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Introduction to Cells

“Case XVIII. This was a case of anasarca with coagulable urine having all its charac-
ters well marked. There was no evidence either of hepatic disease or of derangement
in the structure of the heart or lungs; but the urine loaded with red particles seemed
to bespeak decided renal affection.”—Richard Bright (1789-1858). Reports of Medi-
cal Cases, vol. 1, 1827. London: Longman.

Cellular elements appearing in the urine can originate Monocytes and macrophages are also rare except in
from the bloodstream, the renal parenchyma, or the cases of chronic hematuria from any cause.
epithelium lining the lower urinary tract. In the male, Renal tubular epithelial cells are usually a sign of
cells originating within the reproductive organs can renal parenchymal disease, either inflammation or
also be present in the urine, as the urethra is a com- toxic tubular damage for any reason. In patients with
mon conduit for both urine and cells originating in the lipiduria and nephrosis, renal tubular epithelial cells ac-
male reproductive system. In addition, some cellular cumulate fat droplets and are referred to as “oval fat
elements can be introduced into the urine from exter- bodies.”
nal sources, usually by contamination from the female Other epithelial cells are often not abnormal. Both
genital tract, from fecal material, or in patients with squamous and transitional epithelial cells are frequent
pathologic fistulae. Cells in the urine can also represent findings. Not all laboratories differentiate squamous
neoplastic elements from solid tumors or lymphomas. and transitional epithelial cells, but there are good
Cellular elements of the blood in small numbers are reasons to do so. Although squamous epithelial cells
often a normal finding in the urine. Although refer- normally are present only within the urethra, they can
ences ranges vary, in general one to five erythrocytes originate from the prostate in patients with old infarcts
and two to five leukocytes per high-power field are and can involve more proximal portions of the urinary
not considered abnormal in an asymptomatic patient. tract as a result of chronic inflammation or injury, or in
Erythrocytes can pass directly through the glomeru- rare cases of squamous cell neoplasms of the lower uri-
lus, in which case they may appear dysmorphic, or nary tract. Squamous epithelial cells can also be pres-
through the epithelium, as part of trauma, infection, ent in the urine as a contaminant, often from vaginal
or a neoplastic process. They also can be an artifact fluids.
of contamination by fecal or vaginal material. Erythro- Although cells from the male reproductive system,
cytes exposed to hypertonic urine for a period of time particularly the prostate, can appear in the urine, they
become crenated and can resemble foreign particles are difficult to recognize. The most common cell origi-
such as pollen. nating from this source is the spermatozoon, and not
Almost all leukocytes in the urine are neutrophils, all laboratories report their presence. However, there
introduced across an epithelial surface due to inflam- are some clinical circumstances in which they are an
mation or neoplasm. Eosinophils are rare except in important finding. Neoplastic cells can be recognized
cases of interstitial nephritis. Lymphocytes also are in the urine but usually require special collection and
rare and are usually associated with renal transplant staining techniques to do so. They are extremely dif-
rejection. Both can be extremely difficult to recognize ficult to recognize by standard methods of urinalysis
unless special techniques are used to identify them. employing an unstained urine sediment.

88 Cells
of Cells
Polydore Jean Charles Pauquet (after a 1493 manuscript). A physician
in traditional garb examines urine flask of female patient in bed.
Erythrocytes in urine are similar to those seen in other
Synonyms sites. They generally retain their uniform size and bi-
RBC, red cell
concave disk shape and usually contain hemoglobin.
Vital statistics In older specimens or hypertonic specimens where
size ���������������������������� diameter 7-8 μm analysis is delayed, the cells may become crenated
shape ������������������������ round to slightly oval bi-
concave disk, crenated in
and resemble foreign objects such as pollen grains.
hypertonic specimens with In hypotonic specimens, hemoglobin pigment is vari-
irregular edges and sur- ably lost and cells may be reduced to colorless spheri-
faces, spherical “ghost” cells cal membranes (“ghost cells”) and resemble fat, oil
in hypotonic specimens droplets, or yeast. In situations where identification is
nuclear shape ��������� not applicable
chromatin ���������������� not applicable
ambiguous, use of special imaging techniques such as
cytoplasm ��������������� pale yellow-orange, may be polarization can be helpful. Nucleated red cells or sick-
colorless; shades of red to le cells can rarely be found in patients with sickle cell
purple in stained specimens disease. Macrophages containing ingested red cells
Key differentiating features or hemosiderin may be observed in any patient with
uniform size and general shape chronic hematuria.
variable amounts of hemoglobin pigment

