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_It detects motion Proximity sensor

It comprise the "moving parts" of a smart object Actuator

What does ARPANET mean? Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
It is wireless technology that is ideal for Bluetooth
exchanging information over short distances.
It is a component that detects a specific physical Sensor
It is the predecessor of the Internet  ARPANET
It is a wireless technology designed for machine to Zigbee
machine or M2M communication
It converts physical power in electronic signal. Pressure sensor
What is Internet of Things? A computing concept in which everyday objects
are connected to the Internet
It is developed by IETF IPv6
Uses Earth’s gravity to detect the position or Gyroscope
orientation of an object
Allows for 4 billion addresses IPv6
Measures acceleration Accelerometer
Allows for 3.4 x 10(38) addresses IPv6
Converts physical power into electronic signals Pressure sensor
Converts light energy into signals Optical Sensor
Component that detects a specific physical input Sensor
Detects the temperature of an object or an Temperature sensor
Any physical object that can connect to the Thing
Measures the amount of water vapor in the Humidity sensor
Can access online weather data to better manage Smart air conditioning
the home's temperature
Concerned with competing technologies and lack Compatibility
of standardization
Can be programmed to react to its environment's Smart lighting
lighting conditions
Concerned with the need for more affordable and Connectivity
more powerful Internet service
Electronic device that can be attached to the user's Wearable
body or clothing
Equipped with IoT-connected appliances and can Smart home
be accessed and controlled remotely
An electronic device which can connect to other Smart device
devices and networks
Concerned with what happens if IoT system are Security
The use of IoT in the healthcare industry Connected healthcare
Utilizes IoT technologies in Urban Development Smart city
It can be programmed to react to its Smart lighting
environment's lighting conditions.
It has sensors that measure temperature, humidity Smart air conditioning
and sunlight and can access online weather data to
manage the home's temperature
More accurate data collection and the automation  Reduced errors
of medical processes can greatly minimize errors
Reducing the time and effort needed to provide Enhanced Patient Experience
and receive medical treatment will make the
ordeal less frustrating for the patients
It utilizes IoT technologies in Urban Development Smart city
It is equipped with IoT-connected appliances and Smart homes
can be accessed and controlled remotely by the
owner through devices such as laptops, smart
phones, and tablets
It is an electronic device which can connect to Smart Device
other devices and networks through different
wireless technologies
The spread of communicable diseases can be Improved Disease Management
closely monitored and this can be an indispensable
tool in preventing the outbreak of diseases.
Its purpose is to create rules and measures to use Security
against attacks over the Internet
It has a touch-screen interface, internet Smart fridge
connection, and cameras and it can monitor its
contents and remind the user when an item is
about to expire
Used solely by a single organization Private Cloud
ABC Corp. is a small company. They subscribe to Hybrid Cloud
third party cloud applications such as emailing,
teleconferencing and data storage. What type of
cloud are they using?
Can be owned by a third-party provider and leased Private Cloud
to a single organization
XYZ Company built their own cloud to manage Hybrid Cloud
internal data. They also subscribe to third party
cloud services. What type of cloud are they using?
Google Drive is an example of _____ Public Cloud
Available to many users Public Cloud
Can be owned and operated by the organization Private Cloud
that uses it
EFG Inc has their own cloud to manage sensitive Hybrid Cloud
financial information. What type of cloud is it?
Combination of two kinds of cloud services Hybrid Cloud
Social media sites are examples of _____ Public Cloud
It is the practice of creating a virtual or software Virtualization
version of a device and resource
It is one of the defining characteristics of Cloud Utility computing
What is Cloud Computing? The practice of storing, accessing, and processing
data in remote locations through the Internet
What is a Service? The task that is performed in the client-server
What is a Server? A computer that performs a task for other
computers in a network.
It uses both private and public cloud services from Hybrid could
different providers
A type of cloud used solely by a single organization Private cloud
What is a Client? . A computer that requests for a task
What is a Cloud?  It refers to the network of servers that contain the
computing resources that are made available to
the users
A type of cloud that is available to many users  Public cloud
XaaS stands for _____ Everything-as-a-Service
The basic Dropbox account is free but only has 2
_____ gigabytes of storage
_____is the name given to Google Apps for paid G Suite
business use.
STaas stands for _____ Storage as a Service
IaaS stands for _____ Infrastructure as a service
SECaaS stands for _____ Security as a service
SaaS stands for _____ Software as a service
PaaS stands for _____ Platform as a service
_____ is a company that is a subsidiary of Amazon Web Services
_____is the cloud-based version of Microsoft Microsoft Office 365
Cloud based infrastructures are easier to upgrade Scalability
and downgrade
It is a company that is a subsidiary of Amazon Web Services
that offers many cloud based services. It is mainly
an IaaS provider but many of its services fall under
the PaaS category. They also offer tools that fall
inder SaaS
A product is defined as? Something that you purchased once
It is the name given to Google Apps for paid G Suite
business use
Subscribing to cloud services is usually cheaper Cost savings
than purchasing resources and employing people
to build and maintain these resources

