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7.1 The Reynolds number, pVD/u, is a very important pa- rameter in fluid mechanics. Verify that the Reynolds number is dimensionless, using both the FLT system and the MLT system for basic dimensions, and determine its value for water (at 70 °C) flowing at a velocity of 2 m/s through a 2-in.-diameter pipe. PVD = (ectrnAaT We) 2 peyere FL77 Reqnolds number = !4* MLeT? Fr water at 70°C, p= 4042 x10 ~* ws and P= FIVE 4 (Table Bl i Appenas 3 ) : Thus, pve, (arn t (2 Bz Nese ZY - Hou2x lo’ HS am s } TH [zz 7.2 What are the dimensions of density, pressure, specific weight, surface tension, and dy- namic viscosity in (a) the FLT system, and (b) the MLT system? Compare your results with those given in Table 1.1 in Chapter 1. ps pressures fue # = A 2 Fs specific weignt = ee wit o = surface tension = a > - jes dynamic nscositys SHES Velocity gradhint Thas, (a) tn te FLT system, (B) th The MALT system, 7.3 _ For the flow of a thin film of a liquid with a depth h and a free surface, two important dimensionless parameters are the Froude number, V/Vgh, and the Weber number, pV2h/c. Determine the value of these two parameters for glycerin (at 20°C) flowing with a velocity of 0.7 m/s ata depth of 3 mm, 6.7 v "eh (431 % )/0.003m) (1260 %, )la7®) lo 003m) : 6.33 x jo"? = 4023 24 7.4 The Mach number for a body moving through a fluid with velocity V is defined as V/c, where c is the speed of sound in the fluid. This dimensionless parameter is usually considered to be important in fluid dynamics problems when its value exceeds 0.3. What would be the velocity of a body at a Mach number of 0.3 if the fluid is: (a) air at standard atmospheric pressure and 20 °C, and (b) water at the same temperature and pressure? (a) M03 © c= 5433 2 (Table 8.4 1h Appendix B) For air at Zo So That m V= 0.3 (393.3 Y) = 103 Z tb) For wader at 20°C, c= 40/ & (Table 8.2 1s Aypmact) 30 That V=23 (ns F) = 44 @ 7.5 Ata sudden contraction in a pipe the diameter changes from D, to D;. The pressure drop, Ap, which develops across the contraction is a function of D, and D,, as well as the velocity, V, in the larger pipe, and the fluid density, p, and viscosity, . Use D,, V, and yas repeating vari- ables to determine a suitable set of dimensionless parameters. Why would it be incorrect to include the velocity in the smaller pipe as an additional variable? Ape #00, 24 2/4) Apaee* Del Belk yelt’ ps ety? pee FLAT From The pé theorem, b-3= 3 dimensionless parameters reguired. Use ay, and jh as repeating variables. Thus, m7 wp ots c wan): peore amd ey?) )* Cart) * (FAT) 2 FLT That ° 14020 (Le F) ~2+¢a4h-26=0 Chr L) ~b5+C=0 (fer T) It fllows tut az CH-/, and therefore we 402 1 VA Check dimensions using MLT system: Ap Ds (oer 2}(L) VR Chr = MeLe7? bk DCL 7 For Th: hs 2 avin L G)* Car)? (Fern) = Fler? eso Chr F) lp at5-2¢20 Chr L) ~b+ ee (fr 7) Lt flows That 7s (Cont ) Th ts obviously dimensioniess . 2 Fey TT3 ° @obc¢ T= PV Cp urtr3y(n)* (ur) *(eu*7)*2 peur? Itezo Cer F) ~t earb-2050 Chr 4) ab+e +0 (hr 1) Tt flows that «21, b= 1, c=! and Theefre = pa 43 = (Cz Check dimensions using MLT system! 2. Vi Gaz L DU -& ait! ML°eT? wi OR Thus, Set (oe) From The continuity ejuction 5 VED YE where Vs ss the velecity in The smaller pipe. Since -/{B) Vela yy Vg 13 not independent of Dd, ana V and There fore Should not be included as an independent variable. ZG 16 P7.6. The frequency of sloshing, w, is assumed to be a function ‘Water sloshes back and forth in a tank as shown in Fig, Of the acceleration of gravity, g, the average depth of the wa- ter, A, and the length of the tank, €, Develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem using g and € as re- ’ peating variables. FIGURE P7.6 w=f(g,4, 4) wet geer* hel Let From the pi theorem, 4-2=2 dimensionless Parameters reguired. Use g ana L as repeating vaviables , Thus. ; me wg? a4 errr?) es so that a (fr L) -|-2a=0 Chr 7) L+ fellows tot @=-'2, b= Ye , and therefore 11 |e" Check dimensions: ° [Ee 4 v= = [°T° 10k Wyo > + lit L - Fer Te mah get L (ir) *()* = L°T* )4 a+be0 Ger L) —24a50 (fer T) Lt follows tmat g=0, b=-1, and therebre A Mey and Ty ts ebviously dimensionless, Thus, wo |E = 4 (Ff) J-6 17 Iis desired to determine the wave height when wind bblows across a lake. The wave height, H, is assumed 10 be a function of the wind speed, V, the water density, p, the air den- sity, pa, the water depth, d, the distance the acceleration of gravity, g, as shown and p as repeating variables to determi terms that could be used to describe this problem. He#NG 4, L, 9) wel VElT" pa ritr? geritr del LL gil? From The pr theorem, 7-3 = 4 pi terms required. Use d, Vand p as repeating variables. Thus, ts Hatvie® ana Mya) sler)* (pet) 6 = FLT So That eso Cher F) lt arh-4o=0 Chr L) —b #2070 Ger T) Ht foilews that a=-), b=0, 620, and Therefre .# | Tir Which 13 obviously diinensionless. for TT, c ° m= R atvep and . atipi)eevtr i= PLT" ey 4 ? ‘L (FLT sine (rena) tr beer) (hr L) a (he 7) L-br2ze =0 Lt follows that a0, b=0, C=-| 50 Thad . wd Which 1s obviously dimension less . (ont) 1-7 [27 J (Con't) Bor Ts: T3= £ aty' pS ane as fr 1, as-l, bee, C20 50 Thad > 4 for Wy! rE me gdrrps (erate? ltr) s= eT C=0 (for F) l4a+h — 4050 (hr L) 2-6 r2020 (fr T) t+ folleus thet a= | be-2, Ce, and Therehre = gd Ty = a Check climenswns : 4 - B42 ATPAM) 2 pore og he Car')* Thus, £2 ga $4 (G 2%) 7.8 Water flows over a dam as illustrated in Fig. P78 ‘Assume the flowrate, 9, per unit length along the dam depends ‘on the head, H, width, 6, acceleration of gravity, g, fluid density, 1p, and fluid viscosity, 2. Develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem using 6, g, and p as repeating variables. g2 F(4b, 42,4) ee RE P78 galt HeL bel ge LT? ps fur pe FLT From The pi Theorem 6-3= 3 pé terms reguired. Use 51g, 474 as repeating variables, Thus, . 3% ge m= 3° #7 (Ler Year) Gers PLT So That and c =o Za +h -#0O =o —/-2b 426 =0 Chr F) Chr L) Chr T) Lt fellows That a--%, b=-% C20, and therefore = gk Check dimensions using MELT system! for The: th: 4 b34 c (LL) Veer) 3 Peers C=O I+ & th —4070 -2b 720 =0 LE fellows Theat - # = Which 1s obviously dimension oss (ont 1-4 L°T? .. ok Ger FD (fr 1) (fr T) €=0, and Therefore [28 J (cent ) fr 3: a 6 ¢ T= 2 gp 1+ =o —-2tatrs-4¥e=0 J -2b420=0 LE follows That a@=-%, b=-% 13 = atx E og? Check climennens using MLT system: Ao Laer) = re Orde) Thus, 9 PAVE =¢ (4, faze) 7-10 (ret) (e) (ar) (ret?) 3 PLT 2 C=! and Therefore (Lr F) (hr 4) (hr T) MOLT? cok 77 7.4 The pressure rise, Ap, across a pump can be expressed as Ap = f(D, p, @, Q) where Dis the impeller diameter, p the fluid den- sity, © the rotational speed, and Q the flowrate. Determine a suitable set of dimensionless param- eters. Spe ee* pel ps eitr® wet ger From the pr theorem, 5-3= 2 pi ttrms reguired. Use Df and Ww as repeating variables. Thus, m= Ap D* “ws Ghd r sae CPL (Pett)? (r-) 2 LET It b=0 Ger F) ~2 +a -45=0 (hr lL) ab-c =0 Chr) St tollous that ge -2, b= -1, c2-2 , ana thoebe m= 2 Dew Check dimensions using MLT system * ate te APs MET yyy? sok Dee — CL)? (Me )r“)* For 7: a bc m= QD fp (Lr ay (et7) r-)= PLT? bo Chr F) 34 4-#b=0 fer L) ~l42b- (tor 7) Lt fellows That a=-3, b= 0, C=-1, and Therehre Lo T= 53z Check dimensions using MutT system : = M17? HOR Thus, Zlo 7.10 The drag, 2, on a washer shaped plate placed normal to a stream of fiuid can be ex- pressed as ® = F(di, ds, Vy a, p) where d; is the outer diameter, d; the inner di- ameter, V the fluid velocity, sc the fluid viscosity, and p the fluid density. Some experiments are to be performed in @ wind tunnel to determine the drag, What dimensionless parameters would you use to organize these data? Oar 4=L dd, veut Ae PLOT pe Pltr* From the pi theorem, 6-3=3 pi terms reguired . Use a, V, and p 4s repeating vanables. Thus, 2556 me Ban Ve 6 ° lea) (ir) (etry ss Fer so It C20 (fr F) ath -#c=0 Chr L) elie (hr T) Lt follows that “@=-2, b=-2, 067-1, and terebre Check dimensions using MLT system: MLT_ o_. S yeLeTe Tivie = Captaris = UT for 7: "ms aa e* (eua)* ler)? Gat) i= PLOT aso Cer F) Itarh—#e (far L) ~ b¢2¢=0 Chr 7) (cont) 7-12, 7 (cont ) Zt Pollows That a=-!, $20, C=0, and Mere fre . Gz eG, Which ts ocbviously dimensionless . For 1° ‘3 = / d, @ vip c CFE* ) A)? Car) 4 (ee"7?) 