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ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4


Graduate School of Business

ADC 602
Marketing Management

Term Paper

Dr. Zurina Mohaidin & Dr Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin

Group Members
Ooi Chuan Hong S-GSM0221/18
Theepa Subramaniam P-GSM0154/19
Annuar Fazal bin Ismail P-GSM0030/19
Teo Zhi Zhen P-GSM0062/19
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4

Table of Contents
1.0 Abstract ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose of Case Study .......................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Company Background .......................................................................................................... 5
3.1 History of Salutica Berhad ........................................................................................... 5
3.2 Salutica In-House Brand “FOBO” ............................................................................... 6
3.3 Core Products of FOBO ............................................................................................... 6
3.4 Key Management and Shareholders ............................................................................. 8
4.0 Industrial Analysis ................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 Porter’s Five Forces .................................................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Competitive Rivalry..................................................................................... 11
4.1.2 Bargaining Power of Customers .................................................................. 11
4.1.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers .................................................................... 11
4.1.4 Threat of New Entry .................................................................................... 12
4.1.5 Threat of Substitute...................................................................................... 12
5.0 Case Description ................................................................................................................. 13
5.1 Salutica berhad development ...................................................................................... 13
5.2 Business Challenges ................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Marketing Challenge .................................................................................................. 15
6.0 Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 16
6.1 Market Research ......................................................................................................... 16
6.2 SWOT Analysis for Market Entry Strategy ............................................................... 17
7.0 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 19
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
1.0 Abstract
The report mainly discusses on the Salutica Berhad is a Malaysian vertically integrated
electronics manufacturing company headquartered in city of Ipoh, Perak. Key factors of
Salutica Berhad is specialized in Bluetooth technology which is tied to the demand growth
for Bluetooth-enable devices. It has witnessed strong growth in recent years and
expected to register double digit growth. In this case study, Salutica Berhad has been
facing marketing challenges which involve sales revenue and future for their business.
The key marketing challenges faced by the company are discovering new market,
explore brand new domain, identifying key possible entrance points, weighing pros and
cons of each entrance points and defining a market entry strategy.

The following sections will be discussed thoroughly throughout the paper: Company
Background, Industrial Analysis, Case Description and Recommendation. This aims at
helping Salutica Berhad to overcome the challenges from uncontrollable factor in the

1.1 Purpose of Case Study

This case study project seeks to understand the current organization structure,
processes and workflow, analyze and provide overview plan for improvement to improve
company marketing strategy and help company to grow.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
2.0 Introduction

Salutica Berhad, through its 100% wholly owned subsidiary Salutica Allied Solution Sdn.
Bhd. is a Malaysian vertically integrated electronics manufacturing company
headquartered in city of Ipoh, Perak. Salutica specializes in designing, developing and
manufacturing consumer and business electronic product development like Bluetooth
stereo headsets, smart watches and precision light guides for optical touch screen
system. Salutica Berhad is primarily an original design manufacturer and its clients
include major American, European, and Japanese electronics and information
technology companies.

Salutica Berhad offers 'one stop' vertically integrated solutions for electronics and plastic
manufacturing. Its in-house services span from product design, precision engineering
plastics injection, high quality secondary cosmetic treatment, PCBA to high volume
manufacturing of complete electronics products, especially Bluetooth consumer
electronics products. Salutica Berhad has successfully launched a series of patent
pending products under its own brand “FOBO”. FOBO is an acronym for “For Our Better
wOrld”. Developed and manufactured by Salutica Berhad, FOBO products are being
sold in 28 countries across Europe, Americas, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
3.0 Company Background

3.1 History of Salutica Berhad

Salutica Berhad is an investment holding company, initially listed on the ACE market on
18 May 2016 but subsequently transferred to the Main Market on 24 March 2017. Salutica
Allied Sdn. Bhd. is the main business entity of Salutica Berhad, sole and 100%-owned
by this investment holding company. It starts its operations since 1990 principally as a
manufacturer of precision plastic parts and components for the electronics industry.

