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Speaker 1: This is The Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and bad news about money.

Here's Robert Kiyosaki.

Kim Kiyosaki: Hello and welcome to The Rich Dad Radio Show. This is Kim Kiyosaki. We're
talking about the good news and the bad news about money. I'm hosting the
show today as Robert is off in another part of the world doing what he does
best. Today's a very, very special show because we're going to be talking to an
expert on how to basically really create the life you want. How do you take an
idea and really make it real, make it happen, bring it into fruition? How do you
take motivation, everybody's so motivated but how do you take that motivation
and then actually put it into action? How do you go out there in the real world
and get something done? How do you go from an employee that maybe you
have an idea and you go, "Yeah, I really always wanted my own business. I really
wanted to be in control in my life." How do you go from employee to
entrepreneur and how do you do all of this and keep moving forward and keep
growing that business?

Today we have expert, she's an entrepreneur. She's an author, life and business
coach and digital marketing expert. She's the host of the award-winning show,
Marie TV. She's coming out with a book in 2019 called Everything is
Figureoutable. Basically what she does is she works with people to take them
from where they are to where they want to be. That's it. So, if you have an idea
or if you are an entrepreneur, you just are at a place where here you are but
here's really where you want to be, here's really where I want to go, she's your

I want to welcome to the show Marie Forleo.

Marie Forleo: Hi, Kim. Thank you so much. It's such an honor to be on your show. I know I've
told you this before but your work and your husband's work, it's made such a
difference in my life so this is really an honor to be here.

Kim Kiyosaki: It's our honor, it's our honor. You've had so much success and let's just get
started. Can you tell a little bit about your story, how you started? Because I
know you didn't start in this world of entrepreneurship, what got you on this
whole path?

Marie Forleo: What got me on the path, my first job out of college was actually on Wall Street,
on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. I'm a person who has a lot of
energy and I was really excited about making my mark in the world and I was
thrilled to have that opportunity because it is a really wonderful, exciting place
to be. But I'll tell you, Kim, pretty quickly, within the first six months I found
myself hearing this voice inside-

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 1
Kim Kiyosaki: That little voice, we know that little voice.

Marie Forleo: Yes, that little voice that says, "This isn't what you're supposed to do. This isn't
who you're supposed to be. You're met for something different. You're met for
something more." I'll tell you, at first that voice started out as a whisper and
then as time went on it got louder and louder and louder until one day I found
myself on the floor and I started to just have difficulty breathing. I was sweating.
There was nothing wrong with me physically. There was no cold or anything but
it was just an emotional and kind of a soulful breakdown that was happening
inside because I didn't want to hear this voice. First of all, I'm the first one in my
family to go to college. My parents busted their butts to pay for that. There was
a bit of debt that I was working off and all I kept thinking in my logical brain was
like, "Wait, you have a steady job. There's health benefits, you're getting a
paycheck. You're 21 years old. You need to buckle down and do this." I'm a very
hard worker but I could not ignore that little voice.

That one day when I found myself having trouble breathing I said to my boss, I
said, "Hey, I'm going outside, I'm going to go grab some coffee, I'll be right
back." A normal thing to do in those days. What I did, Kim, was I ran out from
the floor and I bee lined towards the nearest church. I had gone to a Catholic
University in college and so my way of trying to figure things out was to go sit in
a chapel. I sat outside the steps and in those days we had flip phones, that's
where cell phones were at, it was in the late '90s. I just started crying. I started
crying uncontrollably because I felt like such a failure. I called my dad, and this is
what really set me on the path. I couldn't even barely breath, there was snot
coming out of my nose, I was blubbering. I'm like, "Dad, I'm so sorry. You
worked so hard to put me through college. I'm here at this job. I can't stand it, I
want to quit." But I feel crazy because this little voice keeps saying, "This isn't
who you're supposed to be or what you're supposed to do." But that voice isn't
telling me what I am supposed to do instead.

Kim Kiyosaki: You knew you weren't where you wanted to be, you wanted to be someplace
else but you didn't know where you wanted to be. How did you figure that out?
How did you know what is you wanted to do?

Marie Forleo: Well, my dad told me a very important thing. He said, "Look, you're going to be
working for the next 40 to 50 years of your life. If you hate this job as much as it
sounds like you do, you have to quit and you have to keep searching for
something that you love and you love it so much, you're so passionate about it
that it's never going really feel like work when you're doing it." He's like, "If this
isn't it then you need to quit and go find out what it is." He's like, "You've
worked since you were nine, you've babysat, you've always been a hard worker.
I'm not worried about you keeping a roof over your head but until you find that

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 2
thing, don't stop searching." That was really a turning point and I just kept
going, Kim. I tried to look inside and [crosstalk].

