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UNIT- TD Lapeace TRanspoam TEcuNiavEs For PARTIAL DifFEREAA, E@veTions Sine HONE and sosing mowee cine A&ceke and onbnou Llu] - Se #t9 de FH] = pb J $% bey cette Z2lm) 2B x" ao Nae t <6 = cose +f Sino a. oe... — sind ~io 3-tosO = Gre A Bin@ = el? _'? 2 Peiodicity 24 Bin 0 2 cco =27 ees (6 42n) =OSO > Pertodic funcKon in Ce tad) =sine ews (- ©) =tose > even feunchon Sin ¢-0) =-sine socdd turhen Laplace TRavsFoRN! Bet gua ie a eae and aingle Vatiet {ng the real Vatialee “4? detind for an 1? oct coo % F -exponantal Then the laplacs hans form 3 410d ty defined a2 a funchen #132 the integral 2 4 =) cp ces] ered Se PE ae Reve 19 2 a Potametey , which w> Teal or complex © rma 209 7 be=fe%e At . a . =| °° ~ -y, bei © find r[e“] “ ak St ak 4 [se y =fe e .dt “ oCs-aj}t ~ Se ae ° ~ able ee ~© 0 =e SS eo = eS RY © find [ety tfe ae fe“. ott ae Life eA ge ° _ en Ce tay Ie -Gta) c[e""] = = S+a @ Fn L [eos at]. - st bat LLweaty fo oem ° [s c-scorat + asinat)] | = bLetat 2 |= O- | C-saiy +0) SAa™ : L[eosatl = ® Fred « [#in at] * fem a ean cae o ~ st =, = CrSsinat ~aeos at) S™%az ° = oe =] Cscog mati) re 2 ey Sta? Note ! fees be dc 29% Ca carbxth einbx) arty eX 6 aslo bx ~ beos bx) af Sia bx doe = aya otk fomenes Lexy alls ae ie! etl FIRST Sepp THEOREM +: Tp 1 Chery = Fes) tren L Pe tie Jo pes-a), Sieilady L[e tb te Je Fista) Crnmge of Scpie Fropeery ?- Te LI HttoJ = Fes) tan L[ flaw J< Ya F (sla) cohen aro L[b 4g] = -Aldo Fs? 2.429] = Alas Fes) * L424 p49) sed om nN qual rk ae” L [dW =S Fes) ~ft0) L [ant = SFO Sf -f!te) cog te? Th geresol ,L[prceoy = s" ees) aa Pe x Nove: |. cas bene te a. Sin hoe = 6 pnd a [ tos hot] tL Dies hat] = fettens hat-Ab ° techat «24 ot Leaplace Transtown a ef { E fom Jou Lose’ omg aah. a c a *Z | + PE shifting “thsotein ~ and shiping Pucrero Conve| aK on. Job [etteesbey Fourier hans form Moclulaben By -tiest Shi-f fing theorem , change 3 seale L[erteesbe] =f LC eosbe at sti fing prep SPS Stat 1m prove Passeveud eons hy Note 1), tos A Sing ll, [sin CPtB) —s0 CR~B)) a ain (N48) = sin AcosB + cos A sin’. 3. Sin. She = Vp Leoscn-p) ~cos cate) 4, ces (PAB) acos Pros B — In A in 8. BD, tfer* sin dt] 8 Shifting Peoren , L[ est ainoe -{ LEsinet J. a . ecw SAP fesse + b L[ e**sin bt nuit q. Lett cos bot J ° ofinst shifting trorem, LLetteos bet] = {ilies hoe Tp b =v a S2b fs->s-a L fe “eats Ds-a. Cs- <2 “ee le. Find L [Sin Ab -cosd+ J L [fo ar- corse = y, - [einen Sint J i { wistoseJ-eLetT} 2 se ~-L| x} Se. a] * Ya N. Pod 4 [sin 54. 