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Phytother. Res. (2016)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5618

Stability Testing of Herbal Drugs: Challenges,
Regulatory Compliance and Perspectives

Gulshan Bansal,* Nancy Suthar, Jasmeen Kaur and Astha Jain

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, India

Stability testing is an important component of herbal drugs and products (HDPs) development process. Drugs
regulatory agencies across the globe have recommended guidelines for the conduct of stability studies on HDPs,
which require that stability data should be included in the product registration dossier. From the scientific view-
point, numerous chemical constituents in an herbal drug are liable to varied chemical reactions under the influ-
ence of different conditions during its shelf life. These reactions can lead to altered chemical composition of HDP
and consequently altered therapeutic profile. Many reports on stability testing of HDPs have appeared in liter-
ature since the last 10 years. A review of these reports reveals that there is wide variability in temperature ( 80 to
100 °C), humidity (0–100%) and duration (a few hours–36 months) for stability assessment of HDPs. Of these,
only 1% studies are conducted in compliance with the regulatory guidelines for stability testing. The present
review is aimed at compiling all stability testing reports, understanding key challenges in stability testing of HDPs
and suggesting possible solutions for these. The key challenges are classified as chemical complexity and bio-
chemical composition variability in raw material, selection of marker(s) and influences of enzymes. Copyright
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: herbal; polyherbal; stability; regulatory; shelf life; therapeutic efficacy.

therapeutic purposes, provided that these products meet

the three attributes, that is, QSE (Z, 1998; NHPD, 2007;
TGA, 2011; SAFDA, 2012).
Herbal drugs are traditionally considered safe for the In order to comply with the stringent requirements by
treatment of any ailment because of being natural sub- regulatory guidelines, quality control and assurance
stances. About 70–95% of the population in developing have taken a front seat in herbal product development
countries depends upon these drugs to meet their pri- process. The most acceptable and widely followed ap-
mary healthcare needs (Robinson and Zhang, 2011). proach to this quality assurance is standardization of
Popularity of these drugs has spread through the devel- the herbal drug/product with respect to its active
oped countries as well. As a result, international herbal and/or analytical marker(s). Nevertheless, this quality
drug market has grown tremendously for the last assurance in terms of chemical composition alone may
15 years (Citarasu, 2010; Ghani, 2013; David et al., not ensure consistent therapeutic efficacy and/or safety
2015). Many proprietary herbal products, containing of the product owing to heterogeneous nature of constit-
one or more herbal drugs/preparations, are commer- uents in an herbal product. Although randomized clini-
cially available, which claim the treatment of varied cal trials (RCTs) are considered scientifically proven
types of diseases. Drugs regulatory agencies across the method of evaluating and establishing therapeutic safety
globe have provided guidelines for manufacturing and of a medicinal product, yet, many times, they fail to pro-
for controlling quality, safety and efficacy (QSE) of vide reliable data on efficacy and safety. Recently, Izzo
these products. The US Food and Drug Administration et al. (2016) have critically studied reports on clinical tri-
(USFDA) has laid down very stringent criteria for ap- als of numerous herbal drugs. They have found that this
proval of any herbal product claimed to have specific non-reliability exist because of limited clinical trials
therapeutic benefits (Inamdar et al., 2008). European data, differences in diverse clinical trials on a
medicine agency (EMEA) requires herbal medicinal herb/product, poor methodological quality of the trials
product (HMP) be identified and standardized in terms and vide variability in chemical composition of an
of therapeutic or analytical marker(s). It also requires herbal drug/product owing to different methods of har-
that stability of the product should be determined by vesting, processing and extraction. Hence, it becomes
suitable analytical methods, in accordance with guide- unarguable that the only most reliable and rigorous
lines on stability testing (CPMP, 2011a). Other countries method of assuring efficacy and safety of an herbal
such as Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan and drug/product is through critical systematic reviews and
Saudi Arabia also approve herbal products for meta-analysis of available reports on such studies. Effi-
cacy of an herbal drug/product is further affected when
* Correspondence to: Gulshan Bansal, Department of Pharmaceutical
it is exposed to varied chemical or environmental condi-
Sciences and Drug Research, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002, India. tions during its storage/shelf life (Bhatt, 2012). Hence,
E-mail:; similar to synthetic drugs in modern system of
Received 30 December 2015
Revised 26 February 2016
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 12 March 2016

