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A Design Project
Presented to
Faculty of the College of Engineering
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering


ALCURAN, Berlly M.

BALTERO, Richel Mae N.

DELA CRUZ, Jay-ron D.

SEDANO, Ma. Zhaira Mae D.

Under the Supervision of

Engr. Kierven de Mesa

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

March 2018

Acknowledgement…………………………………………….…………………. i

Dedication…………………………………………….…………………………. ii

Abstract…………………………………………….…………………………… iii

CHAPTER 1 Problems and its settings

Introduction…………………………………………….………………… 1

Conceptual Model……………………...…………..……………………. 3

Operational model…………………………………...…………………… 4

Statement of the problem……………………………………...…….…… 5

Assumption of the Study………………………………….……………... 6

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………….. 6

Significance of the Study…………………………………………..……. 7

Definition of Terms…………………………………………..………….. 7
CHAPTER 2 Review of related literature

State of the Art……………………………………………………….……..…….. 9

Synthesis of the State of the Art………………………………………….……… 20

Gaps Bridged by the Present Study………………………………………….……20

CHAPTER 3 Research design and methodology

Research Design………………………………………………… 22

Sources of Data………………………………………………….. 23

Population of the Study………………………………………….. 24

Instrumentation and Validation………………………...……….. 24

Data Collection Method…………………………………………. 25

Prototyping Model………………………………………..…….. 28

Statistical Treatment of Data………………………………..….. 28

Analytical Tools……………………………………………..…. 29

Schematic Diagram…………………………………………...….30

Flow Chart……………………………………………………….. 31
Methods………………………………………………………….. 32

Software Development………………………………………….. 39

CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

System Development…………………………………………...41

Structural Design……………………………………………….41

Hardware Design………………………………...……………. 43

Software Design……………………………………………….. 50

Implementation………………………………………………….. 53

Experimental Results……………………………………………. 55

Interpretation of Data Presented…………………………………. 57

Evaluation………………………………………………………... 66

Technical Study…………………………………………….…... 66

Operational Study……………………………………..………… 69

Economical Study………………………………………..……… 82
CHAPTER 5 Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of Findings…………………………………………….. 84

Conclusion…………………………………………………….…. 86

Recommendations……………………………………………...… 87



A (Project Gantt Chart) …………………………………………………………..96

B (Endorsement Letter) …………………………………………………….........98

C (Survey Questionnaire) …………………………………………………..….103

D (Interview)………………………………………………………………..….105

E (List of Materials and Costing) …………………………………………..…111

F (Program Code) ……………………………………………………..……....113

G (Circuit Connection) ……………………….…... …………………...…….124

H (Specification Sheet) …………………………………………………….....126

I (Editor’s Certification) ……………………………………………………...174

J (Curriculum Vitae) …………………………………………………….........176


Figure 1 Conceptual Model

Figure 2 Operational Model

Figure 3 Prototyping Model

Figure 4 Block Diagram of the System

Figure 5 Schematic Diagram of the System

Figure 6 Flowchart of the System

Figure 7 MQ-135 Gas Sensor

Figure 8 MQ-5 Gas Sensor

Figure 9 MQ-9 Gas Sensor

Figure 10 Microcontroller

Figure 11 Filter

Figure 12 3.7V Lithium Battery

Figure 13 T7024
Figure 14 LED

Figure 15 Servo Motor

Figure 16 Voltage Regulator

Figure 17 Arduino CC

Figure 18 MIT App Inventor 2

Figure 19 Reusable Respirator

Figure 20 6001CN Gas Cartridge

Figure 21 Hardware Design (1)

Figure 22 Filter Layers

Figure 23 MQ-5 Gas Sensor

Figure 24 MQ-9 Gas Sensor

Figure 25 MQ-135 Gas Sensor

Figure 26 Arduino Nano

Figure 27 LED Indicator

Figure 28 Hardware Design (2)

Figure 29 Hardware Design (3)

Figure 30 Hardware Design (4)

Figure 31 Schematic Diagram (1)

Figure 32 Schematic Diagram (2)

Figure 33 Sample Monitoring Display on Android Phone

Figure 34 App Installation

Figure 35 Connection of Bluetooth Device

Figure 36 Mask Design

Figure 37 Testing of Monitored Gas

Figure 38 Actual Testing

Figure 39 Mask (Outside)

Figure 40 Mask (Inside)

Figure 41 Wearable Mask (1)

Figure 42 Wearable Mask (2)

Figure 43 Algorithm of the Mask’s Automatic Activation

Figure 44 Operation of Servo Motor (1)

Figure 45 Operation of Servo Motor (2)


Table 1 Guidelines in Interpretation of Coefficients of Stability

Table 2 Working Environment Management Threshold Limit Values for Airborne


Table 3 Tolerable Amounts of Gases Based on Experimental Tests

Table 4 Reliability of Monitoring of the Mask Validated through Standard Testing

Table 5 Arduino Nano

Table 6 Bluetooth Module



Table 9 MQ-135

Table 10 SG90 Servo

Table 11 Filter Cartridge

Table 12 Battery Lithium Ion Polymer 3.7v 1200mAh

Table 13 Bill of Materials



The researchers would like to extend their gratitude with boundless love and

appreciation to the following people that helped to comply with the undergraduate thesis



To the Dean of College of Engineering and Aviation, Dr. Flocerfida L. Amaya for

her guidance throughout the study from the beginning till the end, for her profound

knowledge that she shared in every aspect of the study and for her favorable response to

the study; To their adviser, Engr. Kierven R. De Mesa for his expertise, techniques,

acquaintances and ample time that he spent for the study to be successful. To the Panelists

that enlightened the researchers to the right path through their comments, suggestions and

critiques. To the Parents of the researchers, Mr. and Mrs. Roberto C. Alcuran , Mr. and

Mrs. Richard B. Baltero, Mr. and Mrs. Arlan D. Dela Cruz, Mr. and Mrs. Rogel S. Sedano,

truly the researchers will thank God for their existence for without their outmost support

and love physically, emotionally and financially the design project would not come to


The Researchers


The researchers would like to dedicate this to God Almighty for giving them

everything they need including their knowledge as well as all the blessings He provided

and for the guidance and protection all throughout this journey and the chance to be

educated, all praise and Glory to His name. To the Parents that support and give their

endless love to their children in every aspect they need, for being there through good and

bad times. Lastly, the researchers dedicate this to their dream for being Electronics

Engineering Graduates and Registered Electronics Engineers.








Authors: Alcuran, Berlly M.

Baltero, Richel Mae N.
Dela Cruz, Jay-Ron D.
Sedano, Ma. Zhaira Mae D.

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

Academic Year: 2017 - 2018

School: University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

Number of Pages: 76

Increasing air pollution and inhaling the contaminated air greatly affects the
immune system of a person. Mask was made for soldiers in war back in the old times, but
in the present time, it is one of the common safety equipment used as a daily protection
from pollution. This brought an idea to the researchers that a simple mask can be developed
to have an indicator for real time air condition monitoring. It is dangerous for a worker to
do his job in a suffocating area. In using the mask with monitoring, the user does not need
to have a complicated skill to know if the place is safe or not. The system implemented a
circuitry that displays the filtered air that will be inhaled by the user and LED indicators to
activate the filter without human interaction.
Keywords: Mask, Air Pollution, Filter
Chapter I



According to Admassu (2010), air is essential in life, without it people will survive just

a couple of minutes. It is a combination of different gases like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon

dioxide, and others in follows; alongside water vapor as perceptible as humidity and

suspended solids in particulate form, but now, due to human activities and some natural

phenomena, the atmosphere is contaminated with certain substances present in the

atmosphere in such concentrations which could produce unwanted effects on man and his


Kumar (2017) stated that air pollution is a growing threat to the human health and the

natural environment and creates a lot of issues to worry about, this includes the fact that it

affects every one of us and can cause health problems such as lung and heart disease and

may even lead to death. As stated by Scott (2017), the air pollution is an even greater threat

than Ebola and HIV. According to recent international reports, one in four deaths among

children aged under five were now due to environmental hazards such as air pollution and

contaminated water.

In the Philippines, Metro Manila is now one of the most polluted metropolitan cities in

the world. Studies conducted by the Department of Health together with the World Health

Organization have shown that the air people breathe in Metro Manila contains pollutants

in excessive amounts which is already above the tolerable level and similar to other

countries, the primary victims of the effects were children according to Roces (2010). The

Earth times (2011) stated that air pollution kills 6.5 million people yearly throughout the

world and locally, 90,000 Filipinos suffer from severe chronic bronchitis, costing the

government 7 percent of its gross domestic product in terms of health costs.

Due to this pollution, Mask will be a great help in minimizing the said negative health

effects caused by the unsafe gases as well as the prevention of the spreading of infection

or germs. Face Masks also performs basic filtering of dust particles in the air, on the other

hand, gas masks which covers the nose and mouth protects the user from inhaling toxic

gases. According to the National Geographic (2013), gas masks filter the air using different

methods such as the particle filter in removing the bacteria present in the inhaled air,

another is the process of adsorption which is trapping the particles with the use of solid or

a liquid element and the method is with the use of activated charcoal or oxidized charcoal.

