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Making a phone call

Hoello. Good morning. Is Albert there? This is Al. Al this is Bob. What are you doing? Bob I
am sleeping. What time is it? It`s 8 am. It`s time to rise and shine. 8 am oh no. I`ll be late for
work. No ,no, today`s Saturday. You do not have to work today.oh, Saturday. That`s right.
No work today. How it`s good. Hey are you free today? Oh today is Saturday . yeash, I`m
free. Would you like to do something together today? Oh that sounds good. What do you
want to do? I don`t know. What do you want to do? Well, I don`t know, either. Why don`t
you come to my house and we`ll thing of something. ok I will be there in about an hour. Ok
see you later.

Visiting a friend

Hello, who is this? It`s me, bob. Hey bob, come on in . I have been waiting for you. I`m still a
little bit sleepy. I haven`t had my coffee yet. I understand. Do you want something to drink?
Do you have any fresh squeezed orange juice? No I`m out of orange juice. Would you like
some grape juice? grape juice? That would be great. Oh, sorry. Out of grape juice, too. That`s
too bad. Have you had breakfast yet? No have you? No I haven`t. Are you hungry? Yes, I am
. let`s go out and get something to eat. Ok that sounds good. My aunt has a breakfast shop
near here. Great . let`s go there.

Greeting and introduction

Hi, Al how are you? I`m fine. Thank you. And you? I`m doing good. Who`s your friend?
This is bob. We went to school together. Bob, this is Wanita. Hi nice to meet you wanita.
You have a beautiful smile. Thank you. You`re not that handsome. But you look OK. Wow
thank. Wanita, is my aunt here? No she isn`t. she should be in around ten. Here`s the menu.
Can I get you anything to drink? I have coffee, please. Ok would you like sugar and milk? I
like my coffee black. Ok one black coffee. I have fresh squeezed orange juice, please. We
don`t have any orange juice. I will be right back.

Breakfast recommendation

What do you like to eat for breakfast? I like a large breakfast. A large lunch makes me
sleepy. Anyway , what do you recommend for breakfast? The pancakes are good. Pencakes.
Delicious. What else? Do you like eggs? Oh you could have some scrambled eggs with toast?
Or a sunny side-up egg? Yummy. Omelet, I love omelet. Cheese omelet, vegetable omelet.
Uhm, mixed fruit. Mixed fruit with yogurt makes a good breakfast. That`s right. And fruit has
many vitamins, too. What else? You can have a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin. Muffin
and a cup of coffee. Sound good. So do you know what you want to get? Yes I do. And
thank you for your recommendations. You`re welcome. So what will you get? A hamburger.
Yes and ice cream.

Ordering food

Here is your coffee, Al. and here your water. Thank you . you guys have already ordered?
What do you like to have for breakfast? I usually like to have an omelet. That sounds good. I
will have a cheese omelet. One omelet do you have pancakes? Yes how many would you
like? Three, plsase. And bacon. Tree pancakes and bacon. Would you like toast? Toast?
Uhm, toast sounds goods, yes , tree pieces of toast. Would you like anything else? Do you
have any fresh fruit? Yes today we have fruit salad. Ok fruit salad and that`s all. Fruit salad.
How about you bob? What would you like to eat? Hm hm. I`d like hamburger and ice-cream.
Excuse me? I would like hamburger and ice-cream, plsase. Ok one hamburger. What kind of
ice-cream do you want? What kind of ice cream do you have? let`s see. We have chocolate,
vanilla and strawberry.

Check please

That was a good breakfast. Yes, it was. Are you full? I`m very full. You ate a lot. I was so
hungry. I could have eaten a horse. Good things we didn`t go to the race track. That reminds
me. What are we doing today? Let`s go see a movie. Let`s pay the bill first. Then we will go
see a movie. Ok we will see a movie. Wanita check please. Ok just a moment. Would you
guys like to pay together or separate?ដាច់ដដាយឡែក oh my god. I forgot my money. That`s ok.

I have enough. Together plsase. Ok the total for your breakfast is $10.30. my aunt usually
gives me a 50% discount. Oh i`m sorry. I forgot. That would be $5.15. here $7. You can keep
the change. Really? Keep the change? Yes it`s the tip for you. Yes, thanks, Al, I`ll pay you
back when we get to an ATM. Don`t worry. Just breakfast. I`ll get lunch. Are you sure? I eat
a lot. I forgot about that.