medicines, the herbal products are also required to be agencies need the shelf life of an herbal product be
subjected to comprehensive systematic stability testing assessed and recommended on the basis of appropri-
in order to establish and ensure consistent therapeutic ately generated stability data. Various approaches for
efficacy and safety throughout their shelf lives. assessment of shelf life include assay of markers (active
or analytical), biological assays and/or chromatographic
chemoprofiling or fingerprinting of control and stability
samples of a product under different stability conditions.
REGULATORY BASIS OF HERBAL DRUG These conditions are broadly consensual (Table 1) in
different international and country-specific guidelines
on quality of herbal drugs/products.
Guidelines provided by drugs regulatory agencies such
as EMEA (CPMP, 2003a, 2012, 2011a, 2011b; EMEA,
2008a, 2008b, 2010), International Conference on Har- SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF HERBAL DRUG
monization (ICH, 2003) and World Health Organization STABILITY TESTING
(WHO, 2009) require stability data of any drug product
prior to its approval. WHO’s Supplementary guidelines Stability studies on herbal drugs reported in literature
for the manufacture of herbal medicines specifically involve quantitative monitoring of specific constituent
states under its section 17.4 that (s) as active and/or analytical marker(s). However, any
If the expiry date is given for a herbal material or change in content(s) of a specific or a group of specific
herbal preparation, some stability data which sup- marker(s) in an herbal product during its stability stud-
ports the proposed shelf life under the specified stor- ies may not be extrapolated to similar changes in its
therapeutic effectiveness. It is because an herb in its
age conditions should be available. Stability data is entirety is regarded as the active ingredient (WHO,
always required to support the shelf-life for the fin- 2009; CPMP, 2011b). Constituents belonging to different
ished herbal products (WHO, 2006). chemical classes in an herbal product may undergo var-
EMEA has also issued specific set of guidelines on qual- ied intra-molecular or inter-molecular reactions under
ity of HMPs, which clearly states that the influence of heat, humidity and/or light experienced
during its manufacture, transportation and storage. The
Since the herbal substance or herbal preparation in its possible interactions between different groups of con-
entirety is regarded as the active substance, a mere de- stituents (Fig. 1) are liable to produce products that con-
termination of the stability of the constituents with sequently may render the product more or less active
known therapeutic activity will not suffice. The stabil- and/or toxic. For example, polyphenols form reversible
ity of other substances present in the herbal substance complexes with proteins and polysaccharides via
or in the herbal preparation, should, as far as possible, H-bonding and hydrophobic interactions that lead to
decreased levels of free polyphenols (McManus et al.,
also be demonstrated, e.g., by means of appropriate
1985). Water solubility of tannins is increased in the
fingerprint chromatograms. It should also be demon- presence of water soluble glycosides via non-covalent
strated that their proportional content remains compa- interactions, as observed with paeniflorin and
rable to the initial fingerprint (CPMP, 2011b). glycyrrhizin (Tanaka, 1999). Alkaloids are precipitated
Current Good Manufacturing Practice USFDA states that in the presence of tannins (Fear, 1929). Polysaccharides,
tannins and lignins form mono-dentate and bi-dentate
Nevertheless, if you use an expiration date on a prod- complexes with heavy metal ions (Martin-Dupont
uct, you should have data to support that date. You et al., 2006). Cations form strong complexes with poly-
should have a written testing program designed to saccharides in alkaline medium but weak complexes in
assess the stability characteristics of the dietary sup- the other media (Rendleman, 1977). Such interactions
plement, and you should use the results of the stability are liable to change the chemical profile of an herbal
testing to determine appropriate storage conditions drug during its storage, which may, consequently, affect
or alter its therapeutic profile. Therefore, it is necessary
and expiration dates (USFDA, 2003).
to show, through chromatographic fingerprints gener-
Kruse and Sultan (2010) have discussed the legal ated by sophisticated analytical methods, that the over-
requirement and suggested some specific features for all chemical composition of a drug remains unchanged
quality control and stability studies on HMPs. From during its shelf life. In addition, herbal drugs are com-
these excerpts, it is evident that drugs regulatory monly formulated and dispensed as tablets, capsules,

Table 1. Recommended conditions for stability testing (WHO, 2009)

Minimum time period covered by

Study Storage condition data at submission (months) Testing frequency (months)

Long-term 25 ± 2 °C/60 ± 5% RH or 12 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 and then annually

30 ± 2 °C/65 ± 5% RH or
30 ± 2 °C/75 ± 5% RH
Intermediate 30 ± 2 °C/65 ± 5% RH 6 0, 6, 9 and 12
Accelerated 40 ± 2 °C/75 ± 5% RH 6 0, 3 and 6

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

Figure 1. Possible interactions among different types of phytoconstituents.

topical products and oral solutions. In addition, various the last decade. A critical analysis of these reports
parameters specific to these formulations such as disin- has revealed that there is a wide variability in condi-
tegration, dissolution, hardness, brittleness, pH, viscos- tions employed and duration of stability testing and
ity, clarity, suspendability, homogeneity, extractables parameters evaluated for assessment of shelf life. In
and microbial contamination do change with time dur- the present review, we have analysed various such re-
ing storage. Hence, these parameters are also required ports on herbal drugs and products in order to (i)
to be evaluated during their stability testing as per the compile their stability data; (ii) understand the chal-
pharmacopoeial protocols. However, it is rather not lenges in their stability testing; (iii) discuss the extent
necessary to undertake all the listed tests for each type of compliance with stability testing conditions recom-
of product, but the tests undertaken should be able to mended in drugs regulatory guidelines; and (iv) sug-
justify the overall stability studies (WHO, 2009). There- gest approaches for generating a comprehensive
fore, stability studies of an herbal product constitute an stability data of these drugs and products. Based on
indispensible component of its development process. the parameters employed to assess stability, these re-
ports are classified into four categories, that is, those
assessing only physical characteristics (Physical stud-
ies, Table 2), those assessing physical and/or chemical
stability (Physico-chemical/Chemical studies, Table 3),
CURRENT SCENARIO IN STABILITY TESTING those assessing biological activity (Biological studies,
OF HERBAL DRUGS AND PRODUCTS Table 4) and those assessing physical and chemical
stabilities as well as biological activity (Physico-
Many research reports on stability studies on herbal chemico-biological studies, Table 5). The last type of
drugs and products have appeared in literature for studies presents an ideal stability testing protocol for

Table 2. Herbs/herbal products evaluated for physical changes

Herb(s)/herbal product(s) Stability condition Findings Reference(s)

Azadirachta indica cream 25–30 °C, 12 months Stable Aremu and Femi-Oyewo, 2009
Clerodendron infortunatum Different temperature and humidity, Extract with lower % concentration Das et al., 2011
(2.5% and 5%) extract gels 3 months is found to be more stable
Hippophae rhamnoides 8, 25, 40 and 40 °C/75% RH, Stable at temperature ≤25 °C Akhtar et al., 2010
emulsion 4 weeks
Sesbania grandiflora ICH Q1A(R2) recommended Stable Dwivedi and Gupta, 2012
temperature and humidity, 3 months
Trigonella foenum graecum 8, 25, 40 and 40 °C/75% RH, Stable except for significant changes Waqas et al., 2010
4 weeks in pH
Fenugreek seed powder (fast Accelerated stability, 3 months Stable Kulkarni et al., 2011
disintegrating tablets)

