ISA Action Plan

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“ISA Action Plan.


ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 1

Name of school BHAKKAR

Darya Khan, Bhakkar, Pakistan.

Location of school

Contact details

Your name

Head Teacher, Principal, International Coordinator

Your role

School address Darya Khan Sugar Mills.

Email address

Phone number

List of Activities

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 2

Activity No.1
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
3 Weeks.
(The start date begins from planning time
1st Nov to 30 Nov
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Art & design, Geography, English Urdu citizenship,
(please list the subjects that are covered
Language, Social Study, History
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Sustainable cities and Communities
(please explain how the activity is linked Life on Land
with one or more SDGs) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
Explore My Town:
This activity is basically concerned with young people Build-up collaboration with the partner school by getting acknowledged
about the identity and belongings of each other. Sharing ideas about

Aims and Objectives:

 The aim of this activity is to explore our town internationally.
 Furthermore introduction of infrastructure and geographical internationally.
 Flora And fauna are introduced (teeter, camel, talair etc)
 Our students will understand the native language
 Awareness of history of town.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: introduce our town through Orally Presentation and charts.

Activity 2: Visit to town.(Historical Places, Geographical and Famous Places , Christian Colony ,shrine)
 Visit the historical places with students.
Activity 3: Famous Dishes Of our Town.
 One special day for cooking and baking with the participation of our active students.(display and
preparation of Saag, and Baajra Roti)
Activity 4: Celebrations (weddings) Role Play
 Students will perform the activity on wedding ceremony.
Activity 5: Presentation through Clay Models
 Students will present clay models of our town
Activity 6: live and work together

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 3

Students, teachers, whole school and all visitors will enjoy a lot and get awareness about culture of our Town. As discussed
with partner school, they will share different foods of Pakistan with many new things In short it will remain very interesting
and we will be able to share with other countries as well.

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?

(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
1. A Questioner will be circulated among the students.
2.For further evaluation quiz competition will be held among the students
3.Furthermore Labelling techniques will be implemented

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 4

Activity No.2
Humanity, the symbol of Peace and Harmony:
Activity Title
(Peace And Harmony)
Time line
(start date – end date) 1st Dec – 31st Dec.
(The start date begins from planning time 3 Weeks.
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Geography, English Urdu citizenship, Language, Social
(please list the subjects that are covered
Study, History.
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Peace, Harmony and strong Institution.
(please explain how the activity is linked Sustainable cities and Communities
with one or more SDGs) Gender Equality
Reduce Inequalities
No Poverty.

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
This activity is basically is concerned with young people Build-up collaboration with the partner school by getting
acknowledged about the humanity and importance of Peace in daily life.

Aims and Objectives:

 Students will able to understand the importance of Peace in society.
 A sense of responsibility develops in them.
 They will understand how to stand up against cruelty and injustice
 Will able to present a positive and effective impact on the partner country as well.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: Students will perform an activity regarding about “Helping Others” and share this with partner school
Activity 2: Students will make charts, brainstorming about humanity and good deeds shared with partner school
Activity 3: Our Prophet (S.A.W) a symbol of Peace and harmony, present His brief personality traits.

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)
Students will get to learn about the importance of moral values and peace. Concluding the learning that knowing of your
rights and responsibilities is the main trait of being a true citizen. Acknowledging the partner of one’s national responsibility
and getting to know their rights.

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 5

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?
(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
. A Questioner will be circulated among the students.
2.For further evaluation quiz competition will be held among the students
3.Furthermore Labelling techniques will be implemented

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 6

Activity No.3
Environmental Compiegne:
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
1st Jan – 15th Jan
(The start date begins from planning time
3 Weeks.
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Geography, Science, English, Urdu, citizenship, Social
(please list the subjects that are covered
Study, History, Sociology.
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Good Health And Well Being.
(please explain how the activity is linked Clean Water And Sanitation.
with one or more SDGs) Climate Action
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
Environmental Compiegne:

Aims and Objectives:

The aim of this activity to brief about the importance and significance of Environment.
 Create awareness in our community about environmental pollution, effect of pollution and
minimizing pollution through seminars banners and mutual discussion.
 Aware the students about the pollutants and their effects on environment.
 To protect the global natural resources.
 Students will learn the effects of Human activities on environment.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: Presentation and charts
 The teachers will brief the students about enjoinment and then students will make charts and share this
with partner school.
Activity 2: Making Of Banners and Hanging in school. So the students will be well aware about this compeign.And
shared the picture with partner school.

