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Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

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Geochemistry of Silurian–Carboniferous sedimentary rocks of the Ulaanbaatar

terrane, Hangay–Hentey belt, central Mongolia: Provenance, paleoweathering,
tectonic setting, and relationship with the neighbouring Tsetserleg terrane
Narantuya Purevjav, Barry Roser ∗
Department of Geoscience, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu, Matsue 690-8504, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Hangay–Hentey belt is situated in the central Northern Mongolia, and forms part of the Central
Received 28 August 2012 Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). It is internally subdivided into seven terranes, the largest of which are
Accepted 18 March 2013 the neighbouring Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes. These coeval terranes are mainly composed of
Silurian–Devonian accretionary complexes and Carboniferous turbidites. Proposals for their depositional
Keywords: setting range from passive margin through to island arc. A suite of 19 Ulaanbaatar terrane sandstones and
Hangay–Hentey belt
mudrocks (Gorkhi and Altanovoo Formations) were collected with the aim of constraining their proven-
Ulaanbaatar terrane
ance, source weathering, and depositional setting based on whole-rock major and trace element data, and
Tsetserleg terrane
for comparison with the neighbouring Tsetserleg terrane. New REE analyses were also made of 35 sam-
Sedimentary geochemistry ples from the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes. Geochemically the Ulaanbaatar sandstones are classed
Provenance as wackes, and most of the mudstones as shales. Geochemical parameters suggest an immature source,
Tectonic setting similar to that of the Tsetserleg terrane. Geochemical contrasts between sandstones and mudrocks in
CAOB the Ulaanbaatar sediments are small, and trends on element – Al2 O3 variation diagrams are weak. Com-
parison with average upper continental crust (UCC), major element discriminant scores, and immobile
element ratios (Th/Sc, Zr/Sc, Ce/Sc, Ti/Zr) indicate a uniform average source composition between dacite
and rhyolite. Maximum Chemical Index of Alteration value in the Ulaanbaatar terrane is ∼65 after cor-
rection for K-metasomatism, indicating minimal weathering in a tectonically active source, similar to
that of the Tsetserleg terrane. REE data in both terranes show moderate LREE enrichment and flat HREE
segments, with negative Eu anomalies somewhat less than those in UCC and PAAS. Chondrite-normalized
patterns are very similar to that for average Paleozoic felsic volcanic rock, supporting the relatively felsic
source indicated by immobile trace element ratios. Tectonic setting discriminants (K2 O/Na2 O–SiO2 /Al2 O3 ,
La–Th–Sc, Th–Sc–Zr) indicate an evolved continental island arc (CIA; A2) environment for both terranes,
similar to several other CAOB suites of similar age. This common arc source was situated within the
Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean during Silurian–Lower Carboniferous time. The present-day Aleutian arc is a
possible modern analogue of the depositional setting.
© 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The Hangay–Hentey belt is cut into two segments by a

northwest-striking Cenozoic fault system (Badarch et al., 2002;
The Hangay–Hentey belt occupies a roughly 200–300 km wide Dorjsuren et al., 2006; Dorjsuren and Bujinlkham, 2007; Tsukada
by 1000 km long portion of central and eastern Mongolia (Fig. 1), et al., 2010), with the Hangay sub-belt lying in the southwest,
and forms part of the long-lived and geologically complex Central and the Hentey sub-belt in the northeast (Fig. 1). Internally the
Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) (Kelty et al., 2008). The CAOB is one of Hangay–Hentey belt as a whole is divided into seven terranes
the largest orogenic belts in the world, and initially formed during (Tomurtogoo, 2002), the largest of which are the Tsetserleg and
Phanerozoic continental growth, lying between the Siberian Craton Ulaanbaatar terranes (Fig. 1). Both terranes consist mainly of
in the north, the Tarim Block, and the North China Craton in the Silurian–Carboniferous sedimentary rocks, the nature and proven-
south (Sengör et al., 1993; Sengör and Natal’in, 1996; Badarch et al., ance of which have been controversial, with a wide variety of
2002; Natal’in, 2007; Kelty et al., 2008; Kurihara et al., 2009). conflicting depositional models proposed. These range from cra-
tonic derivation and passive margin deposition, through to arc
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 852 326452; fax: +81 852 326459. The tectonic evolution of the Hangay–Hentey belt has been
E-mail address: (B. Roser). explained by models including deposition in an oceanic gulf,

0009-2819/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
482 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

102 E
94 E
96 E 108 E 114 E
Bolnai Fault Hangay - Hentey
Precambrian on
Lower Paleozoic - Or ne
n e rra
48 N ha an
NeoProterozoic a vk Terr n Te
TarvagatayTerrane Z ha Ulaanbaatar t
Rocks air
lth Terrane en
SH e am
n ne
rra Li
g l
Za at go
2 Tsetserleg
ra Terrane in
ock SC
zoic R
44 N aleo
er P
er a
Clastic basin Low
Cratonic block
Carbonate rocks SC Siberian Craton NC North China Craton
Island arc Strike-slip fault
1 Study area TB Tarim Block Study areas
Cenozoic fault
2 Purevjav & Roser 2012 H Harhorin Terrane SH Southern Hentey Terrane

Fig. 1. Location of Mongolia, the Hangay–Hentey basin, the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes, and the study area (modified after Badarch et al., 2002; Rojas-Agramonte
et al., 2011; Wainwright et al., 2011; Purevjav and Roser, 2012).

