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Westmead International School

College of Engineering


1.1 The Project

New technologies are being invented and energy demand is increasing. Growth of population has
always been and will remain one of the major causes of vast increase in energy demand. Science
is therefore looking for new major and minor energy resources to keep world in progress. Most of
the growth in global electricity consumption occurred in Asia (almost 80%, with China accounting
for nearly 60%). Electricity demand in China accelerated against steady economic growth and
industrial demand. Demand also increased in India, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia. Electricity
consumption in the United States, which dipped by 1% in 2017, recovered in 2018 (+2.2%). Most of
this increase came from the residential sector (+6.2%), mainly due to an increased electricity
consumption for appliances. A theoretical research is introduced in this paper which will contribute
its reasonable share in the field of renewable and green energy sector.

There are lots potential energy sources in our world that can be used for everyday lives. One of
these is the renewable energy, the energy that can be found almost everywhere. This type of
energy is being worked for the reduction of carbon emission produced by conventional energy
production using fossil fuels. Under this type of energy, waste kinetic energy also has potential
maybe not to replace the conventional energy production but can reduce it by widely using this
type of energy conversion.

Waste kinetic energy is the energy we lost in mechanical systems like automotive. This energy is
overlooked but has capability to cover some of the electricity consumption of the facility.

The designers pursued the utilization of kinetic energy that is produced by humans in fitness gym.
There are basically two types of equipment in the fitness center. They are free weights and
machines. Free weights are the most basic form of body building equipment. The reason they are
called “free weights” is because there are no attached pulleys, cables, pins, or weight stacks. They
consist of barbells, dumbbells and weight plates. The wide variety of exercises are performed in
the machines. Some machines are designed to work individual muscles, while other machines
consist of a multi-station that works the whole body. Most of the gyms have different machines for
each muscle group. Machines are generally easier to use and safer than free weights.

In this project the proponents designed the modifications of the machines that will make it produce
electrical energy. Specifically, the Lat Pulldown, Stationary Bike, and Treadmill. The kinetic
energy is converted to electrical energy and used as alternative source for electricity consumption
of the facility. Design modifications and improvements for better energy utilization and conversion

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

are included. The functional life of the system is also designed to meet the purpose and economic
factor of using the technology.

1.2 Project Objectives

The intention of this project is to design and produce a renewable energy source from exercise
equipment. Also, people who have a heart in keeping down environmental impacts and those who
want to preserve the environment will use this type of electrical energy generation thereby reducing
the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. Specifically, this aims to:

1. Design a mechanical system that will utilize the waste kinetic energy on gym equipment
2. Identify all the required materials.
3. Determine the most economical sizes.
4. Determine the detailed estimate of the modifications of the machines; labor and material

1.3 The Client

The perspective clients of this project are the fitness gym owners. With this power producing
equipment, wasted kinetic energy will help to lessen the energy consumption of the building.

1.4 Project Scope and Delimitations

The study focuses mainly on the design modification of gym equipment that can produce electricity
for facility lighting. The design necessities including the material specifications and dimensions
were methodically considered prior to final design of modification. The system components, cost
and availability of the materials were also considered.

The project is limited to the mechanical factors of the project from mechanical energy exerted by
human unto to the power conversion.

1.5 Project Development

Conceptual framework sets the stage for the presentation of the research question that drives the
investigation being reported based on the problem statement according to McGaghie (2001). The
problem statement of a thesis presents the context and the issues that caused the researcher to
conduct the study. In other words, the conceptual framework is the researcher’s understanding of
how the particular variables in his study connect with each other. Thus, it identifies the variables
required in the research investigation. It is the researcher’s map in pursuing the investigation.
Common gym equipment energy harvesting technology fall into the cardio type wherein, there is

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

already rotational motion that can be converted to electricity. On the other hand, there are different
types of gym equipment that can be the basis of the energy harvesting technology.

The proponents focus on harvesting energy from gym equipment that can be found to gym
facilities. Specifically, Lat pulldown machine, Stationary bike and Tread mill, knowing the challenge
of converting the linear motion to rotational before converting to useful energy. Mainly, the energy
that will be produced will be the alternative for facility lighting.

In this design project, the input is made of mechanical engineering learning and practice, and
hardware essentials. The principles and related studies are also very crucial to the design. Many
subjects that will be used for the projects were reviewed for the calculation and decisions.
Hardware components include materials. It is necessary to determine the appropriate and
operative parts to produce the final output. Inputs were attentively studied and analysed for the
design of Gym Equipment for power generation.

o DC Motor
o Battery
o Shaft
o Belt and Pulley

Figure 1-1: Research Paradigm

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Figure 1-1 presents the input and necessary knowledge applied in the design of the project. The
process also describes the step by step action performed to come up with Design of Electric
Generating Gym Equipment.

Figure 1-2: Process Flow Diagram

Figure 1-2 shows the process flow of the design project. The design begins with the idea then next
is the gathering of information needed. With the help collected related studies and journals with, its
feasibility is verified. Then, the document is prepared prior to the information gathered.

