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Boarding schools are better than being a day scholar. Do you agree and disagree?

Schools are the learning temple for the students. Gone are the days when students refrained
from going to boarding school, but nowadays boarding schools are flourishing day by day.
Some people believe that boarding schools are better than being a day scholar. I endorse the
statement, and this essay shall discuss my viewpoint in the subsequent paragraphs.
To begin with, all children get equal attention and all get the same benefits and follow the
same lifestyle in boarding schools. Moreover, boarding schools give maximum attention to the
overall development of a student. Besides this, in boarding schools, all the students are getting
occupied through a well-balanced daily routine in academics, sports and other co-curriculum
activities. For Instance, the best part of boarding school is that each student is taught to be
independent and to take care of his own needs.
To fortify further, students can learn important like skills in boarding schools which they cannot
learn sitting at home. Apart from this, boarding school is perfect for busy parents. To illustrate,
when both the parents are working they cannot pay proper attention towards their child so,
boarding school is a boon for them.
On the flip side, being a day scholar, a child never feels lovesick and homesick. He always
depends on his parents for decision making. In addition to this, in boarding schools, children
feel a lack of comfort and boarding schools cost more.
To recapitulate, boarding school enhance the development of a child which eventually fulfils
the purpose of education and it feels oodles of confidence in them. Therefore, boarding
schools are better than being a day scholar.

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