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

Table 3. Herbs or herbal products evaluated for chemical or physicochemical stability

Herb(s)/herbal product(s) Stability condition(s) Findings Reference(s)

Actaea racemosa LT and AS, 6 months; 50 °C, Triterpene glycoside (TG) content fall Budukh et al., 2003
formulations 1 months under AS
A. racemosa extracts Varied temperature and humidity, TG stable and polyphenols unstable Jiang et al., 2008
9 weeks at higher temperature
Aleurites moluccana AS and LT, 6 months 2–O -rhamnosylswertisin and swertisin Cesca et al., 2012
(formulations) remain stableDegradation dependent
upon concentration of extract
Allium sativum Fresh blend, 80 °C; tablets, 4 °C Stable Lawson and Gardner,
and RT, 2–3 years 2005
Andrographis paniculatus LT, IS and 5 °C, 3 months Insignificant decrease in andrographolide Ibrahim and Chong,
extract content 2008
Bacopa monnieri extracts 5–80 °C at 75% RH and pH 1.2, Unstable at high temperature and Phrompittayarat et al.,
6.8, 9.0 at 40 °C low pH 2008
Betula pendula and Betula LT, 24 months; AS, 80 °C and Unstable under accelerated conditions Hiegl and Franz, 2003
pubescens 100 °C, 6 months
Boswellia serrata extract LT and AS, 6 months Extracts have been found physically Sahoo et al., 2009
stable but chemically Unstable
Calendula officinalis AS, 3 months; LT, 6 months Stable Bilia et al., 2002
C. officinalis LT, 24 months; AS, 80 °C and Flavonoid content decreases under high Hiegl and Franz, 2003
100 °C, 6 months temperature and humidity
C. officinalis cream 8, 25, 40 °C and AS Stable Bernatoniene et al., 2011
Calophyllum inophyllum 4 and 37 °C, 3 months Stable Mishra et al., 2011
Carum carvi oil 5 °C, LT and AS, 1 months Carvone content stable Sachan et al., 2010
Cassia angustifolia LT, IS and AS Goppel 2003
Creams and dragees of Different temperature and humidity, Marker content decrease depending on Inamdar et al., 1996
Centella asiatica extract 12 months severity of conditions
Crataegus oxyacantha fruits 4, 23 and 40 °C, 6 months Degradation at high temperature Chang et al., 2006
and canned drinks
C. oxyacantha tinctures LT, 9 months Complete degradation Bilia et al., 2007
Curcuma longa PCT-8, LT, 9 months Curcumin and oleoresin remain stable Zachariah and Babu,
PCT-13 and PCT-14 1992
Lipid soluble fraction of Different temperature, pH and Markers found stable to heat, varied Jain et al., 2007
C. longa rhizomes light conditions pH and light
C. longa extracts LT and 4 °C Curcuminoids degrade significantly Green et al., 2008
C. longa tincture 40 °C, 6 months 80% fall in curcuminoid content Karioti et al., 2010
Echinacea purpurea extract 20, 25 and 40 °C Alkamide content remain stable; cichoric Livesey et al., 1999
acid content decreases at 25 and 40 °C
E. purpurea flower extract Varied temperature, pH, buffer, Alkamide content decreases significantly Al-Jabari et al., 2008
ionic strength and cosolvent
Ginkgo biloba extracts and 25, 40, 60 and 80 °C, direct sunlight Stability decreases at high temperature, Marais, 2001
formulations and direct sunlight + humidity, humidity and sunlight
6 months
Guazuma ulmifolia extract AS, 21 days Epicatechin found stable; procyanidin Lopes et al., 2012
degraded significantly
Gymnema sylvestre extract RT, 38 and 45 °C with 65% RH, Stable Killedar et al., 2012
1 months
Harpagophytum procumbens 40 °C, 6 months Irridoids found stable Karioti et al., 2010
Hieracium pilosella tinctures LT, 9 months Caffeoyl quinic acid derivative and Bilia et al., 2007
flavonoid content remained stable
Hippophae rhamnoides juices 20, 6, 25 and 40 °C, 7 days Degradation occurred at temperature Gutzeit et al., 2008
and berries ≥25 °C
Hypericum perforatum extract, 25, 40, 60 and 80 °C, direct sunlight Formulations degrade at higher Marais, 2001
tablets and capsules and direct sunlight + humidity, temperature, humidity and in light
6 months
Dried extract of H. perforatum AS, LT, light, 3 months Significant chemical degradation Bilia et al., 2001
Commercial products of AS, LT and thermal conditions, Unstable at higher temperature Shah et al., 2005
H. perforatum 6 months
Extracted H. perforatum oil Heat and light Chemical stability of oil affected by Isacchi et al., 2007
extraction method

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

Table 3. (Continued)

Herb(s)/herbal product(s) Stability condition(s) Findings Reference(s)