Activity 3: Awareness walk will be held with banners to aware the peoples of our area about pollutants and their
effects on environment

Activity 4:Conservation of Resources

 Students will perform an activity regarding about how the solid waste will be manage with use of
3R(Reuse, Reduce and recycling) Strategy and share it with partner school.

This activity is basically is concerned with young people

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 7

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)
Students will learn how to save environment and resources. They will become responsible students and citizens. . Global
Citizenship theme Sustainable living will be followed and students will demonstrate their skills using creativity and Think-Pair-
Share activity. It will motivate students to educate and persuade them parents and other elderly to contribute positively towards
environment by everybody doing his own small bit to make a big change.

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?

(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
1. A Questioner will be circulated among the students.
2.For further evaluation quiz competition will be held among the students
3. Furthermore wit using the true falls technique we will evaluate how much students learn through this activity.

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 8

Activity No.4
Sugar Lifecycle:
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
(The start date begins from planning time
16th Jan- 30th Jan
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Art & design, Geography, English Urdu citizenship,
(please list the subjects that are covered
Language, Social Study, History, ICT and Enginering.
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Decent work and economic growth.
(please explain how the activity is linked Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
with one or more SDGs) Responsible Consumption and Production

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
Sugar Lifecycle:
This activity is basically is concerned with young people and Students will examine the process of sugar making and they will
understand the process thoroughly and knowing about the working of industrial sector.

Aims and Objectives:

 Students will know about the introduction of infrastructure of sugar mills.
 Not only students rather all staff members of each category will be benefitted through this project.
 Share this activity with partner school so that we are unable to explain the procedure of sugar making in
our area.
 Students will be well aware about how machines work and keenly observed about the industry workers
 Will introduced the different departments work in an industry.

Activity 1: Students and staff will be Visit the Sugar Mills nearby of our school. And share this to partner school for
collaboration of our national industry.
Activity 2: Students will make a pictorial Story scrap book regarding about the sugar mills and sugar lifecycle and
share it with partner school
Activity 3: A brief presentation will be present in assembly about the sugar life cycle through charts making.

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 9

The students will feel proud and confident by sharing their work and talent with another school. They will be guided in an
informative way for enhanced knowledge and information. Students will able to know about how sugar is made by using
machines. Furthermore they are able to understand sugar is not only made with sugar as well as sugar beets .They’ll also
develop skills of ICT, collaboration and research.

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?

(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
1. A Questioner will be circulated among the students.
2.For further evaluation quiz competition will be held among the students
3. Furthermore with using the column Matching technique will evaluate how much students learn through this activity.

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 10

Activity No.5
Maths Everywhere in Life:
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
(The start date begins from planning time 1st Feb – 28th Feb
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Geography, citizenship, Language, Social Study, Math
(please list the subjects that are covered
and Engineering.
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Quality Education
(please explain how the activity is linked Decent work and Economic Growth
with one or more SDGs)

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
Maths Everywhere in Life :
This activity is basically is concerned with young people

Aims and Objectives:

 To enhance their knowledge about different areas of math practically.
 To give them knowledge about math appliacations in our daily life.
 To make them understand the importance of math in daily life.
 Detailed discussion on the partner school’s methodology of math.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: an activity “Figure me out” in groups performed by students and a worksheet share with partner school
to figure out the 4 student’s different areas of interest.
Activity 2: shapes around us, students will find out the shapes around them and make a scrapbook about it and
present it in front of partner school
Activity 3: students and teachers explain the Math indicators through charts making, worksheet and booklet and
will give a brief presentation in their class about (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division fraction)
Activity 4: Cup cake sums, students of 2 and 3 class will perform an activity about the concept of Sum and share it
with partner school

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)

No doubt this activity will leave an everlasting impact on the students. It will be a motivation for others as the students will
show curiosity to avail such an opportunity with partner school.
They could be to understand the concepts well and teaching/learning process will enhance
This activity will enhance he students learning, thinking power and develop a keen observation of surrounding.
In short it will remain very interesting and we will be able to share with other countries as well

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 11

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?
(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
1. A Quiz competition will be held among the students.
2.For further evaluation students regarding the Math’s signs and problems will be resolved by the students
3. Furthermore with using the Labelling technique will evaluate how much students learn through this activity.