accretionary wedges, an Andean-type continental margin, and We also present new REE data for selected Tsetserleg samples, and
intra-oceanic arcs (Sengör and Natal’in, 1996; Ruzhentsev and compare the geochemical characteristics of these two adjacent ter-
Mossakovskiy, 1996; Zorin, 1999; Badarch et al., 2002; Tomurtogoo, ranes. The results suggest that the Ulaanbaatar terrane was also
2002; Jahn et al., 2004; Tomurtogoo et al., 2005; Kelty et al., 2008; deposited in an arc environment, and that the geochemical signa-
Orolmaa et al., 2008; Bussien et al., 2011). Several recent stud- tures of the two terranes differ only slightly.
ies have shown that detrital zircon U/Pb ages in the Tsetserleg
and Ulaanbaatar terranes fall in a very narrow range from Silu- 2. Geological outline
rian to Carboniferous, with very little (if any) contribution from
older sources such as the Siberian craton (Kelty et al., 2008; Bussien The Hangay–Hentey belt is sandwiched by the “V” shaped
et al., 2011), strongly supporting deposition in a fore-arc setting in Tuva-Mongolia massif, and formed part of the early Mongolia-
a Silurian to Permian subduction environment. Most of these stud- Okhotsk Ocean, in the heart of the CAOB (Natal’in, 2007; Kelty
ies have been based on geological and structural evidence, isotope et al., 2008). The Precambrian Tuva-Mongolia massif is composed
geochemistry, and geochronology. of Paleoproterozoic gneiss, amphibolite, metamorphic rocks and
Major element, trace element and earth element (REE) analysis Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks. The Hangay–Hentey belt
of sedimentary rocks has become a key component in provenance is mainly composed of Silurian to Carboniferous sedimentary rocks,
studies in the last few decades. The major elements are useful including sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and chert, along with
for constraining source weathering, tectonic setting, and proven- minor lenses of limestone containing remains of corals and bra-
ance (e.g. Nesbitt and Young, 1984; Bhatia and Crook, 1986; Roser chiopods (Kashiwagi et al., 2004; Kurihara et al., 2009). The belt
and Korsch, 1988), as are abundances and ratios of trace ele- is sub-divided into seven terranes, namely the Zag-Haraa, Tset-
ments (Taylor and McLennan, 1985; McLennan et al., 1993). The serleg, Kharkhorin, Asralthairkhan, Ulaanbaatar, South Hentey and
REE are valuable in constraining provenance as they are immobile Adaatsag terranes (Tomurtogoo, 2002; Dorjsuren et al., 2006). The
and hence retain source signatures (McLennan, 1989; McLennan Zag-Haraa and Tsetserleg terranes lie within the Hangay sub-belt
et al., 1993; Condie, 1993; Armstrong-Altrin et al., 2012). REE are in the southwest, whereas the remainder occur within the Hentey
adsorbed on clays, leading to higher concentrations in mudrocks, sub-belt in the northeast (Fig. 1). Among these, the Ulaanbaatar and
and lower concentrations in sandstones due to quartz and feldspar Tsetserleg terranes are coeval, and are structurally and lithostrati-
dilution. However, despite such dilution, REE patterns and param- graphically correlative (Kurihara et al., 2009).
eters are inherited from the source, and are not modified en route. The Ulaanbaatar terrane in the Hentey sub-belt abuts the Tset-
Studies of the sedimentary geochemistry of the Hangay–Hentey serleg terrane to the west, and occupies an extensive area in
belt are limited. However, a recent study of petrographic and geo- the basin of the Tuul River and the headwaters of the Herlen
chemical provenance signatures in Tsetserleg terrane sandstones River. Tectonically, the Ulaanbaatar terrane is in fault contact
and mudstones (Purevjav and Roser, 2012) strongly supports an with the Southern Mongolian block, Tsetserleg terrane and the
arc setting for that part of the Hangay–Hentey belt. Asralthairkhan terrane (Tomurtogoo, 2002; Dorjsuren et al., 2006;
In this paper we focus on the geochemical composition of sand- Kurihara et al., 2009; Tsukada et al., 2010). Structurally, the Ulaan-
stones and mudrocks in the Ulaanbaatar terrane of the Hentey baatar terrane is similar to the Tsetserleg terrane in many respects,
sub-belt, in an effort to constrain its provenance, source weathering consisting of a thick pile of volcanic-terrigenous sedimentary
history, and tectonic setting of deposition, as a contribution to ter- rocks. The Ulaanbaatar terrane is composed of a Silurian–Devonian
rane analysis in the region. These factors are evaluated using major, accretionary complex and Carboniferous turbidites, and is mainly
trace, and rare earth element (REE) data, weathering indices, ele- composed of sandstones and mudstones, with lesser bodies of
mental ratios, and other well-established geochemical indicators. chert, and lenses of limestone and basaltic rocks. The Devonian part
N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493 483

of the sequence also contains numerous jasper layers (Takahashi Orgioch Formations in the Ulaanbaatar terrane. These correlations
et al., 2004; Dorjsuren et al., 2006; Minjin et al., 2006; Tsukada suggest deposition of both terranes in a single accretionary com-
et al., 2010). plex.
The Ulaanbaatar terrane is subdivided into four lithostrati-
graphic units, although these have not been formally defined 3. Sampling and analysis
(Kurihara et al., 2009), and their ages are generally not well known.
Kurihara et al. (2009) cautioned against the use of the term “For- Nineteen fresh samples were collected from outcrops of the
mation” for these units, because they do not comprise regular and Ulaanbaatar terrane in the eastern Hangay–Hentey belt (Fig. 2).
coherent rock sequences, and the contact relationships between Four sandstones were collected from the Gorkhi Formation, and 15
them are unclear. However, the term Formation is used here for samples (7 sandstones, 8 mudrocks) from the Altanovoo Formation.
convenience, as followed by Kurihara et al., 2009), to be compat- Samples were manually chipped into 1–2 cm pieces using a
ible with earlier studies. The units comprise the metamorphosed hydraulic splitter, removing any deleterious material (weathered
and sheared Sergelen Formation (Lower Devonian; Minjin et al., surfaces or veins). The chipped samples (50–100 g) were washed
2006), and the less-metamorphosed Gorkhi, Altanovoo and Orgioch repeatedly in deionized distilled water to remove surface dust, and
Formations. Detailed geological and paleontological description of oven-dried at 110 ◦ C for 24 h prior to milling. Samples were crushed
the Gorkhi Formation by Kurihara et al. (2009) clearly established using a ROCKLABS model RC tungsten carbide ring mill.
an accretionary complex origin for that unit, and latest Silurian to Loss on ignition (LOI) values were determined by ignition in
early Carboniferous age. The Gorkhi sediments occur as repeated a muffle furnace at 1020 ◦ C for more than 2 h. The ignited pow-
tectonic slices floored by cherts or basaltic rocks of OIB affinity ders were then used for preparation of glass fusion beads for
(Tsukada et al., 2006), passing upwards into hemipelagic shales and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The XRF analysis was carried
terrigenous turbidites (Kurihara et al., 2009). out at Shimane University, using a Rigaku RIX 2000 spectrome-
The Altanovoo Formation comprises a thick sequence of coarse- ter equipped with a Rh-anode tube. Major elements and 14 trace
grained “flysch” sandstone and mudstone (Minjin et al., 2006; elements (Ba–Zr) were determined from glass fusion beads, which
Kurihara et al., 2009). The age is not well known, but is partly con- were prepared with an alkali flux (80% lithium tetraborate, 20%
strained by previously reported early Carboniferous bryozoan and lithium metaborate), in a sample to flux ratio of 2:1 (Kimura and
brachiopod faunas (Minjin et al., 2006). The overlying Orgioch For- Yamada, 1996). Instrument conditions, calibration and corrections
mation consists of similar sediments of early to late Carboniferous for spectral interferences followed the methodology of Kimura and
age (Minjin et al., 2006). Yamada (1996). Four additional trace elements (La, As, Zn, Cu) were
Importantly, Kurihara et al. (2009) also correlated the Gorkhi determined from pressed powder pellets, using conventional peak
Formation with the Erdenetsogt Formation in the Tsetserleg ter- over background methods.
rane. The Tsetserleg and Jargalant Formations in the latter terrane Thirty-five samples were selected for REE and ultratrace analy-
were also described as shallow-marine cover deposits resting sis (Th, U, Hf, Ta). Of these, ten samples were from the Ulaanbaatar
on the accretionary complex, correlative with the Altanovoo and terrane, and 25 from the Tsetserleg terrane (samples from Purevjav

