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NetNumen™ U31 R18

Unified Element Management System

Integration Configuration
Management Operation Guide

Version: V12.12.43

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.1 2013-12-30 Updated Chapter 2,3,4

R1.0 2013-06-20 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20130524154927-016

Publishing Date: 2013-12-30 (R1.1)

SJ-20130524154927-016|2013-12-30 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Integrated Configuration Management ................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Common Terms.................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Available Editions ............................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 NE Configuration Processing Flow ...................................................................... 1-4
1.5 Prerequisites...................................................................................................... 1-7
1.6 Available Menu Commands ................................................................................ 1-7
1.7 Clearing Temporary ICM Files ............................................................................. 1-8

Chapter 2 Configuration Model Management .......................................... 2-1

2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Uploading a Configuration Model......................................................................... 2-3

Chapter 3 Plan Data Management............................................................. 3-1

3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Live Data Area Management............................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Live Data Area ......................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Synchronizing Configuration Data to the Live Data Area ............................. 3-5
3.3 Plan Area Management ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.1 Plan Area and Baseline Area .................................................................... 3-6
3.3.2 Creating a Plan Area ................................................................................ 3-8
3.3.3 Backing Up a Plan Area.......................................................................... 3-10
3.3.4 Restoring a Plan Area..............................................................................3-11
3.3.5 Plan Area Resource Authorization and Authentication ...............................3-11
3.4 Data Import and Export..................................................................................... 3-18
3.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 3-18
3.4.2 Exporting Configuration Data .................................................................. 3-19
3.4.3 Importing Configuration Data................................................................... 3-23
3.5 Data Verification and Submission ...................................................................... 3-28
3.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 3-28
3.5.2 Performing a Validity Check .................................................................... 3-29
3.5.3 Performing a Consistency Check............................................................. 3-31
3.5.4 Performing a Conflict Check.................................................................... 3-32
3.5.5 Submitting Data ..................................................................................... 3-34

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Chapter 4 Site Transfer .............................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Transferring an Online Site ................................................................................. 4-2
4.2 Transferring an Offline Site ................................................................................. 4-7

Chapter 5 Data Comparison ...................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Comparing Data in the Plan Data Compare Window............................................. 5-2
5.3 Managing Comparison Results............................................................................ 5-5

Chapter 6 Activation Task Management................................................... 6-1

6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Adding an Activation Task ................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Comparing, Downloading, and Activating Data ..................................................... 6-5

Chapter 7 Offline Subnetwork Management ............................................ 7-1

7.1 Offline Plan Area ................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Adding an Offline Subnetwork ............................................................................. 7-1

Chapter 8 Profile Settings.......................................................................... 8-1

8.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Adding a Profile.................................................................................................. 8-2

Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V


SJ-20130524154927-016|2013-12-30 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual
This manual provides instructions for using the Integrated Configuration Management
(ICM) system of the NetNumenTM U31 R18 Unified Element Management System
(NetNumen U31).

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:

l Maintenance engineers
l Debugging engineers

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

1, Overview Provides an overview of the ICM system, including common terms,

related systems, configuration management procedure, and available
menu commands on the client GUI.

2, Configuration Model Describes how to upload a configuration model.


3, Plan Data Management Describes how to manage the live data area and plan areas in the
ICM, including the procedures for synchronizing, importing, exporting,
comparing, verifying, and submitting configuration data.

4, Data Comparison Provides data comparison functions and methods, and describes how
to compare data in a special window on the client GUI.

5, Activation Task Describes how to add an activation task and execute an activation
Management task manually.

6, Offline Subnetwork Describes the purpose of offline subnetworks in the ICM, and how to
Management add an offline subnetwork.

7, Profile Settings Describes the profile purpose and how to add a profile.

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:

Typeface Meaning

Italics Variables in commands. It may also refer to other related manuals

and documents.

SJ-20130524154927-016|2013-12-30 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Typeface Meaning

Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, option button
names, check boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window
names, parameters, and commands.

Constant width Text that you type, program codes, filenames, directory names, and
function names.

Note: provides additional information about a certain topic.


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Chapter 1
Table of Contents
Integrated Configuration Management........................................................................1-1
Common Terms..........................................................................................................1-1
Available Editions .......................................................................................................1-3
NE Configuration Processing Flow .............................................................................1-4
Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................1-7
Available Menu Commands........................................................................................1-7
Clearing Temporary ICM Files ....................................................................................1-8

1.1 Integrated Configuration Management

As a part of the NetNumen U31 unified Element Management System (EMS), the
Integrated Configuration Management (ICM) system is designed to adjust and optimize
configuration data of Network Elements (NEs) during commissioning and maintenance of
radio access networks.
The ICM system supports the commissioning and optimization of a radio access network
in a centralized manner. It stores, manages, verifies, and converts the configuration data
of all NEs in the entire network. By using the ICM system, you can create a plan area
for the existing configuration data in the network, export the data from the plan area to
a template file, modify the data manually or through a network planning and optimization
tool, and import the optimized data. The ICM system sends the imported configuration
data to the corresponding NEs and activates the new configuration for each NE.
In addition, the ICM system can compare live data, historical data, planning data, and
backup data. Users can use the comparison results for network planning and optimization.

1.2 Common Terms

For the definitions of common terms used in the ICM system, refer to Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Common Terms

Term Definition

Configuration model A configuration model defines a specification of configuration data.

Planning data Planning data refers to the required parameters that are defined during
network planning. These parameters are called class A1 parameters or
A1 parameters.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Term Definition

Optimization data Optimization data includes A1 parameters and additional parameters

required during network optimization. These additional parameters are
called class A2 parameters or A2 parameters.

Plan template file A plan template file is an Excel file that organizes planning data in a
specific structure. It is used for configuring new NEs quickly for the first
The following is the flow for using a plan template file:
1. Edit a plan template file in accordance with the basic configuration
data of the NEs to be configured.
2. Import the plan template file to the ICM system.
The ICM system supplements the planning data with predefined
default parameter value if some parameters are unavailable in the
imported file.
3. Send the complete configuration data to the NEs and activate the
configuration for each NE.

Optimization template file An optimization template file is an Excel file that organizes optimization
data in a specific structure. It is used for optimizing the configuration
data of the existing NEs.
The following is a flow for using an optimization template file:
1. Export the configuration data of the NEs to be optimized from the
corresponding plan area to an optimization template file.
2. Use a network planning and optimization tool to adjust the
configuration data in the file as required.
3. Import the modified optimization template file to the ICM system.
4. Send the optimized configuration data to the NEs and activate the
new configuration for each NE.

Live area A live area stores valid configuration data that is synchronized from NEs
in a network. The live area provides live data as a base for configuration
The ICM system automatically backs up the configuration data in each
live area once a day.

Live data Live data refers to configuration data in a live area.

Plan area A plan area refers to a data area that is created for importing, exporting,
modifying, and activating configuration data of NEs. For a large-scale
network, individual plan areas should be created for different subnetworks
to allow concurrent optimization operations performed by multiple users.
When creating a plan area for a subnetwork, the ICM system copies the
live data of all NEs in the subnetwork to the plan area.


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Chapter 1 Overview

Term Definition

Data in plan areas The data in a plan area can be modified. The following operations can
be performed to manage the data in a plan area:
l Importing the data to the plan area
l Exporting the data from the plan area
l Comparing data
l Verifying the data in the plan area
l Activating the data in the plan area
l Backing up the data in the plan area

Baseline area A baseline area is an area created by the system at the same time when
a plan area is created. The baseline area contains the live data of all
NEs in the subnetwork for which the plan area is created.

Baseline data Baseline data refers to the data in a baseline area. The baseline data
cannot be modified after being generated, which is used as a baseline
for comparing the adjusted data in the corresponding plan area with
the original data.

Profile A profile is a set of parameters required for network planning or

optimization, such as specific table objects, parameters and attributes in
tables, table keys, and filtering conditions.
The ICM system determines the table objects and contents in tables
to be compared or exported in accordance with a profile during data
comparison or export.

1.3 Available Editions

Two ICM editions are available:
l Enterprise edition: An independent edition with all functions.
l Standard edition: An edition with ICM functions integrated into the EMS.
For the specific differences between these two editions, refer to Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 Differences Between Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition

Enterprise Edition Standard Edition

A maximum of 20 plan areas can be created. Only two plan areas can be created.

The import and comparison operations can be The import and comparison operations are
operated on multiple subnetworks. recommended on only one subnetwork.

This manual describes the ICM operations based on the assumption that the standard
edition is used.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

1.4 NE Configuration Processing Flow

Figure 1-1 shows the flow for processing the configuration data of an NE through the ICM


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Chapter 1 Overview

Figure 1-1 NE Configuration Processing Flow


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

The following describes how to use the ICM system to optimize the configuration data of
specific NEs in a network:
1. Upload the configuration models on the corresponding OMM to the ICM system. For
details, refer to “2.2 Uploading a Configuration Model”.
2. Synchronize the configuration data (live data) from the NEs to a live area in the ICM
system. For details, refer to “3.2.2 Synchronizing Configuration Data to the Live Data
3. Create a plan area for a selected subnetwork. The ICM system copies the live data to
the plan area and the corresponding baseline area. For details, refer to “3.3.2 Creating
a Plan Area”.
4. Export the configuration data from the plan area to optimization template files. For
details, refer to “3.4.2 Exporting Configuration Data”.
5. Use the network planning and optimization tool to adjust the configuration data (raw
data) in the optimization template files.
6. Import the optimized configuration data from the optimization template files to the plan
area. For details, refer to “3.4.3 Importing Configuration Data”.
7. Verify the optimized configuration data in the plan area as follows:
a. Verify that the optimized data is valid and consistent without data conflict.
For details, refer to “3.5.2 Performing a Validity Check”, “3.5.3 Performing a
Consistency Check”, and “3.5.4 Performing a Conflict Check”.
b. Submit the configuration data in the plan area for activation. For details, refer to
“3.5.5 Submitting Data”.
8. Create an activation task, which can be automatically executed or manually executed.
For details, refer to “6.2 Adding an Activation Task”.
9. Activate the optimized configuration data. For details, refer to “Comparing,
Downloading, and Activating Data”.
a. Execute the activation task. The system obtains the modified data (incremental
data) by comparing the plan area and the baseline area, and then sends the
incremental data to the NEs.
b. Send the incremental data to the OMM, from which the data is sent to the NEs.
c. Verify that the incremental configuration data is successfully sent to the NEs.
If an NE fails to receive the data, go back to Step 3 to adjust the configuration data
d. Activate the optimized data.
e. Verify that the incremental configuration data is successfully activated in the NEs.
If an NE fails to activate the data, go back to Step 3 to adjust the configuration
data again.
10. Synchronize the configuration data (new live data) from the NEs to the live area. For
details, refer to “3.2.2 Synchronizing Configuration Data to the Live Data Area”.
11. Check whether the configuration data is consistent between the plan area and the live
area. For details, refer to “5.2 Comparing Data in the Plan Data Compare Window”.


