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gl 8.1 Rainwater runoff from a parking lot flows through a 3-ft-diameter pipe, completely filling it. Whether flow in a pipe is laminar or turbulent depends on the value of the Reynolds number. (See Video V8.1.) Would you expect the flow to be laminar or turbulent? Support your answer with appropriate calculations. Re=242- YD — Tf Re>H000 the flow is turbulent. The corresponding velocity is y= Rev . (yooor(Laino* $y “dD 3 ft Most likely the velocity will be greater than this, ¢.¢, turbulent fhow. # $ = 0,016! 8 8.3 The flow of water in a 3-mm-diameter pipe is to remain, laminar. Plot a graph of the maximum flowrate allowed as a function of temperature for 0 #000 , where Q=VA=E0*V Ce D Re “ie = £683 = 4000 Th " Dm gBSoe , where ge@= 0.048 and w=l x10° G8, (Tbk 8) Hence, M 1 4 (0.04%) (Fai 3 = 0.0883 m 4000 T (1,47 xjo* eS 86 8.6 _ It takes 20 seconds for 0.5 cubic inch of water to flow through the 0.046-in. diameter tube ofthe capillary tube viscometer shown in Videu V1.3 and Fig. P8.6, Is the flow in the tube laminar or turbulent? Explain. Tf Re= YD < 2100 ‘he How is ts laminar, where Ve Qe VA _ iz eee /208 “a Ep FE (228A) or Veloso Thus, with V= fzinib <£ (see Table 1.5) H( 2H) 2 £25 o( SSH) = 2/00 Ree aise £ onan The flow is laminar. m FIGURE PB.6 8-4 87 8.7 To cool a given room it is necessary to supply 5 ft'/s of air through an 8-in.-diameter pipe, Approximately how long. is the entrance length in this pipe? v= 4 = ti a4 Thus, with ¥-15700 EH (see Table 1.7) ~vo_ 38 (EH . fe =. ar = 60,700 >#000 so the flow is turbulent. lence, Leu Re on hye 44 (60,700) (6) = 14H 8.8 The wall shear stress ina fully developed flow portion of a 12-in.-diameter pipe carrying water is 1.85 Ib/f. Determine the pressure gra- dient, ap/ax, where x is in the flow direction, if the pipe is (a) horizontal, (b) vertical with flow up, or (¢) vertical with flow down. In general, 20-=¥L sind _ at , r Thos, with T= %q at r= and Hh --f His becomes ag = — 3% _ 5 sng a) For @ horizontal pipe 6-0 Hie O85 Ib gg HE. - 40185 by -740H% +) For vertical flow up = 90° 4Ty 485 ae =-the-o ce - 624 and c) For vertical flow down @=-90° Ly __ £0.85 th) < Ib Bf = - HB eye TH +624 te = 55.0 fs 8.9 The pressure drop needed to force water through a horizontal 1-in.-diameter pipe is 0.60 psi for every 12-ft length of pipe. Determine the shear stress on the pipe wall. Determine the shear stress at distances 0.3 and 0.5 in. away from the pipe wall. For a horizontal pipe a or TE of a Ib T Ls ser dh, where rott Hence, Ty = 3.6(9E £)= ose and with r= (0.5=0.3)in. = O2in., T= 3.6 (92) = 0.06 He Finally, with r=(0.5-08)in = Oin % =O 8.10 Repeat Problem 8.9 ifthe pipe is on a 20° hill Is the flow up or down the hill? Explain, For a pipe ona hill P= 2% + ¥ sing, where O=+20° Assume the flow is uphill: @= +20° Thus, T= He 2 sin] on y= 4 (9g 9) ~e2f nal] TR a = - 0.295 th fine we mast have % 0, the flow must not Assume the flow js doubt ie 0 Ths, T+ EF -asin6] or T=2| eee te24fb, sina] = 1437 2b where r~ ft. The , Ae) Hence, with r= 2 flow is. downhill With r= (a5 03)in. = 0.2 in., Te pores (2, #& ell 8.11 Water flows in a constant diameter pipe with the following conditions measured: At sec tion (a) p, = 32.4 psi and z, = 56.8 ft; at section 7b) (b) py = 29-7 psi and z, = 68.2 ft. Is the flow from (a) to (b) or from (b) to (a)? Explain. Assume the flow is phil. Thos, i+ Ye +zy = Ge Ml +2, +h, or with Ya=%e , (32.4 psi-24 7psi)(w4 fe h= Az, --z, = Sete ee poleeR) +5681 -68.24 = S.I7H <0, which is impossible. Thus, the tlw is downhill, fram ( 8,12 X12 Water flows downhill through a 3-in.-diameter steel pipe. The slope of the hill is such that for each mile (5280 ft) of horizontal distance, the change in elevation is Az ft. Deter- ‘mine the maximum value of Az if the flow is to remain lami- nar and the pressure all along the pipe is constant. (ap - th sind )d™ 32h For laminar flow V= ” where for this case apo, Les2eeft , D<0.25 ff and for maximum AZ Re =2/00 7 2I 2h00 (2.94005 BE) vf = = 2l0eh _ 200 (234M? “Hel _ ojo, Ht Gr 2100 or V a rae ag er ou1os £ Hence, from E@. ll): sin == 324 a2. (2.30n10* #E) (0.10#) 5 = =A IEK/O aD 62.448 (0.257 or Az = sing = -(s2.9044) x (-1.9¢K10°5) = 0,102 Note: Covld vse the energy eqvation 2 Zz-f $4 22, with Re<2/00 so tat V=o.101 f and - 64 2b zi fae - (fe 20,0305 and obtain the same result: 2,-%, = 0/02 ff aq 13 Some fluids behave as a non-Newtor law fluid characterized bj dr)’, where n = 1, 3, 5, and so on, and Cis a constant. (If n = 1, the fluid is the customary Newtonian fluid.) For flow in a round pipe of a diameter D, integrate the force balance equation (Eq. 8.3) to obtain the velocity profile wren 8) Feo BP For any fluid SP-=2© 50 that with T=-C(42)" we obtain ar “P-- 4 (Mh) or Heel rt * or 4 ~[ 4 “Gayl r4dr which integrates to give a=-(ee Sin 5 C, , where ©, is a constant, o The flvid sticks to the pipe so that U=O at r=#. Hence, trom Eg. (i) 4s ) G = (ae) ts (a so that 1 u= ay (Sehr) Er 4 (2) ] *Note: Since we are considerin erly odd integer valves for n we can use the fact th a (4y"= -K, where K>0, then $f =- Ke so thal dt <0, BEE 8.14* For the flow discussed in Problem 8.13. plot the dimensionless velocity profile w/V,, where V. is the centerline velocity (at r = 0). as a func- tion of the dimensionless radial coordinate r/(D. 2), where Dis the pipe diameter. Consider values ofm = 1,3,5, and 7. From Problem 8. ‘3, win = abs ORY E be (By) @ po) Let Vz = Ulr=0) , or Y= ay at, (SA-F(2 (By i Nolte: For T= ite eA 4220 and 1 an odd integer , to have >0, wemust have C<0. Thus, from Eg.@), V¥.>0 as it must. By dividing 4.) by Ee. (2) we obtain r ™ as -|a aa This result is plotted below for n=1,3,5,and7Z, with O= H! An EXCEL program was vsed to do the calcvlations and plotting. n=t on=3) n=5on=7 1KDI2) Ne = Ue Ng UN 0 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.998 0.982 0.873 (0.967 01 0.990 0.954 0.937 0.928, 015 0.978 0920 0.897 0.886 02 0960 0883 0.855 0.841, 0.25 0938 «0.843811 0.795 03 0.910 0.799 «0764 = 0.747 035 0878 0.753 «0.716 ~—0.699 04 0.840 «0.705 0.667 (0.649 045 0.798 «(0.655 «0816 (0.899 05 0.750 «0.603 0.565 0.847. 055 0698 0.549 «0812 0.495 06 0640-0494 0.458 0.442 065 0578 0.437 0.404 «0.389 07 0510 0378 0.348 + 0.335 075 0438 «0.319 0282 0.280 08 0.960 0.287 0.235 0.225, 085 = 0.278 0.195 0.177 0.170 08 0.190 0.131 0.119 0.113, 0.95 0.097 0.066 = 0.060 (0.087 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 (con't) ei ee® Coon'4) r(D/2) vs uN, 8-12 EIS SISA fluid of density p = 1000 kg/m’ and viscosity an) = 0.30N-+5/m? flows steadily down a vertical 0.10-m- diameter pipe and exits as a free jet from the lower end. De- termine the maximum’ pressure allowed in the pipe at a loca- tion 10 m above the pipe exit if the flow is to be laminar. v Jom o.lm Re=2/00 for maximum pressure. i So Thus, i VD _ 1000%s V (0./m) 2/00 = 0 Rte 100 CP = C0 WE “V- 6.302 Bot for laminar flow, Ve ape tietie where Dom, L=/om ong Thus, y beg anf Ms m. & £/0 q's (10m) sine 9O')X 0,hm)> 6.308 = 32 (0,30 V2) (10m) so that ¥ ap = ~3.76xI0 a = -375kPa 8-13 8/6 8.16 Water is pumped steadily from one large, open tank to another at the same elevation as shown in Fig. P8.16. De- termine the maximum power the pump can add to the water if the flow is to remain laminar. v @ FIGURE P8.16 Maximum pump power with laminar flow means that Re= 71%. Thos, s oud =2/00 or Ve 2/0 _ 2100 (2.3105 42) ff = = 0,253 Also °° 19 F8( 018) . Be sz4 Mh, th = Bbta £ where f.=fa=0, y =4=0, Zeke Thus, hy =h, “4% where f= & = 585 + 0.0305 so that thy2 100 # (0.2535°)* _ hye 0.0305 ~ a 3Gaen #) = 0, 0303 ft Hence, W.= 80h, = (62.4 B) Fo. (0.2534) (0.0303) = 0.00376 HB —>= 8-14 8.17 Glycerin at 20 °C flows upward in a ver- tical 75-mm-diameter pipe with a centerline ve: locity of 1.0 m/s. Determine the head loss and pressure drop in a 10-m length of the pipe. e=/26043, H1.50 Me For laminar flow in a pipe, V= average yelocity = £ Vax = £12) = 0.52 2 Thos, k =i? (1260 pa)(0.5) (0.075 m). Re = YD. (260 ANOSE)(0-075 m) _ 5) 6 a 109 150 HS The flow is laminar so that Y= Ab Gr) Op Begg? 32 fh. YS aay (150% ,00m(0.s Aap = 2h + of = BE eto) +(9815)(12.6048) (10m) = 466x10°H, , or Ap=l66 KP Also, Bisz the Bete. t ath, or with Wn, 2-28, and #1 = fat Ap this gives ~4L 7 - LEEXIO® _ hs 4f -£= Caarmyazeegy 10" = 343m o/s 8.18 A fluid flows through a horizontal 0.1-in.