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 12

Activity No.6
Communication for Collaboration the vocabulary:
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
(The start date begins from planning time 1st Mar – 31st Mar
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Art & design, Geography, English, Urdu citizenship,
(please list the subjects that are covered
Language, Social Study and History.
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Quality Education
(please explain how the activity is linked Partnership for Goals
with one or more SDGs) Life On land.

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)
Communication for Collaboration of Vocabulary:

Aims and Objectives:

 Aim is to bring students on global forum by providing awareness about other languages
 Students will be able to learn the partner school language and teach the partner school through making
flash cards and written presentation.
 It will be tried to focus some famous languages.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: students write 5 sentences on Whiteboard in their native language and Presentation to partner school.
Activity 2: furthermore Students Will play a role through gestures and try to communicate and pass their message
through gestures and take feedback from partner school if they will understand the message.
Activity 3: Students will make flash cards of different objects and write their name on its back use of their national
language. And will tell the partner school to share the names of these objects in their native language.

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)

Students learn the partner school Language and introduce their native language internationally, it will be a beneficial for
students to enhance the knowledge through exchanged and students will contribute in global race,

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?

(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 13

1. Evaluate the students by conduct a quiz competition among the 2 groups of students.
2. Matching column (1st column consist picture and 2nd column consist the partner school language)

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 14

Activity No.7
Safety And First Aid:
Activity Title
Time line
(start date – end date)
(The start date begins from planning time 1st Apr- 30th Apr
and end date is when activity is expected to
be completed)

Subjects covered
Art & design, Geography, English, Citizenship,
(please list the subjects that are covered
Language, Social Study, ,science
directly and indirectly)

Partner schools
(please list the names of partner school that Not Yet
you plan to work with for this activity)

Classes involved 2- 8th

(please give number of students involved in Number of Students will be involve in this Activity:
this activity from different classes) (36+39+26+11+32+49+37=230)
77 Boys and 153 Girls
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Good Health And Well Being.
(please explain how the activity is linked Quality Education
with one or more SDGs) Life on Land

Describe the activity in more detail? Please list complete plan for this activity (aims, objectives,
how the activity will be performed).
(Please include a minimum of three sub activities)

Safety And First Aid:

This activity is basically concerned with young people Build-up collaboration with the partner school by getting acknowledged
about the safety and first aid.

Aims and Objectives:

 Know about the safety measures.
 Learn how to tackle the situation if there will be an accident.
 Students are able to rescue someone if injured.

Steps (To perform activity):

Activity 1: Students and Teachers will Visit a nearby Hospital for learning how to give first aid and share these
information to partner school for exchanging ideas about safety measurement in our country
Activity 2: Students will perform an activity regarding about how you make assure of your safety when you are on
road and present role play
Activity 3: A visit conduct of 1122 for students to learn about the safety measures and the 1122 workers will
teach the students how to use the first aid methodology.

What impact will this activity have on your students, teachers and the whole school?
(Please link the activity impact with the learning outcomes for the subject that is directly involved)

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 15

Students will have very good impact of such activity and at least they will understand how to tackle an accidental situation.
Students will conscious about their Health and safety as well. Students will also advise the person who is responsible of
accident to apply the safety measures for prevention of accidents.

How do you plan to evaluate the impact of this activity on students?

(Each activity should be evaluated using a tool for example; MCQs, Questionnaire, Quiz, Fill in the
blanks, column matching, labelling etc.)
1. Evaluate the students by conduct a quiz competition among the 2 groups of students.
2. A questionnaire prepared for evaluate the students learning

ISA Action Plan – Full Award 2018-2019 16

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