Segment-Based Excess Gibbs Energy Model For Aqueous Organic Electrolytes

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Segment-Based Excess Gibbs Energy Model for

Aqueous Organic Electrolytes

Chau-Chyun Chen, Costas P. Bokis, and Paul Mathias
Aspen Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02141

The aqueous electrolyte nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) model of Chen et al. is ex-
tended to represent the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous organic electrolytes. These or-
ganic electrolytes exhibit ®ery different solution nonideality from typical aqueous elec-
trolytes with elemental ions. The proposed extension is an integration of the electrolyte
NRTL model for aqueous electrolytes and the polymer NRTL model (Chen, 1993) for
oligomers and polymers. Organic ions are treated as oligomers that consist of hydrocar-
bon segments and ionic segments that each exhibit distincti®e physical interactions with
neighboring species. This integrated NRTL model captures the nonideal phase beha®ior
of aqueous organic electrolytes, including micelle formation. The model further pro®ides
a ®ersatile thermodynamic framework to correlate solution nonideality of electrolyte sys-
tems, organic or inorganic, and complex systems containing both electrolytes and poly-

There are many industrially important organic electrolytes,
such as salts of carboxylic acids, amines, ionic surfactants, and
so on. These organic electrolytes exhibit very different solu-
tion nonideality from typical aqueous electrolytes with ele-
mental ions. While aqueous electrolytes have been well de-
scribed by various semi-empirical excess Gibbs energy models
such as Meissner and Tester Ž1972., Pitzer Ž1973., and Chen
et al. Ž1982, 1986, 1999., these engineering models do not
capture the solution nonideality of aqueous organic elec-
Robinson and Stokes Ž1970. reported extensive data on
mean ionic activity coefficient of sodium carboxylates. More
recent data are available for sodium octanoate and de-
canoate ŽEkwall et al., 1967; Stenius, 1973; Vikingstad, 1979;
de Lisi et al., 1981.. Figure 1 plots molality scale mean ionic
activity coefficient data of Robinson and Stokes Ž1970. for
some small sodium carboxylates vs. molalities along with those Figure 1. Molality scale mean ionic activity coefficients
of sodium nitrate. With small carboxylates, such as for short sodium carboxylates.
methanoate and ethanoate, the general trends in mean ionic Data from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 ..
activity coefficients as a function of electrolyte concentration
are similar to those of inorganic electrolytes, such as sodium
nitrate. With the increasing size of the organic acids, such as
trolytes increases. When the organic acid reaches a certain
propanoate and butanoate, the nonideality of organic elec-
size, say, pentanoate, hexanoate, and higher, the mean ionic
activity coefficients exhibit a peculiar downturn at certain
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to C.-C. Chen. electrolyte concentrations, as shown in Figure 2. This pecu-