-diameter pipe. When the Reynolds number is 1500, the head loss over a 20-ft length of the pipe is 6.4 ft. Determine the fluid velocity 2 hy =f #9, where since Re=1500<2I00 the flow is laminar. Thus, f= 64¥/Re = 64/1500 = 0,0427 so that 20 y? G4 = 0.0427 (OT a Fara HS) or v= 208 8.19 8.19 A viscous fluid flows in a 0.10-m-diameter pipe such that its velocity measured 0.012 m away from the pipe wall is (0.8m/s. Ifthe flow is laminar, determine the centerline velocity and the flowrate. For laminar flow in a pipe ulr)=V¥e[1-(25)"] , where D= 0.1m and = 0,038m eae: (0.038m)\* r 082 > C94 SHB) 00FNi0.2 BF 7 8-25 3 8.31 Air lows through the 0,108-in diameter, 24-in.-long IT tube shown in Fig. P8.3). Determine the friction factor ifthe i flowrate is @ = 0.00191 cfs when h = 1.70 in. Compare your 4 results with the expression f = 64/Re. Is the flow laminar or eter turbulent? m FIGURE P8.3! v2 ve v* Hx +z, i + Bene bx where 2,=% , #70, Y=0 and A= eh = (en (2A) = 3.04 # Also, o.oo fi Vek = g(ageap 908 Hence, Eg. (1) becomes A= FeV(14EG) or aor = Hooese sgs)fi +f (Gish is002% or F-00326 Also Re = Re = a (owen 3 a0 = |720< 2100, the flow is laminar s Note* $ 5 ao = 0.0372 10} 8-26 8.33 Determine the thickness of the viscous sublayer in a smooth 8-in.-diameter pipe if the Reynolds number is 25,000. bs= 3 ope a yt and %o= Ff. Since ap=th-tpv* we obtain % =$o" Be ut ={Ev ee > ‘ 0.000001 then goto 280 [310 diff = ((f - faprox)/£)*100 (820 print using " #.###°°°° #.#HeHed OB. HEEERH | +4.HHO OOO" Re, £, faprox diff 330 next i JOE DIO EO OI DEI A III IA A ** This program calculates the difference * ** between the friction factor given by the ** ** Colebrook equation and that given by the ** ** approximate formula provided. The Cole- ** ** brook result is determined by an iterative ¥** ** routine. ad SREB IIIA IACI III II IA I EI AA Re £ faprox f - faprox, % 5.000E+03 0.037505 0.037961 -1.216E+00 1.000E+04 0.031037 0.031138 -3.233E-01 2.000E+04 0.026101 0.026054 +1.809E-01 4.OO0E+O4 0.022286 0.022196 +4.017E-01 8.000E+0% 0.019319 0.019241 +4.047E-01 1.600E+05 0.017026 0.016985 +2.397E-01 3.200E+05 0.015290 0.015295 -3.227E-02 6.GOOE+OS 0.016032 0.014077 -3.176E-01 1.280E+06 0.013179 0.013246 -5.091E-01 2.560E+06 0.012643 0.012713 -5.513E-01 5.120E+06 0.012332 0.012391 -4.748E-01 1,024E+07 0.012162 0.012204 -3.499E-01 2.048E+07 0.012072 0.012100 -2.298E-01 4.096E+07 0.012027 0.012043 -1.362E-01 8.192E+07 0.012003 0.012012 -7.108E-02 1.638E+08 0.011992 0.011995 -2.875E-02 | (F -fapproadf v8 Re aN it Wh TT — is {IL ae 3 TTT | = NE - | S08 ht i++ il 4 Tt nt | 42 ai t + | a Tt COT i | 16403 1.6404 1. E405 1.EH06 = 1.EH07 E08 1.09 | Re 8-32 8,38 8.38 Water flows at a rate of 10 gallons per minute in a new horizontal 0.75-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe. Deter- mine the pressure gradient, Ap/¢, along the pipe. Qe 10 Ht Amin ( 231 in? ( (Hts min \ bos Thus, ww Ve ges o0a23s FH re iqat 7728 in? 3) = = 0.0223 5 Now, for a ‘erisontal pipe Ape tt teV* where since ft (22. 7S. 2VD . 2278 HH) ‘ Ree & “Tanne = 3.76K10 and °. fn Ee 0005: . BS “(EH 7) 0.008 if follows from Fig. 8.20 that f= 0.037 Thus, 2274 /s)° 1b p_1 i ¢ gp heen (227H/8) _ 30.4 43 (Gag) 7 = 0.21 psi/tt 8.41 —_Airat standard temperature and pressure flows through 2 |-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe with an average velocity of 8 ft/s. What length of pipe produces a head loss equivalent to (a) a flanged 90° elbow, (b) a wide-open angle valve, or (©) a sharp-edged entrance? _ hd ith Re = WD = (88 )(724) _ 3 ; eg ot ocd where with Re sn = 42510" Thus with = 200051 - 0,006 (see TableB-!) we obtain f=0-045 (Fig. 8.20) Thos, beg = kee (af) = 4852K, or a) 90°elbow * K,= 0.3 or bog= 0.55664 b) globe valve? K,= 2 or beg =3-70 ft @) sharp entrance: K,= 0.5 07 I =OA26 8.428 | 8.42* — Water at 40 °C flows through drawn tub- ings with diameters of 0.025, 0.050, or 0.075 m. Plot the head loss in each meter length of pipe for flowrates between 5 x 10-‘ m'/s and 50 x bctbp , where V= ge Ths, h=66 5 (24) = SESE 10-* m/s. In your solution obtain the friction factor from the Colebrook formula. or with Le is, he EES or h,=0. const a hem, Don, QE o For drawn tubing €= oe nm = 15X19 py or fe Asxi* , where Dom @ Als0, f= YP = 4& ohtoar, or Re= 194x182 @ Note: The minimum Re occurs tor Onin and Dax. Thus, 4 Rein = 94x10 SAL = 12,900 The flow is turbulent over the range ot parameters considered. Hence, from Ee, (8.35) ¥ =-2. ola] £5 + AF or with €=1.5x/0° Fp 7-20 lg BOGE + BRL Zr] ” Thus, for 5xi0* 2 =Q <50x10*2” and with D=0.025m, 0.050 m, or 0.075 m, determine Re trom Ey. (3), f from Eg, (4) (con't) a {8.42"J (con't) and h, from E¢.). These results are calculated and plotted below. (h,=h,(@,D)), See Program P8##2 shown below, 100 cls 110 open "prn" for output as #1 120 Print, HASH EPE GoRmR A CCE E DOC OO ODO OO ODER EEE EEE 130 print#1, "*#* This program calculates the head loss **" 140 print#i, "#* as a function of flowrate and pipe dia- **" 150 print#1, "** meter, using an iterative scheme to et 160 print#i, "*#* determine the friction factor from the **" 170 print#1, "** Colebrook formula. KH 180 Br Unt#], MASE OrGS ADE So SBO rr CHAS OS GO SBE SSS SAGE 200 D= 0 210 for i = 1 to 3 220 D = D + 0.025 230 rr = 1,.5E-6/D 240 print#1, "" 250 print#1, using "For D = #.#### m with e/D = #.#44°°°°";D,rr 260 print#1, " @, m3/s Re £ BL, m" 270 0 280 3 = 1 to 10 285 0.02 290 Q + §.0E-6 300 1.94E+6*Q/D 310 £ 320 2/(~2.0*log (rv/3.74+2.51/(ReX£p"0.5)}/Log(10))°2 330 if abs(1 - £/fp) > 0.0001 then goto 310 340 h = 0.0826*£*Q*2/D°5 350 print#1, using "#.###°°"" #.RRECCT7 HERR OH. HBHOTO OO Re, fh 360 next 3 370 next i IEE ESSE ISS IESE SII SSIES AE ** This program calculates the head loss ** ** as a function of flowrate and pipe dia- ** ** meter, using an iterative scheme to * ** determine the friction factor from the ** ** Colebrook formula. ae JOBS GEESE ASIDE IG III EGOS ESSE AAO For D = 0.0250 m with e/D = 6.000E-05 Q, m3/s Re £ RL, m 5,000E-04 3.880E+04 0.0223 4.718E-02 1.000E-03 7.760E+04 0.0193 1.629E-01 1,500E-03 1.164E+05 0.0178 3.384E-01 2.000E-03 1.552E+05 0.0169 5,702E-01 2.500E-03 1,940E+05 0.0162 8.563E-01 3,000E-03 2.328E+05 0.0157 1.195E+00 3,500E-03 2.716E+05 0.0153 1.586E+00 4.000E-03 3.104E+05 0.0150 2.028E+00 4.SQ0E-03 3.492E+05 0.0147 2.520E+00 5.000E-03 3.880E+05 0.0145 3.062E+00 (con't) 8-35 (con't) For D = 0.0500 m with e/D = 3.000E-05 Q, m3/s Re £ nL, m 5.000E-04 1.940E+04 0.0261 1.727E-03 1.000E-03 3.880E+04 0.0222 5,.873E-03 1.500E-03 5.820E+04 0.0203 1.208E-02 2,000E-03 7.760E+O4 0.0191 2.021E-02 2.500E-03 9.700E+04 0.0183 3.017E-02 3,000E-03 1.164E+05 0.0176 4&.189E-02 3.500E-03 1.358E+05 0.0171 5.532E-02 4.000E-03 1.552E+05 0.0167 7.042E-02 4.SO0E-03 1.746E+05 0.0163 8.717E-02 5.000E-03 1.940E+05 0.0160 1.055E-01 For D = 0.0750 m with e/D = 2.000E-05 Q, m/s Re £ hL, m 5.000E-04 1.293E+04 0.0289 2.516E-04 1.000E-03 2.587E+04 0.0244 8.483E-04 1.500E-03 3,880E+04 0.0222 1.738E-03 2,000E-03 5.173E+04 0.0208 2.897E-03 2,500E-03 6.467E+O4 0.0198 4.313E-03 3.000E-03 7.760E+04 0.0191 5.975E-03 3.500E-03 9,053E+04 0.0185 7.876E-03 4.000E-03 1.035E+05 0.0180 1.001E-02 4.SQ0E-03 1,164E+05 0.0176 1.237E-02 5.Q00E-03 1.293E+05 0.0172 1.495E-02 PROBLEM Pee42 HL HEAD Loss, ° 4 2 3 ‘4 5 FLOW RATE, @ (M3/S) mio Note the strong dependence of h, on D. 8-36 8.43 _Airat standard temperature and pressure flows at arate of 7.0 cfs through a horizontal, galvanized iron duct that has a rectangular cross-sectional shape of 12 in. by 6 in. Estimate the pressure drop per 200 ft of duct. Jira horizontal, duct ap= oh, =f 4 4pV2, where V=% wo =v "v= wane LES) ) 0H and y= a} y= Gh ALOE. osar (24n# Th, = 4.08)(0.5674) &h 157x106 os Also, for galvanized iron €= 0,000 ft, or Re 2meeet _ 0.000750 From Fig, 8.20 we obtain f= 0.0227 Thus, from Eq, U1) with £=200f, ap = (0.0227) 228, 4 (2.s0xi09 Ut )(molly = 1.59 = S.95K10* 8-37 8.44 S44 Water flows at a rate of 2.0 ft'7s in an old, rusty 6-in.