Fig. 2. Geological map and sample locations in the Ulaanbaatar terrane, Hentey basin (modified after Badarch et al., 1998; Tomurtogoo, 2003; Dorjsuren et al., 2006; Dorjsuren
(2012; pers. comm., 2013).
484 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

and Roser, 2012). The Tsetserleg samples were analyzed so that the mudrocks (Fig. 3), suggesting hydrodynamic separation of alu-
comparison between the two terranes could made be based on the minous clays and quartz during deposition. Both Na2 O (Fig. 3) and
combined major, trace and rare-earth element data. The REE anal- CaO (R = −0.44) also show negative correlation with Al2 O3 , suggest-
yses were made by Activation Laboratories, Ontario, Canada, using ing concentration of plagioclase in the sandstones relative to the
solution ICP-MS, using their Code 4B2-Std (11+) Trace Element mudrocks. Average Na2 O contents in Gorkhi and Altanovoo sand-
Fusion ICP/MS (WRA4B2) package. stones (4.65 and 4.31 wt%, respectively) and Tsetserleg sandstones
(4.32 wt%) are greater than in UCC (3.27 wt%) and Altanovoo and
Tsetserleg mudrocks (3.82 and 3.36 wt%). Average CaO contents are
4. Results
all lower than in UCC (Table 1).
The remaining major elements (TiO2 , MgO (Fig. 3), K2 O, Fe2 O3 ,
Individual major and trace element XRF analyses of the Ulaan-
and P2 O5 ) all show weak positive correlations with Al2 O3 , suggest-
baatar terrane sediments are listed in supplementary data Table S1,
ing that these elements are bound in both lithic fragments and clays.
on an anhydrous normalized basis. REE analyses of the Ulaanbaatar
Average concentrations of these major elements in the Ulaanbaatar
and Tsetserleg samples are given in supplementary data Table S2.
terrane are generally similar to or slightly lower than those in the
Lithotype averages in the Gorkhi and Altanovoo Formations are
Tsetserleg terrane or UCC (Table 1).
listed in Table 1, along with overall sandstone and mudrock (silt-
On the oxide-Al2 O3 Harker variation diagrams (Fig. 3) the Ulaan-
stone and mudstone) averages for the Tsetserleg terrane (data from
baatar sediments all lie within the field of the larger Tsetserleg
Purevjav and Roser, 2012), and average upper continental crust
dataset. However, for many elements the Ulaanbaatar samples lie
(UCC) from Rudnick and Gao (2005).
nearer the lower bound of the Tsetserleg trend. The Altanovoo suite
Supplementary data related to this article can be found, in the
also shows more uniform composition and clearer sorting trends
online version, at
(linear correlations) than the Tsetserleg sediments. The Gorkhi
sandstones also lie on the Altanovoo trend (Fig. 3).
4.1. Major elements

Average SiO2 values in Gorkhi and Altanovoo sandstones are 4.2. Trace elements
67.52 and 66.56 wt% respectively, whereas Altanovoo mudrocks
average 65.43 wt%, comparable to Tsetserleg terrane sandstone Most of the trace elements (Nb, Th, V, Rb (Fig. 4), As, Ga, Cu, La, Ni,
and mudstones (67.97 and 65.78 wt%, respectively) and UCC Pb, Sc, Y, and Zn) in the Altanovoo suite show moderate positive cor-
(66.60 wt%) (Table 1). As expected, SiO2 contents show negative relations with Al2 O3 , suggesting association with aluminosilicate
correlation with Al2 O3 , and some contrast between sandstones and clay phases (chlorite, illite). Average abundances of these elements

Table 1
Average whole-rock major and trace element compositions of sandstones and mudrocks from the Ulaanbaatar terrane of this study (anhydrous normalized basis) compared
to the Tsetserleg terrane (data from Purevjav and Roser, 2012) and UCC (Rudnick and Gao, 2005).

Terrane Ulaanbataar Tsetserleg UCC

Fmtn Gorkhi Altanovoo Rudnick and Gao (2005)

Lithology sst sst mst sst mst

n 4 7 8 42 52

Major elements (wt%)

SiO2 67.52 66.56 65.43 67.97 65.78 66.60
TiO2 0.58 0.61 0.69 0.63 0.71 0.64
Al2 O3 16.03 16.49 17.46 15.70 17.00 15.40
Fe2 O3 4.05 4.40 4.74 4.29 5.04 5.04
MnO 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.10
MgO 1.23 1.55 1.83 1.39 1.60 2.48
CaO 2.72 2.62 1.66 2.28 1.89 3.59
Na2 O 4.65 4.31 3.82 4.32 3.36 3.27
K2 O 2.99 3.19 4.10 3.17 4.34 2.80
P2 O5 0.17 0.18 0.21 0.17 0.21 0.15

Trace elements (ppm)