Kim Kiyosaki: So you quit your job as you were searching? You quit your job, then you started
searching. How did you support yourself?

Marie Forleo: Bartending, waiting tables, doing all the things I did when I helped put myself
through college. I am one of those people who I don't care. As long as it's honest
work, I don't care if I'm cleaning toilets, which I actually did or doing anything.
Nothing is below me as long as it's honest work and I'm getting a paycheck. I
supported myself like that while I started to just look inside and say, "What are
the gifts and skills that really light me up? What are the things that I'm good at?
What are the areas out into the world that I feel like, wow, maybe I can make a
contribution or that would be really fun?" I went on odyssey.

The only two things that I knew about myself was that I was really creative,
because I used to draw and paint. One day when I was little I wanted to be an
animator for Disney. I also have this passion for small business. My dad was a
small business owner growing up. I found myself, the first thing I went towards
was magazine publishing because I thought maybe that was going to it. It was
this blend of commerce and creativity. To be honest, I just went on a series of
failing at different jobs until I finally found the thing that I was meant to do. So
fast forward-

Kim Kiyosaki: What you're saying is really important, Marie, because you went out and you
did something. I know a lot of people that say, "Oh, I want my own business"
but they don't do anything to figure that out. The way you figured it out is you
actually went out there and you did different things. I'm guessing with every job
you had you got a little clearer on what it is that you wanted to do.

Marie Forleo: I did. In fact, being in different industries ... so in the publishing industry I was in
the advertising sales department for a little while. Again, I went in bright eyed
and enthusiastic wanting to do the best job I possibly could. But then I started to
get a clue because I looked ahead at the chief in that kind of arena who was the
publisher. She was a woman who was powerful, she was smart, she was
accomplished, she was kind. But when I looked inside my own heart, the truth
was I didn't want to become her. No part of me aligned with going, "That's the
ladder I want to climb. That's what I want to do." I thought to myself, "Well, if I
don't want to eventually go up in the ranks here, I'm wasting their time and
mine. This still isn't it." That little voice kept speaking up. Like, "Nope, Marie,
this isn't it." I'll tell you, Kim, every time I tried different jobs, I was getting more
and more panicked because I felt like a failure. I felt like there was something
wrong with me.

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 3
I went to another role in the publishing industry on the editorial side, this time I
was a fashion assistant for a women's magazine. I was like, "Oh, well maybe this
is more of the creativity I've been craving. Maybe I've just been too far on the
business side." I showed up there trying to do my best work, trying to do a good
job. I'll tell you, I looked ahead at the path, I looked at who the editor in chief
was and Kim, I think you'll appreciate this, I learned what the salaries were for
folks in that position, and I was like, "No way. I want more for myself than that."

Kim Kiyosaki: And you know what you're saying too because we talk about you've got to find
the environment that best suits you. I think you and I are similar in that I worked
in the corporate world for about only five years until I knew this is not where I
wanted to climb up. I had to create that environment that best suited my
talents where I could really thrive. The corporate wasn't it for me, and it sounds
like it wasn't it for you. How did you actually find your purpose or your calling?

Marie Forleo: One day I was at Mademoiselle, which was that magazine, and I was the
internet probably when I shouldn't have been, and I stumbled upon an article,
and it was about a brand new profession at that time. Again, this was 1999,
called coaching. Even though I was 23 years old, I read this article. Kim,
something lit up inside of my heart that had never lighten up before. It was like
that metaphorical idea of when the clouds part and angels have trumpets. That
was the feeling on a cellular level. Even though my logical mind said, "Marie, this
is nuts. You're 23 years old. Who the hell in their right mind is going to hire a 23
year old life coach. You haven't lived life. You can't even hold down a job
because you keep quitting. What makes you think you can do this?" That was
one side of my brain.

The other side of me, the wiser part of me, the deeper part of me said, "Uh,
huh. There's something here. This is it, you've got to pursue it." I signed up for a
three year training program, which happened all digitally, it was via
teleconference in those days and I kept working at Mademoiselle during the
day. Fast forward six months, I got a call from HR about a promotion to Vogue,
which as we know, one of the top fashion magazines in the world. That was my
fork in the road, either stay on the safe corporate path, keep getting the
paycheck, the health benefits, just stay in your lane.

Kim Kiyosaki: That carrot's being dangled in front of you and you've got to make a choice.

Marie Forleo: Yes. Or quit and do this weird ass life coaching thing that sounds totally nuts,
not logical, not smart at all but everything in me wanted to do it. Of course, I
quit. I didn't have savings. I was probably about 10 to 12 thousand dollars in
debt still after college. I went back to bartending and waiting tables. I said, "You
know what? I'm going to figure out how to build a business during the day and
I'm just going to work my tail off," because I was living in New York City, "At

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 4
night and on the weekends as much as possible to figure to this out and to
something that I really love." The moment I quit I felt everything in myself
change. I was both terrified but more excited than I had ever been and that was
how I found what I was meant to do.

