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Journal no. :1

Date : 23/2/2020 - 27/2/2020


1. Problem faced

One issue that I identified for the first week was that in several classes, the pupils seemed to
lack the awareness of the importance of being in a clean place. This issue was prominent in
the level 1 classes.

2. Analysis of problem

During relief classes, especially for year 1, 2 and 3 pupils, I noticed that their class were
strewn with rubbish; big and small alike. An example of the rubbish commonly found in the
classes were pencil’s shavings and bunched-up papers. They will reluctantly pick up the
rubbish when reprimanded. This poses a problem as a classroom’s cleanliness and comfort
could influence the learning process.

3. Literature review

Paul and Kumari (2017) asserted that some of the characteristics of a conducive physical
environment is an environment that is safe, clean and orderly, well ventilated, spacious and
adequately lighted. As cleanliness is mentioned as one of the aspects that make up the
conducive physical learning environment, classroom cleanliness should not be taken lightly.

4. Suggestions for improvement

There are several ways to overcome the aforementioned problem:

a) I should familiarize the students with the routine of picking up rubbish from under their
desks at least, before starting lessons.

b) I should inculcate to them that cleanliness is one of the teachings of Islam.

4. Timeframe

I hope to be able to overcome this problem in one weeks’ time.

5. References:

Paul, M. M. & Kumari, R. (2017). Physical conditions of a classroom – Dynamic elements

promoting mental health and conducive learning in students. International Journal of Applied
Social Science (4) 7&8, 211-215

Journal no. :2

Date : 1/3/2020 - 5/3/2020


1. Problem faced

During the second week, one issue that can be identified in my class, 4 Berlian was the
pupils’ behaviour of not finishing the homework given to them. This is quite problematic as
the homework was given so that they can hone their newly-obtained knowledge from the

2. Analysis of problem

During the teaching and learning session in my class, I would usually give them tasks for the
production stage. However, many of them did not manage to finish it by the end of the
lesson, so I asked that they send it tomorrow. However, only several pupils would send it in.
When I enter their class for the following lesson and checked their exercise books, many of
them did not finish the tasks given by me. This is a worrying issue that needs to be solved as
soon as possible as it will influence their learning.

3. Literature review

Zentall & Goldstein (1999) stated six beneficial purposes of assigning homework in the
context of children. Through 1) practice and 2) participation in learning tasks, the pupils’
achievement could be improved. Next, pupils might 3) develop their personal skills such as
time management. In addition, homework can 4) impact the relationship between parents
and their children positively, as it 5) keeps parents informed about their child’s well-being.
Lastly, homework can also fulfill (6) an administrative role in helping schools achieve their
overall mission of improving student’s achievement.

4. Suggestions for improvement

There are several ways to overcome the aforementioned problem:

a) I should be stricter regarding the completion of tasks.

b) I will make sure that the tasks given are doable within the lesson.

c) I should reward the pupils that manage to finish the fastest so that the others would be

4. Timeframe

I hope to be able to overcome this problem in one weeks’ time.

5. References:

Zentall, S. S. & Goldstein, S. (1999). Seven Steps to Homework Success: A Family Guide
for Solving Common Homework Problems. Retrieved from

Journal no. :3

Date : 8/3/2020 - 13/3/2020


1. Problem faced

During the third week, I noticed as I checked the pupils’ tasks that some of them faced
problems in spelling and capitalisation of the words. This issue is quite worrying as it might
affect their grades if not fixed early.

2. Analysis of problem

During the teaching and learning session in my class, as well as when I checked the pupils’
exercise book sent to me, I noticed that some of them faced problems in spelling and

3. Literature review

In a study done by Taj Mohammad and Zoheb Hazarika (2016), many students of EFL face
problems in capitalisation and spelling. The aforementioned researchers gave an example;
one of the student wrote the pronoun ’My’ with a capital letter in the middle of the paragraph.
In addition, the students did not know that they have to start a new sentence with a capital
letter. The latter problem was similar to the pupils in my class. Moreover, for the spelling
problem, the sample misspelled the noun people as ‘PeoPe’ (Taj Mohammad & Zoheb
Hazarika, 2016). Many of the students in my class also faced spelling problems, although
not as severe as the sample. This shows that the spelling problem and capitalisation
problem are common in any part of the world, but it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

4. Suggestions for improvement

There are several ways to overcome the aforementioned problem:

a) I should take some time to explain the rule of capitalisation during lessons so that it is
ingrained in the pupils’ mind.

b) I should remind the pupils to read and write carefully so that their spelling will be correct.
c) I could carry out spelling or activities that involve spelling and capitalisation so the pupils
can practice.

4. Timeframe

I hope to be able to overcome this problem in one weeks’ time.

5. References:

Taj Mohammad & Zoheb Hazarika (2016). Difficulties of Learning EFL in KSA: Writing Skills
in Context. International Journal of English Linguistics, 6(3). 105-117

Journal no. :4

Date : 22/3/2020 - 26/3/2020

Journal title :-

1. Problem faced

Due to the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was implemented on the 18th of March, the
school was closed and no one could move around. Hence, it was impossible to go to school
and undergo the last week of internship.

2. Analysis of problem

3. Literature review

4. Suggestions for improvement

5. Timeframe

6. References:

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