Ba 789 705 747 804 950 628
Ce 57 54 55 60 70 63
Cr 10 7 6 18 18 92
Ga 17 19 22 18 22 18
Nb 8 9 12 10 14 12
Ni 5 5 6.9 7 11 47
Pb 17 18 22 17 18 17
Rb 74 90 127 88 129 84
Sc 7.9 10 11.1 10.8 11.1 14
Sr 751 540 301 433 409 320
Th 8.4 9.5 11.9 8.9 11.3 11
V 72 76 83 76 87 97
Y 18 20 25 23 28 21
Zr 269 209 163 237 264 193
La 22 21 31 25 34 31
As 6 7 13 6 8 5
Zn 66 76 104 76 93 67
Cu 8 14 22 10 15 28
ICV 1.01 1.01 0.97 1.03 1.00 1.16
CIA 51 53 57 52 56 51
N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493 485

80 8

SiO2 Na2O
R=-0.82 6 R=-0.67


Tsetserleg sst
Tsetserleg mst 2
60 Altanovoo sst
Altanovoo mst
Gorkhi sst
55 0
12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20
1.2 4

TiO2 MgO
R=0.80 3 R=0.77


0.0 0
12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20

wt% Al 2O3 wt% Al 2O3

Fig. 3. Harker variation diagrams for selected major elements (anhydrous-normalized basis) in the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes. Tsetserleg data are from Purevjav
and Roser (2012).

in the Altanovoo sandstones are lower than in Altanovoo mudrocks lithotype REE averages in both terranes are greater than in UCC
(Table 1). Two elements (Sr and Zr) show clear negative correla- (148.1 ppm).
tion with Al2 O3 (Fig. 4). Average Zr concentrations in Gorkhi and Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are moderately fraction-
Altanovoo sandstones (269 and 209 ppm, respectively) are sim- ated, with variable negative Eu anomalies, and flat HREE (Fig. 5).
ilar to Tsetserleg sandstones and mudrocks (237 and 264 ppm), LaN /YbN ratios in the two terranes range from 6.78 to 12.50, and
whereas the Altanovoo mudrock average is lower (163 ppm) and Eu/Eu* from 0.63 to 0.97 (Table S2). HREE show almost flat distri-
less than in UCC (Table 1). The higher Zr abundances in Altanovoo butions, with GdN /YbN ratios ranging from 1.34 to 1.81. Although
sandstones relative to the mudrocks suggest preferential concen- the REE patterns overall resemble UCC (Fig. 5), lithotype LaN /SmN
tration of detrital zircon in the former. The pattern for Sr (Fig. 4) averages for all except Gorkhi sandstones are generally less frac-
is similar to that seen in more quartzofeldspathic sediments else- tionated (average LaN /SmN 3.64–3.95; Table 2) than in UCC (4.15).
where, in which calcic plagioclase is more common in sandstones Average lithotype Eu/Eu* values (Table 2) range from 0.64 (Jargalant
than in interbedded mudrocks, and the mudrocks are enriched in mudrocks) to 0.85 (Gorkhi sandstones), and thus the magnitudes
Ca- and Sr-deficient clay weathering products (e.g. Torlesse and of the Eu anomalies are generally smaller than in UCC (Eu/Eu* 0.65,
Greenland Groups, New Zealand; Roser, 2000). Taylor and McLennan, 1985; or 0.70, Rudnick and Gao, 2005). In
On trace element-Al2 O3 variation diagrams (Fig. 4), the Ulaan- both terranes, average Eu anomalies in the sandstones are lesser
baatar sediments all lie within the distribution of the Tsetserleg than in the mudrocks (Table 2).
data, as also shown by the major elements (Fig. 3). Some elements
(e.g. Nb, Th, V, Rb (Fig. 4), Ni, Rb, Ba, Sc, Y, and La) lie nearer the lower 5. Discussion
bound of the Tsetserleg trend, and the Altanovoo suite shows more
uniform composition and clearer sorting trends. These features sug- The above results show that in broad terms the Ulaanbaatar
gest some contrasts in composition exist between the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg sediments are similar in composition, implying a
and Tsetserleg terranes. common source. However, before provenance and tectonic set-
ting can be determined, the possible effects of modifying processes
must be evaluated. As summarized by Johnsson (1993), the system
4.3. Rare earth elements controlling the composition of clastic sediments is complex, and
numerous processes can alter sediment composition between the
Average REE contents of Ulaanbaatar terrane Altanovoo mud- source, eventual deposition, and after burial.
stones (168.8 ppm) are only slightly greater than in companion
sandstones (Table 2). Sandstones from the Altanovoo and Gorkhi 5.1. Geochemical classification and maturity of the Ulaanbaatar
Formations have REE contents ranging from 114.2 to 171.3 ppm sediments
(average 146.6 ppm) and 129.3 to 196.0 ppm (av. 161.7) respec-
tively (Table S2 and Table 2). Average REE abundances in Identifying the textural and geochemical maturity of sediments
the Tsetserleg lithotypes are similar, ranging from 150.7 ppm helps constrain their origin, the influence of weathering, and clay
in Erdenetsogt sandstones to 207.7 ppm in Tsetserleg Forma- mineral content (Pettijohn et al., 1987; Herron, 1988; Cox et al.,
tion sandstones. In all three Tsetserleg formations, average REE 1995). The geochemical classification of Herron (1988) shows that
contents in the mudrocks are greater than in their companion most Gorkhi and Altanovoo sandstones are classed as wackes (WK),
sandstones (Table 2). With the exception of Altanovoo sandstones, and Altanovoo mudrocks fall on the boundary between the shale
486 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

30 20
Tseterleg sst
Tsetserleg mst Nb Th
Altanovoo mst R=0.79 R=0.88
Alanovoo mst 15
20 Gorkhi sst



0 0
12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20
200 300
V Rb
150 R=0.72 R=0.87



0 0
12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20

Zr Sr
400 800
R=-0.63 R=-0.61

200 400

0 0
12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20
wt% Al 2O3 wt% Al 2O3
Fig. 4. Harker variation diagrams for selected trace elements (anhydrous-normalized basis) in the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes. Tsetserleg data are from Purevjav
and Roser (2012).