Kim Kiyosaki: Congratulations. Because what I'm hearing and I think this is a big piece of what
you teach and what you tell people, is all about taking action. If you have doubt
or you feel stuck or you're not sure what to do, just go do something. Is that

Marie Forleo: Yes. Here's the principal that that comes from and this serves me still to this
day, clarity comes from engagement, not thought. You are not going to figure
out any sticky problem, you're not going to figure out any big dilemma or find
your direction in life sitting on your couch. It's not going to happen.

Kim Kiyosaki: No, it's not going to happen.

Marie Forleo: Be engaged.

Kim Kiyosaki: Change can't happen without you going out there and doing something because
once you do something then the world gives you feedback and the feedback is
kind of guiding you, "Is this what I'm supposed to do? Is this right? Is this the
direction?" But, if you're just sitting on your couch, nothing happens. There is no
feedback so there is no guidance.

Marie Forleo: That's right. Here's the thing, it's not even external guidance coming in, it's
internal guidance. It's you being in touch with your intuition and your heart. Just
like for me, I kept trying these different jobs and logically they sounded good, on
paper they were prestigious. I was still getting a paycheck but something in me
didn't feel right. It wasn't until I kept pushing through that I felt that wisdom
from the inside out. I felt that alignment that said, "Yes. You may not know what
the hell you're doing but this feels right, keep going." That was the big thing.

Kim Kiyosaki: Another thing that you talk about, Marie, and this all fits together because you
were not an overnight success. We were not an overnight success. There's a lot
of people there they think, "Okay, I'm going to start my business and within six
months I'm going to be wildly successful."

Marie Forleo: You need to just sit down and take your notebook out right now. I'll tell you
from my journey, I had side jobs, I maintained a constellation of side jobs for
jobs. That's how slow I am. That's how long it took. It took me seven years until I
had the confidence both in my skill set, the confidence financially to let go of
the other things I was doing that were providing revenue, that were supporting
me until I said, "You know what?" And there were other reasons as well, we can

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 5
into those. But it took me seven years until I had the confidence, the clarity and
the real conviction to say, "Now is the time to go all in on my business." I've
been doing this for over 18 years so seven years, a lot of people would have
been like, "I'm giving up. This isn't working." I was like, "Nope, it's working.
Progress not perfection. Every single year I'm getting better. Every single year
things are becoming clearer." I wouldn't have traded that journey for the world.

Kim Kiyosaki: When we launched Rich Dad, Poor Dad back in 1997 it became a pretty quick
success, quicker than we ever expected. But what people don't know is we had
a business prior to that for over 10 years and those 10 years were preparing us
to understand who our customer was, to understand how to market it, to
understand all of that. It was those 10 years, like you said, you wouldn't trade it
for anything. Those 10 prepared us so when we launched Rich Dad, Poor Dad we
were in a much better position for success but it wasn't an overnight success.

Marie Forleo: That's right [crosstalk] skills. You had transferable skills, right?

Kim Kiyosaki: Right.

Marie Forleo: All the skills that you built in those first 10 years transferred over into this new
endeavor which allowed it to take off.

Kim Kiyosaki: We're going come back because I have another here because you said you
worked seven years, most people would have quit. What's the fine between
keeping going and saying, "Hey, this really isn't working?" We want to talk that
when we come back. When we come back, Marie, you say everything is
figureoutable. We're going to find out what that means and how do you do that.

Speaker 1: You're listening to The Rich Dad Radio Show with Robert Kiyosaki.

Robert Kiyosaki: What is your number one expense in life? Your number one expense? It's taxes.
I'm going to ask the question is how come there's no financial education in
school but why isn't there education on taxes either? They tell you to save
money, which is stupid. They tell you to invest in the stock market, which is
stupid. But what do they teach you about taxes? Here we have Rich Dad advisor
Tom Wheelwright we're talking his revision for his book, Tax-Free Wealth.
Welcome Tom.

Tom Wheelwright: Thanks, Robert.

Robert Kiyosaki: What's the Tax-Free Wealth about? What's different this time, the revised

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 6
Tom Wheelwright: Well, so what we did was we ... this is the first major tax reform we've had in 30
years, 2017.

Robert Kiyosaki: It was '86 was the last one.

Tom Wheelwright: '86 was the last one back when I was in Washington DC.

Robert Kiyosaki: So many guys got wiped out because of that tax change.