After the accumulation of data, the conceptualization is subsequent step. Out of the concepts
produced, the finest is solution is then applied to the project enable to start the design and
calculation proper. Then, the design and calculation is performed. After, the document is finalized.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


2.1 Literature Review

The design process is a process and/or overview of concurrently occurring phases. Previous
studies are need to be reviewed and analyzed in order to have a clear pattern of the process from
making calculations into creating the design.

According to Bidwai, Jaykar, and Shinde (2017), a person can get calories from food they eat and
can prevent it by performing daily life activities, however the excess calories, unbalanced diet and
extra fats make them unhealthy. Gymnasiums are the place where different types of equipments
are available to perform exercises like running, weight lifting, and muscles building in order to burn
the excess calories and fats. There are specified machines to perform exercise of a particular
portion of human body. In example, cable preacher curl, close grip bar curl, barbell curl, and
dumbbells lifting are some exercises for biceps. Chest exercises include barbell bench press, flat
bench dumbbell press, low inclined barbell bench press, seated machine bench press, etc. As the
demand of energy is increasing day by day, it is necessary to develop new methods and
techniques to produce energy within a small area which may be a gymnasium or home. Most of
cardiovascular machines in gymnasiums are made of cables and pulleys and these machines are
the main focus of this research, because these machines can contribute in harvesting energy.
During exercise, persons apply force on machines and exert energy to do work. The utilized energy
may be converted in other form of energy, example in the form of electrical energy. It is possible to
construct gymnasium machines that can convert and store energy exerted by the users into
electrical energy throughout the exercise.

A human being with an average athletic ability has been seen to be able to produce 100-1500
watts of energy, which can charge a battery of 50mA current and power a small electronic device,
such as phone (Yildiz and Fahmy, 2009).

As stated by Kumar and Mundada (2017), the stronger the human power, the more electrical
power which can be generated. The power output of the generator unit was directly proportional to
the effort placed into it, but the output power of energy harvesting circuit was a fixed voltage to
avoid damaging the storage device.

2.1.1 Lat Pulldown Machine

Lat pull down machine may be connected with a generator by 2 methods, according to Musharraf

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Method 1: The shaft of generator will be attached with the axle of pulley. This combination will give
result of transformation of torque from pulley to the armature of the generator. Rotation of armature
will produce electrical energy. The electrical voltage and current will be the alternating as the
direction of rotation of pulley will change in clock wise and anti-clock wise direction. A rectifier will
be necessary in order to charge the D.C batteries.

Method 2: The second way of installing the generator will be, the generator will be placed in the
basement of machine. When the cable is pulled downward the armature of generator will rotate
and electrical power will be produced through the generator.

In Mohurle, Deshmukh and Patil (2016) design of Lat Pull Down machine, pulley is directly
connected to mechanical arrangement which consists of chain and sprocket, freewheel, flywheel.
This mechanical arrangement is directly connected to shaft which is connected to the rotor of the
generator. This rotor contains a magnet which when turned produce rotating magnetic field (emf)
which in turn produces electromotive force. The rotor is surrounded by stator which is nothing only
a stationary case, which contains the wound copper coils or windings. When the moving magnetic
field passes through these wound copper coil or windings, they generate electricity.

Based on Muthu Subash and Pathiban (2016) research design of a lat pull down machine, they
analyze the machine structure for the applied load. For the stability of the structure they chose to
used A36 mild steel. It is used to support all the part of the machine and to stabilize the overall
weight of the machine. ASTM A36 is the most commonly used mild and hot-rolled steel. It has
excellent welding properties and is suitable for grinding, punching, tapping, drilling and machining
processes. It has the maximum deflection of 0.450893mm. For the hand rod, they used a solid bar
made up of alloy steel with the maximum deflection of 0.02355mm.

2.1.2 Tread Mill

Treadmills came into two basic varieties—motorized and non-motorized. Your workout will be
different depending on your choice. You will have to put more effort into a workout on a manual
treadmill, but most motorized treadmills have better features and construction (Verywell Fit, 2019).

Agogino (2010) mentioned that a treadmill is not a self-powered machine, therefore it needs to be
plugged in at all times even if no one uses it. It also consumes power during standby. This
indicates that treadmill was considered to have high electrical consumption compared to other gym
equipment. Treadmill was the third in terms of the overall energy consumption. Out of all the
powered exercise equipment in the gym, treadmill consumes most power.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Mankodi (2012) stated that a treadmill can be used to generate up to 100W of electricity per hour.
This number can vary depending on the speed choice, resistance choice and the time. The higher
any of these elements, the larger the power can be harnessed.

2.1.3 Stationary Bike

A stationary bicycle is a simple machine made of saddle, pedals, wheels, chain and some form of
handlebars arranged on a bicycle. The rider of stationary bicycle revolves the pedals which in turn
spin the wheel of bicycle. Consistent workouts on a cycling machine should lead to less fat on
rider’s body.