AIChE Journal November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 2593

in their molecular size in comparison to elemental ions. Sec-
ond, the organic ions are composed of an ionic head group
and a hydrocarbon tail group. The two different moieties of
the same ion exhibit completely different characteristics of
physical interactions toward their neighboring solvent
molecules. Specifically, the ionic head group is hydrophilic in
nature, while the hydrocarbon tail group is hydrophobic in
nature. This dual nature of organic ions toward their neigh-
boring species leads to the formation of micelles at high elec-
trolyte concentrations. It is this fundamental molecular char-
acteristic of aqueous organic electrolytes that must be prop-
erly accounted for in the thermodynamic representation of
aqueous organic electrolytes. Figure 3 shows the molecular
makeup of organic electrolytes Žas ionic surfactants . in mi-
celles along with that of nonionic surfactants.
There have been several theoretical studies that did focus
Figure 2. Molality scale mean ionic activity coefficients on the solution nonideality of ionic surfactants. For the mean
for long sodium carboxylates. ionic activity coefficients of sodium carboxylates, Douheret
Data from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 .. and Viallard Ž1982. proposed a mass action law model with a
two-parameter polynomial expression for activity coefficients
of ionic species. Burchfield and Woolley Ž1984. proposed
liar nonideal behavior is a result of the tendency of the larger equations for activity coefficients of aqueous ionic surfactant
organic electrolytes to form micelles at higher electrolyte solutions. The Burchfield-Woolley model is a synthesis of the
concentrations ŽSmith and Robinson, 1942.. Guggenheim equation for activity coefficients of ionic species
The increase in solution nonideality due to the increasing and a mass-action model involving a single surfactant aggre-
size of the organic acids cannot be explained by either the gate species. However, these theoretical studies have not been
long-range ion-ion interactions or the short-range ion-mole- aimed at understanding the origins of the solution nonideal-
cule interactions that are characteristic of aqueous elec- ity of organic electrolytes.
trolytes with elemental ions. Indeed, the molecular structure A comprehensive molecular thermodynamic model for
of organic electrolytes is distinctively different from that of aqueous organic electrolytes requires proper representation
other aqueous electrolytes. First, the organic ions are larger of several key characteristics: Ž1., presence of ion-ion interac-
tions, ion-molecule interactions, and molecule-molecule in-
teractions; Ž2. presence of ionic and molecular species of var-
ious sizes; and Ž3. presence of hydrophilic ionic moiety and
hydrophobic organic moiety for amphiphilic species. In this
work, we extend the electrolyte NRTL model for aqueous
electrolytes ŽChen et al., 1982, 1999; Chen and Evans, 1986.
to represent the excess Gibbs energy of aqueous organic elec-
trolytes. The extension is in fact an integration of the elec-
trolyte NRTL model and the polymer NRTL model ŽChen,
1993.. Specifically, we treat the organic ions as oligomers that
consist of hydrocarbon segments and ionic segments, each
with distinctively different physical interactions with sur-
rounding species. With increasing size of the organic ions,
the repulsive hydrophobic interaction between the hydrocar-
bon segments and the neighboring water molecules increases.
This results in the increasing tendency for the electrolytes to
form micelles.
Although the work primarily focuses on binary aqueous or-
ganic electrolytes, the model provides a versatile and proven
thermodynamic framework to study multicomponent elec-
trolyte systems, organic or inorganic, and complex chemical
systems containing both electrolytes and polymers. This inte-
grated NRTL model reduces to the multicomponent elec-
trolyte NRTL model if there are no oligomers or polymers
present, and it reduces to the multicomponent polymer NRTL
model if there are no electrolytes present.
Note that this study does not address the solution nonide-
Figure 3. Molecular makeup of organic electrolytes (as ality of polyelectrolytes, which are further characterized by
ionic surfactants) in micelles with that of non- counterion condensation ŽManning, 1979., an intramolecular
ionic surfactants. phenomenon that closely resembles micelle formation.

2594 November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 AIChE Journal

Electrolyte NRTL Model where
X j sx j C j Ž C j s z j for ions and C j s unity for molecules.
The electrolyte NRTL model has been summarized in the
literature ŽChen et al., 1982; Chen and Evans, 1986.. For the Gji se Žy ␣ ji␶ ji .
g ji y g i i
purpose of better understanding the extension of the model ␶ ji s
to organic electrolytes, a brief review of the electrolyte NRTL RT
␣ ji is the nonrandomness factor. g ji and g ii are energies of
model is given here.
interaction between species j and i, and i and i, respectively.
The excess Gibbs energy expression for aqueous elec-
Both g i j and ␣ i j are inherently symmetric Ž g ji s g i j and ␣ ji
trolytes contains two contributions: one from the long-range
s ␣ i j ..
ion-ion interactions that exist beyond the immediate neigh-
borhood of an ionic species, and the other related to the lo-
cal interactions that exist at the immediate neighborhood of
any species. The model uses pure liquid at the system tem- X ji Xj
perature and pressure as the reference state for water. For
ions, the reference state is at infinite dilution in water at the
X ki
ž / Xk
Gji , k i Ž4.

system temperature and pressure.