Tom Wheelwright: They did. It wiped out an entire industry, savings and loans. This new tax law is
just as big but in a very different way it affects different industries. The tax law's
always a series of incentives and the question is always which incentives and
which ones apply to me? And so the key to revising Tax-Free Wealth was what
changed so much in this new tax law that we can absolutely take advantage of?
I mean, seriously, amazing incentives. For example, I mean, the bonus
depreciation, for example, for real estate is unbelievable. You can buy a million
dollar apartment and get a 300 thousand dollar deduction or more the very first

Robert Kiyosaki: So, if you want to make more money and pay less taxes like Donald Trump or
myself, get Tom's book, Tax-Free Wealth.

Speaker 6: Don't be like Charlie. Charlie is that do it yourselfer who does himself in. Do it
yourself is good for tile and grout, it is not good for asset protection. Charlie
thought he'd save a few dollars forming his LLC online. With no guidance, he did
it wrong. When he sold the property, he lost thousands and thousands of
dollars. He did himself in by trying to do it himself. Don't burn yourself, use
Corporate Direct to set up and maintain your LLC's and corporations. Corporate
Direct is owned and operated by attorney and Rich Dad advisor Garret Sutton.
Garret wrote the best sellers Loopholes of Real Estate and Start Your Own
Corporation. He is Robert Kiyosaki's attorney for asset protection. He and his
team will do it right. Visit them at or call 800-600-1760.
Mention Rich Dad and receive $100.00 off your formation fee. That's

Speaker 1: It pays to listen. Now back to Robert Kiyosaki and The Rich Dad Radio Show.

Kim Kiyosaki: Hello and welcome back to The Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and the
bad news about money. I'm Kim Kiyosaki and I'm hosting the show today as
Robert is off and about in another part of the world. You can listen to The Rich
Dad Radio Show anytime, anywhere on iTunes or Android. We archive all of our
shows because repetition is the best way to learn. You may have listened to a
show six months ago. You're in a different place and you re listen to that show

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 7
you're going to hear things you did not hear before. Listen with your friends,
listen with business associates but they're all there for you as a resource.

We are taking with a very, very special guest today, Marie Forleo. She is an
entrepreneur, she's an author, she's a life and business coach and a digital
marketing expert. Basically her expertise is taking you from where you are today
to really where you really want to be in your life so that you can have the ideal
life that you want. A lot people dream about it, a lot of people think about it,
but they never do anything to bring it to fruition. That's what we're talking
about today.

Marie, welcome back.

Marie Forleo: Thank you so much.

Kim Kiyosaki: I'm excited about your book coming out called Everything is Figureoutable
coming out in 2019. We're going to talk about that in just a second but I want to
ask you because when we left you talked about that you were building your
business for seven years. Most people after seven years if it's not successful
they're like, "This isn't working, I need to go do something else." What's the fine
line between knowing that you just have to keep going versus it really isn't
working and I need to go look at something else?

Marie Forleo: There's a few things. For me, in my experience, it was progressing and it was
becoming more successful little by little over time. I also call myself multi-
passionate entrepreneur. At that stage in my life I also had a simultaneous
career, I was Nike Elite Dance athlete, I was doing a lot in the health and fitness
world. You can even walk into your local Walmart or Target and probably see
me on the cover of an older work out DVD with a really cheesy smile in my
green leotard teaching you how to dance off the inches. For me, I was having
fun in a lot of different areas and I consciously knew that my business growth
was going to be slower because I wasn't all laser focused on one thing. That's
one piece of the puzzle and I was consciously okay with that.

The second thing, though, for some folks they are trying to start a business, they
don't really care about that business or it's mission. They want to start a
business because they just want freedom or they want to start a business to
have enough money to then do what they really want to do and I always advise
against that because you have to have deep purpose connected to what you're
doing. That's my belief anyway. If you're going to get something off the ground,
it is so difficult and if you don't those emotional, heart centered reasons about
why it matters, you're not going to have the emotional stamina it takes to
overcome the obstacles.

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 8
Kim Kiyosaki: You're going to quit when you hit that wall. You're going to quit when problems
arise. It's not going to get you through.

Marie Forleo: That's right. So, if you still believe in your idea and the possibilities of it's merits,
then what you have to do is just step back and say, "Okay, what I've been doing
hasn't worked. How can I shift my approach? How can I look for feedback? How
can I gain new skills or get some new learning under my belt and try something
different?" On the other hand if you're someone who's like, "You know what? If
I'm really hones with myself, I don't really care. I do want my independence but
this one isn't it and that's okay. Let me go find a new idea. Let me go find a new
set of ideal customers to serve, figure out their problems and really solve them
at a level that no one else has." It's not a perfect formula but it really is about
being honest with yourself. Nothing is on [crosstalk].

