled-down
commissioning ceremony April 18
with Vice President Mike Pence,
but with no crowd at its stadium
and the cadets practicing social
distance guidelines.
The ceremony was live-stream-
ed so families could watch cadets
march 6 feet apart to seats spread
across the center of the Colorado
Springs campus and toss their
covers in the air during a flyover by
the Air Force Thunderbirds.
The Naval Academy’s
COVID-19 FAQ page notes that a
ceremony like this is not possible
for its midshipmen because they
are not on campus. All of the Air
Force’s graduating cadets re-
mained on campus to complete
their spring academic term.
President Donald Trump has
said he plans to give the com-
mencement speech during an in-
person ceremony at the Military
Academy at West Point on June 13.
This would require the 4,000
cadets to return to campus. They
left for spring break and have
transitioned to online learning.
When she heard her grand-
daughter would not have an in- AMY DAVIS/BALTIMORE SUN
person commissioning ceremony David Savitz of Cockeysville jogs on the Northern Central Railroad trail in Monkton on a misty Sunday afternoon. Savitz, who participated in the
like the cadets of West Point and Boston Marathon last year, doesn't mind the damp weather, which reduces the number of people exercising. He noted that there has been a
the Air Force Academy, Eileen marked increase in people on the trail since the coronavirus pandemic began. On nice days, he said that the NCRR trail has become crowded
Foley, who lives in Annapolis, said “to the point that it gets a little uncomfortable.”
she was appalled. Midshipmen
like her granddaughter left their
uniforms and belongings in Ban-
croft Hall when they left for spring
break, Foley said.
“It doesn’t seem like it’s equita-
Police offices could open in old Sun building by July
bly fair to single out one academy,” By Talia Richman former office to a soon-to-be- not a good value for the taxpay- to occupy can also be monetized
Foley said. renovated building sends an im- ers,” Pratt said. in the future, Young said.
“Where’s the leadership? The Baltimore Police Central portant message. Baltimore officials expect to Harrison said the new location
Where’s the brotherhood? If the District offices could open in The “If we expect professionalism end the fiscal year with a $42.3 will improve public safety in the
other two can do it, why can’t they? Baltimore Sun’s former building from our officers,” he said, “we million deficit, as restrictions downtown neighborhoods sur-
I know this isn’t the biggest thing downtown by July, city officials owe them no less than a profes- intended to slow the spread of rounding the building.
in the world, but it’s a big thing to announced. sional work environment in re- the coronavirus upend the local The Sun newsroom relocated
my family.” The city’s spending panel ap- turn and a place that they can economy. The city projects it will from its longtime home there to
The academy also announced proved the three-year, multi- now call home, a place they can bring in about $100 million less in Sun Park in Port Covington in the
that it will not be moving to a million dollar lease Wednesday now have pride in.” revenue next fiscal year, too. summer of 2018.
pass/fail grading system despite an over an objection that the project It’s unclear how much the Young said the new building Shelonda Stokes, interim
online petition signed by more is too costly to undertake at a renovations will cost the city. A will end up saving the city money. Downtown Partnership of Balti-
than 1,000 people. Academic dean time when Baltimore is facing a preliminary draft of the city’s In addition to the Central Dis- more president, said in a state-
and provost Andrew Phillips major budget deficit because of 2021budget states that police will trict, other public safety units ment the new location “will have
wrote in a letter to the brigade that the coronavirus pandemic. use $1.2 million in asset forfeiture will move into the renovated a positive impact on both down-
data support his decision. The roughly 170 officers as- funds to help pay for the move. building at 501 N. Calvert St., town and surrounding neighbor-
In a survey of faculty with “an signed to the Central District Comptroller Joan Pratt said including fire department med- hoods while also benefitting
unprecedented” 91% response have been working out of a during Wednesday’s Board of ics, the Warrant Apprehension Central District operations.”
rate, 83% said they can fairly assign cramped space in department Estimates meeting that she could Task Force and the Citywide Young said the move is also a
grades using the standard A-F headquarters for more than a not vote in favor of the lease Robbery unit. symbolic one.
model, Phillips wrote. The acade- year after their former offices because of the cost. Atapco Prop- Consolidating those opera- “We’re moving from outdated
my is tracking midshipmen facing were shut down for emergency erties, which owns the building, tions into one building is esti- buildings to a centralized loca-
challenges outside their control to repairs. will charge $1.7 million to $2.6 mated to save the city at least tion,” he said, “a location that
ensure that they are not academi- Police Commissioner Michael million a year in rent, along with $800,000 in deferred mainte- once housed one of the city’s
cally disadvantaged, Phillips Harrison said moving from their some additional charges. nance over the next four years. chief accountability mecha-
wrote. “dilapidated and deteriorating” “I’m concerned this lease is The facilities that the units used nisms: the press.”

Maryland officials will issue

grants to child care providers
By Hallie Miller unable to pay the bills and years old and $250 a week
uncertain if they can re- for kids ages 3 to13 — which
The Maryland State De- cover when the virus can be less than the weekly
partment of Education will abates. Others have contin- cost of child care in the most
offer relief to child care ued to provide in-person expensive parts of the state.
providers serving the chil- care and virtual lessons, In the statement, Salmon
dren of essential workers in accumulating debt and said false information circu-
the state in the form of a seeking full or partial tu- lated on social media accus-
one-time grant. ition from the families of ing the comptroller’s office
In a statement, the de- nonessential workers, and of delaying provider pay-
partment said providers requesting donations of ments.
will each receive a $2,000 supplies and snacks. “We regret that the
payment by this week. It Maryland State Schools comptroller’s role in this
also pledged to offer “seam- Superintendent Karen B. process has been mischar-
less, prompt” reimburse- Salmon said providers acterized,” Salmon said.
In this satellite image, a train likely belonging to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was ments to providers in coor- should be flexible in hon- “The comptroller’s office, as
spotted twice last week at a railway station in Wonsan, North Korea. dination with the Maryland oring contract provisions, has always been the case on
comptroller’s general ac- but the state has not issued matters such as this, has

Train thought to be Kim’s counting division.

The announcement
comes as providers criticize
firm guidance on whether
providers can charge any-
been exceptionally respon-
sive, providing us with all of
the information we need to

seen at NKorea compound the state’s handling of their

business since the co-
ronavirus forced schools to
Although providers can
submit reimbursement in-
voices to the state education
authorize reimburse-
She also said the state
By Hyung-jin Kim event — one of the year’s “The train’s presence close through at least mid- department every two education department has
Associated Press most important for the does not prove the where- May. The state made an weeks, some said the money worked diligently to ensure
North — since assuming abouts of the North Korean exception for licensed child does not cover the ongoing child care services “are de-
SEOUL, South Korea — power after his father Kim leader or indicate anything care providers, who can stay costs — particularly for livered in accordance with
A train likely belonging to Jong Il’s death in late 2011. about his health, but it does open, but only for the chil- those used to being paid the standards that Mary-
North Korean leader Kim Kim’s health is of crucial lend weight to reports that dren of essential workers, weekly by parents — and land families deserve.”
Jong Un has been parked at importance because of wor- Kim is staying at an elite who do not have to pay for does not reach their bank “We remain deeply
his compound on the coun- ries that the serious illness area on the country’s east- their kids to attend. accounts quickly enough. grateful to our providers
try’s east coast since last or death of a leader vener- ern coast,” it said. This leaves gaping holes The state is currently who are doing so much to
week, satellite imagery ated with near godlike pas- The photos indicate the in revenue, providers told reimbursing centers at a ease the burden on our
showed, amid speculation sion by millions of North train arrived before Tues- The Baltimore Sun. Some rate of $350 per week for state’s essential workers,”
about his health that has Koreans could cause in- day and was still present on have closed their doors, children 6 weeks old to 3 she said.
been caused, in part, by a stability in the impover- Thursday, when it appeared
long period out of the public ished, nuclear-armed coun- to be repositioned for de-
eye. try. parture. However, there
The photos released by Many experts in South was no indication when
38 North, a website special- Korea downplayed specu- that departure might take
izing in North Korea stud- lation that Kim is seriously place, 38 North said.
ies, don’t say anything about ill. They also said North North Korea exerts ex-
Kim’s potential health prob- Korea won’t likely face a tremely tight control on
lems, and they echo South serious immediate turmoil information about its lead-
Korean government intelli- even if Kim is incapacitated ership, making it virtually
gence that Kim is staying or dies because someone impossible for outsiders to
outside of the capital, else, like his influential sis- find out what’s going on at
Pyongyang. Seoul has also ter Kim Yo Jong, will those senior levels. Even
repeatedly indicated that quickly step in, though the South Korea’s main spy
there have been no unusual prospect for the North’s agency has a mixed record
signs that could indicate long-term political future on confirming devel-
health problems for Kim. would be unclear. opments in North Korea.
That hasn’t stopped Kim Jong Un’s train has When Kim Jong Il died in
growing unconfirmed ru- been parked at the Leader- 2011, for instance, few out-
mors and media reports ship Railway Station servic- siders knew it until it was
about Kim’s health that ing his Wonsan compound reported by North Korea’s
have emerged since he since at least Tuesday, the state media two days later. KIM HAIRSTON/BALTIMORE SUN
missed the April 15 com- 38 North website said Sat- A U.S. official, speaking Ballots for Maryland’s first election by mail are due Tuesday.
memoration of the 108th urday, citing an analysis of on condition of anonymity
birthday of his grandfather,
North Korea founder Kim Il
recent satellite photos of the
The website said the ap-
because he wasn’t author-
ized to talk to the media,
said the latest rumors about
VOTERS Where can I vote in per-
Three in-person centers
County Republican Central
Committee. She gained at-
tention last summer after
Kim Jong Un is the third proximately 820-foot-long Kim’s health had not From page 1 will be offered Election Day appearing on Fox News to
generation of his family to train wasn’t present on changed the U.S. assess- than 4 million voters state- from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. discuss videos she posted
rule North Korea, and he April 15 but was present ment of the information as wide to allow them to Baltimore City voters can on social media showing
hadn’t missed the April 15 Tuesday and Thursday. “speculation.” participate in a primary that go to Edmondson High trash and blight in the
includes presidential and School at 501 N. Athol Ave. Baltimore City portion of
Baltimore mayoral candi- in Southwest Baltimore. the district, then repre-
dates, while minimizing the Baltimore County voters sented by Cummings.
Saudis to end floggings, spread of the virus.
For now, below is every-
can go to Martin’s West at
6817 Dogwood Road in
That got the attention of
Republican President Don-
thing you need to know Windsor Mill. And Howard ald Trump, who attacked
death penalty for minors about Tuesday’s election. County voters can go to the
Howard County Fair-
Cummings and the district
on Twitter, calling Balti-
By Aya Batrawy Arabia’s reputation globally. How can I vote? grounds at 2210 Fair- more “disgusting” and “rat
Associated Press He’s also overseen a parallel Ballots have been mailed grounds Road in West and rodent infested.”
crackdown on liberals, to the approximately Friendship.
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB women’s rights activists, 500,000 voters in the dis- But the centers are just When will we have re-
EMIRATES — Saudi Ara- writers, moderate clerics trict, which includes parts supposed to be for voters sults?
bia’s King Salman has or- and reformers. The 2018 of the city of Baltimore and who didn’t get a ballot by Don’t expect them right
dered an end to the death killing of Saudi writer Jamal the counties of Howard and mail, for those who couldn’t away. While the number of
penalty for crimes commit- Khashoggi in Turkey by Baltimore. obtain one via email or for total ballots will be small
ted by minors, according to agents who worked for the State officials are encour- disabled people who can’t compared with a statewide
a statement Sunday by a top crown prince drew sharp aging voters to return their use a paper ballot inde- election, the counting proc-
official. criticism internationally. FETHI BELAID/AP completed ballots using the pendently (and therefore ess is different.
The decision comes on The latest royal decree by Rulings by Saudi King postage-paid envelopes in- privately). If you already As completed ballots
the heels of another order- King Salman could spare Salman help establish “a cluded with the ballot. have a ballot, you are have arrived by mail, elec-
ing judges to end the prac- the death penalty for at least more modern penal code.” Stamps are not required to strongly encouraged to re- tions workers have stored
tice of flogging, replacing it six men from the country’s mail the ballots, although turn it via mail or use one of them under the date they
with jail time, fines or com- minority Shiite community cases of minors will be tried the instructions mistakenly the drop boxes. were received, “quarantin-
munity service and bringing who allegedly committed differently. It was not im- mention that two stamps State health officials have ing” the papers for at least
one of the kingdom’s most crimes while under the age mediately clear whether are needed. been advising election offi- 24 hours, said Nikki Charl-
controversial forms of pub- of 18, including Ali al-Nimr, these cases would be bound Just make sure your bal- cials on how to practice son, deputy administrator
lic punishment to a close. who had participated in by the 10-year prison limit. lot is postmarked by Tues- social distancing while in- for state elections.
King Salman’s son and anti-government protests. Last year, Saudi Arabia day and includes your sig- side polling centers. Elections officials began
heir, Crown Prince Moham- Such activity carries terror- executed a young man con- nature to ensure it will be They’ve been instructed to counting ballots last week
med bin Salman, is seen as ism-related charges in the victed of crimes that took counted. sanitize equipment and and will continue counting
the force behind the king- kingdom for disturbing or- place when he was 16. If you don’t feel comfort- keep voters as far apart as ballots as the documents
dom’s loosening of restric- der and disobeying the The president of the able mailing your ballot, you possible. emerge from quarantine.
tions and its pivot away ruler. Saudi government’s Human can use one of the drop At 8 p.m. on Election Day,
from ultraconservative in- In a document seen by Rights Commission, Aw- boxes available in each ju- How do I know if I live in elections officials will re-
terpretations of Islamic law The Associated Press, the wad Alawwad, confirmed risdiction. Starting Friday, the 7th District? lease the results of the
known as Wahhabism, royal decree orders prose- the latest decision Sunday, drop boxes were placed Go online to the state ballots they’ve counted so
which many in the country cutors to review cases and saying it helps the kingdom outside the three local elec- elections website and use far.
still closely adhere to. drop punishments for those establish “a more modern tions offices, and are avail- the voter lookup tool. You’ll The ballots cast on Elec-
The crown prince has who’ve already served the penal code and demon- able from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. On need to provide your name, tion Day at voting centers
sought to modernize the maximum 10 years. strates the kingdom’s com- Election Day, drop boxes date of birth and ZIP code. won’t be counted until the
country, attract foreign in- However, the decree mitment to following will also be available at Once your record has next day, she said. The same
vestment and revamp Saudi states that terrorism-related through on key reforms.” three in-person voting cen- been located, click on the will be true for ballots
ters. Ballots must be in the “My Voting Districts” tab. If placed in drop boxes on
boxes by 8 p.m. Tuesday. your congressional district Election Day.
number is seven, you are Additional results will be
Israel’s Labor party votes on coalition What if I don’t have a
eligible to participate. released at least daily after
that point. It could take
The deadline to mail Who is running? multiple days to count all
By Ilan Ben Zion party leader Amir Peretz’s charges of fraud, breach of voters ballots has passed, Democrat Kweisi Mfume ballots, depending on how
Associated Press proposal to join the unity trust and accepting bribes. but voters may still be able and Republian Kimberly many are received.
government headed by Ne- He denies the charges. to get a ballot via email. Klacik are on the ballot. As of Saturday, 84,927
JERUSALEM — Israel’s tanyahu and his main politi- Peretz wrote on Face- First, confirm you live in Mfume, 71, is seeking to vote-by-mail ballots were
Labor party voted Sunday cal adversary, Benny Gantz book last week that joining the district using the state’s reclaim the House seat he returned — 23,933 in Balti-
on a proposal to join a of the centrist Blue and the Netanyahu-Gantz gov- voter lookup tool. Don’t be left in 1996 to become presi- more City, 31,659 in Balti-
government headed by White party. Israeli media ernment would put the surprised if you’re not; the dent of the NAACP. The more County and 29,335 in
archrival Benjamin Netan- said the measure passed by party “back in political cen- district’s boundaries are all former Baltimore City Howard County.
yahu despite repeated cam- a roughly 60-40 margin. ter stage.” over the place. Council member repre- You can watch the can-
paign promises to never sit After three deadlocked “We are joining an equal If you live in the district sented the 7th District for a vass live in Baltimore
with a prime minister facing national elections in just unity government with a and your address is correct decade and was chairman County by going to www-
criminal indictments. over a year, Gantz and rotation in the role of prime in state records, call your of the Congressional Black .baltimorecounty
The once-mighty left- Netanyahu agreed this minister, not a right-wing local elections office as soon Caucus. Agencies/elections for a
wing party dominated Isra- month to form a unity government,” he said. as possible to ask for a ballot He calls himself “a prog- link to register. Tune in to
eli politics for the country’s government to address the But allying with Netanya- via email. The process isn’t ressive moderate,” saying he the Howard County can-
first three decades, but has coronavirus pandemic and hu runs against repeated instantaneous. It could take is “very, very progressive” vass’ cameras by going to
since fallen to a historic low resulting economic crisis. campaign promises by half a day to get a ballot. on social issues, but “a little the link on the
of three seats in the 120- As part of their unity deal, Peretz. Also, you’ll need to have more moderate” on fiscal www.howardcounty
member parliament. Netan- Netanyahu will serve as The Netanyahu-Gantz access to a printer to print concerns.
yahu’s right-wing Likud is prime minister the first 18 agreement includes a clause such a ballot. They cannot Klacik, 38, founded a Board-of-Elections website.
the largest faction with 36. months with Gantz serving to advance plans to annex be returned online. nonprofit group that helps Find links to watch the
Around 3,800 members the next 18 months. parts of the occupied West If you cannot get a ballot, disadvantaged women en- Baltimore City counters at
of Labor’s central commit- Netanyahu is scheduled Bank, including Israeli set- you still have the option to ter the workforce, and is a their webpage: boe.balti-
tee voted electronically on to face trial next month on tlements, starting on July 1. vote in person. member of the Baltimore

States had substandard supply stocks

Machines and PPE July still was pending in the Ohio, like many states,
state House when Mis- began storing some sup-
were left over from souri’s first coronavirus plies after the 9/11 attacks.
the H1N1 outbreak case was confirmed last But its financial commit-
month. Since then, Mis- ment waned after each cri-
By David A. Lieb souri has ordered about sis was averted, said Debo-
and Cuneyt Dil $40 million of protective rah Arms, president of the
Associated Press medical supplies for health Ohio Nurses Association,
care workers and emer- who led the state health
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. gency responders. department’s prevention
— Last autumn, when Missouri Health Direc- division from the late 1990s
schools were in session, tor Randall Williams told to 2008.
sports stadiums full and no the AP it didn’t make sense Michigan, which has the
one had heard of to load up on supplies third-highest coronavirus
COVID-19, the Missouri without knowing what death toll among U.S. states,
health department made an might be needed. For exam- had 53,500 gloves left over
eerily foreshadowing re- ple, he said, bug spray from past epidemics, 5,120
quest. would have been more use- N95 masks, 5,000 surgical
It asked the state for ful than face masks during masks and just 500 face
$300,000 to buy supplies in the 2015-2016 epidemic of shields among its pre-co-
case of a large-scale disease the Zika virus, which is ronavirus supplies.
outbreak. The goal was to spread by mosquitoes. Michigan Gov. Gretchen
fill a gap between local and “If you spend money on Whitmer said the state had
federal sources. prevention and whatever counted on the federal gov-
Today, as states spend comes your way isn’t that, ernment to be prepared for
billions of dollars in the then you have less money a pandemic.
fight against the co- for response” when an “No one could have said
ronavirus, that October emergency occurs, that they would come in
funding request appears Williams said. and build a state stockpile.
woefully insufficient. Yet it Federal public health That’s never been the role
highlights a stark fact: funding for states has been and the assumption,” she
States were not stocked for on a downward slide since said. “Yet if I could turn
a pandemic and have been new programs were back the clock, that’s pre-
scrambling to catch up. RICHARD VOGEL/AP launched after the 2001 cisely what we would have
An Associated Press re- Ground crew unload pallets of personal protective equipment from China on earlier this terrorist attacks and an- started doing.”
view of more than 20 states month in Los Angeles. thrax scare. The Public Contrary to Trump’s as-
found that before the co- Health Emergency Pre- sertion that states bore the
ronavirus outbreak many plies revealed the folly of 17,424 face shields and could work, and states dis- paredness program pro- primary responsibility for
had at least a modest supply counting on rapid deliv- 14,048 gowns. All were left- tributed them to hospitals vided $675 million last year stockpiling medical sup-
of N95 masks, gowns, eries. overs provided by the Cen- and clinics. — down 28% since 2003, plies, many states had de-
gloves and other medical The crisis spawned a ters for Disease Control Missouri, like some other according to the nonprofit pended on the federal gov-
equipment. But those were political blame game over after the H1N1 flu pan- states, had spent nothing to Trust for America’s Health. ernment to store provisions
often well past their expira- the shortage of protective demic of 2009-2010, and replenish the expired The Hospital Preparedness in case of emergencies.
tion dates — left over from gear for medical workers well beyond their shelf life. equipment. And even when Program provided $265 New Hampshire’s emer-
the H1N1 influenza out- and the hunt for ventilators. Other states also were asking for $300,000 last million last year — down by gency operations plans call
break a decade ago. Some governors harangued relying on old supplies. Of- October, the state Depart- almost half during that for maintaining a small sup-
The supply shortage the federal government for ficials in California, Col- ment of Health and Senior same period. ply reserve, but then “very
stemmed from a variety of leaving them in the lurch. orado, Connecticut, Illinois, Services stressed it wasn’t Colorado used to have much relying on the na-
factors — a decline in public President Donald Trump Michigan, Nevada, New to build a big reserve. two medical stockpiles. But tional stockpile for any-
health funding, a cost-sav- faulted states, tweeting this Hampshire, New Mexico, “Since outbreaks and the the state received minimal thing more than, say a
ing dependence on having month: “The complainers Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virgin- resources needed are not federal funding for storing week,” said state Health
inventory on hand only for should have been stocked ia, Vermont, Washington predictable, purchasing a supplies from the H1N1 and Human Services Com-
immediate use and a belief up and ready long before and West Virginia all told large stock of supplies that pandemic and none to buy missioner Lori Shibinette.
that the federal govern- this crisis hit.” the AP their stashes in- could expire or become more. The stockpile in Den- Virginia Secretary of Fi-
ment could come to the Before the World Health cluded at least some left- obsolete is not a responsible ver was dissolved last fall nance Aubrey Layne said he
rescue with its Strategic Organization issued a Jan. 9 overs from the H1N1 flu. use of state funds,” the and its remnants trans- had viewed stockpiling
National Stockpile. advisory about the co- Some old N95 masks no health agency said in a ferred to one in Grand supplies as a federal re-
In hindsight, the federal ronavirus emerging in longer sealed properly on budget document submit- Junction. Those supplies sponsibility.
stockpile proved insuffi- China, Missouri had people’s faces or had elastic ted to Gov. Mike Parson and had all been distributed by “Are we probably going
cient for a nationwide viral 663,920 N95 respirator bands that disintegrated. state lawmakers. the beginning of March, as to start stockpiling stuff
outbreak, and a worldwide masks, 253,800 surgical But a CDC study found that That funding request for the coronavirus was now?” Layne asked. “The
competition for scarce sup- masks, 154,000 gloves, many expired masks still the fiscal year that starts in spreading. answer is yes.”

As virus restrictions ease, ing,” he said.

