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MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics


August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 6

• From greek words Therme(Heat) and
• This evolved from the concept of getting
power from heat
• Defined as the science of energy
• Deals with the transformation of energy of all
kinds from one form to another
• Science of three E’s Energy, Equilibrium and
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 7
Thermodynamics Heat Transfer

• Thermodynamics tells us:

– How much heat is transferred (δQ)
– How much work is done (δW)
– Final (equilibrium) state of the system
• Heat transfer tells us:
– How (with what modes) δQ is transferred
– At what rate δQ is transferred
– Temperature distribution inside the body
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 8
Finds applications in internal combustion
engines, steam nozzles,steam turbines , gas
turbines, refrigerators, propulsions, thermal
power plants, Heat Exchangers, compressors,
combustion, etc

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 9


August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 10

• Primary or fundamental Dimensions
• Secondary or derived Dimensions
• Units quantify dimensions
• SI Units
• Dimensional homogeneity
• Conversion of units from SI to other systems
and back

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• Classical – Macroscopic
• Statistical – Microscopic
– Based on statistical behavior

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 12

CONTINUUM • Atoms are widely spaced in the
gas phase.
• However, we can disregard the
atomic nature of a substance.
• View it as a continuous,
homogeneous matter with no
holes, that is, a continuum.
• This allows us to treat properties
as smoothly varying quantities.
• Continuum is valid as long as size
of the system is large in
comparison to distance between
• Knudsen Number
– Kn=λ/L
– Continuum if Kn<0.01
– slip if 0.01<Kn<0.1
– Transition if 0.1<Kn<3
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 13
– free molecular if Kn>3
• Density,  
– m=mass
– V=volume
1 V
• Specific volume , v  
 m
• Specific gravity or relative density
– as the ratio of the density of a substance to the
density of some standard substance at a specified
temperature (usually water at 4°C,for which
ρ=1000 kg/m3) 
SG 
 H 2O
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 14

• Small part of the universe to which we will apply

the laws of thermodynamics -> SYSTEM
• The system is a macroscopically identifiable
collection of matter on which we focus our
– A water kettle
– An aircraft engine
– Heat exchangers
– Steam turbines
– Boilers

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• Isolated system – no mass and energy

interaction between system and surroundings

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• No mass interaction with surroundings
• There is energy interaction with surroundings

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• There is mass and energy interaction between
the system and surroundings
• Control Volume and control surface
• Arbitrary volume

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• System and control volume should be defined carefully
• This comes from the physical understanding of the

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• Any identifiable, observable characteristic

feature of a system is called a property
– pressure P, temperature T, volume V, and mass m
– viscosity, thermal conductivity, modulus of
elasticity, thermal expansion coefficient, electric

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 20

• Intensive properties – Do not depend on the
mass or extend or size of the system
– Temperature, pressure, density
• Extensive properties – Depend on the size or
extend of the system
– Mass, total volume, momentum, etc.
• Specific Properties
– Extensive property per unit mass
• Specific volume, specific enthalpy, specific internal
energy, etc.
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 21
Consider a system which is not undergoing
any change
Uniform properties prevails in the system
These properties can be measured or
These set of properties define the condition
of the system, or the state of the system
Thus properties are also called state values or
point functions

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 22

 Phase: It is a quantity of mass that is homogeneous
throughout in chemical composition and physical
e.g. solid, liquid, vapour, gas.
 A system consisting of single phase – homogeneous
 Example: mixture of air and water vapour
 A system consisting of more than one phases -
heterogeneous system
 Examples: mixture of ice and water, water plus
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 23
• F=C–Φ+2
F = Number of independent intensive properties
required to specify the state of a system
C = Number of components in the system
Φ = Number of phases in the system

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August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 25

• The succession of states passed through during a
change of state is called the path of the system. A
system is said to go through a process if it goes
through a series of changes in state.
– A system may undergo changes in some or all of its
– A process can be construed to be the locus of changes
of state
• Processes in thermodynamics are like streets in a
– Eg: we have north to south; east to west;
roundabouts; crescents