~ diameter pipe that has a relative roughness of 0.010. It is pro- posed that by inserting a smooth plastic liner with an inside di- ameter of 5 in. into the old pipe as shown in Fig. P8.44, the pressure drop per mile can be reduced. Is it true that the lined pipe can carry the required 2.0 ft/s at a lower pressure drop than in the old pipe? Support your answer with appropriate cal- culations. BFIGURE P8.44 Old pipe: Of = “L448 New pipe: of ” constant and all losses except for that in the “flow @ reducer” are neglected, determine the value of the loss coefficient (based on the velocity in the Pipe) of the “flow reducer” if its presence is to Teduce the flowrate by a factor of 2. Neglect grav- ity. din. tow reducer washer To conserve water and energy. a “flow 2 fl 50 holes of siameter 0.08 in. Wey FIGURE P8.46 Without the reducer ae +2, fe Baz, , Where pp2= 0, 2-22 and ia #h a agap 7 7239 V-2 hh - sale" 078 (4 (Vand e~# and O~#) Thess 9, = ke (WP Ve) = el 1467@?- 7230" eponideg’ fe, Fee With the flow reducer the flowrate is reduced bya factor of jue. Thus, Vj Fe and Y= (678) with @ a tHe +h ye iy or = He(\y H(K-1Y*) @ Hence, ye combing Eqs. (,(2), and (3) we obtain 8. ened - te (ALaS +k (Be 2a) ] Ke 9.00 8-39 8.47 Water flows at a rate of 0.040 m°/s in a 0.12-m- diameter pipe that contains a sudden contraction to a 0.06-m- diameter pipe. Determine the pressure drop across the contrac- tion section, How much of this pressure difference is due to losses and how much is due to kinetic energy changes? ape aie ye tk » where Z,=Z2 o a pee w 354 aR a OME yp E(oremy °° 9 BR” Feo cmp OS 2 Thos, with 4 =(32 2) = =(93282)= 0.25 we oblain from Fig, 8.30 K,= 0.40 Hence, from Eq.()) Pr fa Fe[KMe Ver? | = 20999 8 Jo4 (141 BY (HI BY-(254 95] or pr-pe 39.70 A + 93.0x/0°% = 133 kPa This represents a 39.7 kPa drop from losses and a 93.0 KPa drop due 40 an increase in kinetic energy. 8-40 8.49 49 Attime r = 0 the level of water in tank A shown in Fig. P8.49 is 2 ft above that in tank B, Plot the elevation of the water in tank A asa function of time until the free surfaces in both tanks are at the same elevation. Assume qua- P_3t—] ate = 0 p—3 t—1 sisteady conditions—that is. the steady pipe flow equations are assumed valid at any time, even - Bey though the flowrate does change (slowly) in time. ic Neglect minor losses. Nore: Verify and use the 0.1-in-diamete, gal ron fact that the flow is laminar. FIGURE P8.49 Bi Big & Bia tbe, where f,~fu=0 and YV=K%0 A At t=O, Z,*0 and Z>h=24t tL + en ao Because the tanks are the same diameter Pas — A= 42 and with 2.=d2 , Z,=hy-42 we obtain Z,=hy-2, Thus, Ep.l1) becomes v 222 Hh or 22, hy = =the @) Also, A,(-$f) =Q=B0°V, where A= 20> with , =3t4=fonk diameler Thus, y= -( By dz 3) The maximum Re = eyo occurs when the head, 2,- #2, is greatest, From Eq.(2) (with ho), ho= fe ee Assume laminar flow so that f= on fe Se w Thus, from at “) Vise = 3228 Vrae = 20"be_ (ea-+fp(P8 (2H) A= fst BD ag = pe oF Vax = oat (2.34nd*BS)(25#i) C08 wronedb ($0 aoe Rena” Dats = 3/9<2100 The b remains laminar. Ue ate a ® give 2% ,-hy= as ag SHY, or by using Ep. £3) 22i-h = <2 Hh a Let Fe z,-4e 50 that f= 92 and E9.(5) becomes 2F= igre $ (con't) 8-41 849 | (con't) or af +F=0, where x= wh (dr)? Thus, dF ~ ~ af F =-[dt or alnF=-t+C, where C=constant ce, Face Thot is, 2, ece with the nl condlin 2,= ho when t=O, or C= be Thos, z,- 42 = ef) or B= Mefjte OC] Noles fs be, 2,» be For the conditions given, hy= 24 and . Leteseait Bast (aH, y ao eR GEA » Where %~ ft and t~s 2.80N0%s Hence, t z= | te Gane) This resu{ is ploHled below, (Note * fin Z,=1 ft) zvst 26 > 2 T 15 - ai a pL Ny |__| —— 05 | | 0 {_ —___| 0 209000 409000 60qo00-«-80q000 1009000 t,sec 8-42 8.50* (con't) eter is changed to 0.1 ft rather than 0.1 in. Note: The flow may not be laminar for this case. Repeat Problem 8.44 if the pipe diam- No.i-tt-diameter. gal. iron FIGURE P8.44 Yrz- Gre +4,th, where f= fu=0 ond Y=\e Pye =0, co 0 and 2,-h, = =2ft 2 8 a by Because the tanks are the sane damelr fhe PH A, = 42 and with Z2*42 , 2,=hy -a2 — we obtain Z,=h,-2Z2 Thus, Ee. gives Tb f 7 2,7 22th, or 28h =f $ E @ Alse, ,(- 48) =Q=B0°V, where f= £Q> with D.~ tank diameler = 3¢¢ Tos -( 2) . By ne fe (2)and (3) we obtain 22)/-hy = ay (5) (ey or 22,-2ft = 154) (aay cape or eee Va-T , where z~ft, H~L (ole: Bi<0) cw To integrate this and obtain 2, as a fonction of t we must know f, For Re <2100 the flow is laminar and f =-6& sft 2uxid Note that Re= 2YP = YP = 2100 gives Y= 219% = 2100 (4 ee on Va 0.284 and f=gthe Thus, frm Bqlt) 22, ~211 = hb (BSP) AEE oy zpa(ienvo00m At t=0, 2,<2H; af t=”, 2,-22=/f4. For 2,< 1.00382 ff the fou is laminar. Thus, for all practical purposes the flow is turbulent. Obtain f trom the Colebrook formola (8 8.35) as 2.51 F fo bf @ +t where $2 2205 soos id . “Re= VD YP alQitY, = g.26n/0°V (see Table 8.1) 8-43 8.50*} (con't) Hence, ‘4 3, 3040 iF = -2,0/o9) 128x165 Se Tr | where V~ Et © Solve (ce. integrate) £9. for 2,204), starting with initial condition z,= 2 ff di boo, Obtain f (which is a function of t becavse V= ~ 900 gz (£q.)) is a fonction of t ) from Eg. 08), Program P8#S50 shown below was used to obtain the results. 100 cls 110 open "prn" for output as #1 120 PrInti], MAREE SEO O OO DOBBS D ESOS ESSEC BES DDE SIE 130 print#i, "** This program calculates the water depth **" 140 printti, "** as a function of time. The friction we 150 print#i, "** factor is obtained by itteration from +*" 160 print#i, "** the Colebrook formula. an mortts MLLCctittecrrcet tro: Teter creer teres seer r ests tere) 200 print#i, """ 210 t = 0 220 VP = 0 230 rr = 0.005 240 dz 250 print#1, " 2, ft dz/dt, ft/s £ ts" 260 for i = 1 to 20 270 2 - (i-1)*d2 280 0.02 300 = -7,9BE-4¥(z - 1)70.5/£70.5 310 -900%dzat 330 8.26E+3*V 340 £ 350 £ = 1/(-2.0*log(rr/3.7 + 2.51/(ReX£p70.5))/log(10))*2 360 if abs(1 - £/fp) > 0.001 then goto 340 380 if abs(1 - VP/V) < 0.01 then goto 400 385 VP = V 390 goto 300 400 t = t - de/dedt 405 zn = 2 - dz 410 print#1, using " #.##E +#R. EERE H.HHEE +8. HBOTo OM Gon dedtyeyt 420 next i (con't) BE 8.50% (con'F) SEO Aaa GSE RIBOSE SSSI ODE aA I GE + § program calculates the water depth ** ** asa function of time. The friction a ** factor is obtained by itteration from ** ** the Colebrook formula. + HEISEI SEI I IORI AGIDII S EIA SEI A AE ft dz/dt, ft/s £ t.s 1.9500 -0.00440 0.0329 +1.14E+01 1.9000 -0.00429 0.0329 +2.30E+01 1.8500 -0.00417 0.0330 +3.50E+01 2.8000 -0.00405 0.0331 +4. 74E+01 1.7500 -0.00392 0.0332 +6.01E+01 1.7000 -0.00379 0.0333 +7.33E+01 1.6500 -0.00366 0.0334 +8.70E+01 1.6000 -0.00352 0.0335 +1.01E+02 1.5500 -0,00337 0.0336 +1.16E+02 1.5000 -0.00322 0.0337 +1.32E+02 1.4500 -0.00307 0.0339 +1.48E+02 1.4000 -0.00290 0.0341 +1.65E+02 1.3500 -0.00273 0.0343 +1.83E+02 1.3000 -0.00254 0.0345 +2,.03E+02 +2500 -0.00234 0,0348 +2.24E+02 +2000 -0.00213 0.0352 +2.48E+02 +1500 -0.00189 0.0358 +2.74E+02 +1000 0.00162 0.0365 +3.05E+02 +0500 -0.00130 0.0377 +3. 44E+02 -0000 -0.00089 0,0402 +4.00E+02 zvst 0 100 200 300 t, sec 400 8-45 8.5) 8.51 As shown in Fig, P8.SI,, water flows from one tank to another through a short pipe whose length isn times the pipe diameter. Head losses occur in the pipe and at the en- trance and exit. (See Video V8.4.) Determine the maximum value of n if the major loss is to be no more than 10% of the minor loss and the friction factor is 0.02. m FIGURE P8.s) if Ma gai! Ube minor , then wth os ok, ¥ or £ eo Eke o D 2g D O where 37K, = K, entrance + Kee = O8+] =18 Thus, with f= 0.02 and L-nD £y.(1) becomes nD 18 “D ~ 10(002) 8.52 8.52 Gasoline flows in a smooth pipe of 40- mm diameter at a rate of 0.001 m'/s. If it were Possible to prevent turbulence from occurring, what would be the ratio of the head loss for the actual turbulent flow compared to that if it were laminar flow? Let (), denote the turbulent flw is CY the laminar flew. Ths, nike and hy = 5% ao 2 where vey ey QUE 0.7962 # (0.0m) From Table 46 e=680% andy =3./t10 "NE 50 that Re= io - (680—6) (0.79680. om) _ =6,98x/0" 31x10" pes Hence, from Fig. 8.20, for a 2 smosth pipe f= 0.0192 while for laminar flow b= = ate = pex10* Thus, trom Eq.l0) acne he fe. 0.0192 hy fy 9./bx10* 8-47 [esa] 8.53 A 3-ft-diameter duct is used to carry ventilating air into a vehicular tunnel at a rate of 9000 ft°/min. Tests show that the pressure drop is 1.5 in. of water per 1500 ft of duct. What is the approximate size of the equivalent roughness of the surface of the duct? ns q Bia he, where 2,-22, "Vs , and w h = (62.4 bY 4EH) = 2.004% few Ve i (oveha ta) =2n2t #C- Thos, from Eq.) py,“ -{bt £0V* or 20tf, 2. 