Potential look-alikes
yeast cells Erythrocytes
pollen grains
starch granule
sperm heads
free fat droplets
air bubbles thin membrane
small granulocytes (crenated specimens) refractive index varies
calcium oxalate crystals (monohydrate form) by hemoglobin content;
Associated disease states/conditions
“ghost cells” seen with
normal in small numbers (<5 per hpf) low hemoglobin
glomerular diseases
urinary tract calculi may be colorless, pale
urinary infection pink or pale yellow
systemic coagulopathies
anticoagulants, some chemotherapeutic agents,
other medications
PNH or other intrinsic red cell disorders
contaminated specimen (vaginal, etc.)

hour-glass appearance when

cell is viewed on end
round, refractile,
biconcave disk

90 Cells
CM-14, 2006 (unstained, X160) CM-13, 2000 (unstained, X160)
Identification Referee % Participant % Identification Referee % Participant %
Erythrocyte 100.0 97.1 Erythrocyte 100.0 98.1
This urine specimen was obtained from a 77-year-old This urine specimen is from an 80-year-old male com-
female who was a resident of a long-term care facility, plaining of right flank pain. Urinalysis showed: pH=6.5;
with diagnoses of severe osteoporosis and dementia. specific gravity=1.020; protein=2+; blood=2+.
She had recently become confused and her urine was Scattered throughout the field are numerous red
cloudy and foul smelling. Urinalysis showed: pH=6.5; cells containing almost no hemoglobin (ghost cells).
specific gravity=1.014; leukocyte esterase, blood, glu- Others have an irregular shape with a suggestion of
cose and protein=positive; blood, protein, nitrite, glu- spike-like projections and could represent early ex-
cose, ketones=negative. amples of crenated red cells. The empty cells can be
Three red cells are clearly seen in this image and identified as red cells by their uniform size, lack of a
show typical orientations of on edge (clearly demon- thick refractile membrane, and absence of buds. Fi-
strating the biconcave shape), en face, and slightly nally, occasional cells scattered throughout the field
rotated with an eccentric pale zone. All are uniformly exhibit internal cytoplasmic folds or creases that could
round, contain hemoglobin, and should not be con- be confused with starch except for their coloration. If
fused with any of the potential look-alikes. identification of these cells was of particular concern,
this could be resolved using special imaging tech-
niques such as polarized light or interference contrast
microscopy. Ultimately this patient was found to have
a urinary calculus.

In hypertonic urine, the red cells shrink

and wrinkle, becoming crenated.

Cells 91
CM-39, 1991 (unstained, X160) CM-02, 1989 (unstained, X160)
Identification Referee % Participant % Identification Referee % Participant %
Erythrocyte 100.0 98.4 Erythrocyte 94.7 93.4
Fat – free fat droplets 5.3 2.3
This urine was obtained from a 67-year-old male com-
Red blood cell cast - 2.0
plaining of “smoky” urine and weight loss. Urinalysis
showed: pH=5.0; specific gravity=1.012; protein=trace; This urine sample was obtained from a 34-year-old
blood=positive. parturient patient who subsequently delivered a nor-
The arrowed objects are erythrocytes. None have mal male child. Her pregnancy was complicated by
any of the features of casts or crystals and should not hypertension, and she developed renal failure in the
be confused with them. All of the red cells in this field immediate postpartum period.
contain abundant hemoglobin. Isolated cells near the Both arrowed objects are of yellow-red color indi-
center and at the bottom of the field are smaller with cating they contain hemoglobin, and therefore the
small spike-like projections consistent with crenated diagnosis of free fat droplets is incorrect. Two of the
forms. The large object near the center is a neutrophil, unarrowed red cells are deformed and could, in the
identifiable by the folded nucleus and granular cyto- right clinical setting, raise some concern as to whether
plasm. or not they are “dysmorphic.” Although these par-
Unexplained hematuria in the absence of casts or ticular cells do not meet the morphologic criteria for
crystals can be seen in patients with urinary tract neo- dysmorphic red cells, identification of cells such as this
plasms. should result in a critical evaluation of both the urine
and the patient to see if dysmorphic red cells might be

92 Cells
Additional Examples of Red Blood Cells

This field contains a large mass of erythrocytes, as

seen in the urinary sediment. Erythrocyte clumps in
the urinary sediment can be an artifact of specimen
preparation or can represent a blood clot. Individual
cells are small and frequently have an orange tint due
to the hemoglobin they contain. If trapped WBCs can
be identified, the possibility of a blood clot should be
considered. It is important to not mistake clumps of
red cells for a red cell cast. In this example, there is no
evidence of a protein matrix.