Cloud resources are usually well-organized Manageability

because they are offered as service packages
What is Everything-as-a-Service? It is the umbrella term for all Cloud-based
computing resources that are made available to
users in an on-demand basis
It gives users access to virtual versions of these Infrastructure as a Service
It is a model where applications are made available Software as a Service
by vendors to users over the Internet.
All these benefits of cloud computing can give a Strategic edge
business a competitive advantage
_____ is a type of sensor used in touch screen Pressure sensor
_____ started using TCP/IP in January 1 1983 ARPANET
It does not use wires in connecting between Wireless
network nodes.
Phillips Hue is an example of _____  Smart lighting
When was the word "Internet of Things" coined? 1999
It is a word used to describe anything that is IoT- Smart
He coined the word "Internet of Things" Kevin Ashton
Key Enablers of Big Data Data Storage
Processing Capacity
Data Availability
Main categories of Big Data Structured Data
Unstructured Data
Semi-Structured Data
Main Source of big Data Social Data
Transactional Data
Machine Data
Main Defining characteristics of big data Volume
It is the main factor that makes big data possible. Data storage
It refers to the frequency of incoming data Velocity
It comes from people's online social interactions. Social data
It is not completely organized but it has some Semi-structured data
recognizable parts
It is the main characteristic of Big Data Volume
These are digital records of business transactions, Transactional data
even the ones that are done offline.
It refers to the process of making data accessible Data availability
to users and applications whenever it is needed
It is the trustworthiness of data Veracity
It has metadata and a fixed length and format Structured Data
It doesn't have metadata and is not organized in a Unstructured data
readily recognizable way
Business Analytics Process Step 1. Defining the business needs
Step 2: Explore the Data
Step 3: Analyse the data
Step 4: Predict what is likely to hapoen
Step 5: Optimise
Step 6: Make a decision and measure the outcome
Step 7: Update the system with the results of the
 examines data from the past to create forecasts Predictive analytics
or predictions about future events.
_____ is used to come up with the best course of Prescriptive analytics
_____ is the interpretation of historical data to Descriptive analytics
understand past events or the current state of
_____ is used to examine data in order to Diagnostic analytics
determine the reason behind an event.
It is the application of knowledge Wisdom
It can be defined structured or organized Knowledge
information that creates awareness or
The predictions and other insights are used to find Optimize
the best solution to the business goal or problem
It is defined as anything that can be stored and Data
processed by a computer
What is Analysis? None of the choices
Refined data is further examined to extract more Analyse the data
actionable insights
It refers to data plus context or meaning Information
Identify the correct web page for each rank from B 38.4
highest to lowest. For pages with the same C 34.9
ranking, follow the alphabetical order. E 8.1
D 3.9/ F 3.9
A 3.3
Web Traffic is defined as _______ It refers to the number of users that visit a website
What is Search Engine Optimization? Practices that aim to improve the ranking of a
website in search engine results
It is a computer process that is used to determine  Search Engine Algorithm
which web pages in a search engine's index are the
most relevant
What is a Crawler Bot? It collects data about the web pages that they visit
It is the most well-known algorithm. PageRank
It is the process used by search engines to organize Indexing
information about websites.
All of these are true about Search Engine  It looks for information in the internet.
Optimization, EXCEPT;