But Michigan Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer, a
Democrat, told ABC her

world is taking baby steps state is not ready and needs

more robust testing, com-
munity tracing and a plan
Spain lets kids play put him in intensive care. since late March, with 367. for isolating people who get
While governors in states Seven weeks into Italy’s sick with COVID-19.
as US states move like hard-hit New York and strict lockdown, Premier “We’ve got to be nimble
at various speeds Michigan are keeping stay- Giuseppe Conte laid out a and we have to follow the
at-home restrictions in long-awaited timetable for science and be really smart
By Amy Forliti place until at least mid-May, getting back to normal, an- about how we reengage,”
and Joseph Wilson their counterparts in places nouncing that factories, she said, “because no one —
Associated Press such as Georgia, Oklahoma construction sites and no one, even if you’re a
and Alaska are allowing wholesale supply busi- protester or you’re the sit-
MINNEAPOLIS — Spain certain businesses to re- nesses can resume activity JOSEP LAGO/GETTY-AFP ting governor or you’re on
let children go outside and open. Churches in Montana as soon as they put safety Young sisters race along a street Sunday in Barcelona, another side of the issue —
play Sunday for the first began holding in-person measures in place against Spain, after being stuck at home for six weeks. we know that no one wants
time in six weeks as Europe- services again Sunday. the virus. a second wave.”
an countries methodically The official death toll Conte also said starting dren’s shrieks of joy and the back.” His French counter- In Montana, some
worked to ease their lock- from the virus topped May 4, parks and gardens clatter of bicycles after part likewise said he will churchgoers returned to
downs and reopen their 200,000 worldwide, with will reopen, funerals will be youngsters under 14 were unveil a “national decon- Sunday services as a general
economies, while in the over 2.9 million confirmed allowed, athletes can re- allowed out of their homes finement strategy” on the stay-at-home order expired.
United States, governors infections, according to a sume training, and people with one parent for up to an same day. At Christ the King Lutheran
moved at differing speeds, tally by Johns Hopkins Uni- will be able to visit relatives hour of play. In the U.S., where Presi- Church in Billings, every
some more aggressive, oth- versity, though the real fig- living in the same region. If “This is wonderful! I can’t dent Donald Trump has other pew was kept empty.
ers more cautious. ures are believed to be much all goes well, stores and believe it has been six repeatedly pushed to re- Roughly 100 people stream-
Elsewhere around the higher, in part because of museums will open May 18, weeks,” Susana Sabate, a open the country for busi- ed into St. Anthony Catholic
world, China’s state-run inadequate testing and dif- and restaurants, cafes and mother of 3-year-old twin ness and a split has opened Church in Laurel, where
media said hospitals in ferences in counting the salons on June 1, he said. boys, said in Barcelona. “My among the states along often ushers tried to keep families
Wuhan, the original epicen- dead. But he warned if people boys are very active. Today partisan lines, Oklahoma separate from one another
ter of the disaster, no longer Italy, Britain, Spain and don’t wear masks and obey when they saw the front Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republi- and large bottles of hand
have COVID-19 patients, af- France accounted for more social-distancing rules, “the door and we gave them their can, told Fox News that with sanitizer were at the sanctu-
ter a crisis in which the city than 20,000 deaths each, curve of contagion can rise scooters, they were thrilled.” hospitalizations dropping in ary’s entrance.
recorded nearly 3,900 the U.S. for about 55,000. again, it will go out of Spanish Prime Minister his state, he will reopen On the other side of the
deaths. And British Prime Some encouraging signs control, deaths will climb Pedro Sanchez will present churches and restaurant Atlantic, as Britain’s prime
Minister Boris Johnson were seen, as Italy recorded and we’ll have irreparable a detailed plan Tuesday for dining on Friday, with so- minister returns to work, he
planned to be back at his its lowest 24-hour number damage” to the economy. the “de-escalation” of cial-distancing guidelines in faces calls for clarity on
desk Monday at No. 10 of deaths since mid-March, In Spain, where the crisis Spain’s lockdown, saying: place. when his government will
Downing St. after a bout with 260, and New York is also easing, the streets “Maximum caution will be “We believe it’s the time ease the lockdown, now set
with the coronavirus that state registered its fewest echoed again with chil- our guideline for the roll- to have a measured reopen- to run until at least May 7.

Heart, stroke patients stay home amid COVID-19 crisis

By Gina Kolata artery, but Virachan was left A recent paper by cardi- — out of breath with the ment have little to fear. heart attack patients in Jan-
The New York Times with a weakened heart. Had ologists at nine large medi- slightest exertion, his legs “We prepared for an on- uary, he said. In February,
he waited much longer, doc- cal centers estimated a 38% swelling. Finally, on April 16, slaught, but it has not ar- there were 32, and in March,
Bishnu Virachan was a tors said, he would have reduction since March 1 in he went to the Cleveland rived,” Albers said. 12. In April, so far the
bicycle deliveryman for a died. the number of patients with Clinic. Dr. Samin Sharma, who number is just six.
grocery store in Queens. Fear of the coronavirus is serious heart attacks coming What should have been heads the cardiac cathe- Researchers in Austria es-
With New York City locked leading people with life- in to have urgently needed an easily treated heart attack terization lab at Mount Sinai timated that in March 110
down, he was busier than threatening emergencies, procedures to open their had progressed to a life- Hospital in New York, said citizens died from untreated
ever. like a heart attack or stroke, arteries. threatening disaster. He sur- the number of heart attack heart attacks, compared
But in early April, as he to stay home when ordinari- On a recent day at the vived after a dicey operation patients fell from seven in with 86 who died of
was watching television, he ly they would have rushed to Cleveland Clinic, there were and spent nearly a week in February to three in March. COVID-19. They based their
felt “a pain in my heart.” It the emergency room, pre- only seven patients in the intensive care, including So far in April there have calculations on a precipitous
frightened him, but he did liminary research suggests. 24-bed coronary care unit. several days on a ventilator, been only two. decline in patients going to
not go to the emergency Without prompt treatment, Usually the unit is full. Nissen said. It’s not just the United hospitals, the expected
room. Virachan, 43, was some patients have suffered “Where are the patients?” The inpatient stroke unit States. Dr. Valentin Fuster, number of heart attacks in
even more afraid of that. permanent damage or have asked Dr. Steven Nissen, a at Stanford University Med- editor of the Journal of Austria and the mortality
“What can I do? What died. cardiologist there. “That ical Center in California American College of Cardi- rates of untreated heart at-
can I do?” he asked. “Every- Emergency rooms have can’t be normal.” usually has 12 to 15 patients, ology, said he is getting so tacks.
where, the coronavirus.” about half the normal num- One of the few was a man said its director, Dr. Gregory many papers from around At the moment, it is
After a few days, pain ber of patients, and heart who lives in Cleveland. Ac- Albers. On one recent day in the world on the steep nearly impossible to know
overrode fear and he went to and stroke units are nearly cording to Nissen, the man April, there were none at all, decline in heart attack pa- who is not showing up in
Mount Sinai Hospital in empty, according to doctors felt chest pain while doing something that had never tients in hospitals that he emergency rooms, and why,
Manhattan. Doctors discov- at many urban medical cen- pushups but feared going to happened. simply cannot publish them said Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a
ered a nearly complete ters. Some medical experts the hospital because there Yet few COVID-19 pa- all. cardiologist at Yale Uni-
blockage of his left main fear more people are dying might be coronavirus pa- tients have been admitted to A hospital in Jaipur, In- versity.
coronary artery. from untreated emergencies tients there. He stayed home the hospital, and people dia, for example, that “You can’t find the dog
A surgeon opened the than from the coronavirus. for a week, growing weaker needing emergency treat- Sharma owns, treated 45 that doesn’t bark,” he said.
Dr. Donald S. Gann
A trauma surgeon, professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins DEATH NOTICES
The Baltimore Sun extends condolences to the
University School of Medicine and University of Maryland
By Frederick N. Rasmussen of the American Association for the Surgery
families and loved ones of those who have passed.
of Trauma. He was also a member of the BARRETT, Richard Joseph MICHEL, Evelyn
Dr. Donald S. Gann, a trauma surgeon and American Association of Endocrine Sur- HYMAN, Rona SOPHOCLEUS, Sophoclis John
a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins geons, American College of Surgeons, Hal- KLAVENS, Ethel WALKER, SR., Franklin “John”
University School of Medicine and at the sted Society, Southern Surgical Association,
University of Maryland, died Feb. 3 of Endocrine Society and the Biomedical
undetermined causes at his Brooklandville Engineering Society, of which he was
home. He was 87. president from 1971 to 1972.
Donald Stuart Gann, son of Dr. Mark Dr. Gann and Dan Darlington, a physiolo- MICHEL, Evelyn
Gann, chief of surgery at Sinai Hospital, and gist, established Shock Therapeutics Evelyn Michel, of Pikesville, MD,
his wife, Beatrice Gann, an educator, was Biotechnologies Inc., whose mission is to died on April 16th, 2020 at the
age of 85. She couldn’t wait until
born in Baltimore and raised on Eutaw Place create and develop patented treatment for her daughters arrived to be with
and later in Catonsville. hemorrhagic shock and currently is raising her, because she had a better
He attended Polytechnic Institute funds to develop a patented antibody that place to be – back with Big Al,
through the 11th grade, when he left high will allow patients to live from one to four with whom she enjoyed nearly
school early to attend Dartmouth College at hours until appropriate lifesaving pro- 61 lovingly codependent years
of marriage.
the age of 16. cedures can be performed. Evelyn (Evie, Bubbie, Ev, Evelina)
“He never received a high school di- “I’ve known Dr. Gann all of my academic was born on February 2nd
ploma,” said his daughter, Susan Hibbs of life. I shared a post-doc fellowship with him 1935 in Philadelphia, PA. She
Brooklandville. and he gave me a faculty position in surgery was an only child who spent
BACIGALUPA, John F. her formative years sitting on a cushion as not to
Dr. Gann was a 1952 magna cum laude at Hopkins which I had for18 years,” said Dr. 04/27/1964 - 11/01/2004 get her dress dirty. She was tall and elegant from a
graduate of Dartmouth with a double major Darlington, who holds a Ph.D. “He was very John on your Birthday very young age and remained so until her death.
As always you are in our thoughts Evelyn was the daughter of Murray and Rose Charney.
in physics and philosophy. He was elected to smart and very kind but very demanding. And Prayers Everyday
Phi Beta Kappa. His thoughts were don’t shoot for the moon Murray managed the Maple Manufacturing plant in
We all Love you and miss you Philadelphia, and Rose played rummy and created
He earned his medical but shoot for the stars and Love Mother, Dad, and Family amazing knitwear, including numerous evening gowns
degree in 1956 from the then you can see how you that Evelyn wore throughout most of her life. She met
DEATH / LODGE NOTICES a dashingly handsome soldier, Brooklyn-bred Allen
Johns Hopkins University can soar.”
School of Medicine. From He said that Dr. Gann Michel (the aforementioned Big Al) at a USO dance
BARRETT, Richard Joseph in Philadephia. Evelyn loved to tell the story of their
1956 to 1957, he completed a eschewed all titles. Richard Joseph Barrett, 89, engagement, when Al approached her one day and
residency in surgery at Hop- “He’d tell academics, of Baldwin, Maryland, passed said, “I might as well tell you I’m getting married.”
kins and an assistant resi- ‘My name Dan’ and that away in the comfort of his home In true Evie sardonic style she replied, “oh--anyone I
surrounded by his loving family know?” Luckily she stuck around to hear the end of
dency in surgery at Union everyone was equal. He on April 24th, 2020. the story, because the beautiful bride he was talking
Memorial Hospital. treated you like a peer, and Born Nov. 3, 1930, in Baltimore, about was not the dreaded rival “Miss Bedroom
“His contribution to med- he expected you to act like he was the son of the late Slippers” but her. They married in 1956, and after a
icine was multi-faceted; he one. And because everyone Russell Leo Barrett, Sr. and Clara few years of living in “a fourth-floor walkup with no
(Olszewski) Barrett. He and his heat after 9”, Evelyn and Allen relocated from New
was a surgeon, an innovator, was equal, there was no brothers owned and operated York to Baltimore so Allen could start his career in
an educator, a mentor, a fear or retribution,” he said. two Amoco gasoline stations in Electrical Engineering at Bethlehem Steel.
research scientist and the “And he realized he didn’t the Baltimore area for nearly 30 Together, Evelyn and Allen had two daughters – Nina
author of hundreds of pub- Dr. Donald Gann was a long- know everything and he’d years, one in Parkville, the other and Carin. The Michels had a wonderful, traditional
at 4 Corners in Jacksonville. family life, spending summers at the Sparrows Point
lished articles, chapters and time member of the Stony say, ‘Tell me what you Richard, beloved husband of the late Joyce A. Barrett Country Club pool, taking road trips in the station
books,” according to a bio- Run Friends Meeting. know so we can move this (nee Schamberger); devoted father of Celina Ettinger wagon, enjoying extended family get togethers, and
graphical profile submitted along faster.’ He wanted to and her husband Charles, Susan Barrett, and Jill having dinner together every night. Nina and Carin
by his family. learn as much as he possibly could.” Tsakiris; loving grandfather of Brandon Barrett, Brent still sometimes wonder how they hit the jackpot of
Ettinger, and Craig Ettinger; dear brother of Betty having such amazing parents. Evelyn had a lifelong
“The surgery decision happened to me in Dr. Darlington, who lives in San Antonio, Grauling and Rodney Barrett. love of dance, specifically ballet, even dancing with
medical school,” Dr. Gann explained in an described Dr. Gann as a “genius and was Memorial Service to be determined at a later date. In the Philadelphia Opera Ballet in her youth, though
interview with the American Association for simply something else.” lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made she mostly played male roles because she was so
the Surgery of Trauma. “I initially intended Dr. Gann became a Quaker at a young age in his name to the Alzheimer’s Association at tall. She passed on her love of dance to her daughter
to be some variety of scientist. I was sort of and was a longtime member of the Stony Nina (who became quite good) and to Al (who learned
some moves to better accompany his beautiful
groping around. I had a bit of a head start Run Friends Meeting. “His life was deeply wife as they lit up countless dance floors.) She also
working with some pretty distinguished informed by his spiritual practice and the HYMAN, Rona loved theatre, PBS dramas and all of the arts. She
physiologists but didn’t have any sense of values of Quakerism,” according to the On April 25, 2020, Dr. Rona participated in, attended and supported social justice
what I was going to do. I also found that I family profile. Hyman (nee Waxman), age 95; and arts endeavors throughout her life. Al & Ev had a
beloved wife of the late Alvin robust social life with many friends and memorable
was dexterous enough to do some unusually He served twice as clerk of the American occasions. Both Al and Ev were incredibly smart and
Hyman; cherished mother of
complicated things.” Friends Service Committee, a Quaker or- Phyllis Bloom and the late Joel taught their daughters the importance of reading,
In1967, when Dr. Gann was 36, he became ganization founded in 1917 to promote peace Hyman; dear mother-in-law of studying, being financially savvy, not cheating in
the first chair of the newly established and social justice locally, nationally and Elliot Bloom and Brenda Hyman; school, taking care of those around them, and staying
devoted sister of the late Ivan connected with family. When the girls were old
department of biomedical engineering at internationally. In his capacity as AFSC enough for her to go back to school, Evelyn decided
Waxman; loving grandmother of
Case Western Reserve University. He was an clerk, he worked with multiple Nobel Louis Hyman (Katherine Howe), to pursue a paralegal degree at then-Villa Julie College
assistant resident in surgery at University laureates to restrict the global trade in small Rachel Hyman, Noah (Shannon) in Stevenson, MD. It was no surprise to anyone but
Hospitals from 1960 to 1962 and chief arms. Hyman, Elijah Hyman, David Evelyn herself that she quickly established herself as
(Erica) Bloom, and the late Aaron one of the leading students in her program, graduating
resident in surgery from 1962 to 1963. In a 1997 Baltimore Sun interview he with honors and a stellar GPA. She excelled in college
Bloom; adoring Bubbie of Micah, Noah, Joel, Kylee and
In 1970, he returned to Hopkins as a mocked the slogan, “Guns don’t kill people, Charles; daughter of the late Samuel Waxman, Helen while helping the girls with countless term papers and
professor of biomedical engineering and people do.” Shaffer Smith and Clarence Smith. history assignments. After graduation, she worked
associate professor of surgery, and four years “I do think guns kill people. And some- Rona was born and raised in Baltimore, graduating in as a paralegal for more than 30 years. Evelyn was
later was appointed professor of emergency times, the people pulling the trigger are 1942 from Forest Park High School. She was very fond more than book smart. She was a huge consumer
of her years at Forest Park as she was the yearbook of information and data, staying up to date on
medicine and director of the division of people who don’t even know what they’re photographer. Rona attended Temple University world events and local happenings. She always had
emergency medicine, a newly created de- doing — like little kids. And sometimes the School of Podiatry in Philadelphia. As a woman something to say (and was always the last to leave a
partment. victims are people who are not intended to attending college during the years of 1942-1945 she party because she was still saying it.)
When he came to Hopkins, he told The be shot — like little kids,” he said. encountered different obstacles placed in her way. Evelyn endured many health struggles throughout
Not to be undermined, Rona and two other female her life. She won four separate battles with cancer,
Evening Sun that his long-range interest was In 1960, Dr. Gann married the former Gail classmates out performed the men by ranking first continued her passion for dancing despite a severe
“the application of science to the care of Burgan, a nurse practitioner at the Uni- through third in the graduation class. case of mostly untreated childhood scoliosis and
people.” versity of Maryland. Rona met Alvin on a blind date and married him in other spinal issues, and cursed at the inhaler she
Dr. Gann left Hopkins in 1979 and went to “I couldn’t have done it without the kind 1946. They established a home in Reading, PA where used for late onset asthma. Her bouts with serious
Joel and Phyllis were born. The family relocated to illness slowed her down only temporarily, and always
Brown University in Providence, Rhode of support I’ve had, not to mention some- Baltimore in 1952. Rona established her Podiatry resulted in her getting more daring as her life went on,
Island, to establish and chair the department body who is willing to live anywhere, Practice in her father’s office. Dedicated to her never passing up an outing or adventure because she
of surgery at the university. He also had a almost,” he explained in the American patients Rona practiced well into her 80’s. was too sick, too old, or too tired.
second role as surgeon in chief at the Rhode Association for the Surgery Trauma inter- Rona was always involved in her children’s lives. Rona As Bubbie to Ren - 15, and Seamus - 8, Evelyn
and Alvin were involved with the Teen Centers, so the expanded her horizons even more, learning to love
Island Hospital, also in Providence. view. “I learned early on that I’ve married kids could have a safe place. Rona was always “MOM” freestyle skiing, hockey, soccer, and legos. Her world
After returning to Baltimore in 1988, he somebody that’s smarter than I am, and I like to many. Always a great cook, family meals were was shattered in 2017, when Big Al took his leave of
practiced surgery and held four high-level it that way; but she feels the other way about shared. Rona loved reading and shared her love of this earth. But while she yearned and mourned for
assignments at the University of Maryland it, and that makes it nice, too.” reading throughout her life. She was a die hard Colts, him every day, she never stopped pushing through
Ravens and Orioles Fan. the obstacles around her. She continued to live her
Medical Center, where he headed the Because of the coronavirus pandemic, Rona was loved by many and will be missed by all. life until she died, and made the world a better place
division surgical critical care from 1992 to plans for a memorial service to be held this Funeral services are private. Please omit flowers. for having been here.
2000. He was also chief of the trauma summer are incomplete. Contributions in her memory may be sent to the Evelyn is survived by her children Nina Michel and
surgery and critical care sections, and chief In addition to his wife of 60 years and National Museum of American Jewish Military History, husband David Bittner; Carin Michel and husband
1811 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. Note: Kevin McCance; her grandchildren Ren Bittner and
of the section of endocrine surgery. daughter, Dr. Gann is survived by three sons, to the Alvin A. Hyman Yahrzeit Memorial Board. Seamus McCance; and so many friends and extended
He retired from UMMS in 2010. Donald S. Gann Jr. of Reisterstown, Robert Contributions may also be made to The Associated: family members who will all miss her dearly.
Dr. Gann’s professional associations in- Gann and Richard Gann, both of Providence; Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, 101 W. Mt. Services are private. The family will celebrate Evelyn’s
cluded serving as president from1987 to1988 and three grandchildren. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201. Please request long and wonderful life with a memorial gathering
that they be directed to Jewish Volunteer Connection. when circumstances permit. Donations in memory of Evelyn can be made to: Gilchrist Hospice in Towson;
PBS; St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, or any charity of
your choosing that supports the humanitarian ideals
Remembering the lives lost to coronavirus Evelyn espoused.
As the number of coronavirus deaths rises, The Baltimore Sun is working to KLAVENS, Ethel
chronicle those who have lost their lives in the Baltimore area or who have con- Ethel Wollach Klavens passed
away on April 22, 2020 at the
nections to our region. Submit information at age of 98. She is survived by her
or contact us at 410-332-6100 during regular business hours. daughters, Susan Klavens (David SOPHOCLEUS, Sophoclis John
L.) Hutner, Stefanie Klavens, and Sophoclis John “Soph” Sophocleus of Ellicott City, MD
Julie Klavens; granddaughter, passed away on April 23, 2020 at the age of 90. The
Elana Klavens Hutner; and many beloved husband of Ann (Davis) is survived by his de-
beloved nieces and nephews. voted family and friends, all of whom he loved dearly.
JAMES BEGGS 1926-2020 She was predeceased by her Services and interment are private. In lieu of flowers,
husband, Sidney R. Klavens; donations may be sent to: Greek Orthodox Cathedral

Ex-NASA official resigned after disaster parents, Louis and Matel

Wollach; and five sisters.
Ethel was the moving force
of the Annunciation, 24 W. Preston St. Baltimore, MD
21201. Please view and sign the family’s guestbook at:
Associated Press others.” behind large and lovingly remembered extended
family gatherings for many decades. She loved to cook WALKER, SR., Franklin “John”
Charles Beggs said his father was proud and bake, had a great passion for bridge, and was a On April 25, 2020 Franklin “John”
BETHESDA — Former NASA adminis- to receive a NASA award named after long-time loyal follower of The New Yorker magazine. Walker, Sr. passed away. He was
trator James Beggs, who led the agency Robert Goddard, a pioneer in the rocketry Funeral services are private. Please omit flowers. the beloved husband of the late
Contributions in her memory may be sent to the U.S. Patricia Margaret Walker (nee
during the early years of the space shuttle field. Montague); devoted father of
Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg
program and resigned after the Challenger NASA had more than 20 successful space Place S.W., Washington, DC 20024 or Simon Franklin John Walker, Jr. and his
disaster killed seven astronauts in 1986, died shuttle missions during Beggs’ tenure. The Wiesenthal Center, 1399 South Roxbury Drive, Los wife Deborah, James Robert
Thursday at his home in Bethesda. He was Washington Post described him as a popular Angeles, CA 90035. Walker and his wife Mary, and Sharon Denise Morabito and
94. and charismatic figure who was skilled at her husband Frederick; loving
Congestive heart failure is suspected to dealing with lawmakers on Capitol Hill. grandfather of six grandchildren
be the cause of his death, according to one of “There is no telling where our vision and and three great-grandchildren.
his sons, Charles Beggs. imagination will lead us once we have the A memorial service will be held
at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations
President Ronald Reagan nominated space station,” he said in 1985, according to may be made in Franklin’s name to the Alzheimer’s
Beggs to become the sixth administrator of the newspaper. “As Shakespeare put it, Features of the On-line Death Notice
Association, 225 N. Michigan Ave., FL. 17, Chicago,
the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- ‘Thoughts are but dreams till their effects be • Follow the obituary, for updates IL 60601. Condolences may be left for the family at
istration. He served in the agency’s top tried.’ ” • Email to a friend
position from July 1981 to December 1985. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine • Share on Facebook
Beggs was on a leave of absence from the said Beggs’ work on the space shuttle • Create a Bookmark
post when the Challenger space shuttle program helped NASA “open a whole new • Post on Other Sites
broke apart 73 seconds after launch on Jan. era of exploration.” • Print the Death Notice
28, 1986, killing all seven astronauts aboard, “We continue to build on his legacy today
including New Hampshire schoolteacher as we take advantage of our long-term
Christa McAuliffe. presence in low-Earth orbit to make the “Free Obituary Alerts”
Beggs’ resignation took effect nearly a advances to travel farther, and seed an
month later. Charles Beggs recalled asking entirely new segment of the economy For specific names,
his father years later why he resigned. He through the innovations of commercial towns & more
said his father told him that NASA needed partners,” Bridenstine said in a statement.
to move on from the disaster with strong Beggs, a Pittsburgh native, graduated Sign up at:
leadership that he couldn’t provide under from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1947 and
the circumstances. served in the Navy until 1954. He was an
“Instead of hanging on, he resigned for executive vice president and a director of
the good of the organization,” Charles Beggs General Dynamics Corp. before becoming
said. “It wasn’t about him. It was about NASA administrator.