H. perforatum extract AS, 6 months Koyu and Haznedaroglu,

Matricaria chamomilla extract Greater stability for fresh flower extract Carle et al., 1989
M. chamomilla 25, 4 and 20 °C, pH, light Stable at 20 °C and to light Srivastava and Gupta,
exposure and LT, 120 days 2009
Mentha piperita and Mentha 25 and 40 °C and compatibility Stable Wolf, 2007
spicata oils with container materials
Peppermint oil 5 °C, LT and AS Stable Sachan et al., 2010
Passiflora alata Different conditions, 28 days Spouted bed dried extract found more Bott et al., 2010
Passiflora incarnate tinctures Long-term and accelerated stability 60% tincture was more stable Bilia et al., 2002
Piper methysticum 25, 40, 60 and 80 °C, sunlight, Tablets more stable than extracts and Marais, 2001
sunlight + humidity,6 months capsules
Piper sarmentosum LT, AS and 60 °C/85% RH, High temperature and humidity increases Hussain et al., 2011
6 months degradation
Plantago lanceolata dried 0%, 40% and 75% RH, 24 weeks Higher humidity increases degradation. Gonda et al., 2012
leaves Acteoside less stable than catalpol and
Sambucus nigra LT, 24 months; AS, 80 °C and High temperature and humidity leads Heigl and Franz, 2003
100 °C, 6 months to increased degradation
Silybum marianum tinctures AS and LT Stable for not more than 3 months Bilia et al., 2002
Stevia rebaudiana 4, 22 and 37 °C, 5 months; 60 °C, Marker content lost at 60 °C Chang and Cook,
137 h; sunlight, 1 week 1983
Gels containing stevia extract As per ICH guidelines, 3 months Higher stability exhibited by lower Das et al., 2009
concentration extract gel
Steviol glycosides 4 and 20 °C, 30 days Stevioside was found thermolabile, Gardana et al., 2010
whereas rebaudiside was photosensitive
Syzygium cumini extract 0–45 °C at pH 3, 4 weeks, dark Anthocyanins found thermo and Veigas et al., 2007
and light (2000 Lux) photolabile
Tanacetum parthenium Different pH, temperature and light Maximum stability at neutral pH and Fonseca et al., 2007
conditions thermolabile
Parthenolide solution Varied pH, temperature and humidity Should be stored at acidic pH ~4.6 Jin et al., 2007
under refrigerated conditions
Withania somnifera 4 and 25 °C Stable for 72 h Jirge et al., 2011
Zingiber officinalis AS and LT Unstable at temperature ≥25 °C Phadke et al., 1998
Ziziphus spina-christi 30, 40 and 50 °C/75% RH Stable for 1 year Michel et al., 2011

LT, Long term stability; AS, Accelerated stability; IS, Intermediate stability; RT, Room temperature.

herbal products, because evaluation of physical, Chemical complexity

chemical as well as therapeutic qualities of these
products is the key to the scientifically established An herbal drug is an extremely complex and heteroge-
shelf life. neous mixture of chemicals. These range from being
highly polar to non-polar, hydrophillic to lipophillic,
acidic to basic and having very low to very high molec-
ular mass. This diversity in chemical composition is
CHALLENGES IN STABILITY TESTING OF the major deterrent in development of a comprehen-
HERBAL DRUGS/PRODUCTS sive chromatographic fingerprint, which is recom-
mended by regulatory guidelines for establishing
Stability testing helps in establishing the storage condi- shelf life of an herbal product. Moreover, the contents
tions to ensure sustained QSE of a drug product of these diverse constituents vary from traces to few
throughout its shelf life. But ensuring QSE under the milligrammes per unit mass of an herbal drug. As a re-
influence of various storage conditions is much more sult, all or most of the constituents are not isolated or
complicated for an herbal product than that for a syn- available with sufficient purity for their use as
thetic drug product. The major challenges that make active/analytical makers in qualitative or quantitative
stability testing of an herbal drug/product a herculean analysis of the drug. Further, different constituents,
task include its chemical complexity, variability in bio- present in trace or appreciable amounts, in an herbal
chemical composition of raw material, selection of drug elicit multiple pharmacological responses by act-
marker(s) for its stability testing and influences of en- ing independently, synergistically or antagonistically,
zymes present in it. which accounts for the diverse biological activities of
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

Table 4. Herb or herbal product evaluated for biological activity during stability studies

Herb(s)/herbal product(s) Stability condition Findings Reference(s)

Aegle marmelose Varied pH Activity lost at higher pH Reddy and Urooj, 2013; Mansour
and Khalil, 2000
Alpinia galanga 80 °C, 1 h at pH 7 Antioxidant activity retained Juntachote and Berghofer, 2005
ethanolic extract
Caesalpinia pulcherrima 75 ± 25% RH within six Antioxidant activity retained Soisuwan et al., 2010
cream cycles of cooling and heating
(5 and 45 °C for 48 h)
Cassia alata leaf Different pH and temperature Anticryptococcal activity Ranganathan and Balajee, 2000
extract decreases with increase in
temperature and pH
Cinnamomum camphora Heat, 1 h; visible light, Photounstable with respect to Chen and Dai, 2012
extract 25 °C, 96 h; UV for 4 h; (w.r.t.) antimicrobial activity
and acid/base, 24 h
Echinacea purpurea 4, 30 and 40 °C, 6 months Total phenolic content Yotsawimonwat et al., 2010
formulations and antioxidant activity
Ocimum sanctum 80 °C, 1 h Stable w.r.t. antioxidant activity Juntachote and Berghofer, 2005
ethanolic extract
Piper longum LT, AS and ambient/real-time Maximally stable under long Srivastava et al., 2011
conditions term stability condition w.r. t.
antioxidant activity
Polygonum cuspidatum Light, heat and pH Stable w.r.t. antioxidant activity. Meng and Hang, 2000
Trigonella foenum graecum 4 and 25 °C, 1 months Unstable at both the Haouala et al., 2008
temperatures w.r.t. antifungal

Table 5. Herbs and herbal products evaluated for physicochemical stability as well as biological activity