To account for the long-range ion-ion interactions, the Gji ,k i se Žy ␣ ji,ki␶ ji,ki .
model uses the unsymmetric Pitzer-Debye-Huckel ¨ ŽPDH. ex- g ji y g k i
␶ ji ,ki s
pression. To account for the local interactions, the model uses RT
the local composition Žlc. concept as given by the NRTL ex- ␣ ji, k i is the nonrandomness factor.
pression. This local composition term is first developed as a The NRTL term to account for the local interaction contri-
symmetric expression that envisions a hypothetical reference bution is given in Eq. 5. The NRTL term should be normal-
state of pure, completely dissociated, liquid electrolyte. It is ized to the infinite dilution reference state for ions and sol-
then normalized using ‘‘infinite-dilution activity coefficient in utes before it can be combined with the PDH term in Eq. 1
water’’ terms for each ion, in order to obtain an expression
based on the unsymmetric convention.
Ý X j Gjm␶ jm
Equation 1 is the excess Gibbs energy expression for aque- g ex,lc j
ous electrolytes s Ý Xm
RT m Ý X kGkm
g U ex g U ex ,PDH g U ex ,lc
Ž1. Ý X j Gjc, a c␶ jc , a c X X
Xa j

Here, the asterisk denotes the unsymmetric convention.

q Ý Xc Ý
c a
X ž /Ý Xa
Ý X kGkc, a c

The PDH term in Eq. 1, normalized to mol fractions of

unity for solvent and zero for electrolytes, is shown in Eq. 2. Ý X j Gja,c a␶ ja,c a
X cX j

g U ex,PDH 1,000
4 A␸ I x
ln Ž 1q ␳ I x1r2 .
q Ý Xa Ý
a ž / c
X Ý Xc
Ý X kGk a,c a

ž /ž Ms ␳ / Ž2.
where j and k can be any species, and the quantities Gcm ,
In applying the NRTL theory to the local interaction contri- Gam , ␣ mc and ␣ ma are defined as follows
bution, two fundamental assumptions were introduced to elu-
cidate the local composition of electrolyte solutions: Ý X aGca, m
Ž1. The like-ion repulsion assumption: this states that the a
Gc m s Ž6.
local composition of cations around cations is zero Žand like- Ý Xa X
wise for anions around anions.. This assumption is based on a
the hypothesis that the repulsive forces between ions of like
charge are extremely large. Ý X cGca, m
Ž2. The local electroneutrality assumption: this states that c
Gam s Ž7.
the distribution of cations and anions around a central Ý XcX

molecular species is such that the net local ionic charge is
zero. Local electroneutrality has been observed for intersti-
tial molecules in salt crystals.
Ý X a ␣ m,c a
Following the model, the effective local mol fractions X ji ␣ mc s ␣ cm s Ž8.
and X ii of species j and i, respectively, in the neighborhood
Ý Xa X

of i are related by
Ý X c ␣ m,c a
X ji Xj ␣ ma s ␣ am s Ž9.
X ii
ž /
Gji Ž3. Ý Xc

AIChE Journal November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 2595

The integrated model has three terms: the Pitzer-Debye-
Huckel term ŽEq. 2., the local composition term ŽEq. 11., and
the Flory-Huggins term ŽEq. 12.. Here, the local composition
term is re-derived according to the segment-based local com-
position concept of Chen Ž1993.

gU ex gU ex,PDH gU ex,lc gU ex,FH

s q q Ž 10.

Ý X j Gjm␶ jm
g ex,lc j
sÝ Ý rm, I X m
I m Ý X kGkm

Ý X j Gjc, a c␶ jc , a c X X
Xa j

Ý rc, I X c Ý
c a
X ž / Ý Xa
Ý X kGkc, a c

Ý X j Gja,c a␶ ja,c a X X
X cX j

Ý ra, I X a Ý
a c
X ž / Ý Xc
Ý X kGk a,c a
Ž 11 .

g ex,FH ␾I
s Ý x I ln
ž /žÝ
xI I
nI mI / Ž 12.