In 2007, Salutica Berhad secured its first hardware and mechanical design and
manufacture contract by producing Bluetooth car kits for Sony, and slowly shifted their
focus to other Bluetooth products when smartphones started replacing earlier mobile

Over the years, Salutica Berhad has successfully transformed itself into a vertically
integrated consumer electronics manufacturer, focusing in product design, plastic
injection and tooling, surface treatment, product assembly, quality assurance and supply
chain management on Bluetooth-enabled electronic products. Its core business in
designation, development and manufacture of Bluetooth products, for examples
Bluetooth headsets, speakers, smart watches and hands-free car kits for external brands
including Plantronics, Jaybird and Sony contribute approximately 90% of its revenue.
Besides that, Salutica Berhad also manufacture Bluetooth devices like security tags and
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System device for vehicles under its own in-house brand,

Figure 1: Salutica Berhad Milestones.

ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
3.2 Salutica In-House Brand “FOBO”

FOBO brand name is an acronym for “For Our Better wOrld”. FOBO carries a mandate
to help enhance mankind’s daily living through innovative and smart products. FOBO
products get in tune with Nature, by monitoring key environmental elements that interact
with our daily livings or things/loved ones that we care so much about; FOBO is Sensing
with Sense™.

The current FOBO portfolio focuses on monitoring important personal belongings/loved

ones (FOBO Wireless Tag/Max) and the most important element for the main contact
point of a vehicle to the road surface - the tire pressure (FOBO Tire, FOBO Tire Plus and
FOBO Bike).

3.3 Core Products of FOBO

There are 6 main core products of FOBO as shown as below Figure 2:
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
Figure 2: Core Products Mapping of FOBO

Product Product Description

FOBOTIRE FOBO Tire is an advanced Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring

System (TPMS) using latest Bluetooth 4.0 that works directly
with your Android and iOS device. With an intelligent In-Car
monitoring unit that works on its own or simultaneously with your
smartphone, FOBO Tire monitors up to 350 kPa (50 psi) and
give you an alert in the absence of a smartphone. Comes with 4
wireless tire sensors and 1 wireless In-Car unit.

FOBOTIRE PLUS FOBO Tire Plus is an advanced Wireless Tire Pressure

Monitoring System (TPMS) using latest Bluetooth 4.0 that works
directly with your Android and iOS device. With an intelligent In-
Car monitoring unit that works on its own or simultaneously with
your smartphone, FOBO Tire monitors up to 600 kPa (87
psi) and give you an alert in the absence of a smartphone.
Comes with 4 wireless tire sensors and 1 wireless In-Car unit.

FOBOULTRA FOBO Ultra is an advanced Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring

System (TPMS) for heavy vehicles using latest Bluetooth 4.1
that works directly with your Android and iOS smartphones or
tablets. With an intelligent In-Car monitoring unit that works on
its own or simultaneously with your smart devices, FOBO Ultra
monitors up to 1296 kPa (188 psi) and give you an alert in the
smart devices or the In-Car unit. Comes with 4 wireless tire
sensors, 1 wireless In-Car unit and a 12-24V 10 feet power cable
with connector to In-Car or Repeater.

FOBOTAG A Bluetooth 4.0 BLE wireless tag used to keep track of your
belongings or loved ones. Attach the tag to your belonging or
have your loved one carry it and receive alert on your phone
immediately when the connection is lost. Incorporated with
additional alert through motion sensing to alert you if the tag is
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
FOBOBIKE FOBO Bike is an advanced Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring
System (TPMS) using latest Bluetooth 4.0 that works directly
with your Android (v4.3 or later) and iOS (v7.1 or later) device.
Comes with 2 wireless tire sensors.

FOBOMAX Our latest Bluetooth 4.0 BLE wireless tag. Now, the world can
help you find your lost belongings or loved ones using our
WebSearchME crowd-sourced tracking function. Also includes
all the existing functions of our earlier FOBO Tag Bluetooth

3.4 Key Management and Shareholders

In Year 2013, James Lim Chong Shyh led a management buyout of Salutica Allied Sdn.
Bhd. from Balda AG Group and become the largest shareholder of Salutica Berhad.
James Lim is deemed interested in Blue Ocean Enlightenment Sdn Bhd (BOE) and
Genius Thinkers Sdn Bhd (GT), which holds stakes of 55.28% and 6.25% respectively,
or a total of 61.53% currently. He is the father of Joshua Lim Phan Yih (Non-Independent
Non-Executive Director of BOE) and Joel Lim Phan Hong, whom are both substantial
shareholder of BOE.