3 PLT (t0=o Chr F) ~2 4ats ~4e70 (hr L) 1-5 42070 (hr T) Lt follows That a=-!, b= -!, C=, and Therefore te fe Check dimensions using MLT system © tent Ao MOT yew a, Vp CL) 0T"') (4e3) Thus, 2-4/4, 4.) F $ ” aa ? id, Vp Since PVG is a standard dimensionless parameter (Reynolds number), Eg.) would more commonly be expressed as a atrp 44, Ate) As tar as dimensional analysis 1 concerned , Eqs. 0) ena (2) gre eguualent. 9-13 DAL 7.11 Under certain conditions, wind blowing past a rectan- gular speed limit sign can cause the sign to oscillate with a fre- ‘quency w, (See Fig. P7.11 and Videw V9.6.) Assume that w is, a function of the sign width, b, sign height, h, wind velocity, V, air density, p, and an elastic constant, k, forthe supporting pol. ‘The constant, k, has dimensions of FL. Develop a suitable set of pi terms for this problem. w=f(h, 4, V2) @ FIGURE P7.11 wer! bel ASL velT" party AFFL From the pi Theorem 6-3= 3 pi terms reguired. Use b,V, and Pf 4s repeatiig variables, Thus, m= wb Vis A Cele) $= FLT? so That e=0 (fr FI a+b -4c=0 (fr 1) -|-b +2020 (hr 7) Lt follows tmt zi, $=-1, 6=0 , and Therefre 4 m= aa Check dimensions * wh. (TVL) 2 eT? Ok YO CT) Br TM: m= hbrvis (19 ()* (at) * (Fer) = pee 7 @=0 (hr F) | tath-¥Cr0 (for b) ~b12¢ =0 Chr TS Lt blows that @=-|, b=0,C=0, and there bre mae 6 which 13 Obviously climenswoaless, Ceont) 11 Za Ty = 4 bey? ps (reneye(L7-) * (FET) oS PLT 1+€=0 Lr F) l+atb-4e =0 (fer L) ~L+2Ze =o (fer T) It follows Mt Q=-3, b+-2, Cs-1, and Therefre -_& 1s = BYE Check dimensins using MLT system: aA. ALT? Lye Lty? Ty, = WA) “Ol Bye CLL YM) MOT 3 eis I 3 712. The flowrate, Q, of water in an open channel is as- slimed to be a function of the cross-sectional area ofthe channel, A, the height of the roughness thannel surface, €, the acceleration of gravi he slope, S,, of the hill on which the channel sits. Put this relationship into dimensionless form, @: £lA, 2, 4, 8.) OeUT Aske eFl geer* Sys FLT" From the pr Theorem, 5-2= 3 pr terms reguived, Use A and g as repeating Variables. Thus, _ @ Arg! and (rN) * Cir) §= Ler? 30 Tat nae e 4) -1-25 = (hr 7) Lt billows That = -5Iy, b= ~ 2, anh therefore = @ Th pT Cheek dunensions —) @_ , CT 2 ere RATT (Lear Ber Th: mz eA'g* Ay lars)* = L°7* 1t2atrh =e Cor Ld It follows ted eng os oie | Tiree £ o, a Which 13 ebvieasly chmensonless. The twd Pr dam Hi Te Slope since So 13 on Thus, eR =4(@ x) 7-16 c— 7.13 Because of surface tension, it is possible, with care, to support an object heavier than water on the water surface as shown in Fig. P7.13, (See Video V1.5.) The maximum thick- ness, /, of @ square of material that can be supported is assumed to be a function of the length of the side of the square, €, the density of the material p, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the surface tension of the liquid, a. Develop a suitable set of di- mensionless parameters for this problem. <— pp 4: #(444,7) 4el bel ps rete gqiur OBL! From The pi Teorem, S-3> 2 pi terms reguited. Use 2, 4, and p as repeatiig variables. Thus, meh Lg hp! on A) Car) (elt) Ss PLP Crxo (he F) Itark—ue =o hr +) -2b 420 0 Gor T) It flows tt a=-l, b=0, Cs0, aad Therefore m= which 1s obviously olimensionless. For Ti? or TT oe 7 hi gip® Gurr y (eer) * = FLT 1 +050 Chr F) -/eare—4¥erO Gor +) 2b r2c5 Chr T) tt fillows thet 2 2, b=-1, 2-1, and Therefore T= oT * L3P Check dimensions usiig MLT syskm : ay ee Co. (r-) S ML 8 Ok Bgp ~ TeKeT Ma) ZL o Z = (a5) Thus, 7-17 Zl4 7.14 As shown in Fig. P7.14 and Video V3.4, a jet of lige uid directed against a block can tip over the block. Assume that the velocity, V, needed to tip over the block is a function of the fluid density, p, the diameter of the jet, D, the weight of the block, ‘W’, the width of the block, b, and the distance, d, be- tween the jet and the bottom of the block. (a) Determine a set of dimensionless parameters for this problem, Form the di- ‘mensionless parameters by inspection. (b) Use the momentum equation to determine an equation for V in terms of the other variables. (€) Compare the results of parts (a) and (b). m FIGURE P7.14 (a) v= f£ (p, 0,W, ba) velt P2eett® pel WF bel del Fem the pi Theorem » 6-3 = 3 pi terms reguired . By inspection for ft, ( contaimis V) m= VOI" = tart) (EE) © rer Check using MLT? 1 AMS ) sete? . yo Es Gr us fz, SHUT" 06 For Tl, let - 4 eg ana for Tr; , 3-5 ; Gna beth Tz and Tr are obviously dimension less . Thus, y bod vo pe =4(z) 2) k bo WwW (5) For impending tppiig avouna 0 F ae A so Mat b d Fd= D(z) wy ° (Cont) Yaa Ceont) From mementum considerations using The CV shown BD fenPawere, PVVAZF Thus, from Fg.) (pvtA)Ca) = ® (2) so that = |/ we y Zpad ana with A= Th D? ys V2~wb (2) pd D* Co) From part Ca) ve | te lee ) £4.(2) Can be written as ve >. (VANE) 3) Lt follows by Comparing 4s, (2) ana (3) That 6 (4 ble Via)G) So tht J (3,8) ss actually indepeadeat of 2 Te 4 7.15 _A viscous fluid is poured onto a horizontal plate as shown in Fig. P7.15, Assume that the time, r, required for the fluid to flow a certain distance, d, slong the plate is a function 7 of the volume of fluid poured, ¥, acceleration of gravity, g, fluid density, p, and fluid viscosity, . Determine an appropriate set of pi terms to describe this process. Form the pi terms by inspection. ey FIGURE P7.15 t=4(4 49,2 4) kop del wel? gee ps re r® pePLeT From the pe Theorem b-3= 3 pe terms required By inspection for 1, (Containing 4). 4 = Aon “Ts FLT Os o/s Dar) = FLT ok for 1 Ccanteining ¥): ee For 71, leontainns Cand p D3 es eee . = ecto £4)" FEOT = PLT Check using MLT ke: -2 3h LE a lini) ) Cy" MELT? + ok / (Heir) This, 3 t/E= $(4, AES) 7-20 7.16 Assume that the drag, 9, on an aircraft flying at supersonic speeds is a function of its velocity, V, fiuid density, p, speed of sound, c, anda series of lengths, f,,.. . , , which describe the geometry of the aircraft. Develop a set of pi terms that could be used to investigate experi- mentally how the drag is affected by the various factors listed. Form the pi terms by inspection. B= L£up,0,2, Ler yar! peFl*7* ec 4) all Lengths, Ah From the pi Theorem, Ure )-3 = I+t pl terms vegured, where L& the number of length terms (1'=1,2, 3,e4.). By inspection , for Ti; ad contermig oe = : @ T= Gee * Gere 2 PET Check using MLT * MLT ——“—— = = ML T? |. OK Pveee Coa 2ur~) (i) ° For Th, (containing c) * Th = a or ¥ and both are obviously dimensionless. Por all offer pt terms containtig 4; .2 Ae T= and These terms invelung The £3 are obviously dimensionless Thus ' vi Le oe #(% a) 13 @ Series of pj terms, 7 A ete. Where 4 ? a7 ZIT When a fluid flows slowly past a vertical plate of height hb and width b (see Fig. P7.17), pressure develops on the face of the plate, Assume that the pressure, p, at the midpoint of the plate is a function of plate height and width, the approach velocity, V, and the fluid viscosity, 2. Make use of dimensional analysis to determine how the pressure, p, will change when the fluid velocity, V, is doubled, Plate width = p (4,45 V4) peke* ASL beh yslT™ ws ferr From the pi Theorem 5-3 =2 pr terms reguiied. By sh2pection for Th (eontaining p): ge PA 2 VWs pyore Ve” (ar) (FE*T) Check using MLT ? BA. ue~ Le eee Ve AT VCMT") For 7, (contaniny b) ! ne 4 & Which 1 obviously dinienswonless, Thus, th 4 /e we Aa) so that p PX 4) “ From Bg.4) it fellows That br a given geometry Gnk vistosrly, if The velocity, V, 15 doubled the Pressure, P will be doubled. TI 7.13 The pressure drop, Ap, along a straight pipe of diameter D has been experimentally stud- ied, and it is observed that for laminar flow of a given fluid and pipe, the pressure drop varies di- rectly with the distance, f, between pressure taps. Assume that Ap is a function of D and 0, the velocity, V, and the fluid viscosity, y. Use di- mensional analysis to deduce how the pressure drop varies with pipe diameter. ap= £0D,4,V, 4) Ap2 Fee Del fel ys Lr! pe FLAT From the pi theorem, 5-3=2 pi terms reguired . 84 inspection, for Tl, (containing Ap): r= Ap? . Gee?(L) RY Ge*rr) Check using MLT ? 7 Aph . (mc!T lt) 2 yrpore soy AY Cer 'ir) For Tl, (containing £) : me $ Which 13 obviously dimensionless. Thus, EP ih FLT? a From ‘the statement of the problem, Apxt so thet &g.u) must be of the frm Apd x f v Where K ks some constant. It thus follows thet 1 Ap & for a Given velocity. 