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Lecturer : Agus Hidayat, M.Pd

Created by :

Group 8 :

 Listhia Everina Ratih (1811040462)

 Masrifah Nurlailil (1811040463)

 Melina Ayu Pratiwi (1811040404)

 Rora Almaida (1811040367)




Praise be to Allah SWT. Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we
were given the opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled
Psycholinguistics: Second Language Acqusition” is property and correctly and on
This paper is structured so that the readers can understand about
Psycholinguistics: Second Language Acqusition. This paper was compile with help
from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as from parties
concerned itself. And because the aide and help of Allah SWT., these paper can be
finally resolved.
This is a paper about “Psycholinguistics: Second Language Acqusition” to
complete the task of Linguistics subject. The compiles also thanked to Mr. Agus
Hidayat, M.Pd as the lecture in Linguistics subject, who help us in order to complete
this paper.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. We realize that
this paper is far from perfect, therefore critism and suggestion from all the readers
that are built for the perfection we always hoped this paper.

Bandar Lampung, April 22th 2020






A. Background 4

B. Problem Formulation 5

C. Objective Problem 5


A. Definition of Psycholinguistics 6
B. Second Language 6
C. Language Acquisition 7

D. Second language Acquisition 8

E. Factors Affecting The Second Language Acquisition 9


Conclusion 13




A. Background

Psycholinguistic is an integration of psychology ana linguistic. Psychology is

the study of the mind and how it influences behaviour and linguistic is the scientific
study of the language. As for Psycholinguistic, it is the study of how individuals
comprehend, produce ana acquire language. That is to say, Psycholinguistic deals
with how people use language.
Mother language is the first language we mastery after we gave birth so it is
often called by the first language. First Language acquisition surely occurs in
childhood. Another language after first language that we mastery called the second
language, third language and next after. The second language acquisition and more
than it occur in several ranks of ages and generally undergone when we had mastered
the first language fluently. Therefore, some scientist state that the second language
acquisition process is different from the first language acquisition, thus there is
second language acquisition focus knowledge. But in the bilingual society or
multilingual there is an acquisition of two languages or more than it in the same time,
so mother language or first language can be more than one languages.
SLA (second language acquisition focus knowledge) understands about
second language acquisition process not only as a process in a linguistic knowledge
but also psychology, sociology, anthropology and culture. In the real live there are a
lot of chase about difficult people in learning second language or there is one who
could not acquired language without his first language or the language which is
acquired from his family (mother language).1
B. Problem Formulation
Emmy Indah Priyanti, http:// Psicolinguistic/Pemerolhan Bahsa/index.php.htm. Applied Japanese
Linguistics, Tohoku University, Japan. 2011

Based on the background of the above problems, the authors formulate the
problems as follows:

1. What is the definition of Psycholinguistics?

2. What is the Second Language?

3. What is the Acquisition?

4. What is the Second language Acquisition?

5. What is the Factors Affecting The Second Language Acquisition?

C. Objective Problem

In line with the above formulation of the problem, the paper is organized with the
aim to identify and describe:

1. Knowing definition of Psycholinguistics.

2. Knowing the second language.

3. Knowing the Acquistion.

4. Knowing the Factors Affecting The Second Language Acquistion.



A. Definition of Psycholinguistics

Psycholinguistics is the branch deals with the relationship between language

and the mind, focusing mainly on how language is learned, stored, and occasionally
lost. The relationship between language and mind has two aspects, acquisition and
performance, and the two are intimately linked. Psycholinguistics is the study of the
mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in
which language is represented and processed in the brain.
The field of psycholinguistics attempts to answer questions about how
language is represented and processed in the brain and what areas of the brain are
used for language processing. Psycholinguistics is an experimental discipline that
tests assumptions about processing and the learning of language. The brain is divided
into two nearly symmetrical halves, the right and the left hemispheres, each of which
is responsible for processing certain kinds of information concerning the world
around us.
There are three major areas of study in the domain of psycholinguistics, so far
we have considered how language is represented in the mind and how language is
acquired. But another area is how people use their knowledge of language. How do
they understand what they hear. How do they produce message that others can
understand it turn.2

B. Second Language
Second language refers to any language learned in addition to a person's first
language; although the concept is named second language acquisition, it can also
incorporate the learning of third, fourth or subsequent languages. Second-language


acquisition refers to what learners do; it does not refer to practices in language