It is a process used by search engines to find Crawling

information in the Internet.
It is a procedure or formula used to rank web Algorithm
What is a PageRank? It works by counting the number and quality of
links to a page to determine a rough estimate of
how important the website is
Its most common example is social media Social data
Dealing with highly sensitive information is _____ Security
It is not organized in a readily recognizable way Unstructured data
This is the result when a data is defined. Information
_____ is a cross between two other categories of Semi-structured data
Big Data
It refers to the different types of data Variety
It is a structured or organized information that Knowledge
creates awareness or understanding
What is Step 5 in Business Analytics according to  Optimize
Dr. Carol Anne Hargreaves?
Analytics is defined as? II. It focuses more on insights extracted through
It is the ability to improve or add value to Wisdom
Everything-as-a-Service is defined as It is the umbrella term for all Cloud-based
computing resources that are made available to
users in an on-demand basis
Upgrading and downgrading cloud based Scalability
infrastructures are easier
What is the result when information is used to Knowledge
come up with an answer?
It allows users way in to virtual versions of these Infrastructure as a Service
It is a data plus context or meaning Information
The result of the decisions, the insights and actions Update the system with the results of the decision
from all the previous steps are recorded and
integrated into the system.
It is defined as the usefulness of data Value
This involves understanding what problem needs  Defining the business needs
to be solved or what goal needs to be achieved
It is mainly an IaaS provider but many of its Amazon Web Services
services fall under the PaaS category. They also
offer tools that fall inder SaaS
Its main feature is team collaboration Slack
What is Step 2 in Business Analytics according to Explore the data
Dr. Carol Anne Hargreaves?
Cloud resources are usually well-organized Manageability
What is Big Data? An accumulation of data that is too large and
complex for processing by traditional database
management tools
It is used to understand past events or the current Descriptive analytics
state of things
Analysis is defined as? It is concerned about how data is studied
It is used to come up with the best course of action Prescriptive analytics
This is made available by vendors to users over the Software as a Service
When your Internet connection gets interrupted, Internet dependence
you will lose control of your resources.
_____ is the process of recording information and Data storage
a main factor in Big Data.
It is used to create forecasts or predictions about  Predictive analytics
future events
In this module, what is the file type that we  .html
A _____as a row of internal links at the top or Breadcrumb list
bottom of the page that allows visitors to quickly
navigate back to a previous section or the root
(home) page
A _____ gives search engines a summary of Description meta tag
what the page is about.
HTML Stands for _____ Hypertext Markup Language
How many sizes of heading tags are there? 6
The _____ it is not visible on the web page itself Meta tag
but it is visible to search engines.
The _____ lets users and search engines read Title tag
the topic of your web page.
"Homepage >> Product Reviews >> Best Hiking Breadcrumb list
Shoes 2017 >> CAT Hiking Boots" is an example
of a _____
Complete this quote: "_____ is where I expect  Content
much of the real money will be made on the
Internet, just as it was in broadcasting."
According to Google's Search Engine Title
Optimization Starter Guide: "The _____ for your
homepage can list the name of your website/
business and could include other important
information like the physical location of the
business or maybe a few of its main focuses or
It is done before clicking your file to open in your None of these
default web browser
It can also be used in SEO because search Heading tag
engine algorithms tend to pay more attention to
texts in heading tags than normal text.
It gives search engines a summary of what the Description meta tag
page is about.
It serves as the address of a web page Website URL
It is not visible on the web page itself but it is Meta tag
visible to search engines.
It lets users and search engines read the topic of Title tag
your web page.
It is a row of internal links at the top or bottom of Breadcrumb list
the page that allows visitors to quickly navigate
back to a previous section or the root (home)
This is used to display tiles, subtitles, and other Heading tag
important texts in the web page.
It can list the name of your website/business and Title tag
could include other bits of important information
like the physical location of the business or
maybe a few of its main focuses or offerings.
What is the first step in adding basic SEO to Open Notepad or Testpad in your computer
HTML Files?
A in the Smart Criteria stands for _____ Attainable
_____ is a data format used to provide frequently Feed
updated contents to users.
S in the Smart Criteria stands for _____ Specific
_____ is a metadata tag used to identify Hashtag
contents related to a specific topic.
R in the Smart Criteria stands for _____ Relevant
_____ is the practice of soliciting money usually Crowdfunding
through the Internet to support a cause or
_____ is the practice of soliciting contributions in  Crowdsourcing
the form of ideas, content, and skills from
Internet users to achieve a goal.
_____ is the practice of sharing short messages Microblogging
in a web platform.
_____ is an online journal that's updated on a Blog
regular basis with entries that appear in reverse
chronological order
_____ is the practice of broadcasting the audio Live Streaming
and video of an event over the Internet as it
It is the last step in creating a social media Manage your social media presence
marketing plan
These are the characteristics of people who Demographics
belong in a particular group or population.
During this step, you have to decide which ones Choose your platforms
suit your needs.
It is a data format used to provide frequently Feed
updated contents to users.
It is an audio file or a collection of audio files Podcast
made available for download or playback
through the Internet.
You need an exact objective, not an abstract Specific
idea of success.
This step is the culmination of your social media  Publish content
marketing venture.
It is an online journal that's updated on a regular Blog
basis with entries that appear in reverse
chronological order
It is the main source of revenue for the biggest Advertising
social media sites.
It refer to mental characteristics Psychographics
The machine or program Agent
The process of writing instructions in a Programming
computer's memory
Has no defined output. Unsupervised learning
Field of study that gives computers the ability to Machine learning
learn without being explicitly programmed
Allows the machine to determine the ideal Reinforcement learning
behavior within a specific context in order to
maximize its performance
Inputs and outputs are clearly defined. Supervised learning
Acquiring knowledge and skills through Learning
experience or study
Based on the network of cells found in human Artificial neural network
and animal brains
A branch of Machine Learning that uses Deep learning
algorithms based on artificial neural networks.
The capability of a machine to imitate human Artificial intelligence
Processed information exits the neural network Output layer