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Chapter 1 Overview

l If yes, delete the plan area. The data optimization is completed.

l If no, go back to Step 4 to adjust the configuration data again.

The procedure for configuring a new NE through the ICM system is similar to the previous
procedure for data optimization. The difference is that Step 1 is not required for initial
configuration of a new NE because complete configuration data is not available in the NE.
Users should import basic configuration data for the NE from a predefined plan template file
to a plan area after creating the plan area. The ICM system supplements the configuration
data during data import.

1.5 Prerequisites
For all configuration management operations, the following prerequisites are presumed to
have been met:
l The client is started and successfully connected to the ICM server.
l The connection between the ICM system and the EMS is normal when the enterprise
edition is used.
l The connections between the EMS and related OMMs are normal.
l The connections between the OMMs and corresponding NEs are normal.

1.6 Available Menu Commands

On the client GUI of the ICM system, multiple commands are available on the
Configuration menu for implementing the functions of the ICM system. For a description
of the commands, refer to Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Menu Commands for the ICM System

Command Description

Offline Subnetwork Displays the Offline Subnetwork Area dialog box, in which you
Management can manage offline subnetworks.

Plan Data Management Displays the Plan Data Management window, in which you can
manage live areas and plan areas, and synchronize, import, export,
compare, verify, and submit configuration data.

Plan Data Compare Displays the Plan Data Compare window, in which you can compare
configuration data between different data areas.

Plan Data Activation Displays the Activation Management dialog box, in which you can
create activation tasks for downloading incremental configuration
data from plan areas to NEs and validating the data in the NEs.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Command Description

Plan Data Model Management Displays the Configuration Model Centralize Management dialog
box, in which you can upload configuration models from OMMs to
the ICM system.

Profile Setting Opens the Profile Setting window, in which you can add, modify,
and delete profiles.

1.7 Clearing Temporary ICM Files

Temporary files generated during ICM operations are stored in different default directories
on the NetNumen U31 server. The NetNumen U31 system defines several tasks for
automatic cleanup of these directories. You can modify the size threshold of a directory
and the cleanup mode for temporary files of a specific type.

1. In the NetNumen U31 system, select Maintenance > Task Management from the
menu bar. The Task Management window is displayed.
2. In the Task Management window, click File Clean-up > Directory Monitoring in the
left navigation tree. All supported directory monitoring tasks are listed in the right pane.
3. Click the column title Task Name. The directory monitoring tasks are sorted by task
name. The directory monitoring tasks related to the ICM system are arranged together,
see Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2 Directories for Saving ICM Temporary Files


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Chapter 1 Overview

4. Double-click a directory related to ICM functions, for example, Moss Icm Backup Plan
Monitor Directory, and click . The Moss Icm Backup Plan Monitor Directory
dialog box is displayed, see Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Moss Icm Backup Plan Monitor Directory Dialog Box

5. Modify the parameters as required.

For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 1-4.
Table 1-4 Directory Size and Cleanup Settings

Parameter Description

Include Sub Directory Determines whether to clean the files in the sub directories.

Threshold (MB) Specifies the upper limit of the directory size. The system starts
cleaning files when the threshold is exceeded.

Cleanup Settings l No Sequence: If this option is selected, the system deletes

all files in the directory when the used space exceeds the
l By Time: If this option is selected, the system deletes
temporary files in the directory based on the modification
sequence when the used space exceeds the threshold. The
options are: From Earliest to Latest and From Latest to
l By Size: If this option is selected, the system deletes temporary
files in the directory based on their sizes. The options are:
From Biggest to Smallest and From Smallest to Biggest.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

6. Click OK.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 2
Configuration Model
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................2-1
Uploading a Configuration Model................................................................................2-3

2.1 Overview
A configuration model defines the specification of configuration data. Before data
configuration of a subnetwork, configuration models that match the running versions on
the OMM of the target subnetwork must be uploaded to the ICM system.

The version V12.12.40 and later versions of OMMR and OMMB support uploading
configuration models to the NetNumen U31 system.

To upload a configuration model from an OMM to the ICM system, you must open
the Configuration Model Centralize Management dialog box first by selecting
Configuration > ICM Model Management from the menu bar in the client window of the
NetNumen U31 system.
Figure 2-1 shows the Configuration Model Centralize Management dialog box.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Figure 2-1 Configuration Model Centralize Management

1. Configuration model node 2. OMM node

The version numbers of all OMMs that are being connected and used to be connected
to the NetNumen U31 system are displayed in the dialog box. Each configuration model
node corresponds to a version number. After a configuration model node is expanded,
the corresponding OMM information is displayed in the format of “OMM name, OMM IP
address, EMS IP address”.

Model Status
In the Model Status column, a diamond symbol is used to indicate the configuration model
status. Table 2-1 describes different configuration model statuses.

Table 2-1 Configuration Model Statuses

Symbol Status Description

(red) Model not uploaded and A red diamond symbol indicates that the
OMM connected configuration model in the ICM system does not
match that on the OMM. The mismatch may occur
in the following two cases:
l The configuration model on the OMM has not
been uploaded to the ICM system.
l The configuration model on the OMM
changes after being uploaded to the ICM
system, and the model change is not
uploaded to the ICM system.

(green) Model uploaded and OMM A green diamond symbol indicates that the
connected configuration model in the ICM system matches
that on the OMM.


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Chapter 2 Configuration Model Management

Symbol Status Description

(grey) Model uploaded and OMM A grey diamond symbol indicates that the
not connected configuration model of the OMM has been
uploaded to the ICM system but the OMM is not
connected to the ICM system.

2.2 Uploading a Configuration Model

This procedure describes how to upload a configuration model from an OMM to the ICM

In the ICM system, the OMMB configuration model has two statuses: (the model is
uploaded and the NE is connected) and (the model is uploaded and the NE is not
connected). The system is allowed to keep a maximum of three OMMB configuration
models in the two statuses. To upload another OMMB configuration model, you should
delete one of the existing OMMB configuration models.
In the ICM system, the OMMR configuration model has two statuses: (the model is
uploaded and the NE is connected) and (the model is uploaded and the NE is not
connected). The system is allowed to keep a maximum of four OMMR configuration
models in the two statuses. To upload another OMMR configuration model, you should
delete one of the existing OMMR configuration models.

1. In the client window, select Configuration > ICM Model Management from the menu
bar. The Configuration Model Centralize Management dialog box is displayed.
2. (Optional) If there are already three OMMB configuration models in (green) or
(grey) statuses in the Configuration Model Centralize Management dialog box,
perform the following operations to delete one of these configuration model:


You are recommended to keep the Configuration Model Centralize Management

dialog box open during the deletion process.

a. In the Selection column, select the check box corresponding to the configuration
model to be deleted.

b. Click the Delete Model button. The system starts deleting the configuration model
and displays the progress in the Progress column. After the configuration model


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

is successfully deleted, the success information is displayed in the Task State

column, see Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Configuration Model Successfully Deleted

c. Click the Refresh button.

The status of the deleted configuration model changes from (green/model
uploaded and OMM connected) to (red/model not uploaded and OMM
connected), or the configuration model in (grey/model uploaded and OMM
not connected) status disappears from the Configuration Model Centralize
Management dialog box.
3. In the Selection column, select the check box corresponding to the node that requires
an uploaded configuration model, and then click the Upload Model button. The
system starts uploading the configuration model from the corresponding OMM and
displays the progress in the Progress column to which the configuration model is to
be uploaded. After the configuration model is successfully uploaded, the success
information is displayed in the Task State column, see Figure 2-3.


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Chapter 2 Configuration Model Management

Figure 2-3 Configuration Model Successfully Uploaded


You are recommended to keep the Configuration Model Centralize Management

dialog box open during the upload process. If the Configuration Model Centralize
Management dialog box is closed during the upload process, the upload progress is
not displayed after you open the dialog box again.
The ICM system only supports the upload of one configuration model at a time. If
another upload operation is performed on the configuration model node, the error
message Not Enough PPU! is displayed in the Task State column.

4. Click the Refresh button. The status of the configuration model changes from
(red/model not uploaded and OMM connected) to (green/model uploaded and OMM
– End of Steps –


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

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Chapter 3
Plan Data Management
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................3-1
Live Data Area Management ......................................................................................3-3
Plan Area Management..............................................................................................3-6
Data Import and Export ............................................................................................3-18
Data Verification and Submission .............................................................................3-28

3.1 Overview
Plan Data Management Functions
The plan data management allows the management of live data areas and plan areas.
The following management operations are supported:
l Creating, synchronizing, exporting, and backing up live data.
l Importing, exporting, verifying, comparing, backing up, restoring, modifying, and
deleting configuration data in plan areas.

Plan Data Management Window

The plan data management operations are performed in the Plan Data Management
window on the client GUI of the NetNumen U31 system. Figure 3-1 shows the Plan Data
Management window.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Figure 3-1 Plan Data Management Window (Initial Window)

In the Plan Data Management window, the left navigation tree (Data Area) displays a live
data area and all created plan areas. The Import Log tab at the lower part of the right
pane lists all records of data import operations performed in the window. The right pane
of the window varies with different nodes selected in the navigation tree. For example, if
Live Data Area is selected in the navigation tree, two tabs are displayed in the right pane:
Live Data Area and Synchronized Log.

A shortcut menu is displayed when a node in the navigation tree is right-clicked. You can
perform operations on the node by clicking the commands on the shortcut menu. For a
description of the shortcut menus of different nodes in the navigation tree, refer to Table

Table 3-1 Description of Shortcut Menus in the Navigation Tree

Node Sub-Node Shortcut Menu Function

Data Area (root) - Create Plan Area Creates a plan area.

Refresh Refreshes the navigation tree.

Live Data Area - Data Compare Compares data in different areas.

AutoBackup Modify Modifies the name and description of a

backup node.

Delete Deletes a backup node.