Measures can be made using the technology to lessen the effects that air pollution

causes to human health. For this reason, the research team created a prototype of a face

mask which will alert the user to put the mask on if the air is above the tolerable level and

to take it off when the air is fine. The alert will be from the mask itself where a built-in

indicator will be used. Aside from alerting the user, a real-time monitoring of the air and

its contents like the Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur dioxide (SO2),

Ammonia and Butane will be provided to show whether the gases and matters present in

the air is above the tolerable or normal level. The mask will also filter the particles in the

air including chemicals like the Sulfur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Monoxide,

Butane and Ammonia to make the air safer to inhale.

The researchers aimed at lessening the negative effects of the hazardous gases to human

health such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. One of the most common ailments

caused by the filthy air we breathe is asthma. The said ailment’s occurrence will most likely

be lessened by using the smart mask because the particles and chemicals present in the air

which cause negative health effects will be filtered to make it safe to inhale.

Conceptual Model

Figure 1 Conceptual Model

The figure shown was the concept behind the study. Air filter was used to reduce

the harmful particles and gases present in the environment which was unseen by human

eye. A standard particle filter was not ideal due to its effectiveness in removing the

hazardous particles. Air filter could be a filter for solids or filter for gaseous particles. For

the solid particles, the contaminants were removed as they contact with the fibers in the

filter. Adsorption was used in filtering gaseous particles by using activated carbon. The

filter grade, size of the particle, and the design of the filter were the factors that determined

the level of efficiency of the filter.


Operational Model
Dependent Variable
Independent Variable

Intervening Variable

Figure 2 Operational Model

The figure shown above was about how the variables relates with each other. The

alert to be displayed will depend on the amount of the gases present in the air which is

currently in particles per million (PPM) in Philippines. The researchers introduced a way

of minimizing the amount of toxic gases from the air intake and provided an alert for the

user through the intervening variables of filter for the air intake and microcontroller and

sensors for the alert in the interface. The output was dependent to the input in order to

activate an alert and filter the air intake while the monitoring process was ongoing.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of the study was that air pollutants can cause health problem and

mask can be bothering to the user. The objective of the researchers was to create an

automatic assembly mask as it detects any presence of hazardous gas. More specifically,

the aim of the study was to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the design of the wearable mask to protect the person against air


2. What is the algorithm that will decide the condition of the air to activate the

wearable mask automatically?

3. What is the reliability of the system in terms of detecting gases for the accuracy

of its monitoring?

Assumption of the Study

Face masks are being used to avoid dust particles and as a protection against smoke

that is a part of every day’s life but on the other hand it does not reduce any of the harmful

gases that can be inhaled and may eventually lead to health problems in the future.

Monitoring of the said hazardous gases was helpful when it comes to managing the do’s

and the don’ts of a particular activity, but this does not help in controlling the effect that

the specific hazardous gas may bring on the whole population.


Scope and Delimitation

The main focus of the study was a production of a mask that can monitor few of

the common gases present in the air like Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO),

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Ammonia and Butane using sensors that were connected to a

microcontroller that contained the parameters of the said elements. The parameters were

set of ranges that determined whether each element was above the normal level of the

concentration that should be present in the air. The set of ranges came from reliable data

indicating the tolerable level of intake of the target gases. The mask also contains filters

for particulate matters and the gases specified for the reduction of the intolerable amount

of gases to prevent the effects to human health. The one limit to this study was that it only

reduced the amount of gases intake to its tolerable range. Other type of gases that were not

mentioned above was not part of the said study. The mask had its own indicator to prompt

the user to use the mask.

Significance of the Study

A Face Mask was a protective covering for the face of a user. The main idea of

Smart Mask was to monitor the harmful contents in the air that the user will be inhaling in

a real-time process and reduce the effect of the unsafe gases through filtering. Users who

will benefit from this study will be the daily commuters, active workers, researchers and

future researchers. Daily commuters will benefit from this study by using the end product

which will protect them from the dangerous gases present in the environment and for the

active workers, they will be able to benefit by using it as they work especially in plants or

enclosed areas exposed to hazardous gases. The researchers applied their knowledge from

the theories and applications in the fields of Chemistry, Feedback and Control System,

Microprocessor Systems and Environmental Engineering. The future researchers will be

able to use this study as their reference in the modification of the present study for

upcoming researches.

Definition of Terms

These terms were used in an operational way of their definitions and are as follows:

Air Pollution. This is the contamination of the air by noxious gases and minute

particles of solid and liquid matter in concentrations that endanger health. The major

sources of air pollution are transportation engines, power and heat generation, industrial

processes, and the burning of solid waste.

Hazardous Gases. This refers to gases that can be potential harmful to humans in

certain concentrations such as Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Butane

and Ammonia.

Filtering. An analogous device used for removing dust from air or impurities from

tobacco smoke, or for eliminating certain kinds of light rays Filtering.

Mask. A device covering the mouth and nose to facilitate inhalation Mask.

Graphical User Interface. A user interface in which program features are

represented by icons that the user can access and manipulate with a pointing device.

Abbreviated GUI. Graphical User Interface.

Real-time Monitoring. A technique that allows you to determine the current state

of queues and channels within a queue manager. The information returned is accurate at

the moment the command was issued.

Smart Mask. A mask which is, generally connected to other devices or networks

via different wireless protocols such as Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi, 3G, that can operate to

some extent interactively and autonomously.

Chapter 2


This section presents data accumulated from books, previous researches examined,

contextual analyses and journals with respect to process combination about mask that have

a monitoring and filtration function that gave foundation and learning to the investigations

to work on this project.

State of the Art

The literature and studies were found to have a bearing on the present investigation.

They serve as bases for the conceptualization of the investigations, research problem,

design and methodology.

Air Pollution

According to Wooford (2017), Air Pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases

in the air, the level of concentration of gases present in air is determined by the difference

between tolerable air and polluted air that may lead to serious disease. Abused use of air

leads to danger and the reason behind why air pollution increased. Salleh (2014). As

population of the world increased, carbon dioxide that is produced when people and

animals breathe raises earth’s temperature and worsens the heat. Smog formed from the

fog and smoke from vehicles that burns fuels. The warmer the weather, the more ultraviolet

radiation occurs, and that greatly affects human health Mackenzie (2016).

Health Problem

According to Moshammer (2010), many different sources of air pollution have been

the causes of adverse health effects that leads to death. Additionally, the influence of air

pollution on respiratory health during perinatal development can cause a damage up to the

growth stages. Pinkerton and Joad (2006), air pollutants may also change the normal

developmental pattern for metabolic system, immune system and neurological functions

that are constantly changing during postnatal growth.

According to Geneva (2017), children exposed to second hand smoking causes

malnutrition and by this the children experienced low proficiency that caused weakness of

immune system that use to fight other diseases. According to Ansareh (2015), people

believed that because of the different outdoor pollution from vehicles and other industries,

who also have a large impact of mortality rate, it triggers the fact that they are intaking it

without any safety protection, Air pollution and chronic particles that present in the air due

to contaminants is the risk in developing cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer in adults

as stated by WHO (World Health Organization).


Bierwirth (2017) cited that exposure to above normal levels of CO2 caused

problems with concentration, an increased heart rate, breathing issues, headaches and

dizziness. CO2 poisoning have been linked to central nervous system damage and

permanent deterioration of respiratory functions, because of these findings, it is considered

as acute systemic effects as well.

Chen (2007) cited that high-intensity, confined space exposure to SO2 caused

catastrophic injury to humans including death, and contribute to respiratory symptoms in

both healthy patients and those with underlying pulmonary disease.

Monitoring of Hazardous Gases

Wang and Zhao (2015) said that major threat in our surroundings is releasing of

hazardous materials. Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST), is an

innovative approach to promoting hygiene, sanitation and community management of

water and sanitation facilities and Flame Acceleration Simulator (FLACS) is software used

extensively for explosion modeling and atmospheric dispersion modeling within the field

of industrial safety and risk assessment, Current gas dispersion models like PHACS and

FLACS use release velocity, release elevation, meteorological parameters, and other

related information as model input on monitoring such air visible to the atmosphere.

Choi and Kim (2009) stated that usage of Micro sensors can contribute a lot in the

community, with the increasing of pollution in the city, micro sensors can perform

intelligent environment monitoring. Sensors will tell if the air is already contaminated and

have high concentration that can affect human health, thus giving warning and at the same

time, it allows the people to create a solution to the problem.

Once the Gas Sensors triggers, the red LED indicates the level of concentration that

is dangerous to health, then it will trigger the alarm system to warn the owner or user with

the help of control system. This system was conducted to prevent major accidents that can

cause deaths. In his study, Hamdon (2012) said that once the Gas Sensors triggers, it serves

to alert the user that the level of gas increase and becomes a threat to human health. This

system was conducted to prevent major accidents that can cause deaths.