8% 347 L [Sin 54 Sin 3a = the { L (@s2e)—Lftes eel 7 e he Fa S464 Note ! sn 2@ = | Sho press Cas"® = [tesa a a & L[eas 4] Lleo@eJe b [ese] a = . vA 4b ceosne yy e 27+ SP yay 1g L[eos*at Jab eS") 2 =i [itceosatl = ei feegee Ceosat J} “tft acl L LanF AJ ay pee 4 = 3J4 L [smtJoy,l [snatJ ~y (3 a)” Ils) = 3 4 a5 se IS [ain2ae] =E pened 4 ? L[4inre] ey, + [sin be J An c, 4 = ay ‘a(za0 ) oie od = 4a ila aa | Notes Sin 30 = Bd O-4dr3a SS %Q = 38! o ~ #036 “a 1 Ceec’ae) aT 4 cost — Beost . cosdp = COS3E4 Zc0st 4 4 2 L[costoey = a [erste + 3ces: ‘| A = 1, fe Croshe) raileos2eyl ' fs + 3x l4 43b Fae =4 4 sf 4 fe 4 * $7434 St4Q Note > cas ab a pcos —Beost cos 74 = cos Bb 4 Zeast 4 4 Find 2 [4s SmatJ Note: Lft-tte]= ~d b [Hu] L [6 sinat] = gt L [arat] a -2 (8*40") x0 -3t25) = saxez cote) Bey “—— a gaye = 2as Strat Ped [tert] Yeats ts! * 2 Netexs pa gods Vad Fis) Vv a Le 4ycey ds* L [t?-ett] = 4% [e2¥] as* (9. god LE bet sine] L [4e**sinaiJ= [ele sin ae _— i [4 an ate “a fe Esesesy = oil} 28. as\ s*+4 22, X25 x-1 (S*44) = (S44 L[ te? gin se J minh = +6 Os+4) (stayray> ce. Find laplace hansform of tlt), if Hitris delned as fld= dint, ocber SOSt4 ey Ese is L [tee] = fot ttedat Con ; iz (eStaine at + [oC oat - r C-S sint =] cess] ° (+5 Sin cas rr) - (-Ssino - Se. SP41 “™ fen 2-HL le -) StH) rs 6 - fert-1)) S74) —Ts at st, LD +t) Js pts), then L [ee] = : fee ds. ~S Ue ah) = | log s ~log cs oh -[g() - frond] x ips gg & Age) = ta (4) 29. Find 2 = = E ett chee r sta L = at ile S Cos bt 4 . = fete] [eve ye e S ids ° = f S-a s™4b s _ cl P Ps = fog Cana) —ca3 Hog Coed Jog GS-0) )™ Note: De s "Pa Clog a2 46) =leg (o®an*) "> — 20 —Ctog ¢s—a) log Vath ) = log [st+b wah -Jatay Lje™ ae -ds a eifieiff-—e Sta, Ste. Og n E'eg cera) leg core), “he -3- Bind L a t fe [isenssve ag " = fica. wes fread Tener \lewe Theogem:. TE LLU) = Fes), then Lien fey = lien 8. Fs). too S20 Geen Verve “Theoret 2 Tp LE Fey] = Fes), tan lim fea = De S- FOS). b-se0 S20 ce the fry tle) -eismt a4. Ned Wittal value theorem for fips of ant L [et aint J =[bcsine af %, ty -(—LN (FRY seas (snr+! Pail fitdohm p63) S300 e faint Rus = lim s- i. Spe cs +) = lim 3s Se 52(14 Ys)" < [eo re = AS Velty ‘wifial value tore tor FD = Ite Cant +¢ost ) ra tee ben s Fes) be Fis) > LOJ+e [Le tsint Joe [= *eest] eifer [hesmer] + fe CeoseJ] Sst) Sas41 ep as re s SH) oa S-ast! 34) /s-2541 = 'Js + ! 