Herb/herbal product Stability condition Findings References

Allium sativum extracts pH 6–9, 20, 4 and 23 °C, T1/2 (allicin) = 12 days; T1/2 (biological) = Fujisawa et al., 2008
RT; Time 17 days antibacterial activity decreases
with increase in pH
Azadirachta indica oil Varied temperature Azadirachtin A content decreases Kumar and Parmar, 2000
containing formulations (5–54.5 °C) for 14 days significantly but antimicrobial activity retained
Bacopa monnieri crude AS and LT Bacopaside I and Bacoside A, and free radical Srivastava et al., 2010, 2012
plant material scavenging activity decreases under AS
Cassia alata leaves Sundrying, 85 °C, 1 h Kaempferol-3-gentiobioside and anti-inflammatory Moriyama et al., 2001, 2003
activity decreases in sunlight
Olea europaea oil 18–28 °C, under light/dark, Photosensitive but thermostable Psomiadou and Tsimidou, 2002
24 months
Orthosiphon stamineus Varied temperature Marker content and activity decreases at Akowuah and Zhari, 2010
temperature ≥60 °C
Withania somnifera root AS and LT Unstable after 3 months Patil et al., 2010

the drug. Exposure of an herbal drug to varied envi- Variability in biochemical composition
ronmental conditions (light, humidity, heat and/or
air) during its shelf life may trigger chemical reactions Content and nature of phytoconstituents in an herbal
between or among its different chemical constituents raw material are governed, directly or indirectly, by seed
that may alter the levels of constituent(s) responsible selection, growth conditions, fertilizers, pesticides,
for an activity or different activities. Hence, there is heavy metal content, microbial contamination and
a need to identify chemical markers, whose levels methods of harvesting, drying and post-harvest process-
may be correlated with a specific or multiple biological ing (Garg et al., 2012). It implies that a particular herbal
activities. This objective can be achieved by closely drug procured from different sources is most likely to
monitoring the fingerprint profiles as well as biological have variable biochemical compositions. As a result,
activity(ies) of stability samples with respect to those the products of an herbal drug procured from different
of control sample during stability studies of an herbal sources developed by different manufacturers tend to
drug. have different biochemical compositions. Shah and co-
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

workers (Shah et al., 2005) have tested different et al. (2008) have used cimiracemoside F, 3-epi-26-
marketed formulations of Hypericum perforatum, which deoxyactein, actein (triterpenes) and polyphenols as
are claimed to have hypericin 0.3% of the product. But, markers. Comparative analysis of these two studies re-
that study has revealed that hypericin content varies veals that polyphenols are unstable in comparison with
from a mere 5% to just 50% of the label claim (0.3%). triterpenes at higher temperatures. Therefore, shelf life
Similarly, content of Azadirachtin A is found to vary sig- of A. racemosa with respect to polyphenolic content is
nificantly (617.3 to 1149.65 ppm) in different batches of shorter than that with respect to triterpene content.
neem oil formulations (Aremu and Femi-Oyewo, Similarly, stability studies on Echinacea purpurea are
2009). These studies suggest that similar products from conducted using alkamide and cichoric acid (Livesey
different manufacturers may have widely variable con- et al., 1999) as well as using alkamides (Al-Jabari
tent of marker(s). Such products (i) are required to be et al., 2008). Cichoric acid is found very unstable in
administered in different doses to elicit a specific biolog- comparison with alkamides, which again implies two
ical response and (ii) will have varied shelf lives depend- different shelf lives for the same herb. Another case
ing upon the initial content of the markers. is of stability studies on Calendula officinalis, wherein
Microbial contamination of an herbal product is an- one research group has used total carotenoid content
other quality attribute that may not only pose a poten- as marker (Bernatoniene et al., 2011), whereas the
tial health hazard but also lead to degradation of others have used flavonoid content for stability assess-
certain constituents by actions of microbial enzymes. ment (Bilia et al., 2002; Akhtar et al., 2010). Both the
Therefore, monitoring of microbial load in an herbal markers belong to different chemical categories, which
product should also be an integral part of stability test- may be responsible for different shelf lives of C.
ing protocol. Pesticide residues and heavy metal con- officinalis with respect to different markers. These
tamination are the other unwanted components of an analyses of reports suggest that there is wide variability
herbal product, which not only attract toxic manifesta- in (i) susceptibility of different classes of makers to
tions but also can react with markers that may result in chemical change during shelf life and (ii) selection of
altered chemical composition of the product during its markers for monitoring of stability of an herbal
shelf life and complication of the stability testing drug/product. It implies that shelf lives assigned to a
programme. particular herbal drug/product are liable to be different
with respect to different markers. Therefore, the major
question, which needs to be answered in the very first
Selection of marker(s) place, in assessment of shelf life of an herbal
drug/product is that ‘which phytoconstituent is to be
The active pharmaceutical ingredients in a synthetic selected for monitoring during stability testing so that
medicinal drug product are well defined, and these a reliable shelf life of the drug/product is established?’
serve as markers for stability testing of the product. As the sole purpose of consuming any herbal
Any change in content of that marker during its shelf drug/product is to get some therapeutic and/or nutri-
life or stability testing is directly related to change in tional benefits, and these benefits are functions of indi-
its therapeutic efficacy. In contrast to it, an herbal vidual, additive or synergistic actions of its different
drug/product is a very complex mixture of chemicals, phytoconstituents. An ideal stability studies protocol
and its therapeutic actions are usually a function of for such a drug/product should involve quantitative
additive or synergistic actions of chemically diverse analysis of marker(s), whose levels can be extrapolated
phytoconstituents. It implies that any change in content to its intended benefits. For instance, withanolides in
of a specific marker or a set of specific markers during Withania somnifera are related to immunomodulatory
stability testing of an herbal drug/product is not likely activity (Patil et al., 2010); rebaudiside and stevioside
to transcend to similar change in its therapeutic are related to sweetness of Stevia rebaudiana (Tanaka,
effectiveness. Therefore, selection of constituents as 1982); curcumin is responsible for antiinflammatory ac-
markers is the most challenging task in rational stabil- tivity of Curcuma longa (Akram et al., 2010); and
ity testing protocol for assessment of shelf life of an hyperforin is chiefly responsible for antidepressant ac-
herbal drug/product. The major proportion (78%) of tivity of H. perforatum (Barnes et al., 2001). But still,
stability studies reported on herbal drugs/products knowing the biologically active constituent in an herbal
involve evaluation of only physical characteristics drug may not be sufficient, because most herbal prod-
(Table 2) and physico-chemical stability (Table 3). As- ucts are composed of a cocktail of herbal drugs. In
sessment of physical stability provides no quantitative such cases, it is usually not possible to ascribe a partic-
information about chemical stability and therapeutic ular biological activity to a set of active markers. In
effectiveness of a product during its shelf life. Hence, this regard, the WHO’s Supplementary guidelines on
it can be argued here that only physical stability evalu- good manufacturing practices for the manufacture of
ation does not provide any concrete and reliable infor- herbal medicines says that
mation about shelf life of a product. On the other
hand, studies on physico-chemical stability involve is often not feasible to determine the stability of
monitoring of content of some selected markers each active ingredient. Moreover, because the herbal
(Table 3). A critical look into these available physico-
material, in its entirety, is regarded as the active ingre-
chemical stability reports revealed that different re-
search groups have used different markers for stability dient, a mere determination of the stability of the con-
testing of an herbal drug/product. For stability studies stituents with known therapeutic activity will not
on Actaea racemosa, Budukh et al. (Budukh et al., usually be sufficient. Chromatography allows tracing
2003) have used cimiracemoside-A, actein and 27- of changes which may occur during storage of a com-
deoxyactein (triterpenes) as markers, whereas Jiang plex mixture of biologically active substances
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

