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Physics Letters B 313 (1993) 441-446 PHYSICS LETTERS B


QCD matching conditions at thresholds

Germfin Rodrigo
Departament de Fisica Tebrica, Universitat de Valbncia, Valbncia, Spain


Arcadi Santamaria l
TH-Division, CERN, 1211 Genbve 23, Switzerland

Received 25 May 1993

Editor: R. Gatto

The use of MS-like renormalization schemes in QCD requires an implementation of nontrivial matching conditions
across thresholds, a fact often overlooked in the literature. We shortly review the use of these matching conditions
in QCD and check explicitly that the prediction for as (Mz), obtained by running the strong coupling constant from
the M~ scale, does not substantially depend on the exact value of the matching point chosen in crossing the b-quark
threshold when the appropriate matching conditions are taken into account.

During the last years a great effort has been done convenience, since a lot o f effort must be invested in
at LEP in order to measure the strong coupling con- intermediate stages of a calculation to compute terms
stant ~ s ( M z ) at the Z mass scale [ 1 - 4 ] . This mea- that will cancel in physical quantities. To remedy this
surement has been of crucial importance since it al- problem the standard procedure has been the use o f
lowed, within the experimental errors, the running o f the effective field theory language [6-8]. F o r exam-
the strong coupling constant to be checked from low ple, in Q C D with a heavy quark and N - 1 light quarks,
energies to the electroweak scale. However, by going to one builds a theory with N quarks and an effective
higher orders in the renormalization group equations, field theory with N - 1 quarks. Around the thresh-
some confusion has arisen in the literature on the dif- old o f the heavy quark one requires agreement of the
ferent prescriptions one could use to cross thresholds two theories. This gives a set of matching equations
in the evolution o f the running coupling constant. The that relate the couplings o f the theory with N quarks
problem appears when working in MS-like renormal- with the couplings o f the theory with N -- 1 quarks.
ization schemes: since these are mass-independent, This way, below the heavy quark threshold one can
the decoupling theorem o f A p p e l q u i s t - C a r a z z o n e [5 ] work with the effective theory, but using effective cou-
is not fulfilled in "non-physical" quantities such as plings. Then, by construction, decoupling is trivial.
beta functions or coupling constants. Only in physi- This procedure is equivalent to other renormalization
cal quantities particles with large masses do decoupte. schemes and allows us to correctly obtain the asymp-
Logarithms o f large masses induced by the renormal- totic value o f the coupling constant. The price one has
ization group equations in the couplings are cancelled to pay is that coupling constants might not be contin-
against other logarithms that appear in the calcula- uous at thresholds. All this machinery is well estab-
tion o f physical observables. This is obviously an in- lished since the early 80's [6-11] and matching con-
ditions were computed at the one-loop level [7,8] and
l On leave of absence from Departament de Fisica
Tebrica, Universitat de Valencia, and IFIC, Val6ncia, at the two-loop level [9-11 ] for general gauge theo-
Spain. ries. It also seems to be well known for people working

0370-2693/93/$ 06.00 (~ 1993-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 441
Volume 313, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 September 1993