Kim Kiyosaki: And to that you kind of have a litmus test. You didn't say it this way but you
talked about excuses. So, if it's really, really important, and anybody can relate
to this, if something is really, really important to you, you make it happen. But, if
it's not really important, you're going to find yourself making excuses. I think
from an awareness point of view, what you're talking about a lot is awareness.
When you catch yourself making excuses, it's like, oh, maybe this isn't really that
important to me. When you figure out what is and you start driving on that, that
awareness, that peace will keep you going.

Marie Forleo: The commitment does keep you going because when anything is important to
you, if think about something with your family or someone that you love, they
need you. They are so important to you, you love them so much you're willing
to do anything. You'll stay up late, you'll wake up early, you'll do whatever it
takes to get the result because that's how much you care. In your business you
can use that same type of framework. If you're not caring so much you have to
really be honest. Nothing is a failure, everything can be learning onto your next
adventure but you do have the be real with yourself about whether or not you
care enough to continue.

Kim Kiyosaki: Another litmus test we of course always use at Rich Dad, Poor Dad is are we
making a profit?

Marie Forleo: Yes.

Kim Kiyosaki: If we're making profit then we're on the right track. Was your business making a
profit in those seven year?

Marie Forleo: It was. It was small. At first it wasn't because I was still in the learning phase.
Maybe for the first year or two it wasn't eating money but I was bartending,
waiting tables, being a personal assistant, doing all the things I could to not only

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 9
fund my own education but for me specifically as a coach, I didn't want to be
desperate. I didn't want to bring that energy to my coaching clients. I wanted to
learn how to serve them and then, yeah, to answer your question, over time it
was profitable, it just wasn't enough, Again, as a girl living in New York City,
sometimes I like to buy a pair of shoes. I needed to get it to a level that was
really sustainable. For me that took time.

Kim Kiyosaki: That's a great point because one of the things that we said from the start at Rich
Dad is we never wanted to make a decision for the purpose of putting money in
our pocket. It had to be a decision that was best for the business and that made
all the difference. That made all the difference.

Marie Forleo: That was the same thing for me too. I was willing to work another five or six
shifts per week if I needed to have the capital to buy a new website or to sign
myself up for a course or to do whatever I needed to do in order to ultimately
succeed long term. But I was not willing to make short term decisions for short
term profit.

Kim Kiyosaki: Rule number one is you got to be patient. Be willing to put in the time, put in
the effort. Don't expect everything to be an overnight success because it's not
going to happen that way in most cases.

Your book is called Everything is Figureoutable. What is that mean? What is


Marie Forleo: Figureoutable means that there's actually a few rules and I'm having fun with
this as we're finishing up the book right now. Rule number one is that any
problem or dream is figureoutable. Meaning, there is a solution. Whether one
exists or you create it, it is solvable. The second rule is that if a problem or a
dream isn't solvable, it's not really a problem. It means it probably a fact of life.
For example, death. There are some people who are trying to figure that one
out too. Rule number three is this, you may not care enough to solve this
particular problem or dream in your life. Again, the problem could be like, "Oh, I
don't like my career. I want to start my own business." Or similarly that dream
could be like, "I want to do something I love and get paid wildly well for it."

If you don't care enough to solve that problem or reach that dream, which is
where we just were, that's okay but you need to find something that you care so
much about that you're willing to be in it for the long term. Then, you go right
back to rule number one which is everything is figureoutable. For me, it's really
a philosophy of relentless optimism. It's a philosophy of continual action. We
conquer by continuing. It's a way to use our creativity, our minds, our resources
to keep pushing ourself forward. Kim, you know this, all happiness in life comes

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 10
from making progress. Problems are never the problem, the only problem we
have is thinking that we shouldn't have problems. The right problem [crosstalk].

Kim Kiyosaki: It's the only way we learn. It's the only way we grow. It's the only way our
businesses succeed is through solving problems.

Marie Forleo: That's right.

Kim Kiyosaki: When you say if you don't care enough, I'm guessing what was solvable to you is
if you don't care enough, so what you cared enough about was to find your

Marie Forleo: That's right. Yes, there's been many others areas in my life where I've cared
enough to do whatever it takes. My dad had a collapse in a bank a few years and
his kidneys were failing and he was taking horrible care of himself. I had tried to
change him for years but he just wasn't ready. I was like, "I'm getting on a plane
and I am doing a health intervention with you and you don't have a choice
about it." We took him off 13 medications, he dropped almost 20 pounds, he's
been healthier than ever. He's in his 70s and he's doing great.

There's some times in my own relationship, painful problems. I've been with my
man for over 15 years and we found ourselves going like, "Oh, well. Don't know
if this is going to last." But I cared enough to say, "No, I feel like this problem is
figureoutable and we're going to dig in, do the hard work, get uncomfortable
and solve it." Time and time again we have.