This image is a photomicrograph of the urinary sedi-

ment using interference contrast microscopy. This
technique imparts a three-dimensional appearance to
the image and allows visualization of inclusions or oth-
er internal structural details. These cells are of uniform
size, and the prominent spicules represent infoldings of
the membrane due to loss of intracellular water when
the cells are present in hypertonic urine. Crenated red
cells can be confused with pollen grains or white cells,
especially lymphocytes, but the lack of internal struc-
tural details establishes the origin in this case.

This interference contrast photomicrograph illustrates

several normal red cells. Some cells clearly have a cen-
tral indentation representing a biconcave disk. Two
mucous strands adherent to an unidentified cell can be
seen at the bottom of the photomicrograph.

Cells 93
Additional Examples of Red Blood Cells

This is a bright-field image of the urinary sediment

from a case of trauma. Several normal erythrocytes are
present, easily recognized by their red-orange color
and biconcave disk shape. A short red cell cast is pres-
ent in the center of the image.

This is a bright-field image of the urinary sediment.

Numerous normal erythrocytes are present, many ap-
pearing as biconcave disks with central pallor. Normal
granulocytes with discrete nuclear lobation are pres-
ent; the one at the lower left edge of the image ap-
pears to have an overlying erythrocyte.

This interference contrast photomicrograph illustrates

several normal red cells. Some cells clearly have a cen-
tral indentation representing a biconcave disk. Bud-
ding yeast would have a capsule and, often, some
internal structure. Fat droplets vary in size and, when
viewed with polarized light, would be birefringent with
“Maltese cross” formation.
Abnormal red cells could have some similarities.
Dysmorphic red cells often form buds and could be
similar to the overlapping normal cells seen to the
left of center. However, dysmorphic red cells vary in
size and, when viewed with ordinary bright-field illu-
mination, would clearly not be normal cells. Another
consideration would be the rare instance where red
cells containing inclusions (Howell-Jolly bodies, para-
sites such as malaria or babesia) were present in the
urinary sediment. These cells would all demonstrate
some internal structure when viewed with interference
contrast microscopy and would likely vary in size. Ex-
amination of a stained specimen could also resolve the
issue if required.

94 Cells
RBC Mimics

Yeast Sperm Air Bubbles Fat Droplets

Both round and oval Heads of sperma- Bubbles are round, variable Free lipid droplets have
forms are found, but tozoa may become in size, and demonstrate a uniform round appear-
these can vary in size separated from dark refractile periphery. ance but vary in size.
and can show “budding.” the tails and mimic Variability in size dis-
budding dysmorphic tinguishes fat droplets
RBCs. They are gen- from RBCs.
erally smaller than

Neutrophils Starch Pollen Calcium Oxalate

Necrobiotic granulo- Starch granules are Grains of pollen can be Monohydrate form may
cytes may be small small, slightly larger round or oval but are contain oval and round
with an irregular than a RBC, and much larger than RBCs, refractile elements. Find-
surface mimicking often have a central typically 20 µm or more ing dihydrate forms in
crenated RBCs. In indented or slit-like in diameter. adjacent fields will help to
concentrated urine, area. distinguish the crystals
WBCs can also shrink from RBCs.
and resemble RBCs;
granules and nuclei are
usually visible, however.

Cells 95
Erythrocyte, Dysmorphic
A morphologic variant of the red cell, the “dysmor-
RBC, red cell, acanthocyte, G1 cell phic red cell” is considered quite specific for hematuria
associated with glomerulonephritis. Dysmorphic red
Vital statistics
cells may be smaller than normal erythrocytes and ex-
size ���������������������������� diameter 7-8 μm, but may
vary hibit cytoplasmic bulges or projections that may break
shape ������������������������ round to slightly oval, but off and appear as tiny separate red cell fragments. The
exhibit cytoplasmic blebs classic example of this type of cell is one with two small
nuclear shape ����������� not applicable symmetrically positioned cytoplasmic blebs (“Mickey
chromatin ����������������� not applicable
Mouse ears”). This morphology is discussed further in
cytoplasm ����������������� pale yellow-orange, may
be colorless shades of red to the Closer Look section on dysmorphic red blood cells,
purple in stained speci- page 100.