contained in herbal materials. It should be shown, as catalyse the metabolism of constituents by inter-
far as possible, e.g. by comparisons of appropriate conversion reactions, conjugation reactions, oxidative
characteristic/fingerprint chromatograms, that the polymerization and degradative reactions (Bayindirli,
identified active ingredient (if any) and other sub- 2010). Barz and Koster (1981) have provided a com-
prehensive compilation of degradation of many
stances present in the herbal material or finished
phytoconstituents under the influence of different en-
herbal product are likewise stable and that their con- zymes. In pre-harvest stage, activities of enzymes are
tent as a proportion of the whole remains within the controlled by feedback mechanisms. After harvesting,
defined limits. (WHO, 2006). the enzyme activities depend upon the conditions
The USFDA has also included biological assay as one of employed for processing and/or storage of the plant
the quality control parameter (USFDA, 2004). There- material/produce. A large volume of research has been
performed on studying post-harvest behaviour and sta-
fore, in light of these regulatory recommendations, it
bility of enzymes in edible plant produce like fruits
becomes imperative to assess shelf life of an herbal and vegetables. These post-harvest active enzymes,
drug/product in terms of chemical stability as well as bi- which mainly include catalase, peroxidase, lipo-
ological activity. But out of pool of stability studies on xygenase, chlorophyllase, pectin, esterase, ascorbate
such drugs/products, only a few studies are conducted oxidase, polygalactouronase, galactolipase and phos-
with respect to both marker compound as well as biolog- pholipase, continue to act during storage of the plant
ical activity. For instance, immunomodulatory activity of produce and cause changes in chemical composition of
W. somnifera is found to vary proportionally to the con- the produce. Such changes are reflected as changes in
centration of withanolide (Patil et al., 2010); decrease in colour, texture, consistency and taste.
free radical scavenging activity of Bacopa monnieri An edible plant produce can be used for nutritional as
corresponds well with decrease in concentration of well as therapeutic purposes. For example, garlic,
zinger, blackberries, olive, Indian blackberry (black
Bacopaside I (Srivastava et al., 2010); free radical scav- plum, jamun), Indian gooseberry (Amla) and many
enging activity of Orthosiphon stamineus extract is pro- others are used both as herbal drugs and edible pro-
portional to the content of polyphenols (Akowuah and duce. However, their post-harvest treatments vary with
Zhari, 2010); and antiangiogenic activity of Matricaria their intended use. The product intended to be used as
chamomilla extract is directly related to flavonoids and edible products are stored at low temperature and high
apigenin-7-O-glucoside content (Srivastava and Gupta, humidity and have shelf life of a few days to a few
2009). Nevertheless, contrary to these correlating months (Aked, 2000). Marked changes in colour,
reports, some studies have defied a correlation between texture/consistency and taste are noted in these prod-
stability of a selected marker and a particular biological ucts in a few days, which are attributed to catalytic ac-
activity tested during the stability studies. Exposure of tions of phenylperoxidase (PPO), polygalactouronase
and lipoxygenase, respectively (Toivonen and Brunnell,
Olea europaea to high temperature causes decrease in
2008). In contrast, the product intended to be used as
pheophytin (marker), but the antioxidant activity is herbal drugs are usually dried under controlled environ-
increased (Psomiadou and Tsimidou, 2002). Change in ment that hampers/decreases the degradation associ-
azadirachtin A content in Azadirachta indica formula- ated with microbes, enzymes, and hydrolytic reactions.
tions does not conform to similar changes in antibacte- While the microbial and hydrolytic degradation can be
rial and anti-diabetic activities of the formulation controlled to large extent by reducing moisture content,
(Kumar and Parmar, 2000). Determination of biological the enzymatic degradation may not be completely
half life (in terms of antibacterial activity) and chemical avoided during the shelf life. It is so, because some of
half life (in terms of allicin) of garlic extracts indicates the enzymes are not completely inactivated/denatured
that allicin alone is not responsible for antibacterial by heat treatment, and thus remain active during shelf
activity of the extract (Fujisawa et al., 2008). life. Peroxidase and catalase (CAT) can remain active
Therefore, shelf life assignment to an herbal product after treatment with temperature as high as 60 °C,
to ensure consistent therapeutic efficacy and safety whereas the other enzymes are inactivated (Gökmen,
should be based on systematic stability testing that in- 2010; Sukrasno, 2014). This complete or partial inactiva-
clude evaluation of physical and chemical stabilities as tion of enzymes leads to a sequence of events, which is
well as the intended biological activity of the stability subjective to individual enzyme. For instance, heat
samples by appropriate in vitro and/or in vivo methods. treatment of red ginseng results in inactivation of cata-
Table 5 discloses such comprehensive stability studies, bolic enzymes, which are responsible for metabolism
and this number constitutes only a very small fraction of antioxidant constituents, hydrolysis of saponins to
(8%) of the total number of stability testing reports on ginsenosides Rh2, Rh4, Rs3, Rs4 and Rg5 that possess
different herbal drugs and products. anticancer properties and production of 20(S)-
ginsenoside Rg3 responsible for antimetastatic,
vasorelaxant and antiplatlet aggregation properties. On
the other hand, when it is subjected to steam processing,
Enzymatic activities during shelf life yield of two ginsenosides Rg3 and Rg5 is increased, and
panaxytriol is formed, which ultimately leads to increase
Chemical constituents in an herbal drug are plant sec- in anticancer activity of the herb (Wang et al., 2007). An-
ondary metabolites. Their levels in plants are regulated other such case is of sinigrin, which is an important con-
by synchronized activities of various enzymes belonging stituent (glucosinolate) in many cruciferous vegetables.
to the categories of oxidoreductases, transferases, hy- It is hydrolysed by myrosinase, an enzyme present in
drolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases. These enzymes plant or in gut microflora, to allyl isothiocyanate (an
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