4 849 Cet C841 HH = a+ St ls oe Cstiy +t lina on we Phe ae 2 FCs) i Ua [i+ eo * (sine +eost)] = Ite” Cot) ears Rus: bm S. Fes) See => lin s-( ‘es : cae = Itlin B=) [+ lin cstD =! p= aia SPO CoH 74! ii) In Tosen® a alin C88" el Lt Yost” ia Say Lus = Rus Bb. Nudity final) Valus dteorm for dtaya 146 * Csint teest) e ls lim s-pts). Beuguae Tes sip L>2 Lis = fim fle bse - ote, [te ® Cant + cect) Lnes = Ito =! Fides LE Fly a1 ite* Cant +eosk)) .—l «a Fs) = the CoH tL es 4 Rus slim s. Rls) $30 - “ins Lt " ay Ost) este S20 =< /+o+0 el 5 Fe FLO Te Patadic foi wef Paiva TH wren CH= (ofl re at 23. Obtain the lapla cx hens fone y tlt , ozeet rr EFep Ly fat sue T ose _ I t -Ab. ae fe sa . > - + - Ss =SE bee sat Tune oS Ba 1 vost Sto T a a ssT Tli-e ~s s* a = a~stestie Tu ree) = oT aa ia = I+STe -e “er Ge) eB snwt ME. find te laplaw hansform Z fertl eoave rechfier Ale) HEsinwty ott 2 Mo 2 Aas £2 2o* on => Pesiodics Pelod = zs: +(e) Fl > L le) Fete: sat [ 40] ae fe ws > _ rol i ha Esnwtdt sf? reat j-es* | ye Hoo . ox > pellod v= 2%, € = St ° dle. * = = Ss) b —weeseot) pe Sort C-$ sinew 3) Aleo e en le 5 7 ee ae - &) = 7 ft tNe Ems C-5 Binwt ~Uuocoso AS = Ef Cc einnnuccosd) +, wate | “eat eet AI Bird laplace bisnobee gx {liye |, c o4tea Sdant sateen Lio f (e+4a), L [tery - st fe me peer dé ° Fa fe Ld +f oteaa-o.atl = eel feeneHon ye s2cire*s) Ero forenoN 4, o ¢ @ w= A fer da 4 [er pur a (ost (eto at afi = = erp J = a2 a fe ° ° The complemen tay eutor funchen 2 ne exfe teo= oda The emer funcKen can also be usomtten oo oo n ant erfivs 2 2 ey" CH) Vr neo fA) Cant) WOTE! © ev4tor=e @ a fee) =! © erftid+erf cle =! er felt) = l- er fled. 3), find ite lapace hansform 3 ert le) Yeu & LLerrugs] ih fe fede. o ° 27 Pia “2 [fe At du. ow Bi Ff = sh ale J mid footers ° - 2 «J < ~ (urbe) 2 = la su +870) #4 e es aa. - eet (feet tee. 29. Find woKT } ° da. - tl oM SVs > S\p i, s iss Se, Find ihe laplace hous fore 3 cos Vi _, 1 | OSE) Ve Ve lee $1) be equal bo snVe- fidesinve F(t) = cosVE AVE AVE Mote: L[Plasjes-LIqyJ- fled. sO soe 8S. 2) s} LL See Jos LL sevey core aT i ~ los VE . renee see be foe — [swe] eer oT sy L [eee LI aby - DS. L ie By L Leth aQhCle*) ried G a . Oe Sap wey 7 ee an fom) Leh Feb") Gb) sve. t “Uh Sse + eh rue” Lv Lsmved = en Fb) Bt) 2 = Vala = | eal 1 y= Ja CP) ash [va*me a = VT yt +2 > 2s3)2 aus «s) a iat = ah cosvE ae lat porches 8 0 oe re ros elm alas e ast “Tronspornm oF BESSEL FONCTION Se nee Nokes Tate = ca +1 Pt Cras) Ch) ~£ ca)" Jet = = oie by mt i-Eb by abse Hb)" GD (ey BA. ot 2 [gece] tb [Tove] Loop ‘Le xd 4 eleap en. PCat) =n Mn 9 c2)* a4 at a 4. ZN BP EEL ast = kh | 1--L, +4 os = 25° "#Sa (ast - Ye [ & ys whe = "6 i =] Ya elt a =) 3s SS Vs%yy Lu [secesJ @ ry 2S: od L[b- Teter] L[e-gtey tq = LU +cex] L [t-Jelog = ee L[secexy etl” eds as ~BEz, @oeT LIA] = =4 Cstuy ® as -(ce) cas)(stay PF 2 SS aay 34. Fie t [ott Jeter] L Ce sectoy - fF ds-a) eft Cree) 4} Sos-a 1 a = ak v (s-a*41 ad = (ts-ar*41) 33. fra LD oD ay Loe" gta = ERY a f LCs ter}. seta Jn ! { Nse41 Saat - ((star*ti Uerr Step FencrioN eR Heayr Sine Function ! The anit step fn, ul is defined aa ule) =O» E Ws called Divac- Delta tr and is devotee by §¢t)- More over, Sect) “fae HEL 4€ pte Stecal= fer ta ° lk] >be wo, ga o , to oe ra 2 S tt) at Se CHD 3} eo ms Note:t ($tt>-db -1 2 a. L[ de Ceay- o* 3. L[ Sleo]=) ll j tu. Sle-ayedb = fad, ° [rverse JLapLAce TRANS FoRK!. I. bye neat =e i -at eo Jue 5 Sou! [ts] a] i [ye] ze ay wp 4 SOM . ae L [ayaa | = oatat - fla _ es ia = S\n at PBT ow emeitiod. 1 Shar A “he Sin hat: Fe BO Se a bens CH at] eae 89, Oblein tho Fnvete laplace nanstorm J Ss Cea Gre) Method of Partial fraction js aoe d, 2 8 % Esiives| mee A + _B __S 4 sts Csa¥sts) ACs+s) +B Cs-ayes. Pat sa Sansa Pot s As 4)q, ) ~ > Teg > , “EA} -Fe i = a oan a eee L — Sia) 4 2 las" : ut (Se Cs~1) (s*40548) A 4 Bste = Sere CS-1) (stats) s~1) (S42sts) A Cs *y284 s)+(Bste)Cs-1)= S343. I find B Pet S=i put sao Sires BAs 2 oa e S*hasts +(Bst2) (5-1) 26543 Fes2] =| 2 Azalz S 42st 4Os as 4os-2as043 C148 )s*4+ C4-B)s4355543. ] Be 7 S-2 Ps ti-]-2 Scstid-3 s+) 33 =L Cetin ey cst = ae \cesae +3), < | gi Sb 4o, , of 4845 C519" (542.) Po Ge me SES C51) Cs-1ye Ste cs ¢sta) A Cs-1) C842)48 C3425 +6 CSD A Csts-2) taste — ‘Te Cs*testi=asts Put S=l pat Se-2 3B=9 qe=-3 5; . : A -y\s A+sta),) Sa asts paeset Bard, s Bath =i (eats eign ET oe a) fe Bes-1) 68-19% 3(s42) i BG * * HE +3 -¢ ce faba Les- =a Is Teas = Woot +aet-b-, 2 ** rey = Yo Let+te t- i. wy. Sto ae Bg BSte” a eT S42 S243 Cst2)0s43) A Cs*+3) +C@ste) Cstap=stT Pat g20 Put S$=-2 seat last3)(st2) =S4F Batre =F eet S43+est+28s +354b— S47, 3 [A=] 2 ial et ee 2B4+3-> i Carey > ie) Te] ~B] Se VB Sinvat = 43. oblafn the [assets sai (sto ste A + Bste & es as +m Bste ei, Sti SKRaocte Cs 41D csPaste) ACSt2sea) + Castescsm) = 4 ast. 4+ soll nt $20 2 Pu open Pa Fe 12 CPiaste)+ (Os He) es ts 45— ede i es ~ asts Is B9pees Sie / 24 +B+Yg) = -F e. = B=25 19 23 B= a os S$ Se. py en ee. gol BOB) ec! Bete] de = aii. “Id = Lee a Ale © ite “Tee ae S oe arrest) me ey age El i © | 3-14) Is Pe mL “de = 1 ote Beet cone te et sink = . &.. Vo Le +4 gehcost + Je sint J u ee oO pl [ses 2 L' Cres) 2B = 