with G U T s [8] where, in general, special attention fl0= 11- ]NF,

has been paid to matching conditions at the different
thresholds. However, the fact that one has to use ap- fll = 1 0 2 - ~-NF,
propriate matching conditions in passing thresholds
has been frequently overlooked in the running of the f12 = ½ ( 2 8 5 7 - S~----23NF+ !~75N2F), (4)
Q C D coupling constant by just taking a continuous
with NF the number of quark flavours with mass lower
coupling constant across thresholds. Then, the final
than the renormalization scale/~. The first two coeffi-
results depend strongly on the exact scale one uses to
cients are scheme-independent (in MS-like schemes)
connect the couplings [12-14,4]. To solve this am-
but the higher-order coefficients depend on the renor-
biguity some of the authors [12] vary the matching
malization conditions [16]. We give f12 in the MS
scale between 0.75 and 2.5 times the mass of the heavy
quark; others [ 13,14] use directly/qh = 2mq, and yet
The quark mass anomalous dimensions are
others [4] determine as(Mz) with both ]Zth = mq
and/tth = 2mq and take the average. Here we will
show that when appropriate matching conditions are Yo = 2, ?'l = 1--2-- • (5)
taken into account the final answer does not depend
on the exact/h~ used to connect the couplings. Integration of eq. ( 1 ) can be performed by first in-
Although most of the points discussed in this paper verting the series on the right-hand side ofeq. ( 1 ) and
are well known in some circles [ 15 ], given the confu- then integrating on a and t. Finally, one can solve for
sion that exists in the literature and the importance of a, at the required order, by using iterative methods.
the subject we found it convenient to recall what the The result we obtain can be written in the following
correct matching conditions are and to show that when
they are consistently taken into account the depen-
dence on the renormalization scale cancels (at least as(]l) ---- a}l) ( # ) --t- a}2) (]./) -t- 0~}3) (~/) -I- .... (6)
at the order the calculation is done). Consistency re-
quires that if the evolution of the gauge coupling con- where a} l), a} 2), a} 3) represent the one-, two- and
stant is done at n loops, matching conditions should three-loop contributions respectively, and are given
be imposed using n - 1 loop formulae [7]; then the by
residual dependence on the renormalization scale is
of order n + 1. We will show this, explicitly, when a~l) (/x) = a, (/x0) (7)
1 + a,(~o)flot '
running the Q C D gauge constant from the r mass to
the Z mass passing through the b threshold. a} z) (fl) = -- (ct} 1) )2b 1 logK (/2), (8)
The renormalization group equations in Q C D for
the strong gauge coupling constant and the quark
a}3)(fl) = ta~
, ( l ) ,~3 r'to1
t2 logK(/~)[logK(/l)-1]
masses are
- (b~ - b 2 ) [ 1 - K(/~)]}, (9)
dt - - a " flo+-~a,+ as + . . . . (1)
: -4u [+
Yo-- + Yl
+.,. m2
b, - fl' b2 - f12
4gfl0' (4g)2f10 '
K(#) - a,(~0) (10)
t = ~1 log (/t022) (3)
The running quark mass can also be obtained analyt-
and/20 is some reference point. ically at the one-loop level, from eq. (2). The result is
The fl coefficients governing the evolution of the
gauge coupling constant are m2(/L) = m2(/~o)[1 + as(,Uo)flot] -4:'°/~°. (11)