Kim Kiyosaki: The three rules of figureoutable is number one is any problem is solvable?

Marie Forleo: Every problem or every dream is figureoutable.

Kim Kiyosaki: Figureoutable.

Marie Forleo: Yeah, everything is figureoutable. Rule number two, is it's not figureoutable, it's
not a problem, it's a fact of life, just like death so you don't have to spend your
time on that. Rule number three is you may not care enough, it may not be
important enough to you, it may not be something you want to devout your
time or your energy or money to to figure it out and that's okay. But go back,
look inside of you and if a problem or a dream is truly that meaningful for you,
you will be able to figure it out.

Kim Kiyosaki: And, if it is figureoutable, and this is where a lot of people get stuck and they've
started their business and they're doing everything themselves and they're
trying to solve all these problems by themselves. Oftentimes the reason is the
problem is them. Where's the transition from you're doing everything by

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 11
yourself to start bringing on people for your team? Because I found I can't solve
all these problems by myself, I need the team and the team has much better
ideas than I do or synergistically as a group we come up with much better ideas
and much better solutions.

Marie Forleo: A hundred percent. I would say at first as a stepping back framework, if anyone
else in human history has figured this problem out then you know that there's a
way. In your example, has anyone else ever developed a team? Yes. That means
somewhere there's clues. That means that someone [crosstalk] us. Asking any
other entrepreneur, going online, listening to podcasts like this. How did you
hire your first assistant? How did you start to think through? How to start to
build a team.

For me, when I found myself doing all of my own customer service, doing all of
my own scheduling, doing all of the things that I had to do wearing a million
hats to keep it going, I realized that was unsustainable and then I realized other
people had built teams. I said, "Okay, if they can do it, I can do it to. What's my
first step? Let me make a list of all the things that only I can do and separate off
the things that someone else, in theory, could do for me." That turned into
customer service, that turned into a lot of the web work, that turned into
scheduling. I starting making a list and then I started reaching out to other
business owners saying, "Hey, where did you find your first assistant?" For me,
in those days it was virtual assistant. I got to tell you, Kim, I was horrible. I hired
the wrong people, I wasted money, I made mistakes, I cried, I was a terrible
boss. But you know what? I learned. I learned how to get better.

Kim Kiyosaki: That's how we do it, we all learn. I remember when I first had to hire my first
assistant. My first words to myself were I don't have money for that, I can't
afford that. That's what I hear from a lot of people, I can't afford to bring on an
employee. How can I do that? But when I stepped back and said, "Okay, what
are all the," exactly what you were saying, "What are all the things he or she can
do that will free me up to do the things that I'm best at doing?" And, if you can
get away from all these little details that are really just busyness, they are not
growing your business, then that's when you need to bring on somebody to
that. From personal experience, that made all the difference. You get somebody
doing those things, it frees you up to do what you're best at.

Marie Forleo: Same here. Absolutely. I think it's really important to remember for all of us no
one was born knowing how to be a great leader or a great entrepreneur. All of
us learn these skills. These are learnable. These are figureoutable. If you have a
problem right now like that, you're doing everything yourself, just look around
and say, "Hey, other people have built companies, small companies, medium
companies, billion dollar companies. That means it's possible and I can too." Just
like Kim said at the beginning, if you start taking action, clarity comes from

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 12
engagement, not thought. You're not going to figure this out on your couch, you
got to get out there, start doing things and learn as you go.

Kim Kiyosaki: I love that. Whenever you're stuck, whenever you're doubting, whenever you're
in a problem, just go do something. Just go do something. That will start the
energy going.

There's something else, a totally different piece I want to bring up, Marie,
because I think this is crucial and I want your perspective on it. You say one of
the keys to success and growing your business is to stay present. What is your
definition of present?

Marie Forleo: When you're present, you're awake. You are not locked into the habitual
condition thinking of the mind, you're actually in touch with the wisdom, the
intuition that exists in your heart and your body. You're here in this moment
right now and you're out of the habitual condition nature. Studies have shown
that it's anywhere between, and different studies say different quotes, but
between 40% and 45% of our lives are habitual. You wake up in morning, you
think the same thoughts, you feel the same feelings. We go on autopilot

Kim Kiyosaki: You've got that little voice inside of your head talking, talking, talking to you all
day long. All day long.

Marie Forleo: Going on autopilot isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's the way that we conserve
our resources so that we can direct our attention and our focus to things that
really matter, important problems. However, the problem comes in where we
do it so often that we're living from the neck up, we're just living in our head.
Being present gives us access to these incredible stores of wisdom, Kim, that live
in our hearts and in our physical bodies.