4d ce CHteJ = flee), “ee pe at u fe = SH >» Secena shifting propa # Tp L[ tte] = £4), then L[+ lt-a) HC F-asJoe | Tateing Inverse po fs res] ef lb-a) n(t-a), 4a. FInd fem SP) wer yt [eas Fes) J = $(#-a) H (t-a) - Lee Se te = ain + | > B(t-a) bho as Fes), = Sin C#-a) -HCE-a) ey rv tsa =, eit aces ta, AS: find [ee ) WORT OL a Fes | = # (b-a) -HCE-a) ue pac” os fs -H ¢#-1) a 53 Esta - HCeErN) = +* Wssee5 = (ey BEEN), ee 42 fs, fei) e Ct) x9, (ear 6 [ios bs Woe” © te! 22 = > : s3 | Es Podey 2 Ab. Find sot) S243 428 a: got 37+! SCS435+42) ap fe =a, SEI Sts +2) (std 2 a = omep Bo ace , SCst2 Vesti) 2 Sto sa) ACs42) C404 8s CHD + ESC StI ESA, Pet Ss eg (fi +. +a aud 2¢s+2) sti Mey) etfs LY ls) ‘om fos ze Tes = 1), 1+ wp oF 28", =, Ew Beet ae] “I ! he de Pes ts A_ +_8 +S va belie a 3+) Gs-2)¢s-20” Csti) (8-2) ACS-29 + B CSD GS-2 HE esti =! pet Sao 4]4q 778 ta et. Roe a a3 -lo4tt+ 4 gl. Ney 9 csnd 1 >) 3 ¢s-2 _ “1 = as rl eat ays Gate ls - es rt aig ay Is ee. + =" [et sia ae, =t] | [ete Ci-seJ Complex Fnversion -formala Cor) Mellin fourier integral: Let Flt) and f!lb) be conbnous tn on t2o and fltJ= 0 tor to. Also if file) te <. Soproential erdex and L[+ltsJe pes) then £itoe Lb “fre ] -7 wake pesdds, tae and Yu mw Pesiive constant - ihe nates flee! [ew] - fle FUsd-ds. y-t0 Conveluion Puerem (or) Falting heovern !. “the “Huser State qe ELH] = apes + poss 9, Wen 03). G05) 3s the laplace hransfowm z, fee ee je, i [ees eres)] ay 1g =f fla) -g (b-u) du. Lf ress esd] = t+ aJewog wa) fe, Detfinibon t- nthe define he laplac, coniuon $ ley and gt) bg tag = JEOg [p-a) + da. Nore. fad g se tommatalye t - prg (eu) du tay f Ere) A = Stee ja As. Prpy conwluon heerem do hd L “l: a | | - Fo diel [Fee = 2 [Ae Pyar Oohene Fs) = Stra® ga [res] =f) 22 f 4 JJecos at [Ste > Fl ecosat fla) =cosauy Gta? =, .-% a gta = = Tae " L Ges] ate) ah i. BS =tasinar. SP gle) Hq Simat . gles = ‘Ja Sinaw atk ~ca') = "la sin ou- “Aden Fg J Filed. g Leu) Au By detiniton Ll PRG . -G(8)] = “fy = ft. g tee du & “ye feos au. sina (b-a) de. ° WT 2 Sin Acosp = fin CA48) + SincA~B) Sin cose = 'Jy [4%o cht) din (8-85), ee Je cot gros) rain (ab -aa-au) Aw £ = inet « dat Jain Cat -gau).dul ea J : = Sinab Jan +t jan (at-gau)-du. Bo An ° ” Sinab cw cos esas 8a Ba h $. sina ae ay [ws Cat) -cos cater] = ESinab = i [eos/at ~cobat] cS = caper Aa. beplfing senluian “Heerern te ine Pam i ——. aS L Tareseg| ae anu wheve FCS? = ial rete. Etfeesl = othe gee oN Fla) es ; ushere O15) “= sta) PP J > gtee cost ge a cosu. ecose = gl). ie By