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CHAPTER 9: Implementing Strategy Timely – there is great need and opportunity for innovate

thinking and goals that are consistent with the SET

Operational goals – outcomes to be achieved by an STEP 2: DEVELOP OPERATIONAL PLANS
organizational department, workgroup or individual member
Operational plans – specify what activities will be used to
“Standard” – another term that is used instead of “goals” meet a goal, when they should be accomplished, and how
the required resources will be acquired.
Performance standards – metrics used to determine how
well a perticular employee, department, or organization is
doing its work.

FBL approach to operational goals

Standing plans – operational plans for activities that are

performed repeatedly.


Stardard operating procedures – outline specific

steps must be taken when performing recurring
Specific – clarifies expectations and improves performance. tasks.

Measurable – managers must be able to actually measure Policies – provides guidelines for making decisions
whether goals are being met and taking action in various situations.

Achievable – this is not to say that goals should be easy Rules and regulations – prescribed patterns of
behavior that guide work tasks
Result-based – goals should focus on specific outcomes, not
simply performing activities Contingency plan – “scenarios”, describe in advance how
managers will respond to possible future events that could
Time-specific – provides a sense of urgency for members to disrupt existing plans.
reach their goals
Crises – events that have major effect on the ability of an
SET approach to operational goals organization’s members to carry on their daily tasks
Goal displacement – people get so focused on specific goals Limit the impact of crises
they mighht lose sight of more important overaching goals
Preventive work – to avoid or minimize the effect of
a crisis

Prepare – assembling information and defining

responsibilities and procedures that will be helpful in
a time of crisis.

Contain – making timely responses

Significant – being challenging and in terms of being STEP 3: IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR GOALS AND PLANS
motivating to mmembers

Meaningful – they ggo beyond simply maximizing

productivity or financial well-beingg

Agreed-upon – by the people who are expected to

implement them.

Relevant – both for the organization’s mission and vision and

for the aspirations of members and other stakholders
Planned success – plan is followed and the goal is met –
which suggests that thhe process of setting goals and making
plans has worked as intended

Accidental success – goal is met even though the plan was

not followed

Planning failure – goals are not met even though plans are

Bungled attempt – goals are not met and plans are not


Strategic learning – using insights from an organization’s

actual strategy to improve its intended strategy
Entrepreneurial Implications: Stakeholder Maps
Content school – emphasizes the rational-analytic, top-
Stakeholder map – description if the organizational
down, and linear aspects of strategy formulation
resources a new start-up (and needs) in order to manage the
Process school – emphasizes the strateggy formulation and key forces in its industry
implementation are ongoing and iterative, where one aspect
influences the other

Strategy implementation as strategic learning

New entrant (start-up) – place to start completing a

stakeholer map, namely by describing the start-up’s mission
and vision, org resources, and key internal stakeholders
Value proposition – statement of whhy a customer should
choose the organization’s specific product or service.
Focuses on: Organizational resources – entreps need to think deeply abt
and spell out whhat resources the organization needs, and
1. Why some of their original intended strategy was not must identify the VRIN resources
implemented. Internal stakeholders – who control those resources
2. Identify elements of the (unintended) emergent Suppliers – list the supplies they require, and identify
strategy that have positive outcomes for the potential suppliers who can meet those requirement
organization Rivals – contrains on what entrepreneurs can and cannot do.
3. Determine the implications of this analysis for the Buyers – provide the revenues needed to pay salaries to
organizations subsequent intended strategy members
Other stakeholders
Structuration Theory – explains how organizations are Non-government org – non-profit org whose primary
created, mmaintained and changed by the interplay between mission is to model and advocate for social, cultural, legal, or
their structures and rhe actions of their members. environmental change

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