Chapter 9999

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Gl Linear distribution 9.1 Assume that water flowing past the equi- lateral triangular bar shown in Fig. P9.1 produces the pressure distributions indicated. Determine Ua Sts the lift and drag on the bar and the corresponding _ lift and drag coefficients (based on frontal area) Neglect shear forces. P= 05 ot? _ FIGURE P9.1 D= (pcoso dh + (7%. sin8 df, where T=0 Thus, = be cos df ‘fe cos dA ‘fp cos dA -2{ cos 60°dA “fe dA= = 2 SRV a5 uf bb -(025 ev) Lb or A= 0.5 eV Lb so that = 0.5 (1.94 Sligt)(5L)(0.141)(441) = 9.70 #20 Ib Because of symmetry of the objed, L=_O. Also, from Eq. (1) C2 PL. o5eVilh _ PD geUA ~ Fov7sh ~ and since L=O G= =o et _ 2eUA p= -0.25 pu? a fal 9.2 9.2 Fluid flows past the two-dimensional bar shown in, P9.2. The pressures on the ends of the bar are as shown, the average shear stress on the top and bottom of the bar wiatn = & Assume thatthe drag due to pressure is equal to the drag due to viseos effets, (a) Determine 7, in tems ofthe dynamic pressure, pU?/2. (b) Determine the drag coefficient for this ob- a) &f = Friction drag = 2 Berg (10h b) = 2045 Tay and odp.= prossure drag = & pU*(bh) -(-£00°(0.2)) (bh) = 1.2 (£eU*)(bh) Thus, if by =p then 20 hb Tayg = 1.2 (bh) te" or Tavy = 0.06 (teU*) 8) B= dh +ehy = 6, 0U'A = G, tpU"bh Thos, 2ONB Tay #12 (40U')(bh) = Cy x pU" bh or 20 (0.06)(zU*) +1.2(tev*) =6, (¢ eU*) Thos, Ge 2.40 2 93* — The pressure distribution on the 1-m- diameter circular disk Fig. P9.3 is given in the table below. Determine the drag on the disk. FIGURE P9.3 ree D=(pda-(ph=( plemrdr) —p, BD*, since df= 20rdr 7 2 reo This, 9.5m 2s D= 20 pr dp (-sth Bn?) =20 pr dr + 9.93 2 ° here pt, r~m Evaluate the integral numerically using the following integrand: rom eo kW/m r(m) p(kNim!) 0 O 0 4.34 0.05 4.28 0.05 0.2/4 oi a 0.10 0.406 01s 37 ONS 0.558 on Btn 0.20 0.620 zs ata 0.28 eee 0.30 2.37 oa OTH 0.35 1.89 0.35 0.662 0.40 141 040 0.564 0.45 0.74 O45 0-333 0.50 0.0 0.50 0.000 TT Oarer—or By using the program SIMPSON. BAS we obtain Spr dr= 0.24) SSB eB EGE SSE CHS HESS SS GRIDS cGop pA aSE EO am performs numerical @ set a set of an odd number of equi ** spaced points using Simpson's Rule a YER BSS OOO ISI DSU SSD ISEB ISS EID REGRESS Enter number of data points: 12 ints (x. ¥) 0 7 9.50,0.006 The approximate value of the integral is: +2.4083E-01 Thus, of = 27(0.24/) +3.93 = S44 KN 9-3 G4 94 Lay? ‘The pressure distribution on a cylinder is approximated 2H by the two straight line segments shown in Fig, P9.4. Determine the drag coefficient for the cylinder, Neglect shear forces, pt? O<2P? T B= {pcos 0dh ={ pce (brde)= 2( p cas6 (bride o where a0 ° px 00 for F207 and Pr zeVL[I-F6] fros02F (ce. p=te0" if 0-0 Thus, prev it oF) Z ve d9=-pv'si i y* 6 de=- c0s0d0=-pV' sino} = @) fp cxrd don ev fi eu'sinol = and , % ( p cosddo =-4pv*{ [1 - $0] cosodo = tpV"[ sino ~§ (cos0+0 sine)] ° 2 2 =£0v"[I-$(2) -(-4)] =£00"[$ -2] “ Thos, from Egs. (1), (21, and ¢2) Brrr (/p cos0 do = 2br[£pU%E-2) so" ] = Zev (2H) 0 thet G= Ba - —. _te (GP) 0° Feu"A Zev*(2rb) £0" (2br) = hI Sion 2 7% 9.5 98 rotating the equilateral triangle about the horizontal axis through its tip) rather than a triangular bar. p=-0.25 90 Repeat Problem 9.1 if the object is a cone (made by {near citiouton vaste oi PaO put b= length = 241 FIGURE P9.1 By symmetry the liff is zero, Thus, €=0 and C,=0 Also f= Dnt * Gear where Lron = §P 2088 dA and dh=20rde Thus, with prose U*(1-10x) Ze. pl =0.500* nd 17 a pl <0 , we have eet ou Lon © f 0.5 pV? (I-10x) 27(X e080) dx = 277 casb0"(0,5 pU2){(x-10X)dy. 3 x<0 Ol or 2 Drops = 27 (0.8) (0.5007) ¥ - 2 | ,07 Bry = 0.001304 eu" oO Also, Dear =~ (0:25 00") Zoi = 0.00196 eu” so that B= Berant + Bran = (0.001309 + 0.00196) pU*= 0.00327 pT™ so with Q= L9H sles and T=5# B= 0.00327 (1,94)(5)" = Also, 59 1b c.-% 0.00327 9U* DT” Lorn ECHUSFE (0.17 s 4.6 9.6 A 17-ficlong kayak moves with a speed of 5 ft/s (see Vidleo V9.2), Would a boundary layer type flow be developed along the sides of the boat? Explain. Re = z , so with £17 and U=5 E and 60°F water with 7=12/x10" £ we have 2 THs £) 6 = 7.02%40 =5e Lande? Since Re #1000 jis often assumed to be the lower ims for boundary layer type flow, it is clear that a boundary layer would develop along the sides of the kayak, Yes. 9.7 91 Typical values ofthe Reynolds number for various an- Animal Speed | Re imats moving through air or water ate listed below. For which (a) large whale 10m/s | 300,000,000 cases is inertia of the fuid important? For which cases do vis- (b) flying duck 20m/s 300,000 ous effects dominate? For which cases would the flow be lam-(e) large dragonfly | 7 mm/s 30.000 inar, turbulent? Explain, (@) invertebrate larva | 1 mm/s 03 (e) bacterium 0.01 mm/s 0,00003 Tnertia important if Rex/ (2. whale, duck, dragonfly) Viscous effects dominate if Res! (¢.e larva, bacterivm) Boundany layer flow becomes turbulent for Re on the order of 10° to /08(¢.e, whale and perhaps the duck) The flow wovld be laminar for the dragontly, larva, and bacterivm and perhaps the duck 9-7 GF 9.9 Approximately how fast can the wind blow past a 0.25-in.-diameter twig if viscous ef- fects are to be of importance throughout the en- tire flow field (i.e., Re < 1)? Explain. Repeat for a 0.004-in.-diameter hair and a 6-ft-diameter smokestack. Re= 22 <) or V<$ if viscous effects are to be important throughout the flow. For standard air V=157%/0*# Thos, Vs 157x104 Fe , where D is the diameler in feet object [Df | U,# twig 2.08K10"| 72 S4x/07 hair 3.3310") 0.47) smokestack | 6 2.62K10F 8 910 9.10 A viscous fluid flows past a flat plate such that the boundary layer thickness at a distance 1.3 m from the leading edge is 12 mm. Determine the boundary layer thickness at distances of 0.20, 2.0. and 20 m from the leading edge. Assume Jaminar flow. For laminar flow $=CVX , where C is a constant, Thus, 3 CG or = = = 0.0105 on & + 0.0105) X" where X~m,§-m 5,m X,m d, mm 02 470 2.0 148 20.0 420 GH 9.11 If the upstream velocity of the flow in Problem 9.10 is U = 1.5 m/s, determine the ki- nematic viscosity of the fluid. 2 [vx y= User BSX 2 665x106 For laminar flow 5 = Thos, es (.52)(12%10%m) 25 (1.3m) FAL 9.12 Water flows past a flat plate with an upstream velocity of U = 0.02 m/s. Determine the water velocity a distance of 10 mm from the plate at distances of x = 1.5 mandx = 15m from the leading edge. From the Blasivs solution for boundary layer flow on a flat plate, u=U fly), where n, the similarity variable, is 1= yg . Values of £1) are given in Tablo 91 Since Rey = UX Ea = 2.68%10 js less than the critical Reg,,= 540%, it follaws that the boundary layer Flow is laminar. At x=15m and y= 10x10%m_we obtain® =(joxor? 