7-23 AIF The viscosity, 44, of a liquid can be measured by de- termining the time, ¢, it takes for a sphere of diameter, d, to settle slowly through a distance, €, in a vertical cylinder of diameter, D, containing the liquid (see Fig. P7.19). Assume that |, ovinger = fil, d, D. pw Ay) where Ay is the difference in specific weights between the sphere and the liquid. Use dimensional analysis to show how f is related to y2, and describe how such an apparatus might be used to measure viscosity —p— tp fel del bel pre Re? we eT From The pi Theorem, 6-3= 3 pi terms required . By Inspection hr 7, Contriniiy t): = £Ood . OTM PEP) _ pepore i Teeep 7 PRT Cheek using MET! avg. cry (Meta) -~ Caer) ie le Por 7, (containuig D)- - 2 mT Which 13 obviously dimensionless , For ly Ceontainig 2) ¢ -2 . Ts? Which 1s ebviously dimensionless . Thus, d D etd I e(8 d 4) ana fer « fived geometry thtdic where C 6 @ Constant, or E C ayt = Cast where Cs A & constant Gr a fried geometry. Thus, hr This dence MeG art 7) The Constant C, tan be determited by tal bration with a Plat of Anown viseeerly, with C, Rnown the viseasit, of other Fluids Can be determined Through & measurement of The tiie th ten junction with Bgl) __} 7-24 7.20 7.20 Acylinder with a diameter, D, floats upright in a liquid |_-cnincer as shown in Fig. P7.20. When the cylinder is displaced slightly diameter = D along its vertical axis it will oscillate about its equilibrium po- ¥. sition with a frequency, w. Assume that this frequency is a fune- tion of the diameter, D, the mass of the cylinder, m, and the specific weight, y, of the liquid, Determine, with the aid of dimensional analysis, how the frequency is related to these var- iables. If the mass of the cylinder were increased, would the frequency increase or decrease? w= £ (2, m, ¥) wet DEL me FLT? ye FEF From The pi Theorem) G-3= 1 pt term reguired, By inspection * . OVE . OO me Bi 2 ay Pee Pe Check using MLT! ; we = or! = WLT? tok BIBS tH Ti ae Since There is only | pi term, /+ Follows That where Cis a constant, Thus, w= co lz From this result it flows thot if rm 1s increased w& will decrease. 7s 221% °7.21 The pressure drop, Ap, over a certain length of hori- zontal pipe is assumed to be a function of the velocity, V, of the ‘luid in the pipe, the pipe diameter, D, and the fluid density and viscosity, p and j. (a) Show that this flow can be described in di- ‘mensionless form as a “pressure coefficient,” C, = Ap/(0.5 pV) that depends on the Reynolds number, Re = pWDi/. (b) The fol- Towing data were obtained in an experiment involving a fluid with p = 2slugs/ft, w= 2X 10° Ib s/ft?, and D = 0.1 ft Plot a dimensionless graph and use a power law equation to determine the functional relationship between the pressure coefficient and the Reynolds number. (©) What are the limitations on the applicability of your equa- tion obtained in part (by? (a) Ap= £(V, 0,2 ) bpz Fer VelT Del ps0 5* Me AT From the pi Theorem, &-3= Z pi terms required, Ba iaspection for T,, 2 m= AB = Fe 1” pve Crete ary Check using MLT system: Ate APs Ae GacsMerd? for Te: ary vo = (EFL*T) ATHY pose, T= AvP = TEEET) = PUT Lm = PLT? .. OK as = MeltT? 1. ok Check using MLT system: PUP n (Mb VT Mb) WPT? 2. om F Cnet) Thus, Ap . ¢ (42 we 4 7 ) . ~ Since 6 is am unknown funchon, a factor of 0.5 Can be jneluded in TT, CF desired ) so thet A vod bbe, = 4 (PL) Thus, Cp = 4d (Re) there Cy 13 the pressure coefticint and Ke The Reynolds hum ber. Coon t) 7-26 Z2l Con Z) (b) Usiig Tre dato quen, _ AB. Ap = 4° Gigs” biG eV VP d e 2 Pye - 28H v0.1) - ov ¢ F zxioe Bs Tabulaten values for Cp and Re and a4 plot of the data are shown bel. V.fls Ap, pst Re cp 3 192 300 21.3 1 704 1100 5.82 7 1090 1700 3.77 20 1280 2000 3.20 ara eae Pressure coefficient, cp ° 500 1000 1500 2000 2600 Reynolds number, Re The power law relatonsp ts £35 Cp = Re a) (6) Based on The variables Used and the given data , the empirical relationship, EZ.0), would only be appl’cable ji the Reynolds number range 300 £ Re < 2eco Note: Although The equation Might be valid outside this range, results should not be extrapolated beyond ‘tne range of déta used. 9-27 [72a 7.22 The height, h, that a liquid will rise in a capillary tube is a function of the tube diameter, D, the specific weight of the liquid, 7, and the surface tension, ¢. Perform a dimensional anal- ysis using both the FLT and MLT systems for basic dimensions. Note: The results should ob- viously be the same regardless of the system of dimensions used. If your analysis indicates oth- erwise, go back and check your work giving particular attention to the required number of reference dimensions. 4=f (0,40) Using PLT system : kel Del etree oF ee! From The pi theorem, 4-2= 2 pi terms reguired. By wspection, for tr, Ccontainng 4) : ? wet a) which 1s obviously dimensionless . for 11, Ccontonring ¥ ana 7): -1 - “& = _Fe T= xD* (FL3)(L)* Thus, 4 Bed (se) Using MLT system. 4el DEL xe ML? reMT™ Although there appears to be 3 reference dimensions, only 2 refereme chimensions ave actually veguired (L and MT») to describe the eta By inspection, for 17, Gee above) Med / and ter Tl Ctontenng & ardo): we Ze = mr* 2° eD* Uae? DL)? Thus, (as above) 4. 4 (Se) = ML 7-23 7.23 7.23 The speed of sound in a gas, ¢, is a func- tion of the gas pressure, p, and density, p. De~ termine, with the aid of dimensional analysis, how the velocity is related to the pressure and density. Be careful when you decide on how many reference dimensions are required. esf (te) ef LT pe ret ps eet? Although There appears to be FS reference dimensions (which would inchcate That there are no possible pi terms), only 2 reference dimensions (LT~! and FL>?) ave actually reguired since pe berry Thus, trom The pi theorem, 3-2=1 pe term regurredl By inspection : - iy Inspection re a) A lo) (Ee Mar) q. ? FL* - Faer® Lh Check using MLT: 2 -3) ce (ur (me (Gne MLe7? 0K P ML 7-* Since There 13 only | pi term, 't follows that fee C P Where C 13 @ constant. Thus, c= OE where Ci a consbent (G2 VC). 2-29 or ‘The pressure rise, Ap ‘expansion of Fig, P7,24 through which a liguid is flowing can be expressed as Ap = fay Ax pV) Q Where A, and A; are the upstream and downstream cross-sec- tional areas, respectively, p isthe fluid density. and V, is the upstream velocity. Some experimental data obtained with A, = 1.25 ft, V; = 5.00 ft/s, and using water with p = 1.94slogs/ft° are given in the following table: rea La, Plot the results of these tests using suitable dimensionless parameters. With the aid of a standard curve fitting program determine a general equation for Ap and use this equation to predict Ap for water flowing through an abrupt expansion with tn area ratio &y/Ay = O35-at a velocity Vj = 3.75 fs Spzec* ASLy A,ALy pe Fe Y, Fiom the pi theorem, 5-3= 2 pi terms veguived By inspection for T, (Containing 4p) yrs AR = FL? = "pve (eur) (LT) * Check usmg MLT 2 ML” 4p Metts yoore . PU Cae? d(ur-')* oe 0k For tt, (containing fe, ana Az): the A 2° a which is obviously dimensionless. Thus, Ap A ae. 4(H) Using the data given, s+ fellows that - ppv? |c.067| 0,162| 0.212 | 0.239 | 0.254 A, /hy, 10.0801 6200] 0.241 oH lo4eg A plot of ‘these data ts shown on the next page, Cont) 9-30 The curve drawn on the graph 13 a Znd order Polynomial fing The epuation ad ~ 1.10 [+ hor (¥.) - 20,0103 Thus, fr A,/4,= 6.35 ana V2 37S ft/s wrth Water (p= 1.94 5l49sfys) 2 Ap: (1% Spare 2)" Lio (0.35) + 1,07(0.35) ~ 0.013] = 62 4, —= 7-31 = 7.25 A liquid flows with a velocity Vthrough ~-V (m/s) | 3.13 | 4.43 | 5.42 a hole in the side of a large tank. Assume that n(m) 10.5011. V = f(t, g, p, 0) 7.00 10 | 1.50 | 2.00 | 2.50 where his the depth of fluid above the hole, g is Plot these data by using appropriate dimension- the acceleration of gravity, p the fluid density, less variables. Could any of the original variables and o the surface tension. The following data have been omitted? were obtained by changing h and measuring V, with a fluid having a density = 10° kg/m? and surface tension = 0.074 N/m. vegr Rel gedr? pe re r* esr! from The pi Theorem, 5-3= 2 pi terms veguredl. By inspection for T% (tontemmny V): : br : pere T= —— = —— Ty FLT “Vek ar Ji)" For Tt, (containing p andr): ae T= fats Gratien JO)” rere a FL Check using MLT! . a banat VL)” 2 gece ps ok Care M“. gh For the date given: Thus, Cak'/o| 3.3/x10* | 13.3 xiot | 29.8.x10" | saoxnt | g29x0" V/Vgh | h41 Lar | “yr | Lae | 141 | feet Ea FS] =e + : e- a —S. v , a =f i Lo t Ee Vga f st as t f 7 = Se rn $e 4 The graph and tuble show that V/Igh 1s wdependent of gh/e- Thus, the variables and 7 could have been onutted. 