2(3f1)(7807%) fe eV (2.30x10 ‘SE \isooh\(a aie ee af (34 From Fig, 8.20 with feoonte and Re= YP = BOR oy oe no bioin £ 457%/0 #2 we obtain = 0.00%% TH), 6. 6.0044 (3H) = 0.0132 ft — 8.54 Natural gas (p = 0.0044 slugs/ft? and downstream if the flow is assumed incompressi- ¥ = 5.2 x 10° ft'/s) is pumped through a hor- ble. Is the incompressible assumption reasona- izontal 6-in.-diameter cast-iron pipe at a rate of ble? Explain. 800 Ib/hr. If the pressure at section (1) is 50 psi (abs), determine the pressure at section (2) 8 mi 2 2 Bez = Bi kin 5%, where 4-22 and V=\e a * re ork is) 0.2224, 8 aE ao = 157 1 VeRe Egy 8.008 With Re~ 2f2"= vo. Coes 7.69210 and (from Table 8.1) Ee ona = weoblain f= 0.0245 Thus, tram Eq.) pax ff bseV* = soi tb, — (0024s) Conils2208l) 1 yg och? = Sopsi - 29) 1h we =(s0 -2.02)psi or f= = ae = 0.0404, @ 40 % change in pressure. Since p=eRT, with T essentially constant, a small change in P gives a small change in 0. Thus, the incompressible assumption is valid. 8.0 psi 8-48 8.55% 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 200 210 220 230 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 400 420 420 AE S5* Water flows vanized iron pipe with average velocities between 0.01 and 10.0 m/s. Plot the head loss per meter of pipe length over this velocity range. he “4X or with L=/m and D=0.029m Fs 2 htm stam 0 ho2sstV* ® Also, Re = ye = VUE ap jor Re=1.79%10"V a) For this pipe, £= 2452" = 75x09 (see Table 8.1) so that the Colebrook formula becomes (Eg. 8.35) 1 ~2.0hg + ar] or F S -2.0lmgf2.osn10-°+ ai ] @ Note: Hf Re< 2100 the flow is laminar and f= $6 «6 Tf Re = #000 the flow is turbulent and f is obtained trom Ey. 03). For 2100< Re <4000 jf is yet clear which valve of f fo use. For simplicity assume laminar flow is maintained up to Re = 4000, From Ey.2), V= (200g = 0.2232 when Re = 4000. Thus, for 0.015 V#0.223% obtain Re and f from Egs.(2ond(#) and hy from E¢.0). For 0.223< Ve l0B obtain Re and f from Ege. (2)and(H), The values of h, are calculated and plotted below (see program P8#55), cls open "prn" for output as #1 BIC EL, Hep ge aan A A OCOD OE AGE a BEEBE EGOS EIDE! nt#i, "** This program calculates the head loss in **" print#i, "** pipe as a function of velocity. The wen print#1, "** friction factor is obtained by the Cole- **" print#i, "** formula. en BTnt# 1, SASS pO GO SE SaSnES BS ORES EO SSSR E SDE rr = 0.0075 V = 0.005 print#i, "" print#1, " V/ m/s Re £ hL, m" v= 2*V Re = 1.79E+4*V £ = 64/Re if Re < 4000 then goto 400 fp =f £ = 1/(-2.0#log(rr/3.742.51/(Re*fp*0.5))/1og(10) }* if abs(1 - £/fp) > 0.0001 then goto 340 h = 2.554£4V72 print#l, using "#4#.##4 #.###°°77 HERE BOHRESOOO" GV Re, Eh if V < 10 then goto 300 Gon’t) 8-49 &55* | (con't) hm 1.E+01 1.6400 SIS SESS SEES SOOO SOHO OOS OSE SEEEREN on e: ** This program calculates the head loss in ** ** pipe as a function of velocity. The * ** friction factor is obtained by the Cole- ** ** formula. = SPSS SSSR a ap BO OID EGER AEB SE Vv m/s Re £ nL, m 0.010 1.790E+02 0.3575 9.117E-05 0.020 3.580E+02 0.1788 1.823E-04 0.040 7.160E+02 0.0894 3.647E-04 0.080 1.432E+03 0.0447 7.294E-04 0.160 2.864E+03 0.0223 1.459E-03 0.320 5.728E+03 0.0439 1.147E-02 0.640 1.146E+04 0.0398 4.161E-02 1.280 2.291E+04 0.037% 1.562E-01 2.560 4.582E+04 0.0360 6.016F-01 5.120 9.165E+04 0.0353 2.357E+00 10.240 1.833E#0§ 0.0349 9.323E+00 hvsV 1.601 1-02 16-03 8.56 _ A fluid flows through a smooth horizon- tal 2-m-long tube of diameter 2 mm with an av- erage velocity of 2.1 m/s. Determine the head loss and the pressure drop if the fluid is (a) air, (b) water, or (©) mercury. 2 2 a Shia, =Bibinth , where htt%, 2-22, and Vite Thos he =f (stam) aera or h,=225f m o ph (2.42) (0.002m) 3 = BLDC = anit where yo Be fluid |%# | Re |flow | # [hm |%ek lapze a) air |746x10*| 287 |leminr [$F =9,223| 50.2 | 12.0 | 602 water | 112x106] 3750 \turbulent | o.0%0% | 9.09 | 9800 B.9/x10* ©) mercury) 115%/0"” | 36,500] torbolent| 0.0220 | 495 |133,000 | 6.5axyo$ 8.57 at standard temperature and pres- sure flows through a horizontal 2 ft by 1.3 ft rec- tangular galvanized iron duct with a flowrate of 8.2 ofs. Determine the pressure drop in inches of water per 200-ft length of duct wi iz,« “Bg fz, Ah, where Z=22 and V,=h. vg we “Gin 3tf) © Alce, Be = Hat] = 1576 ft 8.24 ft "\ ee go n 358 Thos, pprth 5, 20Y", where for galvanized iron €= 0.0005 ff (TableB.) 4876 #1)(3.15#) 0.0005 # _ Vi Hence, § = Peogpre = 9.000317 and Re VPb Tare TE =31600 so from Fig. 8.20, f-0.025 . Thos, A-p.=(0.028) (poet) 4 (2.30x16° SHB) (3,15) = =0.03 74h, or with ,-f2 = Yoh ; 1.03754 a fog . oosrth = 6,00x10 “ff = 0.00720 in. of water & —_—_—_—_ g-S1 | _—— 8.58 Air flows through a rectangular galvanized iron duct of size 0.30 m by 0.15 m at a rate of 0.068 m°/s. Determine the head loss in 12 m of this duct. b=f£. where 2,= B= #l03m\o1sm. 0.2 m 7 D2g 2[0.3m+0.15m] an mn jo Q 0.068 _ mn = VD, U.SIB) (0.2m) Ve = eens = 15 Alle, Raz VP = 148 x/O RE 7970? and from Table 8.1, & 2 assay - 7,5210* Hence, from Fig. 8.20 f=0.027 0. so that ima L (SISY h,= (0. 02 7)(S2m) 3am 7 0.188m 8.59 8.59 Airat standard conditions flows through ahorizontal | ft by 1.5 ft rectangular wooden duct ata rate of 5000 ft/min. Determine the head loss, pressure drop, and power supplied by the fan to overcome the flow resistance in 500 ft of the duct. ‘so00 ff no ae hve Vo $= STE) os. d Dix Hae HANH) =12ft de a= Pp ait ust] ©” so, ” Rey= VPb = issoeoe) = 425x105 and from Table 8.1 Ex 0.00064 to o.003 tt, Use an‘average”"E=0.0018 ff so that §- = 20018 HE _o.001s Thus, from Fig, 8.20 f= 0.022, or 500 ft ) (55.64) _ h= (0.022) >a) aH) 22a = ¥¥0ft Fon thie this horizontal pipe AE + Mrz = Var F422 ty, where 2,=22 and V=\e Thus, fy “pe th =(z.85110"* 8) (y40ft) = 33.74 = 0.234psi = = =(egn0 ft Pavdh=9 (g-pd=(com li) )(es7 5h) Ga AV fa or P= Sib UL 8-52 8.60 When the valve is closed the pressure throughout the horizontal pipe shown in Fig. P8.60 is 400 kPa, and the water level in the closed surge Angle chamber is h = 0.4 m. If the valve is fully opened vale and the pressure at point (1) remains 400 kPa, co determine the new level of the water in the surge (2) chamber. Assume the friction factor is f = 0.02 and the fittings are threaded fittings. FIGURE P8.60 Closes Surge chamber D=002m Beodbeze Baber (LIEK, where az, Wo p00 Thus, A= WHS +EK IG with VeVe. With K.=2 for an angle valve and K,= 0.9 for the tee (see Table 8.2) we obtain 4o0w [ 9.60 4 20.81%) Ve 6,882 Thus, fz is determined from Br Wsz = Boz th SKIL, where 2225 ond Vx0 Also, Ve=V Hence, Be = Bes (IHfh 12K) , where L=8m and Ko a (Ee = p-let pb tev? = 4ooke — (| +(0.02)(-82-)) £(999 4)( 6.88%)" = 4o0kP—2.18x10 py = 187 KP Thus, a= 400 kfa with the valve closed when h= 0.4m and fg=187 kPa with the valve open and h=hy It M= mass of air in surge chamber = @¥ = constant, Tr where ¥=A(0.5m-h) and p= RT,or C= fr asm, Thus, with (2 deaoting the closed vale condition, — | 2 « fee Fole, or BE Alos-04) Le Alos-h,) Assume G-% O11 fc =(0.5-he) fo, where p= ¥0OKa-th, = 400Ma - 9.904% (0.4m) and y= 187Ka-tho = 187kPa- 98084 h= (187-9. ho)kPa = 296KPa Thus, 0.1(39) =(0.5-ho)(187-9.8he), or fy= 0-285 m 8-53 1+(0.02)(222") +2+09] v7 8.61 What horsepower is added to water to pump it vert- cally through a 200-ft-long,1.0-in.-diameter drawn tubing at a rate of 0.060 ft/s ifthe pressures atthe inlet and outlet are the same? Hs Laz thy = = Bik +2, 48%, where $3=f2 and V,=\,. aie hp= F2-% be where a =h=2001 and 0.06 6 s/h Also, § = fete «610 craily FC and ei (a) ’ of 7.58x10" we obtain trom Fig.8.20 From Ey.) wy hp= 2004 +(0. om (24) Seep =206ft The, P= BGhp =(62- B)(0.06)(286F4) = 1071 Gort, 5) = 1.95 hp 8.62 Water flows from a lake as is shown in Fig. P8.62at a rate of 4.0 cfs. Is the device inside the building a pump or a turbine? Explain and determine the horsepower of the device. Neglect all minor losses and assume the friction factor is 3004tCone, 0.025. 