For SO2 monitoring, Kern, et. al (2015) said that SO2 camera systems rapid two-

dimensional imaging for SO2 emitted from volcanic vents. Real Time Monitoring Systems

give you the power to see the information you need to know about your environment live

and on demand the development of an SO2 camera system for continuous gas monitoring.

And lastly, Budilovsky and Alipour (2016) showed that these monitoring could be

applied in lung cancer patients. The study proposed the use of mask that can monitor the

breathing of the patient, having an advantage of it can give data for the evaluation of the

doctor while the patient do not require to go to hospital for his convenient and due to

expensive cost of test/exercise.

Hazardous Gas

According to Sherrard (2017) earth's air is a dynamic arrangement of characteristic

gases that are important to maintain life, and keeping in mind that the planet has guard

instruments to retain little amounts of air poisons, abnormal amounts of gases can cause

ozone exhaustion and different issues for living beings. The fundamental wellsprings of

vaporous air poisons are fuel ignition in stationary sources, for example, coal-consuming

force plants, and also emanations from autos. While these gases are by all account not the

only ones adding to air contamination, they are viewed as predominant wellsprings of this

overall issue.

Butane, according to THC Farmers (2010), is a profoundly combustible, boring,

unscented gas. Butane is a hydrocarbon, found in the house and mechanical items and is

possibly intoxicating if intentionally breathed in. It is normally abused by being breathed

in directly through the mouth either from cigarette lighter refills, canisters or vaporized

showers. It is a focal sensory system depressant which backs off the movement of the

cerebrum, influencing physical and mental reactions. At the point when butane is breathed

in the vapor are assimilated quickly through the lungs into the circulatory system. The

chemicals are dissolvable in muscle versus fat and pass quickly to the mind and organs, so

they produce results rapidly. In spite of the fact that the underlying high will last just a

couple of minutes, the impacts can proceed for up to 40 minutes. Clients may keep up the

high by proceeding to breathe in the exhaust. The acute effects of inhalants include

dizziness, hypertension (increased blood pressure), tachycardia (increased heart rate),

impaired coordination, disorientation, temporal distortion, confusion, thick slurred speech,

delirium, hallucinations, assaults and suicide attempts. Depending upon the inhalant,

recovery may take minutes to hours or may not occur at all.

Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulfur dioxide. Sulfur

dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain as

stated by the National Geographic (2016). Volcanic eruptions can spew massive

amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, sometimes causing cooling that lasts for

years. In fact, volcanoes used to be the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide; today

people are.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth.

Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely

considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other

human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.

(National Geographic, 2016)


Ran and Nurmagambetov (2017) stated that CO Poisoning causes economic burden

in the U.S. and by installing detectors at home to prevent CO poisoning, since total annual

medical cost is higher than can the cost of installation. Public health programs could use

these findings to promote broad installation of CO detectors in homes.

According to ToxFAQs for Ammonia (2010) ammonia is found all through nature

noticeable all around, soil, and water, and in plants and creatures including people.

Introduction to elevated amounts of ammonia can cause aggravation and genuine serious

burn on the skin and in the mouth, throat, lungs, and eyes. At abnormal states, ammonia

can cause death. Ammonia has been found in no less than 137 of the 1,647 present or

previous National Priority Sites list recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency.

In addition to this Inhalation of ammonia may cause nasopharyngeal and tracheal burns,

bronchiolar and alveolar edema, and airway destruction resulting in respiratory distress or

failure. Ammonia's odor threshold is sufficiently low to acutely provide adequate warning

of its presence (odor threshold = 5 ppm; OSHA PEL = 50 ppm). However, ammonia causes

olfactory fatigue or adaptation, making its presence difficult to detect when exposure is

prolonged. Anhydrous ammonia is lighter than air and will therefore rise (will not settle in

low-lying areas); however, vapors from liquefied gas are initially heavier than air and may

spread along the ground. Asphyxiation may occur in poorly ventilated or enclosed.


According to Heding (2017), poor air quality causes medical issues worldwide and

is a factor in ailments, for example, asthma, coronary illness and lung growth. Business air

purifiers go for evacuating the little particles that are available in residue, smoke or auto

fumes in light of the fact that these harming particles are breathed in straightforwardly into

the lungs. Common filtering tools, which are generally made of micron-sized strands of

manufactured plastics, physically channel the little particles however aren't ready to

artificially catch vaporous atoms. Besides, they are regularly made of glass and oil based

goods, which prompts optional contamination, Zhong said.

Active carbons are made specifically frame as powders or fine granules under 1.0

mm in measure with a normal distance across in the vicinity of .15 and .25 mm. In this

manner, they show an expansive surface-to-volume proportion with a little dispersion

separate. PAC is comprised of pounded or ground carbon particles, 95– 100 percent of

which will go through an assigned work sifter or strainer. Actuated carbon is a

carbonaceous, profoundly permeable adsorptive medium that has an unpredictable

structure made principally out of carbon iotas. Focal points of powdered initiated carbons

are their lower preparing costs and their adaptability in activity. The measurement of

powdered initiated carbon can be effectively expanded or diminished as process conditions

change. Powdered initiated carbons are basically utilized for fluid stage adsorption.

Hu (2016) said that Carbon dioxide in an indoor situation is one of the air

contaminations checked by the Indoor Air Quality Ordinance of Taiwan. It is important for

individuals and the aerating and cooling industry to take fitting measures to limit the

discharge and anticipate making an unsuitable indoor air quality (IAQ). This investigation

introduces the execution of sorption-sort air channels to help individuals and the aerating

and cooling industry to comprehend and apply the best down to earth control to keep CO2

discharges from causing IAQ issues. The adsorption of CO2 with a sorption-sort channel

with enacted carbon previously, then after the fact impregnating treatment has been

examined. It has been discovered that impregnation treatment with MgO and CaO can

advance the adsorption of CO2 on a sorption-sort channel, with MgO being the better of

the two.

Then according to Sublett (2011), air filtration is often suggested as a part of

ecological control measures for patients with hypersensitive respiratory malady. Private air

filtration can be given by entire house filtration through the home's warming, ventilation,

or aerating and cooling framework, by versatile room air cleaners, or a mix of the two.

Apparatuses to channel the rest breathing zone additionally have been created. High-

productivity entire house filtration, high-proficiency particulate air rest zone air filtration,

and high-effectiveness particulate air room air cleaners all seem to give different degrees

of advantage. Late investigations of different sorts of filtration, utilized alone or as a feature

of more thorough ecological control measures, are assessed


According to Yang (2014) air filter is the critical piece of aerate and cool

frameworks for the fast railroads, which immediately affects the air quality. Form is

utilized for the development of air filter with the relating surface shape. To show the

practical usability a flow sensor based on spatial filtering is built up and tested in gravity-

fed particle flow setup.

And lastly, Cahella (2014) stated that they utilized a U.S.A. military respirator test

with dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) to contrast a business gas mask canister with

composite bed designs. These correlations were led at a consistent volume of 320 cm3,

equivalent to the aggregate volume of the adsorbent and HEPA components in a business

gas veil canister, and fifty percent improvement in execution rating was tentatively

demonstrated In a moment examination, a 3-overlay increment in gas life of a commercial

canister with a 1.5 cm profound bed of actuated carbon was experimentally demonstrated

by adding a reinforcement layer to a completely bundled commercial canister. A condition

depicting irreversible physical adsorption occurring in a two-layer informal lodging

iterative reverse arrangement is presented for plan of composite beds using cleaning

sorbents. A general adsorption rate consistent model is displayed to predict adsorbent bed

execution. As for the most part appropriate hub dispersion model was created for

application to adsorbents upgraded by sinteredmicrofibrous systems.


Mask is made to protect the wearer to inhale hazardous gas that might affect internal

organs and cause abnormalities, according to Jacoby (2014), MOFs are considered a

candidate filter material because, in principle, it is possible to build desired sorption

properties into crystal by pairing a select metal and organic building block. Modifying the

mask will evaluate the effects of functionalization on gas uptake.

Reliability Equation

According to Hobbs (2015), any data provided without good reliability is hard to

trust if it gives a precise representation of the performance of a participant in testing

sessions like environmental, psychological or methodological processes. The test retest

reliability was being used in analyzation of experiments conducted with the same

population or samples with in different occasion or time. The closer the values gathered

are, means the test measure is more reliable. A coefficient correlation of 0 means the

samples are completely unrelated with each other while a coefficient correlation of 1 means

there was no error.

√[𝑁Σ𝑋 2 − (Σ𝑋)2 ][𝑁Σ𝑌 2 − (Σ𝑌)2 ]

Table 1. Guidelines in Interpretation of Coefficients of Stability

0.9 and Greater Excellent Reliability

Between 0.9 and 0.8 Good Reliability

Between 0.8 and 0.7 Acceptable Reliability

Between 0.7 and 0.6 Questionable Reliability

Between 0.6 and 0.5 Poor Reliability

Less than 0.5 Unacceptable Reliability

Synthesis of the State of the Art

Researchers like Salleh (2014), Luo, & Bai (2016) applied mask to filtrate dust

particles and specific hazardous gas that was used in World War II but due to its bulkiness,

the size should be taken into consideration, as well as its efficiency in monitoring gases.

