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Definition- A compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both
grammatically and semantically as a single word.
Main characteristic features- 1) Structural; 2) semantic; 3) functional.
2. In English grammars three structural types are distinguished: neutral, morphological syntactic.
3. classroom, evening-gown, sleeping-car. We can speak about the sum of constituent meanings.
blackboard, football, chatterbox. We can trace some change in meaning, but the meaning of the
components is still transparent.
Ladybird, tallboy, bluestocking. Meaning of the compounds does not correspond to the separate meanings
of constituent parts.
4. In principle any number of bases may be involved, but in English except for a relatively minor class of items
(normally abbreviated) compounds usually comprise two stems only, however internally complex each may
be In Ukrainian
5. Compounding can take place within any of the word classes, but: with very few exceptions, the resulting
compound word in English is a noun, a verb or an adjective
In Ukrainian this list includes nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

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