James Lim is a trained electrical and electronics engineer graduated with an honors
degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Malaya in 1982. He started his
career with ASEA AB in 1982 and subsequently worked in others technology companies
including General Electric Malaysia Appliance Components, Maxtor Corporation, Applied
Magnetics, Crest Ultrasonic, Seagate Technology and Knowles Electronics.

James Lim joined Salutica Allied Sdn. Bhd. in 2003 as CEO. He set up the R&D division,
which leads to critical effect in the growth and expansion of Salutica Berhad. The R&D
activities of Bluetooth technology and other wireless, touchscreen and light guide
technologies helps to reduce the manufacturing costs and time, which is vital in retaining
existing MNC clients, securing new customers, and developing new products for In-
House Brand FOBO.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
4.0 Industrial Analysis
According to report administered by Bursa Malaysia and research done by Mercury
Securities Sdn. Bhd., global demand for Bluetooth devices is anticipated to witness a
robust growth driven by rising adoption of media streaming devices, increasing
disposable income of consumers and high compatibility of wireless Bluetooth device. For
example, the Bluetooth speaker market, as one of the biggest components of Bluetooth
Device Market, was valued at USD 4.62 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach USD
34.56 billion by 2024, at a CAGR of 40.38%.

Figure 3: U.S. portable Bluetooth speekers market size

Salutica Berhad, as a consumer electronic OEM manufacturer specialised in Bluetooth

technology, have witnessed strong growth of revenue in recent years due to growing
demand of Bluetooth-enable devices market. Although sales revenue is increase yearly,
profit before tax show decreasing trend since year 2016 to year 2018. This is
phenomenon is due to several factor such as Bluetooth device market starting saturated,
new competitor entry the market, currency issues and others uncontrollable factors.

Figure 4: Sales revenue and profit before tax of Salutica Berhad from year 2015 until
year 2018.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
From year 2017 and 2018 sales revenue report as shown in Table 1, most of the sales
revenue of Salutica Berhad is from North America which contribute 75.7% in year 2017
and decreased to 61,9% in year 2018. This decreasing trend of sales revenue is also
happened for Malaysia market also. However, marketing and sales team manage to
increase the total sales revenue by explore and promote in Europe country, Australia,
Asia and Africa. From the Figure 5, major contribution for sales revenue are mainly from
North America, Europe and Asia.

Table 1: Total Sales Revenue of year 2018 compare with year 2017.


Africa Malaysia
Asia 0% 1%


18% North America

Figure 5: Contribution of total sales revenue in year 2018.

ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
4.1 Porter’s Five Forces

4.1.1 Competitive Rivalry

This refers to the level of completion between competitors and rivals through
advertisements, product quality, price wars, differentiation and other strategies (Johnson,
2014). Bluetooth in automotive market resonates strong growth opportunities presently
and is estimated to exhibit a steep rise in growth (Moses Jeremiah, 2018). However,
Bluetooth in automotive market is still under high intensity rivalry due to significant
number of competitors in the market competing for common customers and markets, rate
of growth of the industry is low and sellers and manufacturers struggle over same

4.1.2 Bargaining Power of Customers

Bargaining power of customers is refer to ability of customers to exert pressure or
influence competitors in an industry leading to their profit reductions, better quality and
better services at the expense of the competitors (Johnson, 2014). In this industry, the
bargaining power of customers is relatively strong in this industry. This is because the
major customers of Salutica Berhad are mainly foreign multinational companies compare
to local company which shown in the sales revenue in year 2018. Hence, the loss of
foreign multinational companies will give a very big impact to Salutica Berhad’s business.