7-32 (a) [72 7.26 The time, ¢, it takes to pour a certain volume of lig- uid from a cylindrical container depends on several factors, including the viscosity of the liquid, (See Video V1.1.) As- sume that for very viscous liquids the time it takes to pour out 2/3 of the initial volume depends on the initial liquid depth, €, the cylinder diameter, D, the liquid viscosity, 4, and the liquid specific weight, 7. The data shown in the fol. lowing table were obtained in the laboratory. For these tests € = 45 mm, D = 67 mm, and y = 9.60 kN/m’. (a) Perform a dimensional analysis and based on the data given, deter- ‘mine if variables used for this problem appear to be correct, Explain how you arrived at your answer. (b) If possible, de- termine an equation relating the pouring time and viscosity for the cylinder and liquids used in these tests. If itis not possible, indicate what additional information is needed. w (Nesim?) uN 17 39 61 107 1) is [23 Foss 1 a3 Tas t= £40 p,¢) 3 2o7 £3 DAL we FLT xeFl From the pi Theorem 5-3=2 pi terms reguired. 84 saspecton, for TT, ( containing £) ge tED & (DFE) & (FLT) Check using MLT system: EXD 8 (TMM TV, ge pe7e og - (mer) Por Tle (containing £) me 4 = FYLere whieh 1s obviously dimensionless, Thas, zrP. 4 (3) cn For the data given ee = oem = 0.672 (4 constant), Thus, From E30) with 4/D a eonsknt it follows tet ED = constant. For the data given: at BS! (cont) 33 1.26 (een Z ) 2X? | 377/970 872 -& 874 | 875 Since WT, 1s essentially constant over The range of the experimental data the variables used for The problem ee EEE appear te be Corret. ) The average value for TT, 1s 874 50 thet EKO _ gay Gna Therehre be S24 y= _ 87 - od (4bxW2M \(67x10'm ) mm t= 130 he with tin seconds when pis tia units of M5 /m? Note that This restricted eguation 13 only valid for 4/p= 0.672, D= bimm, and 52 RbOOkN Im? with 23 et The Iaihd! yolume being poured. 1-34 Tat 7.27 The pressure drop per unit length, Ap,, 5 5 for the flow of blood ‘through a horizontal smal O (mis) Ap (Nim) diameter tube is @ function of the volume rate of 3.6 x 10 11 x 10° flow, Q, the diameter, D, and the blood viscosity, 4.9 x 10 1.5 x 10* #. For a series of tests in which d = 2 mm, and 6.3 x 10% 1.9 x 10° 0.004 N-s/m*, the following data were ob- 7.9 x 10° 2.4 x 10° tained, where the Ap listed was measured over 9.8 x 10°6 3.0 x 10° the length, £ = 300 mm. OT Perform a dimensional analysis for this problem, and make use of the data given to determine a general relationship between Ap, and Q (one that is valid for other values of D, €, and 1) 44 =F (00,4) 6he re? ge c3rt ol fee FLAT From the pi theorem, 4-3=1 pc term reguired. By inspectin 44 Dt. (ruc3)(1)* Te FET ET) Check using ee Conceal? » mn re . yteTe : Since there is only 1 pe term, it follows that Ap, o* fe . where C is 4 constant, For the data given Ah Dt ee AQ 0.3m | (0.004 W-5/m*) Q and therefore using the date in ‘the teble 4p 0° Ae Thus, the average value fr C= 40.5 and a a 3? AP = 33x10 = @ 40.6) 4.7 | 40.1 | 40.4 | 40.7 44 = $0.5 AL Df 7-35, 2.28 * -_— fm hm Hm 20 0.10 0.833 *7.28 As shown in Fig, 2.26, Fig. P7.28, and Video V2.7, 40 0.10 0.833 ‘a rectangular barge floats in a stable configuration provided the 20 0.20 0.417 distance between the center of gravity, CG, of the object (boat 40 0.20 0.417 and load) and the center of buoyancy, C, is less than a certain 20 035 0.238 amount, H. If this distance is greater than H the boat will tip 40 0.35 0.238 over. Assume H is a function of the boat's width, b, length, é, and draft, (a) Put this relationship into dimensionless form. (b) The results of a set of experiments with a model barge with a width of 1.0 m is shown in the table. Plot this data in di- ‘mensionless form and determine a power-law equation relating the dimensionless parameters. fa we F(42, A) MFUSURE Prize From the pé theorem, ¥-1 = 3 pi Hrms requived, By inspection: a uw #=4(F57 All of the pr terms ave obviously dimensionless. (4) For the deta given, tebulated values for Ht{b, h/b, ana S/o ave shown below. hp Hib a a _ O10 © 0.833 2.0 010 © 0.833 4.0 020° 0.417 20 020 0417 = 40 035 0.238 20 035 ©0238 «= 40 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 An inspection of these data reveals that H/b does not depend on A/b, 0.0, The same Value of WIL ts obtamen for different values of £/5. Thus, He h 37 4(p) and from tre plot of the data, usiig a power- leur 4: 0.0933(4) 3 uation = lee 736 7.27 7.29 A fluid flows through the horizontal curved Pipe of Fig. P7.29 with a velocity V. The pressure drop, Ap, between — the entrance and the exit to the bend is thought tobe & function of the velocity, bend radius, R, pipe diameter, D, and fluid den- sity, p. The data shown in the following table were obtained in . the laboratory. For these tests p = 2.0 slugs/f’, R = 0.5 ft, and D = 0.1 ft, Perform a dimensional analysis and based on the data given, determine ifthe variables used for this problem appear to be correct. Explain how you arrived at your answer. V (y/s) Ap (Ib/ft?) m FIGURE P7.29 4¢= F(R, Oe) Ape Fe* VetT! R=L Dsl From The pt theorem, 5-3 = 2 pi terms reguired By laspecten, fer T, Ccontaining 4p): 4p | (FL-2) ~ oy) ee 2 S25 SEEN fe utr The BV Cepeyary? es BLT Check using MLT system? Sp. nz) og WeLer? oS ya) Tok PV> (ME?) Ccr)* For 1, (contamng R anab)* mie which is ebviowsly dimensionless. THUS, A 42-4) For the deta gwen - ee Ca Constant). Thus, From £9. U1) wrth Bia constont r£ follows that SP. = Constant, However, hr The dale grew: 4 4 } 0.136 | 2.100 | 0.147 eis] Since SP i not constant, 1+ follows thet the v Variables used for The problem are not correct. 7-37 = 7.30 The water flowrate, Q, in an open rectangular channel ccan be measured by placing a plate across the channel as shown -——)——_+ in Fig, P7.30. This type of a device is called a weir. The height —— of the water, H, above the weir crest is referred to as the head 4 and can be used to determine the flowrate through the channel ‘Assume that Q is a function of the head, H, the channel width, lee ', and the acceleration of gravity, g. Determine a suitable set of ida snsionless variables for this problem, @=£ 0H, 4 ¢) ger! bel gs sr? From the pi theevem, 4-2=2 py terms reguired. By inspectin for Tt, Ceontainng @): @ : war 2 er Hi gi (L)% rz) ~ For Th, (om tarinnnig 8) * - 5 th? Which ts 7 dimensionless. Thus, yt = ¢(3) The 7.31 7.31 From theoretical considerations it is known that for the weir described in Problem 7.30 the flowrate, Q, must be directly proportional to the channel width, b. In tests it was determined that if b = 3 ft and Q = 1.96 ft"/s. Based on these limited data, determine a general equation for the flowrate over this type of weit From Problem 7.30, @ wage 4G) ° Since Ox b it Lellews from F3.0)) That @ - b Pege * ¢() where Css 4& Constant. Thus, for the data given oe Os HE preg’h b £4 (a2. tye Gre) = 0598 General eguatzen Ws P= 0.5966 fait? so That 7°34 7.32 SAE 30 oil at 60 °F is pumped through a 3-ft-diame- ter pipeline at a rate of 6400 gal/min. A model of this pipeline is to be designed using a 3-in.-diameter pipe and water at 60 °F as the working fluid. To maintain Reynolds number similarity between these two systems, what fluid velocity will be required in the model? For Reynolds number similarity , Vim Don y om - u& Yon = or v | Pio us a2) Since , A area ana (6400 Ga! ) (231 in Qs gaT VLE ). 14,3 £03 60 ain ° then 14,3 #07 ye — = 202 s ea A E GH) Thus, trom EG) “5 (42 y, = (21x18 oe) 6a i) = 652 xo" (450°? £°)(2 te) T-Ho 7.33 7.33 Glycerin at 20 °C flows with a velocity of 4 m/s through a 30-mm-diameter tube. A model of this system is to be developed using standard air as the model fluid. The air ve~ locity is to be 2 m/s. What tube diameter is required for the ‘model if dynamic similarity is o be maintained between mode! and prototype? For dynamic similarity, the Reynolds number must be the same for model and prototype. Thus, Vn Dm. VD yw Vv so that te Vv pn 4b x Ny 2) D,, = kam LL = s s aes (rie yes) (0,030m) ~3 = 0.736 x10 ~m = 0.736 mm I-4/ 734 7.34 ‘The drag characteristics of a torpedo are to be studied in a water tunnel using a 1:5 scale model. The tunnel operates with freshwater at 20 °C, whereas the prototype torpedo is to be used in seawater at 15.6 °C. To correctly simulate the be- havior ofthe prototype moving with a velocity of 30 m/s, what velocity is required in the water tunnel? Por dynamic sirilarity the Reynolds number must be the Same for Mode! and prototype. Thus , Yn Pn. Yd Un Vv so Theat Since, % (water @ B0'C)= 1004 x10 mle (Table B.2), DV (seauader @ 16.6°C) = 117 x10 mt, (rable 1b), and D/a,,=5, it follows That a _ (hooy nid 2°) CG #)=/2479 @ m” (LIT xib* Be) ) (30) s T-42 7.35. 