In Musharraf et al. (2018) design of stationary bike, a generator is connected to the stationary
bicycle in such a way as the circular rotation of the front wheel rotates the coils of wires inside the
generator between the poles of the magnets. Stationary bicycle generates energy by connecting
the shaft of generator with spinning wheel results in rotation of armature of generator. In this
arrangement more force will be needed in order to spin the wheel of bicycle because of the load of
generator. Then the electrical energy produced will be stored in a battery.

Gibson (2011) on “These Exercise Machines Turn Sweat into Electricity” presented a detailed
study and analysis of pedal power energy generation, its usage, feasibility, and economics. The
power is produced from the exercise bikes used in gyms by means of a small generator. This
article presents a case wherein it looks at the overall feasibility of including the pedal power
technology in the mainstream. To be in the mainstream means, this technology has to produce lot
of power. In addition, it lists many household devices and the pedaling time required to operate
each of the devices for an hour. For CFL it takes 18 minutes of pedaling. For laptops, it takes 30
minutes. For fan, it takes 1 hour. However, for cloth dryer it takes 40 hours. From this, we can
conclude that power produced from such machines will not be enough for powering high-powered
devices. But in our case where we want to make use of the pedal power in un-electrified villages,
the scenario is entirely different.

According to Decker and Joubert (2011) there are several problems with the present-day approach
to pedal power. First of all, it is important to know that generating electricity is far from the most
efficient way to apply pedal power, due to the internal energy losses in the battery, the battery
management system, other electronic parts, and the motor/generator.

These energy losses add up quickly: 10 to 35 percent in the battery, 10 to 20 percent in the
motor/generator and 5 to 15 percent in the converter (which converts direct current to alternate
current). The energy loss in the voltage regulator (or DC to DC converter, which prevents you from
blowing up the battery) is about 25 percent.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

This means that the total energy loss in a pedal powered generator will be 42 to 67.5 percent
(calculation example for highest loss: 100 watt input = 80 watt after 20% loss in motor/generator =
57.5 watts after 25% energy loss in voltage regulator = 37.5 watts after 35% loss in battery = 32.5
watts after 15% loss in converter = 32.5 watts output = efficiency of 32.5% or energy loss of

In work with Live Strong, Andrea Boldt (2020), identified that the average bike pedalling speed on
an exercise bike usually ranges between 50 and 110 rpm, depending on the rider, the resistance
on the bike and the goal of the training. Beginners and occasional riders usually ride somewhere
between 50 and 60 rpm. More advanced riders, especially those riding bikes with weighted
flywheels as opposed to motorized exercise bikes, ride closer to 80 or 100 rpm when simulating
level terrain.

In addition, Maureen Malone (2019) stated that The U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week for all adults.
This works out to 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, five days per week.

According to World Energy Council (2016), Fossil oil remained the world’s leading fuel, accounting
for 32.9% of global energy consumption and roughly 63% of oil consumption comes from the
transport sector. Natural gas is the second largest energy source in power generation, representing
22% of generated power globally. Coal still provides around 40% of the world’s electricity and Asia
presents the biggest market for coal and currently accounts for 66% of global coal consumption.
Therefore, new techniques are being employed for energy harvesting.

The basic concept of the project is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. The
mechanical energy is produced by the mentioned machine operated by the users. The exercise
equipment, Lat pulldown, Stationary bike and Tread mill will be attached to generator. This creates
a dc voltage which will be fed into a circuit and then sent to a battery where it can be stored for
future use. The form of ambient energy source was the waste kinetic energy from fitness exercise
equipment which was converted to electrical energy. An appropriate energy harvesting and storage
system was built to investigate reliability of the fitness equipment as an ambient energy source.

The time that the light takes to turn on is dependent on the speed and stroke length of the hand
rod. If all the equipment in the fitness gym center were fabricated with power generating unit, we
can generate more power (Muthu Subash and Parthiban, 2016 et al.)

The literature will help the proponents in designing the Electric Generating Gym Machines.
Important data includes the feasibility of the project. The information gathered from these articles
and studies helped the researcher in understanding the direction of this study.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

With the help of the related studies presented, the proponents decided to change the chain and
sprocket that was used from parallel studies with belt and pulley. Belt and pulley has the same
transmission efficiency also is more considerable with concern on safety.

Furthermore, the research literature presented some previous studies related to this study. The
knowledge gained from there literatures served as guide for the researchers to come up with a
good and functional design.

2.2 Description of the System

The trend of exercising in gym is increasing among people. The researchers studied about which
machine is being used often. Lat Pulldown Machine, Stationary Bike, and Tread Mill are used by
many users and the researchers decided to modify the machine’s mechanism.

Fitness is important factor in modern life and young generations are interested for the exercises.
Implementation of such provisions in gym machines will be surely a help in renewable energy field.
The alternate source of energy will reduce the overall energy cost of such particular organization.