Taking the appropriate derivative of Eq. 2, an expression for

the PDH term to the activity coefficient can be derived
Figure 4. Various physical interactions contributing to
the nonideality of small molecule systems 1,000
2 z i2
ln ␥ iU PDH sy ln Ž 1q ␳ I x1r2 .
(NRTL model), electrolyte systems (Electro-
lyte NRTL model), polymer systems (Polymer
ž / Ms
ž / ␳
NRTL model), and organic electrolyte sys-
tems (integrated NRTL model). z i2 I x1r2 y2 I x3r2
q Ž 13.
1q ␳ I x1r2

To compute the local composition term for the activity coeffi-

Extension for Organic Electrolytes cients of organic electrolytes, we first compute local composi-
The extension of the electrolyte NRTL model for organic tion contributions for each of the segments. The segment
electrolytes integrates into the model the segment-based lo- contributions to the activity coefficients from molecular seg-
cal composition concept proposed for the polymer NRTL ments, cationic segments, and anionic segments are given in
model ŽChen, 1993.. The polymer NRTL model has proven the next three equations
to be a successful Gibbs energy expression for oligomers and
polymers ŽChen, 1993., biopolymers ŽChen et al., 1992a,b, Ý X j Gjm␶ jm
1995. and nonionic surfactants ŽChen, 1996.. The segment- j
ln ␥m,
based local composition concept assumes that the unique Ý X kGkm
physical interactions of each segment with its neighboring k
segments and species determines the local composition
around the segment. In other words, the local composition X mX GmmX
Ý X kGkm ␶ km X X

concept should be applied to the individual segments of poly-

meric chains, not the polymeric chain as a whole.
Figure 4 shows the various physical interactions contribut-
ing to the nonideality of small molecule systems ŽNRTL

X Ý X kGkm
 ␶mmX y

Ý X kGkm
model., electrolyte systems Želectrolyte NRTL model., poly- Xa X cGmc, aX c
Ý X kGkc, a c␶ k c , a c X X

mer systems Žpolymer NRTL model., and organic electrolyte

systems Žintegrated NRTL model.. With the integrated NRTL
model, we apply the segment-based local composition con-

X Ý X a Ý X kGkc, a c

X cX
 ␶mc, a c yX

X aGma,cX a

Ý Xk Gk c , a c
cept to the individual segments of the organic electrolyte. qÝ Ý
These segments can include cationic segments c, anionic seg- a c
X Ý X c Ý X kGk a,c a

ments a, and molecular segments m. c k

2596 November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 AIChE Journal

Ý X kGk a,c a␶ k a,c a X X
Ý X kGkc, a c␶ k c , a c

= ␶ma,cX a y

Ý X kGk a,c a
0 Ž 14 .

= ␶ac, aX c y

Ý X kGkc, a c
0 Ž 16 .

1 X aX
Ý X kGkc, a c␶ k c , a c X X

The local composition term for the activity coefficient of a

ln ␥c,lcI s Ý
a ž / Ý Xa

Ý X kGkc, a c
X species I is then computed as the sum of the individual seg-
ment contributions

X mGcm
Ý X kGkm␶ km
ln ␥ Ilc s Ý rc, I ln ␥clc, I q Ý r a, I ln ␥a,lcI q Ý rm , I ln ␥mlc, I

X Ý X kGkm
 ␶cm y

Ý X kGkm
0 c a m
Ž 17.

For electrolytes, we are interested in unsymmetric conven-

X cX X aGca,cX a tion activity coefficients. Therefore, we need to compute ‘‘in-

X ž / Ý Xc
Ý X kGk a,c a
X finite dilution activity coefficients’’ for ionic segments and
molecular segments. They are then used to compute the un-
symmetric activity coefficients of organic ions.
Ý X kGkm,c a␶ k a,c a X X Taking the limit of the expressions for the activity coeffi-

 ␶ca,cX a y

Ý X kGk a,c a
0 Ž 15 . cients at infinite dilution and summing over all segments, one

⬁l c
Ý X kGk a,c a␶ k a,c a X X ln ␥m, I s ␶w m qGm w ␶m w Ž 18.
1 X cX
ln ␥a,lcI s Ý
X ž /
Ý Xc

Ý X kGk a,c a
X 1
ln ␥c,⬁lIc s␶w ,c a qGc w␶c a,w Ž 19.