and wacke fields (Fig. 6a). They also fall well within the field for 5.2. Source weathering and diagenesis
data from the Tsetserleg terrane. This indicates that the sediments
in both terranes are geochemically and texturally immature, and CIA ratios can be evaluated in A-CN-K space (Nesbitt and Young,
hence were likely derived from a tectonically active source area. 1984), which depicts the relationship between Al2 O3 (aluminous
The combination of the Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) clays), CaO + Na2 O (plagioclase), and K2 O (K-feldspar). In addition to
of Cox et al. (1995) and the Chemical Index of Alteration (Nesbitt displaying weathering trends, this diagram can be used to evaluate
and Young, 1982, 1984) can also be used to evaluate sediment bulk source rock composition, diagenetic effects, and tectonism in
maturity and weathering intensity (Long et al., 2012b). the source.
ICV values of >0.84 are typical of major rock-forming minerals CIA values are characteristically higher in Altanovoo mudrocks
such as feldspars, amphiboles and pyroxenes, whereas values <0.84 than in companion sandstones (Fig. 7a), a feature typical of sedi-
are typical of alteration products such as kaolinite, illite and mus- mentary terranes. Altanovoo and Gorkhi sandstones fall on or near
covite (Cox et al., 1995). The Ulaanbaatar terrane sediments have the Pl-Ksp tie line and a primary source line constructed from aver-
ICV values ranging from 0.95 to 1.10, and CIA ratios from 50 to age values of volcanic and plutonic rocks. The Ulaanbaatar data
62. The ICV values are thus greater than PAAS (Post-Archaean Aus- overall form a single trend originating from a bulk source com-
tralian Shale; Taylor and McLennan, 1985; ICV = 0.85), whereas CIA position near average dacite and UCC, running towards muscovite
is lower (Fig. 6b). This confirms that the Ulaanbaatar sediments are and illite on the A–K edge. The data thus trend away from the
geochemically immature, and were derived from a weakly weath- ideal weathering trend (IWT), which theoretically should lie par-
ered source, as discussed in more detail in Section 5.2. Tsetserleg allel to the A–CN edge (Nesbitt and Young, 1984). The deviation
terrane sediments (data of Purevjav and Roser, 2012) are mostly towards illite–muscovite is characteristic of K-metasomatism after
classed as immature, although a few samples have lower ICV val- deposition (Fedo et al., 1995), and is a common feature in lithified
ues of <0.84, are hence would be regarded as mature. However, the sediments (e.g. Roser and Korsch, 1999; Hossain et al., 2010).
majority have high ICV ratios of >0.84 and CIA < 64, and overlap the Addition of potassium to the Altanovoo mudrocks during dia-
composition of UCC (Fig. 6b). The Ulaanbaatar data fall within the genesis has thus lowered original CIA ratios. This effect can be
field for the majority of the Tsetserleg terrane samples, suggesting overcome, however, by projection from the K-apex through a given
a common immature source for both. data point until the IWT is intersected, thus yielding original CIA
N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493 487

Table 2
Average REE, Hf, Ta, Th and U abundances (ppm) in sandstones and mudrocks in the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes (this study), compared to UCC (Rudnick and Gao,
2005). Subscript N: chondrite-normalized values. Chondrite normalizing factors from Taylor and McLennan (1985).

Terrane Ulaanbaatar Tsetserleg UCC

Fmtn Gorkhi Altanovoo Erdenetsogt Tsetserleg Jargalant Rudnick and Gao (2005)

Lithology sst sst mst sst mst sst mst sst mst
n 3 4 3 6 6 4 3 3 3

La 38.03 31.08 35.30 31.77 40.98 36.58 45.70 33.90 41.77 31.00
Ce 67.87 60.80 69.90 61.50 79.08 68.93 85.83 69.23 77.20 63.00
Pr 7.69 7.27 8.21 7.30 9.47 8.08 10.10 7.79 9.25 7.10
Nd 28.20 27.05 31.27 28.00 35.70 30.55 37.73 29.53 34.80 27.00
Sm 5.17 5.35 6.10 5.68 7.20 5.90 7.30 5.83 6.83 4.70
Eu 1.24 1.12 1.20 1.29 1.39 1.34 1.53 1.22 1.27 1.00
Gd 3.97 4.08 4.77 4.42 5.68 4.68 5.77 4.70 5.37 4.00
Tb 0.60 0.65 0.77 0.70 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.77 0.83 0.70
Dy 3.50 3.68 4.47 4.05 5.30 4.20 5.13 4.37 5.07 3.90
Ho 0.67 0.73 0.87 0.78 1.00 0.78 0.97 0.80 0.90 0.83
Er 2.00 2.05 2.50 2.25 2.88 2.20 2.83 2.30 2.67 2.30
Tm 0.30 0.32 0.38 0.34 0.44 0.34 0.45 0.36 0.40 0.30
Yb 2.10 2.13 2.60 2.25 2.93 2.35 3.00 2.60 2.67 1.96
Lu 0.35 0.35 0.43 0.38 0.48 0.39 0.49 0.39 0.45 0.31
Hf 5.97 4.55 3.97 4.93 5.32 5.35 6.40 5.87 6.00 5.30
Ta 0.83 0.63 0.77 0.57 0.80 0.70 0.87 0.87 0.83 0.90
Th 16.00 9.25 10.90 7.30 11.70 9.68 11.60 12.67 12.67 10.50
U 3.03 2.08 2.77 1.78 2.50 2.30 2.73 2.63 2.83 2.70
REE 161.7 146.6 168.8 150.7 193.4 167.0 207.7 163.8 189.5 148.1
LaN /YbN 12.26 9.91 9.23 9.59 9.45 10.52 10.30 8.99 10.57 10.69
LaN /SmN 4.61 3.68 3.64 3.52 3.56 3.90 3.95 3.67 3.84 4.15
GdN /YbN 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.59 1.58 1.61 1.56 1.47 1.63 1.65
Eu/Eu* 0.85 0.75 0.68 0.79 0.66 0.78 0.72 0.71 0.64 0.70
Th/U 4.82 4.50 3.94 4.09 4.68 4.29 4.25 4.74 4.47 3.89