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Chapter 3 Plan Data Management

Node Sub-Node Shortcut Menu Function

Plan areas - Import Imports data from a planning or

(user-defined) optimization template file to a plan area.

Export Exports data from a plan area to an

optimization template file.

Check Verifies that the data in a plan area is

valid and consistent without conflict.

Backup Backs up the data in a plan area.

Modify Modifies the name and description of a

plan area node.

Delete Deletes a plan area.

Backup Recover Resumes the data in a plan area from

a backup.

Modify Modifies the name and description of a

backup node.

Delete Deletes a plan area.

3.2 Live Data Area Management

3.2.1 Live Data Area
The ICM system provides a default live data area that stores the configuration data (live
data) of all connected subnetworks. When the configuration data in a subnetwork changes,
the subnetwork automatically sends the incremental data to the live data area. You can
also initiate a synchronization process to ensure the data consistency between the ICM
system and specific subnetworks.
The live data area supports the following procedures:
l When creating a plan area, the system copies the live data of specific subnetworks
from the live data area to the plan area and the corresponding baseline area.
l When obtaining the information of data adjustments, the system compares data
between a plan area and the live data area.
l When verifying optimized configuration data, the system detects data conflicts by
comparing a plan area with the live data area.
In addition, the ICM system automatically backs up the live data area once a day. After
the data backup is completed, the system will automatically obtain the latest network data
from OMMs. By default, the live data area backup backs up data of the latest 30 days.
The backup data in a specific day can be used for creating a specific plan area. You can
compare the data (backup data) in this plan area with the current live data or the data in
another plan area to obtain configuration data changes. By validating the backup data


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in the plan area, the corresponding subnetworks and the live data area can retrieve the
original configuration data.
In the Plan Data Management window, the Live Data Area and Synchronized Log tabs
are displayed after the Live Data Area node is selected in the left navigation tree, see
Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Live Data Area

If multiple records are simultaneously of the same product, version, and subnetwork, only
one record will be displayed in the list.

The Live Data Area tab displays all subnetworks whose configuration data is synchronized
to the ICM system. The Synchronized Log tab contains all records of synchronization
You can perform the following operations after right-clicking a subnetwork and selecting
appropriate commands from the shortcut menu:

l Create Plan Area: creates a plan area based on the live data of one or multiple
l Synchronize: manually synchronizes configuration data from one or multiple
l Export: exports the live data of one or multiple subnetworks.
l Backup Live Data: manually backs up the live data of one or multiple subnetworks.


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Chapter 3 Plan Data Management

3.2.2 Synchronizing Configuration Data to the Live Data Area

Manual synchronization is required to obtain the latest configuration data from related
subnetworks before network planning, optimization, or data comparison.

Normally, the configuration data synchronization of a subnetwork is completed in three

This procedure describes how to synchronize configuration data from specific subnetworks
to the live data area.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, click Live Data Area in the left navigation
tree. The Live Data Area tab showing all subnetworks is displayed in the right pane.
2. Select an NE type from the NE Type list. The subnetworks of the selected type are
displayed on the Live Data Area tab.
3. Select one or multiple subnetworks whose configuration data is to be synchronized,
right-click any selected subnetwork, and then click Synchronize. A message
prompting you to confirm the synchronization operation is displayed.
4. Click Yes. The Live Data Upload message box is displayed, see Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3 Live Data Upload Message Box

After the system completes the data synchronization for a subnetwork, one of the
following results may be displayed in the corresponding cell on the Result column:


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l An upload success message indicates that the latest configuration data of the
subnetwork is uploaded to the live data area.
l A no new data message indicates that the configuration data synchronized from
the subnetwork is the same as the existing data in the live data area and the
system does not update the live data for the subnetwork.
l An upload failure message indicates that the latest configuration data of the sub-
network fails to be uploaded to the live data area.
– End of Steps –

3.3 Plan Area Management

3.3.1 Plan Area and Baseline Area
Plan Area
A plan area is required for configuring or optimizing a subnetwork. For a large-scale
network, multiple plan areas are required for subnetworks in the ICM system to support
concurrent configuration or optimization of different subnetworks.
When creating a plan area, the ICM system copies the live data of all NEs in a subnetwork
from the live data area to the plan area. The plan area provides raw data for data planning
and optimization.
In the Plan Data Management window, the following operations are allowed on a plan

l Creating a plan area

l Displaying the information of a plan area
l Exporting data from a plan area
l Importing data from planning or optimization template files to a plan area
l Verifying data in a plan area
l Comparing data between different data areas
l Backing up a plan area
l Restoring a plan area
l Modifying the name of a plan area
l Deleting a plan area
Before these operations are activated, they will not affect the live data.

Figure 3-4 shows the Plan Data Management window with a plan area selected in the
left navigation tree. The upper tab in the right pane displays all subnetworks involved in
the plan area. The lower tab (Import Log) contains the records of data import operations
related to the plan area.


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Figure 3-4 Plan Area

Baseline Area
A baseline area is an area created by the system at the same time when a plan area is
created. The baseline area contains the live data of all NEs in the subnetwork for which
the plan area is created. The operations on the plan area do not influence the data in the
baseline area.
A baseline area is used in the following procedures:
l Comparing a plan area with the corresponding baseline area to obtain incremental
configuration data, and sending and validating the incremental configuration data.
l Checking whether the data in the plan area conflicts with the live data
Viewing and operating a baseline area is not allowed in the ICM system. A baseline area
is deleted at the same time when the corresponding plan area is deleted.

Creation of Plan Areas

In the Plan Data Management window, you can create a plan area based on the live data
area or a backup of the live data area depending on different purposes.

l To adjust the configuration data of multiple subnetworks in batches, you are required
to create a plan area based on the live data area. The system performs the following
actions during area creation:

à Copying the live data of the subnetworks from the live data area to the plan area.
à Copying the live data of the subnetworks from the live data area to the baseline

l To restore the configuration data of specific subnetworks from a backup of the live
data area, you are required to create a plan area based on the backup data. The
system performs the following actions during area creation:


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à Copying the backup data of the subnetworks to the plan area.

à Copying the live data of the subnetworks from the live data area to the baseline

3.3.2 Creating a Plan Area

The procedures for creating plan areas based on the live data area and a live data backup
are similar. The following procedure describes how to create a plan area based on the live
data area.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, perform either of the following operations:
l Right-click Data Area in the left navigation tree, and then click Create Plan Area.
l Click Live Data Area in the left navigation tree, right-click the subnetwork list on
the Live Data Area tab, and then click Create Plan Area.

To create a plan area based on a live data backup, you are required to click the
backup node (AutoBackup) under Live Data Area in the left navigation tree, and
select Create Plan Area after right-clicking the subnetwork list on the AutoBackup

The Create Plan Area dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-5.


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Figure 3-5 Create Plan Area Dialog Box

2. Enter an area name in User Label.

3. (Optional) Enter an area description in Remarks.
4. Select a subnetwork to be optimized.
5. (Optional) Select an NE
a. Double-click a subnetwork in the subnetwork list. The NE Selector dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 3-6.


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Figure 3-6 NE Selector Dialog Box

b. Select an NE in the Unselected NE pane, and click the or button to

add the NE into the Selected NE pane.
c. Click Set to save the setting.
6. Click OK. A message prompting you to confirm the creation operation is displayed.
7. Click Yes. The operation progress is displayed. The system creates a plan area and
a baseline area, and then copies the corresponding live data to the two areas. After
the system completes the copy operations, a new plan area is displayed in the left
navigation tree.
– End of Steps –

3.3.3 Backing Up a Plan Area

You can back up a plan area before adjusting configuration data in the area. The backed
up plan area can be used to restore it when you want to cancel data adjustment in the plan

The following procedure describes how to back up a plan area.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to be backed up in
the left navigation tree, and then click Backup. The Backup dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 3-7.


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Figure 3-7 Backup Dialog Box

2. Enter a name for the backup in User Label.

3. Enter a backup description (optional) in Remarks.

4. Click OK. The backup progress is displayed. After the backup progress is completed,
a backup node is displayed under the plan area in the navigation tree. You can modify
and delete the backup node as required.
– End of Steps –

3.3.4 Restoring a Plan Area

This procedure describes how to restore a backed up plan area.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click a backup node under the plan area
to be restored in the left navigation tree, and then click Recover. A message prompting
you to confirm the restore operation is displayed.
2. Click OK. The restoration progress is displayed, and disappears after it is completed.
The plan area is restored with the backup data.
– End of Steps –

3.3.5 Plan Area Resource Authorization and Authentication

To ensure legal operations on subnetwork resources in plan areas, the NetNumen
U31 system assigns users with different rights to perform corresponding operations on
subnetwork resources in different plan areas.

l Authorization of operations on plan area resources: This operation authorizes

specified users (excluding the system administrator and the creators of plan areas)
to perform operations on the subnetwork resources in a plan area.

à The following ICM operations can be permitted:

t Subnetwork resource viewing

t Plan area configuration

t Data activation


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t Live data synchronization

t Live data backup
à By default, all users can view subnetwork resources in all plan areas.
à The system administrator owns all operation rights on subnetwork resources in
all plan areas.
à The creator of a plan area owns all operation rights on all subnetwork resources
in the plan area.
à Only the system administrator and the creator of a plan area can view and
authorize operation rights on subnetwork resources in the plan area.

l Authentication of operations on plan area resources: This operation authenticates

whether a user has an operation right on subnetwork resources in a plan area. Setting Operation Rights for a User

This procedure describes how to create a new role, how to allocate relevant operation
rights for the role, and how to assign the role to a newly created user.

When setting operation rights for a user who has logged in to the server, the system
automatically logs off the user from the server.

1. In the client window of the NetNumen U31 system, select Security > Role
Management. The Role Management window is displayed, see Figure 3-8.


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Figure 3-8 Role Management Window (1)

2. In the left navigation tree, right-click the Role node, and select New Role from the
shortcut menu. The right pane of the Role Management window is refreshed, see
Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9 Role Management Window (2)

3. Expand the Physical Resource tree and find the target subnetwork node, see Figure


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Figure 3-10 Target Subnetwork Node

4. Specify an operation set for the target subnetwork.

User-defined operation sets can be modified.

a. (Optional) If a user-defined operation set is selected, right-click the operation set

node, and select Modify the Operation Set from the shortcut menu. The Modify
the Operation Set dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-11. Users can modify the
operation rights in accordance with actual requirements.


