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How are humans affecting the natural world?

Our planet everyday suffer from different reasons that leads to the
degradation of the planet, in the end we’re witnesses and initiators of
natural disasters such as air pollution, the deaths of animals and stuff.
Human pressure on nature has soared since the 1970s. The world that
was 1000 years ago is not a world of today. Human world has
experienced miraculous technologies which have a good impact on
human life but not so well for natural world. We have been using more
and more natural resources, and now when these are over, we try to
restore. The world is increasingly managed in a way that maximises the
flow of material from nature, to meet rising human demands for
resources like food, energy and timber. As a result, humans have directly
altered at least 70% of Earth's land, mainly for growing plants and
keeping animals. These activities necessitate deforestation, the
degradation of land, loss of biodiversity and pollution, and they have the
biggest impacts on land and freshwater ecosystems. Firstly we have
damaged the planet, and now we try to restore the planet ecosystems,
using different possibilities to stop the degradation and we’re at the
good way of action. In conclusion, however, we're working towards a
future where both people and the planet thrive, scientists studying
human impact and change in the natural world for a good life together.

Nistor Ecaterina

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