0.028 - 11-00 mae ae) Cem) = 6% Linear interpolation from Table %./ gives* ’ (0.3938 - 0.2647; f= 0.2647 + “Tra oa) (1-04 -08) = 0.359 Hence, =U f(y) =0.02-#) (0.359) = aoo7le 2 7 Similarly , at X,* 15m and y=10x10"m we obtain’ . -3 0.02.8 - My, = (1041) THEREBY ep) ~ 0345 Linear interpolation from Table 9.1 gives* (0.1329 -0. CO. L f= 00 (0.345 -0,0) = 0, /45 Hence, Uy UL Uy) =(0.02- 20.145) = 0.002242 9.13" *9,13 A Pitot tube connected to a water-filled U-tube ma- nometer is used to measure the total pressure within a boundary Jayer. Based on the data given in the table below, determine the boundary layer thickness, 6, the displacement thickness, 5*, and the momentum thickness, 0. From the Bernoulli equation, with Cain ~ Co it follows that y (mm) h(mm) 0 0 2 2 Pitt Cain = fo tt bain Ve , where 24 106 Vw, U0, pi°0, and Arlygh eB oe 15.0 36.9 2 theh [26800 f)hm fa)hon 19.3 39.4 423 “123 23.6 40.5 26.8 41.0 29.3 41.0 =/26.2\h , where h~m, un Be 327 41.0 For y>26.8mm we see that h= 40mm Thus, U = 126.2 y(0.04/) = 25.55% For y=23.6mm, U= 126.2 Ko.0n05) = 25.402 The displacement thickness, &, is 5 Se fll -t )dy or since “26.2Vh “we 162i = 49h this becomes U 0.0268 m é= ( (i-th) d yzo Numerical integration of the tabulated data gives 5"= 4/8x162m (See next page.) (con't) Fu [28°] Con’) Also, the momentum thickness , 9, is oo 0260 O= (Fl Fay 494 (Ye (Ine Th) dy 2 ye Numerical integration of the tabulated data gives @ = 2.23x10'm Use program TRAPEZOo integrate the integrandstabulated below: y,m (1- #94¢1h ) i (1-4941F) oO | 0 0.002] O49] 0.0506 0.0043 0,282 0.0410 0.0064 0.210 0,0335 0.0107 0.109 0.0197 0.0150 0,051] 0.0098) 0.0193 0.019% 0. 00386 0.0236 0. 00584 0,00118 0.0268 0 oO 0.0293 0 0 0.0327 0 oO JER ERIE ESBS SII IRSA DIEII DE IIIA III AAA IAI OO. %* This program performs numerical integration we ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** SEE OBESE IE GCS a BO GIGS IOI SIG IA ACEI AA Enter number of data points: 9 Enter data points (X , Y) 20,1 9.0021,0.492 0430 The approximate value of the integral is: +4.1777E-03 9.0268 - Thes, ( (|-4.94Vh )dy = 0.0088 o L (con't) __| 4-12 9.3°T (con't) aE EA SII EE HEIDI BIOS DIE IEC ARES IIA IA AIA! ** This program performs numerical integration + ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** JERS HESS C CIS IS GBI ISOS IACI. Enter number of data points: 9 Enter data points (x , Y) 20,0 2 0.0021,0.0506 0.0043,0.0610 0.0064,0.0335 0.0107,0.0197 0.0150,0.00981 0.0193,0.00386 0.0236,0.00118 7 0.0268,0 The approximate value of the integral is: +4.5206E-04 0,026 Thos, (Ym (1-494 UR )dy = #52010" ° or - Q = 494K 4,52x10% 2.23 x10 Im 13 914 9.14 — Because of the velocity deficit, U — u. in the boundary layer, the streamlines for flow past a flat plate are not exactly parallel to the y= plate. This deviation can be determined by use Lys of the displacement thickness, 6*. For air blowing past the flat plate shown in Fig. P9.14, plot the streamline A~B that passes through the edge of I. the boundary layer (y = dp atx = f) at point B. That is. plot y = y(x) for streamline AB. As- FIGURE P9.14 sume laminar boundary layer flow. Since Rey= seen * = 2,74x10°< 510°, the boundary layer flow remains laminar along the entire plate. Hence, ie of or -5| ee etm 2) 4m 8 The wre carried by the actal boundary layer is by definition equal to that carried by a uniform velocity with the plate displaced by an amoort 5", Since there is no flow Le through the plate or streamline A-8, J és Qa = Qe 5 or Vy = (bg- 45) 0) where 5°= 1.721 v or ba =1721 [assem = 0.01315 m s Thus, ‘ Ya = bg ~ dg = 0-0382m -0.01315m = 0.0251m Hence, for any x- location Qn=Q or Vy =Wy- -o) OF y = yy thy th7aly % = 0.0251 m+ L721 fa am = 0,0382m oe streamline y Ya 0251 + 6.58x/0 KM, where X~m 0.04 7 0.035 0.03 0.025 = 0.02 * 0.015 0.01 0.005 ° GIS 9.15 Air enters a square duct through a 1-ft opening as is shown in Fig. P9.15. Because the boundary layer displacement thickness increases in the direction of flow, itis necessary to increase the cross-sectional size of the duct if a constant U = 2 ft/s velocity is to be maintained outside the boundary layer. Plot a graph of the duct size. d, as a function of x for 0 = x < 10 ft if Uis to remain constant. Assume laminar flow. | FIGURE P9.15 Fo incompressible flow Qo * 1) where Go Sarat te te dit GU)= UA, where Ax(d -265°Y is the effective area of the duct (allowing for the decreased flowrate in the boundary layer), Thus, oundary layer. Qo=U(d-25")” or d= /Ht+28", « where S= 1724-9 Hence, from £4, (1) d= |+0,030¥ x ft 9.18 A smooth fiat plate of length ¢ = 6 m and width b = 4 mis placed in water with an upstream velocity of U = 0.5 1m/s, Determine the boundary layer thickness and the wall shear stress atthe center and the trailing edge of the plate. Assume a laminar boundary layer. emi 25 [EE a 5 [URN x . b= 5f-G- = ose 748x/0 1K 0, where X~m and “Ea 7, 20.3392 04-2 =0.332(052)*| 4 (oor) ue 8) a ran ”, , where X~m Thus, af X=3m 6 = 7-48xI0 °F = 0.0130 m Be a 0.076 M, while of X=6m b= 7248X/0° VE = 0.0183 m ze le eT 0.0506 4 a, 9.17 An atmospheric boundary layer is formed when the wind blows over the earth’s surface ‘Typically, such velocity profiles can be written as a power law: u = ay", where the constants @ and n depend on the roughness of the terrain. As is indicated in Fig. P9.17, typical values are n = 0.40 for urban areas, 1 = 0.28 for woodland or suburban areas, and n = 0.16 for flat open coun- try (Ref. 23). (a) If the velocity is 20 ft/s at the bottom of the sail on your boat (y = 4 ft), what is the velocity at the top of the mast (y = 30 ft)? (b) If the average velocity is 10 mph on the tenth fioor of an urban building, what is the average velocity on the sixtieth floor? 0.16 This, Up - ( 0.16 uy v Thos, tn ue \ yy 450] 309] 150 FIGURE P9.17 (a) u=C y?"* , where Cis a constant 0.16 = ft (30ft\) _ (% ) or Uz, = 20% 308) = ang (b) u=Cy*, where C is a constant 0.40 =(4) or U,= 1omeh ($5. 3 9-17 VIE 9.18 A 30-story office building (each story is 12 f tall) is builtin a suburban industrial park. Plot the dynamic pressure, ‘pu /2, as a function of elevation ifthe wind blows at hurricane strength (75 mph) atthe top ofthe building. Use the atmospheric, ‘boundary layer information of Problem 9.17. From Fig. P9/7 the boundary layer velocity profile is given by ur y*" or U=Cy"*®, where C is a constant. 2B Thus, -(+) u,=75mph (8) =)0 u, % or 0.28 w= 110(sor) ft where y~ft Hence, 0.28 72 teur= £2.20" ]00( abo} £ | or 0.56 7 keu'=/44 (abr) ty , where y~Ht This is plotted in the figure below. y vs pu7l2 400 350 300 250 = 200 150 100 50 FG | t— 9.19 The typical shape of small cumulous clouds is as indicated in Fig. P9.19. Based on boundary layer ideas, explain why it is clear that 7 — the wind is blowing from right to left as indicated, idiiatadedeommmmaa FIGURE P9.19 As indicated in Fig. P9/7, because of the atmospheric boundary layer the velocity of the wind generally increases with altiode. Thus, the top portions of cloud travels faster than its base — the clovds tend to “tip” toward the direction of the wind. That is, the wind is from right to left. 9.20 Show that by writing the velocity in terms, of the similarity variable and the function f(1)) the momentum equation for boundary layer flow on a flat plate (Eq. 9.9) can be written as the ordinary differential equation given by Eq. 9.14 The governing eqations are Hedy=0 and Consider ux Uf tm) and v= (EB) Cnt -#) where (Y= Sy and 7 (Aly Ms Be AVE yx AD and HYG x4 so the! weg(ul)-v4e “eu gfiae =-g2nf" a @ (2.1) «@) wD oa , = (ZENA (pt EE at 609 En Ee % ea¥rt" Thos, by using Fas. (Hand (5) we see that Eel fs satistied for any ale) wy Also, # = HH] =(eyit" and ne if (RB EE Thus, by using Eqs. (2-1), (8, and (7) with £9.