0.4-ft-diameter (2 FIGURE P8.62 me Sti thy = Bre Sith fEG ig Ca A=fa70, Y=0 an Assume “We device is pomp (hy 0), e-V= go = Thos, Zz th = 39 sth) +z, or hp= 495 -525H eee (|+0,025(-2282)) = 260 Note: Since hy>O the device sa pump. ay #0" “Font vai so, es =9th hp = EQhp (62.4) (4 £) (28081) 69,900 He feb) 7 * p= 127 bp as 8.63 8.63 Repeat Problem 8.62if the flowrate is) 1.0 cfs. 495 8 dleation Les —— LOTT. 300‘-long. O-4teciameter FIGURE P8.62 BeBe ey thy Bae tae th + FB%, where P#29, =O an Lye. IL Acme the device isa turbine(hy=0) —'2"V" Bot * Frowegp = 7% # Ws, hy=z,-%-G(iHfB) oe (2.96) hy= 525 ft ~195 Ht (1+ 0.025 (-222)) = j0.574 Note* Since hy>O the device is a turbine. Also, Pegtihy = hy = (62.418) (1) (10.5 74) = (660 HB) \Gso te) or P = 1.20 hp 8.64 8.64 Ata ski reson water at 40 °F is pumped through a 3in.-diameter, 2000-fi-long stel pipe from a pond at an cle- vation of 4286 ft to @ snow-making machine at an elevation of 4623 ff ata rate of 0.26 ft/s. If itis necessary to maintain a pressure of 180 psi atthe snow-making machine, determine the horsepower added to the water by the pump. Neglect minor losses. a yt Bee pF thee Bik B +2. fb HG, where p= 1208 , y= 0, Vy=0 0 7 ee re eee ee Also, 2 ‘Rex P= cxbipe. 7.9610" 50 that f= 0,022 (see Fig. 8,20) Thus, from Eq.) bps Se teey +(e iV Bh i= Ln BE). woxaiy -wz0stto(I*(a0210 25) ote = y= 02711 so thet . P =10hy =(oavpp(oaef (oxra) =(,%20%%) (<0 Har) od yay = 244 bp 8.65 WV = 201s Water M § ay 8.65 Water flows through the screen in the pipe shown in Fig. P8.65 as indicated. Determine the loss coefficient for the screen. 7 A “a v FIGURE P8.65 Gp aah 1a) = Ate +22 Kiag , where 2/2, Vi-vk -Ve20H Thus, y = 20GB) where gp, +0h= p +2(L-6in) +568 (bin) p or Pr-be= 8(86-)(6in) fence 2(624 BN(3.2-1(B) _ (ie Hoot 8-57 6 8.66 Water flows steadily through the 0.75-in. diameter galvanized iron pipe system shown in Video V8.6 and Fig. 8.66 at a rate of 0.020 cfs. Your boss suggests that friction losses in the straight pipe sections are negligible compared to losses in the threaded elbows and fittings of the system. Do you agree or disagree with your boss? Support your an- swer with appropriate calculations. - by> Major loss =f 5 6G where b= (6+6+441)in = 17in., D= 0.78 in. = FIGURE P8.66 ond gy _ 0,02 £ ft ~ # (0.75/12) H* Thos, with # (9254) Re = YD =-8528 ag = 3.37K10" and 121x103 # 2.0005 ff £e ne) = 6525 = 6x10" (see Table 8!) we obtain (see Fig 8.20) 17 f= 0.038 so that hg =? area 0.261 Also, vy Minor loss = Eke =[2 (1.5) +2 +015 ]3g Fe cuss 90° elbow ~ 4 reducer with B e( 9.610. Y 20,64 (see Fig. 8.26) Thos, from E@s, (1) each major /oss 0.861 “minor Toss = = 0.167 = 16.7% Probably disagree wih boss because pipe triction is aboot 17%, of other losses. a) @ 8-58 8.67 5.67. Beeause of a wom-out washer in a kitchen sink faucet, water drips at a steady rate even through the faucet is “turned off” Readings from a water meter ofthe type shown in Video V8.7 indicate that during @ one-week time period when the homeowners were away, 200 gallons of water dripped from the faucet, (a) If the pressure within the 0.50-in-diameter pipe is 50 psi, determine the loss coefficient for the leaky faucet. (b) ‘What length of the pipe would be needed to produce a head loss equivalent to the leaky faucet? (a) hi tz, eh E ae where f= Sopsi , fa=0, Vy Thos, 2 Anh eka wilh v-4 or V=0.0324 Hence, ad (Sods (rg) _ |, toosaetty 624 B + 262.2# a Uh, and 2,722 ) ,_Iweek_) 7_H3 200 tn (Faaanaeo0s ) ( Hegel) Ete 4) fF s so L= (7.00 x108)( 2, _ 9 057 12x10 tt = 97.9miles 8.68 S.o8 Assume a car's exhaust system can be approximated as 14 ft of 0.125-ft-diameter cast-iron pipe with the equivalent of six 90° flanged elbows and a muffler. (See Vireo V8.5.) The ‘muffler acts as a resistor with a loss coefficient of K, = 8.5. Determine the pressure at the beginning of the exhaust system if the flowrate is 0.10 cfs, the temperature is 250 °F, and the exhaust has the same properties as air. roe A [MIDAS Fay io K-85 Ky = 0-3 (Table 8.2) Boyz, id +2 t(F$ 42K 3G, where 2,222, ps0 and ot Tht * Fonsay = ais we = (fd 2 ATM B) ye? oh A= (FE +2K)z0V", where C= Ar = (1716 5% y(ubos2s0y elven SP Alco, §= 229985 0.0068 (Table 8.) so that with poe ene (u7an6? H8)(015 H) (0.12541) 7x10"? beg = 9770 we obtain from Fig, 8.20, f= 0.047 ae 9. 8.20, Hence, f= ( 0-047( gilt) +6 (0.34 85)(4)(1. ene? HE) (a5 HY = b = 0.099 8.69 Air is to flow through a smooth hor zontal rectangular duct at a rate of 100 m’/s with a pressure drop of not more than 40 mm of water, per 50 m of duct. If the aspect ratio (width to height) is 3 to 1, determine the size of the duct. Are Bik B12. of he where z,=22 and V,=\Ve=V a) + v-$- oor £82, where hmm, Vo Also, d,- # - 265 =1.5h Hence, fram ‘Ep a Pr-be= t, LV? or with py-fe=Uygll = 20008 (0.04m)= 392 $6 292 bi = (OF) (2) (12358) BY Thus, : « h 00 (42 )0.54) |p, . suaxie ° bg Re = "hm eeeyaege oF Rey= Spat a) and from Fig. 8.20 4 \N 5,70 w® Rep Trial and error solution of £gs. (2),(2),(4) for f, Re, and V+ Assume f= 0.02 so that 0.02=0.0172h§ op h=1.03m, From Eq. (2) Rope S422 = 9,32 x10° which fron Fig. B20 gives F=0.0096 40.02 Assume 470.0096 which gives h = 0.890m, Thus, Rey = 3.8%x10 or f= 0.0093 ¢ 0.0096 Assume =0,0093, or h=0.884m . Thus, Re,=3-87%106 of f= 0.0093 which agrees with the assumed valve. Thus, the dvel is h= 0.804 m by 3h= 2.65 in size. Po 8-61 8.70 8.70 Repeat Problem 3.14 if all head losses are included ‘The pipes are I-in. copper pipes with regular flanged fittings. The faucets are globe valves. 1 Mey og vezons¢f en! | a ee eu ogy m FIGURE P3.1% With 1 floor favcet open, Ve 204. Assume V,=\,=V= 208 alo, Ths, 2 B+ Borg, = Bik +2nt(FB4EK) 3 with 2-0, 22° 7H, L7H fax9 and EK, = Kay, t+ Kegingo = 1 +107! becomes valve ‘tee 2H (ofS _ B= 7a +( ap ti) etm 77S AI(OH IA «0 s. = But from Table 8.1, -& = ere = 6,0 x/0° and since (aM, Re = Dh (MOE) sanso8 if flous from Fig, 8.20 that 4 j2xior f= 0,065 Hence, trom Ep l), A= 7H46.21(B#(0.016s) Hi)H = 83.9 14 on fy =(02.9 82.428) te, ) = 36, psi Now, assume p, remains the same regardless which faveet is open. This is essentialy trve if the supply line leading to the pipes is relatively large compared to the pipes in the hovce. (con't) 62 8.70 | (con't) (a) Open basement favcet? 2 2 2 eats, - & ¥ +23 (th tek) e , where 2-0, 23°54 20, Yahav, Bz 03.9H, L-stt and £kK= +k, = 0.3 4/0 =/0.3 a Thus, 2 ff Vv east «SH +(f amy +103) 36228) or 2 5730 = (60f +/0.3V; where V~ # wt Also £= ae and Vv AV 3 Re= by = ian = 6.89x10 V where Vu @) Trial and error solvtion: Assume f=0-0/85 as before. Thus, from Eg.) = 5740 V Tate: = 22.54 and trom £y.02) Re = 6.89x/0" (22.5) = 455x105 so that trom Fig. 8.20, f=0.016S, This agrees with the assumed valve, Hence, V= 22.5 # (8) Open 2°4 floor favcet! As above (except between points (1) and (i), Z,+ (EB EK) = where 242/94, L=/9H, bt = 83.94 and ZK Kage + Ke gye + Keghghy = 82403410 © 10-5 elbow | valve Hence, 19+(t 4 #105) Peay = 83.9, or #1e0= (2281 110.5)V" ww where V~£t Assume {=0.0175, From Eq. (3), y=lz0# so trom Eg, (2) Re=117x/0%, Thus, trom Fig, 8.20 with § = b.0xi0 f= 0.0175 which agrees with the assumed yalve. Hence, v=iz0f 8-63 871 Ff —<—e 8.71 Water at 40 °F flows through the coils of Thmaded 180° the heat exchanger as shown in Fig. P8.71 at a return bend rate of 0.9 gal/min. Determine the pressure drop between the inlet and outlet of the horizontal device. (2) \ sin, ene sie tn tig FIGURE P8.7! Beg Be ez (th EK), whe were Z-Za, che te$ = (09 84)(231 5 rhB ABH) te, Y= FH =147 8 Ws, P-pez FE tEK) FOV, with Le B(BH) = 128 o and E1K,=7 (15) =10.5 (see Table 8.2) Also, from Table 8.1 § = (0.000005 H/(0.5/12 f= 12x10" and ° hee «YD. WHEN) - 9690 (see Table.) | Le6xig ee Hence, from Fig. 8.20 f=0,04/ and from £4.) Ao pe=(0- on (3a a, )+10.s) Ce) 94 47 BY Ta OP 46.81%, = 0.325psi 8-64 8.72 8.72. _ Water at 40 °F is pumped from a lake as shown in Fig. 8.72. What is the maximum flowrate possible without cavita tion occurring? FIGURE P8.72 He Bez, = e+e Weg, +(th 12K a , where Z,<0, #710, gznibiow, ¥ =O, Va=V, and from Table B.l pp, =0.1217 Filabs) =1752 4 - with the given f=0.02 we obtain from Eg.) (147 Be oe4 ) - 17.52 & soft v* eek loft 1(002(-24) +1ths+ 99) rea where we have used K,=0.8 for the entrance, K,=15 far the 70°elbew (see Fig. 8.22 and Table 8.2) Ths, V= 14462 so that Qe Av= BZ tH) 068) = 0710 ¥ 8-65 8.73 a Nozze tip diameter = 0.30 in. 0.010 ets 8.73. The bin.