MARYLAND CASES BY THE NUMBERS Confirmed deaths in parentheses

Confirmed cases: 18,581 CONFIRMED CASES BY COUNTY
Female: 9,963 (400) Allegany 113 (3) Carroll 391 (36) Harford 319 (4) St. Mary’s 133 (6)
Male: 8,618 (427) Anne Arundel 1,510 (63) Cecil 154 (5) Howard 707 (15) Somerset 16
Negative test results: 78,084 Baltimore City 1,866 (73) Charles 504 (34) Kent 68 (3) Talbot 34 (1)
Number of confirmed deaths: 827 Baltimore County 2,509 (71) Dorchester 46 (2) Montgomery 3,645 (160) Washington 173 (3)
Currently hospitalized: 1463 Calvert 134 (7) Frederick 834 (39) Prince George’s 4,987 (163) Wicomico 270 (4)
Acute care: 933 Caroline 63 Garrett 4 Queen Anne’s 53 (3) Worcester 48
Intensive care: 530 Data Not Available (132)


African American (NH) 6,742 (305) Hispanic 2,841 (46) 0-9 212 30-39 3,109 (12) 60-69 2,651 (117) Maryland Health
Asian (NH) 363 (30) Other (NH) 707 (11) 10-19 463 40-49 3,270 (18) 70-79 1,837 (185) Department (as of
White (NH) 4,276 (301) Data Not Available 3,652 (134) 20-29 2,097 (4) 50-59 3,414 (54) 80+ 1,528 (305) Sunday morning)

INMATES paid, but said they were receiving a type of

emergency bonus pay. Maryland Correc-
tional Enterprises typically pays its inmate
fine in a prison.”
Julie Magers, who leads the Maryland
Prisoners’ Rights Coalition, said she’s not
From page 1 workers between 17 cents to $1.16 an hour, surprised that the inmates involved in the From page 1
4,000 correctional officers in the system. state records show. operation take pride in their work. asset in the reelection campaign — his
Additional supplies are going to protect Prison officials also declined to allow “They’re proud to do good work, of ability to blanket news headlines with
the inmates themselves from the spread of The Baltimore Sun to interview inmates course,” Magers said. “I’m sure they’re freewheeling performances — has be-
the disease, and then inmate-produced involved in the work. very happy to be helpful. Most of them are come a daily liability. At the same time,
gear will go to other state agencies, Green Officials did allow a few inmate workers happy to get out of their cell.” new Republican Party polling shows
said. to record video statements to send to The But she said the inmates should be paid Trump’s path to a second term depends
Even Gov. Larry Hogan has worn a Sun about the jobs they’re doing. much better, and that incarcerated indi- on the public’s perception of how
black mask made by the inmates. “It’s an honor,” one worker said in a viduals should be outfitted with the same quickly the economy rebounds from
“The mask that I was wearing was made video. “On behalf of the men here at MCE, protective gear that officers have. state-by-state shutdowns meant to slow
by prisoners at the Maryland correctional we’re honored to be able to participate in “They’re making all these masks. When the spread of the virus.
facility,” the Republican governor said as this endeavor to help with the greater are they going to see protective PPE?” Some states have started to ease
he recently toured a field hospital being set good of society. We not only want to leave Magers asked. “The amount of pay is closure orders and Trump is expected to
up at the Baltimore Convention Center. here and be productive members of completely inadequate for what they’re begin to highlight his administration’s
“They’re very happy to be doing this and society, but we’re starting in here by being doing.” work in helping businesses and employ-
be part of the solution. They’re excited to productive.” Under pressure from advocates, prison ees. Aides said the president would hold
be in some way helping their fellow State Sen. James Rosapepe, a Democrat officials in recent weeks have taken steps more frequent roundtables with CEOs,
Marylanders.” who represents Anne Arundel and Prince to try to reduce the population of correc- business owners and beneficiaries of the
The operation run by Maryland Correc- George’s counties, said he thought it was tional facilities to help slow the spread of trillions of dollars in federal aid already
tional Enterprises comes while the co- “terrific” news that the protective gear the virus. approved by Congress and begin to
ronavirus pandemic continues to spread made by inmate workers was going out to Hogan signed an executive order last outline what he hopes to see in a future
behind bars. More than 150 people who both prison staff and the incarcerated. week to expedite the release of hundreds recovery package.
work or live in Maryland’s prisons have “Prisons are like colleges and nursing of inmates. The order speeds up the Trump last left the White House
been infected with COVID-19, including 39 homes,” Rosapepe said. “They’re in very release of inmates who were already grounds in March and plans are being
inmates. Outbreaks have been detected at close quarters. Folks who are institutional- eligible to be released within the next four drawn up for a limited schedule of travel
11 institutions. One prisoner, a man in his ized are at particular risk. I’m glad they’re months and the processing of inmates within the next few weeks, an aide said.
60s, died from the disease. starting to protect the prisoners, as well as eligible for home detention. The order also It would be a symbolic show that the
The prisons involved in the manufac- the staff.” directs the Maryland Parole Commission nation is beginning to reopen.
turing include the Eastern Correctional Even so, Rosapepe said, he’s heard to accelerate consideration of parole for The shift comes in conjunction with
Institution in Westover on the Eastern concerns from union officials who repre- inmates convicted of nonviolent crimes what the White House sees as encourag-
Shore, the Maryland Correctional Train- sent correctional officers that the masks who are older than 60, have a good record ing signs across the country, with the
ing Center in Hagerstown, and both the produced by the Maryland Correctional while incarcerated, and have an approved pace of new infections stabilizing and
Maryland Correctional Institution and the Enterprises are not the N95 respirator plan for reentry to society. deaths declining. Still, medical experts
Maryland Correctional Institution for masks used in health care settings. State officials estimate the executive warn that the virus will remain until at
Women in Jessup. Patrick Moran, president of the Ameri- order will result in the early release of least a vaccine is developed and that the
Green said the inmates in the program can Federation of State, County and about 800 additional inmates. risk of a severe second wave is high if
wear protective gear while working and Municipal Employees Maryland Council 3 About 18,400 people are in state correc- social distancing is relaxed too quickly or
follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control union, said union leaders had to push the tional custody. Since March, the popula- if testing and contact-tracing plans aren’t
social distancing guidelines. His office state for weeks to equip correctional tion of people incarcerated at state-run developed before people return to nor-
supplied photos of workers wearing full- officers. prisons and jails has declined by about 650. mal behaviors.
body protective suits. “They finally made the face masks Magers said the only way to ensure The White House is deliberating
“The inmate population that works in mandatory, after we kept on pushing them prisons remain safe from the virus is to whether to continue to hold news
these programs, in a human crisis, they are for a month,” Moran said. “The officers continue to lower the number of inmates. briefings in a modified form without
pleased and proud of the opportunity they have face masks; they have face shields; She said the health care system behind Trump, potentially at a different loca-
have to lend a hand to the community and they have gloves and sanitizer. But they’re bars is “kind of a mess.” tion. Before Trump said in a tweet
try to make a difference,” Green said. not proper [protective gear]. They’re not “They need to de-carcerate as much as Saturday that they were “Not worth the
Prison officials did not provide details the proper N95 masks. The masks are fine possible,” Magers said. “De-carceration is time & effort,” aides had been eager to
about how much the inmates were being if you’re walking out on a street. It’s not the only way to really fix the problem.” use the briefings to highlight positive
trends and to overwhelm Americans
with statistics. It was an effort to restore
confidence in the response so that the
public would be comfortable resuming

DACA people from entering the workforce il-

It was such sentiments that helped drive
more normal activities.
“We know that’s important,” Dr.
Deborah Birx, the White House co-
From page 1 the Trump administration’s move to end ronavirus task force coordinator, told
justices in November that ending DACA DACA in 2017. But lower courts blocked the Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning
was “reasonable” because the Obama plan, and the case wound all the way to the Futures.” “We understand those mes-
administration policy was illegal in the U.S. Supreme Court. sages of science and policy need to be
first place. The parties mounting legal During oral arguments in November, the brought forward to the American people
challenges said the abrupt ending of DACA U.S. Justice Department said the govern- in a nonpolitical way.”
was unjustified. ment was within its right to end DACA Few Americans regularly look to or
While it’s possible a ruling could be because it was meant to be a “temporary trust Trump as a source of information
postponed until the next term, the justices stopgap measure” and the policy in itself on the pandemic, according to a survey
are expected to make a decision before the violated federal immigration law. The from The Associated Press-NORC Cen-
end of June. Immigration attorneys say it challengers argued that the government ter for Public Affairs Research released
can happen any week. failed to provide a legally sound explanation last week.
“That really freaks me out because my for abruptly ending a government program On Monday, the White House was
whole life is here,” said Rodas, who was that was supported and implemented for expected to release a recap of what the
brought to Maryland as an11-year-old by his five years. federal government has done so far to
mother. She feared he and his brother In a November Tweet, President Donald improve the availability of COVID-19
would be killed or recruited into gangs in El Trump claimed he would strike a deal for testing, personal protective equipment
Salvador. dreamers with Democrat lawmakers if the and ventilators. Still, governors in both
Now, he is a full-time operating room justices allow the program to end. Advo- parties say much more is needed,
support assistant and nursing student at the HANDOUT cates worry that would mean more immi- particularly in testing, in the coming
Community College of Baltimore County. Jonathan Rodas, 25, a DACA recipient, gration enforcement, which would break months, as they deliberate how and
“This is where I have my family, my awaits a Supreme Court ruling that could apart dreamers from their families, many of when to reopen their states.
friends.” determine whether he can stay in the U.S. whom are undocumented. “I want to get our economy back
Those who work closely with immi- The Public Information Office of the opened just as soon as we can, but I want
grants say that eliminating the program of requirements, passed a stringent back- Supreme Court did not respond to requests to do so in a safe way so we don’t have a
would have ripple effects in the communi- ground check, and paid a $500 application for information on the case. The U.S. Justice spike, we don’t cause more deaths, or an
ties where they have deep roots. Not only fee to renew it every two years. Department declined to comment “due to overloading of our health care system,”
are they already vulnerable in many ways, Garcia is now a teaching assistant for ongoing litigation.” Gov. Larry Hogan, R-Md., told ABC’s
with less access to health care and English language learners at Lakeland And with the coronavirus, the case has “This Week.”
government services, but many also are Elementary/Middle school, where he’s stirred more attention. Birx expressed frustration that
working in key professions across the mentored students for two years. In April, members of Congress, including Trump’s injection comments were still
country, advocates say. “I found my place where I belong, and I Maryland’s Democratic senators, Chris Van in the headlines, illustrating the tensions
“They are our children’s teachers, our love it,” Garcia said. But he’s worried about Hollen and Ben Cardin, sent a letter urging that have emerged between the presi-
health care workers, and an essential part of providing for his wife and two daughters. Trump to automatically extend work au- dent and his medical advisers.
our economy and community,” said Lydia The imminent decision during the pan- thorizations for DACA recipients and other “As a scientist and a public health
Walther-Rodriguez, the Baltimore director demic has left him in a state of anguish. immigrants. official and a researcher, sometimes, I
for CASA, an advocacy group for Latino and “It’s very overwhelming,” Garcia said. “I On April 20, the Supreme Court ac- worry that we don’t get the information
immigrant people in Maryland, Pennsylva- cannot afford to be sick. I cannot afford to cepted a new filing by lawyers for the to the American people that they need,
nia and Virginia. not have a job.” DACA recipients, asking the court to when we continue to bring up some-
About 60% of all DACA recipients are While the coronavirus crisis has up- consider the “catastrophic” impact that thing that was from Thursday night,” she
part of Maryland’s workforce. The most ended life for everyone, Nick Katz, legal ending the program would have on the said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
common industries of employment are program manager at CASA, says DACA economy and on public health measures. As the White House hopes it has
food prep, sales, office and administrative, recipients and other undocumented immi- It remains unclear if the U.S. Immigra- turned a corner, it is also beginning to
healthcare and healthcare support, con- grants have been hit particularly hard tion and Customs Enforcement agency assess responsibility for critical mis-
struction, and building and grounds because they don’t have the same access to plans to go after DACA recipients based on steps. Two senior administration offi-
cleaning and maintenance, according to an government resources. the Supreme Court decision. In an email, a cials said Trump has begun discussions
analysis from the nonpartisan Migration DACA recipients pay taxes but are not spokesperson for ICE pointed to a March about replacing Health and Human
Policy Institute. eligible for public benefits such as cash statement that says the agency will focus Services Secretary Alex Azar, who led
Despite his uncertain future, Rodas says assistance, food stamps or Medicaid. They enforcement on “public safety risks and the coronavirus task force during its
he feels compelled to assist the nurses he are not eligible to apply for health insurance individuals subject to mandatory detention initial weeks and has been blamed for a
looks up to, and make sure patients get the through the Maryland Health Connection, based on criminal grounds.” culture of bureaucratic infighting during
care they need. according to the state department of health. Meanwhile, those with DACA protection that period. Azar has been largely
“This was my calling,” the Halethorpe And on Wednesday, DACA students were try to put it out of their minds and focus on sidelined since Vice President Mike
man said. “I want to help people out.” left out of the federal emergency aid plan by the day-to-day. Pence took charge.
Another DACA recipient, Missael Gar- the U.S. Department of Education. Garcia is most concerned with helping Trump on Sunday denied that he was
cia, not only works at an elementary school, Critics argue that DACA should be his fifth- and sixth-graders with the going to fire Azar in a tweet, saying “Alex
but he is also a long-time community leader, terminated because it entices parents to challenges that come with online learning is doing an excellent job!”
volunteering at a local food bank during the stay in the country without authorization. and raising his 2-year-old daughter.
“I consider myself part of this city — part
“The fact that they have been allowed to
stay and allowed to work sends a message
“I’m a man of faith, I’m a man of God,”
said Garcia, “ and I know he’s gonna help us
“I want to get our
of this country, to be honest,” said Garcia, all around the world to parents, that it’s
worth it to come here on vacation and then
overcome everything that is happening.”
Meanwhile, Rodas tries to stay positive
economy back opened
29, who moved to Baltimore from Mexico
when he was 12. never leave,” said Roy Beck, President of and reminds himself of why he shows up to just as soon as we can,
Before DACA, Garcia worked in con- NumbersUSA, a low-immigration advo- the hospital every day.
struction, hotels and restaurants. The cacy group in Virginia. “I’m here because patients need our but I want to do so in
introduction of DACA in 2012 opened new Beck acknowledges that ending DACA help,” Rodas said Thursday, during a break.
opportunities for him. will cause a disruption to the lives of many. “I wish I could do more.” a safe way so we don’t
Under the initiative, undocumented im-
migrants were eligible to work legally and
But he believes it could force the president
and Congress to come up with a permanent
He plans to finish the spring semester
virtually and keep patients calm in a
have a spike.”
shielded from deportation if they met a set solution, something he argues would stop chaotic situation, for as long as he’s able. Gov. Larry Hogan

State’s essential child care

providers are on the brink
of disaster amid pandemic

Thank you for your thorough coverage
of the issues facing Maryland’s child care
community during the COVID-19 pan-
demic and beyond (“Maryland child care EDITORIAL NOTEBOOK
providers struggling to pay the bills as
coronavirus rages on,” April 21). The
stories told from the perspective of pro-
viders and parents are ones I hear often
and from all across our state.
The evidence is more than anecdotal.
The National Association for the Educa-
tion of Young Children conducted a
national COVID-19 survey: “Effects of the
Pandemic on Child Care. NAEYC found
that 33% of Maryland child care programs
say they would not survive closing for
more than two weeks without significant
public investment and support that would
allow them to compensate and retain staff,
pay rent and cover other fixed costs,” while
20% would not survive a closure of any
length of time without such support.
Imagine if those statistics came from any
other sector of Maryland’s economy —
banking, defense or even horse breeding.
Citizens would be outraged and demand
Yet a collapse of the child care system
would pose enormous if not insurmount-
able barriers to getting these and all other
industries fully operational and citizens
back to work.
If crucial and immediate steps to protect
and sustain child care are not taken,
economic recovery could be severely
Child care was deemed an essential

Five things we’ve learned

service during this crisis. Thousands of
providers kept their doors open to make
sure Marylanders could be safe, fed and
their health care needs met. Like other
essential workers, child care providers

from six weeks of lockdown

don’t want to be applauded or called
What counts is support from policy-
makers that recognizes child care pro-
viders are essential even during the best of
times. Back in March when America had open shopping malls and perhaps simply how to run Zoom. The biggest mistake would be
Without that, not only will the economy movie theaters and the opportunity to see them in person, the to pretend you remember high school calculus when you don’t or
falter but our children and grandchildren concept of staying home seemed not so onerous. (Aside from even how to diagram a sentence when you can’t quite recall the
will suffer too. those of us who were clearly worried about toilet paper supplies). difference between a participle and a gerund. This rule applies to
Mary M. Gunning, Baltimore Spend more time with the family. Either get some time off the job people who think the discovery that a virus reacts badly to
The writer is director of Catholic Chari- or work in peace online. Maybe catch up on Netflix. That lasted sunlight, heat or disinfectant is groundbreaking stuff. They ought
ties Head Start of Baltimore City. maybe two days. Soon, members of our household realized that to leave that to medical professionals. (This was made especially
stay-in-place, however necessary to slow the spread of a clear by the medical professional living in our home who is prone
Virtual health care extends contagion, could feel remarkably like home detention. The to yelling at the TV set at exactly these moments at a pitch that
pandemic grew worse. Things got a little scarier. And we alerts the deer grazing about a mile away).
to mental health as well in struggled to redefine our lives in the midst of a deadly COVID-19
time of great uncertainty outbreak and the economic morass that has followed. 3. Look out for others. It has been touching to see gifts left at the
The Jensen family would like to report it’s been all sunshine doorstep (like those cookies we received), people loaning out
I want to commend The Baltimore Sun and roses and cartoon unicorns. It has not. But we have learned. books and games to bored neighbors and stuffed animals peering
for highlighting the diligent work of area And, after a month and a half of living this new reality, we have out windows to entertain passersby. The local community
hospitals to create virtual access to health made some discoveries that can be passed down to future bulletin board alerts us when a toilet paper roll shows up in a
care for Marylanders in response to the generations — assuming that stay-in-place orders are eventually nearby market. Here’s a gift we can present back to readers: Don’t
COVID-19 crisis (“The doctor is always in,” lifted, there isn’t a return to them later this year or next, a vaccine watch the evening coronavirus task force news conferences on
April 20). However, we may have missed is eventually discovered and tested, and, well, you know the drill. television, unless you really, really have to watch them — or enjoy
an opportunity by not highlighting virtual Here are the top five: watching doctors cringe. (No, seriously, check out the video that
mental health care as a crucial component captures Dr. Deborah Birx’s facial expression when that
necessary to ensure the health and well- 1. Be kind. Hey, this doesn’t come naturally to those of us who disinfectant idea was presented. Priceless).
being of all Marylanders. make a living writing opinions. But everything, and we mean
Sheppard Pratt and other mental health everything, works better in a household that lives by this rule. 4. Take care of yourself. Socially-distanced neighborhood
care providers around the region now offer And we are not just talking about being kind to those who live walks are essential. So is eating a balanced diet even when snacks
a multitude of clinical services via tele- under the same roof, we try to be kind to neighbors, to colleagues, are tempting. Taking a little mental health break is probably a
health. These services include teletherapy to those we encounter at the grocery store, to the postal carrier good idea, too. Oh, and here’s a tip: Don’t eat the Lysol. Even the
and telemedicine for individuals needing and on and on. Recently, we dispatched two cups of cake flour to makers of disinfectants think ingesting their product is a bad
ongoing psychotherapy and medication a neighbor whose daughter wanted to recreate Berger cookies. idea.
management. Further, providers are also The next day, samples of those cookies, chocolate frosting and all,
offering group treatments as well as more were placed at our door. 5. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, be grateful and
intensive outpatient programs for sub- Oh, we’ll admit there are challenging moments, such as when appreciate the little things. Before the pandemic, how many
stance use and mental health disorders. a certain occupant of the White House takes to the podium in the of us really gave much thought to our own mortality? To life’s
A pandemic can be a time of great evenings to suggest that the country needs tests or, on another purpose? To what we hold dear? It’s easy to get wrapped up in
uncertainly, triggering disruption in other- occasion, that it doesn’t need tests. Or when this same person distractions. Sometimes, a little change of pace is good for
wise stable services as well as a mental claims coronavirus isn’t going to be a problem in the U.S. and then clearing out the cobwebs and sharing more time with your
health crisis for individuals and their insists he always said it would be. Or when this nameless college student son, who, I can faithfully attest, is really, really
families. individual speculates that scientists should be studying injecting sick of his parents. And, of course, we can all be glad that the
Sheppard Pratt’s recently announced disinfectants or a “powerful” light into the body. Anyway, happy individual we are not naming (because it might violate Lessons 1
Virtual Crisis Walk-in Clinic helps meet thoughts, happy thoughts. and 4 and possibly 5) is not our personal physician prescribing
the need of these patients across Maryland hydroxychloroquine or maybe a flashlight “under the skin”
by providing timely care. These services 2. Don’t claim to know something you don’t. A lot of parents because he’s just tired of catching grief for a pandemic he hasn’t
have also helped alleviate pressure from have found themselves at odds with their kids over school work. handled especially well. Surely, we can all be glad about that.
the already busy emergency rooms during It hasn’t been easy. Whether it’s a lesson presented online or Peter Jensen is a longtime editorial writer at The Sun. He can be
the pandemic. contained in a wad of papers, your children may have questions, reached at
Now, beyond the current pandemic, I
am an ardent advocate for telehealth.
Limited access to mental health care poses
a significant challenge. Health care dispar-
ities continue to exist and poor access due
Tell us your stories Maryland Historical Society. The organization has launched a
“Collecting in Quarantine” initiative to capture how Maryland-
ers are living through this unique moment in history. The hope is
to provider shortages is a primary driver.
Telehealth can be a game changer and a
potential equalizer bringing care to those
who struggle with access to quality health-
of life in coronavirus that 100 years from how, these tales and pictures will lend
historical perspective to our nation’s next challenge — much like
stories of the 1918 flu informed our response to the novel
care. One month has passed since we first asked readers to share Send your stories, in 450 words or less, of lessons learned and
It also has the advantage of being snapshots of daily life amid coronavirus through emailed essays life lived to with the subject line
incredibly convenient for the patient, and photographs. Since then, some of us have lost jobs or gotten “CORONAVIRUS STORY.” Include your name, phone number
making it more likely to be utilized. ill, many of us have experienced the kindnesses of others, and and street address for verification purposes. We’ll edit and
Further, many of our patients do not have most of us have endured moments of extreme frustration and compile our favorites for later publication in The Sun, and share
easy access to transportation. Telehealth boredom. them with the Maryland Historical Society for potential
removes this barrier. Now, with a phased reopening in site, we’d like to ask for your inclusion in their collection, which will be saved for future
Finally, there are several mental health stories and images again, this time in partnership with the generations.
conditions that make the physical exertion
of going to see a provider in person far
more taxing than a virtual appointment.
For example, patients with anxiety and Talk to us THE BALTIMORE SUN
depression find it easier to turn on a The Baltimore Sun welcomes comments from readers A Tribune Publishing Company
computer screen than travel to an appoint- by email or online at
ment. Telehealth allows us to offer appro- TRIFFON G. ALATZAS
Readers respond submissions should be no longer
priate level of care to these patients. Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
than 400 words, and commentary submissions should
Prior to the pandemic, we were in the be 650-750 words, including author information. The
midst of suicide and opioid epidemics. NEWS LEADERSHIP BALTIMORE SUN
Sun reserves the right to edit and publish submissions MEDIA
Telepsychiatry has been a growing and online and in print. SAMUEL C. DAVIS,
important component of mental health Managing Editor / Audience SHARON F. NEVINS,
care and has proven invaluable given the Readers respond TRICIA BISHOP, Vice President /
shortage of mental health providers in Commentary Director of Content / Opinion Advertising
Maryland. EILEEN CANZIAN, Director of Content / TIMOTHY J. THOMAS,
For these reasons and more, I believe it Enterprise and Investigations Senior Vice President /
will and should remain an important Baltimore Sun editorial board KALANI GORDON, Director of Content /
Business Development
component of mental health care long after The Baltimore Sun editorial board offers opinions and
the pandemic. Audience and Analytics
analysis on news and issues relevant to readers
Dr. Deepak Prabhakar, Baltimore through staff-written editorials. It is separate from the JAY JUDGE, Director of Content /
The writer is medical director of outpa- newsroom. The board consists of Opinion Editor Tricia Community News and Market Editor
tient services at Sheppard Pratt Health Bishop; Deputy Opinion Editor Andrea K. McDaniels; ANNE TALLENT,
System. and Opinion Writer Peter Jensen. Director of Content / News