(2) we obtain (VE VERE (BE nt 0 RIE ee which simplifies fot 2f"- ff'=0 From Eq. (2) the boundary conditions at y= (ce. 7=0) become uso=Ufto) and v=0=(¥E)* (0 fia) flo) That's, £(0)=0 and f%a)<0 Similarly, as y+ (é.e, +2) we require u--V. Thos, from Egle) “f- las y@. 9-20 (5) (6) a” 9.21 * 9.21* Integrate the Blasius equation (Eq. 9.14) numerically to determine the boundary layer pro- file for laminar flow past a flat plate. Compare your results with those of Table 9.1 Solve the following third order differential equation by a numerical integration technique: 2f"+4f"=0 with boundary conditions fef!<0 af 7-0 and f’—l ac pre (l= hp) Write this third order equation at 3 first order equations and use a Runga-Kotta numerical technique to integrate thom. Ths, let yet, YeF enw, yl =fe%, and yah -2He 4% ie =e and =-Vie72 These can be approximated as DY =wAN , Aye Kae , and aye (-Yle/2)ay Start with y =Y,=0 at y=0. Assume y,=C at =O (where C is some given constant) and integrate to n=" by y= lo) ‘Zayar Hf y,(o) #1 Cee, flee) #1) adjust the valve of C (é.0, F'0) and try again. The two-point boundary valve problem (is, fa=tla)-0 and { l00)=1) és solved by iteration as an inivial valve problem (ce, fta)=fle=0, fl) <0). Program P8#2' shown below was used tor the calculations. The Final valve of = 0.332 and the velar profile, u=UF in, agree very well with the standard valves given in Table 2/ 100 els 110 open "prn" for output as #1 SEES HHS a I IB OCI I DIRS IE ASS SEDER ‘* This program integrates the boundary layer = **" “** equation (Blasius equation) for a flat plate * "ex using a Runga-Kutta type routine. The user xx must specify an initial value of £1'(0) so 170 print "** the boundary condition 'at infinity’ (£'' (con't) tal [2207 (con't) ‘| 180 print "** 1) is satisfied. en 190 Sr int EsGEROS OSS FCSGH SSS SRO SBEG SOSA OCR BEEEEM 200 print "" 210 print "'" 300 print "Input a value for f1'(0)" 310 input c 320 print "Input stepsize and number of steps" 330 input dx, n 335 print "Input how often to print output (number of steps)" 336 input nn 340 print " eta £ £! el 350 360 370 380 385 390 295 400 410 yi = yi + y2¥dx 420 y2 + y3tdx 430 y3 = v3 - (yi¥y3/2)*ax 435 if m< nn goto 450 440 print using "#4.##RR +B. RETTTT +R HECTOT HE HBO Ex yl y2,y3 WbS m= 0 450 next i 460 goto 210 HOD HRS ABB B ROSAS ORES ISDE I ASSIS III PIII SEAR AE ** This program integrates the boundary layer ** %* equation (Blasius equation) for a flat plate * 4 using a Runga-Kutta type routine. The user ** ** must specify an initial value of £''(0) so * %** the boundary condition ‘at infinity’ (£'''= ¥* ¥x 1) is satisfied. 2k JESS SS HS ISS I SES OCI AIRBASE ROD I Input a value for £''(0) 70.332 Input stepsize and number of steps 20.01 700 Input how often to print output (number of steps) 2 50 eta £ p ea 0.5000 +4.07E-02 +1.66E-01 +3.31E-07 110000 +1.64E-01 +3.30E-01 +3.23E-02 1.5000 +3.68E-01 +4.87E-01 +3.03E-01 210000 +6.47E-01 +6.30E-01 +2.67E-02 8 2.5000 +9,.93E-01 +7.52E-01 +2.17E-01 n 310000 +1.39E+00 +8.47E-01 +1.61E-01 ‘6 315000 +1.83E+00 +9.1GE-01 +1.07E-01 410000 +2.30E+00 +9.56E-01 +6.38E-02 455000 +2.79E+00 +9.80E-01 +3.36E-02 4 510000 +3.28E+00 +9.92E-01 +1.56E-02 5.5000 +3.78E+00 +9.97E-01 +6.41E-03 2 6.0000 +4.28E+00 +9.99E-01 +2.32E-03 6.5001 +4.78E+00 +1.00E+00 +7.36E-04 7.0001 +5.28E+00 +1.00E+00 +2.06E-04 4.22 9.22 9.22 An airplane Mies ata speed of 400 mph at an altitude of 10,000 ft. Ifthe boundary layers on the wing surfaces be- have as those on a flat plate, estimate the extent of laminar boundary layer flow along the wing. Assume a transitional Reynolds number of Rey, = 5 X 10°. If the airplane maintains its 400-mph speed but descends to sea level elevation, will the portion of the wing covered by @ laminar boundary layer increase or decrease compared with its value at 10,000 ft? Explain, At 10,000 ft: -5a7 ft @ Rey, =U, where U=#00mph sees) ni) =597 and from Table Cl, v = % = 22tHO e ft 6 = 2.1% EP Hence, with Rey,,= 5X0, 2 Y Rev _ (2.01x10" #)(5x105) Kop = Lace = BN SSN). ort U 587 £ Seat At sea-level? = Lh 5280ft (b) Rey, = 2, where VU = 400mph (lhe) (2824) - sey Ht and V=157 010 Hence, aft yop 2 WB = (US HIOENSHEY gon 9 po =q1se The laminar boundary layer occupies the first 0.1344 of the wing at sea level and (from part (a) above) the first 0.171 ft at an altitude of 10,000 ft. Thjs is dve mainly to the lower density (larger kinematic. viscosity). The dynamic viscosities are approximately the same. 4-33 9.2F 9.24 A laminar boundary layer velocity profile is approxi- mated by u/U = [2 ~ (9/6)]{y/8) for y = 6, and w= U for y > 5.(a) Show that this profile satisfies the appropriate bound- ary conditions. (b) Use the momentum integral equation to de- ‘termine the boundary layer thickness, 5 = 6(x). (a) ff = gl¥)=2Y-Y* where Y= y/b Thos, #| 2 as it most, ie as it must. dul. Also, gf = UL 2-22] so that a: v[2-2] <0 ye (b) From the momentum integral equation, 6= =. where C, = (gtrpdr and C= 4] yeo Ths, Ge { (2Y-¥*)(-2¥+¥*) AF -(r- sY*4ys-Y "dl Bl = 2-12) or UV aty rr 08 Y< Hence, ¢ = (2) Sinilarh, for £ ge sea, for $2Yel_ Hence, = falar {3 #7 (I-$ndY Sevan sed “#1 (aY-#¥")dY +#f f (navn yar which open integra- tion gives C, = 0.157% @ By combining Eqs. (1), (2),and¢@) we obtain 4% 6- [er] = nf BE or Bet. re Also, a a _ G6. _ V2 (0.157) ($) = 01648 Tw 95 TSE OF Trey Rex VRex Compare these results to those in Table 9.2. qas 926* An assumed dimensionless laminar boundary layer profile for flow past a flat plate is given in the table below. Use the momentum in- 0.080 0.133 tegral equation to determine 6 = 5(x). Compare your result with the exact Blasius solution result 0.24 0.394 (see Table 9.2) 0.32 0.517 0.40 0.630 0.48 0.729 From the momentum integral equation 0.56 0811 0.64 0.876 = [2o2ux = 0.72 0.923 o UG? where G, 4 0.80 0.956 = 0.88 0,976 and 0.96 0.988 Gr=fglt- g)d¥ with #=9(Y) and Ye 1.00 1.000 The valve of Gcan be approximated as 6,* ane e and the valve of 6; can be obtained from numerical integration (program TRAPE 201) <0 As indicated below’ ae oth gid = 0.131 so that 2x (1.66) ve Po Lape = 5.03(%) rb , 508 _ where Rey = oye xf Re Note: The Blasivs solvtion has 5, not 5.03 OBER EGRESS ESRI EIE III ISEB ECD IAEA AA AAI E ** This program performs numerical integration ad ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** TEESE OSI BS OGIO ISO AGED GHEE ECTS CSO Enter number of data points: 14 Enter data points (X , Y) 2-0.00,0.000 7 -0.56,0.153 2 0.08,0.115 2-0.64,0.109 2? 