Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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Though individual human beings are mortal, the human race is invincible.

That’s why we
proclaim ourselves great in this realm. A superior specie at least till extra-terrestrial species
reveal themselves in public. Till then the one enemy which challenges the very superiority of
this super-specie is the human himself. COVID-19 is just a miniature version of million disasters
in queue yet to come. And we are busy bargaining ourselves if we should go out or not! The
reality is, we don’t have a choice. No vaccine, no medicine, no immune in our body. Things are
just out of our hands. May be tomorrow, day after someone will find a medicine that cures, but
is that the end!
At times you have to be realistic instead of being foolish and just thinking positive which
eventually lead you nowhere. The headlines which miss or ignore everyday are Cyber warfare,
Chemical weapons, extinctions of species, increasing poisonous gases in the atmosphere,
depleting ozone and increasing temperature. OMG. Let’s just not pretend what the fact is and
confess what our ancestors including us have done to this ecology! We have just 2-3 hundred
more years on this planet.
We are no different than a dinosaur or any other living organisms who have been granted a
place to stay on this planet of life. The unfortunate part is we have started customising this
rented house without even taking permission from the owner of the universe. Playing with
mother earth and the environment is making us to bleed and being human it is our best quality
to override the truth all the time. What is the difference between people who live in city and a
forest dweller? An urban hunk has 9-5 work, having a car which burns much fuel than the
average, going temple is just because it is an event and dumping parents in an old age home
when they grow old. Meantime, the other guy thank the trees, stones, hills for being what they
are, stay with his loved ones till death, attains the supper every night together with all sharing
and caring. The only difference is that you need money to run the show and they don’t.
We no more believe in natural processes. Starting from surrogated ovulation to AI, everywhere
we just have lost our human touch. In the name of science and technology we are slowly
destroying the earth. Science was never bad, but majority of the technology has really prevailed
in a worst manner. What is the biggest business of the world these days!! Nuclear reactor,
weapons and varieties of bio weapons. This is what we have got. Don’t you talk about space
science and medical researches. Those have become the necessity because we have made them
Out of  Earth's land area 150,000,000 km2 , 31% is the remaining forest and it is merely 1%
which is used for a liveable cottage. Out of that 10% is at stake because of pavements. It has
been estimated that there are approx. 8.7 million species on Earth of which 1-2 millions are
animals. And the interesting part is we know almost nothing about them. The same study
estimates that 86% of all land species and 91% of all sea species have not yet been discovered
or described! Giving all these facts due consideration, there are also 8 billion humans in the
world today which is outnumbered by chickens (over 18 billion) only. Well, roughly 150,000
people who die each day across the globe is supplemented by 360,000 births that day.
Considering the statistics of last 10 years the population growth rate is almost 5% which is
going to make the netizens live with just 1500 Sq Ft land per head by the end of this century.
There have been only two species whose numbers are against the trend of all the other species.
Humans and the chicken used in Mc Donald’s. We have habit of eating animal flesh, but that also
has a category. At least not scorpions, octopus and snakes. At least Mao had a stupid logic
behind killings the birds in China. But remember, what happened next in China. It invited the
famine and in an improvised form we have invited Corona. We used to have a choice of food.
50% of the habitable land which is 71% of the earth’s 29% surface happened to be agricultural