7.38 The design of a river model is to be based on Froude number similarity, and a river depth of 3 m is to correspond to a model depth of 50 mm. Under these conditions what is the prototype velocity corresponding to a model velocity of 1.2 m/s? For Froude number similarity, Vom Vv V fom Fon Vad where d is the #lusi! depth. Thus, ve 22 V,, ny and with 8 *dm - [fa = |/im Vi Im = /2% (24) - 1202 7-43 7.36 7.36 For a certain fluid flow problem itis known that both the Froude number and the Weber number are important di- ‘mensionless parameters. Ifthe problem is to be studied by using 1:15 scale model, determine the required surface tension scale if the density scale is equal to 1. The model and prototype op- crate in the same gravitational field. For dynamic. similarity , Von v »- (Froude number similarity) Tank. Ve Cn Vn Sow. PVE ~ Onn o and (Weber umber sivislarity ) % satisty Froude number similarity (with afm), V 2d : and ‘therefore for Weber number similarity Ges Po (Ya\* fou oc Pivi g Thus, with Bm /L= Ifes and & [= ! = fo | Lim AF -3 In -\r= ¥ io Be) (Gg) EX 7-44 737 7.37 The fluid dynamic characteristics of an airplane flying at 240 mph at 10,000 ft-are to be investigated with the aid of a 1:20 scale model. If the model tests are to be performed in a wind tunnel using standard air, what is the required air velocity in the wind tunnel? Is this a realistic vefocity? For dynamic Similarity, The Reynolds numbtr must be the Same fer model and prototype. Thus Bn Vn Lm PYS jm a we ee so thet a) RR Since ’ Ao 3534 a8) BE 3 fr itsbeit " slae (ible ci) = 3, Ibs, . Fim = 814 X10" Wess pa 2aeee” sas (Toble 1.7) aud L/L, =20, 1+ follows from £3.01) thet (3.741067 48) (750% 16° shas ) (3. raps bt ) (232x107 sles? ) V2 (20) (z¥0 mph) = 3750 mph Me, vt 1s not a vealishé velocity — much too high. 2-45 738 7.3% — If an airplane travels at a speed of 1120 km/hr at an altitude of 15 km, what is the re- quired speed at an altitude of km to satisfy Mach number similarity? Assume the air properties cor- respond to those for the U.S. standard atmo- sphere. For Mach num ber similarity, (¥ v _ 5 + a) © a ( ‘ Ys he The speed of sound can be calculated tom the Suaticn = VORT (E34. 120) and for air, AslHo, R= 286.9 S/d: At (Sm altitude, = ~56,50°C +273./5 = dib.7k (Table C,2) and al & bam Tz ~ 30.9 °C #27315 = 2362 Thus, at (Shm altitude Ge =] oY Grortaser eZ, ) (2i.7k) = and at Skm (Table C2) - v - Cob: Give) (are 48, ) (22.26) = 308 @ From 3.0) Vos So het 4, mn ae Cohn = km i710 Fae 7 Y¥e 740 7.40 — The lift and drag developed on a hydro- foil are to be determined through wind tunnel tests using standard air. If full scale tests are to be run, what is the required wind tunnel velocity corresponding to a hydrofoil velocity in seawater of 15 mph? Assume Reynolds number similarity is required. For Reynolds number similarity Vm bn _ VE Rm YV where £ is some characterishe length of the hydmbi |. Thus, mf Yon =H Sm and with Lfkm2! (Full scale test) thy. Ost xwt Ee) Vn Pv = (1.26 x 10°F £E) (15 mph) 187 mph 747 4l 7.44 A 1/50 scale model is to be used in a towing tank to study the water motion near the bottom of a shallow chan- nel as a large barge passes over. (See Video V7.7.) Assume that the model is operated in accordance with the Froude number criteria for dynamic similitude. The prototype barge moves at a typical speed of 15 knots. (a) At what speed (in fils) should the model be towed? (b) Near the bottom of the model channel a small particle is found to move 0.15 ft in ‘one second so that the fluid velocity at that point is ap- proximately 0.15 fs. Determine the velocity at the corre- sponding point in the prototype channel. G@) For Froude number similarity Ve Vv Vanbn VGE" Where L 1s seme charackerishe length , ank with Gm= tom = Be" (1) vi Ve / This Vn = Vi (iscenets) = 2.12 Rnots £& From Table Al | not = (0.514 @)(4202-) = ba s 0 that fh) ae Sols Vege (2.12 Bro (ier Ze, = 353% (5) Since from Eg. (1) so that 748 [(24#z TAZ A 1:40 scale model of a ship is to be tested in a towing tank. Determine the required kinematic viscosity of the model fluid so that both the Reynolds number and the Froude number are the same for model and prototype. Assume the prototype fluid to be seawater at 60 °F. Could any of the liquids with viscosities given in Fig. B.2 in Appendix B be used as the model fluid? As discussed in Section 78.3, to maintach both Reynolds umber and Frew number ‘sin larity =: (aye The data. quien wv Lye Cir wm) = ba x10" No. The values of 2 tor the liguis guen in Fig,B2 are all auch Jarger Than the reguired value. 7-49 43 7.43, A solid block in the shape of a cube rests partially slibmerged on the bottom of a river as shown in Fig. P7.43. The. drag, Z. on the block depends on the river depth, d, the block dimension, h, the stream velocity, V, the fluid density, p, and the acceleration of gravity, g. (a) Perform a dimensional ansl- ysis for this problem. (b) The drag is to be determined from a roo model study using a length scale of 1/5. What model velocity doe | ' should be used to predict the drag on the prototype located in —|§ t+ ______ a river with a velocity of 9 fi/s? Water is to be used for the model fluid, Determine the expected prototype drag in terms of the model drag (a) O=F (4,4, 2, 3) Bef del hel ver psecty geht * From the pi theovem , b-2=3 pi terms reguited, and a dimensional Anal gsis yields bo . aie (8) (6) For similarity between model and prototype of and Vm “ VBmdn VGA Thus dan . Fea The prediction epuetion ts BA . bm PVE? Balad hat b EGE) A so thet IS Gnd wit P=ly We ag = eb, B= (Bez) 6Y 8, mn 750 7.44 The drag on a 2-m-diameter satellite dish due to an 80 km/hr wind is to be determined through a wind tunnel test using a geometrically similar 0.4-m-diameter model dish. Assume stan- dard air for both model and prototype. (a) At what air speed should the model test be run? (b) With all similarity conditions satisfied, the mea- sured drag on the model was determined to be 170 N. What is the predicted drag on the pro- totype dish? (ay From &3.7.19, Reynolds number similarity is reguired. Thus, Vq2n YD Dan Vv Where D 1s the dish diameter, Lt follows thet bm® FB, and with &% fy =l (b) From £4. 7.19, Zl Vem Qe so that (with (a?) b- HF ob, (80 (30 48)" Cam)" = d= liso 2° Cam)? (0) = Lo (Note tut (9 *Dy tn tis problem, since from the condibe'n of Reynolds number similarity V/V = Os [Dt This 1s net true in general.) 