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Figure 3-11 Modify the Operation Set Dialog Box

b. Select an operation set as required, see Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12 Selecting an Operation Set

5. In the Role Management window, click OK. The operation rights in the operation set
are assigned to the role.
6. Select Security > User Management. The User Management window is displayed,
see Figure 3-13.


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Figure 3-13 User Management Window

7. In the left navigation tree, right-click the Root Department node, and select New User
from the shortcut menu. The right pane of the User Management window is refreshed.
8. Click the Right tab, and specify one or multiple roles for the new user, see Figure 3-14.

Figure 3-14 Specifying a Role for the New User


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9. Set other properties for the user, and click OK. The user operation rights are set
– End of Steps – Authorizing Users to Operate on Plan Area Resources

This procedure describes how to authorize specified users to perform operations on
subnetwork resources in a plan area.

1. In the client window of the NetNumen U31 system, select Configuration > Plan Data
Management. The Plan Data Management window is displayed.
2. In the left navigation tree, right-click a plan area node, and select Authorize from the
shortcut menu. The Authorization Management dialog box is displayed, see Figure

Figure 3-15 Authorization Management Dialog Box

The root node in the resource tree represents the plan area, and its sub-nodes
represent subnetwork resources. If a subnetwork node is displayed in blue, it
indicates that the resource authorization information differs from that of its parent
node (plan area); otherwise, the default authorization information is used, that is, the
authorization information of the parent node is applied for the subnetwork node.

After a node is selected, the authorized users are listed in the Authorized Users list,
and the unauthorized users are listed in the Unauthorized Users list.


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If you enter a keyword to be filtered in the Filter text box, all user names that contain
the keyword will be displayed in the below list.
In the Authorization Table area, if IgnoreDefault is selected, the subnetworks that
are authorized by default in the plan area will not be displayed. If All is selected,
authorization information of all subnetworks in the plan area will be displayed.
3. Click the Authorization Editor tab, and authorize specified users to perform
operations on subnetwork resources in the plan area, see Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-16 Authorizing Users to Perform Operations

a. In the left navigation tree, select one or multiple subnetwork nodes to be

b. Select one or multiple users from the Unauthorized Users list as required, and
add them to the Authorized Users list.
c. Click Authorize. The selected user(s) is(are) authorized to perform operations on
the selected subnetwork resources.
– End of Steps –

3.4 Data Import and Export

3.4.1 Overview
In the Plan Data Management window, you can perform the following data import and
export operations:


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l Exporting data from the live data area as a planning template file or an optimization
template file. For the planning area, data can be exported as an optimization template
l Exporting data from a plan area to an optimization template file
l Importing data from a planning or optimization template file to a plan area
To optimize specific subnetworks, you can export the configuration data of the subnetworks
from a data area to an optimization template file, adjust the configuration data in the file,
and then import the modified data to the ICM system.
The ICM system does not support exporting data to a planning template file. You can
obtain a proper planning template in the \ums-client\works\template\ommr\ and
\ums-client\works\template\ommb\ directories on the client, and fill in the template
file in accordance with the configuration plan.

3.4.2 Exporting Configuration Data

This procedure describes how to export configuration data from a data area to a template
file. You can use a network planning and optimization tool to adjust and optimize the
configuration data in the optimization template file, or view and modify the template file

1. In the Plan Data Management window, perform either of the following operations:
l To export data from a plan area, right-click the plan area in the left navigation tree,
and then click Export.
l To export data from the live data area, click Live Data Area in the left navigation
tree, select one or multiple subnetworks in the right pane, right-click the selected
subnetworks, and then click Export.
The Query and Export dialog box is displayed, Figure 3-17. In the left pane of the
dialog box, only the Optimization button is available and selected by default, meaning
that the configuration data can only be exported to an optimization template file.


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Figure 3-17 Query and Export Dialog Box

During the process of exporting data from the live data area, Plan and Optimization
buttons are displayed in the left pane, indicating that data can be exported as a
planning template file or an optimization template file. When the Plan button is
selected, the Profile drop-down list is not displayed in the right pane.
During the process of exporting data from the planning area, only the Optimization
button is displayed in the left pane, indicating that data can be exported as an
optimization template file only.
2. Set the basic parameters as required.
For a description of the basic parameters in the Query and Export dialog box, refer
to Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Parameter Descriptions for Exporting Data

Parameter Description

Data Area Plan area or live data area from which configuration data is to be
This parameter cannot be modified.

Ne Type Type of NEs whose configuration data is to be exported.

The options depend on the NE types involved in the selected plan
area or the live data area.

Version Version of the configuration data to be exported.

The options depend on the selected NE type and version.

Data Type Type of configuration data to be exported.

The options depend on the selected NE type.


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The system exports the configuration data (table objects and parameters) of all
subnetworks in a plan area or the selected subnetworks in the live data area by

3. To export specific objects and parameters, set export conditions as required.

For a description of the elements that support setting the export conditions in the Query
and Export dialog box, refer to Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Conditions for Exporting Configuration Data

Element Description

Profile list This option is not displayed when data is exported as a planning
template file.
Select a predefined profile from the drop-down list, which specifies
the subnetworks, objects, parameters, and filtering conditions for
exporting specific configuration data.
If a predefined profile is selected, it is not required to set conditions
on the Subnet List, Objects, Parameters, and Filter tabs.

Subnet List Determine the subnetworks and NEs whose configuration data is
to be exported.
l merge: To export the configuration data of all selected
subnetworks to a single file, select this check box. To export the
configuration data of different selected subnetworks to separate
files, clear this check box.
l NeView: To display all NE nodes in each subnetwork in the list,
select this check box.
l FilterByString:: To locate specific nodes in the subnet list, enter
a keyword in the text box.
l FilterByFile: You can edit the information of the NEs and
subnetworks whose configuration data is required in an XLS
file in advance, and then import the information to the subnet
list by clicking the button and selecting the file in the Open
dialog box.

Objects tab Determine the table objects to be exported.

Parameters tab Determine the parameters to be exported.


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Element Description

Filter tab Enter proper sentences to set specific filtering conditions.

Each sentence must comply with the following rule:
from "object" where "conditions";
Simple operators, such as <, >, =, and “like”, are allowed. Multiple
sentences are separated by semicolons.
For example, the following sentence can be used to filter the data
with RNCID greater than three or NODEBID smaller than 4 from the
table object SDRManagedElement:
from "SDRManagedElement" where "RNCID">3 or
If the All subtree use the same conditions check box is selected,
the filtering conditions on the Filter tab apply to all table objects.

Save Profile button After setting all exporting conditions on the Subnet List, Objects,
Parameters, and Filter tabs, you can click this button to save the
conditions as a profile. The generated profile is displayed in the
Profile list.

4. Click Next. The Query and Export dialog box changes, see Figure 3-18.

Figure 3-18 Query and Export Dialog Box

5. Click Select.... The Save As dialog box is displayed.

6. Select a path for storing the exported data, and click Save. The selected path is
displayed in Export File Path.


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7. Select an Excel version (2003 or 2007) for the optimization template file to be
8. Click Export. The export progress for each subnetwork is displayed in the Progress
column. After all required configuration data is exported, the export result is displayed
at the lower part of the Query and Export dialog box, see Figure 3-19.

Figure 3-19 Exporting Data Successfully

The generated optimization template files are compressed into a ZIP file. Each
template file contains the exported configuration data of a subnetwork.

9. Click Result. A window locating the ZIP file is displayed on the client screen. Users
can decompress the ZIP file and open a specific optimization template file to view
and modify the exported configuration data directly, or use a network planning and
optimization tool to modify the template file.

– End of Steps –

3.4.3 Importing Configuration Data

This procedure describes how to import configuration data from template files to a plan


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The planning or optimization template files containing the configuration data to be imported
are available.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to which the
configuration data is to be imported in the left navigation tree, and then click Import.
The Data Import dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20 Data Import Dialog Box (Plan)

2. To import configuration data from planning template files, perform the following
a. Set parameters as required. For a description of the parameters, refer to Table
Table 3-4 Parameter Descriptions for Importing Data From Planning Template

Parameter Description

Plan Area Plan area to which the configuration data is to be imported.

NE Type Type of NEs for which the configuration data is to be imported.

The options depend on the actual NE types involved in the plan

Data Type Type of the configuration data to be imported.

The options depend on the selected NE type.


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b. Click Add.... Select the planning template file to be imported in the displayed
dialog box.
c. Click Import. The import progress for each subnetwork is displayed in the
Progress column. The system supplements the configuration data with default
parameter values during data import if some parameters are not defined in the
template files.
3. To import configuration data from optimization template files, click Optimization in the
left pane. The parameters to be set are displayed in the right pane, see Figure 3-21.

Figure 3-21 Data Import Dialog Box (Optimization)

4. Set parameters as required. For a description of the parameters for importing

configuration data from an optimization template file, refer to Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Parameter Descriptions for Importing Data From Optimization Template

Parameter Description

Plan Area Plan area to which the configuration data is to be imported.

NE Type Type of NEs for which the configuration data is to be imported.

The options depend on the actual NE types involved in the plan area.

Data Type Type of the configuration data to be imported.

The options depend on the selected NE type.


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Parameter Description

Import Mode Import mode for importing data from an optimization template file.
The options are Delta (default) and Full.
l In the Delta mode, the system imports data from an optimization
template file in accordance with the Modification Indication
field. The field value (A, D, M, or P) determines the operation to
be performed by the system during data import. For example:

à A indicates that the corresponding object is to be added to the

plan area.

à D indicates that the corresponding object is to be deleted from

the plan area.

à M indicates that the corresponding object is to be modified.

à P indicates that the corresponding object is to be ignored.

l In the Full mode, the system removes all existing data from
the plan area first, and then imports data from an optimization
template file. The Full mode should be avoided because the
import process in this mode requires a long time to complete.

Transaction Mode Transaction mode for processing exceptions during data import. The
options are Atom Transaction (default) and Best effort.
l Atom Transaction: When an exception occurs during the
configuration data import process, the import process will
be terminated and the system will automatically recover the
configuration data before the import is implemented.
l Best effort: When an exception occurs during the configuration
data import process, the exception will be ignored and the other
configuration data will continue to be imported.

5. Click the Add button, and select a template file to be imported.

6. (Optional) To change the transaction mode for a specific template file, click the
corresponding cell in the Transaction Mode column, and then select another mode
from the drop-down list.
7. (Optional) To change the import mode for a specific template file, click the
corresponding cell in the Import Mode column, and then select another mode from
the drop-down list.
8. Click Import. The Data Import dialog box is displayed, showing the import results of
different template files on separate tabs, see Figure 3-22.