Key differentiating features

cytoplasmic blebs (“Mickey Mouse ears”)
doughnut shape with one or more blebs (G1 cell
of Dinda)
loss of limiting membrane with phase contrast

Potential look-alikes
yeast cells
oil droplets
free fat droplets Dysmorphic Red
small granulocytes (crenated specimens)
red cell casts (if cast matrix is not appreciated) Blood Cells
Associated disease states/conditions
glomerular diseases (unstained)
cytoplasmic blebs

Dysmorphic red blood cells in the

urine have proven to be diagnosti-
cally important as an indicator of
glomerular bleeding.
smaller red cell fragments may
accompany dysmorphic cells

cytoplasmic bulges
and projections

Dysmorphic red cells are

typically smaller than RBCs.

96 Cells
Additional Examples of
Dysmorphic Red Blood Cells

CM-06, 1997 (unstained, X160) This case has not been refereed or viewed by the par-
ticipant group but is included as another example of
Identification Referee % Participant %
dysmorphic erythrocytes.
Erythrocyte, dysmorphic 15.4 4.8 This urinary sediment is from a 21-year-old female
Yeast/fungi 53.8 84.0 with hypertension and edema of approximately 2
Fat globules 23.0 9.7 months duration, and significant renal failure with a
Erythrocyte 7.7 0.7 BUN = 33 mg/dL (8-18 mg/dL), creatinine = 2.4 mg/
This urine was obtained from a 23-year-old male with dL (0.35-0.93 mg/dL).
hemoptysis and renal failure who subsequently devel- Arrows point to classic examples of dysmorphic
oped anuria. Urinalysis showed: specific gravity=1.012; erythrocytes. In each case, they exhibit cytoplasmic
leukocyte esterase, protein, blood=positive. buds or blebs. There is no evidence of a capsule sug-
The arrowed objects are dysmorphic erythrocytes. gestive of yeast, and both cells are red in color. These
The abnormal red cell membrane, resulting in formation cells were not identified initially but were noted on
of cytoplasmic blebs, is particularly well demonstrated subsequent review, and the physician was notified. Fur-
in the right-hand panel using the Nomarski technique ther evaluation, including an elevated anti-DNA titer,
and can be contrasted with membrane details of the established the diagnosis of lupus glomerulonephritis.
normal red cells in the upper portion of the photo- It is important for laboratorians to be familiar with this
micrograph. The symmetric blebs seen in the lower unusual presentation of glomerular hematuria. Dys-
arrowed cell demonstrate “Mickey Mouse ears.” This morphic red cells are a significant abnormality and are
patient was eventually diagnosed with Goodpasture a good candidate for “critical values” in urinalysis.
syndrome, a type of glomerulonephritis with simulta-
neous immune complex deposition involving both the
alveolar and glomerular basement membrane. These
cells should not be confused with budding yeast, since
the cells in question contain hemoglobin and do not
have a thick refractile capsule. Fat globules are highly
refractile and would exhibit bright birefringence when
illuminated with polarized light. Normal erythrocytes
would be of uniform size and would not demonstrate
cytoplasmic blebs.

Cells 97
Additional Examples of Dysmorphic Red Blood Cells

This a photomicrograph of the urine in a patient with

hematuria. Two dysmorphic red cells are present near
the center of the image, with the upper cell having nu-
merous cytoplasmic blebs, some of which are perpen-
dicular to the imaging plane and are actually pointing
directly at the viewer.

This is a bright-field image of a urinary sediment con-

taining dysmorphic red cells. The cell at the top near
the center shows a developing surface bleb; the one
near the bottom shows a fully developed bleb with a
narrow connecting stalk.

These are dysmorphic red blood cells in the urine as

visualized using phase contrast microscopy. This tech-
nique utilizes a special phase condenser to separate
light rays passing through a specimen that are either
unaffected (surround waves) or altered (particle waves)
by various structures, such as membranes or internal
particulate matter. These waves are of different am-
plitudes, and the resolved image sharply contrasts
relatively transparent areas of the object with various
internal elements, rendering internal details visible.
One of the advantages of phase contrast microscopy
is that it can be used with unstained—even living—
specimens. In this image, the cell in the upper right is a
classic dysmorphic red cell with two small surface blebs
representing “Mickey Mouse ears,” and the more cen-
tral cell contains multiple surface blebs.