Remembering a neighborhood jewel

By Lauren Weiner (according to him).” As well as being and saw that he had repaired its loose
diligent and honest, he was pretty opinion- workings.
Spring’s renewal has been strange under ated. He would never knock off for the day He was in fact known for pooling the
the virus lockdown. Interrupting the still- “without cleaning and bagging every scrap neighbors’ tools, even displacing a leaf
ness of the city’s azalea-blooming neigh- up,” said another. “When he had to borrow blower or two among the homes of his
borhoods are the dog walkers, the joggers, money,” said a neighbor for whom he clients, in what one neighbor referred to as
the people who make the rounds delivering worked for 20 years, “he was scrupulous Mr. Hilton’s “community of resources.”
packages and mail. Anyone — visiting about working it off.” What did he do in his spare time? His
workman or resident — toiling outside Another cherishes the memory of him daughter, Tymeeka Hilton, said his apart-
gardening, or landscaping, or hammering riding on his moped, with helmet and cool ment in the Park Heights neighborhood
away on the roof of a garage is a reassuring sunglasses, down Falls Road. was filled with a profusion of houseplants
presence in the eerie quiet. Many years ago, Mr. Hilton lived for a that he enjoyed nurturing. He came from a
A presence who is missed, in my neck of while on Elmwood Road near Falls Road family of nine siblings, she said, and was a STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
the woods, is a man named Anthony Terrace, on the third floor of an enchanted- good singer. He left four grandchildren and Students are distance learning on comput-
Hilton. He tended to the yards and trees of looking Dutch colonial. The owner was a was about to become a great-grandfather. ers and tablets amid school closures.
our corner of Roland Park for decades. On client of Mr. Hilton’s, and Mr. Hilton did Mr. Hilton had many underlying health
March 29, the Baltimore native died at the
age of 59.
Mr. Hilton was a familiar sight for many
work on the interior of the house as well as
maintaining the garden. On Edgevale Road,
in another client’s garage, his moped was
issues, and he’d been hospitalized several
times in early March, his daughter said. It is
not yet known whether the coronavirus
A father’s woefully
of us, working at all hours nearly year-
round to move mulch, do battle with
(and still is) parked.
We hired him only recently, having seen
took his life. His family gathered for his
funeral service via a Zoom teleconference.
inadequate attempt
invasive plants and vines, or amass 5-foot- him around for years. Before that, he was “His honorable exertions had won him
high piles of leaves in the yards of his many
clients. The neighbors who knew him
someone with whom to exchange a
greeting as I passed while walking the
due esteem,” as the novelist George Eliot
once wrote. The man’s dedication to his
at homeschooling
personally exchanged reminiscences on
social media when the word spread that he
dogs. Once, as I came up the path behind
our house, I said hello and he asked me if I
task, his love of what is familiar, and his
pride in what is beautiful make Anthony during a pandemic
had passed away. owned a better rake than the one he was Hilton someone we won’t soon forget.
One of them said, “I will never look at a using. Mine didn’t seem much better to me, Lauren Weiner ( is By Jonathan Oglesby
honeysuckle without recollecting his dis- but he borrowed it. Finding it leaning a writer who has lived in Baltimore since
dain for ... the species that invaded this area against the fence at sundown, I picked it up 1992. Twenty-eight years after slamming shut
my final high school math book, I’ve had to
relearn algebra, brush up on more than a bit
of geometry and stumble through a review
of complex fractions. And that was just last
You see, my kids came home after school
on March 12 and haven’t left since, so, along
with millions of parents around the country,
I have suddenly and jarringly become a
home-school teacher. Our dining room table
has more computers on it than NASA
Mission Control and yet no one seems to be
able to find a charger anywhere in the house.
One kid’s schoolwork is almost entirely
online, the other’s appears to be several
reams worth of worksheets that I have to
scan at the end of each day and email to
various teachers. I’m certain I have been
caught in the background of more than one
synchronous video lesson fumbling with the
coffee maker in a T-shirt and boxers as one
or both kids wander through the house
carrying whatever device they happen to be
using at the moment.
These scenes are not unique to our house.
I have received too many “OMG! Home-
school!” memes to believe I suffer alone.
America’s education system was/is woefully
unprepared for a long-term interruption. In
the media, “continuity of learning” is the
catchphrase-du-jour, with “online learning”
close behind. However, there is almost zero
consistency across schools, districts and
states with respect to either. Some K-12
students have been supported throughout
this time; their schools having had a remote
learning plan in place before the onset of
JULIO CORTEZ/AP social distancing or being nimble enough to
There are many unknowns ahead, but the COVID-19 pandemic will surely result in deep cultural and life changes for us all. build a plane while flying it. Other students
have had what amounts to a month of

Coronavirus experience will

vacation with suggested supplemental on-
line learning material from their schools but
no accountable activity or assessed work.
Many states and districts remain “in
discussion” about plans to continue teach-

change life for every one of us ing and learning weeks into campus clo-
sures. Some students live on the wrong side
of the digital divide; some teachers are not
familiar with the tools necessary for online
learning; some parents are not able to
By Jonah Goldberg between watching and participating, and I Whether the lockdowns are warranted successfully monitor students who have not
don’t think anyone is appreciating the in every corner of the country is a different previously been responsible for their own
“Where were you when ...?” difference. For decades after the Great conversation. I think there are good learning. It’s 2020. Wasn’t that date used as
We’ve all asked this sort of question. Depression and World War II, the ques- arguments (and bad ones!) on both sides the favored goal post for every education
Where were you when the planes hit the tion wasn’t “Where were you ...?” It was of those debates. But if everybody eventu- endeavor between 2000 and 2019. Oops.
twin towers? Where were you when you “What did you do?” or “What happened to ally knows somebody who has died, or You’d think we would have figured a little bit
heard JFK was shot? Where were you you?” During World War I, not everybody nearly died, in this pandemic, the conver- more of this out by now.
when you heard Kobe Bryant died? served, but nearly everybody knew some- sations to come are going to be very Maybe it’s time for traditional schools to
The unstated thing about such ques- one who did and felt the effects of war different. take a few cues from online schools. After
tions is the assumption that you were a mobilization — the censorship, the hys- Already, the economic calamity the all, they have been developing methods for
spectator of one kind or another when teria, the rationing of food, etc. pandemic has caused is guaranteed to educating students across the internet for
something momentous happened. And for The consequences of those shared blow up a lot of the comfortable assump- more than 20 years. We can start with
most Americans, that’s how we experi- experiences were profound, changing our tions that have defined the contours of our agreeing that throwing a bunch of activities
ence historic events — as spectators. politics and culture in countless ways. politics for the last two decades. at kids through their laptops or tablets is not
The 9/11 attacks were a huge event for This pandemic is the first event in my Consider immigration, which has the same thing as an online school?
most of us who were alive then. But how life that approaches anything like that. roiled our politics for so long. Whatever Assuming that everyone has enthusiastically
many lives did 9/11 directly and meaning- And it’s going to get much more intense your position is on the issue, the old nodded their head, what might we learn
fully affect, particularly outside New York before it’s all over. A recent NBC News/ equation has new variables. In a country from intentionally designed online schools
and Washington? Not many in the grand Wall Street Journal poll found that 59% of with millions out of work, dismissing in this time of unintended remote learning?
scheme of things. (Hassles at airports Americans don’t know anyone who has some work as “jobs Americans won’t do” They design their curriculum for the
don’t count.) contracted COVID-19. A week prior, the may well sound offensive (and untrue) in delivery method, not the other way around
The same goes for wars. Less than 1 same pollsters reported that 70% of ways it didn’t before. As agonizingly slow (so I don’t have to order three sets of printer
percent of Americans are in the military, Americans didn’t know anyone who’d as the process already feels, it’s a sure bet ink per week). They provide a learning
and less than 10% of the adult population been infected. If even the rosiest predic- that America and the developed world environment that is secure and can be
has ever served. Even among those who tions are accurate, it won’t be long until will emerge from the pandemic far sooner monitored (so I don’t have to lurk over the
wear a uniform, only a fraction see every American knows someone who than poorer nations. Inviting immigrants shoulders of two kids who refuse to stop
sustained combat. contracted the virus, and perhaps some- from places where the virus is still thriving streaming Star Wars movies and playing
Most historic events of the last half- one who died from it. — regardless of whether you think it’s games in multiple browser tabs). They offer
century, even if significant and tragic, are How much of the political squabbling right or wrong — will simply have a very remote technical assistance and trouble-
remembered largely as moments on tele- right now is attributable to the fact that different political resonance than it did shooting (so, I don’t have to spend my
vision. Despite the tendency of politicians many of the people protesting in relatively two months ago. evenings in user forums attempting to figure
to say, “If we can put a man on the moon unscathed regions are still watching this That’s just one obvious example. There out why one of our computers works nicely
...,” the number of people among that “we” pandemic unfold as an event on TV and are far more unknown unknowns waiting with one online tool, but crashes at the mere
is only in the thousands. The rest of not as a menace in their own lives? It’s for us in the years ahead, because we’re thought of clicking on another). They
America experienced it vicariously on TV. understandable that if you don’t know about to enter an era when every single recommend students work in chunks,
This isn’t to minimize the importance anyone suffering from COVID-19 or help- American can start a conversation by actively develop class projects, and get up
of those events or the emotional effect ing those suffering from it, you might feel asking “What did you do?” or “What and move, often (so, I don’t get a bunch of
they had on society. The Cuban Missile that stay-at-home orders are an overreac- happened to you when ...?” bills from chiropractors).
Crisis directly involved a small number of tion. Jonah Goldberg is editor-in-chief of The Most importantly, online schools provide
players, but millions or even billions of But that’s probably not going to last, Dispatch and the host of The Remnant multiple touchpoints each day between
people felt they had skin in the game. particularly if the experts are right that podcast. His Twitter handle is @JonahDis- teachers and students — synchronous
There’s a huge psychological difference we’ll see a major resurgence in the fall. patch. classes, virtual office hours, texting, chat-
ting, even a simple phone call. It is not
enough to email assignments in the morning
or populate a website with links to content.
DOONESBURY BY GARRY TRUDEAU Students need to feel supported and cared
for as individuals, even/especially those
moody middle-schoolers. (You know who
I’m talking about.)
Traditional schools don’t have to entirely
reinvent the wheel. There are already
schools that “do online” well and can model
more than a few insightful lessons learned
so your lift isn’t so heavy. Also, while my wife
and I were our kids’ first teachers, it has
become apparent over the past month that I,
at least, am no longer qualified. Please send
Jonathan Oglesby (
is an education consultant and strategic
adviser based in Montgomery County, Mary-





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2 ends of the spectrum, but 1 goal

Conservative and Various institutions and
industries, including uni-
liberal groups look versities and news organi-
for bailout funds zations, have been caught
up in the debate over who
By Kenneth P. Vogel should benefit from the $2.2
and Lisa Lerer trillion bailout bill.
The New York Times In the case of nonprofits,
critics argue it is not a good
WASHINGTON — use of government money
Among the applicants for to prop up groups trying to
loans from the Small Busi- influence the political de-
ness Administration’s stim- bate in the middle of a
ulus package is the founda- presidential campaign.
tion arm of FreedomWorks Defenders note that the
— a conservative operation provision in the stimulus
that advocates small gov- bill paving the way for SBA
ernment and made its name loans to nonprofits applies
opposing bailouts. to all groups registered
“I would love someone to under a section of the tax
give us free cash,” said code — 501(c)(3) — that
Adam Brandon, the presi- covers churches and other
dent of FreedomWorks, ex- religious institutions, as
pressing frustration over well as charities and educa-
the effects of the crisis on tional entities, most of
his group, which is working which rely largely on dona-
to build support for Presi- tions. Some of those entities
dent Donald Trump’s effort play important roles in
to reopen the economy. communities across the
At the other end of the country and employ signifi-
ideological spectrum, libe- cant numbers of people,
ral groups like the Congres- some of whom might be out
sional Progressive Caucus of a job if fundraising de-
Center and Media Matters clines during the economic
for America have also ap- collapse.
plied for some of the small- While the tax code bans
business loans, which can those groups from endors-
be fully forgiven if the re- ing candidates or engaging
cipients use them to keep in other partisan political
workers on their payrolls. activity, they are allowed to
The groups on the left spend money advocating
may be more comfortable policy positions at the heart
than those on the right with PETE MAROVICH/THE NEW YORK TIMES of political fights. And many
the idea of federal govern- Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, speaks at a September 2018 rally sponsored by the conservative organization FreedomWorks. of the most active political
ment assistance, but accept- organizations maintain
ing help from an adminis- consulting with some of the law by Trump, even as mixed results. ing Trump’s plan to reopen 501(c)(3) foundation arms,
tration they regularly criti- groups to which Democ- larger publicly traded busi- The Congressional Prog- the country, is still pending, including FreedomWorks,
cize has left them debating racy Alliance steered funds nesses have obtained loans ressive Caucus Center’s ap- said the organization’s which plans to use its Free-
how to balance their inde- and expected many would from the program. plication for a $160,000 loan chairman. An application domWorks Foundation to
pendence with their ability apply for SBA loans “as a A provision in the legisla- is awaiting resolution, as is from Media Matters has publicize ideas on how to
to function in an economic matter of sound manage- tion, which socially conser- FreedomWorks Founda- been hampered by a techni- restart the economy. Its
crisis. ment and stewardship.” vative organizations recom- tion’s request for $300,000, cal problem, said a person larger political arm is help-
“It’s hard for me to imag- But LaMarche added, mended to Republican law- according to officials at the familiar with the process, ing organize protests of
ine that any of these liberal “It’s not hard to imagine makers, made clear that groups. who was not aware if the state and local restrictions
groups are going to pull Trump keeping track and certain nonprofit groups The American Civil Lib- group had reapplied. on business and travel in-
their punches on criticizing then not forgiving the loans could apply as well. The erties Union’s national of- The SBA has already tended to mitigate the
government because they of groups he deems criti- provision opened the door fice has not applied, but 14 spent the initial $349 billion spread of the coronavirus.
got a loan,” said Gara cal!” for taxpayer funding to sub- of its state affiliates have, allocated in the bailout bill The restrictions forced
LaMarche, president of Many struggling mom- sidize well-connected or- and at least one received a for the loan program, the cancellation of Free-
Democracy Alliance, a club and-pop businesses have ganizations that are part of loan — of $154,000 — so far, known as the Paycheck Pro- domWorks’ annual fund-
of major liberal donors who been unable to obtain SBA the political fray in an elec- said Anthony Romero, exe- tection Program. But the raiser and led to a dip in
support some of the top loans from a program estab- tion year. And at least a few cutive director of the ACLU. program is set to get a $320 donations. The group ap-
groups on the left, including lished as part of the $2.2 groups — on both sides of A “small” loan request by billion infusion from anoth- plied for the SBA loan as
Media Matters. trillion bailout plan passed the political spectrum — Liberty Counsel, a conser- er bill signed into law by the one potential option to
He said his staff was by Congress and signed into decided to apply, so far with vative legal group support- president on Friday. avoid cuts, Brandon said.


Staff and news services minister backs
right to work
Mnuchin: Sharply rising budget from home
deficits to be a focus ‘over time’ BERLIN — Germany’s
labor minister wants to
Treasury Secretary low and we’re locking in enshrine into law the right
Steven Mnuchin said that long-term rates” at those to work from home if it is
“over time” the U.S. will levels. feasible to do so, even after
need to look into the As Treasury and the the coronavirus pandemic
sharply rising budget defi- Small Business Adminis- subsides.
cits created by the multi- tration prepare to roll out Labor Minister Huber-
trillion-dollar coronavirus a second tranche of the tus Heil told Sunday’s edi-
support packages. Paycheck Protection Pro- tion of the Bild am Son-
Right now “we’re in a gram, designed by Con- ntag newspaper that he
war,” Mnuchin said on gress to help small busi- aims to put forward such
“Fox News Sunday.” nesses get through legislation this fall. He said
“We’re going to do what- COVID-19-related shut- initial estimates suggest
ever we need” to support downs, Mnunchin said he the proportion of the work
the economy. was confident that the VINCENT THIAN/AP force working from home
The good news, average loan size would be A man rides a scooter Sunday along a barbed wire fence in the virus lockdown area of has risen from 12% to 25%
Mnuchin said, is that “in- smaller than in the first Selayang Baru, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The lockdown was implemented to allow during the pandemic, to
terest rates are extremely round. authorities to carry out screenings to help curb the spread of coronavirus. around 8 million people.
“Everyone who wants
to and whose job allows it
should be able to work in a
Netanyahu ‘confident’ US will
support West Bank annexation
Census delay could put off home office, even when
the corona pandemic is
over,” Heil said.

Prime Minister Benjamin
as the strategic Jordan
Valley, to Israeli control.
new voting districts, primaries Heil stressed that “we
want to enable more home
working, but not force it.”
Netanyahu on Sunday said Israeli annexation in JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. census data could make a With the U.S. so politi- He said people could
he was “confident” he will the West Bank would be — The U.S. Census Bureau divisive process more com- cally polarized, redistrict- choose to switch entirely
be able to annex large highly controversial, needs more time to wrap plicated, potentially forcing ing plays a major role in to working from home, or
parts of the occupied West drawing widespread in- up the once-a-decade lawmakers into costly spe- whether Republicans or do so for only one or two
Bank this summer, with ternational condemna- count because of the co- cial sessions to complete Democrats drive the days per week.
support from the U.S. tions and extinguishing ronavirus, opening the pos- the work or postponing agenda in each state and
Speaking to an online lingering hopes of estab- sibility of delays in drawing some primary elections. how those lawmakers’ de-
gathering of evangelical lishing a viable independ- new legislative districts “It will pinch the timing cisions can affect people’s
Christian supporters of Is- ent Palestinian state. that could help determine for sure on everybody,” said lives. In Nepal: Rescuers on
rael, Netanyahu said Pres- The Palestinians, with what political party is in Justin Levitt, a professor at Parties that win large Sunday recovered the
ident Donald Trump’s wide international back- power, what laws pass or Loyola Law School in Los legislative majorities can bodies of two South Kore-
Mideast plan envisions ing, seek the entire West fail and whether communi- Angeles who tracks redis- tilt policy to the left or right an trekkers who had been
turning over Israel’s doz- Bank as part of an inde- ties of color get a voice in tricting nationwide. “For a on abortion, guns, taxes missing since an ava-
ens of settlements, as well pendent state. their states. few states, that’s incredibly and other contentious is- lanche in January buried
The number of people meaningful.” sues. them in Nepal’s moun-
counted and their demo- Despite the complica- Redistricting typically is tains, an official said.
graphics guide how voting tions, advocates, lawmak- done by state lawmakers An army helicopter
Hong Kong police disperse districts for the U.S. House
and state legislatures are
ers and others largely em-
braced the census delay as
and governors, but an in-
creasing number of states
flew the bodies — one
male and one female —
protesters gathered at city mall redrawn every 10 years.
The monthslong delay in
necessary to get a complete
have shifted to special com-
from the Annapurna Trek-
king Circuit to the city of
Hong Kong police dis- Cityplaza mall in Taikoo Pokhara, said a Nepalese
persed more than 100 pro- Shing, near Quarry Bay, army official.
testers who had congre- carried posters in support The body of one Nepali
gated in a shopping mall of those arrested, oppos- Texas Walmart shooting victim dies; toll now 23 guides was recovered Fri-
Sunday in defiance of a ing new security laws and day; another was recov-
regulation banning groups calling for the “liberation” EL PASO, Teas — A man llermo ‘Memo’ Garcia, our when the suspected gun- ered a few days earlier.
of more than four people of Hong Kong. shot in the Aug. 3 attack last remaining patient be- man opened fire that Sat- An avalanche had bur-
to help stem the co- Hong Kong police said targeting Latinos in an El ing treated from the El Paso urday morning. ied four South Korean
ronavirus pandemic. in a statement that such Paso Walmart died after shooting, has passed away,” Garcia is survived by his trekkers and three Nepali
The demonstration gatherings were prohib- months in the hospital, said Del Sol Medical Center wife, who suffered leg guides in January. Rescu-
came a week after the ited even if protesters raising the death toll from CEO David Shimp. wounds but recovered. ers spent weeks searching
arrest of 15 prominent clustered in separated the attack to 23, according Garcia and his wife, Jes- The suspect, Patrick for the bodies, but con-
pro-democracy activists groups of four, “as long as to a hospital official. sica Coca Garcia, were Crusius, 21, remains in jail tinuing avalanches and
in connection with un- the persons gather for a “After a nearly nine- fundraising for their awaiting trial. State prose- thick layers of snow pre-
authorized assemblies last common purpose in pub- month fight, our hearts are daughter’s soccer team in cutors are pursuing the vented them from finding
year. The protesters in lic place.” heavy as we report Gui- the Walmart parking lot death penalty. them.



