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How to keep ourselves motivated?

Especially during this world pandemic period, it is essential to keep ourselves focused.
Not only this helps us be extraordinarily productive, but it also provides us with the chance to
make the best out of this undesirable situation.

Have a strict schedule

A popular Chinese psychologist says “Motivation comes along with responsibility”. As

long as we keep ourselves busy and follow a strict time table, the chances we wrongly change
tack are limited.

Besides, it only takes a couple of weeks to develop a healthy habit. This period can make
wonders for you if there have always been activities you’d never had enough time for.

Start with little steps

Naturally, being victorious immediately after your first attempt sounds incredible.
However, perfection from the very beginning is, unfortunately, unachievable. No, it is not
because you have done something wrong at some point.

Success requires time and hard work. As soon as you understand that following a very
detailed path and setting up achievable goals it the key to triumph, you have learned an
essential lesson.

Accept failure

Clearly, embracing the negative outcome of a situation might not feel comfortable all
the time. Still, the only path to your aims might be littered with little defeats.

Luckily, their purpose is to help us bear in mind some important life principles, values and
concepts. As daunting as it might seem, coping with failure is mandatory for a marvelous life.


Finding motivation is not effortless. Keep that in mind and you’ll find your way to

Good luck!

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