through this layer
It receives data or input that enters the artificial Input layer
neural network
This is a method that allows the machine to Reinforcement learning
determine the ideal behaviour within a specific
context, in order to maximize its performance.
What is programming? Process of writing instructions in a computer's
This is a method that is used the same way as Semi-supervised method
supervised learning.
Machine learning is a vital element of driverless Transportation
cars which are currently being developed and
are foreseen to revolutionize transportation.
This the most popular method of machine Supervised learning
This is a machine learning method wherein the Unsupervised learning
machine receives an input but there is no clearly
defined output.
Define Machine Learning  Field of study that gives computers the ability to
learn without being explicitly programmed
What is artificial intelligence? Both I and II
A branch of computer science dealing with the
simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers
The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent
human behaviour
What is the 3rd step in creating a basic HTML Save your file
Search Engine Optimization is defined as? Practices that aim to improve the ranking of a
website in search engine results
It identifies contents related to a specific topic. Hashtag
Which of the following displays the names of the Website URL
folders and documents that make up the web
Web Traffic is defined as _______ It refers to the number of users that visit a
In here, you will be required to pay for advanced Freemium
What is a Crawler Bot? It collects data about the web pages that they
Which of the following may appear as a snippet Description meta tag
in search engine results?
It is used by search engines to find information in Crawling
the Internet.
What is a PageRank? It works by counting the number and quality of
links to a page to determine a rough estimate of
how important the website is
You need to have a way to measure success Measurable
“<h1>What is this?</h1>: is an example of a Heading tag
Which of the following is used to display tiles, Heading tag
subtitles, and other important texts in the web
What is a conversion? It refers to the instance when a website visitor
performs a desired action
_____ includes hobbies and political beliefs. Psychographics
It is not visible on the web page itself. Meta tag
It could include other bits of important Title tag
information like the physical location of the
business or maybe a few of its main focuses or
_____ includes Age Group, Gender, and Demographics
It is the sharing of short messages in a web Microblogging
This is done by creating a customer profile which Do some research
is a generalized description of a business' ideal
It is the first step in adding basic SEO to HTML Open Notepad or Testpad in your computer
It allows visitors to quickly navigate back to a Breadcrumb list
previous section or the root (home) page
It is used by search engines to organize Indexing
information about websites.
If the web page appears in Google search Title tag
results, the contents of the _____ will serve as
the clickable link to your website.
It is the first step in creating social media Set your goals
marketing plan.
Main source of revenue for the biggest social Advertising
media sites.
Last step in adding basic SEO to HTML files? Double click your file to open it in your default
web browser
It is used to rank web pages Algorithm
Do not set goals that exceed your capabilities. Attainable
Which one of the following is used to determine Search Engine Algorithm
the relevance of web pages?
A shared public ledger Blockchain
Fraud can be easily detected because of the Security
blockchain's peer-to-peer nature
Bitcoin still has a lot of room for improvement Ongoing development
The price of bitcoin can easily fluctuate  Volatility
Makes it possible to send and receive bitcoin Payment freedom
anywhere in the world
Uses cryptography to regulate the creation of new Cryptocurrency
currency and verify transactions
Can be used to pay for goods and services but it Digital currency
does not have a physical form
All information concerning bitcoin are available to Transparency and Neutrality
the public
A consensus network that enables a new payment Bitcoin
system and a completely digital money.
The process of creating new bitcoins Mining
Bitcoin runs on an open-source peer-to-peer Transparency and neutrality
network. This means that all information
concerning bitcoin are available to the public
What is a bitcoin? -A consensus network that enables a new payment
system and a completely digital money
-It is the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment
network that is powered by its users with no
central authority or middlemen
-Bitcoin is pretty much like cash for the Internet
What is a blockchain? A shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin
network relies
What is digital currency? It can be used to pay for goods and services but it
does not have a physical form like a coin or a paper
Bitcoin boasts a state-of-the-art security and Security
verification system with the blockchain
Many of those who do understand it are still Degree of acceptance
unwilling to use it as an alternative to physical
Future developments can make bitcoin more  Ongoing development
secure, more accessible, and more stable.
What is cryptocurrency? A type of digital currency that uses secure
communication techniques called cryptography to
regulate the creation of new units of currency of
currency and verify transactions
It is predicted that bitcoin will decrease in price and Volatility
increase in stability as more and more people use it
Define bitcoin mining The process of spending computing power to
process transaction
Allow VR users to walk in all directions Omnidirectional treadmills
Economic and social activities where consumers Sharing economy
gain immediate access to goods and services
through online transactions
Head-mounted device that displays virtual reality to Virtual reality headset
the user
Superimposes digital information on the user's Augmented Reality
view of the real world
On-demand economy is another term for _____ Sharing economy
Additive manufacturing is another term for _____ 3D printing
A computer-controlled process of creating three- 3D printing
dimensional objects
Wearable device that adds information to what the Smartglasses
wearer sees
A three-dimensional, computer generated Virtual reality
environment which can be explored and interacted
with by a person
Can be used to interact with VR environments while Wearable controllers
wearing a VR headset
It provides on-demand transportation service by Uber
connecting commuters with private car drivers who
are willing to give rides for a fee
For cities, it helps strengthen local economies, Uber
improve access to transportation, and make streets
Define 3D Printing Three-dimensional printing or additive
Define Augmented Reality A technology that superimposes digital information
on the user's view of the real world
What is virtual reality? A three-dimensional, computer generated
environment which can be explored and interacted
with by a person
It works a lot like Uber but instead of cars, Angkas
commuters ride motorcycles.
What is Sharing Economy? Refers to economic and social activities where
consumers gain immediate access to goods and
services through online transactions
It can be used to interact with VR environments I only
while wearing a VR headset and omnidirectional
treadmills which allow VR users to walk in all
I : Handheld and wearable controllers