4.1.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Bargaining Power of suppliers is the ability to exert pressure and influence competitors
to increase their price leading to their profitability and other benefits at the expense to
the supplier’s profitability and competitiveness (Johnson, 2014). It is relatively low
bargaining power of supplier for Salutica Berhad. This is because the strong growth of
Bluetooth in automotive lead high source of raw material or components suppliers that
are spread globally over several nation including US, China, Japan, Mexico, and other
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
4.1.4 Threat of New Entry
New entrants influence the level of profitability and industry attractiveness (Lawrence
Silver, 2013). Low level threat of new entry happened in this industry because the
barrier to entry is high for (Salutica Home Pages, 2016) (Salutica Investoer Relations,
2016)new entrants. For example, new entrant who wants to enter this market required
a huge model to own a factor to start the production. In addition, new entrant must build
up their networking in order to access to the existing distribution channels such as SAP
system, CRM system, supply chain system and quality management system (ISO
9001:2015, ISO45001:2015 and IATF 16949). If without any system, it will be facing a
lot of audit issues and quality issues. Besides that, the high changes of Bluetooth
device manufacturing industry, they require high ability to adapt the changes in market
by conducting research and development and apply for their product’s patent.

4.1.5 Threat of Substitute

Threat of substitutes is referred to the level to which products and services can be
replaced with other products and services in the competitive market (Johnson, 2014).
Bluetooth-enable device is having low threat of substitute due to Bluetooth-enable
device can be operate on the wide range of band, low energy usage, ability to connect
two devices at once and high speed of transfer data compare to similar products in the
market such as zigbee and z-wave.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
5.0 Case Description

5.1 Salutica berhad development

Salutica Berhad is a Malaysian vertically integrated electronics manufacturing company
located in the city of Ipoh, Perak with its history starting way back in 1990. They provide
'one stop' vertically integrated solutions for electronics and plastic manufacturing. They
started as a design manufacturer and its clients include major customer from American,
European, and Japanese electronics and information technology companies.

Salutica Berhad specializes in designing, developing and manufacturing consumer and

business electronic product development like Bluetooth stereo headsets, smart watches
and precision light guides for optical touch screen system. Its in-house services span
from product design, precision engineering plastics injection, high quality secondary
cosmetic treatment, PCBA to high volume manufacturing of complete electronics
products, especially Bluetooth consumer electronics products.

Recognising the opportunities for Bluetooth technology in the automotive and consumer
electronics industry, Sallutica has leveraged on over ten years of experience and
expertise in Bluetooth technology and have developed its own brand, “FOBO” which is
an acronym for “For Our Better World”. FOBO products are being sold in 28 countries
across Europe, Americas, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Oceania. FOBO products such
as the world’s first all Bluetooth Smart Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) FOBO
Tire and FOBO Bike, FOBO Tag/Max are designed to enhance ways and standard of
living and to help preserve the environment. There is many vehicles in use that do not
have TPMS installed as a factory specification which in turns opening a new and
untapped markets for TPMS industry players.

Salutica Berhad will continue to pursue growth and put effort in developing new products
and new processes through its R&D capabilities. Leveraging on the company
experience and expertise in Bluetooth technology, they had begun in developing
Bluetooth-enabled personal healthcare relates products under their own brand FOBO
which currently under the concept stage base on engineering prototypes. This will
contribute an additional revenue and earnings stream to the company if the venture into
healthcare related products are successful.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
5.2 Business Challenges
Salutica Berhad operates in the consumer electronics industry are subject to specific
challenge inherent to the industry and challenges relating to the general business
environment. Those challenges that more related to marketing are include as Salutica
Berhad is revenue dependence on major customers and non-availability and fluctuations
in prices of raw materials.

Customers of Salutica Berhad comprise mainly multinationals companies dealing with

small form factor high precision Bluetooth devices and light-based touch module devices
which contribute the major revenue for Salutica Berhad. In year 2017, the total revenue
increase from RM241.1million to RM261.5million in year 2018. However, total revenue
contribution from North America which is the major customer drop from 75.7% to 61.9%
as shown in Figure below.

Total Sales Revenue vs Revenue from Major Customer

Revenue, RM'million

200 182.51



Year 2017 Year 2018

Total Revenue Major Customer (North America)

Linear (Total Revenue) Linear (Major Customer (North America))

Figure 6: total sales revenue in year 2017 and year 2018.