X mGam
Ý X kGkm␶ km 1
ln ␥a,⬁lIc s␶w ,c a qGaw␶c a,w

m Ý X kGkm
 ␶am y

Ý X kGkm
0 Za
Ž 20.

ln ␥ I⬁l c s Ý rc, I ln ␥c⬁l, Ic q Ý r a, I ln ␥a,⬁lIc q Ý rm , I ln ␥m⬁l, cI Ž 21 .

c a m
X aX X cGac, aX c

X ž / Ý Xa
Ý X kGkc, a c

where r j, I is the number of segments of type j in species I.

Table 1. Molecular Representation of Sodium Carboxylate Organic Electrolytes

Carboxylate Name Cation Anion Segments
CHO 2 Na Sodium Naq CHO 2y 0.0 C 2 , 1 CO 2y
C 2 H 3 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 2 H 3 O 2y 0.5 C 2 , 1 CO 2 y
C 3 H 5 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 3 H 5 O 2y 1.0 C 2 , 1 CO 2 y
C 4 H 7 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 4 H 7 O 2y 1.5 C 2 , 1 CO 2y
C 5 H 9 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 5 H 9 O 2y 2.0 C 2 , 1 CO 2 y
C 6 H 11O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 6 H 11O 2 y 2.5 C 2 , 1 CO 2y
C 7 H 13 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 7 H 13 O 2y 3.0 C 2 , 1 CO 2 y
C 8 H 15 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 8 H 15 O 2y 3.5 C 2 , 1 CO 2 y
C 9 H 17 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 9 H 17 O 2 y 4.0 C 2 , 1 CO 2y
C 10 H 19 O 2 Na Sodium Naq C 10 H 19 O 2 y 4.5 C 2 , 1 CO 2y

AIChE Journal November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 2597

Then, by definition Table 2. NRTL Binary Interaction Parameters for Sodium
ln ␥ IU lc s ln ␥ Ilc yln ␥ I⬁l c Ž 22. Interacting Pair Parameter Standard
I J Estimate Deviation
Similarly, for the PDH term, we sum up the contributions H 2O ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . 7.827 0.098
from various ionic segments of species I. ŽNaq, -CO 2y . H 2O y4.104 0.040
-C 2 H 4 ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . 6.783 0.499
ln ␥ IU PDH s Ý rc, I ln ␥cU, IPDH q Ý r a, I ln ␥a,U PDH Ž 23. ŽNaq, -CO 2y . -C 2 H 4 12.000 n.a.U
c a H 2O -C 2 H 4 2.844 0.077
-C 2 H 4 H 2O 0.292 0.170
We also compute the unsymmetric activity coefficients from U
Upper bound.
the Flory-Huggins term as follows

␾I ␾J
ln ␥ IFH s ln
ž / xI
q1y m I Ý
ž /
. Ž 24a .

ln ␥ I⬁F H s ln m I q1y m I Ž 24b .

ln ␥ I
s ln ␥ IFH yln ␥ I⬁F H Ž 25.

Following Eq. 10, the ionic activity coefficient is the sum of

three terms: the Pitzer-Debye-Huckel term ŽEq. 23., the local
composition term ŽEq. 22., and the Flory-Huggins term ŽEq.

ln ␥ IU s ln ␥ IU PDH qln ␥ IU lc qln ␥ IU FH Ž 26.