Getting a chance
Morgan State wide receiver Manasseh Bailey,
heading to the Eagles, is one of several local
players to sign as undrafted free agents PG 5

Keeping an eye on the world of sports
during the coronavirus crisis:

Saints nearing deal
with QB Winston

The Saints and quarterback Jameis
The Ravens got their
Winston are working on a contract pro-
posal to make the former Buccaneers man in the first
starter a backup to Drew Brees in New
Orleans, according to reports Sunday.
Meanwhile, the Saints have announced
round, but roster
that dynamic reserve QB and utility play-
er Taysom Hill has a new two-year con- questions still loom
tract. ESPN reported that the new deal is
for a total of $21 million, including $16
million guaranteed.
Winston is coming off a season in The Ravens finally might have found a replacement
which he led the NFL with 5,109 yards for C.J. Mosley. Patrick Queen is a three-down, side-
passing and ranked second with 33 line-to-sideline terror with an elite football mind.
touchdown passes, but he also led the KEVIN C. COX/GETTY
NFL in interceptions with 30. That made
Winston the first QB in NFL history to
have at least 30 TDs and 30 interceptions.
The Bucs allowed Winston, whom it
drafted first overall out of Florida State in
2015, to enter free agency and replaced
him with former Patriots QB Tom Brady.
Now it appears Winston is open to
going from five-year NFL starter to being
Brees’ understudy in hopes of rebuilding
his credentials as a prospective franchise
Teddy Bridgewater recently did just
that, serving as Brees’ backup for two
seasons before the Panthers signed him
last month to replace their longtime By Childs Walker be available by the time they picked? He’s plenty fast (4.5 seconds in the 40-yard
starter, Cam Newton. The Ravens certainly faced some nerv- dash), but more importantly, he’s fluid in
Winston was a two-year starter at From a fortunate first round to unan- ous moments as the Los Angeles Chargers moving toward the ball or turning his hips
Florida State, where he won the Heisman swered questions on the interior offensive traded up to pick Murray and the New to drop back in coverage.
Trophy and led the Seminoles to a na- line, here are five things we learned from Orleans Saints had a chance to snag the In the modern game, you always take a
tional title as a freshman in the 2013 the Ravens’ 2020 draft. Louisiana-grown Queen. But in the end, linebacker who can move all over the field
season. Sometimes, you don’t have to do any- they did not have to move at all to draft and cover ahead of a bruiser. That’s why
In five seasons with the Buccaneers, he thing to get the ideal player. Queen, a player who fit them as well as any many draft analysts — from former Ravens
has passed for 19,737 yards and 121 touch- It’s hard to imagine how the first round defender in the class. scout Daniel Jeremiah to the evaluators at
downs while throwing 88 interceptions. could have broken much better for the Seriously, could general manager Eric Pro Football Focus — graded Queen above
But while he was productive statistically, Ravens, sitting at No. 28 overall. For DeCosta have given defensive coordinator Murray.
that didn’t amount to winning. The Bucs months, they were linked with the top two Don “Wink” Martindale a better toy? The Ravens picked a 21st century
went 28-42 in games Winston started. inside linebackers in the class, Kenneth Martindale cherishes fast, instinctive play- linebacker with room to improve at age 20.
Murray of Oklahoma and Patrick Queen of ers who can chase down a ball carrier on They didn’t sacrifice any of their remain-
— Associated Press LSU. They made little effort to hide their one play, blitz the next and blanket a tight
affection for both players. But would either end on the one after that. That’s Queen. See RAVENS, page 4


“Be creative. Try to figure MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE

it out. ... I’d love to watch

it. ... Everybody has to Milliman set
think outside the box,
right? Because there is
to take over
no box.” at Hopkins
— New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on MLB New coach leaves Cornell
and team owners and players figuring out
a way to bring baseball back this summer, to run Blue Jays’ program
even if it’s without fans
By Edward Lee

Peter Milliman will leave Cornell to

THE NUMBER become the next Johns Hopkins men’s

lacrosse coach, a source with direct
knowledge of the hiring told The
Baltimore Sun on Sunday.
The source spoke under the condition
of anonymity because they were not
authorized to speak publicly.
ERIC GAY/AP In less than three full seasons with the
Utah quarterback Tyler Huntley is the school leader in passing efficiency. Big Red as the interim head coach in
2018 and the head coach in 2019 and
The NFL draft averaged a record RAVENS UNDRAFTED FREE-AGENT TRACKER 2020, Milliman compiled an overall
8.4 million viewers over all three days, record of 28-10 that included an 8-4 mark
according to the NFL and Nielsen. The
previous high was 6.2 million last year. One player’s last name has against Ivy League competition. The
2020 team opened the season with five
consecutive wins and rose to No. 2 in

familiar (wrestling) ring to it Inside Lacrosse’s media poll before the

NCAA canceled all spring sports be-
cause of the coronavirus outbreak.
Top signings also include Rechsteiner, the son of former profes-
sional wrestling champion Rick Steiner,
Milliman did not immediately re-
spond to a request for comment.
Oregon tight end, Utah QB confirmed on Twitter that he’s signing ESPN analyst Paul Carcaterra said
Season Season Opening day with the Ravens. The 6-foot, 230-pound that Milliman’s tenure at Cornell was
suspended suspended delayed By Jonas Shaffer Rechsteiner finished with 112 carries for highlighted by molding an offense that
indefinitely indefinitely until at least 909 yards and seven touchdowns last finished the 2018 and 2019 seasons
mid-May After three days of drafting ended late season, along with eight catches for 101 ranked fifth in scoring among all Divi-
Saturday afternoon, the Ravens moved on yards. sion I schools.
to the mad scramble for undrafted free Robert Rechsteiner, better known by “I think Peter brings a lot of strong
agents. his ring name Rick Steiner, was a World qualities to the table,” said Carcaterra, a
They found some interesting prospects. Championship Wrestling and World former All-American midfielder at Syra-
While the team has yet to announce any Wrestling Federation tag team champion cuse. “He’s coached some innovative
signings, the Ravens could end up with the in the late 1980s and early 1990s. offensive teams in the past few years at
MLS NFL NCAA NFL’s biggest class of undrafted rookies. 2. Oregon tight end Jacob Breeland Cornell. And he’s shown an ability to
Season Camps Spring As of early Sunday morning, 22 players are confirmed on Twitter that he’s signing recruit as part of the Cornell staff to
suspended scheduled to sports signing with the team, according to with the Ravens. The 6-5, 252-pound bring in some players and develop them
until at least start in schedule program announcements and media re- Breeland had 26 catches for 405 yards and at a really high level. For example, a guy
June 8 mid-July canceled ports:
1. Kennesaw State fullback Bronson See UNDRAFTED, page 4 See HOPKINS, page 10


Swimming and studying

Five-time Olympic champ stays fit in pool, while Q: Do you worry about the ripple
effects on the sport when it’s already
working on her degree with timely course choice been announced that outdoor pools
will be shuttered this summer in New
By Karen Crouse | The New York Times York?

t was a Saturday in California and five-time Olympic gold medalist Katie Ledecky A: I don’t know what’s going to happen to
had a competition later in the afternoon to look forward to. Not the swim meet in the summer leagues like the one that I got
Mission Viejo that had originally filled her calendar for this past weekend, but a my start in. That’s a huge gateway for the
virtual game, Cards Against Humanity, with a group of roughly 20 relatives, mostly sport, the way a lot of young kids find
cousins, organized by her older brother, Michael. their way into it. That’s a year lost on that.
Last month in Des Moines, Iowa, at a tuneup meet for the Olympic trials, Ledecky I worry about small club teams. Even just
produced her fastest 1,500-meter freestyle since May 2018, buoying her prospects of thinking about how workouts are going
winning as many as five more Olympic gold medals, including the “Ledecky Slam” in the to change when things get back to
200-400-800-1,500 freestyles, at the Tokyo Games. But within a week of returning to her normal. Will teams have to limit the
Stanford training base from Iowa, she was scrambling to find pool space after the number of people in lanes? Maybe groups
university facilities shut down because of the coronavirus crisis. The Olympics have been will only be able to swim once a day
postponed a year, and the college remains shut down, but Ledecky, who’s from Bethesda, PHOTOS BY MADDIE MEYER/GETTY instead of doubles because they have to
Maryland, and her training mate, four-time Olympic medalist Simone Manuel, continue Katie Ledecky is continuing her studies extend out the training times. I think it’s
to swim daily in a family’s two-lane, 25-yard backyard pool a short drive from the Stanford at Stanford. One of her four current going to change some of the mental
campus. online courses is on infectious diseases. aspects of training in the sport.
Aside from her daily swim, Ledecky, 23, is sheltering in place at her two-bedroom
apartment near Stanford but staying busy. Q: You swam so well in Des Moines the Q: What is the one non-swimming
After taking a year off school to focus on her Olympic preparation, Ledecky, a first full weekend of March. How do you activity you are most looking forward to
psychology major at Stanford, re-enrolled in online classes for the spring quarter, which process everything that has happened being able to do once the lockdown is
began April 6 — 13 days after the Olympics were postponed. The four courses she is taking since? lifted?
include one on infectious diseases.
A: I felt really good about my swims and A: I think seeing my family. I don’t know
felt it was indicative of how I was if that will mean I travel to see them or
Q: How did you come to take an backyard pool and that’s about a five- training. It was nice to see that starting to they travel to see me. I don’t know if I’ll be
infectious disease class? minute drive away, and that’s basically show in meets. I was excited to get back able to give them a hug, but just being able
the only time I go out. I feel lucky that I’m to work. It’s tough when you’re doing to be with them will be nice. It’s even
A: It’s Global Change and Emerging able to get my aerobic workout in from well and feeling good about things and harder to think of my extended family,
Infectious Disease, and it actually fulfills that so I don’t have to do any running or then things change. But I feel good about especially my two grandmothers. Will I
my last general requirement. It’s a lot cycling. I got some bands and a couple of where I was at and feel I’ll be able to see them again? That’s harder to think
about the different environmental and weights and a pullup bar. I have a tiny maintain that, and replicate that and about. We’re all staying in pretty good
social factors that cause these outbreaks. balcony, and there’s one part of it that has remember how that felt. touch. We’ve been watching Mass to-
They go through SARS and MERS and a little bit of space, so that’s where I do my There’s so much uncertainty about the gether on Sundays with my grandma in
HIV, but there’s definitely a focus on dryland to get a little more fresh air. next year: What meets will we have? What North Dakota. We get together over
coronavirus. Our professors are giving us I haven’t gone to a grocery store in will our next meet be? Will we be able to Zoom and share a screen and livestream
insight on the data that they’re tracking. about a month. I’ve just been using train long course? Will we be able to train Mass.
It’s a lot about the bats and the markets grocery delivery apps. I’ve been doing as a team and with other people again? All During the time right before the
and learning how to calculate transmis- that and HelloFresh, which USA Swim- of that. It’s hard to really think about the lockdown, I considered going to other
sion rates and contractibility and all ming got us for a discount at one point so next thing so I’m just thinking day by day. parts of the country, even North Dakota
those different things. It’s been really I signed up for it. You pick three recipes I’ve been doing a lot of virtual video to my grandma’s house because there’s an
fascinating. per week, and each has two servings, so I calls with other teams and groups and it’s indoor pool there. But I ultimately
get two meals out of each. I’ve been tough to see the younger athletes strug- decided to stay here. It just got to the
Q: How much are you venturing outside? getting all my meat out of that and then I gling with it, who have such a love for the point where there really wasn’t much
get snacks and food for breakfast and sport and it’s been so much a part of their open anywhere and it’s probably better
A: I’ve been able to swim at somebody’s lunch from the grocery stores. routine and their social life and all of it. not to travel if I don’t need to.



International, Fresno State, Georgia
Toronto 46 18 .719 — Boston 44 14 12 100 227 174 Atlanta 2 0 0 6 4 2 Div.. I FBS Tiz the Law Barclay Tagg 122
American 0 0 5 2 3 2 5 17 Southern, Kentucky, Louisiana Tech, Wells Bayou Brad Cox 104
Boston 43 21 .672 3 Tampa Bay 43 21 6 92 245 195 N.Y. Red Bulls 1 0 1 4 4 3
Philadelphia 39 26 .600 71⁄2 Toronto 36 25 9 81 238 227 ACC 3 3 2 5 7 2 5 27 Marshall, Maryland, Michigan State, Ete Indien Patrick Biancone 74
Montreal 1 0 1 4 4 3
Brooklyn 30 34 .469 16 Florida 35 26 8 78 231 228 Big 12 5 3 4 1 4 2 2 21 Missouri, NC State, Nebraska, North Modernist Bill Mott 70
Toronto FC 1 0 1 4 3 2
New York 21 45 .318 26 Montreal 31 31 9 71 212 221 Big Ten 5 7 5 6 5 11 9 48 Carolina, Purdue, Stanford, Syracuse, Authentic Bob Baffert 60
Columbus 1 0 1 4 2 1 Mr. Monomoy Brad Cox 52
SOUTHEAST Buffalo 30 31 8 68 195 217 D.C. United 1 1 0 3 3 3 C-USA 0 0 1 5 1 1 2 10 Tennessee, Texas A&M, Texas Tech,
Ottawa 25 34 12 62 191 243 Ind. (FBS) 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 9 Tulane, Tulsa, USC, Virginia, Wake Nadal Bob Baffert 50
Miami 41 24 .631 — Chicago 0 1 1 1 2 3 Mischevious Alex John Servis 50
Orlando 30 35 .462 11 Detroit 17 49 5 39 145 267 MAC 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Forest, Washington, West Virginia,
New England 0 1 1 1 2 3 MW 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 10 Ny Traffic Saffie Joseph Jr. 50
Washington 24 40 .375 161⁄2 METRO. W L OT Pts GF GA Orlando City 0 1 1 1 1 2 Wyoming King Guillermo Juan Carlos Avila 50
Charlotte 23 42 .354 18 Pac-12 3 3 6 7 3 7 3 32
Philadelphia 0 1 1 1 3 5 SEC 15 10 15 8 2 5 8 63 Shivaree Ralph Nicks 40
Atlanta 20 47 .299 22 Washington 41 20 8 90 240 215 POSITION R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT
Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 3 5 Sun Belt 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 Enforceable Mark Casse 33
Philadelphia 41 21 7 89 232 196 Storm the Court Peter Eurton 32
CENTRAL Inter Miami CF 0 2 0 0 1 3 Div. I FCS Center 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 8
Pittsburgh 40 23 6 86 224 196 Sole Volante Patrick Biancone 30
Milwaukee 53 12 .815 — N.Y. City FC 0 2 0 0 0 2 Cornerback 6 3 2 6 3 1 6 27
Carolina 38 25 5 81 222 193 CAA 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Major Fed Greg Foley 30
Indiana 39 26 .600 14 Def. end 1 4 1 1 6 0 4 17
Columbus 33 22 15 81 180 187 MVFC 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Thousand Words Bob Baffert 25
Chicago 22 43 .338 31 Western W L T PT GF GA Def. tackle 2 2 5 3 2 4 3 21
N.Y. Islanders 35 23 10 80 192 193 OVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Silver Prospector Steve Asmussen 21
Detroit 20 46 .303 331⁄2 Guard 0 1 3 6 2 4 2 18
N.Y. Rangers 37 28 5 79 234 222 Sporting KC 2 0 0 6 7 1 Pioneer 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Field Pass Mike Maker 20
Cleveland 19 46 .292 34
New Jersey 28 29 12 68 189 230 Minnesota 2 0 0 6 8 3 Kicker 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 Excession Steve Asmussen 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE Colorado 2 0 0 6 4 2 Linebacker 5 2 11 4 4 5 8 39 Candy Tycoon Todd Pletcher 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE MIAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Long snapper 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Honor A. P. John Shirreffs 20
SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB FC Dallas 1 0 1 4 4 2
CENTRAL W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles FC 1 0 1 4 4 3 SAC 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Off. tackle 6 1 3 4 1 4 1 20 Untitled Mark Casse 20
Houston 40 24 .625 — DIV. III Punter 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Shotski Jeremiah O'Dwyer 19
St. Louis 42 19 10 94 225 193 Seattle 1 0 1 4 3 2
Dallas 40 27 .597 11⁄2 Quarterback 4 1 0 2 1 1 4 13 Independence Hall Mike Trombetta 14
Colorado 42 20 8 92 237 191 Portland 1 1 0 3 2 3 MIAC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Memphis 32 33 .492 81⁄2 Run. back 1 5 4 4 1 0 3 18 Gouverneur Morris Todd Pletcher 14
Dallas 37 24 8 82 180 177 Vancouver 1 1 0 3 2 3
New Orleans 28 36 .438 12 Silver State Steve Asmussen 14
Winnipeg 37 28 6 80 216 203 Real Salt Lake 0 0 2 2 1 1 MULTIPLE SCHOOL SELECTIONS Safety 0 5 4 3 2 4 3 21
San Antonio 27 36 .429 121⁄2 Azul Coast Bob Baffert 14
Nashville 35 26 8 78 215 217 LA Galaxy 0 1 1 1 1 2 Tight end 0 1 4 4 0 2 1 12
NORTHWEST 14: LSU; 10: Michigan, Ohio State Shoplifted Steve Asmussen 13
Minnesota 35 27 7 77 220 220 San Jose 0 1 1 1 4 7 Receiver 6 7 3 2 8 6 3 35 Anneau d'Or Blain Wright 12
Denver 43 22 .662 — Chicago 32 30 8 72 212 218 9: Alabama
Utah 41 23 .641 11⁄2 Houston 0 1 1 1 1 5 7: Clemson, Florida, Georgia, Utah Maxfield Brendan Walsh 10
Oklahoma City 40 24 .625 21⁄2 PACIFIC W L OT Pts GF GA Nashville SC 0 2 0 0 1 3 FIELD R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT Basin Steve Asmussen 10
6: Auburn, Notre Dame Eight Rings Bob Baffert 10
Portland 29 37 .439 141⁄2 Vegas 39 24 8 86 227 211 5: Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi State, Offense 18 16 19 23 15 18 15 124
3 points for victory, 1 point for tie Dennis' Moment Dale Romans 10
Minnesota 19 45 .297 231⁄2 Edmonton 37 25 9 83 225 217 Penn State, TCU Defense 14 16 23 17 17 14 24 125 Gold Street Steve Asmussen 10
PACIFIC Calgary 36 27 7 79 210 215 4: Baylor, Miami (FL), Oklahoma, Special tms 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 6 Max Player Linda Rice 10
L.A. Lakers 49 14 .778 — Vancouver 36 27 6 78 228 217 Tentative date for
Oregon, S. Carolina, Temple, Wisconsin As Seen On Tv Kelly Breen 10
L.A. Clippers 44 20 .688 51⁄2 Arizona 33 29 8 74 195 187 the MLS All-Star Game Attachment Rate Dale Romans 10
3: Boise State, California, Colorado, Most selectitons:
Sacramento 28 36 .438 211⁄2 Anaheim 29 33 9 67 187 226 July 29 vs. La Liga MX All Stars Texas Swing Todd Pletcher 10
Louisiana, Memphis, Oregon State, Vikings (15); Jaguars (12)
Phoenix 26 39 .400 24 Los Angeles 29 35 6 64 178 212 Banc of California Stadium source:
Texas, UCLA Least selections: Saints (4)
Golden State 15 50 .231 35 San Jose 29 36 5 63 182 226 in Los Angeles Kentucky Derby: Sept. 5, Louisville, Ky

Day 47
Since the sports world went mainly dark


I’ll be ready
for return
News services

Ryan Newman said he will be ready to

race when NASCAR resumes competi-
tion, which could be as early as May 17.
Newman suffered a head injury in the
season-opening race at Daytona Inter-
national Speedway. The Indiana native
spent less than 48 hours in the hospital
before walking out holding hands with
his two daughters.
Ross Chastain drove the No. 6 Ford in
place of Newman for three races before
the NASCAR season was suspended
March 13 because of the coronavirus
Speaking before NASCAR’s iRacing
event Sunday, Newman said on Fox
Sports that he will be ready to race when
NASCAR calls drivers back to the track.
“That’s the absolute plan for sure. I
am healthy,” Newman said. “I have been
blessed with another layer of this
(coronavirus) situation giving me more
time to heal and I look forward to being
back in the seat, for sure.”
Newman was in a spectacular crash
while racing for the lead on the final lap
of the Daytona 500 on Feb. 17. His
airborne car was hit by another car, his
Ford rolled several times and came to a
stop on his roof. It took several minutes
to get him out of the car and transferred
to a Florida hospital, where his condition
was considered serious but not life-
NASCAR said in a statement that
Newman hasn’t yet been cleared by the
series to return.
“We share Ryan’s enthusiasm in his
return to the track,” the statement said.
“We look forward to Ryan returning to
racing as soon as he is medically cleared
to race.”
The defending NFC champion 49ers addressed key positions in the draft and traded for seven-time Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams. Newman used his brief appearance on
Fox Sports to give thanks again for the
NFL DRAFT WINNERS AND LOSERS outpouring of support he has received
during his recovery.

