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Delk, James Anthony P.

1. What is process consultation and different type of intervention that establish

consultant and client relationship?
2. What is Transactional analysis and how does it work? give example for this at
least three scenarios

Process Consultation

Process consultation (PC) is the creation of a relationship with the client that
permits the client to perceive, understand and act on the process events that occur in
the client's internal and external environment in order to improve the situation as defined
by the client” (Schein, 1999, p. 20).

Intervention that establishes consultant-client relationship

1. Simple intervention

Rather than staging a huge gathering of people to confront your loved one, sometimes a
single family member facing the addicted person, asking them to stop using drugs and
begin a comprehensive addiction treatment program, is all it takes to bring about
change. With or without a professional interventionist present to assist, this one-on-one
intervention can be very effective.

2. Classical intervention

A classical intervention begins with a planning session that includes everyone except
the addicted person. This type of intervention often includes counsel and education for
all family members and participants, and is often classified as a Johnson Model
intervention. In this type of intervention, family members are able to discuss their part
before the official intervention begins. A counselor or interventionist can help prepare
every participant in how to handle all potential outcomes to the intervention. This type of
intervention often offers support to both the addicted person and the family members of
that person.

Transactional Analysis Theories (By: Eric Berne)

Delk, James Anthony P.

It is a form of modern psychology that examines a person’s relationships and

interactions from Sigmund Freuds theories of personality, combining them with his own
observations of human interaction in order to develop transactional analysis.

It is used to address one's interactions and communications with the purpose of

establishing and reinforcing the idea that each individual is valuable and has the
capacity for positive change and personal growth.

I. Philosophical Assumptions
a. People are O.K.
b. Everyone has the capacity to think; and
c. People decide their own destiny and these decisions can be changed.

II. The Ego States of Transactional Analysis (Parent, Adult, Child Theory)
a. Definition of Terms
i. Transaction Stimulus – When two people encounter each other,
one of them will speak to the other.
ii. Transaction Response – The reaction from the other person.
iii. The Agent – The person sending the Stimulus.
iv. Respondent – The person who response
b. Berne posited that each individual possesses three ego states. His ego
states—the Parent, the Adult, and the Child. These states represent an
individual’s internal model of parents, adults, and children.

It is in the analysis of these stimuli and responses that the essence of

transactional analysis lies.

Berne’s Theory – Effective transactions and successful communication

must be Complimentary,

These roles are not directly associated with their typical English definitions
but can be described as follows:
Delk, James Anthony P.

i. Parent (Taught) consists of recordings of external events observed

and experienced by a child from birth through approximately the
first five years of life. These recordings are not filtered or analyzed
by the child; they are simply accepted without question. Many of
these external events are likely to involve the individual’s parents or
other adults in parent-link roles, which led Berne to call this ego
state “the Parent.” Examples of external events recorded in this
Formed by external events.
“A mother talks to her child before going out that he shouldn’t talk to
“a parent criticizing his/her child for not washing dishes”
“a parent telling his/her son to stand straight for a better posture”
ii. Adult (Thought), the final ego state, is the period in which a child
develops the capacity to perceive and understand situations that
are different from what is observed (Parent) or felt (Child). The
Adult serves as a data processing center that utilizes information
from all three ego states in order to arrive at a decision. One
important role of the Adult is to validate data which is stored in the
 “Can you explain that by answering the questions what, why,
how, who, where, and when?”
 “In my opinion, this is a better solution”
 “I see that Suzie’s house was burnt down. Mom was right—I
should not play with matches.”
iii. Child (Felt) represents all brain recordings of internal events
(feelings or emotions) that are directly linked to the external events
observed by the child during the first five years of life. Examples of
events recorded in this state may include:
Delk, James Anthony P.

 “I wish I also have that toy”
 “Things never go right for me!”
 “This is the worst day of my life”

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