ratio (Fedo et al., 1995). After correction for K-metasomatism the space indicate they were derived from sources experiencing non-
maximum CIA value in the Altanovoo mudrocks is 65 (Fig. 7a). steady state weathering and active tectonism. Intensity of source
This is well below the value for PAAS (CIA 70–75), and is there- weathering can also be indicated by Th/U ratios, which can increase
fore indicative of weak source weathering. Similar correction of above crustal levels during weathering due to loss of mobile U6+
data for the Tsetserleg terrane derived maximum CIA values for (McLennan et al., 1993). Th/U ratios in both the Ulaanbaatar and
the Erdenetsogt, Tsetserleg, and Jargalant Formations of 78, 61, Tsetserleg sediments are low, with all bar two samples falling in
and 63, respectively (data from Purevjav and Roser, 2012). With a narrow range (3.65–5.11; Table S2). Most of these samples (28
the exception of the Erdenetsogt Formation, source weathering in of 33) have Th/U ratios below the PAAS value of 4.7 (Table S2),
both terranes is thus weak. However, additional sampling in the and cluster between the values of average andesite and rhyolite
Ulaanbaatar terrane is needed to provide a more comprehensive (Fig. 8). In addition, Ga/Rb ratios generally <0.25 and K2 O/Al2 O3
paleoweathering history. ratios of ∼0.16–0.28 also indicate weak to moderate weathering in
The Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA) as defined by Fedo et al. the sources of both terranes (Roy and Roser, 2013).
(1995) can also be used to examine the weathering and diagene-
sis of plagioclase. PIA can also be displayed on ternary (A–K)–C–N 5.3. Provenance
plots, which can also indicate original feldspar composition and
identify albitization (Na-metasomatism). Numerous models for the provenance of the Hangay–Hentey
Clustering of the sandstone data on the (A–K)–C–N plot (Fig. 7b) sediments have been proposed, as outlined above. Derivation from
suggests that andesine was the primary plagioclase in the Ulaan- the Precambrian basement of Mongolia, either the Siberian Craton
baatar source. PIA values in the Gorkhi and Altanovoo sandstones or north China (Badarch et al., 2002; Jahn et al., 2004; Tomurtogoo
are low (<60), and maximum values in the mudrocks are <65. How- et al., 2005; Kelty et al., 2008) now seems unlikely, as shown
ever, the mudrock data spread towards the albite field, suggesting by the general lack of old detrital zircon U/Pb ages (Kelty et al.,
that albitization may also have occurred during diagenesis. This 2008; Bussien et al., 2011). The low ICV, CIA and Th/U ratios in
may also explain the high average Na2 O concentrations in Ulaan- the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg sediments and their distributions in
baatar lithotypes relative to UCC (Table 1). The Ulaanbaatar data A–CN–K space described above also suggest a stable cratonic source
also fall within the field for Tsetserleg sediments (Fig. 7b), although is unlikely. Evaluation of provenance based on major element, trace
PIA values in the latter spread to greater values due to higher CIA element, and REE parameters is given below.
ratios of up to 78 in the Erdenetsogt Formation (Purevjav and Roser, As noted in Section 4, average abundances for many elements
2012). The overlap of the fields for both terranes suggests a common in the Ulaanbaatar sediments are similar to those in UCC. This
source and similar diagenetic history. is illustrated by normalization of lithotype averages against UCC
CIA values may also be influenced by tectonism, as higher and (Fig. 9). The Ulaanbaatar patterns are generally flat, with only slight
more uniform CIA should be produced in stable tectonic condi- depletions for CaO and MgO among the major elements, marked
tions undergoing steady state weathering (Nesbitt et al., 1997). In depletion or enrichment of several chalcophile elements (Cu, Zn,
contrast, active uplift produces a range of CIA values in derived As), and strong depletion in the ferromagnesian elements Ni and
sediments, as all zones of weathering profiles in the source are Cr. Fractionation between the Altanovoo sandstones and mudrocks
eroded during non-steady state weathering. The very low max- averages is also limited, with the most obvious contrasts being
imum CIA values in both terranes and linear trends in A–CN–K slight enrichment in chalcophile and ferromagnesian elements
488 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized REE plots for Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terrane sandstones (filled symbols) and mudrocks (open symbols). Chondrite normalizing factors from
Taylor and McLennan (1985); UCC from Rudnick and Gao (2005). The grey field on the Tsetserleg terrane plots is the total range in the Ulaanbaatar terrane.

in the latter. This and the more or less flat patterns overall reflects heavy mineral effects. A Zr/Sc–Th/Sc plot (McLennan et al., 1993)
weak sorting in texturally and mineralogically immature sedi- shows the Ulaanbaatar sediments plot close to UCC and lie along
ments derived from a relatively felsic source. Patterns for both a primary source evolution trend from average basalt to rhyo-
the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terrane sediments are very simi- lite, with samples concentrated at high ratios between average
lar, suggesting they had a similar source. The Ulaanbaatar patterns dacite and rhyolite (Fig. 11a). This confirms the relatively felsic
also closely correspond with that for average felsic volcanic rock source indicated by the major element data. Coherence to the
(Condie, 1993), as previously noted for the Tsetserleg terrane primary source trend is characteristic of first-cycle volcaniclastic
(Purevjav and Roser, 2012). sediments (Roser et al., 2002). The Altanovoo samples trend across
Provenance of both sandstones and mudrocks can also be eval- the source evolution trend, with higher Zr/Sc ratios in the sand-
uated using the major element discrimination scheme of Roser stones relative to the mudrocks (Fig. 11a). This trend is typical
and Korsch (1988), which classifies sediments into one of four of zircon concentration by hydraulic sorting, as also indicated by
categories (mafic (P1), intermediate (P2), felsic (P3) or quartzose Zr–Al2 O3 variations (Fig. 4). This trend is not evident in Tsetserleg
recycled (P4) based on bulk geochemistry. The Ulaanbaatar sed- sediments (Purevjav and Roser, 2012). However, the Ulaanbaatar
iments were derived from a relatively evolved source, with data data fall well within the field of the larger Tsetserleg dataset
falling in the intermediate (P2) and felsic (P3) fields, between aver- (Fig. 11a).
age dacite and rhyodacite (Fig. 10). The mudrocks are slightly more A Ti/Zr–Ce/Sc plot presents the same pattern: all Ulaanbaatar
felsic (rhyodacitic) than the sandstones (dacitic), although both fall sediments fall between average dacite and rhyolite, confirming and
on the magmatic evolution trend typical of first-cycle volcanogenic intermediate to felsic source (Fig. 11b). Gorkhi sandstones fall near
sediments (Roser and Korsch, 1988; Roser, 2000). They also fall rhyolite, along with most Altanovoo sandstones, but Altanovoo
well within the field for the Tsetserleg terrane (Purevjav and Roser, mudrocks are displaced towards average dacite, indicating a minor
2012), reinforcing the similarity between the two, and their inter- sorting effect towards more intermediate composition. The overall
mediate to felsic source. distribution of the Ulaanbaatar samples is again similar to that in
Immobile trace element ratios (e.g. Th/Sc, Zr/Sc, Ti/Zr, Ce/Sc) are the Tsetserleg terrane, supporting an intermediate to felsic source
commonly used to identify the source rock composition of sedi- for both units. A similar provenance is also indicated by the Hf-
ments (McLennan et al., 1993). The use of ratios also overcomes La/Th plot of Floyd and Leveridge (1987). Most of the Ulaanbaatar
any dilution effects (e.g. quartz, cements), and can help identify and Tsetserleg data fall well within the felsic arc field, with some
N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493 489