Meeting a friend

Bob, isn`t that Michelle? Michelle? Who? Michelle Laven, we went to school together. Here
she comes. Hi hey, michelle. Hi how I help you? It`s me , Al. we went to school together.
Right, Al, right and …. Oh my god , Bob. I haven`t seen you in years. How are you? I`m fine.
And you? Oh I miss you so much. Wow. I thought I wouldn`t see you again. Some surprise.
Oh you bet, how`s your life? Are you married? No i`m married yet. So, you`re single then.
Free and single. How about you? Are you working? Yes, I have a shop at the mall. Really?
What do you sell? Well, it`s mobile phone shop. So I sell mobile phones and accessories at
the mall. Hey, bob and I are going to see a movie at the mall today. Interesting anyway… and
Bob is gonna buy a phone today. Really? Well, you can come to my shop. What`s your shop
called? It`s called ring me. I know that shop. Where is it? It`s on the third floor at the mall.
Well, I`m sorry but I have to go now. I hope to see you later Bobby. I hope to see you, too.

How is your car?

Hey, Al where is your car? I took it to the repair shop. oh, did you have an accident? No , I
left it with the mechanic for a tune-up. When will it be ready? The mechanic said it`d be
ready on Monday. That`s such a long time. Yeah it is a long time. Are you planning going on
trip? No , I just take it to the mechanic every 3000 kilometers, though. What do you do that?
It`s very old. It needs a lot of care. How old is your car? It`s a 1975 model. That`s not sold.
My grandmother was born in 1912. Well, I guess, compared to your grandmother, my car
isn`t that old. Hey wait a minute. How are we going to get the movie? Well, we can walk or
go by train. It`s up to you. The shopping mall is much too far. In that case, we will go by

About the train

So Bob, do you take the train often? Yes Al . Almost every day. Almost every day? That`s a
lot. Well I enjoy the train. It`s very convenientងាយស្រួល. I see. And it`s the fastest way to
travel across town. Are there many people on the train during the rush ប្រញារ់ hour? Well ,
there are many people in the morning before work. And there are many people in the evening
after work. What about other times? At other times? No so many people. And there is never a
traffic jam? On a train? There`s never any traffic jam. Oh that`s good. It`s the fastest way to
travel. yeah you know. I think it`s faster than driving a car. And the train is not very
expensive. Hey Bob, look at that sign. the University? Uh oh, we`re waiting the wrong train.
We are on the wrong platform, teacher? Yes we are on the wrong platform. So, now what do
we do?well we can take a taxi. Taxi is good. Let`s Take a taxi. And we won`t waste our time
waiting for the wrong train. យយើងនឹងមិនខ្ជះខ្ជជយយេលយវលារររ់យយើងក្នុងការរង់ ចាំរថយ្លើងខ្ុ រយេ។

Apair of shoes

Hi. Oh those shoes are lovely. Can I see them? Which one do you like? That Actare looks
really cool.the black ones.the black ones. They quite lovely, improted from ltaly. I have been
to ltaly. How much are they? These shoes are $80. $80 That`s so expensive. Not so
expensive. Only $40 for one shoe. Do you have another pair of black shoes?this pair is only
$20.why are these shoes so much cheaper?because they are made here. Made here? What
about the quality? The quality is very good. These shoes shoes will last a long time. How
about %15 for the pair? Oh I`m sorry. Not enough.$18. I will give you $16. Ok. For you
special price, $16. Would you like a bag?no, thanks anyway. I will wear them.

Buying a phone

Hey , Al Are they new shoes? Yes they are. Thank you for noticing. Al`s got a new pair of
shoes. And i`m going to get a new mobile phone today. Well, you`ve come to the right palce.
Have you ever had a mobile phone before? No, this will be my first phone. Don`t worry. It`s
easy. May I ask? Why do want a phone? Because Al won`t let me borrow his anymore.
That`s a good reason. Why else? Well everybody else seems to have a mobile phone. Maybe
I should have one, too. That`s another good reason. So what features would you lke?a loud
ring tone like. Bob, Take it easy. And it should vibrate. I reconmmend this one. This
one.great. thanks. I`ll take it. Hey Al do you like my new phone? Al, is something wrong?