Volume 313, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 September 1993

For as(#o)flot << 1 the result is independent of flo However, the results of these calculations should not
and can be written as (we use 7o = 2) depend on exactly which/t is chosen.
One-loop matching conditions have been obtained
mZ(kt) = m2(/t0)[l - 8C~s(/t0)t + ...]. (12) in refs. [7,8] for a general gauge theory. To obtain
matching conditions in QCD at the two-loop level
This expression can be used as long as/~ is not very several approaches have been pursued. Ovrut and
different from Ft0; in particular we could use it to sim- Schnitzer [9] #1 computed the gluon self energies at
plify the matching conditions. the two-loop level with both the full and the effective
Conventionally [17,16], higher-order RGEs are theories and then required matching in the threshold
solved by doing a power series expansion in 1 / L region. Their approach is quite complicated and they
with L = log(~2/A2). This solution is given in only obtained the logarithmic terms in the matching
terms of the QCD scale A, which is defined in such conditions. We will follow a more direct approach
a way that it is renormalization-group-invariant but devised by Bernreuther and Wetzel [ 11 ]. Using the
scheme-dependent and the so-called invariant mass MO scheme as an intermediate stage, these authors
fit. Passing of thresholds is implemented by requir- were able to relate the MS coupling constant a~--g(#),
ing continuity of the couplings at threshold, which in with NF quark flavours, with the gauge coupling
turn requires defining different A's for different NF. constant U~ss(/~) of the effective field theory with
For our purposes we prefer to use the solutions given NF - 1 quark flavours in which a heavy quark with
above because they allow us to work more easily with mfi-g mass has been integrated out. This is because
scale-dependent matching conditions. in momentum subtraction schemes the decoupling
In the MS scheme, or any of its simple modifica- theorem is also realized in the coupling constants.
tions such as MS, the beta function governing the The obtained relation has the following form:
running of the strong coupling constant is indepen-
dent of quark masses. Then, contrary to what hap-
a-fig = a-fig 1+ a Ck ( X ) , (13)
pens in momentum-subtraction schemes (MO), the
Appelquist-Carazzone theorem [5 ] that states, when
it can be applied, that the heavy particles decouple at with
each order of perturbation theory is not realized in a
trivial way. The decoupling of the heavy particles is 1
x = ~ log (m~g//~2) . (14)
fulfilled in physical quantities, but coupling constants
and beta functions do not exhibit it.
In order to calculate the coefficients Ck Bernreuther
To obtain decoupling in MS schemes we need to
and Wetzel impose the RGEs, eq. (1) and eq. (2),
build in the decoupling region,/~ << M, an effective
on a~--g, a ~ and mfi-g, and obtain for the first two CO-
field theory that behaves as if only the light degrees MS
efficients a set of coupled first-order linear differen-
of freedom were present. Matching conditions con-
tial equations depending only on the beta and gamma
nect the parameters of the low-energy effective La-
functions of the full and the effective theories. By solv-
grangian with the parameters of the full theory. This
ing them they found for a general S U ( N ) group the
can be done by evaluating some Green functions in
following result valid for the MS scheme#2
perturbation theory with both the full and the effective
theories, then require they are the same, up to terms
0 ( 1 / M ) , for values of the renormalization scale just 2( 1 0 Tr{/} ), (15)
C1 = ~ x -I- 8-~ O--D D=4/
around the threshold. Then, the coupling constant of
the effective theory can be expressed as a power series
expansion in the coupling of the full theory with coef- #1 For a more complete calculation using the same ap-
ficients that depend on log(M//t). In order to obtain proach see ref. [ 10].
#2 The solution of the two (for two loops) differential equa-
a good approximation using only the first few terms tions depends on two scheme-dependent arbitrary con-
in the perturbative expansion, we have to evaluate stants. To fix them one has to perform a complete cal-
matching conditions in a region where M/Ft ,-~ 0 ( 1 ). culation in the scheme one is interested in.