100 Ka, Gb, Chl
Altanovoo sst (a)
Altanovoo mst
Gorkhi sst
80 Sm Illite



60 60 60

Pl G Rh Ksp
Da, Gd, UCC
Di, An

100 (b)



An Ab
By La Ad Og

Fig. 6. Classification plots for the Ulaanbaatar sandstones and mudrocks (this study) C N
compared to the Tsetserleg terrane (data from Purevjav and Roser, 2012). (a) Classi-
fication plot of Herron (1988), WK – wacke, LA – litharenite; (b) ICV-CIA plot (after
Fig. 7. (a) A–CN–K plot (Nesbitt and Young, 1984) for the Ulaanbaatar sandstones
Long et al., 2012b). PAAS range from Taylor and McLennan (1985); UCC from Rudnick
and mudrocks compared to range in the Tsetserleg terrane. Abbreviations: B, Ga;
and Gao (2005). ICV and CIA are calculated as:
An, Di; Da, Gd; G; Rh – average basalt, gabbro, andesite, diorite, dacite, granodiorite,
ICV = (Fe2 O3 + K2 O + Na2 O + CaO + MgO + MnO + TiO2 )/Al2 O3 (wt%) granite and rhyolite, respectively (data from Le Maitre, 1976); Ka, Gb, Chl, Sm, Pl, Ksp
– kaolinite, gibbsite, chlorite, smectite, plagioclase, K-feldspar (Nesbitt and Young,
1984). IWT – ideal weathering trend. (b) (A–K)–C–N plot (Fedo et al., 1997). An, By,
CIA = Al2 O3 /(Al2 O3 + CaO∗ + Na2 O + K2 O) × 100(molecularproportions);
La, Ad, Og, Ab – anorthite, bytownite, labradorite, andesine, oligoclase, and albite,
where CaO* represents the Ca content in the silicate fraction, excluding carbonate respectively. PIA is calculated from the equation:
PIA = [Al2 O3 − K2 O)/(Al2 O3 + CaO∗ + Na2 O)] × 100

samples spreading into the mixed source zone and trending

towards andesitic arc composition (Fig. 11c). 10
Comparison of lithotype REE averages in both terranes with Tsetserleg sst Weathering
averages for Palaeozoic basalt, andesite, and felsic volcanic rock Tsetserleg mst trend
(Condie, 1993) shows a very good match with the average felsic 8 Altanovoo sst
Altanovoo mst
volcanic rock (LaN /YbN 6.86; GdN /YbN 1.28, Eu/Eu* 0.65) (Fig. 12).
Gorkhi sst
Europium anomalies are often smaller than in the average felsic vol-
canic rock, with average Eu/Eu* values of 0.85 and 0.75 in Gorkhi 6
and Altanovoo sandstones, respectively, and 0.79, 0.78, and 0.71

in Erdenetsogt, Tsetserleg, and Jargalant equivalents. This suggests
presence of a variable mafic to intermediate component, or greater RHY
plagioclase content in the sandstones relative to the mudrocks.
Variable mixtures are also suggested by a GdN /YbN –Eu/Eu* plot
(McLennan, 1989). The Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg sediments plot 2
within a triangle formed by average basalt, andesite, and felsic vol-
canic rock (Fig. 13). Although the total ranges of both terranes are Depleted Mantle sources
similar, Eu anomalies in the Ulaanbaatar sediments are generally 0
smaller than in the Tsetserleg terrane, suggesting a slightly less 0.1 1 10 100
felsic source in the former, as also indicated by major element Th ppm
compositions (Fig. 10).
All geochemical provenance signatures discussed above point Fig. 8. Th–Th/U plot (McLennan et al., 1993). Stars: AND, RHY, PAAS: average
to derivation of both terranes from a source dominated by felsic andesite, rhyolite, and post-Archaean Australian shale, respectively. Arrow indicates
rocks, with a lesser intermediate or mafic component. typical weathering trend.
490 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493


Altanovoo sst
Altanovoo mst
Gorkhi sst



Fig. 9. UCC-normalized major and trace element abundances in Ulaanbaatar ter-

rane lithotype averages (this study) compared to the range of Tsetserleg terrane 1 10 100
lithotype averages (data from Purevjav and Roser, 2012). UCC normalizing values Zr/Sc
from Rudnick and Gao (2005). The major element values were normalized as wt%
oxide, and trace elements as ppm. Average Paleozoic felsic volcanic rock from Condie
5.4. Tectonic setting
The depositional setting of the Hangay–Hentey belt in which the
Ulaanbaatar terrane occurs has been a matter of debate. Sengör and
Natal’in (1996) proposed that the basin originated as an oceanic
gulf, developed from Neoproterozoic times, whereas Ruzhentsev
and Mossakovskiy (1996) suggested that it was a post-orogenic suc- 5
cessor basin. Zorin (1999), Martin-Gombojav and Winkler (2007),
Kelty et al. (2008), Orolmaa et al. (2008) and Bussien et al. (2011) DAC
all favoured an accretionary complex origin, and derivation from an AND LSA BAS
island arc system of some sort, or from an Andean continental mar-
gin (ACM) arc. Models for CAOB flysch basins range from island arc 0
with oceanic basement, through island arc with continental base- 0 20 40 60 80
ment, to typical continental margin arc (Kelty et al., 2008). Passive Ti/Zr
margin setting has also been proposed, as summarized by Natal’in 15
(2007), with the Hangay–Hentey basin floored by continental crust, Tsetserleg sst
(c) Oceanic Island
Tsetserleg mst
Altanovoo sst
Altanovoo mst
10 Gorkhi sst
10 Andesitic Arc