Directions to the toilet

No I`m ok. Do you have a toilet here? Oh, no i`m so sorry. There is no toilet in this shop. Ok.
Where is a toilet? There`s a public toilet close to here. Oh, it`s really hard to find it if you
don`t know where it is. Hurry, please. Ok . go out the door, and take a left.out the door and
left. And then? And then walk 50 meters until you see a pet apet fish shop. Ok , Pet shop and
then? And then you see a staircase there, go down the stairs. Ok up the stairs and then? No,
not the stairs, down the stairs. Ok. Down the stairs and then? And then you will see a
waterfall. Ok rigth at the waterfall and then? And the toilet is there. Thanks you. So out the
door and right or left? Maybe I should draw you a map. Never mond. I will find the toilet
myself. Hey, good luck. Call me if you get lost.

Make an appointment for later

That was not easy but I finally found the toilet. Are you ready to go Bob? Do you want to
invite Michelle? Hey Michelle. Would you like to go see a movie with us? Wow . that sounds
like fun. When will you go? We will be going in about another 10 minutes. 10 minutes? Oh
that is too soon. I have to wait for the staff to arrive. When will the staff arrive? About an
hour . please go on without me.oh, no,no. we can go on without me.what about after
movie? Will you be free then, michelle? Well, i`m supposed to meet a friend in about 2
hours. And then i`m just going home. Oh so you`re busy then. Well why don`t you stop here
after the movie and tell me how it was? Yeah. That will be great. Ok. We will see you here
after the movie in about 2 hours. Ok?

Choosing movie

Wow, this sure is a big theatre. Yeah, they have 10 movie screens. Do you want to see evey
movie? I don`t think so. I think one movie is enough. What`s this about? I`m a lady, too.oh
that`s a foreign film. It`s about a transsexual volleyball team. I have seen it. Well, how about
‘ the trek’? have you even ‘ the trek’? not yet. It`s an action movie. Yeah, I want to see that,
too. Oh, but it`s not out yet. Oh, yeah, coming soon. Have you seen” Our two hearts”? what`s
that about? Oh it`s a love story about a men and woman and they…..Enough. if it`s a love
story, I don`t want to watch it.why not? They`re so sad and romantic. That`s rigth. And the
last time we watched a love story you cried. I remember that. That was such a good story.
Let`s watch a comedy. Ok I like to laugh. How about’ fool school’? i`ve read about that in the
newspaper. It`s supposed to be very funny. But we`d better hurry. It starts in 10 minutes.
Perfect. Just enough time to get tickets and go to the snack bar.

What coincidenceចៃដនយ

Hey. Michelle. We`re back. Hi men. Hi Michelle. I forgot my phone. I know. I kept it for
you. Did you like the movie? Yes, it was really funny. I laughed a lot. What movie was it? It
was called ‘ fool school’ it`s a very nice theater upstairs. Yeah, it`s really comfortable. And
Al ate a lot. The food there was really good. Oh excuse me. Hello, sure. See you soon. That
was my friend. She`s coming soon. Where is she now? Upstairs? We were just upstairs. The
theater is upstairs. You know, I can not wait to go back and visit that snack bar there. Here`s
my friend. You know each other. I`ve known Wanita for a long time. And I met Wanita just
today. You are kidding. Wanita is my roommate. Yes, we`re roommates. What a coincidence.
Yes that`s quite a coincidence. Hey we should all go out sometime. It could be fun. It sounds
like a great idea. Why don`t we have dinner or something? Sound great. Sorry , not tonight.
I`m too tired. How about later in the week? Perfect.

Making a date
Hi Michelle. This is Al. hi Al how are you? Fine, thank you. I`m calling to see if you and
Wanita are free this Thursday. Why? What`s happening this Thursday? If you and Wanita are
free, I would like to invite you to dinner. Oh dinner? This Thursday? Uhm, well, i`m not free
but Wanita is. Oh , that`s too bad. I`m sure Bob will be sorry to hear that. Oh, Bob will be
there, too. Yes, of course. Ok. Let me check my schedule one more time. Ok. Hey, guess
what? I`m free that evening. Superb. And how about Wanita? Let me ask her. Yes she seems
to be free, too. Great. Can we meet at 7pm? Yes. Where shall we meet? How about KFC? I`m
just joking . actually, i`m making reservation at the Slteaux Demy. Isn`t that an expensive
French restaurant? Yes but I have a coupon. Eat four, pay two. So can we meet there at 7am?
7pm this Thursday. We will be there.