Gold standard: 49ers

“I am so excited and thankful all at the
same time to be healthy and at some
point get back in a race car when the
world starts turning again,” Newman
said. “And thankful for all the people and
support that I’ve got from family, fans,

fill needs, get richer

you name it that have prayed for me, you
name it, you have given me this multi-
tude of miracles.”
NASCAR is hoping to resume its
season without spectators as early as
May 17. The situation remains fluid as
the sanctioning body hammers out a
By Josh Dubow defensive starters in the draft. The Panthers new schedule and finds states that will
Associated Press became the first team in the common draft host the series, and teams plan their
era to use all of their draft picks on defensive return to their race shops.
The task for the 49ers heading into the players. Stud defensive tackle Derrick Brown ■ Alex Bowman scored his first iRacing
draft was straight forward. highlights the seven-player class that also victory of NASCAR’s invitational series
Find replacements for departed starters includes edge rusher Yetur Gross-Matos, and by holding off Corey LaJoie and Ryan
DeForest Buckner at defensive tackle and defensive backs Jeremy Chinn, Troy Pride Preece in a two-lap OT sprint to the
Emmanuel Sanders at receiver and then Jr., and former West Virginia and XFL safety finish at virtual Talladega Superspeed-
find a player to step in for longtime left Kenny Robinson. way in Alabama. The victory is the third
tackle Joe Staley, who informed the NFC consecutive for Hendrick Motorsports,
champions before the draft that he planned
to retire. Unfilled needs which got back-to-back wins from
William Byron headed into Sunday’s
The 49ers filled the first two spots in the esports event. The race was the virtual
first round with defensive tackle Javon Patriots debut for Hall of Famer Jeff Gordon,
Kinlaw and receiver Brandon Aiyuk and The Patriots couldn’t expect to find Tom who raced on a rig he borrowed from
hoped they wouldn’t regret passing on a Brady’s replacement in the draft but didn’t Clint Bowyer’s son, Cash. Gordon was
potential starting tackle like Tristan Wirfs. even take a shot on any of the quarterbacks. part of the crash but was able to use his
They couldn’t have scripted it any better They also failed to bolster their weak receiver one allotted reset to resume competing.
when they were able to trade for seven-time group, instead adding to their stellar defense He needed the quick fix after his famous
Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams on with the first three picks before taking two No. 24 Chevrolet sailed into the fence.
Saturday. tight ends in round three. Because Gordon typically calls the races
“It was a good gamble that worked out MICHAEL CONROY/AP
alongside Mike Joy, he was replaced in
well,” coach Kyle Shanahan said. Packers GM Brian Gutekunst, above, failed Rams the Fox booth this week by Michael
While the 49ers were one of the teams that to land a new receiver for Aaron Rodgers. The Rams had one of the league’s worst Waltrip.
filled their needs on draft weekend. Others offensive lines last year and didn’t address
like the Packers fell short. Broncos that spot until taking Clemson tackle Trey- Colleges: Tulane basketball player
The Packers got a first-round quarterback Quarterback Drew Lock showed promise mayne Anchrum in the seventh round. They Teshaun Hightower was arrested Sat-
in Jordan Love to sit behind Aaron Rodgers in a five-game audition at the end of his had no first-round pick after trading it for urday and charged with murder in
for a couple of years but didn’t get their star rookie season in 2019. GM John Elway gave cornerback Jalen Ramsey and used their first connection with a homicide in Stock-
quarterback any wideouts in a receiver-rich Lock plenty of help. The draft’s best route selection on running back Cam Akers. This is bridge, Georgia, earlier this month.
draft. runner in Jerry Jeudy fell to the Broncos at the second straight year they took a running Hightower, the Green Wave’s leading
“It’s a little bit the way everything kind of No. 15 in the first round and they added Penn back on day two, which isn’t always the best scorer in 2019-20 after transfering from
fell early in the draft,” Packers GM Brian State speedster KJ Hamler to team with value. Georgia, is charged with felony murder,
Gutekunst said. “It just didn’t work out that Courtland Sutton for a powerful receiving aggravated assault, possession of a fire-
we were able to select some of the guys we trio. Elway also added fleet tight end Albert Chargers arm during the commission of a felony,
had rated really highly.” Okwuegunam on day three. Lock gets some Los Angeles’ other team also had prob- and battery. Tulane dismissed High-
Here’s a look at how some other teams protection with two strong interior blockers lems on the offensive line last year that tower from the team following his arrest.
filled their needs or didn’t on draft weekend: in LSU center Lloyd Cushenberry and weren’t addressed in the draft. They took QB ... Louisville football signee Dexter Rentz
Fresno State guard Netane Muti. Justin Herbert sixth overall and traded back was shot and killed in Orlando, Florida,
Filled needs Buccaneers
into the first round for LB Kenneth Murray.
That left them with no more picks until
late Saturday. The Orlando Police De-
partment confirmed that Rentz died in
The Bucs are in win-now mode after round four and they didn’t end up with any the shooting, which also injured three
Vikings signing Tom Brady and acquiring Rob linemen. others. Rentz was 18.
The Vikings’ needs were clear after Gronkowski. They did a good job of filling
trading star receiver Stefon Diggs and losing their roster with players who can help their Dolphins Soccer: Premier Giuseppe Conte an-
cornerbacks Xavier Rhodes, Trae Waynes soon-to-be 43-year-old quarterback. They This draft will be a success for the nounced that professional sports teams
and Mackensie Alexander. They managed to got one of the top tackles in round one in Dolphins if QB Tua Tagovailoa remains in Italy can resume training May 18. The
fill them despite trading down a couple of Wirfs and a talented slot receiver in fifth- healthy and develops into a franchise QB. But move means that the Serie A league
times in the draft and ended up taking 15 rounder Tyler Johnson. They also added a it wouldn’t have hurt to get him a starting could resume playing games in June —
players and acquiring two mid-round picks third-round running back in Ke’Shawn receiver in a draft filled with prospects. albeit without any fans in the stadiums.
in 2021. The highlights of this class are Vaughn to team with Ronald Jones and a Instead, they spent their next six picks on the Serie A has been suspended since March
first-round receiver Justin Jefferson and ball-hawking safety in Antoine Winfield. offensive line and secondary and didn’t take a 9, when the government ordered a
cornerback Jeff Gladney. They added anoth- receiver until grabbing Navy QB Malcom nationwide lockdown due to the co-
er promising cornerback in Cameron Dant- Panthers Perry in the seventh round. That leaves them ronavirus emergency. Twelve rounds
zler in the third round, a good coverage After signing quarterback Teddy Bridge- with DeVante Parker and few other proven remain in league play, plus four other
linebacker in fourth-rounder Troy Dye. water and receiver Robby Anderson in free options at receiver. matches that were postponed from the
Second-round offensive tackle Ezra Cleve- agency and locking up running back Chris- 25th round. Eight-time defending cham-
land also provides good value and could be a tian McCaffrey with a long-term extension, AP Sports Writer Steve Megargee contrib- pion Juventus leads Lazio by one point
starter by 2021. new coach Matt Rhule set out to replace nine uted to this report in the Serie A standings.

From page 1

six touchdowns in six games last season

before suffering a season-ending knee
3. Utah quarterback Tyler Huntley con-
firmed on Twitter that he’s signing with the
Ravens. The 6-1, 205-pound Huntley is the
Utes’ record-holder for career completion
percentage, single-season completion per-
centage and passing efficiency. He was
named first-team All-Pac-12 Conference last
season and a finalist for the Johnny Unitas
Golden Arm Award.
4. Mississippi State defensive end
Chauncey Rivers is signing with the Ravens,
according to The Athletic. The 6-3, 275-
pound Rivers earned second-team All-
Southeastern Conference honors last sea-
son after leading the team in tackles for loss
(eight) and sacks (five).
5. Tennessee defensive back Nigel War-
rior is signing with the Ravens, the
Volunteers’ team account tweeted. The 6-0,
190-pound Warrior earned first-team All-
SEC honors after tying for the league lead in
interceptions (four) last season. His father,
Dale Carter, was a two-time All-Pro corner-
back who finished his career with the MICHAEL CONROY/AP
Ravens in 2005. Mississippi State defensive lineman Chauncey Rivers is going to sign with the Ravens as a free agent, The Athletic reported Sunday.
6. Iowa linebacker Kristian Welch is
signing with the Ravens, according to The All-Mountain West Conference at left ing to a Clemson sports Twitter account. Power Five conference interior linemen,
Des Moines Register. The 6-3, 239-pound guard last season. The 6-5, 322-pound Pollard was named according to Pro Football Focus.
Welch earned All-Big Ten Conference 11. Utah cornerback Josh Nurse con- second-team All-Atlantic Coast Conference 19. Elon defensive end Marcus
honorable mention after leading the firmed on Twitter that he’s signing with the as a junior and senior at left guard and Willoughby confirmed on Twitter that he’s
Hawkeyes with 87 tackles last season, Ravens. The 6-3, 200-pound Nurse started center, respectively. signing with the Ravens. The 6-3, 253-
including nine for loss and three sacks. 10 games at right cornerback and tied for 16. Syracuse offensive lineman Evan pound Willoughby was named second-
7. Georgia tight end Eli Wolf confirmed third on the team with six pass breakups Adams confirmed on Instagram that he’s team All-Colonial Athletic Association after
on Twitter that he’s signing with the last season. signing with the Ravens. The 6-6, 352- posting 13½ tackles for loss, seven sacks,
Ravens. After transferring from Tennessee, 12. BYU running back Ty’Son Williams pound Adams was a four-year starter at three quarterback hurries and two forced
the 6-4, 245-pound Wolf had 13 catches for confirmed on Twitter that he’s signing with guard who led the Orange in knockdown fumbles last season.
194 yards and a touchdown last season. He the Ravens. The 6-0, 220-pound South blocks (51) last season. 20. Redlands defensive back Jeff Hector
also reportedly ran the 40-yard dash in 4.43 Carolina transfer ran for 264 yards and 17. Wake Forest punter Dom Maggio is signing with the Ravens, the Division III
seconds at his Pro Day. averaged 5.4 yards per carry last season. (Boys’ Latin) confirmed on Twitter that he’s team’s coach, Mike Maynard, tweeted. The
8. James Madison edge rusher John 13. Northern Arizona cornerback Khalil signing with the Ravens. The Monkton 6-0, 185-pound Hector had eight intercep-
Daka confirmed on Twitter that he’s signing Dorsey confirmed on Twitter that he’s native was named second-team All-ACC tions as a senior.
with the Ravens. The 6-2, 227-pound Upper signing with the Ravens. The 5-9,170-pound after finishing second in the league in 21. Tennessee-Martin wide receiver Jay-
Marlboro native led the Football champi- Dorsey was a four-time All-Big Sky Confer- punting average (46.8 yards, the second lon Moore confirmed on Twitter that he’s
onship Subdivision in sacks (16½) and ence selection who had eight career inter- highest in school history). He was named signing with the Ravens. The 6-2, 190-
tackles for loss (28) last season. ceptions and 41 passes defended, including first-team All-Metro in 2015 after hitting a pound Moore had 16 catches for 292 yards
9. Missouri center Trystan Colon-Cas- 12 last season. state-record 34 career field goals and and five touchdowns in a season shortened
tillo confirmed on Twitter that he’s signing 14. Georgetown wide receiver Michael averaging 45.1yards per punt for the Lakers. by injury last year. In 2018, he had 52 catches
with the Ravens. The 6-4, 315-pound Dereus confirmed on Twitter that he’s 18. North Carolina defensive lineman for 799 yards and eight touchdowns.
Colon-Castillo started the final 38 games of signing with the Ravens. The 6-1, 210-pound Aaron Crawford is signing with the Ravens, 22. Alabama-Birmingham kicker Nick
his career before declaring early for the Dereus was named first-team All-Patriot the Tar Heels’ team account tweeted. The Vogel confirmed on Twitter that he’s
NFL draft. League after making 41 catches for a 6-2, 290-pound Crawford earned All-ACC signing with the Ravens. He received
10. San Diego State offensive lineman team-high 726 yards and five touchdowns honorable mention after tying for second on All-Conference USA honorable mention
Daishawn Dixon confirmed on Twitter that last season. the team with nine tackles for loss and last season after hitting 19 of 23 field-goal
he’s signing with the Ravens. The 6-5, 15. Clemson offensive lineman Sean finishing with 50 tackles and three sacks. attempts and all 37 extra-point attempts.
330-pound Dixon was named second-team Pollard is signing with the Ravens, accord- His run defense grade was the best among Just 19 of his 71 kickoffs were returned.

From page 1

ing picks to do it. Win-win.

The Ravens still ride with the “best
player available.”
Queen was both the best player on the
Ravens’ board at No. 28 and a perfect fit to
fill one of their most obvious holes. But they
faced a different scenario in round two.
Fans and analysts assumed they’d grab an
edge rusher or a wide receiver. DeCosta,
meanwhile, saw a first-round talent dan-
gling in front of his face.
The Ravens didn’t need a running back,
not with Mark Ingram II, Gus Edwards and
Justice Hill returning from a record-setting
attack. But their general manager could not
pass on J.K. Dobbins, a fast, durable,
no-frills runner with proven receiving skills
and a 2,000-yard season at Ohio State on his
DeCosta built on a strength rather than
trying to patch a weakness with a player
from lower on his draft board. It’s a
philosophy he learned long ago from his
predecessor, Ozzie Newsome. “These great
players would just fall down the board, and
we would take them,” he said, reflecting on
his early drafts at Newsome’s side. “You
prepare yourself for it, and when it happens,
you have to be prepared to take the guy.”
Get as many good players as possible in
the door and then figure out the puzzle. It’s
an approach that has served the Ravens JAY LAPRETE/AP
well. Ingram is 30 years old. Edwards is Ohio State’s J.K. Dobbins, with a 2,000-yard season on his résumé, was impossible to pass up even though RB wasn’t a position of need.
headed for restricted free agency after this
season. If Dobbins becomes the team’s ability to gain yards after the catch. John talent-rich SEC, and the Ravens believe he this season under the franchise tag. So many
featured back by 2021 or 2022, no one will Harbaugh was thrilled, describing the can shift to guard without missing a beat. of us assumed the Ravens would use a first-
look back at the receivers or outside premium the Ravens placed on speed and Phillips certainly said the right things or second-day pick on a young outside
linebackers DeCosta eschewed at No. 55 emphasizing how rare it is to find a sprinter when he spoke to Baltimore media mem- linebacker.
overall. who almost never drops the ball. bers, describing his “nasty” run blocking Instead, they traded away a second-
The Ravens general manager made a The knock on Duvernay coming into the and his eagerness to fill the void left by round pick and went for an interior pass
similar decision when he picked Dobbins’ draft was the he did not consistently use his Yanda. rusher, Justin Madubuike of Texas A&M,
college teammate, Malik Harrison, late in speed to get open downfield at Texas. He’s But there are shortcomings in Phillips’ with their first pick of the third round.
the third round. He did not need another most effective in the slot, which could also pass blocking. He’s neither particularly The 293-pound Madubuike is an intrigu-
inside linebacker after drafting Queen. But be said for the team’s most productive agile nor effective against bull rushers who ing prospect who thrived against the run
DeCosta saw a player whose power game returning receivers, Marquise Brown and gain a leverage advantage against him. throughout his college career and won
would complement Queen’s mobility and Willie Snead IV. That’s why many analysts pegged him as a enough battles as a pass rusher to suggest he
who carried a second-round grade on some But Duvernay noted that he played fifth-round pick despite his ideal size and might become an NFL playmaker. He
boards. outside earlier in his college career and college resume. measured as one of the fastest and most
The Ravens waited out the rush at wide promised that he’ll continue to sharpen his “Phillips’ inability to play with consistent agile defensive linemen at the NFL scouting
receiver and ended up with good value. intermediate route running. leverage in pass protection is going to get combine. He’s not another space eater in
You could feel fan anxiety building as the The Ravens got a receiver who fit them him smoked in the NFL,” the evaluators at the Brandon Williams/Michael Pierce
Ravens chose not to trade up for any of the11 well without sacrificing picks to move up. Pro Football Focus wrote. “It’s not some- mode.
wide receivers who went before their first Their faith in the depth of the class paid off, thing that will be alleviated by a transition “He’s an explosive guy — a really quick,
pick in the second round. That anxiety and no one should be surprised if Duvernay to guard either.” twitchy, heavy-handed guy,” Harbaugh said.
threatened to go nuclear when they picked outproduces many of the pass catchers Does that sound like a player who’s ready “He can kind of take a blocker’s balance
Dobbins over Denzel Mims of Baylor at picked ahead of him. to fill in for Yanda, a flexible athlete and away, and then turn him and work edges.
No. 55 overall. It’s not clear the Ravens found an im- exquisite pass blocker? He does it in the pass game and in the run
But DeCosta said going in that he saw 25 mediate replacement for Marshal Yanda. Bredeson started all four years at Michi- game, and he got to the quarterback a lot.”
potential starting receivers in the class. So We knew this was a dicey proposition gan and comes to the Ravens as a polished The pick fit the Ravens’ pattern from this
he was always more likely to go shopping at going in. pass blocker. But scouts criticized him for offseason. They’ve added large, powerful
other positions while the wideout frenzy First off, no one will truly replace Yanda, losing leverage battles against powerful rushers such as Calais Campbell and Derek
raged around him. That’s just how the perhaps the best guard of his generation. interior defenders, which describes almost Wolfe instead of chasing the speedier
Ravens do business. Second, this draft did not feature an every NFL defensive tackle. outside guys.
We’ll never know exactly how the Ravens abundance of sure-thing interior blockers. Phillips and Bredeson will give Ben They had several chances to draft outside
evaluated Mims, the kind of big, fast outside The Ravens apparently did not see great Powers competition for the right guard job linebacker Zack Baun from Wisconsin, seen
receiver they could use on their roster. But value at the position, because they waited and provide depth at both guard and tackle. as a first-round talent by some analysts, and
they did trade down after the New York Jets until the last pick of the third round to take But interior offensive line remains one of looked elsewhere each time.
snatched him one slot ahead of them, at an offensive lineman, Tyre Phillips of two significant areas of concern (along with Perhaps the Ravens simply did not see
No. 59 overall. Mississippi State. They added Michigan edge rush) coming out of this draft. good values among the edge rushers avail-
They waited another 33 spots before guard Ben Bredeson in the fourth round. The Ravens addressed their pass rush, able. Or perhaps they believe that with
taking Devin Duvernay of Texas. DeCosta’s As a 6-foot-5, 331-pound mountain who but not in the way we expected. enough talent along the defensive front,
patience paid off, because Duvernay brings mauls smaller men in the running game, Matthew Judon was the team’s only Martindale can scheme up an outside pass
elite pure speed (4.39 seconds in the Phillips fits the profile Harbaugh often talks consistent edge rusher in 2019, and his rush with his unpredictable and relentless
40-yard dash), reliable hands and dynamic about. He held up at left tackle in the future remains murky as he prepares to play blitzes.


Eagles sign Morgan State wide receiver Bailey

JMU’s Carter to Cowboys; was reportedly a highly sought-after free
agent, with 25 teams reportedly pursuing
rushing for 736 yards on 102 carries with
eight touchdowns last season.
Leake, Mabry land contracts him. According to the Houston Chronicle, 5. Oklahoma cornerback Parnell Motley
Carter received $145,000 guaranteed at signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers,
By Baltimore Sun staff signing with $125,000 of his base salary according to an announcement from the
guaranteed, plus a $20,000 signing bonus. school. The Washington native and former
Though several local prospects didn’t The former Rutgers player was one of three H.D. Woodson star was a three-star wide
hear their names called over the weekend finalists last year for the Buck Buchanan receiver recruit who originally committed
during the NFL draft, their dreams of Award, given to the Football Championship to Maryland but went to Oklahoma after
playing professional football are still Subdivision’s top defensive player, after coach Randy Edsall was fired and Locksley
alive. recording 12 sacks in 16 games. wasn’t retained. He was named second-
As of Sunday morning, here’s where 3. Georgia wide receiver Lawrence Cager, team All-Big 12 last season after leading the
some of the top players with ties to a former Calvert Hall star and Baltimore team in passes defended (14) and forced
Maryland signed as undrafted free agents: native, is signing with the New York Jets, fumbles (five).
1. Morgan State wide receiver Manasseh according to an announcement from 6. Maryland tight end Tyler Mabry signed
Bailey signed with the Philadelphia Eagles, Georgia. Cager, who played baseball, with the Seattle Seahawks, he announced
according to an announcement from the basketball, soccer and track at Calvert Hall, on Twitter. Mabry joined the Terps as a
school. Bailey, a former standout at Suitland caught 33 passes for 476 yards and four transfer from Buffalo and had 13 receptions
in Prince George’s County, finished last MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY touchdowns for Georgia this past season for 155 yards and three touchdowns in 2019.
season with the second-most receiving Morgan State’s Manasseh Bailey signed after transferring from Miami. 7. Maryland cornerback Tino Ellis signed
yards in school history (996) and the with the Eagles as an undrafted free agent. 4. Maryland running back Javon Leake with the New Orleans Saints, he announced
third-most touchdown catches in the con- signed with the New York Giants, according on Twitter. The Reisterstown native and
ference. A former linebacker, Bailey report- seventh round last year. to ESPN. Leake won Big Ten Return former DeMatha star earned All-Big Ten
edly ran the 40-yard dash in 4.39 seconds. 2. James Madison edge rusher Ron’Dell Specialist of the Year honors in 2019 after honorable mention as a junior in 2018 but
Bailey will be the second Bears player in the Carter, a former Long Reach standout and tying the school record with two touch- suffered an injury after six starts as a senior.
NFL, joining Arizona Cardinals offensive Baltimore native, is signing with the Dallas down returns. He also received All-Big Ten He reportedly received $17,500 guaranteed
tackle Joshua Miles, who was drafted in the Cowboys, according to his agency. Carter honorable mention at running back after as part of his deal.







Subject: Formal Start of Review Notice is hereby given that the
$350,000 Suggested Opening Bid
Bay-Vanguard, M.H.C. will be
held at BayVanguard Bank’s
main office, 7114 North Point
The Maryland Health Care Com-
mission (MHCC) hereby gives
notice of docketing of the fol-
Road, Baltimore, Maryland, on
Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 12:45
p.m., local time. Business to be
COMPANIES Prime Location on Coastal Highway
14103 Coastal Hwy,
4 Buildings ♦ Large Parking Lot ♦ Zoned BL
lowing application for Certifi- conducted at the meeting shall
cate of Need: be the election of directors and Ocean City, MD 21842 - $51,600+ Gross Scheduled Annual Income -

Pyramid Walden-Joppa – Docket

any other business that may
properly come before the meet-
CHECK OUR WEBSITES FOR On-Premises Auction to be held on Known As
No. 20-12-2440 ing. As of the first publication ALL UPCOMING FORECLOSURE Saturday, May 16, 2020 @ 11:00am 354-362 MAIN STREET
Establishment of a new Track 2 date of this notice, the Board A/K/A 354 Main St., 360 Main St., & 360-362 Main St.
Intermediate Care Facility offer- of Directors of Bay-Vanguard, $750,000 Opening Bid | $50,000 Deposit Required Near Glyndon Drive, Baltimore County, MD 21136
ing Medically Monitored Inpa- M.H.C. is not aware of any
tient treatment for substance other business to come before BIDDING OPENS: FRIDAY, APRIL 24
abuse to be located at 1015 the meeting. Members of Bay- BIDDING CLOSES: TUES., APRIL 28 AT 2:00 P.M.
Pulaski Highway, Joppa, Harford Vanguard, M.H.C. as of the close Jeff Baughman•443.956.2628
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annual meeting and any ad-
journment or postponement of 410-825-2900 410-296-8440
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MHCC shall review the applica- ONLINE

tions under Maryland Health- REAL ESTATE AUCTION
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tion 19-101 et seq., COMAR
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relevant notices concerning Known As
the application(s). All further
notices of proceedings on the
application(s) will be sent only Harford County, MD 21078
to affected persons who have
registered as interested parties.