0.26,0.195 2:0.72,0.072 20.24,0.239 2 0.80,0.042 2 -0.32,0.250 20. 2 -0.40,0.233 20. 2-0.48,0.198 71 The approximate value of the integral is: +1.3096E-01 $26 9.27% 9.27" For a fluid of specific gravity SG = 0.86 flowing past a flat plate with an upstream velocity of U = Sm/s, the wall shear stress on a flat plate was determined to be as indicated in the table below. Use the momentum integral equation to determine the boundary layer momentum thick- ness, @ = O(x). Assume © = 0 at the leading edge, Since y= pUE if follows that dO= Ze de which can be integrated to give (using =O at x=0) x 02 hy (% dk =! xy “eu Jw I = Gemnomensey | Te Q or fa #5 “ = 465x10 te dx , where @~ m, x~m, and hy a For O Re=576— C= 0.5 #1 Assume Cp=05—+U=0946 # —» Re = 8/5 —= Cy= 045 (checks) Thus, U= 0.96% (8) water drop in air? Since Yin << Ono Fa< U = 0.9542 —~ Re = 3.24K]0°—» G, = O04 #05 Assume Cp2O0.4 —* Ue 106 2 —» Re = 3.628/0°—> G, <0, 4 checks) Thos, U=_1.06 3 Note: Becavse of the graph (Fig.9.21) the answers are not accurate to three significant figures. 9-43 94# 9.44 A hot air balloon roughly spherical in shape has a volume of 70,000 ft° and a weight of 500 Ib (including passengers, basket, balloon fab- ric. etc.). If the outside air temperature is 80 °F and the temperature within the balloon is 165 °F, ‘estimate the rate at which it will rise under steady state conditions if the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 Psi For steady rise 22% =O, or Fg=Wtolt where LD =drag =C,40U FO F, = buoyant force = SY "4 = total weight = a +a¥ - _ (AT Ba) (12 Bp)” _ sh Now P= & ~ (ota ft (4604 B0)R 0.002297 = 09 = (0.00229 Ki) (32.2 1) = 0.0736 Bs and ae ft _ WaT Hey 12 BY (92.2 B) _ 9 og ag 4 Ti 2, " " fn (IAS seypA (HOF IEDR gpg Sinwe the hallan is oJ open at the bottom, the Thus, with ¥ = 7x10'f?= #@) preserve within the’ balloon or D=5l.! ft we obtain is nearly the same as it is side. = Cyt (0.002.29)U°F (Sh1)” ce = 2.366,U" |b, where V~# Also, al 500 lb +(0,0636 #hs)( 79000 ff?) = 4952 1b Fg= 0.0736 $)(74 000?) = 5/5216 Thus, Fg =W+ oD gives 5/52 |b =4952 Ib + 2.366,07 on CV = 84.7 a) Alse, Re = 9 : Re = ae =3.25x/0° U 2) 2 and from Fig. 221 % NL @) Re Trial and error solvtion* Assume Gy; obtain U from £y.l1), Re trom 9.2); check Gy trom Eq,(3), the graph. Assume Cy = 0.5 U= 13.0 ff — Re = 4.23 110° —* G = 0248 0.5 Assume C2024» U=18.8 —» Re = 6.1! x10°—* Cy =0.304 0.24 Assume Cy=0.30-> U=/6.0% —* Re=5.¥6 4/08 —* C,=0.30 (checks) 44 9.45 9.48 A SOON cube of specific gravity SG = 1.8 falls through water at a constant speed U. Determine U if the cube falls (a) as oriented in Fig. P9.45a, (b) as oriented in Fig. P9456, IL] @ o M FIGURE P9.45 For steady fall, Z Fe ma=O co W=D+Fy , where We weight =500N ” fe buoyant force = ¥ D? and b=40UC,A =drag But, W= i D'= SEED or SOON = 1.9(9.80x10 2, )D” Thus, D=0.305m so that from Eq. (1) 500N = £(999 8) VG, (0.305 m)* +(4.80x10° 4) (0.305m)" or U*G, = 478 where U~ = @ For case (a) Cy= 0.80 (see Fig. 2.29) .78_\% Hence, U~ (36-\*= 2.048 = 1,05 22. ys 2.13 (b) For case (b) C, Hence, U= (Fx To 946 9.46 The $ X 10®kg dandelion seed shown in Fig. P9.46 settles through the air with a constant speed of 0.15 m/s. De- termine the drag coefficient for this object. FIGURE P9.46 For steady falling at a constant speed, BW or mg = QteuA Thus, Sx/0" “ky (2.41 G (4) 0.23 4, L,) (0.15 #) Zo, oun) or C= 2.82 9-46 GAT 22 9. 47 An in by 24 in, speed limit sign is supported on 35 i, : sin, wide, -telon i. in the pole at gound level when a 30-mph wid blows mph + vy against the sign. (See Video V9.6.) List any assumptions IF used in your calculations. a 3in. sH b 2.sft a patter Cy — Re For equalibrivm, 2M, =O or Ma Mp = 2.51 bp +(5+42)H & , where N a) bp « drag on the pole and 3 = drag on the sign T From Fig. 9.28 with L/d <0.1 for the sign, D Gy, 2/9 | From Fig.9./9 if the past acts as a square rod are with sharp corners Cpp= 2.2 Thus, with V=30mph = ¥¢ Ht Ly t00°C,, A, = 4 (0.00238 ME) (4p)? (9)( 22.224) 7h and bp =E OV Cop hp = £ (0.00238 SHE) tet Pea) ACH) = 6.346 Thus, from Eq.(i)* Mg = 2-5 ft (63418) +(5+42)# (22.716) = 162 162 lb 9-47 G48 9.48 Determine the moment needed at the - D base of 20-m-tall, 0.12-m-diameter flag pole to keep it in place in a 20 m/s wind — oD 2 fa For eqilibrium, N= 3 where ll c Ww b= 6,2 Peey “20 (c0#)0.12n) Since Re = 7 hygeidtae MEMO, it follows trom Fig. 221 that C= 12 Thus, B= 1.2 (¢)(023 4) (20%) (20m) (0.12m) = 708N Hence, from Eg. (1) Mm = 29m (708) =_7,080Nm q-48 9.49 9.49 Repeat Problem 9.48 if a 2-m by 2.5-m flag is attached to the top of the pole. See Fig. 9.30 for drag coefficient data for flags. For equilibrium, M = a Zh4-Za where 4=20m, h=2. “sm, and b, an. From the Gy OS Rog = 47810 — Gy, = 0.25 Thus, from Eq): = 2.8x/0° —> G),- 0.6 B= (0.00233 si) (7a.3gty [lu (anath) + 0.4(4.0ff) + 0.5(12 fF )¥025 (isf)] = 378 lb 9-56 9.549 9.59 As shown in Video V9.5 and Fig. P9.59, a vertical wind tunnel can be used for skydiving practice. Estimate the vertical wind speed needed if a 150-Ib person is to be able to “float” motionless when the person (a) curls up as in a crouch- ing position or (b) lies flat. See Fig. 9.30 for appropriate drag coefficient data, For equilibrium conditions : f Wed= Gteu"A = FIGURE P9.59 Assume W=/601b and C,A29 #4" (see Fig. 9.30) Thus, 160 = (4)(o.0oasesles) U*(9H*) where U~ “D=(22 flee) H92) «93.2 moh Note: If the skydiver ‘“Gurled up into a ball’, then GA® 2.51 (see Fig.9.30) and U=/58 mph 9-57 9,60* The helium-filled balloon shown in Fig. 9,60 is to be used as a wind speed indicator. The specific weight of the helium is y = 0.011 Ib/ft, the weight of the balloon material is 0.20 Ib, and the weight of the anchoring cable is negligible. Plot a graph of @ as a function of U for 1 = Us 50 mph, Would this be an effective device over 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 the range of U indicated? Explain. For the balloon to remain stationary Zhy0 and Lh -0 Thus, B= T cos or T= 325 and” f= WT sind +Why which combine to give =dia.<2ft = tension in cable Fa = Wt & tan + Wye “” But W=021 , Fy =eqg¥=(7.66007h) P(E A) = 0.3204 and Wy = Uyp¥ = (0.01 Hs) (EH) = 0.0461 Ib Thus, Eq.) becomes 0.320b = 0.215 +P fand +0.046/ Ib rr D tan = 0.0743 1h “Also, = Gy £eU°F = G,U*0.00030 EE (an = 0,003746,U* Ib, where U~ it Hence, 1 0.00374 C,U? tan 8 = 0.0743 or tanO= 2h @ # Also, Re = ¥B ee or Re =127x10*U (3 and from Fig, 921 wo Re Thus, select various I mph < Us S0mph (cc, 1.472 de 2 the rod will rotate counter clockwise. t——? & fy 4,7G,20U'A, and Ly G,t0U My so that Sr Sate ypere Gy «Cy (Re) A oy A Now, slugs re tt Re, eube - 0.00239 pr (50F)(.5H) 2 KIT dl S.74N0 "Fee and sh Ht Ub, 0.00238 (sof) (0.78) _ Reg = ot = 2.00930 (S107) i = 2.23x10" Thus, from Fig. 8.2! or 8.25, for smooth spheres G,= 9:06 and Gp= 05 so that 9.0) gives @ Lp Con Fle, 050078) BG, Foe oastrsay = 15! Since b> Ly, the red will rotate counter clockwise. Note Atthaogh the right sphere is smaller than the left, if has more drag because it has a large drag costticient (/aminar boundary layer, wide wake). The large sphere has a smaller drag coefficient (turbulent boundary layer , narrow wake). 