-diameter hose shown in Fig. P8.7can with- D = 050 in stand a maximum pressure of 200 psi without rupturing. Deter- mine the maximum length, €, allowed if the friction factor is 0.022 and the flowrate is 0.010 cfs. Neglect minor losses. loft FIGURE P8.73 Pump Bye BiBinrth¥ G , where 2,0, 2/0, p,=aoepy, (0 cee 0.0) # P20, Y= ge * Besa ~79 of ad ho he greaa ap eens Thos, with f=0.022 Eg.) becomes (using V=Vi) (2008.94) (233% (2048? 29 (733 #)> 62.4 By * 302.28) “ 2622) aac eg) ani "p= 101 # a2t Wet pct = 030 in 0c 8.74 The hose shown in Fig. P873 will collapse ifthe pres- sure within it is lower than 10 psi below atmospheric pressure. Determine the maximum length, L, allowed if the friction factor is 0.015 and the flowrate is 0.010 efs. Neglect minor losses. : “a a ane FIGURE P8.73 Beez, = Bi Bentley , where f=0, Y=0, 2,=3H, ). OF: 2,20, f2=-l0fs, and “na” Basa =7.33 Hey iz Thus, with $= 0.0/5 £9.0) becomes _ ClomeNonn B) Ly, (7.338)? SH ao +I + (0.08)(a5>) 38 37) 2022) , ft a 8-65 BPE ‘The pump shown in Fig. P8.75 deltvers.a head of 250 ft 1 the water. Determine the power that the pump adds to the wa- ter. The difference in elevation of the two ponds is 200 ft. Pipe ene = 500 Pe giana = 0.75. aaa) Pipe ougess =O FIGURE P8.75 y> -f h; HE +z, tg -h, th = Brak where fy=f.=0, y= h=0 , % =, Z,- 2004, Ay = 25044 Thos, (Ae EK +h, = Zs. so thal with Eheig v elas reussoule ? ina Vv A E4082) -72.8] zrezay *25° = 27 % (s7t +/2.8)V" =9220 Alby, Re = 20D (94 $B) V (0.25) send? BE or fe i Re= b22x00°V and Srom Fig, 8.20: @ f ts Trial Es error solution. Assume f 20.02 = venstt & eRe = 6,9x10 BY f= 0.02 P a oz ‘esse fe =o. Ve r2m tt Be Re =z 7x08 SS te ons = 0.02 Thos, Y= 12. oft F aad We 5Ohp = (62.48) 2 fe fy (2.soH) = essxio® HS = assajo E. ib, lice = assho 8-66 8.76 8.76 “bubbles up” 3 in. above the exit of the vertical pipe attached to three horizontal pipe segments. The total length of the 0.75-in.-diameter galvanized iron pipe between point (1) and the exit is 21 inches. Determine the pressure needed at point (1) to produce this flow. a) As shown in Video V8.6 and Fig. P8.76, water m FIGURE P8.76 hitlvg -h -Bikix where Z,=0, f270,V,=0 Thus, t= Zath- where Y=WyeV With no head loss from (3) t0(2) and f2*fa = %a=0 we obtain Hes =2,, on V=/2g lea -22) ={232.28) (EH) - 4rd Thos, Bs 2 yd 2 Vd yok (FE. #) © 4 Re= YD 2 aD ~ to 2.07 x/0 an £ wai = 0.008 (see Table /0.1) , so that (see Fig. 820) f= 0.039 A a Also, h, = hae +2K% where 5, K, = 30S) = #5 Hence, Fa.(1) becomes Yew +[e$ Shy ;- where V,=V or He EH ‘[o. oaq 2h +45 ee (0.583 41/47) = 1.73 ff Thos, A = (62: +f Y(t. 73 #4) = 108 & = 0.750 psi 8-67 8.77 The pressure at section (2) shown in Fig. P8.77 is not {0 fall below 60 psi when the flowrate from the tank varies from 0 to 1.0 cfs and the branch line is shut off. Determine the mini- mum height, fof the water tank under the assumption that (a) mi- nor losses are negligible, (b) minor losses are not negligible. FIGURE P8.77 A pipe is 6-in-diameter plastic iD ~ 0), flanged fittings emer TTATTTTITTT: (EE a Aihea, Bs Bikon +t 1K )S, where f=, Vj=0, 2,=I6#%h, and 21-0 Thos, with Vale bth = M+ +(¢8 1K). Noles h most be no less thn that wit Pamin= P5! and Gay = 18, or eT eae Hence, ha-/bt+ cookbuneei) +(I +¢ h+61600+900) 45K seedy. or p=l22. se(11 f(A) )(o.uo2) ft, where h~tt w With $=0 and Re= YP = 2 Sab = 2.10x/0" we obtain Fe 0.0155 (see Fi 320) a) Neglect minor losses (Z'K,=0): From Eg.) be 122.5+( ]+ (0.0168)(S96th)) (0.402) r p= l43 ft 4) Inclide minar losses: Lhe Keertrance *!> Mathew * ‘see = OS +/5(0.3)40.2= 5.2 (see Table 8.2, assome flanged fittings) Thos, from Eg. (1) +h =122.54( +(0.0155)( /528+h) + 5.2)(0,402) or h= 146 Nole ‘For this case minor losses are not very important. 8-68 — FIGURE P8.77 8.78 Repeat Problem 8.77 with the assumption that the branch line is open so that half of the flow from the tank goes into the branch, and half continues in the main line. Al pipe is 6-in.diameter plastic \ Ub Gy anges tts Ca) Gaeraren tne (8) 2) tain 7 ale st For the flow from (1) to (2) + bth 18 —t—— 900 $= Bikes = Brgiee(i& 12K) (GR ak) M “ where ( ), and (), denote pipes ‘a" and “s" as indicated in the figure. Thus, with ~=0, V=0, 2,=/6H th, 2,20, and px=60psi, Also, - 1£ a sf eB = ghee sot We Be = PE <2.55f, Rll becomes fy * _ Coober remit) b+6+600 (5.09) [6eh= 62.48, +(1 + £ )B Ky) rina) 00 ‘2.55 #)* iB) hea Op =122.s4(1+4,(S262B) + 37K, Noon) +(/80064EK,)(0101), where hott (2) = ~ 5.09 DOE) _ With 6-0, fag 4B = SEES — a 0x1, and Rog: VoDb =F Req = 05x10 we obtain f=0.0185 and f= 0.0175 (Fig, 8.20) @) Neglect minor losses (E Kig= 5 Ky =0)+ From Eq, (2) h=l225+(I +(0.0185)($26+8))(o,402) +(1800(0.0175)(0.101) ie 125 ft 4) Include minor losses‘ DKK, t1SK =0.5+/5(0.3)=5.0 (see Table 8.2, assume and * enenee TN etew Hanged filings) 2 ig = Keredé O2 From Eg.¢2) hel22.5+(] +(ooiss)(Seth 5.0)(0.402) +(1800(0.0/75) 40.2.) (0.101) or h= 137# Note‘ For this case minor losses are not very important, 3.43 A smooth plastic, 10-m-long garden hose with an in- side diameter of 20 mm is used to drain a wading pool as is, Repeat Problem 3.43 if head losses are included. shown in Fig. P3.43. If viscous effects are neglected, what is the flowrate from the pool? 02m hah eg = Gi Ben (then yg where , =far0, =O, 2.0, 2, -0.%3m and y=V Thus, with EK, = Kegn = 0-8 £4.0/) becomes a v* 10m 0.43 m = zeae tf 0am +0-8) or 8.44 = (1,8 +500f) ve where V~ % @ 2 DV _ (arm V__ , of Also, Re = -F Tax 279 x10" V @ Trial and error solution: Assume =0.02 or from £¢,(2) . a.44 4 VG +500 aaa = 0.846 so from Ey,(3), Re= 179 x/0* (0.846) = 151x)0" With this Re valve and £20 we obtain from the Moody chart (Fig, 8:20), f= 0.027 which is nol the assumed valve. Ths try again. Assume {=0,027 or trom Egs.(2)and (3), V= 0.1422 and Rex 1.33 x10% Thus from the Moody chart f= 0.028 # 0.027 Assime $= 0.028 which gives V= 0-731 $, Re= 13! xt and from the Moody chart, f=0.028, the gssomed valve, Hence, V=073! 2 and -¢m? Q= AV = (0.020m) (0,731 #) = 2.30%10 z 8-70 8.80 | when you are driving on the highway. List all assumptions you nta S.s0 The exhaust from your car's engine flows through @ complex pipe system as shown in Fig. P8.80 and Videw 18.5 ‘Assume thatthe pressure drop through this system is Ap, when the engine is idling at 1000 rpm at a stop sign. Estimate the pressure drop (in terms of Ap,) with the engine at 3000 rpm tle made (o arrive at your answer. @ FIGURE P8.80 For steady flow, Bip Gone : y ter oe Wate co that wih by = [fo+K]y ape th =the = £eVUS +k) Hence, 2 Apres _ Br Va (tra 8 +H) fico” E fiw Vim boon E*K) Assume Cove = ooo 4 Foo = tro00 (ce. f independanl of Re ) Thos, t { Aptos _ (Ue y \Wt Afjooo Viooo Re Bot V= 4 where @ is assumed proportional fo engine rpm. That is yoo =3 Viooe $0 that Afso00 2 (3) -q dfrooo 8-71 6.8] 8.81 Water flows froma large open tank, through a $0-f-long, 0.10-ft-diameter pipe and exits with a velocity of 5 f/s when the wo —i1 minor loss coefficients for the pipe system is 12. Determine the VeVe h reduced to 30 ft). The minor loss coefficients remain the same. ay 2 Asai Bon Grete where oe 20, 22.20, 2,¢h ,V-0 Ve, ie eek with 21K, «12 Thus, originally h bent and L= soft, h=h it or Joffe [eed f +2 Ee 2B) With 2 reduced to 30 tf but Vrenaining at 5% (and thus the same f) j= [29h (oonssyti2+/] or f= 0.0255 Tae oi) A= §.02ft 8-72. 8.82. ‘aluminum pipe (e = 5 X 10°®ft). The inlet and outlet pres- @_ Vv @ sures are 65 psi and 30 psi, respectively, and the pipe length is 500 ft. Determine the diameter of this water pipe. wo Biz. Bins BBY, 5242, Uke where vege Fe 43 hare D~tt, V~ fils Thus, 2 1 (my di 4Mb - (65-30) Fine (44 $00 ( ys) bi fs = 4 or ene D 22.2) whic sini to D=/13af ¢ w Also, from Table 8.1, $= =f @ an vo _194(298)D = 320x108 Re= = Saas % Ree