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Figure 3-22 Data Import Dialog Box (Import Results)

On each tab, the upper pane displays the objects that are changed in the plan area,
and the lower pane displays the import progress and the path where the result files
are stored on the server.

All result files are compressed into a ZIP file before being stored in the selected path.
Each result file contains new configuration data of the corresponding subnetwork.

9. (Optional) To download the ZIP file from the server to the local client, perform the
following operations:
a. Click Result. The Choose Folder dialog box is displayed.

b. Select a path for storing the ZIP file on the client, and then click Save. The
Information dialog box is displayed, indicating that the ZIP file is stored in the
selected path, see Figure 3-23.


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Figure 3-23 Information Dialog Box

c. To view a specific result file, click Open Folder. A window locating the ZIP file
is displayed on the client screen. Users can decompress the ZIP file, locate the
result file, and open the file to view the configuration data details.
In the result file, the value P in the Modification Indication field indicates that the
required modification is successful. If the required modification fails, the value (A,
M, or D) in this field does not change to P, and the corresponding cell in the last
column indicates the failure cause.
– End of Steps –

3.5 Data Verification and Submission

3.5.1 Overview
Before sending adjusted configuration data in a plan area to the corresponding
subnetworks, you must verify that the new configuration data is valid and consistent
without conflict and ensure that the configuration data is properly adjusted by comparing
the plan area with the live data area or another plan area. After all necessary checks, the
new configuration data can be submitted to the activation management module, which
sends the configuration data to the subnetworks and activates the new configuration.
The data verification and submission operations are performed in the Data Check dialog
box. Figure 3-24 shows the Data Check–Conflict dialog box, in which Conflict is selected
in the left pane by default.


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Figure 3-24 Data Check–Conflict Dialog Box

For a description of the buttons in the left pane, refer to Table 3-6.

Table 3-6 Buttons for Data Verification in the Data Check Dialog Box

Button Description

Conflict (Required) Checks whether the optimized data in a plan area conflicts with the
corresponding live data. After comparison, the system displays the detected
conflict types and provides solutions for resolving the conflicts.

Validity (Required) Checks whether the configuration data in a plan area complies with
the constraints required by all configuration models by subnetwork.

Submit Submits the configuration data in a plan area to an activation task.

Consistency Checks the configuration data in a plan area for consistency from three aspects:
interconnection parameters, neighbor cell parameters, and unidirectional
neighbor relations.

The configuration data can be activated only when it passes the validity check and conflict

3.5.2 Performing a Validity Check

This procedure describes how to check the configuration data in a plan area for validity.


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1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to be checked in the
left navigation tree, and then click Check. The Data Check–Conflict dialog box is
displayed, in which all subnetworks are selected by default.
2. Click Validity in the left pane. The Data Check–Validity dialog box is displayed, see
Figure 3-25.

Figure 3-25 Data Check–Validity Dialog Box

3. Select the subnetwork(s) to be checked in the Select Subnet column, and select the
check options in the Full Data and All Rules columns. For a description of the check
options, refer to Table 3-7.

Table 3-7 Data Check Options

Check Option Description

Full Data l Selected: All data will be checked.

l Cleared: Only incremental data will be checked.

All Rules l Selected: All rules will be used to check data.

l Cleared: Only basic rules will be used to check data.

4. Click OK. The system checks the configuration data in each selected subnetwork and
displays the progress in the Progress column. After the validity check is completed,
the Result column (PASS or NO) indicates whether the system successfully completes
the validity check for each subnetwork, and the Validity column (Successful or an
error code) indicates whether each subnetwork passes the validity check.


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Chapter 3 Plan Data Management

5. To view the error details of a subnetwork that fails to pass the validity check, right-click
the corresponding row, and then click View Detail. The Excel file recording the error
details is opened on the client screen. Users can analyze the error details and locate
the failure cause.
– End of Steps –

3.5.3 Performing a Consistency Check

This procedure describes how to check the configuration data in a plan area for

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to be checked in the
left navigation tree, and then click Check. The Data Check–Conflict dialog box is
2. Click Consistency in the left pane. The Data Check–Consistency dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 3-26.

Figure 3-26 Data Check–Consistency Dialog Box

3. Select Docking Parameters Check, Neighboring Cell Parameters, or

Single-neighboring Cell as required.
4. Select one or more subnetworks to be checked, and then click OK. The system
checks the configuration data in each selected subnetwork and displays the progress
in the Progress column. After the consistency check is completed, the Result
column (Success or an error code) indicates whether each subnetwork passes the
consistency check.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

5. To view the error details of a subnetwork that fails to pass the consistency check,
right-click the corresponding row, and then click View Detail. The Excel file recording
the error details is opened on the client screen. Users can analyze the error details
and locate the failure cause.
– End of Steps –

3.5.4 Performing a Conflict Check

This procedure describes how to detect and resolve data conflicts between a plan area
and the live data area.
During the conflict check, the system performs the following comparison operations in

1. Compare the baseline area of the plan area with the live data area to obtain
configuration data changes due to operations performed by other users on related
subnetworks after the plan area is created.
2. Compare the plan area with the baseline area to obtain configuration data changes
made by the current user.
3. Compare the results obtained from the previous two operations to detect whether a
conflict occurs because an object is differently modified by the current user and another
Configuration data can be activated and submitted only after it passes the validity check
and conflict check.

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to be checked, and
then click Check. The Data Check–Conflict dialog box is displayed, see Figure 3-27.


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Chapter 3 Plan Data Management

Figure 3-27 Data Check–Conflict Dialog Box

2. In the Select Subnet column, select the check boxes corresponding to the
subnetworks for conflict check.
3. Click OK. A message is displayed, asking whether the live data has been
4. Click OK. The system checks the configuration data in the selected subnetwork and
displays the progress in the Progress column. After the check is completed, the
Result column (PASS or NO) indicates whether the system successfully completes
the conflict check for each subnetwork, and the Validity column (Success or an error
code) indicates whether each subnetwork passes the conflict check.

5. To resolve detected data conflicts (for example, two different values of the same field),
select the subnetwork that fails to pass the conflict check, right-click the subnetwork,
and then click View Detail. The Conflict Check Result dialog box is displayed, see
Figure 3-28.


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Figure 3-28 Conflict Check Result Dialog Box

6. Click Resolve Conflicts By Live Data or Resolve Conflicts By Plan Data as

l If Resolve Conflicts By Live Data is selected, the system resolves the conflicts
based on the data in the live data area by overwriting the conflicted fields in the
plan area with the field values in the live data area.
l If Resolve Conflicts By Plan Data is selected, the system resolves the conflicts
based on the data in the plan area by optimizing the corresponding fields in the
subnetworks with the field values in the plan area.
After all conflicts are resolved, a message confirming the conflict resolution is
– End of Steps –

3.5.5 Submitting Data

This procedure describes how to submit the configuration data in a plan area to an
activation task after data verification.

The configuration data in the plan area passes the validity check and the conflict check.


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Chapter 3 Plan Data Management

1. In the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area to be compared in
the left navigation tree, and the click Check. The Data Check–Conflict dialog box is
2. Click Submit in the left pane. The Data Check–Submit dialog box is displayed, see
Figure 3-29.

Figure 3-29 Data Check–Submit Dialog Box

3. Select one or more subnetworks whose data is to be submitted.

4. Click the Submit button, or right-click a subnetwork and then select Submit from the
shortcut menu. The data status of each subnetwork in the Status column changes
from editing to submit.

The configuration data in the plan area cannot be modified after being successfully
submitted. Users can click To Edit to resume the editing status of the configuration
data if additional modification is required.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 4
Site Transfer
Site transfer refers to a process that transfers ground data and radio data from a source
BS to a destination BS. Site transfers are only allowed between BSs with the same version
and radio access technology.
Before a site transfer, a transfer plan file in XLS format must be prepared in accordance with
the existing network and the actual site transfer plan. This file must contain the information
of the source and destination BSs, and necessary modifications of the configuration data.
The following two site transfer scenarios are supported:
l Inter-OMMR data transfer
l Inter-OMMB data transfer
Only inter-OMMB data transfer is applicable to LTE BSs.
Online and offline transfer modes are supported:

l Online transfer
The source and destination BSs are located in the same plan area of the NetNumen
U31 system. The radio and ground data of the source BS is transferred to the
destination BS and deleted from the OMM. The online transfer process is as follows:
1. (For inter-OMMR transfers only) Export the radio data related to the neighbor BSs
of the source BS.
2. Select the plan area that contains the source and destination BSs.
3. Select the template file that contains the information of the source and destination
For inter-OMMR site transfers, the radio data file related to the neighbor BSs also
needs to be selected.
4. Execute an online transfer.
5. Activate and download data.
The radio and ground data of the source BS is transferred to the destination BS
and deleted from the OMM.

For inter-OMMR site transfer, activate and download the data of the neighbor BSs
of the source BS and then modify the data.
l Offline transfer

The data of the destination BS is stored in a different NetNumen U31 system from that
of the source BS. The radio and ground data of the source BS is transferred to the
destination BS and deleted from the OMM. The offline transfer process is as follows:


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1. Export the radio and ground of the source BS from the source plan area of the
source NetNumen U31 system.
2. (For inter-OMMR transfers only) Export the radio data of the neighbor BSs of the
source BS.
3. (For inter-OMMR transfers only) Export the radio and ground data (including the
data at the destination OMMR side) of the destination BS from the plan area of
the destination NetNumen U31 system.
4. Select the transfer template file that contains the information of the source and
destination BSs.
For inter-OMMR transfers, the radio data file that contains the information of the
neighbor BSs also needs to be selected.

5. Execute an offline transfer on the destination NetNumen U31 system.

6. Obtain the exported file of the offline transfer from the specified directory on the
destination NetNumen U31 server.
7. Import the exported file for the destination BS into the destination NetNumen U31
system. Activate and download the data in the destination plan area, and add the
data of the destination BS.
8. Import the exported file for the source BS into the source NetNumen U31 system.
Activate and download the data in the source plan area, and delete the data of
the source BS.
9. (For inter-OMMR transfers only) Activate and download the data of the neighbor
BSs of the source BS, and modify the data of the neighbor BSs.
Table of Contents
Transferring an Online Site.........................................................................................4-2
Transferring an Offline Site .........................................................................................4-7

4.1 Transferring an Online Site

This procedure describes how to transfer the radio and ground data from a source BS to
a destination BS in the same plan area of the NetNumen U31 system. After the online
site transfer, the data of the source BS is deleted and the data of the neighbor BSs are

l A plan area has been created for the subnetwork of the source and destination BSs.
l The transfer template file in XLS format is prepared. This file contains the information
of the source and destination BSs and the parameters to be modified.

