Supplement Natives by Akala

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Supplement – Natives by Akala

Thatcherite – Reaganite

Margaret Thatcher 1980s UK PM Conservative

Ronald Teagan 198s USA President Conservative


Idea of free market. Private owners whose aim is for profit.


A social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.

Thomas Sankara

Marxist 1987 murdered by an ex colleague who took over his presidency.

Burkina Faso is in West Africa.

Berlin Wall

Separated West and East Berlin, Germany

Symbol of the Cold War – The East were trying to escape to the West

East was Communist but then changed to Democracy and so they moved to the West.

Michael Jackson

Pop star who was in spotlight for child abuse and skin lightening issues.

MOVE movement

Black liberation group in the USA

Police bombed and killed 11 people including 5 children and were eventually found guilty of
assassination. They paid millions in compensation.

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