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70,1 10.1 Water flows at a depth of 2 ft in a 10-ft-wide channel. Determine the flowrate if the flow is critical Frage where y=2# , @=V(by) with b= /0f. 4 Taal! V=FrUpy = ee a a sO Q= 8.02. ()0H) (aft) = yeodt 10.2. 10.2 The flowrate per unit width in a wide channel is q = 2.3 m’/s. Is the flow subcritical or supercritical if the depth is (a) 0.2 m, (b) 0.8m, ‘or (c) 2.5 m? ve B-F so that Fr “gt =—t = a Wey Wr 2. 3e 0.734 a =p =e, where y~m 181, y¥ ye” y Ys flow type a) 2 supercritical ) 08 supercritical oo 25 . subcritical 10.3 10.3 Water flows in a canal at a depth of 2.8 ft and a velocity of 5.3 ft/s. Will waves produced by throwing a stick into the canal travel both upstream and downstream, or will they all be washed downstream? Explain. c=|9y = @2.2B)(2.eH) =9508 Thus, with V25.32ct if Vee Ge, Fes). - / i. Y i % \ Favwet— N . 4 / Thus, trom the figure, sin % = “ *G= ee -- or Ke aresin(1/Fr) (6) If Fre! the above result gives sin € 71, which is imposs1b fe. For Frsl the following wave pattern wovld recy}. There 1s no “wedge” produced. aan non-concentric Va yor IN circular Waves Poof Nf rex’ \ Lp? by cee ayy} \ we, lh NZ NEY Vésct it SL -7 FrC because of the fact that y,>Y%. Therefore, as the waves move, that portion in the deeper water tends to catch up” with that portion closer to shore in the shallower water. The wave crest tends to become more nearly parallel to the shore line. The waves “break” on the shore as if the wind were blowing normal to the shore. 10-4 10.8 10.8 Waves on the surface of a tank containing water are observed to move with a velocity of 1.8 m/s. If the water is replaced by mercury, with all other conditions the same, deter- mine the wave speed expected. Determine the wave speed if the tank were in a laboratory on the surface of a planet where the acceleration of gravity is 4 times that on earth. Since C=GY if follows that the wave speed is independent of the fluid density. Thus, Cio = ig 82 on earth. However, on the planet 9. lanet c= [Bad “(AY (giao ( Sig) Gent =(4) Cganiy = C42 8B) or 3.60% for water or mercury 10.9 Often when an earthquake shifts a seg- ment of the ocean floor, a relatively small am- plitude wave of very long wavelength is produced. Such waves go unnoticed as they move across the open ocean: only when they approach the shore do they become dangerous (a tsunami or “tidal wave"). Determine the wave speed if the wave- length. A. is 6000 ft and the ocean depth is 15,000 ft From Eq, 0.4: c=[eA fanh(222)] or 46 (sz. 2fyloooort) (15,0004) oe [ Gea oonen ta ra = 10-5 10.10 10.10 A bicyclist rides through a 3-in. deep puddle of wa- ter as shown in Video Vi0.t and Fig. P10.10 If the angle made by the V-shaped wave pattern produced by the front wheel is observed to be 40 deg, estimate the speed of the bike through the puddle. Hint: Make a sketch of the current location of the bike wheel relative to where it was Ar sec- nds ago. Also indicate on this sketch the current location of the wave that the wheel made Ar seconds ago. Recall that the wave moves radially outward in all directions with speed relative to the stationary water. At time t =0 the front wheel was at point (0), At the current time , teat, the wheel has traveled a distance d= Vat and is at point (). At time t=at, a wave produced by the wheel when if was at (0) will be a distance cat from (0) as indicated inthe figure. Waves produced at variovs times (from t=0 to t=at) by the front wheel will form a V-shaped wave as shown in the second tigure (provided V>c ; syperoritical bike speed), From the geomeiry of the figure 7 cat sin = yar or Ve c sin¥ m FIGURE P10.10 wave produced at (0) when t=O cat 4 where c- Vey = [32.2 H(AM)| = 2.008 10-6 10.4] 410.11. Water flows in a rectangular channel with a flowrate Der unit width of ¢ = 2.5 m?/s, Plothe specific energy diagram for this flow. Determine the two possible depths of flow if E = 25m. = Ge. (2.52)? eye 23 aaa agy* “Y *aaeithy “YY Thus, plot Ey +2 where Eom, yom 26 Nole: ve-(¥ 8 (28) = 0.860m and qa1e, Enin = 2 Ye = 2 (0.860m) = 1.29 0.3 For E=2.5m, Ep Mis 25=y+ Soe OF y? ~2,.5y? 40.319 =0 The roots to this equation are y= 245 , 0.338 , and -0.335 Thus, y= 245 m op y = 0-388 m 10-7 1012 10.12 Water flows radially outward on a horizontal round disk as is shown in Video V10.6 and Fig. P10.12, (a) Show that the specific energy can be written in terms of the flowrate, Q, | the radial distance from the axis of symmetry, r, and the fluid depth, y, as 2 i ly ey+ (2) bere (8) ie (b) For a constant flowrate, sketch the specific energy diagram. me Recall Fig. 10.7, but note that for the present case