Past studies focus on the application in the environment and scientific approach. According

to the Salleh (2014), a gas mask or dust mask was a device designed to protect the wearer

from inhaling noxious vapors, dust and other pollutants, can be outfitted with a filter to

screen out harmful contaminants. It was often used in Mining Company and in war back

in the old times.

As a modified tool, a mask can be used by people, especially if they were engaging

activities in an open area and those places who were in an indoor environment, to be able

to feel safe in terms of their health. There was no need for them to care about the size of

the improve tool and the convenience it can bring. The mask itself displayed the output of

the real-time air condition monitoring of the hazardous gases through a built-in indicator

and triggered the filters whenever needed.

Gaps Bridged by the Present Study

From the above review of related literature and studies, the researchers discovered

some gaps. First, there were no studies yet that can monitor different hazardous gases

including Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO),

Ammonia and Butane. Second, there were no studies yet that uses the mask itself in

initiating a prompt and alert the user whenever there was intolerable amount of hazardous

gas and display a monitored value of the level of the five stated gases present in the air.

Lastly, there were no studies yet that modify a mask and put in different kinds of filter

namely dust particle filter and gas filter with the use of activated carbon that automatically

triggered whenever needed. The activated carbon or charcoal is a medium which adsorbs

and removes the impurities from gases and liquid formed hazards through adsorption which

is the advantage of this type of filter in terms of performance. In view of the identified

gaps, the present study considered the efficiency of the monitoring of the hazardous gases

Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the methods used in the study, the population that it

covered, the selection of samples, the proper validation and development of the tools and

the techniques the researchers used to evaluate the data gathered.

Research Design

A research design commonly includes how information are gathered, what

instruments are utilized are how the instrument is used for further analysis of the data which

are collected. In this investigation, the researchers used a descriptive method in which

questionnaires were given and interviews conducted in the target population for the

investigation. This helped modify the study using the data gathered.

Sources of Data

Survey Questionnaire

This study created questions for the active workers who worked inside a

company with hazardous gas present in the area who use present filtering tools in

their work. The objective of the questionnaire was to gain quantitative data about

how the condition of the worker’s health and the effect of health risk area using the

company provided mask and how efficient the present tools were. The

questionnaire was a closed ended type.


Interview was conducted with the Work Environment Monitoring and

Indoor Air Quality Manager (WEM/IAQ), Engr. Ramil G. Peralta, for the details

regarding pollution control and environment management of LIIPAI, they were

also the one who was responsible for the industrial process and hazardous waste

testing, natural and inorganic assessment of tests in water, air, gas, soil, organic

tissue and all other air outflows of production companies in the said place. He also

helped the researchers to understand the conceivable unsafe gases present in the air.

Meanwhile, a respiratory therapist who gave the important information regarding

the impacts of inhaling the unsafe gases in the industrial company was also


Population of the Study

The target population for this research included the thirty (30) active workers

through purposive sampling in Laguna International Industrial Park (LIIP) Food

Processing who were affected by the hazardous gases during their work hours. In this

research, the accessible population comprised one Laboratory Engineer and one

Respiratory Therapist so that the researchers know what the effect of the hazardous gases

in human health was.

Instrumentation and Validation

The researchers personally asked went to Laguna International Industrial Park

Association Inc. (LIIPAI) and formally informed them and asked for their permission for

the interview and surveys that were conducted within their area. These were the following

research instruments that were used in obtaining the data:

Interview was given to the WEM/IAQ Engineer of the CRL Environmental

Corporation if there were present tools used by the workers to prevent the intake of

hazardous gases. The CRL Environmental Corporation was the one responsible for

LIIPAI’s industrial process and hazardous waste testing, organic and inorganic evaluation

of samples in water, air, gas, soil, biological tissue and all other air emissions of production

companies in the said place to be able to know what were the possible hazardous gases

present in the atmosphere. A respiratory therapist, an expert who was trained in pulmonary

medicine that work therapeutically with people suffering from pulmonary diseases was

consulted to know the effects of the hazardous gases present in the industrial parks.

Survey questionnaires were given to the active workers who use the present

filtering tools in their work field in order to gather information on how efficient the present

tools were.

Data Collection Method

The data were gathered using face-to-face interview on individuals including a

person working under CRL Environmental Corporation and an expert in respiratory

system. Questionnaires were provided for the active workers to answer whether the use of

face mask effectively reduces the risk of health hazards based on their experiences. The

interview was unstructured type, list of questions regarding the issues that the research

team would like to discuss was prepared preceding the interview. Probing questions were

also added for clarifications and discussion of more important details. Ahead of the

interview, a letter was sent to Laguna International Industrial Park Association Inc.

(LIIPAI) to inform them and ask for their permission to conduct an interview and survey

within their workplace.


Table 2. Working Environment Management Threshold Limit Values for Airborne


Pollution ppm*

Sulfur Dioxide 5

Carbon Dioxide 5000

Carbon Monoxide 50

Ammonia 50

Butane 200

The table shown above is the standard set by the Department of Labor and

Employment on the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). These standards

are the only tolerable amount of hazardous gases that a worker can inhale in his working

area. The specified amount of the gases is the basis in setting the range of the output to

indicate the concentration of the gas present in the air. Any intake above the standard level

or the guidelines might severely affect a person’s health.


Table 3. Tolerable Amounts of Gases Based on Experimental Tests

SENSOR Detection Gas Concentration

Ammonia 30-50 ppm

MQ-135 Sulfide 10-20ppm

Carbon Dioxide 400 ppm

LPG 1000 ppm

Natural Gas 100 ppm

Carbon Monoxide 50 ppm

Combustible Gas 300 ppm

These are the values in ppm which indicates the ppm in normal range within the

capability of the persons handling gathered through experimental tests in the laboratories.

This stated the tolerable amount of gases that a person could be exposed within 10 min- 2

hours and distinct the health of the person handling the said chemicals. The given values

for the gases could already give or show some slight irritation to a person if exposed within

10 minutes and above. References were books, articles and journals that deal with

laboratory that test hazardous gases.

Prototyping Model

Figure 3. Prototyping Model

The figure shown was the Prototyping Model of the proposed system describes the

process of creating the prototype which was started from the gathering of the requirements

needed followed by the quick design and building of the actual prototype. After building

the prototype, it was evaluated to know the improvements to be made by the researchers.

The engineered product was ready after making all the improvements or revisions in the

prototype which was the end of the prototyping method.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After gathering all the information needed from the interviews that were

conducted and questionnaires that were distributed, the researchers used the following

statistical methods in analyzing the data:


1. Weighted Mean was used in comparing the weights of the output for the proposed


2. Percentage was used to measure the efficiency of the proposed system in terms of

its monitoring capability.

Analytical Tools

Block Diagram

Figure 4. Block Diagram of the System

The figure shown was the block diagram of the proposed system which illustrated

the arrangements of parts or process of the project. It started from the acquisition of the

target gases which passes through the filter. The collected data of the concentration of the

hazardous gases was the one triggering the built-in indicator on the mask, indicating

whether the air was hazardous or safe enough to breathe.

Schematic Diagram

Figure 5. Schematic Diagram of the System

The figure shown was the schematic diagram of the elements of the circuitry of the

proposed system. In the diagram, the microcontroller used was the Arduino Nano which

was connected to a module for the transmission of data that was gathered that triggers the

indicator of the mask.

Flow Chart

Figure 6. Flowchart of the System


The figure shown above was the algorithm or the workflow of the proposed system

from the start, the introduction of the gas to the end of the flow which was the filtering

process of the respective gases. After the data from the gases were gathered, the input was

processed in the microcontroller which analyses the data. If there was no presence of any

hazardous gas, the system searches continuously. If the sensors sense any hazardous gas,

there will be an indicator on the mask which tells the user that there were harmful gases in

the air. In the presence of hazardous gases, the filter then assembles automatically.

Methods to be used

Hardware Development

Hardware development used for the improvement of the designs of the

device were expected to be produced.

MQ-135 Air Quality Sensor Module

Figure 7. MQ-135 Gas Sensor


The hazardous gas sensor used was the MQ-135 Air Quality Sensor Module

which has a wide detecting scope, fast response and high sensitivity suitable for

real-time monitoring.

MQ-5 Gas Sensor

Figure 8. MQ-5 Gas Sensor

The MQ-5 Gas sensor was used for the detection of the presence of Sulfur

Dioxide as well as Butane in the air. The sensitivity if the sensor can be adjusted

with the use of potentiometer. The measurements gathered by the sensor can be

taken as soon as possible due to its fast response time and high sensitivity.

MQ-9 Gas Sensor

Figure 9. MQ-9 Gas Sensor

The MQ-9 gas sensor was used for the detection of the Carbon Monoxide

and Liquid gas concentration in the air. The conductivity of the sensor gets higher

alongside with the gas concentration rising.

Arduino Nano

Figure 10. Microcontroller


Arduino Nano was the microcontroller used which was small and complete.

