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University of San Carlos

Senior High School Department

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course



Submitted by

Barcenas, Goddess Pantino, Arthur

Dela Pena, Alessandra Remandaban, Johanna

Estrera, Therese Sombilon, Jillian

Tanghal, Jaymee

Submitted to



Date Submitted
April 29, 2020

Activity 1.1: Approved Apparitions

1. Choose 10 approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
a. Our Lady of Pontmain 1871
b. Our Lady of Lourdes 1858
c. Our Lady of La Salette 1846
d. Our Lady of Miracle (Rome) 1842
e. Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (Paris) 1830
f. Our Lady of Guadalupe 1531
g. Our Lady of Syracuse 1953
h. Our Lady of the Poor (Banneux) 1933
i. Our Lady of Beauraing 1932
j. Our Lady of Fatima 1917

2. Source and support the apparition being Church approved through

links of doctrines, documents and proclamations.

Apparition Sources/Links
Our Lady •
Pontmain • item/the-
1871 apparition-of-our-lady-at-pontmain
Our Lady
of Lourdes •
1858 about-lourdes
Our Lady • secret-
of La
Salette •
1846 apparition-of-mary-at-la-salette-in-1846
Our Lady /vatican.html
of Miracle •
(Rome) tiousness-purity-and-admiration/
1842 •
Our Lady
of •
Miraculous •
Medal •
(Paris) france-1830/
Our Lady •
of Mexico
Guadalupe •
1531 apparition-of-our-lady-of-guadalupe-in-1531
Our Lady •
of /syracuse/index.html
Syracuse •
1953 •
Our Lady •
of the Poor
(Banneux) •
1933 /banneaux/index.html
Our Lady •
of /beauraing/index.html
Beauraing •
1932 •
Our Lady •
of Fatima •
1917 •

3. Include a picture depicting the apparition.


Our Lady of Pontmain 1871 Our Lady of Guadalupe 1531

Our Lady of Lourdes 1858 Our Lady of Syracuse 1953

Our Lady of La Salette 1846 Our Lady of the Poor (Banneux) 1933

Our Lady of Miracle (Rome) 1842 Our Lady of Beauraing 1932

Our Lady of Miraculous Medal (Paris) Our Lady of Fatima 1917


4. Specifically indicate the messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Apparitions Messages
Our Lady of Pontmain “But pray, my children. God will hear you in time. My
1871 Son allows Himself to be touched”
Our Lady of Lourdes “Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners.
1858 Kiss the ground as an act of penance for sinners!”
Our Lady of La Salette “If the harvest is spoilt, it is all on your account. I gave
1846 you warning last year with the potatoes (‘pommes de
terre’) but you did not heed it. On the contrary, when
you found the potatoes spoilt, you swore, you took the
name of my Son in vain. They will continue to decay, so
that by Christmas there will be none left.”
Our Lady of Miracle
(Rome) 1842
Our Lady of Miraculous “I feel so happy to be able to help the children who beg
Medal (Paris) 1830 me for protection. But so many do not ever come to me!”
“Am I not here who am your mother? Are you not under
Our Lady of Guadalupe
my shadow and protection? Are you not in the crossing
of my arms? Is there anything else you need?”
Our Lady of Syracuse
Our Lady of the Poor
“I am the Virgin of the poor”
(Banneux) 1933
Our Lady of Beauraing “Do you love my son? Do you love me? Well then,
1932 sacrifice yourself for me.”
“To save the souls of poor sinners, God wishes to
Our Lady of Fatima 1917 establish the devotion to my Immaculate Heart
throughout the world”

5. State a short narrative of the apparition. Names of people, place, dates

and other significant information.

a. Pontmain 1871
- On January 17, 1871, as darkness descended on the village, the Virgin Mary
appeared to four children above a barn on the farm of the Barbadette
family in Pontmain. Eugene, age 12, and his brother Joseph, age 10, were
the first to see her in the sky. They described a beautiful lady in a dark blue
dress covered with stars. She wore a black veil with a golden crown on her
head. Two little girls, Francoise Richer, age 11, and Jeanne Marie LeBosse,
age 9, also saw her in the sky.

b. Lourdes 1858
- Eighteen apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a little fourteen-year-old
French girl in southern France, in 1858. The name of the little girl was Marie
Bernadette Soubirous. The first of Our Lady’s apparitions to her was on
February 11. The last was on July 16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The greatest was on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. The Mother of
God, on March 25, said to Saint Bernadette, in keeping with the doctrine
defined four years before by Pope Pius IX, affirming that she had been
immaculately conceived, not “I was immaculately conceived,” but  “I AM THE
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION,” thereby letting us know that she was God’s very
notion of this grace from all eternity.