We're in a very sedentary culture right now, a lot of people sit at a computer or
sit at their desks for maybe eight to ten hours a day and we're getting away
from a lot of the wisdom, the energy that comes through our bodies. That can
only happen when we're present. If you're kind of zoned out sitting in front of
the tube just stuffing your face with popcorn or chips, you're not going be
present, you're not going to be able to hear or gain insights or ideas that would
otherwise come if you were present and active. In relationship, you tell me, Kim,
what do you think is create more sustainable, satisfying relationships or
potential connections or solutions between a synergistic team, if everyone's
staring down at their phones or if they're actually there listen to each other like
each person matters?

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 13
Kim Kiyosaki: When you say listen, because most of us, we're in the past or in the future. This
has to happen, this has to happen, I did this in the past. People are not present
today and to me what that means is that that little voice in your head is quiet.
You're there with this person and I'll give you an example. I run into a friend of
mine at a restaurant and I was running out the door going to do something else
and I run into this person and my mind is going, "Oh, I gotta go. I've got this to
do, I've got this to do, I have to do this, da, da, da." And then I went, "No, I
don't. No, I don't. Just be here with this person now." We had the best
conversation and she turned me on to a person that I really needed to connect
with just by being present.

Sometimes you just got to pay attention and listen to that little voice, it's going,
what little voice? Listen to that little voice because it will drive you nuts. Just
shut it off and just be present. If I have business meetings now, I do my best to
shut off that little voice, go in there and really be present and hear and interact
and hear the ideas that are coming through. Because again, the solutions that
people around me come up with are a lot better than solutions I come up with
by myself. I think the more you can, and to me it's practice being present, the
more I can practice being present and just calming down that little voice and
really hearing what's being said and looking and seeing what's around me, that's
when the magic happens and that's when a lot of business magic happens too.

Marie Forleo: Absolutely. Where that often comes from to is because you're alignment with
your life, you're not rushing so fast to get ahead that you actually miss the
wisdom, the synchronicity, the insight and here and waiting for you.

Kim Kiyosaki: Opportunities that are right in front of you that you don't even see.

Marie Forleo: Yes, 100%.

Kim Kiyosaki: What final words do you have for our audience?

Marie Forleo: One thing that I like to tell every person that's out there that has a dream or an
idea or a product or a service that they really want to get out into the world is
this, so many of us feel nervous or scared or we hold ourselves back from really
sharing what it is that we want to give to others in terms of markets or sales or
product. Here's what I want to leave people with, when you have a product or a
service that you truly believe in your heart of hearts can help other people and
you don't do everything that you possibly can to get it out into the world in
front of the people who you're meant to serve, you are stealing from those who
need you most. There is no one like you on this planet, there never will be
again. That's not just a nice platitude, that's proven by science from a genetic,
DNA combination perspective. You are a one time mega event in the universe so

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 14
don't play small, don't hold yourself back, realize that the world really does
need that special gift that only you have and it's your job to get it out there.

Kim Kiyosaki: Very nicely said. That's why I love, especially for women, sometimes women just
want to add a few extra dollars to their bottom line or get some more money
for the family. No, if you have a great idea that's going to serve people then it's
your responsibility to get it out to as many people as possible and to build a
great business. Very well said, Marie.

Thank you so much. You are such a joy. Congratulations on all your success and I
would love to have you back on the program another time and we can talk
more, especially when your book comes out. Your book is called Everything is
Figureoutable. Very exciting.

Marie Forleo: Thank you so much, Kim. I appreciate it. It's been an honor and thank you for
your work in the world.

Kim Kiyosaki: It's my honor, Marie. Thank you, thank you.

When we come back we're going to go into Ask Kim.

Speaker 1: You're listening to The Rich Dad Radio Show with Robert Kiyosaki.

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Speaker 1: Financial freedom begins with financial education. Now, back to Robert Kiyosaki
and The Rich Dad Radio Show.

Kim Kiyosaki: Hello and welcome back to The Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and the
bad news about money. I want to thank our very special guest, Marie Forleo,
entrepreneur, author, life and business coach, digital marketing expert. She's
coming out with her new book called Everything is Figureoutable. I did not

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 15
mention she's a host of the award-winning show Marie TV. Marie TV, keep an
eye out for that online.

Again, you can listen to any of the Rich Dad radio programs anytime, anywhere.
We archive them all on iTunes or Android so that you can listen to them again
and again because every time I listen to a new program or anytime I read a book
for a second time, I always have new insights and new ideas. We do that as
resource to you.

Now we're going to go into Ask Kim and you can submit your questions to
askkim or Thank you again for all the questions
that we get from you because you help us to guide us on what's best for this
program and what you really want to hear and talk about.

Melissa, what is the first question?

Melissa: Our first question today comes from Riley in Buffalo, New York. Favorite book,
Rich Woman.

Kim Kiyosaki: Thank you, Riley. Thank you.