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August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 27

• Isothermal (T)
• Isobaric (p)
• Isochoric (v)
• Isentropic (s)
• Isenthalpic (h)
• Isosteric (concentration)
• Adiabatic (no heat addition or removal)

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Reversible constant volume process (or)
Isochoric (V=Constant)

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August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 32

• More than one processes
• Complete them by regaining the initial state
– A system is said to have undergone a cycle if it
returns to its initial state at the end of the process.
That is, for a cycle the initial and final states are
• Closed cycle
• Open cycle

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 33

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 34
Diesel cycle open practical

Diesel cycle closed theoritical

refrigerators internal combustion

thermal power plants


August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 35

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 36
• A system is said to be in an equilibrium state if
its properties will not change without some
perceivable effect in the surroundings.
• Equilibrium generally requires all properties to
be uniform throughout the system.
• There are mechanical, thermal and chemical

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 37

• Nature has a preferred way of directing changes.
– water flows from a higher to a lower level
– Electricity flows from a higher potential to a lower
– Heat flows from a body at higher temperature to
the one at a lower temperature
– Momentum transfer occurs from a point of higher
pressure to a lower one.
– Mass transfer occurs from higher concentration to
a lower one

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 38

• Between the system and surroundings, if there is
no difference in
– Pressure -> Mechanical equilibrium
– Potential -> Electrical equilibrium
– Concentration of species -> Species equilibrium
– Temperature -> Thermal equilibrium
• No interactions between them occur.
• They are said to be in equilibrium.
• Thermodynamic equilibrium implies all those
• A system in thermodynamic equilibrium does not
deliver anything.
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 39
• A quasi-static process is one in which
– The deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium is
– All states of the system passes through are
equilibrium states.

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• Temperature is a property of a system which
determines the degree of hotness
• Obviously, it is a relative term
• eg: A hot cup of coffee is at a higher temperature than a
block of ice. On the other hand, ice is hotter than liquid
• Thermodynamic temperature scale is under
evolution. What we have now in empirical

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 42

Thermometric property

Thermometer Thermometric property

1. Constant volume gas Pressure (p)
2. Constant pressure gas Volume (V)
3. Alcohol or mercury-in-glass Length (L)
4. Electric resistance Resistance (R)
5. Thermocouple Electromotive force (E)
6. Radiation (pyrometer) Intensity of radiation (I or J)

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 43

• Two systems are said to be equal in
temperature, when there is no change in their
respective observable properties when they
are brought together. In other words, “when
two systems are at the same temperature they
are in thermal equilibrium” (They will not
exchange heat)

• They need not be in thermodynamic equilibrium

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 44

• When two bodies or systems are in thermal
equilibrium with a third body, then they are in
thermal equilibrium
• Two bodies are in thermal equilibrium if both
have the same temperature reading even if
they are not in contact
– Concept of temperature
• Temperature scales

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 45


Energy ?

• thermal, mechanical, kinetic, potential, electric, magnetic, chemical, and

nuclear, and their sum constitutes the total energy, E of a system.
• Thermodynamics deals only with the change of the total energy.
• Macroscopic forms of energy: Those a system possesses as a whole
with respect to some outside reference frame, such as kinetic and
potential energies.
• Microscopic forms of energy: Those related to the molecular
structure of a system and the degree of the molecular activity.
• Internal energy, U: The sum of all the microscopic forms of energy.