7-51 THE 7.45 The pressure drop between the entrance and exit of a 150-mm-diameter 90° elbow, through which ethyl alcohol at 20 °C is flowing, is to be determined with a geometrically similar model. The velocity of the alcohol is 5 m/s. The model fluid is to be water at 20 °C, and the model velocity is limited to 10 m/s. (a) What is the re- quired diameter of the model elbow to maintain dynamic similarity? (b) A measured pressure drop of 20 kPa in the model will correspond to what prototype value? For Flow sn a closed conduit, . I if Drpmdt pi tem = 4 (4, £, OL ) (ep 206) For This particular problem the dependent variable is the pressure drop, Ap, so thet . - A Dependent pc term = we Also, the charactenshi lengtn tor #low through a 90° elbow ts the diameter, D, $0 tat 28g (£, M02) pve (a) To maintain dynamic sim larity , Pm Vor Pn. (vd (Mm ~ or You 2p VD RY ana therefore - my » Dn TF Ve For water at 20°C, Y= hooexio m/s (Table 8.2), and for ethyl alcohol at 20°C, V=1.5/x 0% me (Table 6), so tat 8 . C1 cogs #) ($2) = = (150 mm) om 6 m> (151 x10 acad dl #) 245 | (eon't) (b) With the same Reynolds number fr model and prototype, and with geometric similarity (which tinpis thet Em [Dy = €/D) then Abu . _dp BrYye PY so That ve dpe £ YY ap Pg ye For water at 20°C, 2,2998.2 4ghn? (Table 8.2) and hr ethyl altohol at 2orc, = 789 -Rg/m? (Table ib). Thus, G29 48) (5#)* = Etim) se) (794) (998.2 #8) (Io) = 29 4R 7-53 746 TAG For a certain model study involving a 1:5 scale model it is known that Froude number similarity must be maintained. The possibility of cavitation is also to be investigated, and it is as- sumed that the cavitation number must be the same for model and prototype. The prototype fluid is water at 30 °C, and the model fluid is water at 70°C. If the prototype operates at an ambient pressure of 101 kPa (abs), what is the required ambient pressure for the model system? For Froude number similarity, Me Vanka Vt so thet (with 9244) Bu <3 = For cavitation number similarity , R-Pelm hob) Em Von pv Lt follows that Vat Re tela & YS (h-Pe) and making use of &g.) Be em? ce Stef) For water (trom Table B.2): a @C Lyx 9778 Agha?» Pg = Z1bKID" Nim? Cabs) @ wl P= 95.7 Ale? ; bh = 4243 x10 A |m™ Cabs) Thus, from 3.2) (97.8 4, ) = Le av 7 Bam (757 H, , (4) (wixi0 By ~ #2ysxi0 mn = 50,2 4P (abs) )e 3.1gxi0 wm 7-54 7.47 _— 7.47 As shown in Fig. P7.47, a thin, flat plate containing a Prototype seties of holes is to be placed in a pipe to filter out any parti- cles in the liquid flowing through the pipe. There is some con- cem about the large pressure drop that may develop across the plate, and itis proposed to study this problem with a geomet- rically similar model. The following data apply. d—hole diameter = 1.0 mm D—pipe diameter = 50 mm viscosity = 0,002 N- sim? p—density = 1000 kg/m? V—velocity = 0.1 m/s to 2 mis (@) Assuming that the pressure drop, Ap, depends on the vari- ables listed above, use dimensional analysis to develop a suit- able set of dimensionless parameters for this problem. (b) Determine values for the model indicated in the list above with a question mark. What will be the pressure drop scale, Pal dp? m FIGURE P7.47 ‘ay ap= £Cd, D, &, BY) ApsFL* del Del as FU*T pF r* yet From the pi Theorem, 6~3= 3 j2i terms required, and a dimensiénal analasis grelds 4 _ J b AP = 4(4, £2) (1) For sramlavity y dim _ el Dm D . ana with the dato given = Geet (1 Omm) 0.200 oman and with fm=P, Mm =K st follows that = Dy =[T0mm a Vm = BY "oon JY sev aS (018 hb 24) = 0.500% ty 10.0% With the similarity reguiremeats sahstied, the prediction Buation " Bn ~ Bp So That yA ev 4 Pn = (Cn) (Ue)* = (1)(5)* = 25.0 2. (2\() 250 155 48 748 Ata large fish hatchery the fish are reared in open, water-filled tanks. Each tank is approximately square in shape with curved comers, and the walls are smooth, To ere- ate motion in the tanks, water is supplied through a pipe at the edge of the tank. The water is drained from the tank through an opening at the center. (See Video V7.3.) A model with a length scale of 1:13 is (0 be used to determine the velocity, V, at various locations within the tank. Assume that V = $(6,6, p. ns 8, Q) where €is some characteristic length such’as the tank width, &, represents a series of other perti- nent lengths, such as inlet pipe diameter, fluid depth, etc., p is the fluid density, pis the fluid viscosity, gis the acceler- (a) Aimeastonal analysis vee @ bem — B ‘Lm 2B and The Pan Bm Qm oS, guna be satished. No. vet (L,4:, /, Frem The pj Theorem, 7~3= yields Le @? (EE Thas, The s/milanty reguirements are Q2 Lm Gn 2° Predichon eguation bs VE> Vom Sinn @ @ From the Last similanty ve 4 bm = guirement with B ation of gravity, and Q is the discharge through the tank. (@) Determine a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem and the prediction equation for the velocity. If water is to be used for the model, can all of the similarity requirements be satisfied? Explain and support your answer with the necessary calculations. (b) If the flowrate into the full-sized tank is 250 gpm, determine the required value for the model discharge assuming Froude number similarity. What model depth will correspond to @ depth of 32 in, in the full-sized tank? fi £) 4 pe terms reguired and a a ) Ain . 29 4m Am Ap “Pd My “a P / 4 4 However, trom te second similanty veguirement with Gm - (bm Yi g Az Svice These two reguirements are ii Conkhek it Follows Theé the similarity reguirements Cannot (cont ) Sk [eT Contd ———“i—OSOSOSCSCSCSCSCSSC # (aps) Thus, the similarity reguiremtat és Gum = @, ,,D? wD oe Dag so That 3 Gru? (BY Px)°@ ana tov The dete siev rh); 9. 3 42 Guu? PMO Bin. #P) = 19 A ber Bt) mm) O #) . ; From tne graph (Fig. P7654) Sp, = 5:50 psc fr G, ne, Thus, 4 . bPm CODY ay la 2 and With 2 fay . Coon et) tui. zp : 7 LUI Coo. ge p= lim NG) 9 bay Carats! Fa ) 6s pd) = 27.8 pse Tob 7.66 Start with the two-dimensional conti- nuity equation and the Navier-Stokes equations (Eqs. 7.35, 7.36, and 7.37) and verify the non- dimensional forms of these equations (Eqs. 7.38, 7.41, and 7.42). 34, 0 (eg. 7.35) 2 2 Be aber )= Ban BoB) aay fp (Sgt Bo rj) Sb 8 (ES +BY) (9.731) As indicated in Sechou 7.10 jek ute & ve Pp Z a x -4 at xg y* ge The various rensbrmebes can be Ou. BWuR) a ¢* VY du ox” OL Fx TR axt and similarly, ar, vavt gu, vaut ayy ovt DK RR ax* 39° 2X ay* ag & ag* Also, ame VO (2! wt. Vo 2tyt Ox 2 aaY Vog4 BK LP Oya and similarly, ey. v eye Pulryauk pay _ y oye Ox2 f® oye Og Ae ays* 247 “ae ays For The local acceleration, 24. d(vut) ot* 2 V duX* ae oZ* at t ott and similarly, our. Vv ax* o— & ott (con't) 1-74 [72267 (cont) For The pressure terms, Qt. AAP ax*. 4 29% i be” Pie ana similarly, te ap ° x af Substitution of The various Herms, expresseel in terms of the dimensionless vaviables, can be made sito the orginal dHevenhal eguations (B48. 7.38, 736, ana 7.37) to Yield 29s. 7.38) 7.39, and 7.40. To obten the Final form for 25s. 7.4) and 7.42 divide each term by pvYh 1-75> 2.67 7.47 A viscous fluid is contained between wide, parallel plates spaced a distance h apart as shown in Fig, P7.67. The upper plate is fixed, and the bottom plate oscillates harmonically with a velocity amplitude U and frequency «. The differential equation for the velocity distribution between the plates is where w is the velocity, ris time, and p and y. are fuid density and viscosity, respectively. Rewrite this equation in a suitable nondimensional form using f, U, and «w as reference parameters. rn plate h er lee yt: f ute B, and £4: wt so thet au. aut) t* 2 7 duty) = Vwee" a EP Oe 2) out Qu. 2(Ua*) py* ouf(ly. UF 2ut id 43 u 3906 JR age ay dy* Thus, The origihal ears) eguation becomes ou* | ze plu ous. wy out oe* or * * wh*| ou. au [+4 36 age 7.68 7.8 The deflection of the cantilever beam of Fig. P7.49 is governed by the differential equation where E is the modulus of elasticity and / is the y P moment of inertia of the beam cross section. The } boundary conditions are y = Oat x = 0 and = dy/dx = 0 at x = 0. (a) Rewrite the equation 7 and boundary conditions in dimensionless form using the beam length, (, as the reference length. FIGURE P7. (b) Based on the results of part (a) what are the similarity requirements and the prediction equa- tion for a model to predict deflections? ca) Let z and X*s £ So that ay. alestde*. 4 dy (1) 2 ae ak dx™ dx Xe NY dx* and a * o* 4s (sf ae id dx* ae ax “Fo 7 2 Thus, the original differential eg uation becomes [=] ee = P(fx*-2) dyt* or dzy* _| Pa = ag. « [Be] 9 and The boundary conditions are * * dy*_ * yr=o at x"=0 and GY =0 at <*20 ) The Similarity re guivemeats are Kh ex op Ses % and Pale. PLP ™ Bon 4% Eulm FT The prediction opus eguation 1s « 71 7.67 7.67 A liquid is contained in a pipe that is closed at one end as shown in Fig. P7.