(Optional) For an inter-OMMR BS data transfer, export the radio data related to the
neighbor BSs of the source BS.


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

1. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area
that contains neighbor BSs of the source BS, and click Export. The Query and Export
dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Radio Data)

2. Select Optimization in the left pane, and configure the required parameters.
a. From the Data Type drop-down list, select the radio technology of the neighbor
BS, for example, TD Radio.
b. On the Subnet List sub-tab, select the subnetwork of the neighbor BS.
c. On the Objects sub-tab, select all the objects.

d. On the Parameters sub-tab, select all the parameters.


No configuration is required on the Filter sub-tab because all data about the
neighbor BSs needs to be exported.

3. Click Next. The parameters for exporting radio data are displayed, see Figure 4-2.


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Figure 4-2 Query and Export Dialog Box (Exporting Radio Data)

4. Click Select and select the optimization template file for saving the exported data,
select 2003 or 2007 Excel format, and click Export.
5. Repeat steps 1–4 to export the radio data of all other neighbor BSs of the source BS
to optimization template file.
Execute the online transfer.
6. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area
that contains the source and destination BS, and click Import. The Data Import dialog
box is displayed.
7. Select Transfer Site in the left pane and select Online Transport in the right pane.
The ommr and ommb tabs are displayed, see Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4.


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

Figure 4-3 Data Import Dialog Box–ommr Tab

Figure 4-4 Data Import Dialog Box–ommb Tab

8. Configure the data transfer conditions as follows:


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Scenario Operation

Inter-OMMR online site On the ommr tab, perform the following steps:
transfer i. Click the Add button for Transfer Site Template. In the dis-
played Open dialog box, select the transfer template file.

ii. Click the Add button for Adjacent Radio Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the third-party RNC radio optimization
data file, that is, the radio data file about all neighbor BSs of the
source BS.


The functions of the Execute and Create buttons are as follows:

l Execute: generates the data to be adjusted on the source and

destination BSs and the data file to be modified for the neighbor
BSs involved in the site transfer.
l Create: only generates the data file to be modified for the
neighbor BSs involved in the site transfer.

Inter-OMMB online site On the ommb tab, click the Add button for Transfer Site Template.
transfer In the displayed Open dialog box, select the transfer template file.

9. Click Execute. The online transfer starts.

When the Transport Progress bar displays 100%, the BS is successfully transferred.
10. Click Quit. The Data Import dialog box is closed.
11. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan area
on which the online transfer is executed, and click Check. The Data Check dialog
box is displayed.
12. Perform the required operations, such as check the validity, consistency, and conflict,
and submit data. For details, refer to 3.5.2 Performing a Validity Check, 3.5.3
Performing a Consistency Check, 3.5.4 Performing a Conflict Check, and 3.5.5
Submitting Data.

(Optional) For an inter-OMMR site transfer, activate and download the data of the
neighbor BSs.
13. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window, right-click the plan
area that contains the neighbor BS, and click Check. The Data Check dialog box is

14. Check the data validity, consistency, and conflict, and submit the data.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

4.2 Transferring an Offline Site

This procedure describes how to transfer the radio and ground data from a source BS to
a destination BS in a different NetNumen U31 system. After the offline site transfer, the
data of the source BS is deleted and the data of the neighbor BSs are modified.

The transfer template file in XLS format is prepared. This file contains the information of
the source and destination BSs and the parameters to be modified.

Export the radio and ground data of the source BS.
1. In the Plan Data Management window of the source NetNumen U31 system, perform
either of the following operations:
l In the navigation tree, right-click the plan area that contains the source BS, and
click Export.
l In the subnetwork list under the live data area of the source NetNumen U31
system, right-click the subnetwork where the source BS is located, and click
The Query and Export dialog box is displayed, see Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Radio Data)

2. Select Optimization in the left pane, and configure the required parameters.
a. From the Data Type drop-down list, select the radio technology of the source BS,
for example, TD Radio.


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b. On the Subnet List sub-tab, select the subnetwork of the source BS.
c. On the Objects sub-tab, select all the objects.
d. On the Parameters sub-tab, select all the parameters.

The Filter sub-tab needs no configuration because all data about the source BS
needs to be exported.

3. Click Next. The Query and Export dialog box changes, see Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Query and Export Dialog Box (Exporting Radio Data)

4. Click Select and select the optimization template file for saving the exported data,
select 2003 or 2007 Excel format, and click Export.
5. Refer to steps 1–4 to import the ground data of the source BS into the optimization
template file. Note that the Data Type must be set to Ground, see Figure 4-7.


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

Figure 4-7 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Ground Data)

(Optional) For an inter-OMMR offline site transfer, export the radio data of the
neighbor BSs of the source BS.
6. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the source NetNumen
U31 system, right-click the plan area that contains the neighbor BSs, and click Export.
The Query and Export dialog box is displayed.
7. Refer to steps 1–4 to export the radio data of the neighbor BSs.

(Optional) For an inter-OMMR offline site transfer, export the radio and ground data
of the destination BS.
8. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the destination
NetNumen U31 system, right-click the plan area that contains the destination BS, and
click Export. The Query and Export dialog box is displayed.
9. Refer to steps 1–5 to export the radio and ground data of the destination BS.
Execute the offline transfer in the destination NetNumen U31 system.
10. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the destination
NetNumen U31 system, right-click a plan area, and click Import. The Data Import
dialog box is displayed.
11. Select Transfer Site in the left pane and select Offline Transport in the right pane.
The ommr and ommb tabs are displayed, see Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9.


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Figure 4-8 Data Import Dialog Box–ommr Tab

Figure 4-9 Data Import Dialog Box–ommb Tab

12. Configure the data transfer conditions as follows:


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

Scenario Operation

Inter-OMMR offline site On the ommr tab, perform the following steps:
transfer i. Click the Add button for Transfer Site Template. In the dis-
played Open dialog box, select the transfer template file.

ii. Click the Add button for Adjacent Radio Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the third-party RNC radio optimization
data file, that is, the radio data file about all neighbor BSs of the
source BS.

iii. Click the Add button for Source Radio Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the radio data file about the source BS.

iv. Click the Add button for Source Ground Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the ground data file about the source

v. Click the Add button for Destination Radio Data. In the dis-
played Open dialog box, select the radio data file about the des-
tination BS.

vi. Click the Add button for Destination Ground Data. In the dis-
played Open dialog box, select the ground data file about the
destination BS.


The functions of the Execute and Create buttons are as follows:

l Execute: generates the data to be adjusted on the source and

destination BSs and the data file to be modified for the neighbor
BSs involved in the site transfer.
l Create: only generates the data file to be modified for the
neighbor BSs involved in the site transfer.

Inter-OMMB offline site On the ommb tab, perform the following steps:
transfer i. Click the Add button for Transfer Site Template. In the dis-
played Open dialog box, select the transfer template file.

ii. Click the Add button for Source Radio Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the radio data file about the source BS.

iii. Click the Add button for Source Ground Data. In the displayed
Open dialog box, select the ground data file about the source

13. Click Execute. The offline transfer starts.


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When the Transport Progress bar displays the 100%, the BS is successfully
Import the exported file for the destination BS into the destination NetNumen U31
system, and download and activate the data in the destination plan area.
14. Download all XLS files with the prefix DestInterface under ums-server/utils
/tst/business/output/ of the destination NetNumen U31 server.
15. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the destination
NetNumen U31 system, right-click the plan area that contains the destination BS, and
click Import. The Data Import dialog box is displayed.
16. Select Optimization in the left pane. The parameters for importing destination data
are displayed, see Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10 Data Import Dialog Box

17. Set the parameters in the right pane.

For a description of the parameters for importing destination data, refer to Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Parameters for Importing Destination Data

Parameter Description

Plan Area Plan area to which the configuration data is to be imported.

No configuration is required.

NE Type Type of NEs for which the configuration data is to be imported.

The options depend on the actual NE types involved in the plan area.
No configuration is required.


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Chapter 4 Site Transfer

Parameter Description

Data Type Type of the configuration data to be imported.

The parameter setting should be the same as the NE type configured
in the Data Type field in the TemplateInfo dialog box.

Import Mode Set this parameter to Delta. The data in the plan area will be added,
deleted, or modified according to the marks in the files.

Transaction Mode When an exception occurs during the configuration data import
process, the import process will be terminated and the system will
automatically recover the configuration data before the import is
Use the default Atom Transaction, which means that the
import process will be terminated if an exception occurs and the
configuration data before the import will be restored.

Template Files Click Add. In the displayed Choosing Template dialog box, select
the file to be imported.
All XLS files with the prefix DestInterface need to be imported
into the destination NetNumen U31 system. Only one file can be
imported at a time.


The DestInterface_Cell_***.xls file, which contains the cell

information, must be imported before the DestInterface_Neighb
oringCell_***.xls file, which contains the neighbor cell informa-

18. Click Import. The Data Import dialog box is displayed, showing the import result.
19. Refer to steps 16–18 to import other XLS files with the prefix DestInterface from
the destination NetNumen U31 system to the destination NetNumen U31 system.
Only one file can be imported at a time.
20. Click Quit. The Data Import dialog box is closed.
21. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the destination
NetNumen U31 system, right-click the plan area that contains the destination BS, and
click Data Check. The Data Check dialog box is displayed.
22. Perform the required operations, such as check the validity, consistency, and conflict,
and submit data. For details, refer to 3.5.2 Performing a Validity Check, 3.5.3
Performing a Consistency Check, 3.5.4 Performing a Conflict Check, and 3.5.5
Submitting Data.
Import the exported file for the source BS into the source NetNumen U31 system,
and active and download the data in the source data plan area.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

23. Download all XLS files with the prefix SourceInterface under ums-server/uti
ls/tst/business/output/ of the destination NetNumen U31 server.
24. Refer to steps 14–20 to import the downloaded files into the source NetNumen U31

Only one file can be imported at a time.
The SourceInterface_NeighboringCell_***.xls file, which contains
neighbor cell information, must be imported before the SourceInterface_Cell_
***.xls file, which contains the cell information.