In this study the researchers look into options of improving a non energy consuming gym
equipment to an energy-producing one, thereby promoting the sustainability of the recreation and
health facilities. It was found that the energy-producing equipment in the gym not only benefit
environmentally but also economically in the long run.

The method of generating electricity, discussed in this paper was eco-friendly and causes no
pollution. They are easy to install and utilizes the human bio-energy in the most efficient way. The
concept has great scope in developing countries where youths are becoming more fitness

Figure 2-1: Energy Flow Diagram

Figure 2-1 presents the energy flow of the system. From the force exerted using human body
energy in calorie, using gym equipment it is converted to mechanical energy. Then, the mechanical
energy produced is converted with the help of generator mounted in the equipment. Now the

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

generator will convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy. The electricity produced is stored
in a battery and before use, the direct current will pass through inverter enable to make it
alternating current.

2.3 System Parameters Consideration

The system adapts the existing models of the gym equipment and remodels its working principle.
The efficiency and the performance of the system are based on the different parameters which are
hypothesized to influence it. The consideration of different parameters will help the proponents to
design the modification in economic and safe selection of materials for the final design.

The following parameters will be considered to obtain an efficient model of modified gym

2.3.1 Effect of force exerted to the pedal (Stationary Bicycle)

The greater the force exerted to the pedal the greater the power that can be generated. From the
formula Power = Force x Velocity, we can see the direct variation of force to power.

2.3.2 Effect of force exerted to the handle (Lat Pulldown Machine)

The higher the force applied to the handle or lat bar, the faster the rotation of the pulley, the higher
the power can be generated. A person with average athletic ability has been seen to be able to
produce 100-1500 watts of energy, which can charge a battery of 50mA current and power a small
electronic device (Yildiz and Fahmy, 2009).

2.3.3 Effect of length of pull per time (Lat Pulldown Machine)

The longer pull on the handle bar produce greater power. In the Lat Pulldown, the energy being
recovered is the potential energy of falling weight after being pulled up. From the formula PE =
mass x gravity x elevation, we can see the direct variation of energy to elevation or length of pull.

2.3.4 Effect of speed of applied to the pedal (Stationary Bicycle)

The faster the rotation the greater power can be generated. From the formula Power = Force x
Velocity, we can see the direct variation of velocity to power.

2.3.5 Effect of number of steps per time (Tread Mill)

The faster the steps applied in the tread mill the greater power also can be generated. The number
of steps per time will be converted to velocity by multiplying the average length of each step.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

2.4 Design Dimension Consideration

2.4.1 DC Motor

DC motor is an electrical device used for generating electrical energy. The main function of this
device is to change mechanical energy into electrical energy.

2.4.2. Battery

Battery is a connected group of electrochemical cells that store electric charges and generate
direct current (DC) through the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy. It is used in a
system to power other components.

A lead-acid battery is most popular though it has a large size than other type of battery. It has the
following advantages: cheap, easy to buy and long life if used correctly.

2.4.3 Charge Controller

Charge Controller or charge regulator limits the rate of electric current that was added to or drawn
from electric batteries. It prevents overcharging and may protect against overvoltage, which can
reduce battery performance or lifespan and may pose a safety risk.

If battery where charged with a high voltage, the battery will start to overcharge. Due to constant
overcharging, the internal temperature of the battery will increase. To the point that the water inside
the battery will dry up and after sometime, the battery will be completely damaged.

2.4.4 Belt

Belt transmits force from the engine to the ancillary components. It was known for its low cost and
efficient means for transmitting power to components like generator.

Belt is used to link two pulleys. It is used in this prototype to transmit power efficiently and track
relative movement.

2.4.5 Pulley

Pulley is a machine comprises of a wheel on a fixed axle, with a groove along the edges to guide a
rope or cable. The two fixed pulleys are used together to reduce the amount of force needed to lift
the weight.

2.4.6 Shaft

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one part to another, or
from a machine which produces power to a machine which absorbs power, to allow relative motion
between them.

2.4.6 Rack and Pinion

Rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator that comprises a circular gear (the pinion) engaging a
linear gear (the rack), which operate to translate rotational motion into linear motion. Driving
the pinion into rotation causes the rack to be driven linearly.

2.5 Design Calculation

The following parameters are calculated to determine the mechanical characteristics of the design:

2.5.1 Power

Power is a measure of how much energy can be transferred in a specific amount of time. It is the
indication of how efficient the gym machine was. (see Appendix A for full computation)


1. Theoretical Power Generation (No Weights Added)

A. Downstroke Generation
According to Yildiz and Fahmy (2009), a human being with an average athletic ability has
been seen to be able to produce 100-1500 watts of energy,

The force exerted on the lat pull down machine can be describe from the equation;

Power = Force x Velocity

B. Release Generation
After the downstroke, the weight stack will be released and produce kinetic energy that can
be harvester that is equal to its potential energy from being elevated from down stroke.
Using the arm span of 50cm of the male proponent which is having average Filipino height,
the potential energy can be obtained as;