9-61 et 9.63 A radio antenna on a car consists of a circular cylinder 4 in. in diameter and 4 ft long. dia. D Determine the bending moment at the base of the antenna if the car is driven 55 mph through still air. For equilibrium, LM,=0, or y= $00 where oL=C, teU7A Since Re -B = —e02to( ED 07x 2 LS7xIC it follows from Fig. 9.21 that C,=43 Hence = 1-3() (0.00238 “48 )(G0.7)*(4#)(75 H) = 0.840 Thus, My= (2 #1)(0.840B) = /,68 ft Ib 9.65 9.65 Estimate the wind force on your hand when you hold it out of your car window while driving 55 mph. Repeat your calculations if you were to hold your hand out of the window of an airplane flying 550 mph. I= Gb0U'A , where V=lssmph)(88E,) - 90.7 Assume yor hand is 4in. by bin. in size and acts like a thin dise with C,~ lI (see Fig. 9.27), Thus, o£ =(1.1)(4)(0.00236)( 80.72)" (4 #)(4 4) = Tf your hand is normal to the the lift force is zero. For U=550mph = 907# (ie, a 10 fold increase inU) the drag will increase by a factor of 100 (ce, ~ UV"), on = 14215 Note‘ We have assumed that G, is not a fonction of U, That is, it is not a function of either Re= Por Ma = z. 9-62 [e565] 9.66* Let % be the power required to fly a particular airplane at 500 mph at sea-level con- itions. Plot a graph of the ratio 9/9, where is the power required at a speed of U, for 500 mph <= U = 3000 mph at altitudes of sea level, 10,000 ft, 20,000 ft, and 30,000 ft. Assume that the drag, coefficient for the aircraft behaves similarly to that of the sharp-pointed ogive indicated in Fig. 9.24. PHUD=O40VA 50 that & = pikes : (ee Co Nou, Y=Goomph) (55 srg” fond where ©=[kRT so that coe Vio ate HI )(460+59)'R “Na, = b= Ht =0.656 =i7i Hence, “iron Fig 9.24%, Cy,= 02 50 int £4.01) becomes g- —_P& __ ve (0.00238 se )(0. alee) z- 5.33x10 “ecoy where Q) Also, Cy =C,(Ma) from Fig. 9.24% a edi B and 7 sh where a “Yin (ne fi Ba)( #604) 'R = U ¥2400(¥60+T) ’ Thus, for the given altitude obtain Tard @ inTable C.1, Select 5oomph M(k) then goto 450 430 CD = C(k-1) + (C(k) -C(k-1))*(Ma - M(k-1))/(MOg) - M(k-2)) 440 B= a 450 next k 460 ratio = AA(i)*CD*U"3 465 UM = Ut60/88 470 print#1, using " ##RRH.# RRR RHEE Hee 480 next 3 490 next i “";UM,Ma, CD, ratio (con't) 9-64 9.567] (con't) AEE D EOE IDE IR ES DIRS EE IEE IIS ** This program calculates the power ratio — ** #* at different altitudes of flight for *e ** flight speeds from 500 to 3000 mph. x SERIO CBS ISB RII SSI II IIIS GOA IASI GG For an altitude of z = 10000 ft U, mph Ma cD P/Po 500.0 0.6790 0.2186 8.088E-01 1000.0 1.3580 0.8370 1.589E+01 1800.0 2.0370 0.4556 4.550E+01 2000.0 2.7160 0.3827 9.061E+01 2500.0 3.3951 0.3542 1.638E+02 3000.0 4.0741 0.3400 2.717E+02 For an altitude of 2 = 20000 ft U, mph Ma cD P/Po 500.0 0.7051 0.2228 5.949E-01 1000.0 1.4103 0.5308 1.134E+01 1500.0 2.1154 0.4462 3.216E+01 2000.0 2.8205 0.3772 6.445E+01 2500.0 3.5256 0.3500 1.168E+02 3000.0 4.2308 0.3400 1.961E+02 For an altitude of 2 = 30000 ft U, mph Ma cp P/Po 500.0 0.7370 0.2279 4.270E-01 1000.0 1.4740 0.5231 7.839E+00 1500.0 2.2111 0.4347 2.198E+01 2000.0 2.9481 0.3721 4.461E+01 2500.0 3.6851 0.3500 8.196E+01 3000.0 0.3400 PIP, | 9.67 9.67 A.0.50-m-diameter meteor streaks through the earth's atmosphere with a speed of 1800m/s at an altitude of 20,000 m where the air density is 9 x 107? kg/m? and the speed of sound is 300 m/s. The specific gravity of the meteor is 7.65. Use the data in Fig. 9.24 to determine the rate at which the me- teor is decelerating — U=4 eoome S.F-ma or b= ma Thus, 3 tes, $y = €m $2(2) a Om = $6 Faso h 3 “ne Cm E(B) = [zs (100046)] Ex(2E2)° = cor kg Also, rs Ma = 2 = ae = 6.0 50 that from Fig. 22% Oy = 095 This, B= £90? 8, (1008) (0.95) = 2.72 «/0°V so that, 4 ¥ kgm 2.72x/0N _ MN. See Dn ae # - 2843 Gy 543 sna 9-66 9.68 9.68 as is indicated in Fig. P9.69. Each of the four sides is similar Estimate the drag on the tower when a 75-mph wind blows against it. A 30-ft-tall tower is constructed of equal 1-ft segments Assume no interference between the front and back portions of the tower. Also, neglect the drag on the sider of | FIGURE P9.68 the tover. Hence, for thinly one-foot segments d= 30(4 eG, A #0, Po Jonas +005, * GPa yack ] o where aft U= 75 mph $85) = 10 # From Fig. 9.28, Cog 198 LG =e CT F 7 back t a Thus, from E440) B= 30(4 (0.00236 Shee yno8))|(.989(2)( LANGE H)H(.9) (tH) S228 + (182)(anith(2#) x.a)(d)(82822% 9] or oD = 859 ib 9-67 9.69 9.69 A2-indiameter sphere weighing 0.14 bis suspended | by the jt of air shown in Fig. P9.69 and Video V3.1. The drag \\ coefficient for the sphere is 0.5. Determine the reading on the Lig pressure gage if fiction and gravity effets can be neglected for the flow between the pressure gage and the nozzle exit Jan fas 062 / For equilibrium, &=W or — OQ Fenn =W, where A =Z0" Thus, ve Leenova] fvea = 0.3 #2 Pressure age & -[ 8 (0.1418) ic #t Me 2. 0,5 (0.00238 $4 T( ZW Also, ei VA=VAn or y= Ve 4s (or Sh 252.05 and 2 2 Attev =p, tek where p,=0 Thus, fir : 4 pLV,2-V,*] = £ (o.00ase $ shes No #)*- (52.0 = 9.65 fe LF] 9.70 9.70 The United Nations Building in New York is approx- imately 87.5-m wide and 154-m tall. (a) Determine the drag on this building if the drag coefficient is 1.3 and the wind speed is 4 uniform 20 m/s. (b) Repeat your calculations if the velocity profile against the building is a typical profile for an urban area (see Problem 9.17) and the wind speed halfway up the building is 20 m/s, . keb @) D=6, teva = 1.3(£)(1.23 8)(20% YstmXaz5n) or Lf B= 43) 10° N = 437 MW y hal54m (b) For an urban area, u=C y** | Thos, with U=208 at y=B=77m we aed C= BS y= 2.52, op UH 3.52 y with UB, yom The total drag is yale B= (dl = (6, teu? d= Fly ((2.52 Y* (875) dy yo 1s oe $123) (1.3)(3. ae dy = = 867( lise) * = #17 xj05 N Thus, B= 417 MN R72. 9.72___ When the 0.9-Ib box kite shown in Fig. P9.72 is flown in 820 ft/s wind, the tension inthe string, which is ata 30° an- gle relative to the ground, is 3.0 Ib. (a) Determine the lift and drag coefficients for the kite based on the frontal area of 6.0 ft’ (b) If the wind speed increased to 30 ft/s, would the kite rise or fall? That is, would the 30° angle shown in the figure in- crease or deerease? Assume the lift and drag coefficients re- main the same. Support your answer with appropriate calcula- T= 310 tions. @ (2) @ FIGURE P9.72 (a) 2%; =Max20 or = Tc0s30" =(3/b)eos30° = 2,60/b z The, (32) 1 b C= oO . 2.60 1b ea ac or Cy = 0.9/0 Also, LA, =mayed or L=W4Tsin30” = 0,95 H3lb) sin 30 = 2.401 7 x 2.40lb Zer"A —— gloconse St )(20B (6H) (2) For a wind speed V and string angle 8, for equilibrivm L=Tco8 and L- WtTsind a x Toos =o and 8 Tsind = L-W so that if we divide Ep C2) by Gu) 7% ty tano~ Sh = B Bot, ft FUNG O” ForAG ~ & ~° that oa Wea _W_ tan@ GB a Eva: Thus, for conclan} C; and Cp, tan® increases as Vincroases. The kite will rise as U increases. 