25. Activate and download the data in the source plan area.
(Optional) For an inter-OMMR site transfer, activate and download the data on the
neighbor BSs of the source BS.
26. In the navigation tree of the Plan Data Management window of the source NetNumen
U31 system, right-click the plan area that contains the neighbor BS, and click Check.
The Data Check dialog box is displayed.
27. Check the data validity, consistency, and conflict, and submit the data.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 5
Data Comparison
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................5-1
Comparing Data in the Plan Data Compare Window ..................................................5-2
Managing Comparison Results...................................................................................5-5

5.1 Overview
Data comparison is supported in multiple procedures by the integrated configuration. For
example, the Integrated Configuration Management (ICM) system automatically performs
a data comparison when activating planned or optimized configuration data.
You can compare two data areas in the Plan Data Compare window on the NetNumen
U31 client GUI to obtain data differences and export the comparison results to an Excel
file or an optimization template file.
Figure 5-1 shows the Plan Data Compare window.

Figure 5-1 Plan Data Compare Window

The Plan Data Compare window contains two areas: Parameter Setting and History
l The Parameter Setting area provides parameters to be set for data comparison.


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l The History Result area displays the records of all data comparison operations.

5.2 Comparing Data in the Plan Data Compare Window

This procedure describes how to compare data between two data areas in the Plan Data
Compare window.

1. On the client GUI of the NetNumen U31 system, select Configuration > Plan Data
Compare from the menu bar. The Plan Data Compare window is displayed, see
Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Plan Data Compare Window

2. Select a source data area from the Source list.

3. Select a destination data area from the Destination list. The subnetworks in the
intersection between the source data area and the destination data area are displayed
in the Subnet List area, see Figure 5-3.


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Chapter 5 Data Comparison

Figure 5-3 Subnetworks in the Intersection Between Source and Destination Data

You can click Refresh to deselect the source and destination data areas before
selecting another source data area and destination data area.

4. Select the subnetworks whose configuration data is to be compared in the Subnet

List area.
5. (Optional) To use a specific profile for data comparison, perform the following
a. Click . The Select Profile dialog box is displayed, in which available profiles
are listed, see Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4 Select Profile Dialog Box

b. Select the profile to be used, and then click Ok. The profile name is displayed in
the Profile text box.
6. Click Run. The system compares the configuration data between the source data
area and the destination area by each subnetwork and displays the progress in
the Progress column. After the data comparison is completed, the Result column
displays the comparison results, and a comparison record is added in the History
Result area.


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7. (Optional) To view the comparison results, perform the following operations:

a. Right-click any selected subnetwork in the Subnet List area, and then click View
Detail. The Save Compare Result dialog box is displayed, see Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5 Save Compare Result Dialog Box

1. Subnetwork list 3. Source parameter 4. Destination

2. Table object list list parameter list

b. Select a subnetwork from the subnetwork list. The objects that have different
parameter fields between the source data area and the destination data area are
displayed in the table object list.

c. Click an object in the table object list. Different field values between the source
data area and the destination data area are highlighted in red, see Figure 5-6.


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Chapter 5 Data Comparison

Figure 5-6 Different Field Values

8. (Optional) To export the data differences in the comparison results to Excel files,
perform the following operations:
a. Select Difference Report (Excel), and then click Export. The Select Directory
dialog box is displayed.
b. Select a path for saving the exported results, and then click Save. After the
export process is completed, a message confirming the successful export of the
comparison results is displayed.
c. Click OK. Multiple Excel files are generated in the selected path. Each file contains
the comparison results of one subnetwork.
9. (Optional) To export the data differences in the comparison results to optimization
template files, perform the following operations:
a. Select Optimization Template, and then click Export. The Select Directory
dialog box is displayed.
b. Select a path for saving the exported results, and then click Save. After the
export progress is completed, a message confirming the successful export of the
comparison results is displayed.
c. Click OK. Multiple optimization template files are generated in the selected path.
These files can be viewed and modified. In addition, you can import the files to
the source data area to obtain the same configuration data as the destination data
– End of Steps –

5.3 Managing Comparison Results

This procedure describes how to manage data comparison results.


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Data comparisons have been performed in the system.

1. On the client GUI, select Configuration > Plan Data Compare from the menu
bar. The Plan Data Compare window is displayed, in which the records of all data
comparison operations are listed in the History Result area, see Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7 Plan Data Compare Window (History Result Area)

2. To view the results of a recorded comparison, click the corresponding row, and then
click Open. The Save Compare Result dialog box is displayed.

In the Save Compare Result dialog box, you can locate specific objects with different
field values for each subnetwork, and export the comparison results to Excel files or
optimization template files.
3. To delete a comparison record with corresponding results, perform the following

a. Click the corresponding row, and then click Delete. A message prompting you to
confirm the deletion operation is displayed.

b. Click OK. The comparison record disappears from the History Result area.

4. To refresh the comparison records in the History Result area, click Refresh. The
client updates the records in the area with the latest comparison records obtained
from the ICM server.

– End of Steps –


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Chapter 6
Activation Task Management
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................6-1
Adding an Activation Task ..........................................................................................6-2
Comparing, Downloading, and Activating Data ...........................................................6-5

6.1 Overview
An activation task is used for downloading specific optimized configuration data from the
ICM system to the corresponding NEs and activating the data in the NEs. Users can add
a scheduled activation task for automatic execution or add an unscheduled activation task
for manual execution.
For a description of activation tasks in different statuses, refer to Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Activation Task Statuses

Task Status Description

Idle An activation task is in “Idle” status by default upon being created.

Compare An activation task is in “Compare” status when the system is comparing

the optimized configuration data with the live configuration data to obtain
the incremental data.

Download An activation task is in “Download” status when the system is downloading

the incremental data to corresponding NEs.

Activate An activation task is in “Activate” status after the system activates the
incremental data in the NEs.

On the client GUI, you can manage activation tasks in the Activation Management dialog
box (see Figure 6-1).


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Figure 6-1 Activation Management Dialog Box

1. Task tree 3. Task list 5. Task information area

2. Toolbar 4. Activation log

6.2 Adding an Activation Task

This procedure describes how to add an activation task for downloading and activating
configuration data.

You can modify an activation task in "Idle" status and delete an activation task when the
task is not being executed.

1. On the client GUI, select Configuration > Plan Data Activation from the menu bar.
The Activation Management dialog box is displayed.
2. Click on the toolbar. The Activation task management dialog box is displayed,
see Figure 6-2.


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Chapter 6 Activation Task Management

Figure 6-2 Activation Task Management Dialog Box

The Unselected Plan Area provides all plan areas in which the configuration data has
been verified and submitted.

3. In the left area, enter and set the basic task parameters as required.

For a description of the basic parameters, refer to Table 6-2.

Table 6-2 Activation Task Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description

Task Name Task name

Download Mode Data rollback mechanism to be used when data activation fails.
Only NE-Based is available. If the data activation in an NE fails, the
NE rolls back to the original configuration data. The data activation
in other NEs is not affected.

Setting Schedule Enables the scheduling of an activation task.

l If this check box is cleared, manually executing the task is
l If this check box is selected, the task is executed on schedule.
Task Begin Time and Activation Begin Time are activated
when the check box is selected.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Parameter Description

Task Begin Time Sets the time when the system starts comparing data and
downloading incremental data to NEs.
The Task Begin Time of a task must be 15 minutes later than the
current time.

Activation Begin Time Sets the time when the system starts activating incremental data
in NEs.
The Activation Begin Time must be 15 minutes later than Task
Begin Time.

4. Select the subnetworks to be configured or optimized in the Unselected Plan Area,

and then click . The selected subnetworks are displayed in the Selected Plan
5. Click OK. A new task in "Idle" status is displayed in the task list. If the task is scheduled
for automatic execution, the system compares, downloads, and activates the task
automatically on schedule. If the task is not scheduled, you are required to initiate
the data comparison, download, and activation manually.
6. (Optional) To delete an activation task in idle status, select the task, and then click
on the toolbar.
7. (Optional) To modify an activation task that is not being executed, select the task, and
then click on the toolbar.
– End of Steps –

Related Tasks
After an activation task is created, users should generate an incremental data file,
download and activate the file.
Users can modify and delete the activation task as needed:

To... Do...

Delete an activation task Users can delete the activation task that are not being executed.
1. In the Activation task management dialog box, select the task
to be deleted.
2. Click the button.

Modify an activation task Users can modify the activation task before the comparison operation.
1. In the Activation task management dialog box, select the task
to be modified.
2. Click the button.


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Chapter 6 Activation Task Management

6.3 Comparing, Downloading, and Activating Data

This procedure describes how to compare, download, and activate data manually for an
unscheduled activation task.

During the execution of an activation task, the comparison, download, and activation
operations are recorded and displayed on the Log tab in the Activation Management
window. Users can view the details of an operation and download the generated files to
the local client.
If an operation fails, you can double-click the operation record on the Log tab to view the
failure cause, and resolve the failure to ensure successful data activation.

1. Select Configuration > Plan Data Activation from the menu bar. The Activation
Management dialog box is displayed.
2. In the task list, right-click the task to be executed, and then click Compare to Get
Delta. The system compares the configuration data in the selected plan area with the
corresponding baseline data to obtain the incremental data to be downloaded. After
the comparison is completed, the task status changes to Compare (Succeed).

If no incremental data is detected, the task status changes to Compare (No Delta).

3. Right-click the task, and then click Download. A message prompting you to confirm
the download operation is displayed.
4. Click OK. The system downloads the incremental data to the EMS, which then
forwards the data to corresponding NEs. After the data is successfully downloaded,
the task status changes to Download (Succeed).
During the download process, the OMM locks the configuration of the NE, and users
are not allowed to modify the data.