(2. Initially the liquid is at rest, but if the end is suddenly opened the liquid starts to move. Assume the pressure p, remains constant. The differential equation that describes the resulting motion of the liquid is where v, is the velocity at any radial location, r, and f is time. Rewrite this equation in dimen- FIGURE P7.64 sionless form using the liquid density, p, the vis- cosity, 1, and the pipe radius, R, as reference parameters. het pts h , thE, and wh TB whee T 1s some combinehons of The parameters AP, ana R having the dimensions ef time, and V is some combination of the same parameters having Tre dimensions of a velocity. Let 2 CFL re (L)*, Take (eae r FL -2 and ps On : FT CR (FE+T*IN(L) MA These dimensionless variables ay avus*) set 24 « x x Eieoet) ot". v 28" (4 )« capes we "(Ay 428 aac! art au, 2%") ap * a gust a cae ie ap Fe aN) 5h Bes are fam 2g) avd no otf at = oes PR? ye oe) ae * ee a Ze SE Drae The origina! ic eguation can naw be expressed as [Par Ale Ba (Bal BE) or DUS. her? ang", 1 ut ott Lp ore r* or* End initial closed 7-78 770 7.70 An incompressible fluid is contained be- ‘tween two infinite parallel plates as illustrated in Fig. P7.70, Under the influence of a harmonically varying pressure gradient in the x direction, the fluid oscillates harmonically with a frequency The differential equation describing the fluid mo- tion is au au Pay = Xoosent aS FIGURE P7.70 where Xis the amplitude of the pressure gradient. Express this equation in nondimensional form us- ing h and w as reference parameters. het yA F tteat, and ut= gh 50 that | a. Chu u*)9e*. due, = fyrau* Goo A heu ae. has 3) = hea ey * * 3 Re age te h(a) ° w A O?u . 3 2) ae: w du Bp Hye iy wo ela) S ise The original a eguation can now a expressed as [phar] 24 out = K cs t*+ + Ee] Se apt or * aut =.] «, [AL] oe 4, ioe emets pha] ay? 7-79 271 7.71 A viscous fluid flows through a vertical, square chan- nel as shown in Fig. P7.71. The velocity w’can be expressed as, W = FO y by ae % Vs ap/ée) 5 where 1s the uid viscosity, the uid specific weight, V the ‘mean velocity, and ép//az the pressure gradient in the z direction. (a) Use dimensional analysis to find a suitable set of dimen sionless variables and parameters fr ths problem, (b) The dif- {erential equation governing the fluid motion for this problem i ea Bw Bw eo (C00 cay wef (x, 9,b, 4, ¥,¥, £) wrslT! x21 gel e2L pwsrctr ys Fle V2 From the pe theorem, O-3=5 pi terms reguived., and a dimensiona/ analysis welds Bere ww _ x 4 7 6 (S,4,4%, 2) a () Let whe ae Effet se thet: Bur, WVw) an¥ , a y ax ax* OK B axt 2K eur 2, (u*)ax* 2 Ye Ow Ges t ox*! Ox* 10K oe OKA ins lar ly ww, Bur® Sui lar ly , ae Be The orginal dePhevential efuation Can mow be expressen as ope Vf BP u* pba 55 aa Se 7 ope or 2 ob. _ ¢b*_ (p2u* | 72u* jar 38° ay + (Gan Re @ (cont) 7-80 271 (Cont) q.l2) indicates That ¥ * 4h? $29 wits weg (x! 4, Soo pvt ) ie) Al though THis result dees ret appear te rakh Tre Cquakon ebbained by dimensional analysis (E%.!), tee last two pr terms 1 9.0 tan be Combined fo yield 4 #2) (ib*) = _2* ap AEN WW AV oe se Theat = Bg l)) Can 4050 be write 4S 2 ge wed (LER SH) « and TMs vesult 1s the same as that y ERC. THUS, the similarity reg uivemtats indicated bo ys.) danse (K) are the same. 2.72 7.72 Flow from a Tank Objective: _ When the drain hole inthe bottom of the tank shown in Fig. P7.72 is opened, the liquid will drain out at a rate which is @ function of many parameters. The purpose of this experiment is to measure the liquid depth, fh, as a function of time, f, for two geometr cally similar tanks and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such as this. Equipment: Two geometrically similar cylindrical tanks; stop watch; thermometer; ruler. Experimental Procedure: Make appropriate measurements to show that the two tanks are geometrically similar. That is, show that the large tank is twice the size of the small tank (ice the height; twice the diameter; twice the hole diameter in the bottom). Fill the large tank with cold water of a known temperature, 7, and determine the water depth, fin the tank as a function of time, ¢, after the drain hole is opened. Thus, obtain h = hi). Note that ‘ranges from f = O when h = H (where H isthe inital depth of the water), 10 £ = fq then the tank is completely drained (h = 0). Repeat the measurements using the small tank with the same temperature water. To ensure geometric similarity, the initial water level in the small tank must be one-half of what it was in the lange tank. Repeat the experiment for each tank with hot water. Thus you will have a total of four sets of h(?) data Caleulations: Assume that the depth, h, of water in the tank is a function of is initial depth, H, the diameter of the tank, D, the diameter of the drain hole in the bottom of the tank, d, the time, after the drain is opened, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the fluid den- sity, p and viscosity, Develop a suitable set of dimensionless parameters for this problem using H, g, and p as repeating variables. Use «as the dependent parameter. For each of the four conditions tested, calculate the dimensionless time, 1g'/H"®, asa function of the di- Imensionless dept, h/H. Graph: Ona single graph, plot the depth, h, as ordinates and time, f, as abscissas for each of the four sets of data Results: On another graph, plot the dimensionless water depth, h/H, as a function of di- mensionless time, 1g!"/H"", for each of the four sets of data, Based on your results, com- ‘ment on the importance of density and viscosity for your experiment and on the usefulness of dimensional analysis, Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, @ FIGURE P7.72 (cont ) 7-82 7.72 (con't ) Solution for Problem 7.72: Flow from a Tank H for big tank, in, H for small tank, in 16.0 yin, Big Tank with T = 57 deg C 16.0 12.0 80 40 00 Big Tank with T = 20 deg C 16.0 120 8.0 40 0.0 ‘Small Tank with T = 87 deg 8.0 70 5.0 3.0 10 00 ‘Small Tank with T = 20 deg 8.0 70 50 30 1.0 0.0 80 ts 0.0 9.2 20.0 33.8 57.0 0.0 9.0 20.3 33.0 87.2 c 0.0 34 95 182 30.1 414 c 0.0 3.0 10.0 18.1 32.5 43.0 to" 0.0 452 98.3 166.1 280.1 0.0 442 99.8 1622 281.4 0.0 215 66.0 126.5 209.2 287.7 00 20.8 69.5 125.8 225.9 298.8 (Coat) fH 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000 1,000 0.875 0.625 0.375 0.125 0.000 1.000 0.875 0.625 0.375 0.125 0.000 7-83 272 Cont ) Problem 7.22 Water depth, h, vs time, t (—s— Big tank, T= 57 degC || at Big tank, T= 20 deg ¢ | —a— small tank, T= $7 deg ¢ |X _Smalltank, T= 20 deg C 1.20 4 1.00 0.80 blH 0.60 0.40 Problem 7.72 Dimensionless Depth, hiH, vs Dimensionless Time, t(g/H)*0.5 [eB tank, T= s7 degC] Big tank, T= 20degC = a= Small tank, T= 57 deg © |__x__smalltank, T = 20 deg 773 7.73 Vortex Shedding from a ular Cylinder Objective: Under certain conditions, the flow of fuid past a circular eylinder will pro- duce a Karman vortex street behind the cylinder. As shown in Fig. P7.73, this vortex street consists of a set of vortices (swirl) that ae shed alternately from opposite sides of the eylin- der and then swept downstream with the fluid. The purpose ofthis experiment is to deter- mine the shedding frequency, o cycles (vortices) per second, of these vortices as a function of the Reynolds number, Re, and to compare the measured results with published data Equipment: Water channel with an adjustable flowrate; flow meter; set of four different diameter cylinders; dye injection system; stopwatch. Experimental Procedure: Insert cylinder of diameter D into the holder on the bot- tom ofthe water channel, Adjust the control valve and the downstream gate on the channel to produce the desired flowrate, Q, and velocity, V. Make sure thatthe flow-straightening sereens (not shown in the figure) are in place to reduce unwanted turbulence in the flowing water, Measure the width, b, of the channel and the depth, y, of the water inthe channel so that the water velocity in the channel, V = (by), can be determined. Carefully adjust the control valve onthe dye injection system to inject a thin stream of dye slightly upstream of the eylinder. By viewing down onto the top of the water channel, observe the vortex shed ding and measure the time, 1, that it takes for N vortices to be shed from the cylinder. For a tiven velocity, repeat the experiment for different diameter cylinders. Repeat the experiment Using different velocities. Measure the water temperature so that the viscosity canbe looked up in Table B.1. Calculations: For each of your data sets calculate the vortex shedding frequency, w = N/t, which is expressed as vortices (or cycles) per second. Also calculate the dimen- sionless frequency called the Soubl number, St = wD/V, and the Reynolds number, Re = pvD/q. Graph: On a single graph, plot the vortex shedding frequency, w, as ordinates and the water velocity, V, as abscissas for each of the four cylinders you tested. On another graph, plot the Strouh! number as ordinates and the Reynolds number as abscissas for each of the four sets