98 Cells
Additional Examples of Dysmorphic Red Blood Cells

This bright-field image illustrates several dysmorphic

red cells. The one on the right is a classic “Mickey
Mouse ears” cell, while others manifest only single cy-
toplasmic blebs.

This is a patient, unknown age, with a history of glo-

merulonephritis. The central feature is a large red gran-
ular cast with no clearly identifiable cells. This is a good
example of a blood – hemoglobin pigment cast. The
background contains large numbers of red cells, and
several of these (arrows) are good examples of dys-
morphic red cells, exhibiting prominent surface blebs.

RBC Shapes
isomorphic dysmorphic

Normal Ghost Cell Crenated Dysmorphic

round biconcave disk, low refractive index; hypertonic solution distorted shape; classic exam-
high refractive index, hard to see due produces shrunken ple associated with glomerular
6-8 µm in size to low hemoglobin cell with uniform bleeding has pronounced blebs,
content projections which may detach

Cells 99
Dysmorphic Red Cells
Dysmorphic red cells, initially described in early 19th those found in the tubules of the nephron, may also be
century German literature, were “rediscovered” in important in inducing the morphologic changes rec-
1979 by Birch and Fairly [1], who considered them to be ognized as “dysmorphic.”
highly specific for glomerular hematuria (i.e., glomeru- Dysmorphic red cells may be seen in the urine of
lonephritis). Identification of a specific morphologic patients with other intrinsic renal diseases, such as
variant of the dysmorphic red cell (G1 cell) by Dinda polycystic renal disease, pyelonephritis, and rhabdo-
[3] is now considered to be somewhat more specific myolysis with renal failure. These situations not with-
for hematuria of glomerular origin. Identification of standing, recognition of dysmorphic red cells remains
these cells is based on finding them in suspension in important as they are a sign of serious renal pathol-
the urinary sediment. Unfortunately, a few subsequent ogy. It is also important not to confuse these cells with
publications describing various “poikilocytes” in air yeasts, free fat, oval fat bodies, or starch, none of which
dried and stained urinary sediments as dysmorphic red are red in color (dysmorphic red cells can be easily dif-
cells has confused the classification. ferentiated in confusing cases by using polarized light
True dysmorphic red cells may be smaller than microscopy).
normal and exhibit cytoplasmic bulges or projections The identification of dysmorphic red cells is based
that may break off and appear as tiny separate red cell upon light microscopic techniques. Recently the iden-
fragments. The classic example of this type of cell is tification of dysmorphic red cells by conventional light
one with two small symmetrically positioned cytoplas- microscopy was contrasted with their identification by
mic blebs (“Mickey Mouse ears”). These cells can be flow cytometry in group of 206 urine samples from pa-
seen with conventional bright-field microscopy but tients with hematuria (127 with hematuria of glomeru-
are more easily seen with interference contrast (No- lar origin and 79 with nonglomerular hematuria). The
marski) imaging. Initial studies suggested that these two methods had comparable sensitivities of 99%, but
morphologic changes represented disruption of the the specificity was 42% for flow cytometry and 98%
limiting membrane of the erythrocyte during transit for conventional microscopy [4].
into Bowman’s space across a damaged glomerular Based on their findings the authors concluded that
basement membrane [2]. Subsequent studies have microscopic analysis remains the preferred method of
shown that high concentrations of uric acid, as well as evaluating patients with hematuria.
exposure to hypotonic osmotic solutions that mimic

100 Cells
Glomerular Hematuria
Bowman’s space Blood in the urine may originate from the
capillaries glomerulus or the collecting duct system
and bladder. If the RBCs are dysmorphic,
the bleeding is most likely of glomerular
origin, in which case immune or nonimmune
glomerulonephritis should be ruled out.
This may require a kidney biopsy.


damaged glomerular
basement membrane; foot
processes are lost (fused)
protein molecules

With minor damage to the

basement membrane, only
large protein molecules are
lost into the urine.
membrane fused foot processes

endothelial Increasing damage to

cell the basement mem-
brane and podocytes
allows RBCs to move
into Bowman’s space.

Capillary RBC membranes are disrupt-
ed if the basement membrane
damage is severe.

As the damaged RBCs

traverse the length of
the nephron, osmotic and
physical forces produce the
dysmorphic appearance.

High concentrations of uric acid

and exposure to hypotonic os-
motic solutions can also induce
dysmorphic RBC morphology.

Cells 101

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