Volume 313, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 September 1993

1 equation that one can always choose a ,//th in order

C2 = [ C l ( x ) ] 2 + ~ [~C2(G)-C2(R)lx
to make the coupling continuous across thresholds.
1 17 Using only the one-loop matching condition, i.e. only
-Jr ~ C2(G) - ~ C2(R)
the first two terms in the right-hand side o f eq. (17),
-b ~ 1 [ - ~ C 2 ( G ) - C 2 ( R ) ] ~ - -0~ Tr{I} 0=4 and with Tr{l} = 4, we should require O / N _ 1 (mq) =
o~u (mq). Using the two-loop matching condition, the
( 15 cont'd) matching point is slightly different #3. However, if a
scheme with Tr{l} = 2 D/2 is used the matching point
with C2(G) = N and C z ( R ) = ( N 2 - 1 ) / 2 N the is found around x/2 mq. In what follows we will keep
Casimir operator eigenvalues o f the adjoint and fun- the couplings discontinuous and check the invariance
damental representations, respectively, and D the of the final result with respect to the chosen matching
s p a c e - t i m e dimension. A technical point about the scale Pth.
trace o f the identity in the Dirac space, Tr{I}, should Eq. (17) can be simplified by using eq. (12) to re-
be discussed here. Strictly, in a general D-dimensional move the dependence on the running mass and leave
space, D even, the only irreducible representation of the result in terms of mq =- mq (mq), the MS running
mass evaluated at its own value. Since we are running
{yu,~,,} = 2gU, (16) from low energies to high energies it is also better to
use the inverted equation. Thus, our matching condi-
has dimension f ( D ) = 2 D/2. However, we can tion at the threshold of the quark q will be
choose Tr{I} = f ( D ) = 4, or any other smooth
function with f (4) = 4. Different choices o f f (D) OLN(]~th) = O~N-I (~th) O~2N-I(~th) log m_£
lead to different trivial modifications o f the MS
renormalization scheme. However, as can be seen
in eq. (15), different choices give quite different + 9~r2 \ ~th )-~h-gJ' (18)
matching conditions. Hence, in order to specify com-
pletely the renormalization scheme within the MS- We start from a scale below the bottom-quark
like schemes one should also specify which conven- threshold, where we know the value of the strong
tion has been used for Tr{l}. Here we will use the coupling constant #4, e.g. M~
usual convention among phenomenology papers, i.e.
Tr{I} = 4. Then for Q C D we have the following MT = 1776.9 ± 0.7 MeV,
two-loop matching condition to connect the theory
c~3(MT) = 0 . 3 6 + 0 . 0 3 . (19)
with N - 1 quarks with the theory with N quarks at
the q-quark threshold [ 11 ] We use#5 eq. (18) with ,Uth = Mr and mq = mc to
obtain o~4 ( M r ) in terms of a3 (Mr). Then we evolve
O~N-1 (J2th) "~- 0ZN (#th) "[- Or2 (#th_.......~)log mq (flth) ~4(/~) until the Z boson mass scale by imposing
3x /tth matching conditions at an arbitrary intermediate
- [ ((/tth)
m q ( ' U t hlog
)) 2 scale Pth around rob. To run c~4(/z) from M~ until
+ 9n 2 ~th
~,3 One can still impose (YN-I (mq) = OtN(mq) at the two-
+ -~ log mq(flth~) + 71 . loop level, as Marciano does [16], but this requires a
#th slight modification of the MS scheme in order to absorb
the non-logarithmic term in eq. (17).
Here, /tth is the value at which we require matching. #4 The value of ~3 (M,) has been extracted at the three-
As commented, this equation is valid for arbitrary loop level from hadronic r decays in ref. [ 18 ]. We took
values of/tth as long as it is not far away from mq (mq). their result directly.
#5 Our starting point for the quark masses are the so-called
Should we use instead Tr{I} = 2 °/2, the logarithm in Euclidean masses [19], M E = 4.23 + 0.05 GeV and
the second term would be changed to log v/2 mq/flth M E = 1.26 ± 0.02 GeV, from which we extract the
changing completely the behaviour o f the matching MS masses mb =- mb(mb) = 4.3+0.2 GeV and mc =-
conditions. For example, it is clear from the above mc (mc) = 1.3 :t: 0.2 GeV.

Volume 313, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 September 1993

] ) ) I I I '

0.130 0.130

~0.125 ~o.12s


I L i I lllJ I
" 0.120
2 5 10 20 2 3 5
~th (GeV) /.zth (GeV)