anticancer compound). But upon heating, myrosinase identified by appropriate enzyme assays. Further, their
gets inactivated, and hence, anticancer property of allyl biochemical roles and their levels during shelf life
isothiocyanate cannot be availed off (Patel et al., 2012). should be monitored through specific enzyme assay(s)
Post-harvest browning is the most commonly ob- and/or the levels of specific substrate(s) or product(s)
served visible change in herbal products. The culprits during the shelf life.
for this change are PPO, peroxidase (POD) and/or
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) that oxidize a
phenolic compound to a quinone, which imparts brown
appearance to the product (Fig. 2). Quinone itself is
highly reactive species that can further react with other CONFORMITY AND CONTRAVENTION WITH
constituents to form complex products. In an herbal RECOMMENDED STABILITY CONDITIONS
product, phenolic compounds can be present as such
or generated in situ from terpenoidal/flavonoidal glyco- Drugs regulatory bodies recommend that a drug prod-
sides by the action of glycosidases. For instance, brow- uct should be subjected to accelerated stability testing
ning in apple is initiated by glycosidase catalysed (at 40 °C/75% RH) for 6 months, intermediate stability
hydrolysis of quercetin glycoside to form quercetin, testing (at 30 °C/65% RH) for 6–12 months and long-
which subsequently is converted into proanthocyanidin term stability testing (at 25–30 °C/60–75% RH) for a pe-
via flavan-3,4-diol. Finally, PPO catalysed oxidation of riod equal to the proposed shelf life of the product. In-
proanthocyanidine produces quinones. Amine oxidases, termediate stability testing is, however, not required
oxalate oxidases and superoxide dismutases present in when the conditions for long-term testing are same as
mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes are the those for intermediate ones (ICH, 2003). Meta-analysis
other enzymes responsible for browning (Adams, 2010). of literature reports on stability studies on different
Based on these different reports on post-harvest types of herbal drugs/products (Tables 2–5) reveals that
activities of enzymes, it can be inferred that enzymes there is a wide variation in conditions employed (tem-
can play an important role in determining shelf life of perature of 80 to 100 °C, relative humidity of 0–
an herbal product. Nevertheless, there are some argu- 100% and duration of a few hours to 3 years) for the
ments that discourage the post-harvest degradative roles studies. Out of these, only 23% studies comply with
of enzymes in plant produce intended for use as drugs. storage conditions and sampling schedule recom-
These are as follows: mended for accelerated stability studies, and only a neg-
ligible proportion (<1%) of the studies comply with
1 Almost all herbal drugs, except those required for
conditions recommended for long-term and accelerated
isolation/extraction of essential or volatile oils, are
stability studies. Therefore, there is almost total non-
subjected to different treatments to conserve their
compliance with the recommended conditions in gener-
physical, chemical, organoleptic and pharmacologi-
ation of stability data of different herbal drugs/products.
cal characteristics. These treatments mainly aim at
The studies that are conducted in partial and complete
removal of water by drying under sunlight or with
compliance with the recommended conditions include
artificial methods such as freeze drying, heat drying,
those on A. racemosa (Budukh et al., 2003), B. monnieri
microwave drying, far infrared drying, vacuum dry-
(Srivastava et al., 2010, 2012), Cassia angustifolia
ing and spray drying. During these treatments, the
(Goppel and Franz, 2004), Carum carvi (Sachan et al.,
moisture content in plant material falls from 60–
2010), C. officinalis (Hiegl and Franz, 2003), Crataegus
80% to 5–12%, and weight is reduced by 15–80%
oxyacantha (Bilia et al., 2007), Hieracium pilosella (Bilia
depending upon the types of plant organ (Silva
et al., 2007), Mentha piperita (Sachan et al., 2010), Piper
Júnior et al., 2011). Removal of water as well as
longum (Srivastava et al., 2011), Piper sarmentosum
exposure to heat as such inactivates most of the
(Hussain et al., 2011), Sesbania grandiflora (Dwivedi
2 Many fresh or dried plant products are extracted with and Gupta, 2012), Solanum nigrum (Hiegl and Franz,
organic solvents to formulate HMPs. In these sol- 2003), Verbena officinalis (Goppel and Franz, 2004)
vents, the enzymes are either denatured or not ex- and W. somnifera (Patil et al., 2010).
tracted or their activity is significantly reduced. Polyherbal products are far behind the monoherbal
ones in terms of their systematic stability studies be-
Hence, the herbal extracts are either free from en-
cause chemical analysis of such products is much more
zymes or contain inactive enzymes.
tedious than that of the latter. Most polyherbal products
These arguments do not give the liberty to assume are analysed only for their physical stability, and only a
for sure that no enzyme may be active during shelf life. few products are evaluated through chemical stability
Therefore, in order to assess the impact of enzyme studies (Table 6). Among these, the studies by Hussain
activity on shelf life of an herbal product, it is recom- et al. (2011) and Bankoti et al. (2012) have actually
mended that the enzymes, which have high probability followed the regulatory guidelines for storage condition
of remaining active post-harvesting, should be and duration.

