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Techfest 2020 
NIT Patna 

Robotics Club 



It is quoted in Mahabharata that while Abhimanyu was in the womb of his mother Subhadra, his
father Arjuna, who only knew how to break a chakravyuh told the technique to her. But,
Subhadra fell asleep before listening to how to come out from Chakravyuh, So Abhimanyu was
only able to penetrate the ​Chakravyuh​ on 13th day of the war. Assume that your bot is
Abhimanyu and it has to reach at the centre of ​CHAKRAVYUH​ (​ARENA​) and your weapons is
your powerful code(​like swords in MAHABHARATA​). So break the Chakravyuh and enter in it
and count the number of soldier of KAURAV ​(B ​ LOCKS in Arena)​ .​
Pre-Game Rules: 
1. The team would consist of a maximum of 4 members. 
2. Each team member can represent a different college. 
3. Each member of the team must contain the identity card of his/her respective 
4. Each team must specify their team leader. All the important communications 
between organizers and the registered teams will be done through their team 
leader. All participants must submit valid contact details at the time of 
5. The Robot should be as per the given specifications. 

6. The structure of the robot should not be changed during the competition. 
7. Participants who misbehave may be asked to leave the competition area and 
may have the risk of being disqualified from the contest. 
8. Unethical behaviour could lead to disqualification. Co-ordinators have all the 
rights to take final decision for any matter during the event. 
9. Judge's decision will be considered final.   




• The whole arena dimensions are 310 x 160 cm​2​.

• The arena is having black strip of width 3 cm.

• The BOT’S dimensions will be 10cm x 10cm x 10cm and weight of BOT will around 30gram.




•​ Dimensions of robot must not exceed 25cm x 25cm (length x width).

•​ There is no restriction to the height of the robot.

•​ There is no restriction on the weight of the robot.

•​ Lego kits are strictly not allowed in any form.

•​ The robot must be completely wireless.

•​ The robot should use an on board power supply i.e power source should be on the bot




The problem statement is that you have to design an autonomous robot which can traverse
around the arena, reach the center of Arena by identifying path and count the number of Blocks
kept along the path inside Arena.

•​ You have to make a bot and code it such that it follows the path given in arena and

find number of blocks.

•​ ​you have to complete ​two round​ by following the wall of Arena.

•​ During second round your bot should enter inside the Arena following black Strip as

shown in figure.
•​ During following black strip, you have to count the number of blocks kept along the

•​ At the end position, you have to indicate no of counted blocks through the buzzer or

LED display.
•​ Your robot has to complete the task in minimum possible time.

•​ The robot should not damage the arena.

Game Rules

•​ Each robot will be given 10 minutes to complete the task.

•​ Your robot must be ready when call is made for your team. If the team is not present

at the time of their call they will be disqualified.

•​ All teams will start from a start point.


•​ ​At the proper robot startup, ​+1000 points​ will be awarded to each team at the start.

•​ ​On completion of each round ​+100 points ​will be awarded.


•​ ​For entering inside the Arena you will be awarded ​+100 points​.

•​ ​+200 points​ will be provided ​ ​on completion of the task .

•​ ​-30 points will ​be awarded on each hand Touch.

•​ ​-100 points ​will be awarded if bot fails to count the number of blocks.

•​ ​-40 points ​will be awarded In case Bot out of Arena .

•​ ​-50 points ​will be awarded for each restart.

•​ ​-1 x time taken (in second) points ​will be awarded to complete the task.


Venue: ​Sac Building, Ground Floor, Near Tejas, National Institute of Technology Patna, Patna,

Accomodation:​ There are limited seats. Accommodation will be provided of first come, first
serve basis.

For Any Query:

Call on:​(+91) 9304414063, (+91) 9534157608

Email: ​


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