ris a variable. Explain the important characteristics of your sketch. (e) Based on the results of Part (b), show that the water depth increases, in the flow direction if the flow is subcritical, but that itm FIGURE P10.12 - Thos, fy abye Fite £4 @ Determine y and Fr from Egs.and(2) for E*1,2,3, 4,5 The program CUBIC was used to determine the valves of y listed below, E, ft | _y,ft (subcritical) Fr |ly, A Gupereritical) Fr I 2 no solution possibh 3 5 421 0.612 2.26 £56 2.4 2k Note thet Eyin= 2%, whore x, (E)*« est] “3.034 Thus, Epnig = ¥(3-03t) = 455 ft As shown on the graph below, there are no positive real rocks of Eg. (1) if El. This y cannot be since there is no “bump” between (1) and (2) at which critical conditions can oosur: 177¢ ft and 22 pu yie2ft Thos, Yo 1974 Hf 10-1 10.16 10.16 depth is y, = 0.5 ft Repeat Problem 10.15if the upstream FIGURE P10.16 2 2 Bes Wrz, = Lee Baas , where $< p20, =) 05H, 22° 0.2ht)s, = 20 6 2 90F ig : \= "ar *(osmem = 125, and “eRe * eng Thus, 2 (12 4 +05 f= Gi +O.2# ty, 2(32.2B) 202.28) * or ys ~2.53 y,” +0559 =0 which has rods Y_= 2.##, 0-528, and -0.43# + Bel 12 tage = 2 = Mote? Fi“ipy axa Byoanys 27! y Tf y= 2444, then Frz<1. This cannot be since there is no “bump” between () and (2) at which critical conditions can occur. 28 ft and Z.* 0.728 Ft Thos, Y= 0-12 $$ 10.17* Water fiows over the bump in the bot- tom of the rectangular channel shown in Fig. P10.17 wo : with a flowrate per unit width of q = 4m‘/s. The channel bottom contour is given by zp = 0.2e"". 1) owe ips. where z» and x are in meters. The water depth y) far upstream of the bump is y, = 2 m. Plot a OO" ha n= graph of the water depth. y = y(x), and the sur- oT m face elevation, z = z(x). for —4msx 54m. 2p = O26-# Assume one-dimensional flow. FIGURE P10.17 . 5 He Wea = Boy +2, where py1 Since there is no relative minimum area between (1) and (2) where critical flow can occur it follows that Fr,>! also. Thus, it is not possible to have y,= 2-79 (the subcritical root). 694 ft Thus, y= 10-19 10.22 Water flows in s rectangular channel with a flowrate per unit width of q = 1.5 m?/s and a depth of 0.5 m at section (1). The head loss between sections (1) and (2) is 0.03 m. Plot the specific energy diagram for this flow and locate states (1) and (2) on this diagram. Is it possible to have head loss of 0.06 m? Explain. Bie +z, - Be 3 Brzth, where pr=f2=0, 2)=0.5m, 227), a ise 4 SE Yo “Gam 98 , and ee $ “a Thus, with E= yay 5 and hj=0.08m £ is E, = E, +0.03 Als, pey+ oye SBP Fey 2¢Y y 2(4.9/4)y* or Es y+ o.vge 2) Fz2) is plotted below. bye (£5 (USI Note? ye (#) = ae 0.8/2 m and 5g Emin = % Ye= = (0.612m) = 0,9/8m Also, 2 my zy +£,- USE) &.=y, tp 208 * FqeiByosmyp = 2999" and E2= E,- 0.03=0.929m 16 l vy] Note: If h,=0.06m 144 {__ ° with E,=0.959m so a that £2=E,- 0,06, 10 {| then 2 =0-899 m section (2). The head loss between section (1) upstream and section (2) is 0.2 ft. Plot the specific energy diagram for this flow and locate states (1) and (2) on this diagram. 2 Bi Mez Oi +22 th, where pe par0, ee ¥ 218 jot w Thes, with Eyed and y= 24 2, uo#’y? Be yt dpe yt 22.22 yy ‘Es y+ A where Em fH, y~ fi and £9.) gives E,=Egth, =£2 +0.24 Fy.(2) js plotted below... Note: wl )* - (Cee L#S9H, Emig = BY, = SUIHSI)= 2.1941, Ex) yt Ae = 14 EP = = 2.554, and E,2E, +h, = 2.754 (2) yvsE (0-21 10.24 Water flows in a horizontal, rectangular channel with an initial depth of 2 ft and initial velocity of 12 ft/s. Determine the depth downstream if losses are negligible. Note that there ‘may be more than one solution. Repeat the problem if the initial depth remains the same, but the initial velocity is 6 ft/s. — a - ve afoot Fro Eso tage ytag Me pewidth but Q,-@ or Vby =Veby, al (12 #) (24) 28 wh # Vw We = ES = EH where Thus, Eq. () becomes (28) (28) 2H 72k” tsa #) or yy -424 y2 +8.94%=0 which has 3 roots; one negative (no physical meaning), one is Yo (nochange in depth), and y, = 3.514 (an increasein depth). 26H 2 GHa _ 2 If y=64, then Vy Ye ye and Eq.