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Answer all the questions. Select the correct option

1 GPS Survey is an advancement in

 Linear Survey
 Plane Table Survey
 Contour Survey
 Triangulation
2 Bathymetry Survey is adopted for
 Ground Levelling
 Aerial Survey
 Mobile user Survey
 Water bodies Survey
3 For Project formulation, the correct order should be
4 For a mega water supply project, the source sustainability shall be
 75%
 90%
 60%
 As available
5 Sanitary Survey is carried out to Confirm
 Location of River Intake
 Pipeline alignment
 Bearing capacity
 Water table
6 Which will be best Intake arrangement for a river channel having high banks
 Locate Intake in Channel
 Put Pipe Conduits to Intake
 Approach Channel Followed by Forebay of Intake
 Direct Pumping from River
7 Flow Velocity at entrance of Intake Should be
 Less than 0.5 m/sec
 1 to 2 m/sec
 Any velocity
 0.5 to 1 m/sec
8 Break Pressure Tanks are introduced for
 Projects involving long water transmission System
 To optimize the gravity and pumping system
 Minimum Storage capacity during power failures
 All above
9 With age C value of pipes
 Increases
 Decreases
 Remains same
 Can increase as well as decrease
10 For same length and discharge the Power Consumption in transmitting
 Raw water is more than Treated water
 Treated water more than Raw water
 Both remain same
 Periodically it can change
11 The cavitation phenomenon depends on
 LaGrange’s coefficient
 Hazen Williams Coefficient
 Thoma’s Coefficient
 Euler’s Coefficient
12 The Executive Summary of a report indicates
 Method statement for project implementation
 The Summary to be read by Executive Engineer
 Brief indicating Project proposal to Senior Decision makers
 None of above
13 The formula for computing head loss is
 4flv2/2gd
 4fl2v/2gd
 4flv/2gd2
 None of above
14 The elevation capacity curve of a reservoir helps in
 Design of drawl and water demand management
 Computation of storage
 Fixing LWL for supply
 All above
15 The peak factor for design of large transmission mains is
 1
 1.5 to 2
 >2
 Anything can be adopted

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