of data Korman weer set FIGURE P7.73 Side view Top view (cont) 7-85 7.73 (cont) Results: On your Strouh! number verses Reynolds number graph, plot the results taken from the literature and shown in the following table, st Re 0 <50 016 100 018 150 019 200 020 300 021400 021600 021800 Data: To proceed, prin this page for reference when you work the problem and cick ere to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem Solution for Problem 7.73: Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder T.degF b,ft 70 0.50 Data from Literature Qiss yf Df N ts o,cycesis V,fis Re st Re st 9.036 0.82 0.0202 10.0 132 0.758 0.0878 169 0.174 50 0.00 0.036 0.82 0.0314 100 199 0503 0.0878 263 0.180100 0.16 0036 0.82 (0.0421 100 245 0408 0.0878 © 3620198 1800.18 0.036 0.82 0.0518 100 301 0332 0.0878 433 0196 2000.18 300 0.20 400 o2t 0.062 0.79 0.0202 100 63 1587 0.1570 302 0.204600 21 0.062 079 0.0314 100 96 1042 0.1570 469 0.208 800 0.21 0.062 0.79 0.0421 100 125 0800 0.1570 629 0.215 0.062 0.79 00518 100 151 0662 0.1870 774 0.219 0.029 0.86 0.0202 100 192 0521 0.0874 130 0.156 0.028 «0.86 «(0.0314 100 282 0355 0.0674 + 202 0.165 0.028 «0.86 0.0421 100 331 0.302 0.0674 270 0.189 0.028 «0.86 «(0.0518 10.0 367 0272 0.0674 333 0.208 0.018 0.92 0.0202 100 312 0321 0.0301 75 0.165 0.018 092 00314 100 413 0.242 0.0391 117 0.194 0.018 092 0.0421 100 522 0192 0.0391 157 0.208 0.018 0.92 00518 100 653 0153 0.0391 193 0.203 o= Nit v= aiiby) St = @D/V and Re = DV/v, where v= 1.05265 ft'2/s (cont) 7-86 273 (con't) Problem 7.73 ‘Shedding Frequency, o, vs Velocity, V 4D = 0.0202 ft} =H 0= 003168) | a0 = 0.0821 ft To aosien| o, cyclesis 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 Problem 7.73 Strouhl Number, St, vs Reynolds Number, Re 0.25 0.20 0.15 st [© Experimenta 0.10 | He Data from tterature 0.05 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Re 7-87 2.27¢ 7.14 Head Loss across a Valve Objective: A valve in a pipeline like that shown in Fig. P7.74 acts like a variable resis- tor in an electrical circuit, The amount of resistance or head loss across a valve depends on the amount that the valve is open. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the head loss characteristics of a valve by measuring the pressure drop, Ap, across the valve as a func tion of flowrate, Q, and to learn how dimensional analysis can be of use in situations such as this. Equipment: Air supply with flow meter; valve connected (oa pipe; manometer connected to a static pressure tap upstream of the valve; barometer; thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Measure the pipe diameter, D. Record the barometer read- ing, Hy in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be cal- culated by use of the perfect gas law. Completely close the valve and then open it N turns from its closed position. Adjust the air supply to provide the desired flowrate, Q, of air through the valve. Record the manometer reading, #, so that the pressure drop, Ap, across the valve ccan be determined. Repeat the measurements for various flowrates. Repeat the experiment for various valve settings, N, ranging from barely open to wide open, Calculations: For each dataset calculate the average velocity in the pipe, V = Q/A, where ‘A = D/A is the pipe area, Also calculate the pressure drop across the valve, Ap = Yah, where ‘mis the specific weight of the manometer fluid. For each data set also calculate the loss coefficient, Ki, where the head loss is given by hy = Ap/y = K, V3/2g and y is the specific weight of the flowing ar. Graph: Ona single graph, plot the pressure drop, Ap, as ordinates and the flowrate, Q, as abscissas for each of the valve settings, N, tested. Results: On another graph, plot the loss coefficient, Ki, as a function of valve setting, N, for all of the datasets Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. Nrneiet m FIGURE P7.74 (cont ) 1-88 Ceonz) ‘Solution for Problem 7.74: Head Loss across a Valve D, in, Haem in. HT, deg F o8t 287 70 hin Q, fais 4p, Ib V, fs N K Turns Open Data 9.20 0.236 478 65.7 2 9.95 6.50 0.195 338 545 2 10.21 5.04 0.169 262 0472 2 10.54 Turns Open Data 9.40 0.479 489 133.9 3 2.45 6.33 0.386 329 © 107.9 3 2.4 5.01 0.341 261 95.3, 3 287 3.62 0.289 188 © 80.8 3 2.59 1.92 0.214 100508 3 2.50 N= 4 Turns Open Data 9.35 0.827 486 (231.1 4 0.816 7.65 0.767 398 © 2143 4 0.777 601 0.691 313 193.1 4 0.752 4.32 0.578 225 161.5 4 0.72 3.24 0.504 168 © 1408 4 0.762 2.62 0.456 136 01274 4 0.752 1.85 0.391 96 109.3 4 0.723, 0.98 0.283 54 79.4 4 0.731 N= 65 Turns Open Data 3.03 0.897 158 2507 5 0.225 2.37 0.799 123-2233 5 0.222 179 0.701 93 195.9 5 0.218 1.39 0618 7200 1727 5 0217 0.97 0517 50 144.5 5 0.217 0.64 0.426 33 1190 5 211 AP = yua0"h K, = Apl(pV7/2) where V= QIA= Qi(n"D*/4) and P= Paie/RT where am = Ying" Haim = 847 ID/t*3*(28.7/12 ft) = 2026 Ib/2 R= 1716 ftb/stug deg R T= 70 + 460 = 630 deg R Thus, p = 0.00228 slugift*3 (cont ) 2-89 774 (cont ) 1 s N=2] & SEN=3/ EH te N=4 g ¢ Problem 7.74 Loss Coefficient, K., vs Number of Turns Open, N J-fo 275, 7.75 Calibration of a Rotameter Objective: The flowrate, Q, through a rotameter can be determined from the scale read- ing, SR, which indicates the vertical position of the float within the tapered tube of the ro- tameter as shown in Fig. P7.75. Clearly, for a given scale reading, the flowrate depends on the density of the flowing fluid. The purpose of this experiment is to calibrate a rotameter 0 that it can be used for both water and ai. Equipment: Rotameter, air supply with a calibrated flow meter, water supply, weighing scale, stop watch, thermometer, barometer. Experimental Procedure: Connect the rotameter to the water supply and adjust the flowrate, Q, to the desired value. Record the scale reading, SR, on the rotameter and mea- sure the flowrate by collecting a given weight, W, of water that passes through the rotame- ter in a given time, . Repeat for several flow rates. Connect the rotameter to the air supply and adjust the flowrate to the desired value as indicated by the flow meter. Record the scale reading on the rotameter. Repeat for several flowrates, Record the barometer reading, Hy, in inches of mercury and the air temperature, 7, so that the air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Calculations: For the water portion of the experiment, use the weight, W, and time, 1, data to determine the volumetric flowrate, Q = W/yt. The equilibrium position of the float fsa result of a Balance between the fluid drag fore onthe oat, the weight ofthe float, and the buoyant force on the float. Thus, a typical dimensionless flowrate can be written as O/tdto/Veley ~ p))"), where d is the diameter ofthe float, Vis the volume of the float ¢ ibe ecceleration of gravity, ps the fluid density, and py isthe float density. Determine this dimensionless flowrate for each condition tested Graph: Ona single graph, plot the flowrate, Q, as ordinates and scale reading, SR, as ab- seissas for both the water and air data, Results: On another graph plot the dimensionless flowrate asa function of scale reading for both the water and air data, Note that the scale reading is a percent of full scale and, hence, is a dimensionless quantity. Based on your resulls, comment on the usefulness of di ‘mensional analysis. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. 109 sae acne V7 G Flot (cont) 74 L2S Cont) Solution for Problem 7.78: Calibration of a Rotameter din, Vin.*3 py slugiftS Ham, in. T, deg F 140 1.50 15.4 29.05 78 Air Flow Data SR Q, fais (Qlayfpl(Va(prp))11/2 146 0.229 0.142 215 0.321 0.200 281 0.413 0.257 336 © 0.491 0.305 392 0.564 0.351 448 0.644 0.400 502 0.714 0.444 559 0.798 0.496 631 0.888 0.552 686 = 0.973 0.605 735 1.05 0.653 762 © 1.08 0.671 Water Flow Data sR Wilb ts Q, f3is (Qia)leValorp))11/2 131 © 6.52 19.9 0.0053 0.103 185 8.01 177 0.0073 0.143 242 © 7.02 104 0.0108 0.213 28200781 10.1 0.0124 0.244 371-820 84 0.0156 0.308 457 921 75 0.0197 0.387 626 8.19 57 0.0230 0.453 = Pa/RT where arm = ths" Hain = 847 Ib/t*3*(29,08/12 ft) = 2050 Ib/t"2 R= 1716 ftlb/sug deg R 78 + 460 = 538 deg R Thus, p = 0.00222 slugitt"3 (con't) 1-92 275 Cont) SR 08 07 06 05 04 & E z 3 & © | 00 Problem 7.75 Dimensionless Flowrate vs Scale Reading 9-93

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