()) becomes 2 toby = y, +d 2(32.2) 2 (32.2) or 2.56 Yyi+22%=0 The positive real roots are M7 Z#t, or y= 138 (a decrease indepth) 10-22 ezzsi So G 7H 10.25 A smooth transition section connects two rectangular channels as shown in Fig. P10.25. _- ot ‘The channel width increases from 6.0 to 7.0 ft and the water surface elevation is the same in ‘. _ each channel. Ifthe upstream depth of flow is 3.0 ftedetermine h, the amount the channel bed needs SE ee t0 be raised across the transition section to main- tain the same surface elevation. ° + Ber Biz, = Bi Biz, where pe peed and 32% Thus, VV. or $=% Hence, Ah or (SHN2H)=(74)(3#-h) he 0429 H Note+ gk and ae = $0) of dv/dx relative to the sign of dh/dx. 10.26 Water flows over a bump of height fa 4 oO FIGURE P10.26 For any two points on the free surtace+ Are Woz, = Ge YE sas, where p, 4 he (y+4ye lence * 0.458 (y+i4)-y =0 = Fly) Trial and error solution foy F(y)=0 From the graph F=O when y= 2.23 Thus, y= 2.23 = Qe 408 _ gy ft V- 4 canta 7844 so that ew ne ir Voy ~ [(s2.2 B)(2.238))* 2756 10-41 70.51 a) (2) 1051 A 10-ft-wide rectangular channel is built to bypass a ddam so that fish can swim upstream during their migration. Dur- ing normal conditions when the water depth is 4 ft, the water velocity is 5 ft/s, Determine the velocity during a flood when the water depth is 8 f. Let (), and}, denote normal and flood conditions, respectively. Thus, y= i Ry Sond Yn Aap IS, aa ty "py Sop = Sot and Aye lo at) = 40H” | A = soft (ett) = eof” P, =lotty2et 4 14,890 = ieee) or 122 (10+3,#8y) ~(10y +143y*) “02 Fly) Solve (trial and error) for Fly)=0 FE 2 160 | 185 F 1.65 | 425 oo _ 170 | -M yrl. 664 ft Thos, y = 1.664 ° ¥=volume of concrete per |,o00 ft = (P+ #f#)(1, 00081) (# fH) where P= 0 +24 = /off +2(.74)(.66¢H)= 15.8 ft Hence, ¥ = (15.8 +44)(1,000 HEH) = 6,600 1 (LE) = 244 yd 244 yd? 10-47 10,57 Q= 10.57 Determine the critical depth for a flow of 200 m/s through a rectangular channel of 10- m width. If the water flows 3.8 m deep, is the ¢ flow supercritical? Explain. t 4 -—10m ——>1 KARSESA where for eritical flow Fr=/ or V=V¥gy 2008 _ 20m Thus, with V= 9 = Fork = 32 2 we have 2 it =/aery or y= stem - = 22 aL 5.268, then Vase = 5262 and fra (aR yeanys The flow is subcritical, = 0,862 10-48 10.58 10,58 Water flows in a rectangy width 1.2 m at a rate of 73,000 m’ depth if the change in elevation ov channel is 9.6 m. brick-lined aqueduct of ay. Determine the water the 16-km length of this K=1, n= 0.0/5 (see Table 0.1), and th 3 Q= ra c0og (1 gt = 0.845% Also, $= ( = 0.0006 5 J AL zy AeLzy and Rye Bp so Thus, Eg. () becomes‘ 74 Ul 2 O.g4s = aan (on ee] Yo0006 % 0431 =y[sBhe] A trial and error solution of this eqvation gives y=0.86/ m 4s Q= KAR, “YS, where Qt 10-49 10,54 _ A smooth steel water siide at an amusement park is of semicircular eros section with a diameter of 2.5 ft. The slide descends a vertical distance of 35 ft in its 420 ft length. If pumps 2st sippy mario ihe side aaa of 6c, dtermne ve doph + NED of fiow, Neglect the effects of the curves and bends of the slide. =o Q= KARGES* , where K=149, S,= EH = 0.0833, Q= 6.0 and from Table 10.1 n= 0.012 Also (see Exanple 10.5), A= 2-(@-sin6) and Rye 5ie-sind) , where Dx 2.54 #8 Thus, Qe ESE se iecseer | where Onred, or 16 (2.5)? 16 -sino 6.0 = Hh (0.0633) sa | See ] Hence, 0.293 6% = (6-sin0) 0.0252 67 - (6 - sin)” =0 = F(6) Trial and error solution for F(6)=0 9, rad | F . 1,50 0.0247 0.02 157 0.00195 5 ol 1.60 0.0135 91,574 A vA 1.60 @ -0.01 0.02 Thus, 0 (1574 red)( 182-62.) = 90.2. * or since y= 2(1~cos(2)) if follows that . y=(28 4H) (I~ cos(992)) = 0.368 ft zy = yt 2 cos$ = 2 10-50 10.60 10.60 Two canals join to form a larger canal as shown in Video V10.2 and Fig. P10.60. Each of the three rectan- ular canals is lined with the same material and has the same bottom slope. The water depth in each is to be 2 m. Deter- ‘mine the width of the merged canal, &. Explain physically (e., without using any equations) why it is expected that the width of the merged canal is less than the combined widths of the two original canals (ie., 6 < 4m + 8m = 12m). w FIGURE P10.60 Qs = Q,4+Q. where for ¢=1,2,3 Q = RAR SVS, Thus, a RV = -* A Re Son t EA R,4 Vs, a But n,=na=Nn3 and So,=Se.# S03 So that Eq. (1) becomes Aa Roa” =A, Rag’ +A, Ry? a here nt A, = 2m (4m)= 8m? , P= (24244) «4m so that Ry, = Atm Im A= 2m(8m)=l6m™, B= (2+248)x12m so that Ry, Bel ‘bee =/,333m and As = 2b m*, B =(24+24b) =(b+#)m 50 that RnB Thus, Ft (2) becomes b EA (oafBB]* 1 c.330 +B()* 2274 or ay bw? = 8.63 (b+#) «) A trial and error or equation solver solution fo £4.¢3) gives b= 10,4 m an Tf the two original canals merged te form a 12m wide canal, the water depth would be less than 2m becavse withovt the tuo walk there would be less friction force hold the water back. Thus, to maintain the 2m depth we must have b = EAR Woy = 199000 day ( aa sao) =lb-E where from measurements on the figure Az 9. fn 25m) = 0.75 m* and 0.75m* By = BR “125m+2(0.6m) ~ Ce Thus, from Eq. (0 116 = # (0.78\(0.,306)*Ys,, or BMS, < 3.4 Modified: Om = 4 An Ban VSm Where No=Mm , Sov= Som, and. from the figure, original 12 Lim . 