depriber [regia] +49 t sda nif Peagag Coe? 7) ie a c+ WO eosu du . & an mat S% cos uae. & ° pe fee: cosu.du- . am wokT Jes ces bx dy =_© fans eebaint ath? Ot 2 =e ie, es vsro] at eck - @ TE (Gocenesteot Siesta | SS at a2+, a4 - a = 2 (acest +8int)-ae_ . ate] a2] = [acosb+ sint — act] a ayy} = (Str CPaasv) ph gt St Cr™41 pups Lepun -3 Stl qin = we Csu a L ae nT cay dee | eemoad w2st2 ) =f Hun: g thud ae. & teow! afte > @ t we bee = fe gies CoD -s we ¢ otf CH-ad- de. 2 oor Peery ° wef [ees tor cose] alin Ch-w) -Ate, cos Cea) aot [i-cost] 16 Salog Ove aning Maple Wans-forn : $0. Solve the ~egualon using laplac Wansform method YH ty's8y ° fosak gen wat yor “Y =} whan F=0 4" t+4y'+ By = cosak- using change 9. scale peperly LOg"J +44 Ly J+ee Cy] -tleosrt] Cs*Ltyy —sycod ~y Ce) +4 Cse Ly] —y cod) + BLY I= 5 Sy Ginen * ¥ (0d =2 ylted =) S*Lly] ~seay 14 AS LE YI —4 02) + PLlyye Ss. Bay Z Cs?+4549) LCyy -28-4= = S244 (s?44542) Liye = + Cos+9) Shy SRY LIgy = Cs* taste) Cs*44) Cty 348) d= rt | Ae + en | 2 Saas 48) St pase gmt " eae ~ est +k £4548 a C244) Cs*t45 Jl ———— sage | - 2St4 eal “pel les Lt Cste52+S (ee =| ay se ap (sy) +4 > (sta 4 —3t ii S2e cosat ad S?* pot 2 at [ocosat+s}, snot v & ut as yas a y 5 = Cs*4a) (S44 io Pacone Fls) =_S_ => fie) coset. S244 a Gis =« —L = = St ryste cssan ta gtd = eo *fainat . 17 [ Fes) Ges} = £ +3 e = flay og Ce-ud da. & Hb fe PM ainauceos 26b-a) dee. 3 wokT anh cose « fp [sin Care) +sin Ca-8)] & a | eos [sinet +46In tamecbobal dee. 4 +, ot = fy s eS sinnt to 7S Bin C4u3e) de, » t = SB APY] eT aa + re Gra Fea > Casinex ~ bcosbx) ar +b> Sin Ch-B) = Sin Aces —COSA Sing & = Cre) pinot eth, Je [sin au cos & —cosau-3n “ ° a atyiau ~ ee Ce a Sin 2+ Wag cosat Je og Auda —Sin2b 4 Se PH cos 44 -da, =» (ee ie ~ Bin 2t+ Cosz& one C-2Sinau "eee = a et eo (aces +asie “3] ane 2b =a " = on = Ure “Gna te © (-2 (sinat Cosae —cos4 tsin 2t)—4 Ceosae Bo cOs24 + Sinat Sin >e)}+ AES 2 ee, st “fo 40 Sin 2tye )2 Sinot 4 cos at + [-sn atte lose 3 go 4 J a t° ~ WD gay pth [-asnat ~acenze]1 Etnassaconé] g ns . 2b = Asn2b _ cosot ie [6sinaeyocosre J 40 ato 40 2 net = wp (asin ab + peveesat +s], e7*sinat — ** [asinat Tey +). cosat ) =e =f oe Feesot + (So- 2 2 ae 5 t+) Cws2t +asinre) ko ao . — = = (39 cosat +47Sin2e) +d Ceosae +2Sinat) See Re Sweultaneus equahon Ax iti, Uaplace, bexinecfoves byte! aly <0 Given Yled= 1 Ytereo) ty Nayledty co LLegt Je chy yee Dy J etl. wet Lfe-ttojen-d tls]. as Pee Loy") ty] -4 LIyJ=o. ds as -4 [ste iyd-s 9 ~y'cen] +[s Lhy-ytory at Ltgd=o. as = [s*¥e> -8 gy HE SEE ES) = mee : [os ¥ 4) oes PDT) He ast ap Yea Se —s Ys) -S*Y "Cs? yee este y's) wes - ylesd = on Yes) Ati. =s yis) SAH) Sate (2s Yes) 2 D524) log PE emacs «ty leg (s*40 lege - ‘Tatcing © On boh Sida. rt Yeoy eof Ly J . lea Foenuine :~ hoe BY- SUCH; 8) ~UCHOD yy a, aL lel =s™y (ays) — SH CHO) TAECH Ie) rez Br Bs] = de ¢x95) ox ax 2 ae S| - a Wtxs) Ope ax? a ey = $0009) deseo), ax 99 ae ax woNe n is D7 ee PK eB aT (enslon) oa at® TT (mass) The one dimensional heat -egn Is Buy =92, [9% ose ave K at oe Se k- tharna} condacKy’ Jd- density. c- Specie hat capa lg wd oO. @ e. he too dimensional heat eqn is ae Lo? | ee 4% ae eae ge Undex Steady state 24 Wo at 07% 4 PE ‘Jax? dy Ava + BUzy + CUyg = F LH, boy J, O 2 TH B® yAce ©, hen +he 240 4s clipe in natere 2 * TE Bape Po, Hun It is hypebohe im nature. Tr et 5 . Ht 4 Ae =o, tan ib is fPorabolic in Nalure . Pe _ ae de ie SS He Levee cog BF SARs Se Mle oe a geese “The soave egn is hyperbolic In nahure . =3ij ey . FA + OPS 26 Lore dimensional hak 050] ot ox . Aza, Bae ,c=o. B*-44c =0. os the woave 29m B Puabolic In patos, 2 53, a, oF 2 par. 27% — 04 <5 [tee dimensional heat ony oak aga 8k a Aza®, Boo ,tso. 4 pr-aper 4029 es) elipBe 'in nature fornutne WW Cry) = (Aes doce asin Aa) C , co thi) 2& Coeae ” 3 teak \ ” oe Pranclaxy GW) ylOed=2 Qy ytred =F(%) Condiocts . cog Aat FD Sin Aat) A bn = 2 » Ba HTX , op | fees Hin es ‘ = . SoWe the Following “Trita] Boundary Velux Problem EESvp] Using the lopla rantform fedigue . por =UL= Unx, OS <1, t>0. Bese dlatyal, aChO=l ,b So “Tarlng loplace transform L[uej = LDusx] V (xs) -4 C220) », J ues) vars d® Yess? ~Sutns) = 4 Cxyo) ax [bes] Wows? [Dus] Ucms> <0. ei -f+ sin we] Auxillary <5n me sse mins met Cz OE: poy we (i sin TX) eo Pr = we eats eg + Se me a2 2 iz. 2 Ant =p =-a =—1 pis . phe = Gr sng = Sa vdeo se a — feo) ots pee eas #2 udms) =c-p4+ Pt flay nee NSx, a wuts sd = Ae “Be aL tin ee “Type i PRE , cal. Bin ax] cosove. Boundeny tonditions !+ fo) uot) =! tye = Lain ax | cosacc Utyt) =) Fo) “Taxing lapre bransforr bye D L[ veo JeLLid => Cos) =], ‘fod ve LLvtuesy = 209 => u Cost = ye: U Coys) = Der 4+ Be® tip + SPO 8 Yss At&t. + (As) Do Vs UCvs) te NE 588 * tile + ae Nes Pa ee, Is co} © Sin THe “. Wtsesd = Ys Faas Taring Seveue leplae Wrantform jo, Alx, bE) elt38nrne Xlod=) Rye) =o. dy toe = Sint dx -y-et i ae -y gtx = aot LLyJtrlxJ=+ Cant 7 det leg we™ Ot di = LarlyJ- geo = Stay cle] -elyy =e Let J 45% =) 50 53. 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