It was based on ATmega328 microcontroller. The connectivity and specifications

that the Arduino Nano offers was the same as the UNO board but was just in a

smaller form.


Figure 11. Filter

The filter reduces the amount of the hazardous gas intake by minimizing the

concentrations after the filtering process. The filter contains carbonated charcoal

for the adsorption of chemicals in the air.



Figure 12. 3.7V Lithium Battery

Lithium polymer battery was a rechargeable battery of lithium-ion

technology using a polymer electrolyte instead of a liquid one. High conductivity

semisolid polymers form this electrolyte. It can provide higher specific energy than

other battery types. It was used in applications where weight was a great factor.

T7024 Bluetooth Module

Figure 13. T7024


The T7024 was a monolithic transmit/receive IC which was especially

designed for systems like Bluetooth. Due to its ramp-control feature and a very

low quiescent current, an external switch transistor for Vs was not required.

Light Emitting Diode (LED)

Figure 14. LED

The yellow and red LEDs were used as indicators whenever there was a

presence of any the hazardous gases covered in the study. The indicators would

light up first before the filters move to its place.

Servo Motor

Figure 15. Servo Motor


Servo Motor controlled the movement of the filters whether it was activated

or not. It was able to control the position of the objects in angular term as well as

its acceleration and velocity. It was precise and small in size which makes it

possible to use in many applications.

Step Down DC-DC Voltage Regulator

Figure 16. Voltage Regulator

Voltage regulators were devices that sustain the voltage given by the power

source within the limit that the given device accepts. Step down dc to dc regulator

is an example which is very efficient in regulating voltages. It reduced losses and

improved efficiency by actively operating only two of the four switches. The

regulator was used to supply enough power to the mask from the battery, if the

supply from the battery drops from 5 volts to nearly 4 volts, it would still be able

to supply 5 volts to the prototype.


Software Development

Arduino CC

Figure 17. Arduino CC

Arduino was easy to use hardware and software due to its open-source

electronics platform. It was used to write and upload computer code to the physical


MIT App Inventor 2

Figure 18. MIT App Inventor 2


The App inventor which was created by Google was an open-source web

application for android phones. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology or MIT took

charge in maintaining the application. It was user-friendly because it lets new users to

create a program for Android operating system.

Chapter 4


This chapter covers the essential ideas which identify the outline of the design and

the different concepts applied and connected to it. It includes a few sorts of literature that

upheld the possibility of this exploration. Additionally, this section outlines distinctive

factors that were utilized as a part of the study.

System Development

Structural Design

The researchers’ main objective was the basis of the structural design of this study

which was to create a mask with built-in indicator that lights up if there was a presence of

any of the hazardous gases covered. It also has the feature of being able to assemble

automatically. Additionally, the mask reduces the concentration of the hazardous gases

upon detection of its presence in the air. The materials used were based on what met the

objectives of the researchers and at the same time were able to give out the best results

from the trials conducted. This design was composed of a reusable respirator.

Figure 19. Reusable Respirator

This half facepiece reusable type of respirator was with dual airline supply under

the product series of 6000. The material used was a Thermoplastic Elastomer or TPE which

was lightweight and can be used in wide variety of applications including construction,

manufacturing, mining, marine and even in transportation. It was where all other

components and parts was connected.

Figure 20. 6001CN Gas Cartridge


The 6001CN series of gas cartridge was the main filter for the hazardous gases

covered in this study. This type of cartridge can be used for up to 10x more the permissible

exposure limit to gases and at the same time provides protection in a variety of

environments. Its length was 4.2 and height was 3.4 both in inches.

Hardware Design

The hardware design of this study was made of an Arduino Nano Microcontroller

which was the main controller of all other devices and performs all the logical operations

of the system. It was used to control the hazardous gas sensors specifically for Carbon

Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Ammonia and Butane, the gases covered in

this study. The battery was also connected to the microcontroller for the working time of

the device as well as the Bluetooth module for the wireless real-time monitoring of the

hazardous gases and servo motors for it automatic assembly feature.

Figure 21. Hardware Design (1)


The circuit shown in figure 20 was responsible for the real-time monitoring of the

gases covered in the study. The sensors which was included in the circuit were MQ-5, MQ-

9 and MQ-135. The sensors used was 30 x 19 x 20 mm in size and has a detectable

concentration of up to 10,000 particles per million. Also, the Bluetooth module used for

the transmission of data was T7024.

Figure 22. Filter Layers

Figure 21 illustrated the layers of the filter present in the mask. The top most layer

was the top cover of the mask which supported the other parts of the filter, so it will not be

dislocated. Next was the pre-filter or the cotton followed by the activated carbon rocks

which filtered the hazardous gas present in the air lowering it to the acceptable level. Lastly

were the carbon cover and the net cover placed before the air channel.

Figure 23. MQ-5 Gas Sensor

Figure 24. MQ-9 Gas Sensor


Figure 25. MQ-135 Gas Sensor

Figure 26. Arduino Nano


Figure 27. LED Indicator

The LED was used as an indicator which lights up immediately as the sensors detect

any presence of hazardous gas in the working area or environment under the real-time


Figure 28. Hardware Design (2)


Figure 29. Hardware Design (3)

Figure 30. Hardware Design (4)


Schematic Diagram

Figure 31. Schematic Diagram (1)


Figure 32. Schematic Diagram (2)

Software Design

In designing process of the proposed design, the researchers used the Arduino CC

application under the C/C++ language. It was easy to use due to its open-source electronics

platform. Its purpose was to write and upload computer code to the physical board. The

program was a professional Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for

microcontroller modules like what was being used in this design, the Arduino Nano. The

microcontroller makes user work comfortably with its good performance including its

flexibility and its ideal size. An application in the android phone was also provided for the

real-time monitoring display of the gases.

Figure 33. Sample Monitoring Display on Android Phone

Figure 21 shows the sample display on the android phone of the real-time readings

of the CO, CO2, SO2, Ammonia and Butane present in the air. The android version that can

only be used to be compatible with the application was Kitkat and any above versions. The

application was made using MIT App Inventor 2.

Figure 34. App Installation


Figure 35. Connection of Bluetooth Device

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) App Inventor 2 was used in

programming the android application for the graphical user interface which displays the

monitored concentration of gases in the air.


This section discussed about the overall system operation, the devices used during

the implementation and the input and output of the system.

The mask was comprised of different hazardous gas sensors and filters attached to

it, and a Nano Micro Controller which was responsible for all the functions to have a

successful output.

Figure 36. Mask Design


There were hazardous gas sensors that was used, the sensors could detect gases

namely Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Ammonia, and Butane. The

assigned value determines what type of gas was present in the air. Filters were responsible

for the reduction of hazardous gas intake through the different type of mesh and organic

substances for the said filter. A rechargeable battery supplies the whole mask to work.

The mask operates through an automatic assemble which means when one of a

hazardous gas was detected above normal level by the functioning sensor there will be an

automatic indicator (LED) that will alert the user that the mask will now assemble. After

assembling the corresponding filter then activates as needed. Upon the process there was a

Bluetooth module connected on an android phone with a support application which was

responsible for real time monitoring of the said hazardous gas in Parts per Million (PPM)

unit, it also alerts the user via prompt a prompt from the said application

Figure 38. Actual Testing


Experimental Results

Table 4 Reliability of Monitoring of the Mask Validated through Standard Testing

Devices for Hazardous Gases


1 56 ppm 63 ppm
2 51 ppm 59 ppm
2 74 ppm 86 ppm
1 87 ppm 93 ppm
2 90 ppm 101 ppm
3 64 ppm 72 ppm
Carbon Dioxide
1 563 ppm 581 ppm
2 471 ppm 467 ppm
3 498 ppm 506 ppm
Carbon Monoxide
1 81 ppm 76 ppm
2 88 ppm 90 ppm
3 80 ppm 87 ppm
Sulfur Dioxide
1 27 ppm 32 ppm
2 41 ppm 39 ppm
3 24 ppm 28 ppm

The sensors on the mask were tested three times using the five different gases that

were covered in the study. The values were displayed on an android phone with the use of

an application. In order to verify whether the mask displays a reliable value, the researchers

conducted the tests with the help of Mach Union Laboratory located in Las Pinas City wich

specializes in water tests but also accommodates air quality analysis: stationary sources

and ambient air. The air quality was tested using the mask and the laboratory equipment at

the same time to show the how reliable the mask was in terms of its monitoring capability.

Interpretation of Data Presented

The results were interpreted based on the data gathered from the tests that the

researchers conducted.

1. The design of the wearable mask to protect the person against air pollutant.

Figure 39. Mask (Outside)


Figure 40. Mask (Inside)

The mask was comprised of different hazardous gas sensors and filters attached to

it. In front of the mask, the researchers had a Nuisance particulate filter to block the dust

particles that the user might inhale. The mask also operates through an automatic assembly

feature which means if the gas sensors detected a hazardous gas above the normal level,

the indicator turns red and the two filters on the side of the mask would then assemble and

close. The mask made use of a lithium polymer battery which is currently one of the best

types of battery and is reliable enough because it was rechargeable. Higher capacity of

battery could give a longer life to supply all the devices connected to the mask.