The incremental data does not become valid on the corresponding NEs at the moment.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

5. (Optional) To cancel the download operation, right-click the task, and then click Cancel
l If the download operation is cancelled after the data is successfully downloaded,
the original data on the corresponding NEs is recovered and the mutex rights on
these NEs are released.
l If the download operation is cancelled after the data downloading fails, the mutex
rights on the corresponding NEs are released.
After the download operation is cancelled, you are not allowed to perform the download
operation before obtaining the incremental data again.
6. Right-click the task, and then click Activate. A message prompting you to confirm the
activation operation is displayed.
7. Enter the verification code, and click OK. The system enables the corresponding NEs
to activate the new configuration data. After all related NEs successfully activate the
configuration data, the task status changes to Activate (Succeed).
After the activation, the OMM unlocks the configuration of the NE. If the activation
fails, a manual operation is required to cancel the download operation to unlock the
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 7
Offline Subnetwork
Table of Contents
Offline Plan Area ........................................................................................................7-1
Adding an Offline Subnetwork ....................................................................................7-1

7.1 Offline Plan Area

An offline subnetwork can be added for Network Elements (NEs) that are not connected
to the ICM system. Users can create an offline plan area for the offline subnetwork and
import the configuration data of the NEs in the subnetwork to the plan area and adjust the
data as required.
The following describes the procedure for creating and using an offline plan area:
1. Create an offline subnetwork.
2. Create an offline plan area for the offline subnetwork.
3. Import the configuration data of NEs in the offline subnetwork to the offline plan area.
4. Adjust the configuration data in the offline plan area.
5. Create an online plan area when the NEs in the subnetwork are connected to the ICM
6. Export the configuration data from the offline plan area to optimization template files,
and then import the template files to the online plan area.
7. Download the configuration data in the online plan area to the NEs, and activate the
configuration data in the NEs.

7.2 Adding an Offline Subnetwork

This procedure describes how to add an offline subnetwork that is not connected to the
ICM system.

1. On the client GUI, select Configuration > Offline Subnetwork Management from
the menu bar. The Offline Subnetwork Area dialog box is displayed, see Figure 7-1.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Figure 7-1 Offline Subnetwork Area Dialog Box

2. Click Add. The Add Subnetwork dialog box is displayed, see Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Add Subnetwork Dialog Box

3. Set parameters as required, and then click OK. The added offline subnetwork is
displayed in the Offline Subnetwork Area dialog box.
You can create an offline plan area for the added offline subnetwork, and import the
configuration data of NEs in the subnetwork to the plan area. The procedure of creating
an offline plan area is the same as that of creating an online plan area.

When you create a plan area, all created offline subnetworks will be automatically
displayed in the subnetwork list.
– End of Steps –


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Chapter 8
Profile Settings
Table of Contents
Overview ....................................................................................................................8-1
Adding a Profile..........................................................................................................8-2

8.1 Overview
A profile specifies a set of parameters, such as table objects, parameters and attributes
in tables, table keywords, and filtering conditions. The ICM system determines the table
objects and contents to be compared or exported in accordance with a profile during data
comparison or export.
In the ICM system, users can use the target base station as a set, that is, NodeBList. The
NodeBList can be used when data is downloaded, and the definition in the NodeBlist is
used to determine the base station from which data is downloaded.
On the client GUI of the NetNumen U31 system, you can add, modify, and delete a profile
in the Profile Setting window (see Figure 8-1).

Figure 8-1 Profile Setting Window

1. Navigation tree 2. Profile list 3. Profile settings


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

The navigation tree provides the products, data types, and versions supported in the
system. After a version node is selected in the navigation tree, the existing profiles of the
corresponding version are displayed in the profile list. The profile settings area displays
the information of a profile selected in the profile list, including profile name, template
type, description, selected objects, parameters, keys, and filtering conditions.
After a NodeBList node is selected in the profile list, the NodeBList name and base station
list included or excluded in a download operation are displayed, see Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 NodeBList Setting Window

Users can add, modify or delete a profile or NodeBList as needed.

8.2 Adding a Profile

In the ICM system, users can define a profile and specify table objects, parameter
attributes, keywords, and filtration conditions for the profile. Users can also define
a NodeBList and specify a base station list included or excluded during a download
operation for the NodeBList.
This procedure describes how to add a profile.

1. In the Profile Setting window, perform one of the following operations as needed:

To... Do...

Define a profile for a comparison or exporting Proceed to Steps 2 and 3.


Define a NodeBList for a downloading operation Proceed to Steps 4 to 6.


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Chapter 8 Profile Settings

2. Select Configuration > Profile Setting from the menu bar. The Profile Setting
window is displayed.
3. Set the profile parameters. For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 8-1

Table 8-1 Profile Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description

Template Applicable template type

Only Optimization (optimization template) is available.

Profile Name Profile name

Information (Optional) Profile description

Objects Select required table objects.

Parameters Select required parameters.

Keys Select required primary keys for the selected table objects.

Filter Set specific filtering conditions to determine the data to be compared and

4. Click the Add button. A profile is added under the specified node, and the profile
information is displayed in the profile list.

When data is compared or exported, users can select a self-defined profile to rapidly
select table objects, parameter attributes, and filtration conditions.
5. Select the NodeBList node in the navigation tree, and set the NodeBList name and
base station list in the right pane.
Select Include or Exclude, and edit the base station list included or excluded in a
download operation. The format is as follows:

6. Click the Add button. A NodeBList is added under the NodeBList node, and related
information is displayed in the right pane.

7. Right-click the NodeBList, and select Set As Default from the shortcut menu. The
NodeBList is used by default during a download operation.

– End of Steps –

Related Tasks
Users can modify or delete the newly added profile or NodeBList as needed.


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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

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Figure 1-1 NE Configuration Processing Flow........................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-2 Directories for Saving ICM Temporary Files ............................................. 1-8
Figure 1-3 Moss Icm Backup Plan Monitor Directory Dialog Box ............................... 1-9
Figure 2-1 Configuration Model Centralize Management........................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2 Configuration Model Successfully Deleted ............................................... 2-4
Figure 2-3 Configuration Model Successfully Uploaded ............................................ 2-5
Figure 3-1 Plan Data Management Window (Initial Window) ..................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2 Live Data Area ......................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-3 Live Data Upload Message Box ............................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-4 Plan Area................................................................................................. 3-7
Figure 3-5 Create Plan Area Dialog Box ................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-6 NE Selector Dialog Box ......................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-7 Backup Dialog Box ................................................................................ 3-11
Figure 3-8 Role Management Window (1)............................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-9 Role Management Window (2)............................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-10 Target Subnetwork Node...................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3-11 Modify the Operation Set Dialog Box.................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-12 Selecting an Operation Set .................................................................. 3-15
Figure 3-13 User Management Window .................................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-14 Specifying a Role for the New User...................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-15 Authorization Management Dialog Box ................................................ 3-17
Figure 3-16 Authorizing Users to Perform Operations ............................................. 3-18
Figure 3-17 Query and Export Dialog Box............................................................... 3-20
Figure 3-18 Query and Export Dialog Box............................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-19 Exporting Data Successfully................................................................. 3-23
Figure 3-20 Data Import Dialog Box (Plan).............................................................. 3-24
Figure 3-21 Data Import Dialog Box (Optimization) ................................................. 3-25
Figure 3-22 Data Import Dialog Box (Import Results) .............................................. 3-27
Figure 3-23 Information Dialog Box......................................................................... 3-28
Figure 3-24 Data Check–Conflict Dialog Box .......................................................... 3-29
Figure 3-25 Data Check–Validity Dialog Box ........................................................... 3-30
Figure 3-26 Data Check–Consistency Dialog Box ................................................... 3-31

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NetNumen™ U31 R18 Integration Configuration Management Operation Guide

Figure 3-27 Data Check–Conflict Dialog Box .......................................................... 3-33

Figure 3-28 Conflict Check Result Dialog Box......................................................... 3-34
Figure 3-29 Data Check–Submit Dialog Box ........................................................... 3-35
Figure 4-1 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Radio Data) .................................. 4-3
Figure 4-2 Query and Export Dialog Box (Exporting Radio Data) .............................. 4-4
Figure 4-3 Data Import Dialog Box–ommr Tab .......................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-4 Data Import Dialog Box–ommb Tab.......................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-5 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Radio Data) .................................. 4-7
Figure 4-6 Query and Export Dialog Box (Exporting Radio Data) .............................. 4-8
Figure 4-7 Query and Export Dialog Box (Setting Ground Data)................................ 4-9
Figure 4-8 Data Import Dialog Box–ommr Tab ........................................................ 4-10
Figure 4-9 Data Import Dialog Box–ommb Tab........................................................ 4-10
Figure 4-10 Data Import Dialog Box ........................................................................ 4-12
Figure 5-1 Plan Data Compare Window .................................................................... 5-1
Figure 5-2 Plan Data Compare Window .................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-3 Subnetworks in the Intersection Between Source and Destination Data
Areas ...................................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-4 Select Profile Dialog Box.......................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-5 Save Compare Result Dialog Box ............................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-6 Different Field Values ............................................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-7 Plan Data Compare Window (History Result Area) .................................. 5-6
Figure 6-1 Activation Management Dialog Box.......................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-2 Activation Task Management Dialog Box ................................................. 6-3
Figure 7-1 Offline Subnetwork Area Dialog Box ........................................................ 7-2
Figure 7-2 Add Subnetwork Dialog Box .................................................................... 7-2
Figure 8-1 Profile Setting Window............................................................................. 8-1
Figure 8-2 NodeBList Setting Window....................................................................... 8-2


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Table 1-1 Common Terms ......................................................................................... 1-1
Table 1-2 Differences Between Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition ................... 1-3
Table 1-3 Menu Commands for the ICM System ....................................................... 1-7
Table 1-4 Directory Size and Cleanup Settings ......................................................... 1-9
Table 2-1 Configuration Model Statuses.................................................................... 2-2
Table 3-1 Description of Shortcut Menus in the Navigation Tree................................ 3-2
Table 3-2 Parameter Descriptions for Exporting Data .............................................. 3-20
Table 3-3 Conditions for Exporting Configuration Data ............................................ 3-21
Table 3-4 Parameter Descriptions for Importing Data From Planning Template
Files....................................................................................................... 3-24
Table 3-5 Parameter Descriptions for Importing Data From Optimization Template
Files....................................................................................................... 3-25
Table 3-6 Buttons for Data Verification in the Data Check Dialog Box...................... 3-29
Table 3-7 Data Check Options ................................................................................ 3-30
Table 4-1 Parameters for Importing Destination Data .............................................. 4-12
Table 6-1 Activation Task Statuses............................................................................ 6-1
Table 6-2 Activation Task Parameter Descriptions..................................................... 6-3
Table 8-1 Profile Parameter Descriptions .................................................................. 8-3


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SJ-20130524154927-016|2013-12-30 (R1.1) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Element Management System
- Graphical User Interface
- Integrated Configuration Management
- Network Element
- Operation & Maintenance Module
- Operation and Maintenance Module for BTS, NodeB and eNodeB
- Operation & Maintenance Module (RNC)

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