D’ Trial and error solution: Assume f=0.02 so from E¢.(2), D=0.84¥0H and trom Ep.03) Re =5.87%/05, Thus, from Fig. 8.20(with $= 0) f=0.013 $0.02 Assume {0.013 which gives D=0.495 H, Re = 6.40 10°, and f=0.0125 Assume f=0.0125,90 D=0.4911, Re =6.¥6x10°, fx 0.0/25 (Checks) Ths, D = 0.49 8.95 8.95 Rainwater flows through the galvanized a iron downspout shown in Fig. P8.95 at a rate of {* 0.006 m’/s. Determine the size of the downspout cross section if it is a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 1.7 to 1 and it is completely filled with water. Neglect the velocity of the water in the gutter at the free surface and the head loss as- | oe sociated with the elbow. [sn Bott FIGURE P8.95 +2," aie +2. fh ba where p= fa=0, =O, hK=V, ay and Z,=0 tA. 4TH) a D- #2 = Zenon =126h h mye $e aoe = 0.00353h* 2, where hom bei7h Thus, trom Eq.0) torn (1+#G35,,)) (22 ill ctasre) Aree eA = lvcaef ; 4 rn) From Table 8.1 i = ois n = 1tgxlo” , where h~m @ Yn = (0.00353h*#)(1.26hm 3970 “ Ro Liane oe or Rey= Fy Finally, from Fig. 8.20: Trial and error solution of f == Eqs. (2) (3),(#),dnd (5) for \N ° fh, Roy & Ran Assume h= 0.04 m; from (2) f= Out Sirol $= 1007 102 and from (+) Re, ='293x/0%, Hence, from (4) f= -a0ids #O.U1 Assume h= 0.03 m ; from (2) $= 0.0227, te = 40x10 and Reg =132x10% Hence, from (5) f ='0.02904 0.0227 Assume h= 0.025m,; on f= 0.00677, 5 = 47x10 and Re = 1, 59x10" Hence, from (5) f="0.0303# 0.00677" a i Assume h = 0.035 m; gr f= 0.058%; 5 3.40x10% 7” Rey = 1-13%10°, Hence from (5) f='0.0280 Plot £ from £¢.(2) and f from Eq.(5) a finction of 4 ‘Selotion is where the oot two curves intersect. Thus = 0.031 m and b=1,7(0.03!m) or 0,03) m by 0.053 Note ae jg. 8.20 by the Colebrook egn. fram Eq.(9Y 8-87 8.96 * Repeat Problem 895. if the down- | spout is circular. 4m L @ Ly oe Ae Bez, PERG here 9 Poe“ O Mr z,=%07m, andZ,-0 Thus, fe Oe or (407 m(21(4818) = HBO Hence, with v= 8, zp (ooops) = 2.00764 Fl) becomes” 799 = Cai aageey Or f= 1956 x10°D> -0,1429D , where D~m Also, Re= ¥2< (P28) "0.00764 # , a (i2xj0 *22)D ° Rex $8280 oD From Table 6.1 — § = 2150". Hot £p, 8.25 becomes if = -2.0 log) + ZL] on when combined wilh Egs. (and (#) =- posxio®, 2.68x/0*D # 2.0og] nossie + asgxie"D) Solve Es. (2) and(5) for fand D as follows? Rewrite. Egs. (2) and (s) ie p= |-o29o + ft 1.956 x105 a fe [area aaaReOy | Solve Eqs. (6) and(7) iteratively. Start with assumed valves Dol , f= 0.02. From £9,(0) obtain a new D valve. With this new D calcvlate a new f valve from £y,(7). Repeat such calcolations until then" and n-1 yalves satisty the convergence criterion ji- p< 0001 and |j- z, )<0.001 (con't) 8-88 @) @) w oO (6) @” [8.28 =T (con't) Program P8#96 .BAS shown below was used to solve Eqs. (6) and(7) as indicated above togive D= 0.0445mand 100 110 120 130 140 170 230 240 250 260 270 280 fr 0.0278 els Ent SHHb be pEBEBEO HOBBES EIS SEEI AO AGCICEOEO HOO HO SISO HEEE AGE print "** This program determines the friction factor, f, **" print "** and the diameter, D, solving iteratively *eN print "*# Colebrook's equation ear BInEnt HDC HORSU SH olSe or a CaS BRIE SIDES OES SO GAS O OE EEE print print using "The friction factor is print (£+0.1429%dp) /195600)~0.2 1/(-2.0*1og(0.0000405/d+0.000368*d/£p* .5)/log(10))*2 if abs(1-£/£p)>0.001 or abs(1-d/dp 0.001 then goto 210 HES +E BREET £ a using " The diameter is D IEEE SS HSI ISSA I ISIS II IES ISI IEICE EE ** This program determines the friction factor. f, ** a aod and the diameter, D, solving iteratively a Colebrook's equation a FESS OCS E ES SESS I EE SEDI SIE EEE IEDR The friction factor is £ +2.7842E-02 +4 .4518E-02 ‘The diameter is D 8-89 Air, assumed incompressible, flows through the two pipes shown in Fig. P8.97. Determine the flowrate if minor losses are neglected and the friction factor in each pipe is 0.015. Determine the flowrate if the 0.5-in.-diameter pipe were re- placed by a l-in.-diameter pipe. Comment on the assumption, of incompressibilty. FIGURE P8.97 Se Bsa oh hy, th, kifin, where Vg=0,Zo*2a,fy20, y=, An FEE hye £& Hand ye nhs uGy= osm) Vy Thus, Eg.) becomes =025\, a ph oasis hp = ten]s £ (orsy+ ee +1] bynn @ Wh fo" Q@RL or BH z= = losBasrerlb 04) | =0,00209 $49 “1716 FB Nsor¥eoR os and f,=f,= 0.015 Eg, (2) gives Loshoeeap- $ (0.002095 )\2 [ee ols He: 25) aR oH), i] "Ve= 90.4 Thus, O=tee = E(geh) (90.48) -0,23 Ff both pipes were lin. diameter, then Vj=Ve and Ey.() becunes = tev] +t & 4] or with ft, heh, and Dds norton Be +1] a @s Loved ttt) = 4 (0.00209 4) v3 Joost a J+] Yen7 £ Ths, Q-Ale= ROAR (978) = oso Since p= RT if follows that & -& = QE We assume %=% (i probably will not be, but if should be a reasonable approximation ) then Q V4T psi _ . . ; os Ee mee 0.967 The thw is nearly incompressible. mF 8.98 | 898 Repeat Problem 8.97 ifthe pipes are galvanized iron and the friction factors are not known @ prior FIGURE P8.978 By Bras hy that + Gers, where o=0, 29°22, fa0, ark, a hy, = sae Mah £¥, and V,= > Vif = y (3) = =(Teint Thus, Eq.(/) becomes eid asad +6 i A weg ¥ ae tou dos ub i). @) mC P1474 roles With Po=QRT or Go= & “lao Ebgisoro't Eq, (2) becomes (ost b iney Ht) = + (a00209 $8) ¥,° [< 25) 6 Ht) +.) +1] anno = V2 (15 f, +¥80f, +1) 'V, = 0.25 V5 = 0.00204 sig @ Also from Table 6.1, § = OHM6H = 208082 « 0,004 ) and -§ = 290084. 9 2 2) and a Re,= Yt Rey = 4p, where trom Table B.3 yoke 1010 HE a oon 0# 0.00209 a Hence, 0.25 Va) (7k Ht) = Re,= omne =/04\, @ ~ Me (zatt) Rea= 2.00K16 = 206 Vs G) Far torbulent flow Ey. 8.35 gives YF ©) By combining Egs. (#) through (8) we obtain aoe <3, 241x109 @ i 2.0 og] 62x16 + ar] and 2. € =-2 oleh 3: exes “ar | wo (con't) 8-41 (con't) Solve Egs3), (9), and (12) for the unknowns f,, f, and Vs (see below). Tf D,=2,, then V=\, f=t since & = §, = 0.006, and = Re = Vale Ve lef) _ Re,= Reg = “Gps = = WON, Thus, Eq.(1) becomes ot 0Ve | £4) +1] or (0.5 Boiey ) = ¢(0.00209 & la Sw Te ( eH) +1] Hence, 6,89 x/0" = Vy" [eof +1] Mm Also, fram Eg. (8) chee 3, 603x107 if 2.0 log. 62x10 + ME AVE, Solve £es. (1) and (12) for & and, (see below) Mole! Since g=eRT if follows that & “( . & 2 Tf we assume Te=To (it probably will not be, To but it shoold be a reasonable approximation) then Rage a aa = 0.987 The flowis nearly incompressible. Program P8#98 shown below was used to obtain the following results * @) With the two different diameter pipes : Q= 0.0746 b) With the single pipe? Q= 0.339 els BLN ASERE RODS rSBE RS SEIS CBOE BARDS SO HOBOS EERIE print "** This program determines the friction factors, +*" print "** £1 and £2, and the velocity V, solving woe print "** iteratively Colebrook's equation en IEEnt HESS SSCS BS HEE SESS REGS SERS GSO E BOI OHS IOS Sa EM (con't) 8-92 8.98 *} (con't) 230 240 245 250 260 265 270 275 280 290 300 380 385 390 400 420 430 445 450 470 480 490 500 v= (68900/(15*£1+480%£2+1))70.5, £1=1/(~2.0*1og(0.00162+0.0241/(v*£1p*.5))/log(10))*2 £2=1/(-2.0*1og(0.00324+0.0121/(veE2p7.5))/log(10))*2 if abs(1-£1/f1p)>0.001 or abs(1-£2/£2p)>0.001 then goto 220 print print "For the case of unequal diameter pipes: print using "The friction factors are £1 = +#.8#RRT 777": £; print using " and £2 = +#.#¢8EC77 7M £2 print using " The velocity is V = +#.8##H°777 Ft/s"iv Q = 3.14159" (0.5/12)°2*v/4 print using " The flowrate is Q = +#.8###°77" £t3/s"s0 print print print "For the case of equal diameter pipes:” £2=0.002 f2p=f2 v=(68900/(480*£2+1))70.5 £2=1/(-2.0*1o0g(0.00162+0.00603/(v*£2p70.5))/log(10))*2 if abs(1-£2/£2p)>0.001 then goto 420 print using " The friction factor is £2 = +#.####°777";£2 print using " The velocity is V = +#.##RET*"* ft/s"sv 16159*(1/12)724v/4 print using " The flowrate is Q = +#.4##°777 £t3/5"5Q ISDE HO BOSSI SORDID IAI ERIE AFRO EIGER ACC D: %* This program determines the friction factors. ** ** £1 and £2, and the velocity V, solving x % iteratively Colebrook's equation bid YESH BS SS GE BS ISOS IIHS I IASB SAEED I OGCS SIA ISIII For the case of unequal diameter pipes: The friction factors are £1 = +4.2508E-02 and £2 = +4.4593E-02 The velocity is V = +5.4682E+01 ft/s The flowrate is Q = +7.4561E-02 £t3/s For the case of equal diameter pipes: The friction factor is £2 = +3.5069E-02 ‘The velocity is V = +6.2160E+01 ft/s The flowrate is Q = +3.390E-01 £t3/s 8-93 8.100 tank B as shown in Fig. P8.100. What is the flowrate into tank B when the valve is opened to allow water to flow into tank C also? Neglect all minor losses and assume that the friction fac- tor is 0.02 for all pipes. Elevation = 15m a Diameter of each pipe = 0.10 m With the valve closed, water flows from tank A to FIGURE P8.100 Q,=% 405 where =A Me BOM , £2423 Thus, since D,=D2=Ds if follows that Y= hth Also, for flvid flowing from Ato8, Bs Baz, “Be fix HA rek g 1 where f_= fla =2, Vaz ie O , Za=/5 m, rd F50- Thus, z= co fae rtf Yoo alle om) "+ (Hon) “i ] 4 + Similarly, for Hid ‘ning from A406, 2 . Bi Wim = Bie Biz the ERY, where py-pro, Vas M<0, 2a=/5m, and 2=0 Ts, 2-54 Bb Be 2 By comparing Eqs. (2) and ra we find fe & # or since £=f, and D,= Qs, Ais = V6? Thus, ¥0Ve"=75\e or Ve=/-369 Ve Solve Eqs. (1),(8), and (5) for V,, Ye, andl. From Eq. (and (s)* V,= 1.369 VotVa = 2,369 Ve and from £g.