The loss of any of these major customers, if not replaced, may adversely affect Salutica
Berhad financial performance and results of operation. Hence, marketing development
is important for Salutica Berhad to discover new market and contribute to company

Salutica Berhad committed to provide the best quality products to their customers caused
them to rely on reputable supplier which provide high quality raw material consistently
from foreign country. Hence, prices of raw materials are fluctuated due to currency and
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
other uncontrollable factors. These have impacted company sales revenue and become
another challenge of Salutica Berhad. From the annual financial report, non-availability
and fluctuations in prices of raw materials has caused raw materials cost percentage
over revenue increase by approximately 4% (approximately RM 10.5million) on year
2018 as compare to 2017.

5.3 Marketing Challenge

Salutica Berhad consist of several multinational companies as major customer especially
North America regions which had contributed 75.7% in year 2017. The risk of high
dependency on major customer is mitigated to a certain extent by the long-established
relationship. However, sales revenue from major customer in year 2017 has drop to 61.9%
in year 2018 which show that there still potential risk of high dependency on major
customer. Hence, they involve in the manufacture of non-Bluetooth related products,
precision plastic parts and components which provides additional source of revenue and
growth opportunities. This led to a challenge for marketing to discover new market and
explore brand new domain. Especially for identify entry point for new market, it is
necessary for marketing manager to investigate the new market for non-Bluetooth related
products to minimize initial investment and maximize future revenues. Furthermore, it
also important for marketing to study the key possible entrance points, weigh pros and
cons of each and then make it as an informed decision by making assumption on the
new developed non-Bluetooth related products. After that, Salutica Berhad also need to
define their market entry strategy for the non-Bluetooth related products which is the most
difficult part for them.

On the other hand, Salutica Berhad operations are subject to customer's order
cancellation or order delays which is one of the uncontrollable challenges faced. This
uncontrollable challenge has caused major source of increases in total supply and
operation system cost which shown in loss by slow moving inventory cost RM7.9million
in year 2017 and increased to RM10.4million in year 2018. After investigation from sales
team, this phenomenon may due to the factor of competitor price change, customer
company downsizes due to low market demand and some unforeseen factor. Hence, it
is important for marketing department to optimize their marketing strategies by evaluate
the effectiveness of the strategies that have been implemented, forecast their customer
demand and introduce new promote method such as digital marketing. This are the new
marketing challenges that Salutica Berhad facing.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
6.0 Recommendation
As narrated in the case description, Salutica’s business direction to venture into non-
Bluetooth related industry can be a big challenge is it does not have the experience and
expertise in the industry. The key marketing challenges faced by the company are
discovering new market, explore brand new domain, identifying key possible entrance
points, weighing pros and cons of each entrance points and defining a market entry
strategy. In order to overcome marketing challenges, marketing department of Salutica
Berhad can be solve by using Market Research and formulate effective Market entry
strategy through SWOT analysis.

6.1 Market Research

Marketing research is the function or marketing practices used to link the consumer,
customer and public with marketer through information (Bradley, 2013). The information
used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems by evaluate marketing
actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a
process (Lawrence Silver, 2013). Hence, marketing research is suggested for Salutica
Berhad specifies the information required to address the issues currently facing.

In order to perform effective market research, Salutica Berhad must follow the five step
plans which are define the problem and research objective, develop research plan,
collect relevant information and present marketing findings (Philip Kotler, 2017).

Defining the problem and research objective is the most important part before conducting
any marketing research. It used to clearly and define what the is problem faced by
Salutica Berhad and what is the objective in conducting the research. The objective must
be specific to what the company wants to achieve at the end of the research. In this case
study, Salutica Berhad has define that their business is dependence to major customer
with one type of product (Bluetooth-enable device).

Next, Salutica Berhad should develop a detailed research plan. To develop a research
plan, they need identify either primary or secondary data source to collect the data. Most
of the time, secondary data source is recommended because existing data can either be
purchased from a market consultancy firm such McKinsey & Co or Government Agencies
and it can be easily available for analysis and time saving purpose. Although there is
some specific information that are not available from the secondary source, marketing
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
department should start with primary source to collect the some of the specific
information. The primary source can be collected through many methods. For example,
market survey using information available from the internet, email survey, phone calls,
interviews and others. These are the effective way to collect data which will help on
develop a research plan.