Figure 41. Wearable Mask (1)

Figure 42. Wearable Mask (2)


The mask is also wearable due to its capability of being worn anytime and

anywhere, the researchers found out that the mask can be placed on the thigh part of the

worker for them not to destruct nor be bothered and at the same time be safe from hazardous

gases in their work.

2. The algorithm that will decide the condition of the air to automatic activate the

wearable mask.

Figure 43. Algorithm of the Mask’s Automatic Activation


The system of the study will start by analyzing the concentration of gases present

in the air if it was already above the standard tolerable amount which was defined by the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the Ambient Air and Department

of Labor and Employment for the Working Environment Exposure standard. After the

analyzation of the air concentration, if either CO, CO2, SO2, Ammonia or Butane was

detected, the indicator of the mask lights up and after a few seconds, the mask automatically

assembles its filters. At the same time, upon the detection of the hazardous gases, the

amount detected would be displayed on an android phone application for the user to be

aware of what was present in the air. The android application was based on the real-time

monitoring of the sensors used.

Figure 44. Operation of Servo Motor (1)


Figure 45. Operation of Servo Motor (2)

The cartridge containing the filtering materials of the mask was connected to the

respirator together with the servo motor which controlled the movement of the filter if it

either closes or opens depending on the monitored amount of hazardous gas. The part of

the cartridge that flips away contains the activated carbon, cotton filter and the net while

the other part which stays at its plays was the top cover connected to the airway of the


The threshold level that was set for the automatic activation of the mask was

adjustable and was dependent on where the mask will be applied and on who will use the

mask. If the mask would be used in industries or areas exposed to high level of hazardous

gases, the threshold could be lowered down to a safer value, however, if the mask would

be used on areas with low or minimal exposure to hazardous gases, the threshold level

could be lifted to a slightly higher value. The former mentioned cases could also be applied

if the wearer was a child or a grownup.

3. The reliability of the system in terms of detecting gas?

√[𝑁Σ𝑋 2 − (Σ𝑋)2 ][𝑁Σ𝑌 2 − (Σ𝑌)2 ]


Let X1 = 56 ; Y1 = 63

X2 = 51 ; Y2 = 59

X3 = 74 ; Y3 = 86

X4 = 87 ; Y4 = 93

X5 = 90 ; Y5 = 101

X6 = 64 ; Y6 = 72

X7 = 563 ; Y7 = 581

X8 = 471 ; Y8 = 467

X9 = 498 ; Y9 = 506

X10 = 81 ; Y10 = 76

X11 = 88 ; Y11 = 90

X12 = 80 ; Y12 = 87

X13 = 27 ; Y13 = 32

X14 = 41 ; Y14 = 39

X15 = 24 ; Y15 = 28

For Σ𝑋𝑌:

= (56 ∗ 63) + (51 ∗ 59) + (74 ∗ 86) + (87 ∗ 93) + (90 ∗ 101)

+ (64 ∗ 72) + (563 ∗ 581) + (471 ∗ 467) + (498 ∗ 506) + (81 ∗ 76)

+ (88 ∗ 90) + (80 ∗ 87) + (27 ∗ 32) + (41 ∗ 39) + (24 ∗ 28)

= 857,909

For Σ𝑋:

= 56 + 51 + 74 +87 + 90 + 64 + 563 + 471 + 498 + 81 + 88 + 80 + 27

+ 41 + 24

= 2,295

For Σ𝑌:

= 63 + 59 + 86 + 93 + 101 + 72 + 581 + 467 + 506 + 76 + 90 +87 + 32

+ 39 +28

= 2,380

For Σ𝑋 2 :

= 562 + 512+ 742 + 872 + 902 + 642 + 5632 + 4712 + 4982 + 812 + 882

+ 802 + 272 + 412 + 242

= 841,483

For (Σ𝑋)2 :

= (56 + 51 + 74 +87 + 90 + 64 + 563 + 471 + 498 + 81 + 88 + 80 +

27 + 41 + 24)2

= 5,267,025

For Σ𝑌 2 :

= 632 + 592 + 862 + 932 + 1012 + 722 + 5812 + 4672 + 5062 + 762 + 902

+872 + 322 + 392 +282

= 873,858

For (Σ𝑌)2 :

= (63 + 59 + 86 + 93 + 101 + 72 + 581 + 467 + 506 + 76 + 90 +87 +

32 + 39 +28)2

= 5,664,400

15(857909) − (2295)(2380)
√[15(841483) − (5267025)] [15(873858) − (5664400)]

𝑟 = 0.98837344

% = 0.98837344 ∗ 100%

% = 98.8%

System reliability was based on the efficiency of the monitoring of the mask, the

efficiency level obtained was .9883 or 99%. The indicated level of efficiency was based on

the experimental tests conducted by the researchers and was solved using the Test-Retest

Reliability. Reliability of 1 was the highest reliability that could be obtained which means

it has no error, the researchers were able to acquire a reliability of 0.98837344 from the

data gathered. The experimental tests showed that the sensing efficiency of the mask

prototype was high and was equivalent to excellent in the interpretation of reliability.

The obtained system reliability was dependent on the data that was gathered from

the tests conducted by the researchers. The tests using the mask and the laboratory

equipment showed a minimal discrepancy, making the monitoring of the mask reliable

enough to be worn by the workers without risking their health due to unreliable monitoring.


Technical Study

The researchers used locally available materials and components in developing the

proposed design of Smart Mask with Real-Time Air Condition Monitoring and Filter

Attribute for Reduction of Hazardous Gas Intake. The main objective of the design was to

filter the hazardous gas to become tolerable to inhale and does not affect the worker’s

health while in the working area.

For this proposed design, the following considerations were made to choose the

appropriate materials.


Table 5 Arduino Nano

Microcontroller ATmega328

Operating Voltage
(logic level)

Input Voltage
7-12 VDC

Input Voltage (limits) 6-20 VDC

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Microcontroller ATmega328

Analog Input Pins 8

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

32 KB (ATmega328)
Flash Memory
of which 2 KB used by bootloader

SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328)

EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328)

Clock Speed 16 MHz

Dimensions 0.73" x 1.70"


Microcontroller ATmega328

Length 45 mm

Width 18 mm

Weight 5g

Table 6 Bluetooth Module

Sensitivity -80dBm

Low Power Operation 1.8 to 3.6V I/O

Transmit Power Up to +4dBm



Circuit voltage 5V±0.1

Using Temperature -10℃-50℃

Standard Detecting Scope 200-10000ppm

Detection Gas LPG, Natural Gas, Iso-Butane, Propane Town Gas



Detection Gas CO and combustible gas

10-1000ppm CO
100-10000ppm combustible gas

Sensing Resistance 100ppm CO

Sensitivity 100ppm CO

Table 9 MQ-135

Detection Gas Ammonia, Sulfide, Benzene steam

Concentration 10-10000ppm (Ammonia, Benzene, Hydrogen)

Sensing Resistance 100ppm NH3

Sensitivity 100ppm NH3

Table 10 SG90 Servo

Operating Speed (4.8V no load) 0.12sec/60 degrees

Operating Voltage 3.0-7.2Volts

Temperature Range -40 to +60 Degree C

Size (LxWxH cm) 10x2x1


Weight 0.02kg


Table 11 Filter Cartridge

Material Polypropylene

Weight 1.6 ounces

Temperature Range -40 to +60 Degree C

Table 12 Battery Lithium Ion Polymer 3.7v 1200mAh

Nominal Capacity 1200mAh

Working Temperature -25°C

Discharge cut-off voltage 2.75V

Weight 22g

Operational Study

In this section, the researchers discussed the operational feasibility of the proposed

subject. The following questions were given through survey for operational feasibility of

the research project.


1. I am aware that there is a presence of harmful gases in my working area.

66.67% (20 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that they were aware of harmful

gases in their working area, 16.67% (5 out of 30) of the respondents answered strongly

agree, 13.33% (4 out of 30) of the respondents answered neutral because they were not

sure of the certain gases that they encounter as they work although they know that there

was a presence of hazardous gas and the remaining 3.33% (1 out of 30) answered disagree

because they were not aware of the fact that they work in an area exposed to hazardous


2. I wear mask at all times whenever I am inside of the boiler area.

46.67% (14 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that they wear mask at all times

whenever they were inside of the boiler area, 33.33% (10 out of 30) of the respondents

answered strongly agree, 20% (6 out of 30) of the respondents answered neutral because

they were not always assigned on the lower area exposed to burning of coal for the boiler.

3. I am aware of the possible health problems that harmful gases may cause.

46.67% (14 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that they were aware of possible

health problems that harmful gases may cause, 33.33% (10 out of 30) of the respondents

answered strongly agree while the remaining 20% (6 out of 30) of the respondents

answered neutral. Some who answered neutral was due to their lack of awareness on the

presence of hazardous gas in their work area which leads to their lack of awareness as

well on their effects.