Mean ionic activity coefficients and molality scale mean ionic

activity coefficients can then be computed by the following
Figure 5. Model representation of molality scale mean
ionic activity coefficients of lower sodium car-
1 boxylates.
ln ␥ U
"s Ž ␯c ln ␥cU q ␯a ln ␥aU . Ž 27. Data from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 ..
␯c q ␯a
ln ␥ U U
" m s ln ␥ " yln Ž 1q M s Ž ␯c q ␯a . mr1,000 . Ž 28.
would be required if we were to correlate data for each
sodium carboxylate individually with the electrolyte NRTL
Application to Organic Electrolytes model. The integrated model successfully accounts for the
The integrated NRTL model allows us to compute unsym- upward trend of the mean ionic activity coefficients for larger
metric activity coefficients for organic electrolytes as func- organic electrolytes as a result of the greater contributions to
tions of molecular structure of electrolytes, electrolyte con- the solution nonideality from the longer hydrocarbon tail.
centrations, and so on. Figure 6 shows the excellent representation of the corre-
As an illustration, the model is applied to the sodium salts sponding water activity data.
of carboxylic acids. Following our earlier treatment ŽChen,
1996., we chose ethylene ŽC 2 H 4 . hydrocarbon segment and
carboxylate ionic segment as building blocks for the carboxyl-
ates. Table 1 shows representation of these organic elec-
trolytes in terms of sodium cation, various numbers of C 2 H 4
segment, and the carboxylate anionic segment.
We successfully correlated the literature data ŽRobinson
and Stokes, 1970. on molality scale mean ionic activity coeffi-
cients and water activity of the sodium salts of lower car-
boxylic acids Žup to pentanoate . simultaneously. Here, the
water activity data were actually computed from the osmotic
coefficient data. Table 2 shows the identified values of the
segment-based NRTL binary parameters for sodium carbox-
ylates. These values were obtained with the nonrandomness
factor fixed at 0.2, as suggested in an earlier work ŽChen et
al., 1982.. Figure 5 shows the excellent representation of the
molality scale mean ionic activity coefficients of lower sodium Figure 6. Model representation of water activity data for
carboxylates with the segment-based adjustable NRTL binary lower sodium carboxylates.
parameters. A much larger set of NRTL binary parameters Data computed from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 ..

2598 November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 AIChE Journal

Figure 9. Gibbs energy of mixing as function of carbon
Figure 7. Model representation of activity coefficients number for sodium carboxylates.
for sodium butanoate.

Figure 9 shows the Gibbs energy of mixing as computed

Figure 7 shows the computed mean ionic activity coeffi- from the NRTL parameters reported in Table 2 for small
cients of sodium butanoate in mol fraction scale and in mo- sodium carboxylates. The model predicts a local minimum in
lality scale. Also shown are the computed ionic activity coeffi- the Gibbs energy of mixing, indicative of phase instability, as
cients of the sodium ion and the butanoate ion. These two the carbon number of sodium carboxylates exceeds 4 Žor
ionic activity coefficients have different values primarily due C 2 H 4 segment number exceeds 2.. Indeed, starting from
to the unique water-hydrocarbon Žthat is, C 2 H 4 segment. in- pentanoate, that is, C5, formation of micelles is reported for
teraction contribution for the butanoate ion. For these small aqueous sodium carboxylates ŽSmith and Robinson, 1942..
oligomeric ions, the Flory-Huggins contribution is negligible. For nonionic surfactants, the activities of two forms of sur-
factants Žmonomeric and micellar. should be the same at and
Critical Micelle Concentrations above cmc and their activities should be unity, since the mi-
cellar form is essentially the reference state ŽChen, 1996.
When the size of the hydrocarbon tail reaches a certain
threshold, organic electrolytes exhibit characteristics of ionic
surfactants. At and above ‘‘critical micellar concentration cmc
as x aq ␥aq s x micellar ␥micellar s1 Ž 29.
Žcmc.,’’ that is, the surfactant concentration at the onset of
micelle formation, ionic surfactants exist in two different
forms: monomeric surfactants in the aqueous phase and ag- where both x micellar and ␥micellar are unity.
gregated surfactants in the micellar phase ŽFigure 8.. Having For ionic surfactants, we use unsymmetric activity coeffi-
proper representation of various contributions to the liquid- cients
phase nonideality, the integrated NRTL model should pre-
dict cmc and the formation of micelles. cmc U
as x aq ␥ ",aq s x micellar ␥ U U
",micellar s ␥ ",micellar Ž at x micellar s1 .

Ž 30.