Power = Weight x Velocity

2.5.2 Belt and Pulley

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Belt is a looped strip of flexible material, used to mechanically link two or more rotating shafts.
Belts are looped over pulleys. Belts are the cheapest utility for power transmission between shafts.
It allows misalignment between parallel shafts. Belt runs smoothly with a little noise. It does not
require a lubricating system and minimal maintenance, but has the same output similar to a chain.
(see Appendix B for full computation)


A. Length of Belts
The design consists of three belts. The first two has the same pulleys but different center

From Elements of Mechanism by Venton Levy Doughtie chapter 10 p.322

π (D − d)2
L= (D + d) + 2C +
2 4C2
L = Length of belt
D = Larger diameter
d = Smaller diameter
C = Center to center distance


The power generating Stationary Bike is modified from Cicadex model of stat bike. The only
modification done are attachment of flat belt guide on flywheel and mountings for dc generator


From Elements of Mechanism by Venton Levy Doughtie chapter 10 p.322

π (D−d)2
L= (D + d) + 2C +
2 4C2

L = Length of flat belt

D = Larger Diameter (Flywheel)
d = Smaller Diameter (Pulley)
C = Center to center distance

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


The flywheel that will be used to drive the generator is modified putting belt guide

2.5.3 Stress of the Shaft

The term stress is used to express the loading in terms of force applied to a certain cross-sectional
area of an object. From the perspective of loading, stress is the applied force or system of forces
that tends to deform a body. From the perspective of what is happening within a material, stress is
the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and react to the loads applied to it. The
stress distribution may or may not be uniform, depending on the nature of the loading condition.
For example, a bar loaded in pure tension will essentially have a uniform tensile stress distribution.
However, a bar loaded in bending will have a stress distribution that changes with distance
perpendicular to the normal axis. (Non-destructive Testing, 2001)

2.5.4 Welding

Welding is the process by which two pieces of metal can be joined together. The process of
welding doesn't merely bond the two pieces together as in brazing and soldering, but through the
use of extreme heat and sometimes the addition of other metals or gases, causes the metallic
structures of the two pieces to join together and become one. (Bright Hub Engineering)

In designing the Lat pull down machine, the proponents considered the welding parameters to
compute minimum weld thickness that could hold the two metals as one.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


3.1 Research Design

The main purpose of having an established research methodology is to gain knowledge and arrive
at an organized and cohesive plan associated with the design process in order to produced

The proponents used the applied technique of research to be able to meet the requirements
needed to accomplish this study. Applied research, includes the practical application of science. It
accesses and uses some part of the research communities, accumulated theories, knowledge,
methods and techniques, for a specific purpose. It is contrasted with pure research discussion
about research ideals, methodologies, programs and projects (Nils, 2009)

3.2 Project Development

Distinct stages are undertaken to attain the proponent’s objectives in foregoing design. The
procedures used are the following

3.2.1 Methods of Data Gathering

Data gathering is the first step of the design and study. With the help of different libraries from
different schools, colleges and universities: city and provincial libraries for related literature, and
information on internet, the proponents gained enough knowledge for the progress of the study.
The dimensions of the machine structure are based on the standard sizes available on market.

3.2.2 Pre-Design Stage

The second stage is the pre-design phase. The data gathered are analysed, compared, and
evaluated in this stage. The proponents have carefully analysed the mechanical parts and develop
the system parameters in this stage. The study’s feasibility must have been confirmed in this part
enable to proceed to the design proper.

3.2.3 Design Stage

The third stage is the design stage which is the main part. In designing, the proponents used the
engineering references for the forces and power that can be observed in the equipment. All the
inputs collected from the pre-stages are now applied into calculation. All of these data are keys to
determine the types and sizes of materials are suitable for the study.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

The calculations will be the layout of the design, and shall be the ground for the design

Mechanical materials were selected based on their properties, availability, and specification. Also,
different insights and advice from reliable instructors and personnel were considered.


This section discusses the properties of the components and materials selected, the cost benefit
analysis of the design and its payback period.

3.3.1 Material Selection

a. Motor

The quality of the motor to be used greatly affects the transfer of the mechanical energy into
electrical energy. Table 3.3.1 shows the specifications of the motor used.

Table 3.3.1 Motor Specification

Figure Design Parameters Specification

Input Voltage 12 V - 36 V

Maximum Power 350 W

Rotational Speed 3500 rpm

Power Source Type DC

b. Battery

Battery is essential for the storage of generated power. The battery was selected based on the
amount of time to operate the system at full load.

The power capacity of the battery will be based on its specification. Table 3.3.2 shows the
specification of the battery used.