4. There is already an instance wherein an operator got sick due to the presence of
hazardous gases.

46.67% (13 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that there was a time wherein an

operator got sick due to the presence of hazardous gases, 26.67% (8 out of 30) of the

respondents answered neutral because they have not experienced it yet, 20% (6 out of 30)

of the respondents answered disagree and 10% (3 out of 30) of the respondents answered

strongly agree since they already had an experience of getting sick due to the harmful


5. I use face mask often as a preventive measure at work

50% (15 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that they used face mask often as a

preventive measure at work, 30% (9 out of 30) of the respondents answered, neutral,

13.33% (4 out of 30) of the respondents answered strongly agree and 6.67% (2 out of 30)

of the respondents answered disagree.


6. The current used mask is comfortable and does not obstruct in my work.

46.67% (14 out of 30) of the respondents disagreed that currently used mask was

comfortable and does not obstruct in their work due to its size and design which at times

causes them difficulty in breathing. The 23.33% (7 out of 30) of the respondents answered

strongly disagree, 20% (6 out of 30) of the respondents answered agree and 3.33% (1 out

of 30) of the respondents answered strongly agree.


7. Face mask effectively reduces the inhalation of harmful gas and particles.

60% (18 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that face mask effectively reduces the

inhalation of harmful gas and particles with the help of its filter, 23.33% (7 out of 30) of

the respondents answered neutral and 16.67% (5 out of 30) of the respondents answered

strongly agree.

8. It is beneficial to have a mask with real-time air condition monitoring with built-
in indicator and has auto-assembly feature.

50% (15 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that it was beneficial to have a mask with

real-time air condition monitoring with built-in indicator and has auto-assembly feature

for them to know the concentration of the gases in the air without the need of using

equipments for air monitoring, 33.33% (10 out of 30) of the respondents answered neutral

and 16.67% (5 out of 30) of the respondents answered strongly agree.


9. Industries should invest in this type of mask than using conventional.

40% (12 out of 30) of the respondents agreed that industries should invest in this type

of mask than using the conventional type of mask, 36.67% (11 out of 30) of the

respondents answered neutral and 23.33% (7 out of 30) of the respondents answered

strongly agree.

10. How many hours do you wear your mask at work?

73.33% (22 out of 30) of the respondents answered that they were using the

mask up to 5 to 6 hours at work and 26.67% (8 out of 30) of the respondents answered

thay they were using the mask 3 to 4 hours when at work.


11. How many hours are you exposed to the hazardous gases?

46.67% (14 out of 30) of the respondents answered that they were exposed to

hazardous gas in 6 to 9 hours when at work, 30% (9 out of 30) of the respondents answered

3 to 5 hours exposure to hazardous gas and 23.33% (7 out of 30) of the respondents

answered 1 to 3 hours exposure to hazardous gas when at work.


Economical Study

The cost of the materials used to create the project was necessary to impose if the

proposed research project was economically and environmental feasible. The proposed

project cost Php 3319.00 excluding the phone cost of the user. The user will save a lot of

money compare to the cost for the maintenance of the effect of intake of the hazardous gas.

The proposed project was user friendly since it was easy to deal with a rechargeable battery.

The materials took a higher cost; however, it will be decreased when mass delivered in

assembling organization. It would likewise decrement the season of execution influencing

the entire framework and its whole of materials or segments favorably.

Table 13 Bill of Materials

Arduino Nano 1 369.00 369.00
Bluetooth Module 1 325.00 325.00
MQ-3 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
MQ-9 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
MQ-135 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
Servo 2 300.00 600.00
Battery Lithium Ion Polymer 3.7v 1200mAh 2 585.00 1170.00
Cartridge with Filter 2 233.00 466.00
Thermoplastic Elastomer/Silicone Mask 1 500.00 500.00

Male to Male Pin Connector 1 100.00 100.00
Female to Male Pin Connector 1 125.00 125.00
Female to Female Pin Connector 1 125.00 125.00
Light Emitting Diode 6 3.00 18.00
TOTAL Php 3319.00
Chapter 5


This chapter states the findings that the research team was able to derive

from the study. In this chapter, the answers to the problems stated and presented in this

study are answered. It also suggests procedures and recommendations that can be used as

reference for future studies for improvement of the present study.

Summary of Findings

Air was necessary in human life, without it people will not survive. Due to human

activities and some natural phenomena, the atmosphere was contaminated with certain

substances present in the atmosphere in such concentrations which could produce

unwanted effects on man when at working area. With these effects, the researchers

conducted a countermeasure to lessen the intake of hazardous gas. Using microcontroller

as the brain of the smart mask with LED indicator to automatic assembly.

Specifically, it answered the following sub problems:

1. What is the design of the wearable mask to protect the person against air


The design of the mask was patterned in a respirator, the researchers conducted a

research and found that the best and compact design for the mask was made up of

different gas sensors with LED indicator for each sensor attached into it and two servo

motors attached on each side of the filter. The filters have its own servo motors that

would only trigger whenever there are abnormities present in the air.

2. What is the algorithm that will decide the condition of the air to automatic activate the

wearable mask?

The system of the project monitored the presence of the concentration of

the air in the area, the algorithm of the mask will start when there are abnormalities

present in the air such as high Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide,

Butane and Ammonia built in LED will light in red, a prompt will send in the

application and the filter would be then activated. The result would be evaluated by

the Threshold values which were assigned depending on the purpose of using the

mask. When the values were already less than the threshold values assigned the

LED will lit Green and the filter will be now deactivated

3. What is the efficiency of the system in terms of detecting gases?

The system reliability of the mask in terms of monitoring is 92%. This was

attained by calculating variables thru test-retest reliability. The variables were the

reading in the sensors attached on the mask and another set of sensors provided by

the researchers. Series of tests were made wherein both sets should have a reading

close to one another. The percentage attained indicated how reliable the mask was

in terms of monitoring. The experimental tests proved that the mask prototype was

high and was equal with the results of the testing sensors. The mask was wearable

and was placed on the pants of a operator.


This study determined the reliability of a mask with a built-in indicator and

automatic assembly feature upon detection of gases. Specifically, this sought answers to

the following sub-problems:

1. The design made for the wearable mask was inspired by a respirator which was

normally used in industries with presence of hazardous gases. The mask will have

its filters on the side areas of the face and only moves and connects to the main

mask whenever there was a presence of any of either Carbon Monoxide, Carbon

Monoxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Ammonia and Butane in the environment. The

materials and devices used on the prototype were based on what suited best the

other devices according to their specifications and capacities. The mask was placed

on the right thigh part of the pants of the worker, it was the most suitable part of

uniform of the worker where the mask could be worn since it would not affect the

movements of the worker and it could be easily seen in case the indicator turn red.

2. The algorithm started from the detection of any of the hazardous gases covered in

the study. The gases included Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide,

Ammonia, and Butane. As the mask detects the gases indicated, the indicator turns

on and in few seconds the filters at the side of the mask automatically assembles

and places at the front connected to the main mask. At the same time, there is a

real-time monitoring which displays the concentration of the gases in the air. The

threshold that was set by the researchers was the main factor that decides on what

value the mask should automatically assemble.

3. The system created in the study has a reliability of 99% in its accuracy in the

detection of gases. The acquired percentage of reliability was based on an

experimental testing wherein the researchers compared results between the

accuracy of gas detection of the mask and the laboratory equipment of Mach Union

Laboratory. The results between the two had minimal and almost negligible

difference and was computed using the test-retest reliability.


Modification in the future work was recommended to concentrate on the

accompanying angles to additionally broaden and build up findings in this paper. With a

specific end goal to maximize the use and operation of the framework thinking about the

ecological factor and the safety of the user, the following recommendations are hereby


1. Lighter weight material can be used to modify the mask in order to have a less

destruction when using it. Also, the compactness and solidity of the whole mask

can also take in consideration for wider use. Proper choice of materials can also

affect how the modification of the present system is. For specifications of the

battery, future researchers can use a battery with high ampere to lengthen the life

span of the system. Alternative designs could be done to make the position of the

mask on the uniform of the worker more comfortable and make it look like an

ordinary part of the workers’ dress code.

2. For industrial uses, a database that can monitor the hazardous gas in the control

room may also be developed to attain proper monitoring within the vicinity of the

work place. Since Threshold values can be adjusted depending on where the system

would be used future researchers can think of a solution wherein they can improvise

the way or the values set on the threshold level to make it more suitable with its


3. Additional sensors and filters may be added for an additional hazardous gas needed

to be filtered that may affect human health. Future researches could use different

methods on testing the reliability of the system in terms of monitoring. Vacuumed


places were recommended to test the reliability of the mask so specific gases could

be measured. Another monitoring equipment like the ones used in the industry

could be used to have a more accurate reliability.



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Gantt Chart


Endorsement Letter


Survey Questionnaire



Company Background as stated by Mr. Ramil G. Peralta (Head of WEM/IAQ):

Our work is about the exposure of the workers from pollutants and other

hazards. CRL is a group of companies and Calabarquez is based in Laguna. The company

started in June 1998 as CRL Environmental Corporation located in Pampanga inside a

mobile laboratory. Inside the mobile is a laboratory where the samples are tested. Our first

facility was in Topacio, Pampanga but we transferred in another location in Pampanga.