1.2m +0.3m a 2 Ay, = 1m ( SAR FE8B) 20.75 01 lr and Lim <> ff R, = An, 9:75 _ o,283m \\_ hm Fm (0,55m+hlm+1m) 055m o3m moditied Thos, with 7,18, = AG, = 3.41, Qn = 3.41 fansl (0.283) = /,/0 (36a ape) or me Om = 75,200 Fay 10-58 10.6% 4 oo + Concrete 10.64 is built on a slope of 2 m/km. Determine the flowrate 1.0 m LA if the depth is y = 1.5 m. 10.64 — The smooth concrete-lined channel shown in Fig. 3m FIGURE P10.64 Q= FARMS, where Hel, 5, n=0.012 with y=h5m, Az (3m)(0.5m)+ & (3m+6m)(0m) = 6 nm? on 0,002, and from Table |.) () P= ian t0sat (+32) m = B.)bm Thus, Ry= Ae ie = 0.735 m, and Ee.ti) gives Q= aig (6)(0.735) (0,002) = 19.28 10,85 10.65 Determine the flow depth for the chan- nel shown in Fig. P10.64 if the flowrate is 15 miss. Q= RARE S4, where Kel, S-gokq =0.003, and from Table 10.) a=0.012 * Sao0m Also, Az ay+4{[ty-o.s)|ly-os)=Zytsdy +2 907-050" Pr yrarasel(y-ayeay-ar]* H +3.5 eas = HIB y Hh 92 Hence, with Ry=# and geist we oblain = 4 15 Fon — insy canay anes? Tea RP (0,003) Ol * o¢ (4/6 y +1929" sy -/,5y-0.97S =O =Fly) F Trial and error solution for F(y)=0 a This, y= ladm Note: Since y does not contact the left vertical wall ~Ol 10-59 ba 10.66* The cross section of a creek valley is shown in Fig. P10.66. Plot a graph of flowrate as. a function of depth, y, for 0 = y = 10 ft. The slope is 5 ft/mi. Bt 50 | Pasture Clee ight frees: wre | eign | bush | FIGURE P10.66 K *4, O= KAR G4, where K-14? and S= aigto-39s)(0250)'5 (425 J* = 0.787 2" ie = ALR S, 3, with n,= 0.025 (see Table 10.1) @) he (2.5m)(y~0.5) =2.5y-125 and R= 2(y-05)#2(B)=2y +05 Hence, with Pra= 42, Eg. B becomes ore 0.574 Qa ao ohne (2.5y-125)% aya” asl (nyt = © aysasy% Therefore, rn - 2 Q= 0,787 413.0 25) Sop ye o,Sm 0) GyrosP4 Plot Q=Qly) for O4y 17m using Egs. () and (3), (con't) 10-64 10.686 (con't) If the entire surtace were lined with material with n,=N2= 0.0/4, Eqn.) would remain valid. The coefficient “13.0” in Fa. (3) would become 13.0(2925) = 23.2. For this case, 0.54 Q=0.787 423.2 L085)" we? fn y20.5m ay (2y+0.5)"4 This result is also plotted (¢.e. Q from Eg. 1) for 0«y=0.5, and Q from Ey.(4) for 0.5 ® the slope becomes proportional 10 # Ris S® with Fregh on Also, Ry= B= be Thus, (yt = [aes] 52 , Thus, fay. [rts] "se, on S zt 2y+b y (ie., Se = Cry, where C, is a constant) and that as y — 0 the slope becomes proportional to y7" (i.e., So. = Cyly", where C: is a constant) Show that the channel with an aspect ratio of bly = 6 gives the minimum value of Sy. = 1, or V=(gy)® = pp ~< + where So,= critical slope ti ct fares Hence, as an Gaye ley" we and 55, ~ (2%) yiyh = = (ae ~ (ay+by*_ As y 0, oy vO he P)y aay bt ¥ so that fyb. & ) (FY “ye To determine the minimum Sic , coleolate 45% 0 fram Ep.) dS ie = (eta a) 4) 28 “(ay +by a * (ay +b? [ay -(ay +b)]=0 Thus, y= b 4laysby (ady= (ay+by* y* "| J 10-70 [10.72 J ora Water flows ina rectangular chanel witha bottom slope of 4.2 fi/mi and a head loss of 2.3 ft/mi. At a section aime the depth eS and the serge velety $9 a dose the fow deh inccase or decrease the tection of ow? Explain, Spr - L2H WSS, where $= he = 23H, 5 Seon =O.432 Thus, 7 (2.3 -4%2 de = Cae =-0,000442< 0 — The flow depthdecreases in flow directie There is less head less than change in elevation for this subcritical flow. The flvid speeds up and gels shallower. 73 j 10.73 Water flows in the river shown in Fig. P10.73 with a uniform bottom slope. The total head at each section is measured by using Pitot tubes as indicated. Determine the value of 21 = 620.1 ft = 6187 tt dy/dx at a location where the Froude number is 23 = 628.3 ft lesson ast 32-1 = 4100 ft a FIGURE P10.73 dt SS | where from the figure Spx Be = $0zBe = (620.2- 626.0 ae? Xe Fio0 re = Eid _ (620,1-618-7)ft | a OF Sp= B.05KI0" and Sy= = G = Tagg = 3. 41X10 | Thos, dy _ 9.05x16* 3.4/x10" dx ~~ (0.357) 0.000532 (¢,¢, 2.81f4) 10-71 10.7# — Repeat Problem 10.73 if the Froude number is 2.75. e1g7 62504 x2 - m= 41001 FIGURE P10.73 = , =e. Za- % _ (628,3- 625.0) ft Yo S28, whore fram the fhure 5 = fpo eek = G8 Se OH or 5,=8.05%10" and S,= 252 = (620.1 = 618 DH 9 yjx0* 0.373Z 10,75 10.75 Assume that the conditions given in Fig. P10.73 are as indicated except that the value of 2, is not known. Determine the value of z, if the flow is uniform depth. 