9-70 9.73 9.73 _A regulation football is 6.78 in. in diameter and weighs 0.91 Ib. If its drag coefficient is Cy = 0.2, determine its deceleration if it has a speed of 20 fi/s at top ofits trajectory. o D=ma , where m= ¢ = sah 0283 slugs and a = C$ eV'A=02 (2) (0.00238 $685) (20 (FE (Sen) =0.0224|b Thus, a= & 0.0238 lb ft = 202380 _ = 0.841 0.0283 slogs ia 3 9.74 Explain how the drag on a given smokestack could be the same in @ 2 mph wind as in a 4 mph wind, Assume the val- ues of p and are the same for each case D=C,£eU'A =O, 400 7DL Let (.), denote conditions with U= 1% and ()) with U2 Thus, with 01702 ,to have i= be we have Cp, EGU OL = G,4eUE DL or Cy, Y= Gy, Ue That is, G, = 40, where Cy, and Cy, are functions of Re= YP as shown in Figure 9.21 (a), Since 4=% and V;= 41; if follows that Re, = 0.5 Rey From Fig, 9.21 la) we can determine a value of Re, such that Re, = 0.5 Re, and Cy, = #0, ; hence the drags are equal eventhough the velocities are uneqwal. This occurs becavse of the sudden drop in Cy as the boundary layer becomes turbulent. 9.77 / hats «0840 9:77 A strong wind can blow a golf ball off te we by uf y a agichatin carbene ee | ) wage cose Wind speed necessary 10 do this When the ball is about to be blown from the tee the free body diagram is as shown, Hence, by summing moments 4 about (1)! 7 2M,-0,0r Wh- Sr STE Thos, Ly Ry (0.0992 16) (0.20in,) = 6 (0.82! in.) or B= 0.024215 , where A= Cy teU mr* _| \r=0.84sia Sus (7 ¥ sh 2 (0.84Sin 0,02421b = Cy 4(0.00238 =" )U me ) Torti or CG U"= 1305, where U~ £ a For a sphere C=C,(Re) (see Fig. 9.25) where Q) Rex 2UD = (0.00238 slugs/#8) U (20.845) 12. ft) eee = 3.47x10" (lb: s/P) on Re= 960, where U~#t «) Trial and error solvtion: Assume Cy=0.4 so that from Eg,l), U=5: 21 and from Epi, Re = 966 (57.1) 25.5 2x10", Thus, from Fig.9.25, OF 0.25 #0.40 Try again. Assome Cy = 0.22 so that U= 77.04 and Re=7.¥¥x107 This, From Fig. 9.25, Cy = 0.22 Checks. Hence, U= 7708 a golf ball (é.e. with dimples) 4-73 9.78 An airplane tows a banner that is b = 0.8 m tall and ¢ = 25 m long at a speed of 150 km/hr. If the drag coefficient based on the area blis Cy, = 0.06, estimate the power required to tow the banner. Compare the drag force on the banner with that on a rigid flat plate of the same size. Which has the larger drag force and why? P=DV, where D=Cytev°A with A=bL, Thos, with C= 0.08ond V=lSOMB) si) 082 o 4.7 this gives PD = (0.08) (4) (1,23 §%)(44 729 (0.8m)(25m) = 53,5010" W = 53.5 kW For a rigid flat plate P=LU=2G,4eU*bL (the factor of two is needed because the drag coefficient is based on the drag on one side of the plate) With Ree Ub = BOEEE™ — z.14810 we oblain from Fig, 2/5 a valve of G,= 0.0025 for a smooth plate. Thos, P= 2(0.0025)($) (1.234%) (4.72) (0.8m)(25m)= 48x10 W = 446 AW For the flat plate case the drag is relatively small because it is due entirely to shear(viscous) forces. Due te the “flutlering’ of the banner, a good portion of its drag (and hence power) is a resol of pressure forces . It i= nol as streamlined as a rigid Hat plate. 7 9.79 By appropriate streamlining the drag coefficient for an airplane is reduced by 12% while the frontal area remains the same. For the same power output, by what percentage is the flight speed increased? P= GU, where B=0,4eVA Let ( ), denote the original contiguration and ( ), the streamlied one. Thus, with B= 2B we obtain Co, LUA = GetQ UA; or with Male , 0 Qe i 3 Us [Soe Os & U7 G,= a, Ths, a fe): a ercanas pe ] = /,0435 6 2p ae, a _4%35 Z% speed increase Note: P~ U%G, so that SP= 30°C, SU +U°SC,. Thus, with SP=0, this gives e-$ =- 82 = 40,04 = 4% 9.80 The dirigible Akron had a length of 239 m and a maximum diameter of 40.2 m. Estimate the power required at its maximum speed of 135 km/hr if the drag coefficient based on frontal area is 0.060. P= , where M=C, te uA They with lise fy) oti 920M) = 375.2 GteurA = (0.060)()(1.23 4) (225%)*(E)(Ya2m) = 2% 7 108 Kee 47x10" kW (13498 2) = 3310 hp 9-78 7.8) 981 Estimate the power needed to overcome the aerody- namic drag of a person who rns a a rate of 100 yds in 10 sin still air, Repeat the calculations ifthe race is ran into @20-mph headwinds « 20-mph tailwind, Explain, In still air, P=DU, where B= Cy$eU'A with Ux 32 =308, From Fig. 930, GA=9 A* This, f= (£)(0.00238 $H8)(30-8)*(9 814) = 9.648 d ant pa (9.6416) 208) (Hg) = 0-526 hp 2 Into a 20mph = 293 # headwind P= EU, where Uz 308 =rumers and ” ° speed O= Cyt ell +2438'A or B= (4)(0.00238 sas y(0429.97 (9 4) = 37.7 Ib Th 1 pe (37.7 uyl20 8) (zoho ) = 2.06hp pb) EP With a 20 mph = 29.34 fail wind the relative headwind that the runner feels is U,- 2934 =(30-29.3) # = a7£t Thos shogs LF = (4)(0.00238 ff )(0.7£) (9 H?) = 0.00525 Ib Ths, P= (0.00525/6)(30 #) sate) = 0.000286 hp Note: The tailwind essentially cancels the relative wind speed produced by the runners forward motion. 9-16 9.83 A fishnet consists of 0.10-in.-diameter o.10-in-dia. cylinder strings tied into squares 4 in. per side. Estimate the force needed to tow a 15 ft by 30 ft section 4in\ of this net through seawater at 5 ft/s. Ain) % 14 section iz The net can be treated as one long to 0.10 -in.-diameter circular cylinder with O=G,40U'A, where U=5# , Each |" section of the net contains 6 feet of string (donot cot the edges twice). Thus, the total string length is approximately L=(6-4.)(1s H)(30Hl) = 27001 Also, since @=/.99 SH and v= 1,28 xJ05 # (see Table 5) Re = yp - is =33/0 Hence, from Fig. 9.21 that Gh) 1.26x10 52 Thos, =U E) 199 HEE) (5H) ( 92H) (270081) = 676 1b 9-77 9.84 An iceberg floats with approximately 4 _of its volume in the air as is shown in Fig. P9.84. If the wind velocity is U and the water is station- ary, estimate the speed at which the wind forces the iceberg through the water. 4 AS FIGURE P9.84 Let ( ), dence the portion ofthe iceberg inthe air and ( Jy that portion in the water. Thos, = 4¥ and Yy= $4, where ¥= volume of the iceberg a For steady motion, Ly= by , where Ly=G 2QU - OYA, and Ly oy t bu UzA n wth Oe speed of the clon a Gat (U-U fy = &, EQ Uf or we emer - See if we assume Cpq=Cpy = ‘Da Tf Dis a characteristic length, then ¥~ D° and A~D* 2 Hence, 4-7-3 en De = (4)° so that oe -(#) =(4) Thus, trom Eq.) (0-0) (199) Ss E * (0.00239 S185) (60 2760. 