From Pampanga, we had our second company in Calabarquez Corporation where we have

our small laboratory and air operations. Our mother company’s focus is on soil and water

testing and Calabarquez Corporations focus is on air monitoring and pollutants exposure.

Then we had our third company in Makati. Next is our fourth location located in Cavite. It

is a laboratory to cater the Cavite Economic Zone and PEZA in Rosario. There are only

200 personnel inside the CRL group. Most of them in Pampanga are Chemist, Biologist

and Analyst. Here in LIIP, our personnel are mostly Engineers and from Environmental

Science while our sales are in Makati. Our company has a sister company in the US which

is the analytical company. CRL originated in the US but was brought here in the

Philippines. We have a program with DENR. We are also the first company outside the US

to be accredited by ELAP Accredited Laboratory as well as ISO1702 for laboratories. We

were able to operate because we are accredited by DENR and DOLE. Our company exists

due to the regulations of the government.


1. For an expert, what is a pollutant?

A pollutant is anything in our environment which are not supposedly there,

once it exist, there is already a pollution.

2. What does CRL do?

Our company is focused on environmental testing. In our field of operations,

we claim that we are the leading provider when it comes to environmental testing

because most of our competitors such as SGS and Austria are not focused in

environmental testing. There services are variable, they have pharmaceuticals and

mining. Our company focus on environmental testing and monitoring on areas like

offshore and mining. Water and soil quality as well as hazardous waste testing are

the focus on Clark Operations. They do water quality, sampling and testing. The

focus here is air quality testing. We go all over the Philippines to monitor their


3. In what are chimney and platform in facilities used for in industrial companies?

The main purpose of that is for air quality monitoring. That is part of the

regulation in Clean Air Act where the pollutants emitted should be monitored in

industrial facilities where generators, boilers, and other polluting sources are used.

4. What is Ambient Monitoring?


Ambient monitoring is present in the general environment and the sample

is not taken from the source. Standards from the source is slightly lower than the

general environment because the general environment is what we breathe, and we

don’t breathe from the source itself that is why they have different standards.

5. What are the standards in exposure in hazardous gases for labor?

The standards and regulations for labor is OSHS or the Occupational Safety

and Health Standards. It is written there the amount of allowable gases that a worker

could be exposed on according to specific gases. It was a local regulation but was

copied abroad and we adopted but it was not updated and was still from 1970s.

When it comes to the exposure of workers, the standard is the Occupational Health

and Environmental Control which indicates the rules when it comes to the exposure

of workers not just for the chemical part but also to the noise, illumination,

vibration, ventilation and heat. It also indicates that facilities at least once a year,

the working environment measurement shall be performed as necessary but not

later than annually.

6. What is air regulation in relation with air pollution?

Emission testing is the stack emission regulated by DENR having the lowest

standard since we are not directly exposed with emission sources, the Ambient

monitoring is also regulated by DENR because what they aim to protect here is the

environment. It has a stricter standard than industrial facilities. The work


environment measurement is done in industrial facilities for the exposure of the

workers and can be done inside or outside the facility depending on where he works.

It has a slightly higher standard than the emission testing. Last is the indoor air

quality which are mostly non-industrial facilities like offices and hospitals. It has

the highest regulation in relation with air pollution because most of the time, people

or workers stay inside these places.

7. What are some types of hazards for the worker?

The hazards are not just limited on chemicals, there are also physical

hazards, biological hazards and ergonomics. Physical hazards include, illumination,

ventilation and hear. Chemical hazards include dust and fibers, metals, gases and

volatile organic compounds where the workers are exposed through inhalation. For

biological hazards, these are exposures from bacteria, and fungi through inhalation

as well.

8. What are the tests done when it comes to the exposure of workers?

Filters are used in testing the dust and fibers, the method of analysis is

usually gravimetric. Another is sorbents like charcoal tubes for VOC’s. VOC’s are

chemicals which quickly evaporates in room temperature. Silica gel tubes are used

in acids like sulfuric acid. Alternatively, liquid absorbers could be used wherein

there are laboratory prepared solutions. The absorber could be worn by the worker

or could be placed on the area. We also use Suma Canister where the air itself is

the sample and is brought to the laboratories for analysis. Agars are for biological


9. Sectors of high polluters.

It includes cement factories, coal powered power plants and the like.

10. What can you say about the mask as a protective equipment?

Masks, which are included in PPE’s or Personal Protective Equipment are

the least that you want to use inside your facility because it means that you were

not able to address the issue and eliminate the hazard. When it comes to health and

safety, the hierarchy of controls are used. It starts with anticipation where you

anticipate the hazard and its effect to the exposed ones, then the recognition where

you recognize that the hazard exists. After that is the evaluation where the hazards

are being quantified. After quantifying and knowing that it is beyond the exposure

level, the controls are being used. It is the final stage of industrial hygiene where

you need to do something because you already know the hazard is high. First

priority in controls is the elimination of hazards if it is feasible and is not part of

the process. The next is the engineering controls where barriers or isolation is used.

Next to it is the administrative control where the process or work is the thing being

changed or modified. the least priority is the PPE.



List of Materials and Costing


Table 12 Bill of Materials


Arduino Nano 1 369.00 369.00

Bluetooth Module 1 325.00 325.00
MQ-3 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
MQ-9 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
MQ-135 Gas Sensor 1 200.00 200.00
Servo 2 300.00 600.00
Battery Lithium Ion Polymer 3.7v 1200mAh 2 585.00 1170.00
Cartridge with Filter 2 233.00 466.00
Thermoplastic Elastomer/Silicone Mask 1 500.00 500.00
Male to Male Pin Connector 1 100.00 100.00
Female to Male Pin Connector 1 125.00 125.00
Female to Female Pin Connector 1 125.00 125.00
Light Emitting Diode 6 3.00 18.00
TOTAL Php 4390.00


Program Code

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1, servo2;

int val1;

int val2;

int val3;

int sens1 = A0;

int sens2 = A1;

int sens3 = A2;

int green1 = 4;

int green2 = 5;

int green3 = 6;

int red1 = 8;

int red2 = 9;

int red3 = 10;

float val1A;

float val2A;

float val3A;

void setup(){


servo1.attach(3); //right

servo2.attach(2); //left

pinMode(sens1, INPUT);

pinMode(sens2, INPUT);

pinMode(sens3, INPUT);

pinMode(green1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(green2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(green3, OUTPUT);




void loop(){

val1A = analogRead(sens1);

val2A = analogRead(sens2);

val3A = analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);


val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);


val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1A = val1A + analogRead(sens1);

val2A = val2A + analogRead(sens2);

val3A = val3A + analogRead(sens3);

val1 = val1A / 16;

val2 = val2A / 16;

val3 = val3A / 16;








if((val1 <= 75) && (val2 <= 130) && (val3 <= 85))

{ state1();

idle(); }

if((val1 >= 75) && (val2 <= 130) && (val3 <= 85))

{ state2();

detect(); }

if((val1 >= 75) && (val2 >= 130) && (val3 <= 85))

{ state3();

detect(); }

if((val1 >= 75) && (val2 >= 130) && (val3 >= 85))

{ state4();

detect(); }

if((val1 >= 75) && (val2 <= 130) && (val3 >= 85))

{ state5();

detect(); }

if((val1 <= 75) && (val2 <= 130) && (val3 >= 85))

{ state6();

detect(); }

if((val1 <= 75) && (val2 >= 130) && (val3 <= 85))

{ state8();

detect(); }

if((val1 <= 75) && (val2 >= 130) && (val3 >= 85))

{ state7();

detect(); }



//* Sub Function Area *


void state1(){

digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red1, LOW);

digitalWrite(red2, LOW);

digitalWrite(red3, LOW); }

void state2(){

digitalWrite(green1, LOW);

digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red2, LOW);

digitalWrite(red3, LOW); }

void state3(){

digitalWrite(green1, LOW);

digitalWrite(green2, LOW);

digitalWrite(green3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red3, LOW); }

void state4(){

digitalWrite(green1, LOW);

digitalWrite(green2, LOW);

digitalWrite(green3, LOW);

digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red3, HIGH); }

void state5(){

digitalWrite(green1, LOW);

digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green3, LOW);

digitalWrite(red1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red2, LOW);

digitalWrite(red3, HIGH); }

void state6(){

digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green3, LOW);

digitalWrite(red1, LOW);

digitalWrite(red2, LOW);

digitalWrite(red3, HIGH); }

void state7(){

digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green2, LOW);

digitalWrite(green3, LOW);

digitalWrite(red1, LOW);

digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red3, HIGH); }

void state8(){

digitalWrite(green1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(green2, LOW);

digitalWrite(green3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red1, LOW);

digitalWrite(red2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(red3, LOW); }

void detect(){


servo2.write(10); }

void idle(){


servo2.write(90); }


Circuit Connection


Specification Sheets


Editor’s Certification


Curriculum Vitae

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