• Kinetic energy, KE: The energy

that a system possesses as a result
of its motion relative to some
reference frame.
• Potential energy, PE: The energy
that a system possesses as a result The macroscopic energy of an object
of its elevation in a gravitational changes with velocity and elevation.
Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy
per unit mass
Mass flow rate
Potential energy

Potential energy
per unit mass Energy flow rate

Total energy
of a system

Energy of a system
per unit mass

Total energy
per unit mass
Some Physical Insight to Internal Energy

Sensible energy: The portion of the internal

energy of a system associated with the
kinetic energies of the molecules.
Latent energy: The internal energy
associated with the phase of a system.
Chemical energy: The internal energy
associated with the atomic bonds in a
The internal energy of a molecule.
system is the sum of all
forms of the microscopic Nuclear energy: The tremendous amount
energies. of energy associated with the strong bonds
within the nucleus of the atom itself.
The various forms of
microscopic energies Thermal = Sensible + Latent
that make up sensible Internal = Sensible + Latent + Chemical + Nuclear
energy. 49
• The form of energy that can be converted to
mechanical work completely and directly by
an ideal mechanical device such as an ideal
– Kinetic, Potential, Flow

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 54

Heat: The form of energy that is
transferred between two systems Temperature
difference is
(or a system and its surroundings)
the driving
by virtue of a temperature
force for heat
difference. transfer. The
larger the
difference, the
higher is the
rate of heat

Energy can cross the boundaries

of a closed system in the form of
heat and work. During an adiabatic process, a system
exchanges no heat with its 56
• Work: The energy transfer associated with a force acting through a distance.
– A rising piston, a rotating shaft, and an electric wire crossing the
system boundaries are all associated with work interactions
• Formal sign convention: Heat transfer to a system and work done by a
system are positive; heat transfer from a system and work done on a system
are negative.
• Alternative to sign convention is to use the subscripts in and out to indicate
direction. This is the primary approach in this text.

Work done per

unit mass

Power is the
Specifying the directions of
work done per
heat and work.
unit time (kW) 57
Heat vs. Work
• Both are recognized at the boundaries
of a system as they cross the
boundaries. That is, both heat and work
are boundary phenomena.
• Systems possess energy, but not heat
or work.
• Both are associated with a process, not
a state.
• Unlike properties, heat or work has no
meaning at a state.
• Both are path functions (i.e., their
magnitudes depend on the path followed
during a process as well as the end
Properties are point functions; but
heat and work are path functions
(their magnitudes depend on the
Properties are point functions have path followed).
exact differentials (d ).
Path functions
have inexact
differentials ( )
Electrical Work
Electrical work
N coulombs of
electrical charge

Electrical power

When potential difference and

current change with time

Electrical power in terms of resistance R,

current I, and potential difference V.
When potential difference and
current remain constant

• There are two requirements for a work interaction between a
system and its surroundings to exist:
– there must be a force acting on the boundary.
– the boundary must move.

Work = Force  Distance When force is not constant

If there is no movement,
no work is done.
The work done is proportional to the force
applied (F) and the distance traveled (s).
Shaft Work

Shaft work is proportional to the

torque applied and the number of
revolutions of the shaft. 61
When the length of the spring changes by Spring Work
a differential amount dx under the influence of
a force F, the work done is Substituting and integrating yield

For linear elastic springs, the displacement x is x1 and x2: the initial and the final
proportional to the force applied displacements

k: spring constant (kN/m)

Elongation of
a spring
under the
influence of
a force.

displacement of
a linear spring
doubles when
the force is
doubled. 62
• Conduction
– the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to
the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interactions between the
– Fourier law
– Qcond = - K A (dT/dx) (W)
• Convection
– is the mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and the
adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, and it involves the combined
effects of conduction and fluid motion.
– Newton’s law of cooling
– Qconv = h A ( Ts – Tf ) (W)
• Radiation
– is the energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic waves ( or
photons) as a result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the
atoms or molecules.
– Stefan-Boltzmann law
– Q emit,max = δATs4
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 64
• All temperature changes need not be due to
– Friction
• All heat interactions need not result in
temperature change
– Phase change condensation evaporation

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• Joule’s experiment

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 72

• For any system undergoing a cyclic process, the algebraic
sum of net heat and work interactions between the
system and its surroundings is zero