Going to the shop

Michelle, i`m going to the corner store. Do you want anything? Wait. Where are you going?
The corner store. You know, Seven Eleven. Do you want anything? Yeah. I would like a loaf
of bread. A loaf of bread. Ok . i`ll be right back. But there`s something else. Aloaf of bread
and something else? I`m thinking. I know, a roll of tissue. Right. I`m so glad that you said
that we`re out of tissue. Ok . I`ll be right back. Can you check whether they have today`s
newspaper? I think by now they`re probably out of today papers. Well. If they have it, great.
If they don`t, forget about it. Ok I`ll be back. I just remember something. Can you get me
some toothpaste? Some toothpaste? Yes . mint flavor. Ok I`ll be back. And a large box of
laundry soap. Do you have a pen? Here we go. I`d better right this down. Ok well bread.


I have bad news. Bad news. What is it? I cannot go to the dinner tomorrow. Can`t go to the
dinner/ why not? I forgot. I have a dentist appointment. Oh. That`s no problem, just cancel it.
I can`t . sure you can. It`s easy, just call the dentist office and cancel it. Not you don`t
understand. He is a popular dentist. It will take me another month just to make another
appointment. Well, why are you going to the dentist? Are you in pain? No I have to have a
cavity filled. Not so a problem. I can fill it for you right here. That`s alright. I was just really
excited about going to the dinner with Al. I know. I feel terrible. That`s ok. Are you free on
Friday? Yeah in the evening. Me too. Maybe we can move the date to Friday. good idea. I`ll
call Al and see if we can postpone until Friday.

Passing a Message

Oh hey, Wanita. How are you this evening? Not so good, sorry to say. Oh really? What`s
wrong? Are you ok? Well, i`m fine . but I was calling to see if we can postpone our date. You
want to postpone our date? Yeah…see. Michelle has a dental appointment and she can`t
cancel it. I see but it doesn`t sound important. It`s rather important. So, when do you to
postpone our date to? Is Friday ok? This Friday? The day after tomorrow? Yes. Is that ok?
I`m so happy. I thought you`re going to postpone it longer. No way. I`ve really been looking
forward to going out to dinner with you and Bob. I know she`s been looking forward to it
,too. Can you please tell Beb if you see him? Yes, sure. I`ll tell Bob that we postponed dinner
until Friday. We postpone dinner until Friday.
Make reservation

I`m glad they called. Because you like Michelle? Well, yes… but I forgot to make
reservation. Woops I`ll call to make a reservation now. Hello, I would like to make a
reservation, please. Yes, sir. For what day? Friday. Friday , yes sir. How many people in your
party? Four people, two men and two women. Very good for you sir. What time would you
like the reservation for? We will arrive at 7 pm. I`m afraid I do not have anything available
for 7pm sir. I do have a table available for 7.30 pm. 7.30. that would be great. Would you
prefer smoking or non smoking? your name please, sir? Felfar. Albert. You will have a
reservation for four, 7.30, this Friday, non-smoking.

At the restaurant

This is a nice restaurant.yes thak you for inviting us. I hear the food is delicious. This is the
nicest restaurant i`ve ever been to in my life. Bob, do you have your gift ready? Yes, Al I do.
Michelle, Wanita. Bob and I have gift for you. Oh. You shouldn`t have. Well we decided
flowers are too boring and chocolate will make you fat. So we put our heads together to come
up with some really exciting gifts. You guys are so kind. Yes, you two are so very thoughtful.
Bob would you like to go first? Yes, Al. and don`t mind if I do. Wanita, this is for you. A
gold fish? No, not a gold fish. It`s an Oscar fish. When it gets bigger, it eats the gold fish.
That`s disgusting. Wow, that`s cool. Now, for you Michelle. What is this? Some sort of
dartboard? Al, you`re so handsome in your picture. So, what do you think? Do you like the
gifts? Well, I really like the fish, Wanita. I really like your picture, Michelle.

Making a Toast

The dinner was delicious. And the company was excellent. I`m glad you like your picture,
Wanita. Yes I like it. I really do. Thank you. I like my fish. I can`t wait to food it. So do you
have a name for it yet? No not yet. But I will think of one soon. Isn`t like funny? Yes,
especially the way you like Michlle but I like you. And michelle like me but like you. It
makes me dizzy just thinkg about it. Wait, i`m confused. I don`t know whether I like Al or
Bob. I think I like Al. so such a nice dinner. Next time, Michelle and I will get for you. And
don`t forget that it`s ok to trade for each other. Well I had such a nice time this evening. I
have to thank you all for a wonderful time. Let`s make a toast. To everybody liking
everybody else.

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