2 = 626.3% x2 - a = 4100 FIGURE P10.73 For uniform flow ye ae Thus, Bsr | A gp 22 By +%- 2, =(628.3+6/8.7- 620.1) ft o,r SS or 2, = 626.9 ft 10-72 [10.78 T 10.76 20 sanding wave i produced atthe bot of oe ee atau of te wave & eximned tobe 15 fe 2.0ft pe a-r+ [tone ] ate ET } or (2atieisth) = 41-14 [48% ] Thus, Fr,= 1.97, or since Fr = = vi Veta gf -levfeaztnism =13.7 4 10.77 The water depths upstream and down- stream of a hydraulic jump are 0.3 and 1.2 m, respectively. Determine the upstream velocity and the power dissipated if the channel is 50 m wide. Se aameaiieli van] or f= 36 Th, since Fema i follows that V,= (3.16)[(4.81%) (0. anij]* = The power dissipated is given by P=20h,, where M = |-2+-BE (1-H) ys (osm) 42 bam , ( BC (22m y 0.50%m 422 03m Also, Q= AV, = bY = (oam)isom)( 5.422) = 913 2 Thos, P=(48 14)(913.2°) (0.50%m)= 401 KM = 40! kW 10-73 10.78 10.78 Under appropriate conditions, water flowing from a faucet, onto a flat plate, and over the edge of the plate can pro- duce a circular hydraulic jump as shown in Fig. P10.78 and ‘Video V10.6, Consider a situation where a jump forms 3.0 in, from the center of the plate with depths upstream and down- ie um | stream of the jump of, and 0.20 in., respectively. De- rehem if (2) termine the flowrate from the faucet. (te fortes: 0.05 in, 0.20 in mw FIGURE P10.78 For a hydraviic jump? He gL iefTaRF | on i aye a one dpe inent] so that Fr2 3/8 = oi Thos, V2 3.6 faz2H (o.0s/alH = 1.16 i and f t? Q=AV, =27Ry V, 20 (BH) H) (L6H) = 0.00759 5 10-74 10.79 10.79 In order to have a hydraulic jump, the flow upstream ‘of the jump must be supercritical. This implies that a wave made by a disturbance upstream of the jump cannot travel upstream; it gets washed downstream (see Videw V10.6), Show that for a hy- draulic jump ina rectangular channel, the Froude number upstream, Fr,, and the Froude number downstream, Fr, ae related by — Fi 2° [+ eR) - iP Plot Fr, as a function of Fr, and show that the flow downstream ¥ of a jump is subcritical, Since oy or hehe Hy it fos that Far Gay = (Begwe agi” “KSA, Also, % df s+/rent] or(2): Combine Eqs.(and(2) to obtain? Fee oe 2 [Vie err? -1] —E Enemy This result is plotted below. Fis 0. 1 2 | 0547 3 | 0410 4 | 0.334 5 0.296 Note: To have a jump we must have Fr,>1. From the graph Fral. Note * Fr, =1 gives Fre =!, Also can show from Eq. (3) that dirs /dFr, oor 4 a (1.036) 5." | or Sag 000240 channel Rye 4 . th = y since b>>Y ; From Table 10.1 n= 0.012 L545? a 10-79 10.85% | 10.85* A rectangular channel of width b is to carry water at flowrates from 30 = Q = 600 cfs. ‘The water depth upstream of the hydraulic jump y 1+ S T_ that occurs (if one does occur) is to remain 1.5 j—yasn ft for all cases. Plot the power dissipated in the PETTITT jump as a function of flowrate for channels of width 6 = 10, 20, 30, and 40 ft. =< = 2 h \2' P=¥0h, , where he=¥/1-(H)+ B-(2Y)] «9 and # oa eyleere ] , provided Fr20 @ Also, ° r= y where Viz B= 7% 50 thet ) = ri =0. Fre [exeBasny® 0.0954 g Hence, from Eq.) h,= sy] -() + (0.00460 BF UI-(H)] 1, where bt, o-# and from Eq.(2) Ye ayys 4 = dF i+ (1+0.0736(2)) J io) For the given valves of plot ? from P= 624Qh, Hb for 306Q <600 fe “) Note + If Fr, Ryr4sHt Q= Cy, 3 BF bH™, where Cyp = 0611 +0.075(, besft 4 ’ Be with He 5 ft-45tt -05ft Hence, Cyp = 0.611 +0.075 (924) = 0.619 and Q = (0.619)(F) (2 (02.266 )) (sH4)(0.5)% = 10.89 10,89 A rectangular sharp crested weir is used to measure the flowrate in a channel of width 10 @ J goff? ft. It is desired to have the channel flow depth be Qn 508 6 ft when the flowrate is 50 cfs. Determine the on a height, P,., of the weir plate beloft Q= Cy, 3 Vg" b ", where H=6H-Ry and Cup = O61 +0.075 £ ha 2. foun vaore( 3%) (gh ork or soft’ =(o.6n +0.075 (S#)) (3) (snr sone , where Ry~ft Hence, [e. 15+ A] (6- R)t-12.5 <0 = FlPu) o Trial and error solution of E9.()) for Flfy) =0+ F(Rw) 3.08 1,50 0.0094 146 Thus, Ry = 470 ft 10.90 ~] 10.90 Water flows from a storage tank, over two trian- gular weirs, and into two irrigation channels as shown in ‘Video V10.7 and Fig. P10.90 The head for each weir is 0.4 ft and the flowrate in the channel fed by the 90-degree ‘V-notch weir is to be twice the flowrate in the other chan- nel. Determine the angle 8 for the second weir. m FIGURE P10.90 O= Guar tan (Sag a where 0,=90°, H=H=O4tt, and Q,=20, (2) Thus, from Fig. 10.25, Cut, = 0.590 From Eqs.and (2), ¥ A Coty tan ($4) V8 H,"* = Cup, Be tan S) Yop He” 2 or 0.590 tan ¥5° = Cyt, tan) x2 or Cyt, tan (2) = 0.295 (3) Trial and error solvtion? Assume Oz = 20°, From Fig, 1016, Cyt, 0-626 Thus, Cys, tan (2) = 0.626 tan (10°) = 0,110 = 0.295. Thus, & #20 Repeated tries result in the graphbelow from which we conclde that a= 53° o.4 03 Cyt, tal) ol oO 10-86 10.41 1091 Water flows over a broad-crested weir that has a width of 4 m and a height of P,, = 1.5 m. The free-surface well upstream of the weir is at a height of 0.5 m above the surface gq of the weir. Determine the flowrate in the channel and the minimum depth of the water above the weir block. Q=Gyy b1G (Z)*H™ , where 0.65 0.65 =7 pve =F. 0.5m\% = 0.563 nb (1) * (Bea) Thus, a Q= (0-563) (4m)(9.91 2%) (2) * (0.5m)*= Also, Yin = Ye = 2H = (3) (0.5m) = 0.333 m Yin =0.51 H=0.5m rt Sy, Ry=lsm b=4m 10-87 1092 Determine the flowrate per unit width, q, over broad-crested