c. La Salette 1846
- La Salette is a parish in the Diocese of Grenoble made up of a few tiny
hamlets in the French Alps. It was not the first visit of Our Lady to the Alps,
for about forty miles from La Salette, at Laus, the Blessed Virgin had appeared
more than six hundred times to Venerable Benoite Rencurel, between 1664
and 1718.

d. Rome 1842
- On January 20,1842, the Virgin Mary appeared to Alphonse Ratisbonne in a
church in Rome.

e. Paris 1830
- Catherine Labouré stated that on 19 July 1830 Chapel Rue Du Bac 140,
Paris, the eve of the feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, she woke up after hearing
the voice of one child calling her to the chapel, where she heard the Virgin
Mary say to her, "God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be
contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the grace to do what is necessary.
Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France
and in the world.
- On 27 November 1830 Chapel Rue Du Bac 140, Paris, Catherine reported
that the Blessed Mother returned during evening meditations. She displayed
herself inside an oval frame, standing upon a globe. She wore many rings set
with gems that shone rays of light over the globe. Around the margin of the
frame appeared the words Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui
avons recours à vous ("O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have
recourse to thee").

f. Guadalupe 1531
- In 1531, a “Lady from Heaven” appeared to a poor Indian at Tepeyac, a hill
northwest of Mexico City. She identified Herself as the Mother of the True God,
instructed him to have the bishop build a temple on the site, and left an image
of Herself imprinted miraculously on his tilma, a poor quality cactus-cloth,
which should have deteriorated in 20 years, but which shows no sign of
decay 471 years later, and today still defies all scientific explanations of its
origin. It apparently even reflects in Her eyes what was in front of Her in

g. Syracuse 1953
- In Syracuse, Italy in August 29,1953 Antonina Janusso was cured from
pains while witnessing a weeping plaque of the Madonna in the home of the
parents of her husband, Angelo. The tears purportedly were the source of
many miracles throughout Italy. Pope Pius XII approved of the miraculous
weeping after the tears were found by four different doctors to be human.

h. Banneux 1933
- On January 3,1933 in a garden behind the Beco family's cottage, the
Blessed Mother is said to have appeared to Mariette Beco (age 11) eight
times. Calling herself the "Virgin of the Poor," Mary promised to intercede for
the poor, the sick and the suffering.

i. Beauraing 1932
- Our Lady of Beauraing, also known as the Virgin of the Golden Heart,
appeared to Fernande Voisin (15), Andree Degeimbre (14), Gilberte Voisin
(13) Albert Voisin (11) and Gilberte Degeimbre (9) between November 29,
1932 and January 3, 1933. The children were from two different families—
three from a railway clerk and his wife, and two girls from a farmer's widow.
- On the evening of 29 November 1932, four of the children walked to a
convent school run by the Sisters of Christian Doctrine to meet up with one
of the girls and walk home with her. When they reached the school, Albert
pointed to a lady dressed in a long white robe, near a railroad viaduct just past
the school. She looked to be around 18-20 years old with deep blue eyes, and
a rosary hung from her arm. When Albert asked, "Are you the Immaculate
Virgin?" The Lady smiled and nodded her head. "What do you want?" he
asked. "Always be good,” our Blessed Mother answered.
- The other children saw her as well. Over the next several weeks, they saw the
Lady thirty-two more times, generally in the garden of the convent school.
The final apparition was on January 3, 1933.

j. Fatima 1917
- The first time the Angel appeared was on 13 May 1917. They were sheltering
from the rain on a hillside called the Cabeço. When the rain had passed and
the sun had returned, the little shepherds spent the day at this spot, eating
lunch, saying the Rosary and playing games. Lucia was then only nine years
old, Francisco was eight, and Jacinta was six.
- The second apparition of the Angel took place during the summer of 3 June
1917. While the children were playing around their favorite well, the Angel
suddenly appeared. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Pray, pray a great deal!
The Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer
unceasingly prayers and sacrifice yourselves to the Most High.”
- Later that year in the autumn, the third and last vision occurred when the
children took their sheep to the same place where the first apparition took
place. There in the blessed place of the Cabeço, they were reciting the prayer
the Angel had taught them when above them an unknown light appeared.
Lucia relates, “We got up again to see what was happening, and we saw the
Angel again, who had in his left hand a Chalice over which was suspended a
Host, from which some drops of Blood fell into the Chalice.”
Activity 1.2: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
1. Locate the historical icon, Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