Persons desiring to become

your home BIDDING OPEN: FRI., MAY 1
MON., MAY 4 AT 12:00 P.M.
interested parties in the Com-
mission’s review of the above-
has never been See to
referenced application(s) must
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MAR and (2)
so easy. register and bid online!

and must also submit written

comments to the Commission
no later than close of business
June 8, 2020. These comments
must state with particularity
the State Health Plan standards
or review criteria that you be-
lieve have not been met by the
applicant(s) as stated in COMAR

Please refer to the Docket

the new york times no. 0323
Number listed above in any
correspondence on the
application(s). Copies of the
application are available for
review in the office of MHCC
during regular business hours
by appointment. All correspon-
dence should be addressed to:

Paul E. Parker, Director

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Bridge Play Frank Stewart costumes, between
perhaps gutters
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If I picked one word to de- South dealer toes crossed …” travel reim-
N-S vulnerable 17 Need to play, bursement
fine a good declarer, it would
say 53 Code for
be “careful.” He never boots NORTH 18 Show tiredness Australia’s
easy contracts; he foresees ♠K2 19 Cave ___ busiest airport
what can go wrong. ♦ 10 8 7 2 (beware the 54 Call it a day
Cover today’s East-West ♣AKJ5 dog) 55 Honkers
20 Texas A&M
cards and test your play. WEST EAST athlete DOWN
Against four spades, West ♠ Q 10 8 3 ♠4 21 Kind of wave 1 Take a turn
leads the king of diamonds, ♥Q7 ♥ K 10 9 5 4 22 Supersmall, 2 Home of N.Y.C.’s
♦KQJ95 ♦64 futuristic Colonnade Row
and you take your ace. What ♣76 ♣ 10 9 8 3 2 medical device 3 Album holder
next? 24 Series of 4 Little pointer
You seem to have 10 tricks: SOUTH tweets 5 Off-menu
♠AJ9765 27 Series of offering
four trumps even if the suit ♥A62
♦A3 tweets 6 When “S.N.L.”
breaks badly, four clubs and 28 Humanitarian ends on the
two red-suit aces. If you make Wallenberg East Coast
sure of taking your club tricks, South West North East 29 Skilled at 7 Seating request
1♠ Pass 2♣ Pass dodging 8 Senior
you will be safe. 3♠ Pass 4♠ All Pass By Kyle Dolan
30 Afflict moment?
TWO HEARTS 31 Like zero 9 Ref. work in
The actual South led a 32 Lines on a park which the verb 23 Trojan War 38 Lock
trump to the king and returned map “set” has a participant 39 Jazz great who
a trump. When East discarded, declarer took the ace and started the 33 Abbreviated 60,000-word 24 Transportation took his
title without entry option in name from
clubs. He threw his last diamond on the third club, but West ruffed and the second, 10 Four-wheeled Philadelphia Egyptian
led a high diamond. South never got dummy’s fourth club and lost two third, fourth transports and Seattle mythology
hearts. Down one. and sixth that developed 25 Not experience 41 Cocktail with
letters out of surf the same bourbon and
South was un-careful. He can take the ace of trumps at Trick Two, 34 Conducted culture difficulties as sugar over
then start the clubs. West ruffs the third club and shifts to hearts, but 35 Oscar- 11 One of the top others crushed ice
South can win, lead a trump to the king and pitch a heart on the fourth nominated things on a to- 26 Like cars at 44 “It was ___
club. He loses two trumps and one heart. director of do list Consumer dream”
“Network” 12 What a pane! Reports 45 Be awesome
DAILY QUESTION and “Dog Day 14 Word after 27 Held in 46 Freudian
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continue to describe his hand. (requiem 21 Alone, to put away for sloganeer Crosswords for young solvers:
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Tribune news services Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Sagittarius (Nov. 22-

Aries (March 21-April

19): The more you plan a
You’ve always been very
good at understanding
people’s concerns. Instead
Dec. 21): Serving others
may be the best use of your
time today. Call a friend or
Brad Pitt pops up as Fauci in
venture, the more success-
ful it can be. If people are
pressuring you into deliv-
of brushing away com-
plaints, you address them
directly, which makes
relative who has been
struggling, and make them
feel loved and appreciated.
2nd at-home edition of ‘SNL’
ering material before it is people feel valued when You might have the perfect
ready, ask for their pa- dealing with you. Mean- book recommendation, or Brad Pitt portrayed Dr.
tience. Fortunately, your while, if you’re looking for you have supplies that Anthony Fauci in the sec-
loved ones can help ground a job, apply for a high- could make their life more ond at-home episode of
you. Have a heart-to-heart profile position. comfortable. “Saturday Night Live,”
with a family member who which also featured musi-
shares your best interests. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. cal guest Miley Cyrus, an
22): Your mind is as sharp 19): It doesn’t matter if Adam Sandler cameo and
Taurus (April 20-May as a tack, and you enjoy you have little experience plenty of disinfectant jokes.
20): It’s important to keeping it engrossed in painting, writing, or A bespectacled Pitt,
emphasize your practical reading, writing and re- playing music. Give your- speaking in Fauci’s raspy
approach to work now. search. Even if you’re self permission to be a voice, tried to recast false
Personality still matters, taking online classes, you’ll beginner. In the past, your assurances and misstate-
though, so don’t lose your find a teacher to deliver inner critic may have pre- ments pitched by President
sense of humor. If you can the advanced instruction vented you from taking Donald Trump during the
get the support of an in- you seek. It’s a relief to risks. The sooner you pandemic — for instance,
vestor, you can quickly focus on something you silence this voice, the hap- when Trump said there’d
gain traction toward your enjoy for a change. pier you will be. Call a be a COVID-19 vaccine
goal. It helps to receive lots lighthearted friend. “relatively soon.”
of positive feedback. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. “Relatively soon is an
22): It’s easy to develop an Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. interesting phrase. Relative
Gemini (May 21-June obsession for an ideal 18): Writing or talking to the entire history of
20): You’ve established person or concept you about a time from your earth? Sure, the vaccine is NBC

high standards, and it’s encounter today. This past that was a turning going to come real fast,” Brad Pitt appears as Dr. Anthony Fauci in the second
important that you pro- feeling is so intense that all point could be cathartic. said Pitt’s Fauci, seated at a at-home episode of “Saturday Night Live.”
duce quality things. Setting your priorities may be Someone close could even desk in front of a stately
a high bar assures that rearranged. Your focus will provide some valuable bookcase. “But if you were ronavirus, including se- will now air on May 2 with
others appreciate the re- be fixed on your newfound feedback by noticing a going to tell a friend, ‘I’ll be quels to “Doctor Strange,” host Victoria Justice, for-
sults. With the extra time passion. This could cause theme that totally escaped over relatively soon,’ and “Spider-Man: Far From mer star of the channel’s
at home these days, chan- shock waves among those your attention. Your sub- then showed up a year and Home” and “Into the Spi- shows “Zoey 101” and
nel your efforts into a new who know you. conscious is trying to tell a half later, well, your friend der-Verse.” “Victorious.” On Friday, the
way to earn income. you something. may be relatively pissed Late Friday, both Sony channel announced that
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. off.” Pictures and the Walt Dis- the rebooted virtual cere-
Cancer (June 21-July 21): It’s healthy for you to Pisces (Feb. 19-March Cyrus, sitting fireside ney Co. announced up- mony, whose original
22): Your mind is inven- listen to feedback. Some- 20): Thanks to your ability with a guitar, performed dated theatrical release March 29 date was post-
tive today, and there’s one with a more analytical to see issues from different Pink Floyd’s “Wish You schedules that significantly poned by the coronavirus,
never been a better time outlook may point out angles, you’re able to forge Were Here.” delay some of their will be known as “Nickel-
for a creative project. Writ- holes in your logic, and a compromise that satisfies Pitt’s depiction followed marquee superhero films. odeon’s Kids’ Choice
ing a story, making artwork addressing these problems all parties today. Mean- a Fauci interview on CNN Marvel’s “Doctor Strange Awards 2020: Celebrate
or putting together a pho- will strengthen your per- while, it will help to write when he jokingly said he in the Multiverse of Mad- Together.” Stars appearing
tography display are all formance. Once you’ve down the details of a new thought Pitt should portray ness,” the sequel to the 2016 from isolation, and possibly
good options. Be willing to polished your project, system you’re implement- him when he was asked to Benedict Cumberbatch getting doused in slime,
go against your instincts; consider ways you can ing. Devote yourself to a choose between Ben Stiller film, has been pushed back include Dwayne Johnson,
you’ll be pleasantly sur- bring more beauty into relationship or project that or Pitt. The cold open also from November 2021 to Ariana Grande, Kristen
prised with the results. your life and work. fills you with joy. featured Trump’s state- March 2022. Bell, Josh Gad, Camila
ments about disinfectant Sony said its live-action Cabello, Millie Bobby
and light being studied in “Spider-Man,” the third in Brown, Ellen DeGeneres,
TODAY IN was born in Charlestown,
died in Pawling, New York,
two days after turning 57.
the fight against the virus.
“When I hear things like
the virus can be cured if
the Tom Holland series, is
being delayed from July
2021 to November 2021.
BTS and most of the major
cast members of the
“Avengers” films.
HISTORY In 1810, Ludwig van Bee-
thoven wrote one of his
In 1982, the trial of John
W. Hinckley Jr., who shot
everyone takes the Tide
Pod Challenge, I’ll be there
The animated “Spider-
Verse” sequel is now dated April 27 birthdays: Ac-
Associated Press most famous piano compo- four people, including to say, ‘Please don’t,’ ” said for October 2022, back tress Anouk Aimee is 88.
sitions, the Bagatelle in A President Ronald Reagan, Pitt’s Fauci, before he broke from its original April 2022 Singer Kate Pierson is 72.
On April 27, 1521, Por- minor. began in Washington. (The character, took off his wig release. Guitarist Ace Frehley is 69.
tuguese explorer Ferdi- trial ended with Hinckley’s and paid tribute to Fauci Singer Sheena Easton is 61.
nand Magellan was killed In 1950, Britain formally acquittal by reason of in- and thanked him. Pandemic sliming: The Actor James Le Gros is 58.
by natives in the Phil- recognized the state of sanity.) Kids’ Choice Awards will Actress Sally Hawkins is 44.
ippines. Israel. More movie shuffling: be bringing the slime home. Singer Travis Meeks is 41.
In 1992, the new Federal Hollywood studios are Nickelodeon’s annual show Actress Ari Graynor is 37.
In 1791, the inventor of the In 1965, broadcast jour- Republic of Yugoslavia was moving more release dates and the signature green Singer-guitarist Patrick
telegraph, Samuel Morse, nalist Edward R. Murrow proclaimed in Belgrade. as a result of the co- slime it pours on celebrities Stump is 36.

By Amy Dickinson (410) 504-6151 SINCE 1939 Twitter @askingamy

Play dates require parental permission

Dear Amy: My mother-in- in-law’s real motive was, What gives?
law asked if she could take and unless she has disre- — Ignored
our kids for the day. My spected you and your hus-
husband and I were nerv- band in similar ways in the Dear Ignored: What gives
ous about this, due to the past, you could assume is this: Everyone is differ-
pandemic, but we relented that this was a one-time ent. People respond to
— with the clear under- terrible lapse in judgment. stress and personal, health
standing that our kids
would not have any contact
The consequence for
her lapse should be dic-
and national challenges in
different ways. Some peo-
with their cousins (their tated by the CDC recom- ple are growing out their A SMILE WITH
father is a medic). mendations. Because she beards, learning to bake
My mother-in-law as- put your children at risk of bread and setting up Zoom A FENCE
sured me that it would
only be our children with
exposure to the virus, your
household should behave
meetings with friends and
family, while some are
her and that she would not as if you might have it: No spending their days car-
get them together with nonessential contact with oming among anxiety,
their cousins. others, take your tempera- sadness and worry — and
Well, it turns out that tures each day, wear a doing it in solitude.
she had all of the kids mask whenever you go out, This is a tough time for
together to play. I feel that and double up on your most people, and the most
she lied to me and put us at hand-washing. compassionate response is
risk for sickness. Contact with Grammy to give yourself — and
What would you do? will have to be limited to others — a break. I hope

FREE Gate $
125 OFF
— Frustrated in Nevada distance video conferenc- you will continue to reach
ing or phone calls. out to friends, because that
Dear Frustrated: Assum- She has also potentially sounds like something you
ing your narrative is accu- been exposed to the virus, are good at.
rate, your mother-in-law’s and you should express
choice is fairly indefensi- concern for her health. Dear Amy: “M” wrote to
withh any ffence purchase
h with
ithh any ffence project
j t
ble. Her reasons for over-
riding your rule might be
Your other family mem-
bers may believe that you
you about a situation in-
volving a friend who is
of 200 ft. or more of 200 ft. or more
• $200 Value • 1 Coupon per Customer • 1 Coupon per Customer
many and varied. She may and your husband are staying in her guest house • Must present at time of estimate • Must present at time of estimate
have felt pressured by both overreacting to this threat. in LA, while M is in Ohio. • Coupons cannot be combined • Coupons cannot be combined
sets of children, she could But — guess what? You get I appreciated that you • Not valid on prior sales • Not valid on prior sales
be a pandemic denier, to react in whatever way included some positive Expires 5/30/20 Expires 5/30/20
overwhelmed for other you believe is wisest to aspects of having someone
reasons or simply not have protect your own family. living at her property, but I
much respect for you (and
her son) as parents.
Grandparents some-
Quite simply, as parents,
risk assessment is your job,
and you are doing it.
wish you had urged her to
consult a lawyer regarding
her friend’s tenancy, and
times believe that they the legal implications of and
d practicing
r ctt social distancing!
t n
know best when it comes Dear Amy: We have been having someone living in
to dealing with children
(sometimes they are right),
following shelter-in-place
orders for 28 days.
her home without an
Call now
o for a free
e estimate.
i a
and sneaky grandparents During the first 14 days, You said that if the
will leap over boundaries I made an effort to reach friend pays rent, it could be
in order to assert their own out to my friends to check difficult to get her to leave,
supremacy. (And where on their safety and to so- but that can be the case
were these other parents cialize. I am saddened that with nonrenters, too. As
who allowed their kids to they have not reached out — Been There Rated
get together with yours?) in return as time goes on.
Unfortunately, there will Is there something I Dear Been There: Abso-
be a consequence for this,
and if you are all lucky, it
will be relational and not
don’t understand about the
shelter-in-place mindset
that prevents people from
lutely. Thank you.

Copyright 2020 by Amy

(410) 504-6151
through anyone becoming reaching out? Or am I Dickinson
seriously ill. discovering that my friends
M.H.I.C. 278
You’ll have to try to are not as close and caring Distributed by Tribune
discern what your mother- as I thought they were? Content Agency


An extra array of word games, search, Jumble and other tests to help you pass the time at home


Level: 1 2 3 4
Complete the grid so each row, column and
3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every
digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku,

Solution to Mondayʼs puzzle

© 2018 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved. 3/13/18

INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking
B U P H letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words
on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box
W O I S once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare
G O K E word finds, crossing out common words.


3 letters = 1 point 151+ = Champ
4 letters = 2 points 101-150 = Expert
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 5 letters = 3 points 61 - 100 = Pro
6 letters = 4 points 31 - 60 = Gamer
7 letters = 6 points 21 - 30 = Rookie

8 letters = 10 points 11 - 20 = Amateur
9+ letters = 15 points 0 - 10 = Try again

Boggle BrainBusters Bonus


We put special brain-busting words into the grid
of letters. Can you find them?


grid of letters.

N O N A ________________________ ________________________
E C P S ________________________ ________________________
BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 3-12-18
________________________ ________________________
2018 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.
Answers to Saturday's Boggle BrainBusters:

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,

one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

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All Rights Reserved.



Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.

her friends were — ROOTING FOR HER

Answer: As she tried out for the cheerleading squad,
ACROSS 42 “The Dinah __ Show”
1 Role on “M*A*S*H” 44 “__ Edition”; Kyle Chandler series
6 “__ This Morning” 45 More vigorous
9 Up in arms 46 “I __ Rock”; Simon & Garfunkel
10 Rainbow __; freshwater fish hit Fill in the grid using the clues provided in the direction of the arrows. When complete, unscramble
12 Gave a monetary penalty to 47 Actress Pompeo the letters in the circles to reveal a mystery word.
13 “Blue __”
14 Actor Hunter DOWN
15 Mediocre report card 1 Fissure; split
16 Sportscaster __ Rashad 2 Opera solo
19 “__ Plus 8” 3 Timʼs portrayer on “Life in Pieces”
23 “The Company You __”; Robert 4 Gobbled up
Redford film 5 “The __ Skelton Hour”
24 Cosmonaut __ Gagarin 6 Pigeonʼs sound
25 “__ Fences” 7 Son on “Father Knows Best”
28 Mr. Gleason 8 Nov. 1 honorees
30 Cartoon pooch 10 “The Little Couple” network
31 Rudolph of “Up All Night” 11 Actor on “NCIS”
32 “The Days and Nights of Molly 13 A-E connection
__” 15 Tam or beret
33 Fred of “Hunter” 17 “__ Haw”
34 Brenneman & Roloff 18 “How I __ Your Mother”
36 “Mayberry __” 20 Black-and-white diving bird
39 “One, two, buckle __…” 21 Prefix for cycle or angle
22 Start of the “Old MacDonald”
Solution to Last Weekʼs Puzzle
25 Pea casing
26 Wedding words
27 “El __”; Charlton Heston movie
28 Mr. Leno
29 Certain vote
31 “Scarecrow and __. King”
33 Actor on “Touched by an Angel”
35 Matthew of “2 Broke Girls”
37 “Born __”; film about a lioness
38 Laura or Bruce
39 “Cry __ River”
40 Orangish potato ©2019 Knight Features. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 5/19/19
41 Mrs. in Madrid
42 “Murder, __ Wrote”
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. 43 Holbrook or Linden



For Better or For Worse Lynn Johnston GarFielD Jim dAvis

DilBert scott AdAms Pearls BeFore sWine stephAn pAstis

Get FuZZy dARBy conLey

the MiDDletons RALph dunAgin & dAnA summeRs

one BiG haPPy RicK detoRie

ClassiC Peanuts chARLes m. schuLz

FaMily CirCus BiL KeAne sPeeD BuMP dAve coveRLy

sally Forth FRAncesco mARciuLiAno & Jim KeeFe

Mother Goose & GriMM miKe peteRs

shoe BRooKins & mAcneLLy

B.C. mAstRoiAnni & hARt

Zits JeRRy scott & Jim BoRgmAn

Beetle Bailey moRt WALKeR

BlonDie deAn young & John mARshALL

Curtis RAy BiLLingsLey

hi & lois WALKeR BRoWne

haGar the horriBle chRis BRoWne

F Minus tony cARRiLLo

luann gReg evAns

Tonight’s TV
Best bets
PM 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30
WMAR-2 WMAR-2 WMAR-2 World The List Funny You The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: The Baker and the
ABC 2 News (N) News (N) News (N) News (N) (N) Å Ask “Week 3.” (N) Å N Beauty (N) Å N
11 News at 5 (N) Å 11 News atNightly Freddie Gray Special The Voice: “Road to Live Shows.” (N) Å N (10:01) Songland:

NBC 11 (SAP) 6 (N) Å News (N) (N) “H.E.R.” (N) Å N

News (N) News (N) News (N) Evening News (N) Ent. Neighborhood Bob- All Rise: “My Fair Bull: “Quid Pro Quo.”
CBS 13 News (N) Tonight (N) Abishola Lockdown.” Å N ÅN
R. Steves’ World PBS NewsHour (N) Å N Connection Collectibles Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow: Independent Lens (N)
PBS 22/67 Europe News (N) (N) Å “Little Rock.” Å Å N◊
The Wendy Williams black-ish Å black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special 2 Broke 2 Broke
MNT 24 Show (N) Å N ÅN Theory Theory Victims Unit: “Denial.” Victims Unit: “Silence.” Girls Å Girls Å
Amanpour and BBC News World PBS NewsHour (N) Å Antiques Roadshow (N) Antiques Roadshow: Independent Lens (N)
PBS 26 Company Å News Å (Part 2 of 3) “Little Rock.” Å Å ◊
PBS 32 Odd Arthur Democracy Now! DW News MotorWk Howards End More Democracy Now!
FOX 45 News at 5:00 (N) FOX 45 Family Jeopardy! Wheel of 9-1-1: “The One That (9:01) Prodigal Son: FOX 45 News at 10 (N)
FOX 45 (Live) Å News (N) Feud (N) (N) Å Fortune (N) Got Away.” (N) Å “Like Father...” (N) (Live) Å

The People’s Court (N) Judge Judy Judge Judy Family
54 Å N
Family Whose Line Whose Line Roswell, New Mexico: Modern Modern MONDAY
Å Å Feud (N) Feud Å (N) Is It? “Como La Flor.” (N) Family Family
A&E Live PD: “Live PD -- 04.13.18.” Å Live PD: “Live PD -- 05.10.19.” Å
critically well-received if somewhat under-
AMC ÷ Lord of the Rings: The Return Gladiator (R,’00) ››› Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. Å (SAP) Dispatches (N) ◊
Last Frontier Alaska- Last Frontier Alaska- Last Frontier Alaska- Last Fr. (N) Alaska: The Last Frontier: Open Season (N) the-radar drama closes out Season 1 in a
BBCA ÷ Predator Predator 2 (R,’90) ›› Danny Glover, Gary Busey. Å Predators (R,’10) ›› Adrien Brody, Topher Grace. Å Predator ◊ finale about which AMC is revealing few
BET ÷ (3) Crooklyn (’94) ›› A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (R,’96) ›› Martin Lawrence. Å ATL (PG-13,’06) ›› Tip Harris. Å ◊ details, beyond reporting that “a final mys-
BRAVO Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch (N) Below ◊ tery is revealed.” Given that the episode
CMT Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å Mom Å title is “The Boy,” though, it seems a safe bet
COM The Office The Office The Office The Office Daily The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office that much of the focus may be on young ac-

COOK Carn Eats Carn Eats Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Good Eats Good Eats Good Eats Good Eats Best Best tor Travis Burnett’s character, the little boy
DISC Street-Memphis Street-Memphis Street-Memphis (N) Street-Memphis (N) Fast N’ Loud (N) Å Car Kings (N) Å ◊
often seen standing outside Janice’s (Sally
DISN Big City Big City Big City Raven Raven Bunk’d Å Bunk’d Å Bunk’d Å Raven Just Roll Gabby Coop
Field) house wearing sad-clown makeup.
DIY Insane Pools Insane Pools Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin Masters Maine Cabin (N) Maine Cabin Masters
÷ Botched (5:40) Botched Å Botched Å Botched (8:10) Botched Å Botched (N) Å Nightly (N) Botched ◊ Richard E. Grant stars. (TVMA) 10 p.m. on
ESPN ÷ Sports. (N) SportCtr SportsCenter (N) Å Peyton’s Peyton’s NFL Football From Oct. 8, 2007. AMC
FOOD Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Guy’s Games Spring Baking (N) Supermarket SPRING BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP The
FREE Simpsons Guardians of the Galaxy (PG-13,’14) ››› Chris Pratt. Å The Blind Side (PG-13,’09) ››› Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. Å Season 6 competition draws to a close in
FS1 ÷ Undisputed NASCAR Hub (N) Unrivaled: Earnhardt Greatest Games: College Football From Nov. 28, 2015. Å two new back-to-back episodes, starting
FX ÷ (3:30) The Post ››› Daddy’s Home (PG-13,’15) ›› Will Ferrell. Å Daddy’s Home 2 (PG-13,’17) ›› Will Ferrell. Breeders Better ◊
with “Mom’s Spring Getaway.” The first
GSN America Common Catch 21 Catch 21 America America America Ma. Minds FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud
round tasks the four remaining bakers to
HALL ÷ (4) Rescuing Madison Royally Ever After (NR,’18) Fiona Gubelmann. My Secret Valentine (NR,’18) Lacey Chabert. Gold Girls Gold Girls
Home Town Å Home Town Å Home Town Å Celebrity IOU Å Celebrity IOU (N) Home Town (N) ◊ create spicy, margarita-based desserts.
HIST American Pickers American Pickers Curse-Island Drilling Down The Curse of Oak Island (N) Å ◊ Then, they must prepare desserts that look
ION Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds like pool floats. The finale, “Spring Seniori-
LIFE The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å The First 48 Å (9:03) The First 48 (10:03) The First 48 ◊ tis — Class of 2020” climaxes with prom
LMN ÷ Who’s Stalking Me? Stalked by My Ex (NR,’17) Yves Bright. Å A Predator’s Obsession (NR,’20) Å No Good Deed ◊ night cakes themed to the ’50s, ’60s or ’80s.
MASN ÷ (4:30) Nationals Classics Orioles Classics O’s power past the Yankees and into a first-place tie. From Sept. 6, 2012. (TVG) 9 p.m. on FOOD
METV Adam-12 Adam-12 Flintstone Flintstone M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy G. Andy G. G. Pyle G. Acres News (N) Heroes
BREEDERS This edgy family Britcom
MTV Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. (N) Ridic.
NHL Hat-Trick (N) On This Date Tennis From June 6, 1999. Tennis ◊ closes out its first season with “No Cure
NBCSWA ÷ Lunch (N) Redsk. (N) Capitals Parade Capitals Greatest HockeyatHome Å Redskins on the Clock Å ◊ (Part 2),” which sees young Luke (George
NICK Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Danger Dylan All That Friends Friends Friends Wakeman) being admitted to a specialist
OXY NCIS Å NCIS: “Rendezvous.” NCIS Å NCIS: “M.I.A.” Å NCIS: “The Wall.” NCIS Å pediatric unit as his condition takes a grave
OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Å Dateline on OWN Å Atlanta Child (N) Atlanta Child (N) Atlanta Child (N) turn. As a desperate Paul and Addy (Martin
PARMT Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Cops (N) Cops Å Freeman, Daisy Haggard) anxiously await
SYFY ÷ (4:30) Jigsaw (R,’17) › Tobin Bell. Edge of Tomorrow (PG-13,’14) ››› Tom Cruise. Å Constantine (R,’05) ›› Keanu Reeves. Å ◊ any news with their parents, their fear —
TBS Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. (N) Amer. Dad
and the cumulative stress of the past several
TCM Student Tour (NR,’34) ›› Å Speak Easily (NR,’32) ›› Å Foxfire (NR,’55) ››› Jane Russell. Å Hot Blood (’56) ›› ◊
weeks — causes dangerous cracks to form in
TLC ÷ (4) 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days 90 Day Fiancé Self-Quarantined Self-Quarantined (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N)
÷ Maleficent (5:45) Cinderella (PG,’15) ››› Cate Blanchett. Å Beauty and the Beast (PG,’17) ››› Emma Watson. Beauty ◊ the family fabric. (TVMA) 10 p.m. on FX
TOON Craig Craig Teen Teen Apple Gumball Home Amer. Dad Rick Rick Rick Rick MY BRILLIANT FRIEND: THE STORY
TRAVEL Beyond the Unknown Beyond the Unknown Beyond the Unknown Mysteries at the Museum (N) Å Mummy Mysteries (N) OF A NEW NAME Now an accomplished
TRUTV Hot Ones Hot Ones Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Semi-Pro (R,’08) ›› ◊ college student, Elena takes time out from
TVLAND M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy G. Andy G. Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Two Men Two Men her academic work to read over some of
TVONE Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Matters Fatal Attraction Å Fatal Attraction (N) Fatal Attraction Å
Lila’s (Gaia Girace) private diaries in the
UNI Primer impacto (N) Å Noticiero Noticiero Rosa de Guadalupe Ringo (N) Amor eterno (N) Sin miedo a la
new episode “Ghosts.” As she does so, she
USA Chicago P.D. Å Chicago P.D. Å Chicago P.D. Å WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (Live) Å
÷ Love, Hip Hop Love, Hip Hop Love, Hip Hop Love, Hip Hop (N) T.I. & Tiny (N) Love, Hip Hop ◊ realizes how much her old friend’s new role
WE Criminal Minds: “200.” Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds has changed her. (TVMA) 10 p.m. on HBO
WGN-A Blue Bloods Å Blue Bloods Å Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Almost Paradise (N) LATE NIGHT GUESTS
FLIX ÷ (4) Timeline (’03) ›› Paycheck (PG-13,’03) ›› Ben Affleck. Å Frank Miller’s Sin City (R,’05) ››› Å (10:05) Faster (R) ›› ◊
HBO ÷ (4:55) Westworld Å (5:55) Westworld Å X-Men: Dark Phoenix (PG-13,’19) ›› (8:59) We’re Here Å Friend (N Subtitled- MONDAY