P3-Felsic P2-Intermediate Mixed


DA Felsic Mature sediments

0 5 10 15
F2 0 AN Hf ppm
P4- quartzose

Fig. 11. Immobile trace element provenance plots (a) Zr/Sc–Th/Sc (McLennan et al.,
1993). Stars: BAS, LSA, AND, DAC, and RHY are average basalt, low-silica andesite,
Altanovoo sst
-5 BA dacite, and rhyolite, as plotted by Roser and Korsch (1999); UCC (Rudnick and Gao,
Altanovoo mst
2005); (b) Ti/Zr–Ce/Sc; (c) Hf–La/Th (Floyd and Leveridge, 1987).
Gorkhi sst P1-Mafic
although this model has recently been dismissed (Kurihara et al.,
-10 -5 0 5 10
The tectonic setting of the Ulaanbaatar terrane was evalu-
ated using K2 O/Na2 O–SiO2 /Al2 O3 (Roser and Korsch, 1986) and
Fig. 10. Major element provenance discriminant plot (Roser and Korsch, 1988) La–Th–Sc relationships (Bhatia and Crook, 1986). The Ulaanbaatar
for the Ulaanbaatar sandstones and mudrocks compared to the Tsetserleg terrane terrane sediments lie within the A2 evolved arc setting on the
(Purevjav and Roser, 2012). Stars: BA, AN, DA, RD, RH – average basalt, andesite, former, and within the CIA (Continental Island Arc) field on the
dacite, rhyodacite and rhyolite (Le Maitre, 1976), as plotted by Roser and Korsch latter (Fig. 14). These categories are equivalent. On both figures
(1988). F1 = (−1.773*TiO2 ) + (0.607*Al2 O3 ) + (0.760*Fe2 O3 T) + (−1.500*MgO) +
the Ulaanbaatar data also lie within the distribution of samples
(0.616*CaO) + (0.509*Na2 O) + (−1.224*K2 O) + (−9.090); F2 = (0.445*TiO2 ) +(0.070*
Al2 O3 ) + (−0.250*Fe2 O3 ) + (−1.142*MgO) + (0.438*CaO) + (1.475*Na2 O) +(1.426*K2 O) from the Tsetserleg terrane (data from Purevjav and Roser, 2012).
+ (−6.861). Other tectonic discriminants (not illustrated) such as the Th–Sc–Zr
N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493 491

Altanovoo sst ACM

ppm/ppm chondrite 100 Altanovoo mst
Gorkhi sst

SiO2 /Al 2O3

Felsic volcanic PM

10 4
Tsetserleg sst
Tsetserleg mst
Altanovoo sst
Ulaanbaatar Altanovoo mst
A1 A2
Gorkhi sst
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Jargalant sst
ppm/ppm chondrite

100 Jargalant mst

Tsetserleg sst La
Tsetserleg mst Altanovoo sst
Erdenetsogt sst
Erdenetsogt mst (b) Altanovoo mst

Gorkhi sst
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Fig. 12. Average chondrite-normalized REE patterns for Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg
terrane sandstones and mudrocks compared to average Paleozoic basalt, andesite Tsetserleg
and felsic volcanic rock (Condie, 1993). terrane

plot of Bhatia and Crook (1986) and the Basicity Index-Al2 O3 /SiO2 Th Sc
scheme of Kumon and Kiminami (1994) yield similar results. On
the former the Ulaanbaatar terrane sediments are classified as CIA, Fig. 14. Tectonic setting discriminant diagrams (a) SiO2 /Al2 O3 –K2 O/Na2 O (Roser
whereas on the latter Basicity Index values of ∼0.05 to 0.10 yield and Korsch, 1986): A1, A2, ACM, PM – primitive arc, evolved arc, active continen-
tal margin and passive margin, respectively. (b) La–Th–Sc ternary plot (Bhatia and
EIA (evolved island arc; equivalent to CIA) classification. The Tset-
Crook, 1986). Stars PB, PA, PFV: Paleozoic basalt, andesite, and felsic volcanic rock,
serleg data itself overlaps with fields for sediments of similar age respectively (Condie, 1993); fields OIA, CIA, PM + ACM: Oceanic Island Arc, Conti-
in the Chinese Altai and East Junggar blocks (Long et al., 2012a, b; nental Island Arc and Passive Margin + Active Continental Margin.
Yang et al., 2012), as shown by Purevjav and Roser (2012). The geo-
chemical similarities between these four roughly coeval terranes modal data, Purevjav and Roser (2012) estimated the Tsetserleg ter-
emphasize the widespread development of subduction systems in rane was derived from a source consisting mainly of volcanic rocks
the CAOB in the Paleozoic. (∼55–75%), unroofed tonalite or granodiorite intrusions (∼20%),
The results clearly suggest that the Ulaanbaatar terrane and the and minor sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (<5%). This mix
adjacent Tsetserleg terrane were both deposited in an evolved CIA of lithologies is compatible with that which could be expected in
setting. The source of both terranes was dominated by felsic mate- partially dissected continental island arc.
rial, with variable intermediate or mafic components. Based on Kurihara et al. (2009) emphasized the structural and lithologi-
cal similarities between the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg terranes,
1.4 and their accretionary complex origin. Detrital zircon U/Pb age
Tsetserleg sst spectra of the two terranes are also alike, with minimal cratonic
Tsetserleg mst contribution (Kelty et al., 2008; Bussien et al., 2011). The combina-
1.2 Altanovoo sst tion of these features and the geochemical provenance signatures
Altanovoo mst observed here are compatible with a CIA setting. The geochemi-
Gorkhi sst
cal data presented here show the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg rocks

are also compositionally alike, suggesting that both terranes were

PB Eu/Eu*=0.85 derived from the same source arc. Although they could thus be
0.8 regarded as a single terrane, retention of the present terminology
AN is convenient from a geographic viewpoint.
Geochemical immaturity of the Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg sed-
0.6 iments and low weathering intensity suggests active uplift and
terrane erosion of the source. Small compositional contrasts between the
two, with slightly less felsic chemistry in the Ulaanbaatar suite,
0 1 2 3 4 could simply be due to varying proportions of intermediate and
felsic volcanic rocks in their sources, or to longitudinal location
Gd N /Yb N
within the arc system (e.g. Murihiku terrane, New Zealand; Roser
et al., 2002). The present day Aleutian arc is a possible modern ana-
Fig. 13. GdN /YbN –Eu/Eu* plot (McLennan, 1989) for Ulaanbaatar and Tsetserleg
terrane sandstones and mudrocks compared to average Paleozoic basalt (star PB), logue. The Aleutian arc becomes less evolved from the east, where it
andesite (PA) and felsic volcanic rock (FV) (Condie, 1993). comprises a partially dissected continental island arc, towards the
492 N. Purevjav, B. Roser / Chemie der Erde 73 (2013) 481–493

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