 Q  W
cycle cycle

• i.e. QA1-2+QB2-1=WA1-2+WB2-1

• Alternate statement
– When a closed system undergoes a cycle the cyclic
integral of heat is equal to the cyclic integral of work

August 2, 2016
 Q  WMEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 73

• For a cyclic process

• W1-2 +W2-3 +W3-4 +W4-1
= Q1-2 + Q2-3 + Q3-4 + Q4-1

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• For a non-cyclic process
– The heat and work interactions will not be equal
– Q - W = ΔE
• For 1A2C1, Q1-A-2 + Q2-C -1 =W1-A-2 + W2-C -1
• 1B2C1, Q1-B-2 + Q2-C -1 =W1-B-2 + W2-C -1

• Subtracting second equation from first, we get

• Q1-A-2 - W1-A -2
=Q1-B-2 - W1-B -2
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 75
Total Energy
• For all adiabatic processes between two
specified states of a closed system, the net
work done is the same regardless of the
nature of the closed system and the details of
the process
• Net work depends on the change in a property
of the system called total energy E

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First Law for a Process
• For a system which does not have kinetic
energy and potential energy, total energy is
equal to internal energy. Then,
• Q - W = ΔU
• Since, ΔE = ΔKE +ΔPE + ΔEE + ΔME + ΔU
• δQ -δW = dU
• Or, δQ = pdV+dU GAS

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First Law
• Let us reconsider the cycle 1-2 along path A and 2-1
along path B as shown in fig.
– Work done during the path A = Area under 1-A-2-3-4
– Work done during the path B = Area under 1-B-2-3-4
• Since these two areas are not equal, the net work
interaction is that shown by the shaded area.

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 78

First Law
• The net area is 1A2B1.
• Therefore some work is derived by the cycle.
• First law compels that this is possible only when there
is also heat interaction between the system and the
• In other words, if you have to get work out, you must
give heat in.
• In the example shown the area under curve A < that
under B
• The cycle shown has negative work output or it will
• work from the surroundings. Obviously, the net heat
interaction is also negative. This implies that this cycle
will heat the environment. (as per the sign convention)
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 79
• If the magnitude of an entity related to the
system changes during a process and if this
depends only on the end states then the
entity is a property of the system.
• HEAT and WORK are not properties because
they depend on the path and end states
• HEAT and WORK are not properties because
their net change in a cycle is not zero
• First law for a cycle, process and an isolated
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 80
The specific heat at constant pressure of one kg
fluid undergoing a non-flow constant pressure
process is given by kJ/kg ° C

where T is in °C. The pressure during the process

is maintained at 2 bar and volume changes from
1 m3 to 1.8 m3 and temperature changes from
50°C to 450°C. Determine :
(i) Heat added (ii) Work done
(iii) Change in internal energy (iv) Change in
[Ans. (i) 1076 kJ/kg ; (ii) 160 kJ/kg ; (iii) 916
kJ/kg ; (iv) 1076 kJ/kg]
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 92
Air at a pressure of 1 bar and 25°C is heated
at constant volume till the pressure is
doubled. It is then expanded isothermally to
the original pressure and cooled to the initial
condition at constant pressure. Show the
process on p-V diagrams and calculate the
work and heat interactions during the
w12=0; w23=118.564 kJ/kg; w31=-85.6kJ/kg;
Q12=213.96 kJ/kg; Q23=118.564; Q31=-299.49
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 93
85 kJ of heat are supplied to a system at
constant volume. The system rejects 90 kJ of
heat at constant pressure and 20 kJ of work is
done on it. The system is brought to its original
state by adiabatic process.
Determine the adiabatic work. Determine also
the value of internal energy at all end states if
initial value is 100 kJ.
[Ans. W = 15 kJ ; U1 = 100 kJ, U2 = 185 kJ ; U3
= 115 kJ]