weir that is 3.0 m tall if the head, H, is 0.60 m, q-te 2. ¥% ay (3) 4%, where H=0.6m and R,=3.0m (nq Thus, a : # (ae Oa BI*(E smi -o470 10.93 10.93 Water flows under a sluice gate in a channel of 10-ft width. If the upstream depth re- mains constant at 5 ft, plot a graph of flowrate as O__ 4a a function of the distance between the gate and yest channel bottom as the gate is slowly opened. ASS aba az q7 7777 sume free outflow. Q=4b= bGal2gy,, where y=5Ht, b= 10Ft, and Cy is from Fig.10.22 Thus, ‘ ; Q= G (oti) a [als2-2 (5 AI]” = 179Ga F , where an fH a # —— % 51d 98.5 142 183 224 Stk 10-83 10.9% | 10.94 Water flows over the rectangular sharp crested weir in a wide channel as shown in Fig. P 10.94. If the channel is lined with unfinished concrete with a bottom slope of 2 m/300 m, will it be possible to produce a hydraulic jump in the channel downstream of the weir? Explain. FIGURE P10.94 0-6, $17 BH, where G,= 0.6i+0.075(4.) with ur , ur 7 H+ 3m-2.2m =0.8m and Ry=2.2m Ts Q= [ +0.075(- 28%) N@Okasiay b (o.emy# or = 1.2446 2, where b~m Hence, = 6 -Q _ L349b 2 134 YR ty toby or For uniform on Also, for a wide channel A,= by, and P=2y,+b so that Ryo # at ay if by Thus, with n= anole (see Table 10.1) Fr= 16! Since Fr >lit is possible to produce a jump. (0-89 = LARS SH, or Vie ERAS, where X=I, §¢ oom =0.00667 @ 1.349 b= ache (by )(yJ® (a.00567y °1 9, = O15 m Hence, trom E¢. (1) » = ea =< 3.25 y= 3.25% so that Fr,= w “TaaBaviny* or a) 10.95 — Water flows in a rectangular channel of, width b = 20 ft at a rate of 100 ft'/s. The flowrate is to be measured by using either a rectangular weir of height P, = 4 ft or a triangular (9 = 90°) sharp crested weir. Determine the head, H, nec- essary. If measurement of the head is accurate to only #0.04 ft, determine the accuracy of the mea- sured flowrate expected for each of the weirs. Which weir would be the most accurate? Explain. @ Rectangular weir? f (0.61 +0.075(4,)) (3) 1g bH™, where Ry=#fi o [oan sanrstE)($ )[2@2. 2 yfeon) 1% Q= 107 (0.611 +0.0188H)H@ , where gn # P and H~ ft aM wn Q< 1008 this gives 0.935 = (0.611 +0. o1eeH)H# He129¢ °F 52.5 +H)HE - 49.7 =0= FU) Trial and error solution for Fit)=0: | 20138 hao H | F@ 7 1,20 5.40 1.25 -2.53 1.30 | 0.40 # Thus, H=1.294# 6 (b) Tiel weir? Q= Ga & beter * = Gut (Ban as)[o(o228y]* H* Qe 428 Gy © where Hm #t and Gy is fram Fig. 10.25 For Q= 1008 , assume races 2.58 so that 428 (0.58)H™ , or H=#39f Note: The assumed Gy=0.58 a ohecks (see Fig. 10.25) Calculate @ for HH, Het0.0%, and H,,-0.0# from Eqs. (land (2): @ (Rectangular) H, ft | Q, cfs (Triangular) H, ft |_Q, efs L254 | 95.3 435 98.0 Hoo= 1.294 | 100 Hoo = #39 100 1334 1049 4.43 102.5 With H#0.04# if is seen thot triangular weir is more accurate (ce. smaller variation in@). SSCS 10-90 10.96 10.96 Water flows over a triangular weir as shown in Fig. P10.96a and Video V10.7. It i proposed that in order to in- crease the flowrate, Q, for a given head, H, the triangular weir should be changed to a trapezoidal weir as shown in Fig. P10.96b. (a) Derive an,quation for the flowrate as a function of the head for the trapedbidal weir. Neglect the upstream veloc- ity head and assume the weir coefficient is 0.60, independent of H. (b) Use the equation obtained in part (a) to show that when b << H the trapezoidal weir functions as if it were a triangular weir. Similarly, show that when b >> H the ape- m FIGURE P10.96 zea wei onto fi were a retngular wee he @ Q=6f Ue L dh , where U, =f2ph ho and 2£=b +2(H-h) = (2b)-2h This, @of Vip [(oneb)-2h] dh 4 4 <>H, Q> Cy Vag 6 24% which is the equation far a rectangular weir. 10-49) 10.97 10.97 A water-level regulator (not shown) maintains a depth of 2.0 m downstream from a 50-ft-wide drum gate as shown in Fig. P10.97 . Plot a graph of flowrate, Q, as a function of water depth upstream of the gate, for 2.0 = y, = 5.0m, m FIGURE P10.97 Q= bg =bGalegy where a=/m and b= 50t{ (0.3048 ff) =/5,2m Thus, Q= (15.2m)G, (1m) {29.81% ) (ym) = 673 GVY 2 where y,~m Obtain Cy from Fig, 10.24 with % = 2. 3. 4. % s. ea | © romeo 2.6 | m Free outtow 2.8 i 10-92, 10.98 10.98 Calibration of a ‘Triangular Weir Objective: The flowrate over a weir is a function of the weir head. The purpose of this experiment is to use a device as shown in Fig. P10.98 to calibrate a triangular weir and de- termine the relationship between flowrate, Q, and weir head, H. Equipment: Water channel (fume) with a pump and a flow control valve; float; point gage; stop watch iangular weir; Experimental Procedure: Measure the width, b, of the channel, the distance, P,» be~ tween the channel bottom and the bottom of the V-notch in the weir plate, and the angle, 8, of the V-notch. Fasten the weir plate to the channel bottom, turn on the pump, and adjust the control valve to produce the desired flowrate, Q, over the weir. Use the point gage to mea- sure the weir head, H, Insert the float into the water well upstream from the weir and mea- sure the time, t, it takes for the float to travel a known distance, L. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates (ie., various weir heads). Calculations: Foreach se of data, determine the experimental flowrate as Q = VA, where V = L/tis the velocity of the float (assumed to be equal tothe average velocity ofthe water upsiream of the weit) and A = B(P, + H) is the low area upstream of the wet. Graph: On log-log graph paper, plot lowrate, Q, as ordinates and weir head, Hy as ab- scissas. Draw the best-fit line with a slope of 5/2 through the data Results: Use the flowrate-weir head data to determine the triangular weir coefficient, Cy, for this weir (see Eq. 10.32). For this experiment, assume that the weir coefficient is a con- stant, independent of weir head. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click ftere to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. @ FIGURE P10.98 (con't.) 10-93 10.98 | (con't) Solution for Problem 10.98: Calibration of a Triangluar Wé @deg bin, = Pin, «Lf 90 600 655 = 1.50 Hf ts V, fs Q, f'S/s 0231 82 0183 0.0711 0226 085 0.176 0.0679 0211 © 10.7 0.140 0.0530 0.192 12.5 0.120 0.0443 0176 16.5 0.091 0.0328 0166 = 19.5 0.077 0.0270 0136 27.4 0.055 0.0189 0.106 482 0.031 0.0101 0031 62.9 0.024 0.0076 0.088 = 68.1 0.022 0.0070 Q=VA=V"b(P, + H) where V= Lit = Cy, (8/18) tan(6/2) (2g)"* H** where from the graph Q=276H?* Thus, Cy_ = (1518)°2.76/(2"32.2)"7 = 645 Problem 10.98 Flowrate, Q, vs Head, H 0.10 [4 Experimental] 0.01 H, ft 19-94 10.99 10.99 Calibration of a Rectangular Weir Objective: The flowrate over a weir is a function of the weir head. The purpose of this experiment isto use a device as shown in Fig. P10.99 to calibrate a rectangular weir and de- termine the relationship between flowrate, Q, and weir head, H. Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; rectangular weir; float; point gage; stop watch. Experimental Procedure: Measure the width, b, of the channel and the distance, P,, between the channel botiom and the top of the weir plate, Fasten the weir plate to the chan- nel bottom, turn on the pump, and adjust the control valve to produce the desired flowrate, , over the weir. Use the point gage to measure the weir head, H. Insert the float into the ‘water well upstream from the weir and measure the time, tit takes for the float to travel a known distance, Z. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates (i.e, various weir heads). Calculations: Foreach set of data, determine the experimental flowrate as Q = VA, where V = L/tis the velocity of the float (assumed to be equal to the average velocity of the water upstream of the weit) and A= b(P, + H) isthe flow area upstream of the weir. Graph: On log-log graph paper, plot flowrate, Q, as ordinates and weir head, H, as ab- scissas, Draw the best-fit line with a slope of 3/2 through the data, Results: Use the flowrate-weir head data to determine the rectangular weir coefficient, Cyn for this weir (see Eq, 10.30). For this experiment, assume that the weir coefficient is a constant, independent of weir head, Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. & FIGURE P10.99 (con't) 10-95 10.99 | Ccon’#) Solution for Problem 10.99: Calibration of a Rectangular Weir bin, = Pyin, A ft 600 600 = 1.40 H, ft ts V,fUs Q, f's/s 0254 22 0636 © 0.240 0216 027 0519 0.186 0184 30 0.487 0.160, 0162 42 0.333 0.110 o1s1 48 0311 0.101 ont 66 0.212 0.065 0.060 | 18.8 0.089 = 0.025 0.046 «= 23.8 0.059 (0.016 0.031 «38.4 0.036 © 0.010 Q=VA=V*0(P, +H) where V = Lit Q=C,, (2/3) (2g)"" H*? b where from the graph =179H'* Thus, Cy. = (3/2)"1.79(0.5%(2°92.2)"7) Problem 10.99 Flowrate, Q, vs Head, H 10-96 19.100 10,100 Hydraulic Jump Depth Ratio Objective: Under certain conditions, ifthe flow in a channel is supercritical a hydraulic jump will form. The purpose ofthis experiment is o use an apparatus as shown in Fig. P10.100 to determine the depth ratio, y2/y}, across the hydraulic jump as a function of the Froude ‘number upstream of the jump, Fry Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; sluice gate; point gage; adjustable tail gate. Experimental Procedure: Position the sluice gate so that the distance, a, between the bottom of the gate and the bottom of the channel is approximately 1 inch. Adjust the flow control valve to produce a flowrate that causes the water to back up to the desired