2. Present the different icons over the centuries.
Pre 15th century:

“Virgin” Vatopedi “Russian Theotokos” “Madonna and Angels”

St. Catherine Monastery Pre-870 10th century Duccio
6th century Mount Athos, Greece 1282

“Madonna and Child” Maste

Guido of Siena
Dietisalvi de Speme Ma
1260-1267, Siena 1270
“Church of San “Madonna with St “Madonna” Giacomo de Mino
Regolo” “Madonna and Child”
Francis and St Dominic” Giotto 1342
Guido of Siena Cimabue workshop 1300
1285-1296 1311-1324
13th century

15th century:

Lorenzo di Bicci Fra Bartolomeo Lorenzo Monaco “Enthroned
di Bartolo 1405-1419, San 1415-1416 1415-1420 Madonna”
1400-1405 Francisco, CA Gregorio di Cecco
“Throne of Wisdom” “Madonna of the snow” “Madonna of Fra Angelico “Madonna and
Jan van Eyck Sassetta humility” 1433-1435 Child”
1430 1430-1432 Domenico di Filippo Lippi
Bartolo 1440-1445
“Madonna, with God
Sano di Pietro “Madonna “Benois “Magnificat Madonna”
the Father in
1460-1470 with Child” Madonna” Botticelli
Crivelli Leonardo da 1481
Filippo Lippi
1470 Vinci

“Madonna and five angels” “The Glorification of the “Our Lady of Victory” “Madonna della tenda”
Botticelli Virgin” Andrea Mantegna Rafael
1485-1490 1495 1500

16th century:

“ Madonna”  “” 
1508 1517
Jan Mabuse
16th century

17th century:

Carlo Dolci “Virgin and Child with Angels and

1675 Saints” “Madonna and Child”
17th century

Post 17th century:

“Madonna” “Madonna”
1855 “Madonna and Child
1742 1760 with St Francis” 
“Maddona, Child and
angels”  “”
1881 1898

3.4. Place a short description of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help;
Include significant names, places and dates.

The Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of the most well known and loved images

of the Blessed Mary. The icon is otherwise known as the “Our Lady of Perpetual

Succour”. It is painted on wood and is as large as 20” in height (54x x 41.5 cm). It

portrays the Virgin Mary, known by the title: “Mother of God”, delicately holding the

Child Jesus. The icon is depicted to have its inception at some point during the 13 th to

15th century. Furthermore, it originated from the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and

has been in Rome before the end of the 15 th century. Since 1867, the image has been

permanently enshrined in the Church of Saint Alphonsus as well as it was granted

Canonical Coronation by Pope Pius IX in the depicted year. The Our Lady of Perpetual

Help is praised and celebrated on 27 th of June, with novena devotions held every

Wednesday. Under the officiation of Pope Pius XII, the icon is the national Patroness of

the Republic of Haiti and Almoradi, Spain. The symbol is known for being miraculous;

throughout the centuries, countless healings and exceptional graces have been
credited to it, to such an extent that the image has been honored and venerated by

many Popes.

5. Use the icon below and present the meanings of the 14 symbols.

1. Greek initials for Mother of God.

2. Greek initials for St. Michael, the Archangel.

3. Greek initials for St. Gabriel, the Archangel.

4. Mary's mouth is small for silent recollection. She speaks little.

5. Mary's eyes are larger, for in all our troubles, they are turned towards us


6. Star on our Lady's veil means she is the “Star of the sea” who brought the light

of Christ into this world.

7. Red tunic is the color worn by Virgins in the time of Christ (AD33).
8. Jesus’ hands are turned palms down into his mother's hands which indicate

that the Grace of Redemption is in her keeping.

9. Mary's left hand supports Christ lovingly. That means she is his mother. It's a

comforting hand for everyone who calls on her.

10. Dark blue is the color worn by mothers in Palestine, which implies that Mary

is both Virgin and Mother of Christ.

11. The entire gold background represents Heaven.

12. The Golden Crown serves as a token of many miracles wrought by our lady

while under the title of “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”.

13. Greek initials for Jesus Christ.

14. Jesus’ falling sandal depicts Christ's hasty refuge for his Mother due to terror

induced by the thought of his Passion and death as well as it represents his

divine nature.



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