Fig. 1. Strong coupling constant at the M z scale, obtained Fig. 2. Same as in fig. I, but varying the matching point
by running the coupling from its value at the M, scale around the c-quark threshold. The matching point for the
(a3 (Mr) = 0.36+0.03), as a function of the matching point b-quark is now fixed at mb.
taken to cross the b-quark threshold. The long-dashed line
is obtained by using one-loop beta functions and tree-level
matching conditions. The dashed line is obtained with it is practically flat. F o r comparison purposes we also
two-loop beta functions and one-loop matching conditions, give the error bar induced from the error in c~s(M~).
and the solid line is obtained with three-loop beta functions
and two-loop matching conditions. Error bars on the final Given the level o f accuracy, two-loop beta functions
three-loop result are given for comparison purposes with and one-loop matching conditions seem to be good
other O~s(Mz ) results. enough for all purposes.
In the preceding section we directly used the match-
ing equation to evaluate a4 (Mr) in terms ofc~3 (Mr).
Pth we use eq. (6) with /10 = Mr and four-quark We could proceed in that way because the mass of
beta functions. Then at Hth we impose the matching the c-quark and the mass of the z are not so different;
condition eq. (18) with mq = mb t o obtain c~5 (/qh) the logarithms in the matching equation are therefore
in terms of c~4(~tth). Finally, to run c~5(H) from flth not large. Alternatively one could try to run c~3(Mr)
tO M z we use again eq. (6), but now with/~0 = /qh, until some intermediate scale /~lh around the charm
and with five-quark beta functions. The evolution threshold. Then, impose eq. (18) with mq = mc to
is consistent, i.e. to the same order, if n-loop beta get a4 (/tth) and run it until the bottom-quark thresh-
functions are used together with matching conditions old. This time, since we are interested only in the er-
evaluated at the (n - 1)-loop level. Firstly, we run ror induced by crossing the charm threshold we will
a s ( p ) at the one-loop order, eq. (7), with matching use eq. ( 1 8 ) w i t h mq = m b and /tth = mb fixed to
conditions at tree level, i.e. taking Oz4 ( I / t h ) = O~5 ( ~ t h ) obtain c~5(mb). Finally we run c~5(/~) from mb until
with/tth around mb. After that, we calculate ~s ( M z ) M z . Of course this procedure should give, within the
by running czs (H) with two-loop beta functions and level of precision of the order considered, the same
imposing matching conditions at the one-loop order, result as before. In fig. 2 we give ~5 ( M z ) as a func-
eq. (18), but taking only the first two terms on its tion o f the matching point /tth taken for the charm
right-hand side. And finally, we evaluate ~ s ( M z ) threshold. Although now the result depends on the
according to the three-loop evolution, eq. (9), with matching scale/~th, this dependence is always a next-
matching conditions at two-loop level, eq. (18). order correction as long as the matching conditions
We show the final results in fig. I. We can clearly are implemented correctly. Clearly this procedure is
see that, as expected, the variation o f the final pre- potentially very dangerous since an incorrect use of
diction on cz5 ( M z ) , as we vary the matching point matching conditions could lead to a false strong de-
around the b o t t o m quark mass, is o f the same order pendence on the matching scale. A similar considera-
of magnitude as the next-order corrections; for three- tion could be applied to the bottom quark threshold.
loop beta functions and two-loop matching onditions Then, probably the safest procedure to run c~3(Mr)

Volume 313, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS B 2 September 1993

until the Z mass would be to use first eq. (18) with value o f the matching point, ,Uth, used in crossing the
mq = mc and Pth = Mr to get Oza(Mr) in terms o f mb threshold as long as the right matching conditions
o~3(MT) , then use again eq. (18) with mq = m b and are consistently taken into account (fig. 1). Similar
Pth = M~ to get a s ( M ~ ) in terms o f a a ( M r ) . Finally considerations apply when crossing the me threshold
we should run a s ( p ) from M~ until M z with the full (fig. 2). Finally we have shown that the correct re-
five-quark renormalization group. This procedure is sult can be obtained by using the matching conditions
justified since the masses of the b-quark, c-quark and to find as(M~) in terms o f a3(M~) and then run it
z-lepton are not so different as to spoil the validity with the full five-quark renormalization group until
o f the matching equation. Working in this way we ar- the M z scale.
rived at the value .6 a s ( M z ) = 0.123 + 0.004, in
complete agreement with our previous result. We thank A. Pich for helpful discussions on the
To conclude, we would like to remark on the fol- subject o f this paper and for a critical reading of the
lowing points: manuscript. G. Rodrigo acknowledges the CERN the-
- Only in MO-like schemes, where A p p e l q u i s t - ory group for its hospitality during the preparation of
Carazzone is realized in both beta functions and cou- this work and the Conselleria de Cultura, Educaci6
pling constants, the strong coupling constant as (/t) i Ci6ncia de la Generalitat Valenciana for financial
is continuous. In MS-like schemes one should build support. This work has been supported in part by CI-
a low-energy effective field theory and write scale- CYT, Spain, under grant AEN90-0040.
dependent matching conditions in order to connect
the parameters o f the theories on both sides of the
threshold ,//th. Then, for general values of,/2th the cou- References
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