9.85 4.86 985 A Piper Cub airplane has a gross weight of 1750 Ib, a cruising speed of 115 mph, and a wing area of 179 ft’. Determine the lift coefficient of this airplane for these conditions, For equilibrium X=W= 1750 1b , where X=6,4eV'A Thus, with U=(15 mph) OSE =/69 175016 oe To 0288 z (0,002385088)(169#)*(179F1*) -_& a Feu 9186 A light aircraft with a wing area of 200 ? and a weight ‘of 2000 Ib has a lift coefficient of 0.40 and a drag coefficient of 0.05, Determine the power required to maintain level flight. For equilibrium xX» W= 2000) = 6 40U'A ° 000 |b = (0.40) + (0.00238 SME) Y°(200 #1") Hence, = 14st Also, P= power = LU, where B= Cy teV'A =0.05) 4(0.00238 8) 14s BY (a00ft)= 250/b Note' This valve of o could be obtained from Wet. &_ 040 ~ WwW. 20008 , 250/65 oe B= toe or D B = 20g08 250/k Thus, Dz 250b (mst) = 3.63 rot HB (=the) = 65.9 hp 9-79 9.87 9.87 _As shown in Video V9.9 and Fig. P9.87, a spoiler b= spoiler length = 4 ft is used on race cars to produce a negative lift, thereby giv- rt. ing a better tractive force, The lift coefficient for the airfoil paige shown is C, = L.1 and the coefficient of friction between the wheels and the pavement is 0.6. At a speed of 200 mph, by how much would use of the spoiler increase the maxi- mum tractive force that could be generated between the wheels and ground? Assume the air speed past the spoiler equals the car speed and that the airfoil acts directly over the drive wheels. x o Tractive force = fa = iM, {W ie where ii = coetficientd friction = 0.6 Ji N,= Thus, M, Me AE = fia, = fix , where Dy ic the Increase in tractive force dve to #he (downward) lift Hence, with U= 200mph= 293 HL, = 400°C, A = 4 (0.00238 HEE) (299 BU.) 15H) (HHH) = 6748, and AF = 0,6 (674/b)= 405 |b 9-90 9.88 and L Also, 4 Hence, Dire Bving Lying = £0U°C, Prine _ Cowire Avire Dain Cowing Awing = O1.0)(0.667 417) © (0.02) (748 FF) 9.88 ‘The wings of old aipplanes are often strengthened by the use of wires that provided cross-bracing as shown in Fig. P9.88. Ifthe drag coefficient for the wings was 0.020 (based ‘on the planform area), determine the ratio of the drag from the wire bracing to that from the wings. Speed: 70 moh Wing ea: 148 ft? Wire: length = 160 ft siameter = 0.05 in, M FIGURE P9.88 ‘Dwing A ving Lire =400 Couing Avjire $0. that 2 , where Auting = 4H | Crying = 022 Ning = LD= (1608) (295-1) = 0.667 #1 andsine® yp - ronph( S255 aH) en gre ee OO =2720, 157x107 £ From Fig. 921, with Re=2720 we obtain C,=l.0 ee. ¢ =0.225 , or 22.5% ’ 9-8] 9.89 9.89 The jet engines on a Boeing 757 must develop a cer- tain amount of power to propel the airplane through the air with a speed of 570 mph ata cruisin altitude of 35,000 ft. By what percent must the power be increased ifthe same airplane were to maintain its $70 mph Aight speed at sea level? Pe power = HU =400°C, 4 Let (2, and ( dye denote conditions at seq leve| and 95000 HY respective) Thus, =e so that : BZ. 2th Goh, so tA Aes and Cry “Gye, then Be FQ TE Oy, fac os = + or with @ valves trom Tabl 6.1 els = 2:00230HE og 92 2 322% inoreare hs 0.000738 ae SIN RIN 9-82 9.90 9.90 A. wing generates a lft SE when moving through sea- level air with a velocity U. How fast must the wing move through the air at an altitude of 35,000 ft with the same lift cocficent if itis to generate the same lift? L=GzeUA so with £, 6, and A constant ( CU" dog level = (007), scot Hence, 6. 3 slug 4 Crea level (2.3810 a Uap (peeie ne ) Vea level \asexd7 Se ) Urea level 000 H = or Usroott = +2 Usa level 9-83 941 * 9.91 * When air flows past the airfoil shown the velocity just outside the bound- Ff shear forces are negligible = Sip cos@ dA, where the + sign is used on the lower surface ; - sign on yoper surface, Also, P= fo t£eU*-40u*. Since the constant atmospheric pressure does not contribute tothe lift, we setp-O gy Thus, p=tev"[1-()'] so that _ aah L= (FeU"LI-(G)] costdh as FIGURE P99) However, d= Lds where L=winy length ° caso dA = cos Lds = L de “ Hence, L409" (Ti -() ede + teu *{Ii-(By ] Lae upper lower or te zeve [lay -(8) Jae Upper, jower Also, since G,= Teva" Tevye » where c= chord length it follows that Gq= (ey -(6), JdE) This integral is obtained by mmerical Keo pper Tower integration of the data given in thefigure. The following table of data is obtained : er (con't) 9-84 By using the program TRAPEZOI with the above valves of the integrand we obtain ; SEBO CURIOS EES SS SDE IEEE ISERIES ** This program performs numerical integration ae ** over a set of points using the Trapezoidal Rule ** JX SCHR S EIDE GCOS DOG EEE GOSS HI CBRE GHB Enter number of data points: 21 Enter data points (x , ¥) 20,0 2 0.55,0.15 2 0.05,0.65 2 0.60,0.14 2 0.10,0.52 2 0.65,0.12 20. 2 "2 0.70,0.11 20. +36 2 0.75,0.09 20. +32 2 0.80,0.07 2 0.30,0.29 2 0.85,0.05 2 0.35,0.26 2 0.90,0.03 2 0.40,0.20 2:0.95,0.03 2 0.45,0.18 2 1.00,0 2 0.50,0,17 The approximate value of the integral Thus, C,= 0.206 9-85 9.94 Ib when loaded with fuel and 100 passengers takes off with an airspeed of 140 mph. With the same configuration (i.e., angle of attack, flap settings, ete.) wh takeoff speed if it is loaded with 372 passengers. Assume each passenger with lug- gage weighs 200 Ib. For steady flight £=0,4eU'A=W w Let ( Jog denote conditions with 100 passengers 274 ( de7q with 372 passengers . Thus, with Ci" Gara, yoo = Aa72, and Coo = Caz £e.(0 gives Z, Uo = zy, ([84000 #372100) (2005116). Lae or Uy = fe NY ih Thus, Vaya = 16 mph .94 Show that for unpowered flight (for which the lift, drag, and weight forces are in equilib- rium) the glide slope angle, 8 is given by tan = C,/C, For steady unpowered flight Ue LR =O gives I= Wsind 6 an LA =O gives L= Weosd Thos, DF _ Win _ - FeVAL _ & P= Heine = tan , where $= joa 2 o> a Hence, tan@ 9-86 9.95 If the lift coefficient for a Boeing 777 aircraft is 15 times greater than its drag coefficient, can it glide from an al- titude of 30,000 ft to an airport 80 mi away if it loses power from its engines? Explain. (See Problem 9.94.) a From Problem 9.94, tanO= G> = gE Hence, S870 = 7k, or d= 4% 5x0" ft , = B5.2m/ Hence, the plane can glide 8Omi 9.96 On its final approach to the airport an airplane flies on a fight path that is 3.0° relative to the horizontal. What lift-to-drag ratio is needed to land with its engines idled a back to zero power? (See Problem 9.94.) ope From Problem 9.94 , & tan @= or & ee & Gs tan 3° = 0.052% adda +87 9.97 __A sail plane with a lift-o-drag ratio of 25 flies with 1 speed of 50 mph. It maintains or increases its altitude by flying in thermals, columns of vertically rising air produced by buoy- ancy effects of nonuniformly heated air. What vertical air speed is needed if the sail plane is to maintain a constant altitude? With no vertical air motion the sailplane would Zz glide with a slope angle 8, where since 2F =O Teoc0 Also, since the drag is =C,£0UA if follows that F tein Loon” D407 = o40V'A) since £0 pone =E 0 Une Hence, the aircrart can fly faster af highe altsivded with the same amount of drag ( bsray = ty eo0) 9-41 9.102 Repeated controversy regarding the ability of a baseball to curve appeared in the lit- erature for years. According to a test (Life, July 27, 1953) a baseball (assume the diameter is 2.9 in. and weight 5.25 02) spinning 1400 rpm while traveling 43 mph was observed to follow a path with an 800-ft horizontal radius of curvature. Based on the data of Fig. 9.39 do you agree with this test result? Explain, For steady motion along the curved path SF = ma, or = me = oe , where U=(43mphi Bel) -ea TI 2 oe (Ge wy (oss $) =0.0507 |b (32.2 #)(a00#) ~~ Bot, L= 06, 40U°A= 6, ¢eU*£0* or Ge 2 z= 8 (0.0507 1b) = 0,233 a 7eU*D* ~ 7 c.00238578)(63.14)"( 23 54)? From Fig,9%39 with wad, (14008Hh get) (Sree) Sew) 0.281 we obtain 20 2 (63.1 £) C,~ 0.08 which is less than the G,= 0.233 in EU). Hence a smooth sphere would not curve as much as indicated, but perhaps a rovgh ball (i:e., one with seams) wovld. 