In the micellar phase, hydrocarbon segments are in their cor-

responding reference states where all hydrocarbon segments
are surrounded by hydrocarbon segments. The ionic seg-
ments, together with their counter ions, remain immersed in
the aqueous phase at the micelle-aqueous phase interface.
The unsymmetric activity coefficients of micellar carboxyl-
ate ions can be computed with Eqs. 31 to 34

ln ␥ I,micellar s ln ␥ IU,micellar
qln UI ,micellar
qln ␥ IU,micellar
Ž 31.

ln ␥ I,micellar
'y0.9571 Ž 32.

ln ␥ I,micellar
U lc
syln ␥ I⬁l c Ž 33.
Figure 8. Micelle formation of organic electrolytes in the
aqueous phase. ln ␥ I,micellar
syln ␥ I⬁F H Ž 34.

AIChE Journal November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 2599

Table 3. CMC and Mean Ionic Activity Coefficient Data at
CMC for Sodium Carboxylates
Sodium Carboxylate CMC (Molality) ␥"m
C 5 H 9 O 2 Na 3 0.982
C 6 H 11O 2 Na 1.5 0.84
C 7 H 13 O 2 Na 0.77 0.75
C 8 H 15 O 2 Na 0.39 0.75
C 9 H 17 O 2 Na 0.195 0.75
C 10 H 19 O 2 Na 0.1 0.78
C 12 H 23 O 2 Na 0.025 0.8
C 14 H 27 O 2 Na 0.0065 0.85
C 16 H 31O 2 Na 0.0017 0.9
C 18 H 35 O 2 Na 0.00044 0.95

Figure 10. Ions assemble at the micelle-aqueous solu- on cmc and the molality scale mean ionic activity coefficients
tion interface. are summarized in Table 3.
The computed activities of micellar sodium carboxylates
from Eq. 31 are reasonably close to the experimental values,
especially for lower sodium carboxylates. The computed ac-
Here, we set ␥ ) PDH to 0.384 Žor y0.9571 for ln ␥ ) PDH ., the
tivities of micellar sodium carboxylates show a slightly weaker
limiting value of the PDH term for univalent ions as the elec-
dependency with respect to the increase in carbon number
trolyte concentration approaches unity. As shown in Figure
than those of aqueous phase sodium carboxylates. This sug-
10, ions assemble and concentrate at the micelle-aqueous so-
gests that either the NRTL parameters in Table 2 slightly
lution interface to maintain local electroneutrality around U
underestimate the local composition term to ln ␥ I,micellar or
micellar particles. Note that the same value is used for ␥ U PDH
the Flory-Huggins term is slightly overestimated. Neverthe-
of sodium cation.
less, the results clearly show that the model captures the
With increase in the size of the hydrocarbon tail Žor carbon
broad trend of the dependency of micellar sodium carboxyl-
number., the local composition term will have an increasingly
U ate activity with respect to the increase in carbon number
larger negative contribution to ln ␥ I,micellar due to the hy-
with a single set of binary interaction parameters.
drophobicity of the hydrocarbon tail. On the other hand, the
corresponding FH term will have a larger positive contribu-
tion to ln ␥ I,micellar . Above Critical Micelle Concentrations
Figure 11 shows the activities of aqueous phase sodium
carboxylates at the cmc vs. the carbon number. These activi- Dissolved micelles in the aqueous phase have their hy-
ties were computed from the literature cmc data ŽBrandrup drophilic head groups, that is, carboxylate ionic segments and
and Immergut, 1975. and the literature mean ionic activity their counter ions, dissolved in the aqueous phase. These
coefficient data ŽRobinson and Stokes, 1970.. Also shown are structured interfacial ion pairs exert certain physical interac-
the activities of micellar sodium carboxylates as computed by tions with surrounding aqueous phase water molecules, while
the model with Eq. 31. For completeness, the literature data the hydrocarbon tail buried inside micelles stays hidden from
interacting with aqueous phase species.
Figure 12 shows water activity data for various aqueous
sodium carboxylates as converted from the osmotic coeffi-
cient data of Robinson and Stokes Ž1970.. The corresponding
molality scale mean ionic activity coefficient data for the
sodium carboxylates have been shown in Figure 2. Below cmc,
water activity is decreasing linearly as the electrolyte concen-
trations increase. At and above cmc, the slope of the change
in water activity with respect to the electrolyte concentration
shows an abrupt upward change indicating a shift in the na-
ture of the water-electrolyte interaction. The water-interfa-
cial ion pair interaction accounts for the further drop in wa-
ter activity as the electrolyte concentration increases beyond
cmc and the micelle concentration and the micelle-aqueous
phase interface area increase in the aqueous phase. The for-
mation of structured ion pairs at the micelle-aqueous phase
interface presents a water-electrolyte interaction that is very
different from the water-ion interaction in the aqueous phase.
In this work, we treat the interfacial ion pairs as a distinctive
Figure 11. Surfactant activities at cmc for the aqueous nondissociating interacting species different from the dis-
phase and the micellar phase sodium car- solved ions in the aqueous phase. Also shown in Figure 12
boxylates. are the excellent representations with the model for the wa-