II : Virtual reality headset

This is the most popular virtual reality device I only
I : Virtual reality headset

II : Handheld and wearable controllers

It allows people to rent short-term lodging in Airbnb

hotels, apartments, private homes, etc

Most used virtual reality device I only

I: Virtual reality headset

II: Handheld and wearable controllers

Bitcoin mining is _____ The process of spending computing power to

process transactions
It can be used to predict the behaviour of the stock Financial trading
market and foreign exchange market.
It is the recipient of data or input that enters the Input layer
artificial neural network
This is the recipient of the information from the Hidden layer
input layer
A block is defined as? This is a file wherein successfully verified
transactions are recorded
Which of the following would you use if you are Airbnb
looking for a room to rent?
It is used the same way as supervised learning. Semi-supervised method
Cryptocurrency is defined as? A type of digital currency that uses secure
communication techniques called cryptography to
regulate the creation of new units of currency of
currency and verify transactions
What is Sharing Economy? Refers to economic and social activities where
consumers gain immediate access to goods and
services through online transactions
Sharing Economy is? Refers to economic and social activities where
consumers gain immediate access to goods and
services through online transactions
Artificial intelligence is? Both I and II

I: The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent

human behaviour

II: A branch of computer science dealing with the

simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers

What is Augmented Reality? A technology that superimposes digital information

on the user's view of the real world
Many people are still not convinced to use Bitcoin Degree of acceptance
as an alternative money
Virtual reality is defined as? A three-dimensional, computer generated
environment which can be explored and interacted
with by a person
Machine learning is used in _____ to improve search Online search
It connects customers with freelance workers Taskrabbit
It is a lot like Uber but the vehicle used is a Angkas
It uses algorithms based on artificial neural Deep learning

Blockchain is defined as?  A shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin
network relies
This layer serves as the exit point of processed Output layer
information in the neutral network.
The price of bitcoin will decrease and its stability Volatility
will increase as more people use it
It means that all information concerning bitcoin are Transparency and neutrality
available to the public
It improves access to transportation, and make Uber
streets safer.
The machine receives an input but there is no Unsupervised learning
clearly defined output.
Machine learning is a vital element of driverless Transportation
Which of the following is a type of virtual reality I only
device worn over eyes.

I : Virtual reality headset

II : Handheld and wearable controllers

It can be used to interact with VR environments I only

while wearing a VR headset
I: Handheld and wearable controllers

II: Virtual reality headset

It is a marketplace for people to list, discover, and Airbnb

book unique accommodations around the world.
It is a terms used in improving security measures Cybersecurity
such as malware detection, spam filtering, and risk

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