depth, yo» upstream of the sluice gate, Carefully adjust the angle, 8, of the tail gate so that a hydraulic jump forms at the desired location downstream from the sluice gate. Note that if @ is too ‘mall, the jump will be washed downstream and disappear. If 6 is too large, the jump will ‘migrate upstream and be swallowed by the sluice gate. With the jump in place, use the point ‘gage (0 determine the depth upstream from the sluice gate, yo, the depth just upstream from the jump, y,, and the depth downstream from the jump, y». Repeat the measurements for var- ious flowrates (i.e., various yo values). Calculations: For each dataset, use the Bernoulli and continuity equations between points (©) and (1) to determine the velocity, Vj, and Froude number, Fr; = V;/(gy,)*®, just upstream from the jump (see Eq, 3.21). Also use the measured depths to determine the depth ratio, yo/y across the jump. Graph: Plot the depth ratio, yy/yj, as ordinates and Froude number, Fry, a5 abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical depth ratio as a function of Froude number (Gee Eg. 10.24). Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. yeaul jum w FIGURE P10.100 (cont) 10-97 10.100 | (con’t) Solution for Problem 10.100: Hydraulic Jump Depth Ratio Experimental Theoretical Yott Ya ft aft vfs Fry yal Fry vals 0855 0.055 (0.404 719 5407.38 1 1.00 0.758 © (0.055 0.386 675 5.07 7.02, 2 237 0.691 0.085 0.367 642 482 © 6.67 3 377 0578 © 0.085 (0.337 583 4386.13 4 5.18 0492 0.085 0.308 634 401 5.60 5 6.59 0414 © 0,085 (0.280 485 3655.09 6 8.00 0.289 © 0.055 (0.233 395 2974.24 0.248 © 0.055 (0.211 362-272 (3.84 For flow under a sluice gate: Vs = [29°(o- it~ (yoyo) Theory yolys = Et H(t +8F 7) "2 Fry = Vulgy.)"? Problem 10.100 Depth Ratio, yaly1, \ vs Froude Number, Fr; s a S 10-98 J0.10} 10.101 Hydraulic Jump Head Loss Objective: Under certain conditions, ifthe flow in a channel is supercritical a hydraulic jump will form. The purpose of this experiment isto use an apparatus as shown in Fig, P10.101 to determine the head loss ratio, h,/y}, across the hydraulic jump as a function of the Froude ‘number upstream of the jump, Fr, Equipment: Water channel (flume) with a pump and a flow control valve; sluice gate; point gage; Pitot tubes; adjustable tal gate. Experimental Procedure: Position the sluice gate so that the distance, a, between the bottom of the gate and the bottom of the channel is approximately 1 inch. Adjust the flow ‘control valve to produce a flowrate that causes the water to back up to the desired depth, yoy upstream of the sluice gate. Carefully adjust the angle, 6, ofthe tail gate so that a hydraulic jump forms at the desired location downstream from the sluice gate. Note that if 0 is too small, the jump will be washed downstream and disappear. If @ is too large, the jump will ‘migrate upstream and be swallowed by the sluice gate. With the jump in place, use the point gage to determine the depth upstream from the sluice gate, yo, and the depth just upstream from the jump, y). Also measure the head loss, i, as the difference in the water elevations in the piezometer tubes connected to the two Pitot tubes located upstream and downstream of the jump. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates (ie. various yo values). Calculations: For each data set, use the Bernoulli and continuity equations between points (© and (1) to determine the velocity, Vi, and the Froude number, Fr; = Vi/(gys)" just up- stream from the jump. Also calculate the dimensionless head loss, h,/y, for each data set Graph: Plot the dimensionless head loss across the jump, h/y, a8 ordinates and the Froude number, Fry, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical dimensionless head loss as a function of Froude number (see Eqs. 10.24 and 10.25). Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. Slice gate Pont gee tot us @ FIGURE P10.101 (cont) 10-99 J0.J01_| (con't) Solution for Problem 10.101: Hydraulic Jump Head Loss Experimental Theoretical Yo, ft Yn ft Vos ft hy ft Vy, fs, Fry uy, Fry yal hy 0855 0.055 (0.404 0.364 719 540-662 1 100 © 0.00 0.759 © 0,055 (0.386 0.313 675 507 589 2 237 027 0691 0.055 0.367 0.271 642 482 «4933377 1.41 0578 0.055 0.337 0.201 5834383654 5.18 3.52 0.492 0.085 «0,308. 0.152 534 «4.012760 5 89 HZ 0414 0.085 = 0.280 0.117 485 365 «213 68.00 10.72 0289 © «0.085 = 0.233 0.088 395 297 1.05 0.248 © 0.085 0.211 0.042 362 272 076 For flow under a sluice gate: V4 = [29"(vo = l(4 ~ ysl)" = (yalys) #71 = (yale) V2 4+ (14 8Fr2) "2 Problem 10.101 Dimensionless Head Loss, hy/y; vs Froude Number, Fr; | Biperment | — Theoretical

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