Table 3.3.2 Battery Specification

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Figure Design Parameters Specification

Voltage 12 V

Capacity 50 Ah

c. Solar Charge Controller

Table 3.3.3 Solar Charge Controller Specification

Figure Design Parameters Specification

Voltage 12 V

Current 10 A

d. Belt

Flat belt are designed for light duty transmission. Table 3.3.4 shows the material and specifications
of the leather flat belt. As calculated on Appendix B the flat belt specifications are found to be as

Table 3.3.4 Belt Specification

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Figure Design Parameters Specification

Length 106 cm

(Lat Pull Down Machine) 98 cm

94 cm

Length 60 in

(Stationary Bike)

e. Pulley

Pulleys are used in transmission systems that are driven by flat belts typically high speed. Table
3.3.5 shows the material and specification of the aluminium pulley. As calculated on Appendix B
the pulley specifications are found to be as follows:

Table 3.3.4 Pulley Specification

Figure Design Parameters Specification

Diameter 1 in

(Lat Pull Down Machine)

Diameter 1.35 in

(Stationary Bike)

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

3.3.2 Project Materials

3”x3” Tubular Steel meter 15 10 000
3”x1” Tubular Steel meter 4 1 500
Low RPM DC Generator piece 1 2 000 2 000
Belt piece 3 200 600
2 150 300
2 200 400
90mm piece
3 500 1 500
5 cm dia. Steel Tube meter 2.5 700
Rack and Pinion set 2 5 000 10 000
Pillow Block Bearing piece 4 1 000 4 000
Wire Rope meter 2 250 500
Gym bench piece 1 500 500
Leg lock piece 1 500 500
Labor person 2 5 000 10 000

3.3.3 Payback Period

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


4.1 Design Constraints

According to Spacey (2016), design constraints are limitations on a design. These include imposed
limitations that cannot be controlled and limitations that are self- imposed as a way to improve the

Each constraint defines a subset of the set of all possible designs in which it is satisfied. When
several constraints are specified, it is only the possibilities within the intersection of all the subsets
that we are interested in. This intersection becomes smaller as more constraints are added. If it
becomes empty, then there is no design which satisfies all the constraints. The designer’s skill is
now in deciding which constraints it is safe to relax.

The designers considered the design sustainability, design safety, economic and operating cost
and manufacturability as their design constraints in the development of the project.

Design sustainability. Sustainability is the ability of the design and product to be used in many
ways and to be adapted for improvement by future generations. Sustainability is an important
aspect of the design of the gym equipment because the design should be durable as well as
economical and environmentally friendly. This design project addressed sustainability by
considering the maintenance to be done on the gym equipment in the future. The availability of the
materials used was also taken into an account. In addition, the estimation of the payback period is
also provided.

Design safety. In order to address design safety consideration, the design parameters were
considered. It is advisable to use belt instead of a chain for the safety of the operator. Since belt
has the same output as a chain.

Economic and operating cost. One of the important constraints is the economic feasibility. The
design project considered the cost of construction and the materials used. In order to ensure that
the project is affordable, a cost benefit analysis is provided. The purpose of this design is to create
a machine that will lessen the use of electricity consumption of the building that will benefit the
fitness gym owner.

Manufacturability. According to Maher Larimer, it is the ability of a design project to be produced

with as few resources possible, be it parts, labor, or maintenance alludes to a design designer
project’s manufacturability. To address this constraint, the designers considered the ease of
construction and the required materials were already available in the local market.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

4.2 Tradeoffs

The objective of this project is to provide the client a design of gym equipment that will be used in
the fitness gym. The designers were able to attain the goal and were presented the optimal design
that is suitable for the project.

The designers considered the economical attribute of the materials for designing a gym machine to
satisfy the constraints of the expenditure of the project. Using available materials in the local area,
the project design was economical.

By presenting the project, the project design would be tradeoff primarily in areas with vast quantity
of person who are fitness conscious. It will benefit the fitness gym owner because it will lessen the
electric consumption of the fitness gym.

4.3 Standards

The design project conforms to the following codes and standards:

1. AWS D14.6/D14.6M:2012 – Specification for Welding of Rotating Elements of Equipment. This

code contains the requirements applies to the modification or repair by welding of rotating
elements in existing equipment. Equipment types covered include gears, power transmission
shafts, flywheel, and rotating elements of generating equipment. It intended to promote the
following: (1) High quality construction and repair of welded rotating elements of equipment; (2)
Adequate and sustained performance of welded rotating elements of equipment; (3) Personal
safety; (4) Conservation of human and material resources in the fabrication of rotating
elements of equipment; This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the
International System of Units (SI). These measurements may not be exact equivalents;
therefore each system must be used independently of the other without combining in a way.
The specification with the designation D14.6 uses U.S. Customary Units. The specification
D14.6M uses SI Units.

2. Republic Act No. 9513 – The Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (Republic Act No. 9513) was
codified to affirm government’s commitment to accelerate the utilization of renewable energy
resources in the country. This is to effectively reduce harmful emissions and achieve economic
development while protecting health and environment. Renewable energy is an essential part
of the country’s low emission development strategy and is vital to addressing challenges of
climate change, energy security, and access to energy.

