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MCE 311 – Engineering Measurements

Homework 4
Due date: November 20, 2016

Discrete sampling and analysis of time-varying signals

1. Using the Matlab program given in the lecture slides, generate 128 values of the function
𝑓(𝑡) = 5 sin(10𝜋𝑡) + 3 cos(40𝜋𝑡) between 𝑡 = 0 and 𝑡 = 1 s. Perform an FFT on the
results and find the magnitude of the coefficients. Plot the original time-varying signal and
the results obtained from the FFT analysis versus frequency. Interpret the observed peaks and
their magnitude.

2. Using the Matlab program given in the lecture slides, generate 128 values of the function
𝑓(𝑡) = 7.5 sin(10𝜋𝑡)2 between 𝑡 = 0 and 𝑡 = 2 s. Perform an FFT on the results and find
the magnitude of the coefficients. Plot the original time-varying signal and the results
obtained from the FFT analysis versus frequency. Interpret the observed peaks and their
magnitude. What is the meaning of the coefficient at 𝑓 = 0?
MCE 311 – Engineering Measurements
Homework 4
Due date: November 20, 2016

The coefficient at 𝑓 = 0 corresponds to the DC component of the signal.

3. A function that has the form 𝑓(𝑡) = 6 sin(20𝜋𝑡) + 5 cos(30𝜋𝑡) and is sampled at a rate of
50 samples per second. What false alias frequency would you expect in the discrete data?

The function has frequencies of 10 and 15 Hz. The minimum sampling rate would then be 30 Hz
to avoid aliasing. Sampling at 50 Hz would not produce false aliases for either signal.

4. A 3.5-kHz sine wave signal is sampled at 2 kHz. What would be the lowest expected alias

fN = 2000/2 = 1000 Hz. f/fN = 3500/1000 = 3.5. From the folding diagram, fa/fN = 0.5. Thus fa = 0.5*1000
= 500 Hz.

5. A 5-kHz sine wave signal is sampled at 3 kHz. What would be the lowest expected alias

fN = 3000/2 = 1500 Hz. f/fN = 5000/1500 = 3.333. From the folding diagram, fa/fN = 0.666. Thus fa =
0.666*1500 = 9990 Hz.

Strain measurements
MCE 311 – Engineering Measurements
Homework 4
Due date: November 20, 2016

6. A strip of cast iron in 8 in. long and has a cross section of 1/16 in2. It is subjected to an axial
load of 1000 lb. Two strain gages are attached to the surface, one in the axial direction and
one in the transverse direction. The axial gage indicates a strain of 1143 𝜇strain and the
transverse gage indicates a strain of -286 𝜇strain (compression). Estimate the modulus of
elasticity and Poisson’s ratio for this material.
We first find the axial stress:

  F / A  1000 / (1.0 1 / 16 )  16,000 psi

E   / a  16000 / (1143 106 )  1.40 107 psi

  t / a  ( 286 ) / 1143  0 .25

7. A strain gage has a nominal resistance of 120Ω and a gage factor of 2.00. If it is used in a
quarter bridge with the other resistors being 120 Ω and with a supply of 2V, what will be the
strain if the output voltage is 12.5 mV?
Vex = 2 V

Vout = 12.5 mV

S = 2.14


we find that the strain is:

  11,682 strain

8. A strip of high-strength steel has a length of 30 cm and a cross section of 1 mm by 20 mm.

The modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa, and Poisson’s ratio is 0.27. It is subjected to an axial
load of 15,000 N (force), and it is instrumented with two axial strain gages, with 𝑅 = 120 Ω
and a gage factor of 2.10. These two gages are connected into opposite legs of a Wheatstone
bridge (see Figure below). The two fixed resistors are also 𝑅2 = 𝑅4 = 120 Ω, and the supply
power is 2.5 V. The bridge is adjusted to zero-voltage output before the load is applied
(balanced bridge, 𝑅1 = 𝑅3 = 𝑅). Find the output of the bridge.
MCE 311 – Engineering Measurements
Homework 4
Due date: November 20, 2016

L = 0.3 m

A = 1 mm20 mm = 0.00002 m2

E = 200 GPa

 = 0.27

Fa = 1500 N

R1 = R3 = R2 = R4 =120 

Vs = 2.5 V

S = 2.10

The axial stress is:

a  Fa / A  15000 / 0 .00002  7 .5 108 Pa

The axial strain

a  a / E  7 .5 108 / 200 109  0 .00375

The resistance change

R / R   a S  0.00375  2.10  0.007875

MCE 311 – Engineering Measurements
Homework 4
Due date: November 20, 2016

Vs R 2 R 3  R 3 R1 R 2 R 4 
V0      
(R 2  R 3 )  R 3
R1 R2 R4 
2.5  120 2
 0.007875  0.007875
(120  120) 2
 0.00984V  9.84mV

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