9-92 9.103 9.103 Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate ‘Objective: A boundary layer is formed on a flat plate when air blows past the plate. The thickness, 8, ofthe boundary layer increases with distance, x, from the leading edge of the plate. The purpose of this experiment isto use an apparatus, as shown in Fig. P9.103, to mea- sure the boundary layer thickness, Equipment: Wind tunnel; fat plate; boundary layer mouse consisting of ten Pitot tubes Positioned at various heights, y, above the flat plat; inclined multiple manometer; measut- ing calipers; barometer, thermometer Experimental Procedure: Position the tips of the Pitot tubes of the boundary layer ‘mouse a known distance, x, downstream from the leading edge of the plate. Use calipers to determine the distance, y, between each Pitot tube and the plate. Fasten the tubing from each. Pitot tube to the inclined multiple manometer and determine the angle of inclination, 6, of the manometer board. Adjust the wind tunnel speed, U, to the desired value and record the ‘manometer readings, L. Move the boundary layer mouse to a new distance, x, downstream from the leading edge of the plate and repeat the measurements. Record the barometer read- ing, Hygr in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be cal- culated by use of the perfect gas law. Calculations: For each distance, x, from the leading edge, use the manometer data to de- termine the air speed, u, asa function of distance, , above the plate (see Eq, 3.13). That i, obiain u = u(y) at various x locations, Note that both the wind tunnel test section and the pen end of the manometer tubes are at atmospheric pressure Graph: Plot speed, u, as ordinates and distance from the plate, , as abscissas for each location, x, tested Results: Use the «= u(y) results to determine the approximate boundary layer thickness as a function of distance, 6 = 8(x). Plot a graph of boundary layer thickness as a function ‘of distance from the leading edge. Note that the air flow within the wind tunnel is quite tur- bulent so that the measured boundary layer thickness is not expected to match the theoreti cal laminar boundary layer thickness given by the Blassius solution (see Eq, 9.15). Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, N Jeeta ee Ipcines manometer v Ne © FIGURE P9.103 (con't) 9-93 9.103 J (con’#) Solution for Problem 9.103: Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate 8, deg Hom in. Hg T, deg F ‘Yua0, Ib/ft*3 25 29.09 80 624 y. in. Lin u, fs y. in, Lain u, fs Data for x = 7.75 in. Data for x = 3.75 in. 0.020 0.20 19.9 0.020 0.15 72 0.035 0.35 26.3 0.035 0.35 26.3 0.044 0.48 30.8 0.044 0.45 29.8 0.060 0.70 37.2 0.080 on 37.5 0.096 0.95 434 0.096 1.20 48.7 0.110 1.06 458 0.110 4.30 50.7 0.138 121 48.9 0.138 1.56 556 0.178 1.44 534 0.178 177 59.2 0.230 1.70 58.0 0.230 1.95 62.1 0.270 1.85 60.5 0.270 2.00 62.9 Data for x = 5.75 in. Data for x = 1.75 in, 0.020 0.20 19.9 0.020 0.20 19.9 0.035 0.42 288 0.035 0.50 315 0.044 0.50 31.6 0.044 0.68 36.7 0.060 om 375 0.060 0.90 422 0.096 0.98 44.0 0.096 151 54.7 0.110 1.06 45.8 0.110 1.70 58.0 0.138 1.30 50.7 0.138 1.90 61.3 0.178 1.84 552 0.178 1.95 62.1 0.230 1.76 59.0 0.230 2.00 629 0.270 1.88 61.0 0.270 2.00 62.9 pUurI2 = Yuao°L sind where 2 = Pay/RT where am = 1h20"Ham = 847 Ibvft"3*(29.09/12 ft) = 2053 Ibit®2 R= 1716 ft Ib/siug deg R T= 80 + 460 = 540 deg R Thus, p = 0.00222 slugitt*3 ‘Approximate boundary layer thickness as obtained from the graph x, in. 6. in. 175 0.15 3.75 0.20 5.75 0.27 718 0.30 (con't) 9-94 9.103 | (con?t) Problem 9.103 Velocity, u, vs Distance, y i u, fs Problem 9.103 Boundary Layer thickness, 5, vs. Distance from Leading Edge, x 0.35 —_————— 0.30 0.25 g 0:20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 ‘® Approximate boundary layer thickness | Best ft power-law curve l | 1 jo) x, in. 9-9 910% 9.104 Pressure Distribution on a Circular Cylinder Objective: Viscous effect within the boundary layer on a circular cylinder cause bound- ary layer separation, thereby causing the pressure distribution on the rear half of the cylin- der to be different than that on the front half. "The purpose ofthis experiment is to use an ap- paratus, as shown in Fig, P9.104, to determine the pressure distribution on a circular cylinder. Equipment: Wind tunnel; citular cylinder with 18 static pressure taps arranged equally from the front to the back of the cylinder; inclined multiple manometer; barometer, thermometer. Experimental Procedure: Mount the circular cylinder in the wind tunnel so that a sta- tic pressure tap points directly upstream. Measure the angle, 8, of the inclined manometer. ‘Adjust the wind tunnel fan speed to give the desired free stream speed, U, in the test sec- tion, Attach the tubes from the static pressure taps to the multiple manometer and record the manometer readings, L, as a function of angular position, @. Record the barometer reading, Hw in inches of mercury and the air temperature, T, so that the air density can be caleu- lated by use of the perfect gas law. Calculations: Use the data to determine the pressure coefficient, C, = (p ~ po)/(pU*/2), as @ function of position, @. Here pp = 0 is the static pressure upstream of the cylinder in the free stream of the wind tunnel, and p = Yq sin is the pressure on the surface of the cylinder. Graph: Plot the pressure coefficient, C, as ordinates and the angular location, 8, as abscissa. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical pressure coefficient, C, = 1~ 4 sin?®, cobiained from ideal (inviscid) theory (see Section 6.6.3). Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and elick here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. tic pressure tap & - \ KF a wai H FIGURE P9,104 Ccon’t) 9-% 9.104 | (con't) Solution for Problem 9.104: Pressure Distribution on a Circular Cylinder , deg T.degF U,fus 25 75 479 Experiment Theory 8, deg Lin p,ibiM2 —G, c, 0 42 264 1.00 4.00 10 14 242 0.92 088 20 07 154058 053 30 o1 022 008 0.00 40 06 132-050 065 50 16 352 1.33 “1.35 60 24 527-200 2.00 70 34 681-258 253 80 -30 659-250 2.88 90 27 593-225 -3.00 100 27 593-225 288 110 26 571-217 2.53 120 26 571 217 -2.00 130 26 5 217 “1.35 140 26 5M 247 085 150 26 51217 0.00 160 27 593-225 053 170 27 593-225 0.88 180 28 615-233 4.00 P= Yua20"L sinB aim = Yhig" Haim = 847 Ib/ft*3*(29.97/12 ft) = 2115 Ib/ft"2 R= 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R T= 75 + 460 = 536 deg R Thus, p = 0.00230 slug/ft*3 Cy = pl(pU7/2) 4 sin’e Theory: C, (con't) 9-97 9.10% (cont) Problem 9.104 Pressure Coefficient, C,, vs Angle, 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0, deg ‘© Experimental — Theoretical (inviscid ni)

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