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

lands. Where are they! All of a sudden, the rain has changed its course from Africa to the Gulf
nations. Believe it or not, 82% of the global calories and 63% proteins still come from plant-
based food. Then why this! Some people even eat it on experimental mode just to know the taste
and sometimes even in a more ugly way, half-dead. Come on, sometimes you should open the
lion in a zoo to taste fresh human meat too. We have been sincerely destroying the forest for our
need. It’s their home whom we have kept behind bars. Those pure souls have curse for us too.
What is this science! The answer to our curiosity!! Still we do not know if there is life beyond
earth. For that we are spoiled the outer orbit of earth of millions of pieces of satellite debris,
rocket cartridges while desperately trying to find a habitable space beyond earth. And
technology! First we spoiled the environment with huge carbon emission inviting green house
effect, ice melting in Antarctica and now we need advanced HVAC system! Just by migrating to
HFC from CFC is really not helping us. Then what exactly we are doing on the earth including
those who are doing research and invention! Every invention is ultimately proven obsolete
because of the so called paradigm shift. Actually, it’s greed. For a small span of excusive life, we
have spoiled everything. You get up early in the morning listening to the vehicle passing by or
the mobile alarm. Where are the chirping of birds gone! Gone are those days when you can bow
your head to drink some fresh water from the river or spring. That now is filled with incinerated
debris. The ponds are eutrophicated. So many artificial birds in sky are emitting tons of carbon
dioxides all the day. Are they really necessary!! You spoiled the fertility of land and ruined the
water by disposing the chemicals to it and now you strive for immunity ! Even for a small fever
you need super speciality treatment fearing this can be something new. You can get rid of it
using some herb which is already available in nature. No one remembers Ayurveda anymore
because it does not have transactions like chemical plants and pharmaceutical agencies have.
In the name of communication, we have spoiled the permeability of water. Everywhere it is
concrete and bitumen. The ground water table has gone down. People does not know the name
of their neighbour, but there is a requirement almost 4 billion tress every year for need of paper
and other needs of which, a very little percentage is recycled. In turn only 1.6 billion trees are
planted every year. This per year deficit increases day by day because of the increasing
requirement. We do not have ability of catering to our daily needs, but we have the need of
export. There is no uniformity in jobs across the globe. People only work for money, so they
don’t trust farming anymore. Teaching does need swimming and horse ridding as the prime
competency, not the maths that was used by Pathani Samant to measure the height of a
mountain using a bamboo pipe and wooden sticks. We need everything at once. Heavier cargo.
More and more robust road and runways we require along with the extra large cargo vessels.
There are approx. 3 million ship wreck on the ocean bed which is multiple times heavier than
those which are floating now. Some of them hold nuclear fuel bundle which are slowly decaying.
All these elements including radioactive ones should not be there in water. They not only
contaminating the sea water, they have been responsible for extinction of thousands of marine
creatures and plants. And the communication cables, they are as good as strangles in their
necks. Just for our greed(it’s not need anymore) we now want them out of every place creating
huge disturbance in eco system.
The world needs approx. 25000TWH power every year of which just 8% is generated from
renewable sources. If you look around you will find 99% power consumers are other than light
and fans which was the basic requirements. And the most ridiculous thing is that around one
third of this generated power is transmission loss. Btw do we really need this much of power !
Industries, trains, all of them run with a greater cost which we have been ignoring. The coal
what we are extracting from the earth had taken millions of years to transform from the dead
plants. Now only 10% of that is returned as ash. Can you imagine we are crating a carter of

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

approx. 39,733 CuM carter everyday which can be never filled. No mining rule can get a remedy
for this. Fracking of ocean beds for exploration of crude oil is no different. But these all
contribute to earthquake, sunamis and many more. As a matter of fact in next 10 years we will
have at least one large scale natural disaster per every six month. Buckle your belts.
Now comes AI. We have different definitions for them. However, artificial intelligence (or AI) is
software that is able to use and analyse data, algorithms and do programming to perform
actions, anticipate problems and learn to adapt to a variety of circumstances with and without
supervision. Focus on without supervision. Have you ever thought, why do you require a
driverless car ! While machine learning generally uses statistics and data to help improve
machine functions, deep learning computes multi-layer neural networks for more advanced
learning. What it is going to help us in !! Space science, quantum data analytics what else !! what
exactly these things are required for ! Ultimately you look for faster response from everything
and there you create a Frankenstein’s monster. If not today, in another five years the world will
see quantum computers. And then, when the first quantum computer is built, most of the
world's digital security will be essentially broken. The internet will not be secure, as we rely on
algorithms which are broken by quantum computers to secure our connections to web sites,
download emails and everything else. Even updates to phones, and downloading applications
from App stores will be broken and unreliable. Banking transactions via chip and PIN could also
be rendered insecure (depending on exactly how the system is implemented in each country).
Can you believe on China and North Korea !
One fine morning you will find the machines have taken over. It’s not about jobs or skill, it is
about necessity. Don’t throw that stupid logic that man is the creator and don’t ignore what
happened in FB HQ a year back although it is not much discussed. At present the world uses
10% of it’s generated power for internet (both direct and indirect). People may talk about
gaining knowledge and many other things, but we must see the cost benefit analysis. What is the
knowledge that comes in exchange of a sustainable earth!

Sensitivity: LNT Construction Internal Use

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