2600 November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 AIChE Journal

We have presented a thermodynamically consistent excess
Gibbs energy expression for aqueous organic electrolytes. The
nonrandom two-liquid theory, together with the like-ion re-
pulsion assumption, the local electroneutrality assumption,
the segment-based local composition concept, the Pitzer-De-
bye-Huckel equation, and the Flory-Huggins equation, pro-
vides a versatile mathematical framework to correlate and
predict solution nonideality of aqueous organic electrolytes
and systems with electrolytes and polymers.
The model satisfactorily accounts for the highly nonideal
phase behavior of aqueous organic electrolytes, including for-
mation of micelles, with a minimal set of segment-based bi-
nary interaction parameters. Our next study will focus on
Figure 12. Water activity vs. electrolyte concentration aqueous two-phase polymer solutions with electrolytes.
for various aqueous sodium carboxylates
and model representation.
Data computed from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 .. Acknowledgment
We dedicate this work to our beloved colleague, Dr. Hasan Orbey.
Hasan shared our love and devotion to molecular thermodynamics
ter activity data both below and above cmc. Figure 13 shows and process modeling. This work would have benefited from Hasan’s
water activity vs. carbon number for the sodium carboxylates creativity, insights, and hard work if he had returned to AspenTech
at two electrolyte concentrations. At a given electrolyte con- after his tragic August 1999 vacation.
centration, water activity would initially decrease with in-
creasing carbon number of the carboxylates. Water activity
would then jump once micelles are formed due to the in- Notation
crease in carbon number. Table 4 summarizes the values of
A␸ sDebye-Huckel¨ parameter
the NRTL binary interaction parameters for micellar sodium
I x sionic strength Žmol fraction scale.: 1r2 Ý x i z i2
Ms ssolvent molecular weight, kgrkmol
Rsgas constant
T stemperature, K
X seffective liquid-phase mol fraction Žbased on number of
mols of segments and solvents.
g sinteraction energy
g e x smolar excess Gibbs energy
msratio of polymer volume to segment volume Žapproxi-
mated as segment number Žin Eq. 12.
msmolality Žin Eq. 28.
nsnumber of moles
r snumber of segments per oligomeric species
x sliquid phase mol fraction
z scharge number
␣ sNRTL nonrandomness factor
␥ sactivity coefficient
␥ " smean ionic activity coefficient
␥ " m smolality scale mean ionic activity coefficient
␯ sstoichiometric coefficient
Figure 13. Water activity vs. carbon number for aque-
␳ sthe ‘‘closest approach’’ parameter of the Pitzer-Debye-
ous sodium carboxylates at two electrolyte ¨
Huckel equation Ž s14.9.
concentrations. ␶ sNRTL binary interaction energy parameter
Data computed from Robinson and Stokes Ž1970 .. ␾ ssegment fraction Žin Eq. 12.

Table 4. NRTL Binary Interaction Parameters for Micellar Sodium Carboxylates

Interacting Pair
I J Parameter Estimate Standard De®iation
H 2O ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . interfacial 6.596 0.073
ŽNaq, -CO 2y . interfacial H 2O y3.012 0.027
ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . interfacial 0.787 0.572
ŽNaq, -CO 2y . interfacial ŽNaq, -CO 2 y . 12.000 n.a.U
Upper bound.

AIChE Journal November 2001 Vol. 47, No. 11 2601

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