Figure 2. Degradation of constituents leading to browning and other products.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

Table 6. Studies conducted on polyherbal products

Polyherbal product (therapeutic use) Stability condition Testing evaluation criteria References

Physical studies
Ointment of Eucalyptus globulus, A. indica, 2, 25 and 37 °C, Physical attributes such as spreadability, Chhetri et al.,
Elsholtzia fructicosa, Ocimum sanctum 4 weeks diffusion and irritant effect 2010
and Rhododendron setosum (Antimicrobial)
Tablets of Myristica fragrans, Codiaeum 5, 25 and 37 °C, Physical attributes of tablets Rajiah and Mathew,
variegatum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum 1 months 2010
and Aloe vera extracts
Oral formulation of Piper nigrum and Nyctanthes 4, 25 and 47 °C Physicochemical characteristics of Ghiware et al.,
arbortristis (Antipyretic) formulation 2010
Formulation of C. rotundus, C. sativus and 4 °C, 20 days Physical stability of formulation Rajvanshi et al.,
almond oil. 2011
Capsules containing Sereona repens, A. 40 °C/75% RH, Physicochemical properties of capsules, Sakthivel et al.,
racemosa, Crataeva nurvala, A. catechu 3 months disintegration time, pH (1% w/v 2012
and Orchis muscular formulation),
(for benign prostatic hyperplasia) total ash, water and alcohol soluble
extractives, total saponin content and
microbial load
Safoof Burs (Unani antidiabetic formulation) 40 °C/75% RH, Organoleptic characteristic microbial Hussain et al.,
6 months content 2011
Physicochemical/chemical studies
Eazmov capsules composed of Picrorrhiza kurroa, 45 °C/75% RH, Specific markers, that is, kutkin, Chauhan et al.,
Glycyrrhizha glabra, Cyperus rotundus 6 months glycyrrhizin 1999
(anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiarthritic) and β-sitosterol
Formulation of extracts of Trichilia catigua and 5, 24 and 40 °C, Total flavonoids content expressed Baby et al.,
Ptychopetalum olacoides (stimulant and 90 days as rutin 2007
Mixture of peppermint oil and caraway oil Different temperature Menthol and carvone content Sachan et al.,
and humidity for 1 2010
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) capsules, 40 °C/75% RH and Physical characters of capsules, contents Bankoti et al.,
Shilajeet (Asparagus racemosus) capsules 37 °C, 6 months of fulvic acid, withanolides and alkaloids 2012
and Ashwashila (W. somnifera and
A. racemosus) capsules
Beverages of Carica papaya and Aloe 4 °C, 3 months Physico-chemical properties chemical Boghani et al.,
barbadensis profile 2012
Blended juices of Cucumis sativus and Ambient condition, Total solid content, pH, content of Kausar et al.,
Cucumis melo (antidiabetic, hypolipidemic 4 months reducing and non-reducing sugars 2012
and antioxidant)
Biological studies
Mixture of Crescentia alata and O. sanctum Different pH and Anticryptococcal activity Ranganathan and
(anticryptococcal) temperature Balajee, 2000

during systematic stability studies. The guidelines are

also needed to be amended, and therapeutic activity of
the herb should be given equal importance in the guide-
Despite the significant contribution of herbal drugs in lines. In addition, enzymes that may be suspected to re-
healthcare systems in the developing countries, their main active post-harvesting and withstand the exposure
quality is not monitored in compliance with the guide- to herbal drug/product processing methods should be
lines of drugs regulatory agencies such as WHO, EMEA identified. Their assay and/or monitoring of their activi-
and USFDA. Extrapolation of physical and/chemical ties may be rendered an important component of the
stabilities of an herbal product in terms of a specific stability testing protocols. In addition, the research ef-
marker to its biological activity may not be warranted forts should be directed at identification of markers in
owing to chemical complexity of the product. In order a drug/product, whose levels can be extrapolated to or
to establish safety and therapeutic efficacy of an herbal correlated with the intended therapeutic use(s) of the
drug product, an evaluation of influence of storage con- drug/product.
ditions is required not only on physicochemical stability
but also on biological activity, toxicity and microbial
contamination. Hence, there is a need for mandatory Conflict of Interest
evaluation of physical and chemical stability along with
major biological activity(ies) of an herbal drug/product None declared.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. (2016)

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