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 94

A closed system experiences a temperature
rise of 20°C when a certain process occurs.
The heat transferred in the process is 18 kJ.
The specific heat at constant volume for the
pure substance comprising the system is 1.2
kJ/kg°C, and the system contains 2 kg of this
substance. Determine the change in internal
energy and the work done.
[Ans. ΔU = 48 kJ ; W = – 30 kJ]

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 95

A fluid is contained in a cylinder by a spring-loaded,
frictionless piston so that the pressure in the fluid is
linear function of the volume (p = a + bV). The
internal energy of the fluid is given by the following
equation U = 34 + 3.15 pV
where U is in kJ, p in kPa and V in cubic metre. If the
fluid changes from an initial state of 170 kPa, 0.03
m3 to a final state of 400 kPa, 0.06 m3, with no work
other than that done on the piston, find the
direction and magnitude of the work and heat
W12=10.35 kJ; Q12=69.85 kJ
10.35 kJ 69.85 kJ
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 96
A system consists of 0.3 m3 of air at 5 bar
and 150°C. The reversible adiabatic
expansion of air takes place until the
pressure reaches 1 bar. Then the enthalpy
of air is increased to 100 kJ by adding heat
at constant pressure. Determine (i) work
done and (ii) the index of expansion by
assuming that the process between the
same initial and final conditions is a single
polytropic process. 171 kJ 1.16
August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 97
A certain perfect gas is compressed
reversibly from 1 bar, 17°C to a pressure of
5 bar in a perfectly thermally insulated
cylinder, the final temperature being 77°C.
The work done on the gas during the
compression is 45 kJ/kg. Calculate γ, cv, R
and the molecular weight of the gas.
1.132 ; 0.75 kJ/kg K ; 0.099 kJ/kg K ; 84

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 98

A gas in a cylinder fitted with a piston undergoes a cycle
composed of three processes.
First the gas expands at constant pressure with a heat
addition of 400 J and a work output of 10.0 J. Then it is
cooled at constant volume by a removal of 50.0 J of heat.
Finally, an adiabatic process restores the gas to its initial
state. Determine
(i) the work of the adiabatic process and
(ii) the stored energy of the gas at each of the other two
states if its stored energy in the initial state is assigned the
value of zero.
Sketch the cycle on the pressure – volume and
temperature – entropy diagrams.

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 99

0.15 m3 of an ideal gas at a pressure of 15
bar and 550 K is expanded isothermally to 4
times the initial volume. It is then cooled to
290K at constant volume and then
compressed back polytropically to its initial
state. Calculate the net work done and heat
transferred during the cycle. 81.03 kJ.

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 100

0.05 kg of carbon dioxide (molecular weight 44), occupying
a volume of 0.03 m3 at 1.025 bar, is compressed reversibly
until the pressure is 6.15 bar. Calculate final temperature,
the work done on the CO2, the heat flow to or from the
cylinder walls,
(i) When the process is according to law pv1.4 = constant,
(ii) When the process is isothermal,
(iii) When the process takes place in a perfectly thermally
insulated cylinder.
Assume CO2 to be a perfect gas, and take γ = 1.3.
Ans. 270 C; 5.138 kJ ; 1.713 kJ ; 52.6 C; 5.51kJ ;
5.51 kJ ; 219 C; 5.25 kJ ; 0 kJ

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 101

A cylinder contains 0.5 m3 of a gas at 1 × 105 N/m2
and 90°C. The gas is compressed to a volume of
0.125 m3, the final pressure being 6 × 105 N/m2.
Determine :
(i) The mass of gas.
(ii) The value of index ‘n’ for compression.
(iii) The increase in internal energy of gas.
(iv) The heat received or rejected by the gas during
(γ = 1.4, R = 294.2 Nm/kg°C).
[Ans. 0.468 kg ; 1.292 ; 62.7 kJ ; – 22.67 kJ]

August 2, 2016 MEE1003 Engineering Thermodynamics 102

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