C. Language Acquisition

Krashen and others, Acquisition is the unconscious process that occurs when
language is used in real conversation. Language acquisition is the process by which
humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to
produce and use words to communicate. 
According to Marjusman Maksan (1993:20), language acquisition is the
process of language acquisition by a person (not just the children) is not conscious,
implicit, and informal. This means that the process does not know a teacher or
someone like that who is responsible for the achievement of learning outcomes. Nor
is there any sort of curriculum or specific lesson plans, seta not there is also a special
time and place provided for learning the language.
The process of children begins to recognize verbal communication with its
environment is called the child's language acquisition. At the time of child language
acquisition, children lead to the communication functions of the form language.
            There are two senses of language acquisition. First, language acquisition has a
sudden onset, sudden. Second, language acquisition has a gradual onset that arises
from motor achievements, social and cognitive paralinguistic. Marjusman Maksan (in
Psycholinguistics, I/1993 Edition) states on language acquisition as follows: At least
there are two theories about language acquisition.4
The first theory is, the theory of Behaviorism flow, stating that the
development of children's language by adding little by little. So as if that language
acquisition is a linear or straight line. Increasing also increases until complete as adult


Wikipedia,http:// Language_acquisition.htm. Pemerolehan Bahasa.  (06/01/12/21.00 WIB)

 According to the second theory, that is the theory of flow of rationalism
which states that the child's language development follows a certain pattern of
development. Every human has similarities potential to master the language. Process
and the nature of language acquisition take place dynamically and every person
through the stages of tiered. In case there are two terms that is the acquisition and
language learning. Kridalaksana (2001: 159) defines language acquisition (language
learning) is defined as a process mastered their own language or another language by
a human. It is supported by Krashen (in Johnson & Johnson, 1999: 4) acquisition
qualifies as a natural process that takes place without any conscious attention to
linguistic forms, obtaining a minimum condition is that participation in natural
communication situations.

D.    Second Language Acquisition

Second-language acquisition or second-language learning is the process by
which people learn a second language. Second-language acquisition (often
abbreviated to SLA) is also the name of the scientific discipline devoted to studying
that process.
Second-language acquisition can incorporate heritage language learning, but
it does not usually incorporate bilingualism. Most SLA researchers see bilingualism
as being the end result of learning a language, not the process itself, and see the term
as referring to native-like fluency. Writers in fields such as education and
psychology, however, often use bilingualism loosely to refer to all forms
of multilingualism. Second-language acquisition is also not to be contrasted with the
acquisition of a foreign language; rather, the learning of second languages and the
learning of foreign languages involve the same fundamental processes in different

E. Factors Affecting The Second Language Acquisition


In second language acquisition, students had to master a first language well
and the development of second language acquisition is not a procession with his
physical and psychic development. Second language acquisition is not same with first
language acquisition. This is because the second language acquisition is done
formally and student motivation is generally not very high as a second language is not
used to daily communicate in the student society.
There are several aspects that must be considered when deciding to learn a
second language:
1. Language skills.
Usually when someone decides to learn a second language formally, he will go
through the test language ability or language aptitude tests conducted by the agency
to assess proficiency language courses / language talents possessed by that person.
This test proved effective enough to predict which students will succeed in learning a
second language. Nevertheless there are still differences of opinion regarding the
ability of language or language aptitude itself.
2.  Age
Most of the general public still believe that to learn a second language would
be better done when still a child. Learning a second language as an adult will feel
more difficult. But studies have been conducted on this subject failed to prove the
truth of the general public confidence.
They who begin learning a second language as an adult can still achieve the
success rate which is quite high. The research conducted on this subject is only able
to show that most people who learn a second language as an adult not able to change
their accent as a native speaker’s accent. Adults’ accent is the first language that is
difficult to change. Adults tend to acquire a second language is faster than children.
Because the adult’s brain has function more perfect than the brains of children and
adults have more language knowledge rather than the children.