3. Republic Act No. 8749 - The Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749) outlines
the government’s measures to reduce air pollution and incorporate environmental protection into

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

its development plans. It relies heavily on the polluter pays principle and other market-based
instruments to promote self-regulation among the population. It sets emission standards for all
motor vehicles and issues pollutant limitations for industry. Emission limit values are laid down
by The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines as ‘Implementing Rules
and Regulations for Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999’. These rules and regulations shall apply to
all industrial emissions and other establishments which are potential sources of air pollution.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


The main objective of this project is to provide the target client a design of a mechanical system
that will utilize the waste kinetic energy on gym equipment. It aims to provide sufficient amount of
power needed to light the whole facility overnight.

The gym machine will operate once the operator used the machine. The rotational motion of the
shaft will drive the generator. Thus produced electrical energy is stored on a battery for future use.

This project study includes the design cost analysis and the selection and identification of the
materials and components used. Upon following the engineering principles, codes and standards,
the designers were able to come up with the design.

The strategic and engineering approach was considered in providing dimensions and choosing the
locally available materials for the project. Every aspect of the design, quality of materials and the
parameters of the input were taken also into consideration to provide sustainability, effectiveness
and efficiency required by the design.

Regarding the total calculated project cost and the assessment of the design, it was found that the
client would be in much profit upon using the designed project. Summing the cost from purchasing
a gym machine and the generated power over the electric consumption of the whole facility, it will
meet The designers produced an affordable and eco-friendly machine that could benefit the client
in a long run.


The objectives of the study were met through the process and methodologies applied. The
following conclusions were drawn:

1. First, the objective of the study was to design a mechanical system that will utilize the waste
kinetic energy on gym equipment that will be used to power the whole facility. The designers
considered the parameters in choosing the accurate part for the system. The designers
assessed the arrangement of the system components and came up to the design of the gym

2. Next was to design gym equipment that could meet the ideas of the designers. The designers
identified all the materials, properties and sizes. A deep understanding of the properties of
materials as well as their technical specifications and aspects were taken into account to avoid
malfunctioning of the system and failure of the design.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

3. Finally, the cost benefit analysis of the machine was determined. Since the design is simple and
the materials used were practically available, the cost of the project was low and considered

Today, where world is challenged to be responsible in designing and inventing electrical power
source, the method of human power generation could be a solution. Related studies prove that it is
effective in energy use reduction and efficient source of electrical power. Thus, this design project
was economically feasible to implement as a replacement of the standard gym equipment.


For future researchers and designers, the proponents of this project recommend to consider the

• Consider all the gym equipment available at the gym, especially those that was not
included in this study. As more number of gym equipment used, more power can be

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


Andrea Boldt (2020). The Average Exercise Bike Pedaling Speed. Retrieved from

Chalermthai B., Sada N., Sarfraz O. and Radi B. “Recovery of Useful Energy from Lost Human
Power in Gymnasium”. Retrieved from

Egym Lat Pull Down Machine. Retrieved from


Faires V. (1965). Design of Machine Elements. (4th ed). New York. Macmillan Publishing Co.
ISBN10: 0023359609.

Gaurav H., Nikhurpa K., Chaudhary D., and Feroz W. (2015). “Energy Harvesting Through Smart
Gym”. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication” (ETEC-
2015), 1(02), 37-42.

Kumar M. and Dr. Mundada G. (2017). “Energy Harvesting from Gym Equipments”. International
Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control
Engineering. 5 (07). 127-131. DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2017.5721.

Maureen Malone (2019). Five Miles on a Stationary Bike for Weight Loss. Retrieved from

Musharraf M., Saleem I. and Dr. Iqbal F. (2018). “Energy Generating Gymnasiums Machines for
Renewable, Sustainable and Green Energy”. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering and
Technology, India.

Muthu Subash, M. and Parthiban S. (2016). “Design and Development of Lat Pull Down Machine
for Power Generation”. Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, India.

World Energy Council. (2016). World Energy Resources Full Report 2016. Retrieved from

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering



1. Theoretical Power Generation (No Weights Added)

A. Downstroke Generation
According to Yildiz and Fahmy (2009), a human being with an average athletic ability has
been seen to be able to produce 100 - 1500 watts of energy,

The force exerted on the lat pull down machine can be describe from the equation;

Power = Force x Velocity

Taking the minimum power of 100W

By observation on the fitness gym, average velocity per stroke is 0.4 m/s
(100 N−m/s)
Fhuman = = 250 N
0.4 m/s

Fusable = Fhuman – Wweight stack


Fusable – is the excess force from the force exerted by human

Fhuman - force exerted by human

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Wweight stack – is the weight of the member with reciprocating linear motion, with attachment
of weights

Approximating the mass of the of the weight stack from CAD model volume;

V = 1.4457 E – 3m3
𝛒steel = 7800

m = 7800 (1.4457 E – 3m3)

m = 11.271 kg

W = mg
W = (11.271 kg) (9.81 2 )