Melissa: Hi, Kim. I'm a big fan of yours and Robert's and I love your show. My question is
with all of the success you've had, do you still face adversity and doubt in
business? If so, how do you handle it?

Kim Kiyosaki: Adversity and doubt. Gee, I just had that happen this morning. A little adversity
happened this morning. Every single day, Riley, there is a problem and just as
Marie's talking about everything is figureoutable. I always hold it that everything
happens for a better reason. A problem comes up, adversity comes up and I
want to figure out what's the lesson in the problem? What's the lesson in the
adversity? How can we figure this out and how can we make our business and
ourselves better as a result of it? I think the purpose of and entrepreneur,
truthfully, is to solve problems.

So many people spend their lives wanting to avoid problems, not having to
handle problems. But handling problems and adversity, set backs, obstacles,
that's how we grow, that's how we learn. I think one of the best lessons for me
is the more problems I face, the better I'm going to be and the better our
business will be. I never want to avoid the problems, I never want to avoid the
adversity. Do I have doubts? All the time. Do I have fear? Absolutely. What we
do is we just do our best, put our head down and say, "How do we figure this
out and how do we make everything better because of it?" That's what we do.

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 16
Thank you, Riley. Thank you for listening to Rich Dad Radio. Next question,

Melissa: Our next question comes from Emma in Nashville, Tennessee. Favorite book,
Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I know you're a proponent of self improvement and
personal development. My question is, how do you keep up your practice and
focus in this area and how do you start your days?

Kim Kiyosaki: Great question, Emma. I am a huge proponent of personal development. I think
by working on myself that helps me grow as a person but it also helps me grow
as an entrepreneur, grow as a woman, grow in all areas. What I do, my routine
is pretty simple. I have my go-to books, my go-to personal development books
such as The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle or A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle,
Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. Those are three of my favorites. Deepak
Chopra, another favorite author. What I do is I'll read a piece each morning and
then I'll take that piece and I'll practice it for the day. With Marie we were
talking about being present. Being present to me is a practice to quiet down my
mind and when I'm in front of somebody to really be with that person. I do a
little reading and then I take it out in the world and just as Marie says you've got
to put it into action. I take some action and I practice, practice, practice. Just like
anything in life, you've got to practice to get better and better at it.

I don't think people can really be successful in business without really working
on themselves, being introspective, looking at the lessons learned. Whatever life
puts in front of me it's my belief that it's there for me to learn from. I keep
holding it from that point of view and that's really the best practice that I do
every day.

Thank you for the question, Emma. Final question, Melissa.

Melissa: Our question now comes from Tyler in San Diego, California. Favorite book, Rich
Dad, Poor Dad. I'm in the process of launching my digital marketing business.
I've been working at it on the side but I'm stepping out on my own now. What
do you think is the biggest mistake first time business owners make and what's
your advice on how to avoid the typical pitfalls of a first timer?

Kim Kiyosaki: How to avoid. Tyler, you don't want to avoid the pitfalls, you want all those
pitfalls. You can learn from other people and their mistakes but don't be afraid
of the pitfalls and don't be afraid of the problems and don't be afraid of the
mistakes because again, just as I said, that's how you're going to learn. I would
actually listen to this program again because a couple of great, great pieces that
Marie gave us was number one, you've got to be patient in your business. Don't
expect it to happen overnight. Work it, work it, work it. Figure it out, figure it
out, figure it out. Very, very key piece because so many people want to be that

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 17
success overnight. They want it to be easy. I'm going to tell you, being an
entrepuneur is not easy. It's just not. I don't know anybody who has had success
and sustained it without facing a lot of adversity, problems, obstacles along the
way because in order to grow your business you've got to solve problems.

There was a woman one day, came in for a job here at Rich Dad. She said, "Well,
I just want to job but I don't want a job with problems." We're like, "Well, why
would we hire you? Why do we need you if you're going to help us solve
problems?" Tyler, don't be afraid of the pitfalls. You can learn from them. I
mean, I've made so many mistakes. I make mistakes every day. I've made
mistakes in investing. I've made money, I've lost money. I've made mistakes. I
think one of the biggest things I'm learning is how to manage people, that's a
huge problem of businesses. As you grow, just as Marie said, you're going to
have to get away from doing it all yourself and you're going to have to bring on
other people. There's so much to learn. I think entrepreneurship is the fast track
to personal development because every day you're facing something new,
you're facing a problem, you're facing something you haven't experienced
before and to get through it is where real growth and real learning happens.

Again, thank you all for your questions. Thank you, Marie Forleo. What a
wonderful guest. Please submit your questions to askrobert or

Thank you for listening and I encourage you all to go for the life you truly want.

Kim Kiyosaki featuring Marie Forleo 18

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