The issue about the relevance of age and in acquiring second language ranged: (1)
the assumption that children learn language more successful than adults and (2) the
critical period in second language learning.6
3.  Strategies used.
The using of effective strategies is essential for learning a second language
can be success. In general, second language acquisition strategy is divided into two,
namely learning strategies and communication strategies.
a. Learning strategy is the strategy used to enhance second language learning
outcomes, such as the use of a dictionary or use cable TV to catch the TV
broadcasts that use a second language.
b. Communication strategy is a strategy used by students second language
classes and native speakers can understand each other when the
problem  occurred in communications between them due to lack of access
to the correct language, for example by using facial and hand gestures.
4. Motivation.
Motivation can be interpreted as why someone decides to do something, how
long he was willing to perform the activity and how effort which is striven. The
research have been done on motivation suggests that motivation is closely related to
one's level of success in learning a second language.Oversimplify result in
underestimating the least attention to the language to be learned, just a little
outpouring and eventually led to the failure to learn a second language.
5. Individual Cognitive
Individual cognitive assessed the individual to use language. Children whose
high cognitive will be more proficient in using language than the children have
problems substitutions.
According to Baradja (1994:3-12) states six factors that need to be carefully
considered in affecting second language acquisition, namely:
a. Objectives or purpose
Arif Rahman, http:/ /Psicolinguistic/faktor-faktor-yang-mempengaruhi/Pemerolhan Bahsa.htm.posted.
17/06/2011. (06/01/12/21.00 Wib)

b. Learners language
c. Instructor
d. Materials
e. Method
f.  Environment factors
However, objective factors, learners, and teachers are the three main factors.
From these three factors of acquiring second language concentrate on matters relating
to the learner and the learning process.
Learners are as the most important factor, knowing exactly why he studied the
second language. The answer to the question 'why' is the purpose or objective of
learning second language. Instructor is a party that helps learners. In the certain
conditions, his presence can be replaced by the text books, tape recorders, film, or the
Another literature states several factors that affect second language
acquisition, such as:
a. Intellectual IQ
According to old parameter which states that there is a correlation between IQ
and second language acquisition has been abandoned by Gardner (1983) In Baradja
(1994). He divided person’s intellectual IQ into seven intelligences, namely: (1)
linguistic, (2) think logically and mathematically, (3) spatial (ie ability to find their
way in an environment, the ability to form mental images of reality and can quickly
be transformed), (4) musical (the ability to say and the ability to accept a certain tone
and rhythm patterns, (5) bodily-kinesthetic (agility in athletics, dance), (6)
interpersonal (ability to understand others, how tolerant), (7) intrapersonal (ability to
conduct introspection, to see himself, to develop what is called a sense of identity.
b. Personality
Personality is a factor that determines second language acquisition which
characteristic is abstract. The one personality here is like one who has high self
confidence, risk taking, and extroversion.
c. Extroversion

In the community, developing belief that children who have personality
extroverts tend to be more successful in his attempt second language learning than an
introverted child. This opinion is based on the rationalization that children are more
sociable extrovert, more adaptable, and have a higher language aptitude. Swain and
Burnaby (1976) and Rossier (Baradja, 1994).
d. Interaction active
In the second language acquisition process, an interaction with native speaker
of second language is needed to get many of input and output target language or
second language. In basically, one function of language is to communicate and
communicate done by human with one another. Therefore, an interaction between
users of language is very important in processing of understanding a language and
interaction with the native speaker can make faster process of second language


Emmy Indah Priyanti, http:// Psicolinguistic/Pemerolhan Bahsa/index.php.htm. Applied Japanese
Linguistics, Tohoku University, Japan. 2011

Psycholinguistics is the branch deals with the relationship between language
and the mind, focusing mainly on how language is learned, stored, and occasionally
lost. The relationship between language and mind has two aspects, acquisition and
performance, and the two are intimately linked. Psycholinguistics is the study of the
mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in
which language is represented and processed in the brain. Second language refers to
any language learned in addition to a person's first language. Second-language
acquisition refers to what learners do; it does not refer to practices in language
Krashen and others, Acquisition is the unconscious process that occurs when
language is used in real conversation. Language acquisition is the process by which
humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to
produce and use words to communicate. 
Second-language acquisition or second-language learning is the process by
which people learn a second language. Second-language acquisition (often
abbreviated to SLA) is also the name of the scientific discipline devoted to studying
that process. In second language acquisition, students had to master a first language
well and the development of second language acquisition is not a procession with his
physical and psychic development.


Emmy Indah Priyanti, http:// Psicolinguistic/Pemerolhan Bahsa/index.php.htm.
Applied Japanese Linguistics, Tohoku University, Japan. 2011


Wikipedia,http:// Language_acquisition.htm. Pemerolehan Bahasa.  (06/01/12/21.00



Arif Rahman, http:/ /Psicolinguistic/faktor-faktor-yang-mempengaruhi/Pemerolhan

Bahsa.htm.posted. 17/06/2011. (06/01/12/21.00 Wib)

Emmy Indah Priyanti, http:// Psicolinguistic/Pemerolhan Bahsa/index.php.htm.

Applied Japanese Linguistics, Tohoku University, Japan. 2011


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