MAX ÷ Running Scared ›› Deadpool 2 (R,’18) ››› Ryan Reynolds. Idiocracy (R,’06) ›› Luke Wilson. Beavis and Butt-head
SHOW ÷ Homeland (5:40) Donnie Brasco (R,’97) ››› Al Pacino. Å (7:50) Dexter Å Penny Dreadful: City Lies America
STARZ ÷ Pulp (5:27) The Best Man (R,’99) ››› Taye Diggs. Outlander Å (8:32) Vida (9:10) The Girl in the Spider’s Web (’18) ›› ◊ MY FALLON: Actress Kate Hudson; Ales-
STZENC ÷ (4:18) In & Out (’97) ›› (5:51) Ice Age: The Meltdown ›› Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Rocky Balboa (PG,’06) ››› NuttyProf sia Cara talks and performs. (11:34 p.m. on
TMC ÷ (4) The Impossible The Hummingbird Project (R,’18) ›› I Feel Pretty (PG-13,’18) ›› Amy Schumer. Å Peggy-Married ◊ NBC )

SUDOKU The BalTimore Sun CroSSword

Degree of difficulty: 1 out of 4
Each row must
contain the numbers
1 to 9; each column
must contain the
numbers 1 to 9; and
each set of 3-by-3
boxes must contain
the numbers 1 to 9.
For other puzzles, go
to baltimoresun.

Saturday’s answer


ACROSS 39 Push in some 69 Sensitive skin 27 Frisks, with 47 Scorch
1 Pull a pre-exam chips spots “down” 50 Cape Canaveral
all-nighter 41 Fab Four first 70 Cooped cluckers 28 Salt Lake City’s event
5 High-five name 71 Place to hold a state 51 Bunches of
sound 42 “Jeepers!” snifter 29 Philanthropist Brownies
9 Hamster homes 45 Agrees quietly 30 Get all blubbery 52 Seekers
14 Word in a 48 Capote nickname DOWN 31 So, so small of intel
bailiff’s order 49 Household 1 Stick in one’s __ 35 Severely 53 Martinez with
15 Comics possum gathering 2 “Lovely” musical overcook three Cy Youngs
16 Seashore recess to discuss meter maid
36 Fake coin 57 Tree trunk
17 Mail-routing something 3 Piedmont wine
38 Couch or bench 58 Minnesota’s
abbr. 52 Pancake center
40 Quarterback state bird
18 How some close flipper 4 __ telepathy
Brady 59 Last bio
NFL games 54 Not within 5 Veggie favored
43 Erasure marks 60 Bit of dust in a
are won walking distance by Popeye
44 Big Island port sunbeam
19 Black, in 55 Ab neighbor 6 Like epic novels
Bordeaux 56 Hotel 7 Super-excited 46 Comes to the 61 Tailor’s line
20 Strategy with accommodations 8 Idaho product aid of 63 Drink suffix
delaying tactics for couples, and 9 HBO-owned
23 There’s no a hint to both broadcaster
winner in one parts of 20-, 27- 10 “It’s __-brainer!”
24 Defense org.? and 49-Across 11 Beautiful people,
25 Enticed 62 Dog collar as a group
27 Rental industry dangler 12 Like a fog-
with units for 64 When many enshrouded
extra belongings start lunch cemetery
32 Grabbed a bite 65 Slender wind 13 Jouster’s mount
33 Loafer or moc 66 Eat away at 21 Sacred Nile bird
34 Outlying 67 Lump of dirt 22 Nothing more
communities 68 Bread with than
37 Brown shades hummus 26 Scrolling PC key


High Low 59 68 69 64 69 73
58 43 51 58 53 50 55 56
Breezy with clouds Clear Times of clouds Some rain and a Rain tapering to A couple of Partly sunny Variable clouds
breaking and sun thunderstorm showers showers possible
Precipitation: 40% Precipitation: 20% Precipitation: 25% Precipitation: 55% Precipitation: 75% Precipitation: 30% Precipitation: 10% Precipitation: 25%
NNW 10-20 mph NW 4-8 mph WSW 4-8 mph SE 8-16 mph S 8-16 mph WNW 8-16 mph WNW 8-16 mph SSW 7-14 mph


Frostburg Emmitsburg National Yesterday
Bel Air North East Seattle
51/39 Hagerstown 59/40 High 62/47
Cumberland 58/41 55/37 55/38 105 in Palm Springs, CA Billings
Oakland 58/41 Frederick Low 67/47 Minneapolis
49/37 60/39 19 in Angel Fire, NM 73/49
Martinsburg Cockeysville New York
59/40 56/39 49/41
Mount Airy Detroit
Baltimore World Yesterday San Francisco Chicago 61/47
58/37 64/51 Washington
69/53 Denver 60/45
58/43 High 79/48
Columbia Chestertown
MARINE FORECAST High Low 57/37 56/40
113 in Diffa, Niger Kansas City
TIDES AM PM AM PM Rockville Annapolis -25 in Shepherd Bay, Los Angeles
Patapsco River (Fort McHenry) 10:12 10:51 3:33 5:43 57/37 58/43 Canada 82/60 Atlanta
Tolchester 10:39 11:11 4:04 5:45 El Paso 72/51
Annapolis (U.S. Naval Academy) 8:59 9:01 2:17 3:46 Washington 95/67
Choptank River (Cambridge) 7:41 8:09 1:29 2:41 60/45
Waldorf Easton Houston
Patuxent River (Solomons Island) 5:37 6:02 --- 12:30 59/41 Shown are noon positions of 84/71
Susquehanna River (Havre de Grace) 1:28 1:17 7:24 8:38 57/42 weather systems and precipitation. Miami
Middle River (Bowley Bar) 11:03 11:42 4:16 6:26 Bethany Beach Temperature bands are highs for the day. 87/68
Potomac River (Fort Washington) 11:41 --- 5:51 6:53 54/44 Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationay front
Ocean City 11:13 11:34 5:18 5:10
Salisbury -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
WATERWAYS Wnd Spd Wav WAVE HEIGHTS Leonardtown 56/40 Ocean City Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow
Upper Chesapeake Bay NW 8-16 1-2 Ocean City 59/42 54/43 City H/Lo/W H/Lo/W City H/Lo/W H/Lo/W
Susquehanna River NW 8-16 1-3 5 feet, water temp 54 United States San Antonio 89/71/pc 91/71/pc
Middle River NW 8-16 2-4 Pocomoke City Albany 48/37/r 59/37/pc San Diego 75/62/s 76/62/s
Assateague Island Albuquerque 85/57/pc 86/58/pc ●San Francisco 69/53/pc 70/53/s
Patuxent River NW 8-16 2-4 57/42
5 feet, water temp 54 Anchorage 49/34/pc 50/34/pc Savannah 77/51/s 80/61/s
Choptank River NW 8-16 1-2
Atlanta 72/51/s 78/59/pc ●Seattle 62/47/r 61/50/sh
Potomac River NW 7-14 1-3 Chesapeake Bay Forecasts and graphics provided
Birmingham 73/52/pc 78/62/pc St. Louis 69/56/pc 77/54/t
Ocean City NW 10-20 3-5 4 feet, water temp 54 by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020 Chincoteague Tampa 79/59/s 84/65/pc
●Boston 41/37/r 48/37/c
57/45 Buffalo 51/38/pc 57/47/pc Canada & Mexico
BALTIMORE ALMANAC Data for Baltimore through 5 p.m. yesterday
Charleston SC 75/50/s 77/60/s Cancun 88/77/pc 87/78/sh
TEMPERATURES PRECIPITATION AT BWI CONDITIONS TODAY Charleston WV 62/46/pc 68/57/c ●Mexico City 78/55/t 77/56/t
Downtown high/low 55/48 24 hours ending 5 p.m. yest. 0.43" 6 a.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m. Charlotte 73/45/s 77/57/s ●Montreal 49/35/sh 52/34/pc
BWI high/low 55/49 Month to date (normal) 4.22" (2.77") Relative humidity (percentages) ●Chicago 64/51/sh 68/51/t Toronto 53/38/s 51/41/c
BWI normal high/low 68/46 Most in April 8.70" in 1889 75 72 66 59 51 47 44 46 Cincinnati 65/52/pc 71/57/c ●Vancouver 59/44/r 56/47/r
Cleveland 58/48/pc 62/54/c Europe & Middle East
BWI record high 92 in 1990 Least in April 0.39" in 1985 Barometer (at sea level) Dallas 83/67/pc 83/66/t
BWI record low 32 in 2001 Year to date (normal) 13.36" (12.72") Amsterdam 65/48/pc 54/47/r
29.83 29.91 29.95 29.95 29.98 29.99 29.99 30.06 Denver 79/48/pc 73/41/s Athens 73/55/pc 72/55/s
One year ago 77/56 Days since last measurable precip. 0 Des Moines 74/57/sh 72/49/r
UV Index Baghdad 87/63/pc 91/65/s
Temperature trend and forecast The last week Detroit 61/47/pc 65/52/c Berlin 72/48/pc 76/53/sh
Actual Average Record 0 1 2 3 5 3 1 0 El Paso 95/67/pc 94/67/s Copenhagen 56/45/pc 57/43/c
100° The higher the UV Index™ number, the greater Fairbanks 46/22/s 46/24/c Dublin 53/37/c 54/40/r
the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low, 3-5 Moderate, 6-7 High, Fargo 70/48/pc 59/44/r Jerusalem 68/51/s 73/52/s
8-10 Very High, 11+ Extreme. Harrisburg 56/39/c 59/47/pc
80° Kuwait City 90/65/s 91/70/s
ASTRONOMICAL DATA ●Hartford 45/37/r 59/36/c London 66/47/c 52/45/sh
0.00" 0.03" 0.00" 0.65" 0.52" 0.03" 0.43" ●Helena MT 65/44/pc 69/47/pc
60° Sun Rise Set Moon phases ●Madrid 65/46/r 65/44/c
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Honolulu 85/72/pc 83/72/pc Moscow 51/31/pc 50/39/pc
Today 6:12 a.m. 7:56 p.m. First Full Houston 84/71/s 84/73/t ●Paris 74/54/r 67/51/r
40° POLLEN INDEX Tuesday 6:11 a.m. 7:57 p.m. Apr 30 May 7 Indianapolis 65/54/pc 72/55/c Riyadh 92/68/s 96/73/s
Trees Weeds Grass Molds Moon Rise Set Kansas City 73/58/pc 73/52/t Rome 68/54/s 68/54/r
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 High Absent Moderate Low Las Vegas 95/72/s 97/74/s Tel Aviv 73/57/pc 75/57/s
Today 9:12 a.m. none Los Angeles 82/60/s 89/60/s
DEGREE DAYS Heat Cool Source: Drs. Golden and Matz, LLC Tuesday 10:02 a.m. 12:30 a.m. Louisville 69/54/pc 73/59/pc
Asia & Australia
Memphis 71/58/pc 74/62/t Beijing 78/48/s 87/60/pc
Yesterday 13 0 AIR QUALITY INDEX YESTERDAY Planets today Rise Set Last New Hong Kong 80/70/pc 80/72/pc
Month to date 319 1 Mercury 5:57 a.m. 7:11 p.m. Miami 87/68/pc 84/72/s
37 May 14 May 22 ●Milwaukee 59/46/r 57/48/r Kabul 79/52/pc 75/50/t
Normal to date 322 8 Venus 8:00 a.m. 11:31 p.m. Manila 95/79/pc 96/80/c
0 50 100 150 200 300 500 Minneapolis 73/49/sh 57/42/r
Season to date 3700 4 Mars 3:04 a.m. 1:18 p.m. Nashville 71/54/pc 75/60/pc Mumbai 90/81/pc 92/84/pc
0-50 Good, 51-100 Moderate, 101-150 Unhealthy for
Normal to date 4605 8 sensitive groups, 151-200 Unhealthy, 201-300 Very Jupiter 1:48 a.m. 11:29 a.m. New Orleans 79/61/s 84/69/pc Seoul 64/42/pc 65/46/s
Last year to date 4250 28 unhealthy, 301-500 Hazardous. Source: Saturn 2:05 a.m. 11:54 a.m. New York 49/41/sh 63/46/pc Sydney 70/64/pc 75/63/c
●Tokyo 59/50/sh 62/51/pc
●Oklahoma City 79/62/pc 82/54/t
Omaha 80/59/pc 75/50/c Africa
MARYLAND WEATHER Orlando 80/57/s 82/60/pc Cairo 84/65/pc 88/59/pc
Philadelphia 53/41/c 62/48/pc Cape Town 72/51/s 76/52/s
No major warm up is in the forecast this week as April turns to May. Average high temperatures reach 70 Nairobi 76/59/pc 77/61/pc
Phoenix 102/72/s 101/73/s
by this time of year, and while the region could flirt with that mark in the coming days, it could be a while Pittsburgh 58/44/pc 59/51/c Americas and Islands
before temperatures rise more significantly. A cool trend is forecast to continue across the eastern half of ●Portland ME 43/36/r 47/36/c Bermuda 74/65/c 69/62/s
Portland OR 67/47/r 70/52/c ●Buenos Aires 67/62/r 70/55/r
the country into early May, while the West and Southwest get hotter, according to the Climate Prediction Raleigh 69/44/s 75/58/s ●Nassau 85/73/t 84/74/pc
Center in College Park. -- Scott Dance Richmond 65/43/pc 70/54/pc Rio de Janeiro 79/69/s 79/69/pc
Salt Lake City 78/50/c 72/52/s San Juan PR 87/74/s 86/75/s
ONLINE Follow the weather blog online at Legend: W-weather, s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow
flurries, sn-snow, i-ice, ● travel delays possible.

Maryland’s athletic trainers From page 1

like [attackman] Jeff Teat who played

under Milliman under some capacity as

stepping up to fight pandemic an assistant coach, interim head coach

and then head coach in that offense has
really flourished and has been super-
efficient. That’s one of [Milliman’s] best
They’re doing all they can been driving to a call center in Elkridge to which will become law Oct. 1, will match attributes. They’re really efficient.”
call those who have negative tests. similar legislation in 20 other states, Named an assistant coach for the 2019
to help with sports on hold “It’s definitely hard being away from the according to Ed Strapp, who chairs MATA’s U.S. men’s national indoor team, Milli-
community you’ve been involved with at government affairs committee and is a man has previous international coaching
By Edward Lee high school and being away with sports, but flight paramedic for the Maryland State experience as the head coach of the
these are just such crazy times right now Police. Russian national team, which made its
Tim Happel has become accustomed to that being able to be at the forefront of this “They’re lifting, they’re pulling, they’re debut at the 2014 FIL World Champi-
delivering disappointment. pandemic and help in any way that we can is doing very athletic maneuvers in their onship in Denver.
As the head athletic trainer at Howard meaningful,” Crowe said. “These are such day-to-day jobs,” he said of certain corpo- Milliman’s time at Cornell began
Community College in Columbia, Happel different times, and with athletic trainers, rate and industrial employees. “Why when he arrived there as an associate
has often had the unenviable assignment of we’re utility players. You can use us in many shouldn’t they have access to athletic head coach for the 2014 season. The
informing an athlete that an injury has different environments.” trainers to help them either recover from director of the Big Red Leadership
delayed or ended his or her season. Now in Andrea Durham, a 30-year-old head injury or prevent them from being injured?” Institute Program at the time was
his other career as an athletic trainer at athletic trainer at James Hubert Blake High Del. Karen Lewis Young, a Democrat Jennifer S. Baker, a Hereford High
MedStar Sports Medicine, he has been School in Silver Spring and MedStar since representing Frederick County who led the School and Naval Academy graduate
tasked with calling people to let them know 2018, has been working at a drive-thru site effort to push the bill through the House of who is the current athletic director at
that they tested negative for the novel in Bethesda for the past month. She helps Delegates, said trainers are an underutil- Johns Hopkins.
coronavirus. collect documentation and input orders ized group that can help expand their roles. Milliman succeeds Dave Pietramala,
“Going back to what we normally do, a lot into the computer system. “The term athletic trainer may be who led the Blue Jays for 20 seasons but
of times we have to give the bad news like “It’s been interesting because not a lot of somewhat of a misnomer because they’re was in the final year of a four-year
‘You can’t play today,’ or ‘You tore your ACL, other professions know what we do and healthcare professionals who provide treat- contract extension. The university an-
and your season’s over.’ We do that more what we can contribute,” she said. “We’re ment and services under the direction or in nounced April 14 that it had parted ways
than what we like to do,” Happel, 35, said like, ‘We can do that, we can take vitals.’ collaboration with physicians, and it’s in with Pietramala, who is the program’s
Thursday. “So to be on the other end of it That’s been pretty cool just showing them accordance with their education, training, winningest coach with 207 victories —
and give some positive news all day long is the different things we can do. So it’s nice to state statutes, and rules and regulations,” 49 more than the late Bob Scott.
really nice.” be used. It’s nice that we were able to get she said. Pietramala, who spent three seasons
In the fight to contain COVID-19, it’s all re-purposed.” “And think of some of the essential as coach at Cornell from 1998 to 2000,
hands on deck in the medical and health- Monahan, who grew up in Mt. Airy, workers right now. They’re working in guided the Blue Jays to NCAA champi-
care professions, and that has included could no longer work at the high school supermarkets, they’re loading groceries, onships in 2005 and 2007, two more title
several athletic trainers who have the time when all schools in the state were shuttered they’re loading supplies and probably at a game appearances in 2003 and 2008,
and desire to pitch in. March 16. Two weeks later, he was fur- faster rate than ever and working longer and three more Final Four berths in
“I like to do stuff, and I think most loughed March 30 and began emailing hours. Wouldn’t it be so much more 2002, 2004 and 2015. He is the only
athletic trainers do,” said Michael Mona- Christy Kingan, the director of sports convenient to have additional access to person in men’s college lacrosse history
han, a 29-year-old athletic trainer at Urbana medicine operations at Pivot, for job prevent and treat potential injuries?” to win an NCAA Division I national title
High School in Frederick County and Pivot opportunities. Strapp said athletic trainers are eager to as a player in 1987 and as a coach
Physical Therapy who has been checking On Monday, he began daily shifts at break the conventional mold of their Carcaterra acknowledged the burden
the temperatures of truck drivers picking Pepsi, where he uses an infrared reader to professions. on Milliman to replace Pietramala.
up shipments from the Pepsi warehouse in check truck drivers’ temperatures. Drivers “What we’re seeing is that people are “Dave Pietramala is an icon,” Car-
Columbia. with readings between 99.5 and 100.4 recognizing athletic trainers as healthcare caterra said. “I’ve been following
“We’ve got a wide variety of skills that degrees are given the option of another test providers more than just standing on the lacrosse for 38 years, and when I think of
we’re capable of doing, and we like to utilize or driving back home, while drivers with sidelines and giving out water bottles and Hopkins lacrosse, without hesitation
them. So sitting down and not doing temperatures exceeding100.4 degrees are — running onto the fields when somebody he’s the first person that comes to mind.
anything when I can be out there working within reason — sent home immediately. gets hurt,” he said. “… It has allowed people He’s the greatest player in Hopkins
and helping with the issue that is putting us “I’m just happy that I am doing some- to see that athletic trainers really are a lacrosse history, and he’s the all-time
out of work, it just seems logical that I thing,” he said. “I think most people would broad-based medical provider and that we winningest coach in Hopkins lacrosse
would be working.” be in my shoes. If somebody is in need — have a lot of skills.” history. So yes, there’s going to be
Added Kelley Crowe, a 31-year-old ath- whether that’s a warehouse worker or a Happel, the Howard Community College pressure, and I’m sure Peter — knowing
letic trainer at Arundel High School who high school athlete — I’m going to try to athletic trainer, said he checked the athletic that the job was open and knowing when
also works for MedStar: “I think everybody help them out. It’s just kind of what schedule on his cell phone Tuesday and he became a part of the process — knows
misses the normal routine. Just being able healthcare professionals try to do.” noticed that he would have staffed a that there’s pressure, and he’s the type of
to be a part of this and be able to help is what Breaking free of the usual confines women’s lacrosse game at CCBC-Essex. But person that is probably welcoming it.
is really important.” associated with athletic trainers has been a he said any sadness has been overwhelmed “It’s one of the few jobs in lacrosse
Happel, who grew up in Arbutus and priority for the Maryland Athlete Trainers by being the bearer of good news. where there’s pressure to win from Day
graduated from Lansdowne High School Association. For the past five years, the “I think there are opportunities to help One. It’s Johns Hopkins and Syracuse in
and Towson University, and Crowe have organization has been working on avenues out,” he said. “… It’s really nice to be a useful terms of that rich tradition of expecting
assisted in field tents erected by MedStar to expand access to athletic trainers. part of the system and really be helpful great teams every single year. I think the
outside area hospitals to facilitate the flow On March 18, state legislators voted to during such a time of need for so many pressure is high now as well because of
of potential patients by checking for pass a bill that would permit athletic people. We want to be an extra set of hands. the climate of lacrosse that we’re in.”
referrals and other documentation. Since trainers to work in corporate or industrial To jump in and help in the fight, it’s nice to A formal announcement is expected
then, for the past four weeks, they have settings to help employees. The proposal, be a part of that.” to be made Monday.

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