W = 110.56851 N

Fusable = Fhuman – Wweight stack

Fusable = 250 N – 110.56851 N

Fusable = 139.4315 N

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Power = Force x Velocity

Power Transmitted to Shaft = 139.4315 N x 0.4

Power = 55.77W (Theoretical)

B. Release Generation

After the downstroke, the weight stack will be released and produce kinetic energy that can
be harvester that is equal to its potential energy from being elevated from down stroke.
Using the arm span of 50cm of the male proponent which is having average Filipino height,
the potential energy can be obtained as;

Power = Weight x Velocity

Taking the velocity from v = √2gh;

v = √(2)(9.81)(0.5)

v = 3.1321 m/s

Therefore, power will be;

Power = (110.56851 N) (3.1321 )

Power = 346.310 W (Theoretical)

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering



A. Mechanism

The measured downstroke of human in Lat pulldown machine is 0.4 m/s. With the use of
rack and pinion the linear motion can be converted to rotational motion. In this case the
diameter that will be used is the Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD).

PCD = 9.0475 cm ≈ 9 cm
Using the equation v = ;

m π(0.09m)N
0.4 =
s 60

(0.4 x 60)

N = 8.4883 rpm ≈ 8.5 rpm

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

N1 D1 = N2 D2

(85) (12.7) = (N2) (5.08)

N2 = 212 rpm

Since N2 = N3, the ideal diameter for the pulley in the generator can be determined with
required speed of dc generator of 2000 rpm to produce 12 V;

N3 D3 = N4 D4

(212) (25.4) = (2000) (D4)

D4 = 2.6924 cm ≈ 1 in

Therefore, the designed dimensions presented on the figure above satisfies the required
speed to produce 12V DC.

B. Length of Belt

The design consists of three belts. The first two has the same pulleys but different center

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

From Elements of Mechanism by Venton Levy Doughtie chapter 10 p.322

π (D − d)2
L= (D + d) + 2C +
2 4C2

L = Length of belt
D = Larger diameter
d = Smaller diameter
C = Center to center distance

For Belt 1

D = 12.7 cm
d = 5.08 cm
C = 39 cm
π (12.7 – 5.08)2
L= (12.7 + 5.08) + 2 (39) +
2 4 (39)2

L = 105.938 cm ≈ 106 cm
For Belt 2

D = 12.7 cm
d = 5.08 cm
C = 35 cm
π (12.7 – 5.08)2
L= (12.7 + 5.08) + 2 (35) +
2 4 (35)2

L = 97.941 cm ≈ 98 cm
For Belt 3

D = 25.4 cm
d = 2.54 cm
C = 25 cm
π (25.4 – 2.54)2
L= (25.4 + 2.54) + 2 (25) +
2 4 (25)2

L = 94.097 cm ≈ 94 cm

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering


The power generating Stationary Bike is modified from Cicadex model of stat bike. The
only modification done are attachment of flat belt guide on flywheel and mountings for dc
generator attachment.



Chain ring Diameter (D1) = 9”

Cogs/Sprocket Pitch Circle (D2) = 3”

Flywheel Outside Diameter (D4) =18”

From Fitness Website “”, the average cadence/pedaling speed ranges from
50 - 110 rpm.


The goal of the design is to generate electricity from lowest rpm produce by the spinner.

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Taking the lowest rpm, N1 = 50 rpm

Getting the speed in cogs and flywheel (N2, N3);

N1 D1 = N2 D2

(50 rpm) (9 in) = N2 (3 in)

N2 =

N3 = N2 = 150 rpm

Solving for pulley diameter;

The motor requires 36V to run at 3500 rpm, while using it as a generator, the DC motor will
produce 12V at 2000 rpm. Using N4 = 2000 rpm

N3 D3 = N4 D4

(150 rpm) (18 in) = (20000 rpm) D4

D4 = 1.35 in

According to Power Stream (2020) a 12V car battery can be safely charged over a range
of voltages. It needs at least 12.9 volts to charge, but at this voltage the charge rate of an
automobile battery is very slow. A car battery can be charged safely at high voltages as
long as the battery is not fully charged.

Using D4 = 1 ¼ ” ;
N3 D3 = N4 D4

(150 rpm) (18 in) = N4 (1.25 in)

N4 = 2160 rpm

Therefore, the diameter of pulley that will be used is 1.25” or 3.175 cm.


From Elements of Mechanism by Venton Levy Doughtie chapter 10 p.322

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

π (D − d)2
L= (D + d) + 2C +
2 4C2

L = Length of flat belt

D = Larger Diameter (Flywheel) = 18”
d = Smaller Diameter (Pulley) = 1 ¼“
C = Center to center distance = 14 ½ ”

π (18−1.25)2
L= (18 + 1.25) + 2 (14.5) +
2 4(14.5)2

L = 59.57 in ≈ 60 in


The flywheel that will be used to drive the generator is modified putting belt guide


Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine

Westmead International School
College of Engineering

Design of an Electric Generating Gym Machine


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