It is important for Salutica Berhad collecting relevant information such as non-Bluetooth

device product’s market survey, existing competitor and others information that can
assist during the analysis stage. When collecting data, some information may not be
relevant or redundant. Therefore, marketer need to clean up the collected data and
consolidate and compile them so that they can be easily analyzed.

Next plan after collected relevant information is to analyze collected information. All the
relevant information collected by using the primary and/or secondary approach will be
used to analyze and understand how the business can be planned to enter the market.
Then, the research findings are presented before the management before and final
decision will be made if the management wants to proceed to enter the market or not.

6.2 SWOT Analysis for Market Entry Strategy

Another approach to address the challenges for Salutica Berhad in entering new markets
is by identifying market entry strategy. There are many market entry strategies that can
be used by Salutica in order to enter the non-Bluetooth market. The types of market entry
strategy are Licensing, Greenfield. Franchising, Business alliance, Joint Venture,
Outsourcing and others. However, in order to choose the suitable strategy for Salutica
Berhad to enter new market, we need to use the SWOT Analysis tool to analysis the
capability of the company.

SWOT analysis tool can be used to summarize the company’s strength and weaknesses
as well as potential and unexpected threats and new or existing opportunities which can
be explored in order to choose the right market entry approach. In order to expand the
growth of company, the owner and the management of Salutica Berhad should
understand and well known of the SWOT of company. By getting more information from
Salutica Berhad, we have performed a SWOT analysis for Salutica Berhad as below
Figure 7.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4

• Experienced managment team.

•Proven track record by winning and retaining MNC's customer.
•Expertise in Bluetooth technology, capabilities on R&D and unique
manufacturing processes.
•Focus on R&D which enable group to extend range of product and services.
Strength •Dividend policy of not less than 30% of net profit.

•Lack of dominant technology.

•Lack of diversification in product mix, Bluetooth device for external brand
account for bulk of group's revenue and profit.

•Revenue and margin expansions through management expertise.

•Huge market potential.
•Low gearing allow the group to gear up for expansion when opportunitu

•Intense competition
•Change of technology could affect business
•Dependence on a few major customers.
•Product facing ever-shortening lifecycles due to pace of innovation.
Threat •Potential trade war.

Figure 7: SWOT analysis for Salutica Berhad.

Through the SWOT analysis, Salutica Berhad has more understand about his business.
This allow them to implement the suitable market entry strategy for their new developed
products (non-Bluetooth device).
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
7.0 Conclusion

Based on the findings, we have studied all parameters such as background history,
company movement for development, the obstacles faced by Salutica Berhad with the
solutions to overcome the difficulties. Marketing development is important for Salutica
Berhad to get their business known and trusted by new and potential customers in their
target market and eventually contribute to company revenue. Salutica Berhad has been
facing marketing challenges which involve sales. To overcome marketing challenges,
Salutica Berhad may use the five plan steps solutions to realign their marketing strategies.
The five plan steps include defining the problem and research objective, developing a
detailed research plan, collecting relevant information, analyzing collected information
and discussing with management for final decision. Our suggestion like SWOT analysis
have been strongly dominant paradigms marketing stage for many companies. However,
for getting the strategy in right direction and successful, Salutica Berhad should work on
their strength and weakness within the firm. We hope with our suggestion, Salutica
Berhad can continuously improve its business and achieve its marketing objectives.
ADC 602 Marketing Management Term Paper Group 4
Bhd., M. S. (2018). Salutica Berhad Riding on Bluetooth Growth. Malaysia: Mercury Securities
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Bradley, N. (2013). Marketing Research: Tools and Techniques. United Kingdom: OUP Oxford.

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Lawrence Silver, R. S. (2013). The Essentials of Marketing Research. New York: Taylor &

Moses Jeremiah, B. K. (2018). Michael porter’s five competitive forces and generic strategies,
market segmentation strategy and case study of competition in global smartphone
manufacturing industry. ResearchGate, 8.

Philip Kotler, K. L. (2017). Marketing Management, An Asian Perspective. Harlow, United

Kingdom: Pearson.

Salutica Home Pages. (2016). Retrieved from

Salutica Investoer Relations. (2016). Retrieved from

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