(2) 184 = (2,369 V4)" +05 (1.369¥4)" or Vy= 1.676% , Ve and V,=2.292 +1.676 2 = 4008 Th On Aue Eloi) (2.2928) = 0.016022 yok 369 (37-2) 29. o @) wo wo 8.101 & *8.101 Known, but the pipes are steel pipes. Elevation = 15 (A) Diameter of each pipe = 0.10 m Repeat Problem 8.100 ifthe friction factors are not Fleatins = 0 50 mao m- am ces Ea FIGURE P8.100 ] Q.= 4G. where OAM = FOV, £2433 | Thus, since D,=D2=D; it follows that Vat a Also, for floid pea fram A to 8, Bia aM Mag hE where “fy =9, Va= Ve =O, 2,=/5m, and Zy=0 Thus, Zy = PoE RE on (2) 15m=[4¢89e M+ CSI! [seam 01368 = £V7 +054" @ Similarly, for fhid flowing ae Bez = odie. bY PB where gyopert WyrVe=9, Fa=!5m, aaa 0 This, Zq= tay Wink @) By comparing pa (a)end (ve fad sh B-gh or since Da«Ds, eh Vi= bla? This, HOVE =75 fy WG or Vpn naee( % From Ep, 8.195, ¥F HF + -2.2le9] & +24] where from Table 8.1 E= 0.045 mm so that for each pipe, $= 0.045 mm Also, Re = YP or for ¢=1,2,3 (ona = Vede "yy (1m) hy, Re, = “Ge “Tao * = 8.93X10" Vy w 3 = 45x10" (con't) 8-95 (con't) Thus, tf =-2.0logf1.22010" + 2a i] for £=1,2,3 ey) Solve 6 equations for & unknowns: a (0,02), (8) (0), (7), and (8) for §%,8,%,%,%. Trial and error solution as follows? From E9, (5), Vy = 0.730 (ey \y, which when combined with fs Eq. (1) gives Ye fi +0. 730( 2)* ‘)\ @ Thus, by combining 9s. (3) and (4) we obtain 0.368 ff [i o:720(4)E]* +05 af we or Ve fret tee on) a f[i+0.730(B)*] 405% Also, from Eg. (), Ya Vii-w& aM Solution method taGuess valves of f,, f2, and fs (A goed starting valve is the large Re value for £= 45x10, op f=t=f,=00!7) ») Calevlate V,, Ve, and Vz trom Egs. (9),l/0), and (1); €) Calculate fi, 6 and, fronEgs. (),(7),(8); 4) Compare the new fy with the previous ones; e) It not goed enouh agreement, repeat with the new f; as the “guess” Program P8#101 shown below was used to calculate the following results: 7D Q,= 9.033) 2 4, 925 0.01932 , Qs = 0.0198 cls (con't) open "prn" for output as #1 print print print print print print dim £( for i £(i) = VP(i) next i rr= 4 print print d=¢ wiaev fpli) Re(i)ei if Re( £(i) if abs goto 4 £(i)=6 del=de: next i if del for i VPA next i goto 3 for i QF (3.1 print next i ISAS D ES aR G A ADS IAG IAI O SEES AS SOA OE! "** This program calculates the flowrates in *#" "xs the three pipes using the Colebrook form- **" "xx ula to determine the friction factors. **" "*# Rn iteration scheme is used. we Me B BSB S HIBS SERIGS SAO DDO SDI GEE EE EEIGGSBCOR SAGE ), £p(3), V(3), VP(3), Re(3) 1 to 3 0.017 0 SE-4 "pipe no. Re £ V, m/s Q, m3/s" 140,730 (£(2)/£(3))70.5)*V(2) (u-vay 1 to 3 £(4) 8, 93E+4"V(i) 4)<2100 then goto 400 /{-2,0¥log(rr/3.7+2.51/(Re(i)*fp(i)70.5))/1og(10))* (1-£p(4)/£(4))>0,001 then gote 340 10 4 /Re( i) tabs (1-VP(i)/V(i)) <0.001 then goto 600 1 to 3 V(a) 00 1 to 3 4159%0.1°2/4)4V(i) using " ## BRAT" NE BRE BBO SREB G GEER AGUS IDI ETERS RISES ODIO ¥* This program calculates the flowrates in ** ** the three pipes using the Colebrook form- ** ** ula to determine the friction factors. * ¥* An iteration scheme is used. ae SEEDER O FSIS GIDE II BOTA SAGE IIA pipe no. Re f£ Vi m/s Q, m/s 1 2.76E+0S 0.0176 4.211 3.31E-02 2 2.19E+05 0.0184 2.451 1.93E-02 3 1.57E#05 0.0190 1.760 1.38E-02 8-97 (0. 368/(£(1)*(140.730*(£(2)/£(3))70.5)7240.5¥£(2)))70.5 2 i,Re( i), £( WH,0 102 8.102 The three water-filled tanks shown in Fig. P8.102 are connected by pipes as indicated. If minor losses are neglected, determine the flow- rate in each pipe. FIGURE P8.102 Assume the flvid flows from AtoB and AtoC. Ths, Q,= +0, or E(oim)V, = £ (0.0m) Vv, + £(a.08m) Ve hus, V, = 0.64 Ve $0.64 Vy a For fluid Flowing from AtoB with fa= fa=9 and \y=\e=0, 27% Abbey 2 ‘on 20m = (0.018)(22@) Tas + (0.020)( 2222) aD Hence, YO = 1,529 V,? +2.55 V2 (2) Similarly, for thhid Flowing from A toC with ~y~fe=0 and Yy=l =0, a 2, +44e hE % 0m woo sa + (0.020)( gee aaa Hence, 60=/,529V,? +5.10 Vy" | Solve Egs. (1), (2), and (3) for Vi, Vs, and Va, From Egs.()) and (3): 6021529 (0.64) (y+) +5107, or 95.8 = (Vat Vay + 8.14 YG> w Subtract Eq,(2) from Eq, (3)+ 60-40 = 5./0V,2+2.55\6 or Vy =(23 -708" (s) Thus, from Eqs. (4) and (5)? g gy,? 4 (avz-7.67 +¥,) - 95.8 +O This can_be simplified to 2g {2-70 = 103.6-1114Vs* Square both sides and (6) rearrange to give V,’ -/9.63\,' + 92.5 =0 which can be solved by the quadratic formula _to give Vi= 19.634 J79.63°—4(92.5) _ 11.77 op 7-88 This y=3.432 or Y= 2.802 (con't) 8-98 (con't) Note: The valve \,=3.43% js not a solution of the original equations, Eqs. (1), (2), and (3). With this value the right hand side of £9.(6) is negative (i.e. 103.8 - NEV, = 103.6~ I1.I4 (3,43) 2-245), As seen from the left hand side of £7.(6), this cama be. This extra rool was intredvced by squaring Eq. (6). Thus, Q= AsVe=$(0.08m)*(2.80%) = 0.0m) 2 Also, trom Eg, (3)* 60=/.529),7 +5,10(2.80) or V2 3.622 or Q, = AV, =F (o.som)"(3.622) = 0.028042 and from Eg.(I): 3,62 = 0.64 V +0.64(2.80) or y= 2.86% or Q= Aa = F(o.08m)' (2.86%) = 0.0432 8.103 8.103 Water is pumped from a lake, into a large pressur- ized tank, and out through two pipes as shown in Fig. P8103 The pump head is hy = 45 + 27-50 ~ 540%, where isin feet and Q (the total flowrate through the pump is in fs. Mie (9) nor loses and gravity ae negligible, and te friction factor in. fea each pipe is 0.02. Determine the flowrate through each of the Pies, , and Q | _-D,=6in. (9, Se Free jets 7008 ho = Sin. 9, 12001 ——— (2) @ FIGURE P8.103 Since V, h Y=Oand way Us neglig/bh, " 4 | attached to the flow meter. Q=C,A, Ae where e-$ =i =5, gz o.70f, and Aso, foc Fa, Re= ¥, where V =. fee ett 2026 tf Thos “a # (aH) ; Re =e oa £) . aaseio® Hence, fram Fig.8.41 * Cx 0.608 sothat, 0.9 #=00, 60a) F(Z 1) [iets *) or Ib. 4 Prt 23590 4, = 249 Ib, 8-101 8.105 8.105 Air to ventilate an underground mine flows through a large 2-m-diameter pipe. A crude flowrate meter is constructed by placing a sheet metal “washer” between two sections ofthe pipe. Estimate the flowrate if the hole in the sheet metal has a diameter of 1.6 m and the pressure difference across the sheet metal is 8.0 mm of water. Q= 6A, PFA = 6 Eusm)* -2.(0.008 m)(480 x10 8) 7 eci- 64) (a34 DLI- (E82) (asdf) (ayy or qeanse, # “ Also, Re = BL Ss eee or Re=137x10°V where V~ 2 (2) and d 16 = = om 08 Trial and error solvtion* Assume ©,= 0.6! so that from £9.01), Q=29.5 (0.6/) = 18. on Hence, V= 7 g ee = 5.739% From Eg(2), Re =1,37%/0°(5,73) = 285 x0" This Re and @ give C,=0.6/ (see Fig. 8.41) which agrees with the assumed valve. mt Thus, @=18.0 8-/02, 8106 Gasoline flows through a 35-mm-diameter pipe at a rate of 0.0032 m'/s. Determine the pressure drop across a flow nozzle placed in the line if the nozzle diameter is 20 mm. Q=G,A, pe , Where end = 2ene =0.571, A,=Hd? w From Table 6 p= 680, ond a a1xjo" HE "% Re ey where Y= = 0.0032 sgn = ’ oF ; 1335 ‘0 the, 40°" F(0.035m) = )(3.33)(0.035 m) 5 no 2,56 X10" Hence, from Fig.8.43, Cy =0.986 From Eg. (1) 0032 = E (0.020 m, 22, o =(0,986)F (0.021 feet tcsr en A fax 324K10°H, = _32.4kPa 8.107 Air at 200 °F and 60 psia flows in a 4- in.-diameter pipe at a rate of 0.52 Ib/s. Determine the pressure at the 2-in-diameter throat of a Ven- turi meter placed in the pipe Q= Cy Arf ZBL, where @= £- = 0,5 and 59=0,52 2 a) Z Ib in; r (so ope (afi) 3s Also, e= ‘€- Gristle 200067 = 7.63xI0" aH so taal B= 09 = (763x10 Pm a. 2 et a Thus, Q = ae =2. ne and V=s “gp Fane =2424 Also, from Table 8.3, n= 44910 7 Ibs so that fe = OD. (nasu* ecactthe — AHO KIO” ES Hence, from Fig. 8.45, CG = 0.98 From Ea.(1)# 2 coset) i or y-fa= 348 (qb) = 0.242 ly Thus, py, =(60-0.242) psia = 59.76 psia 8-103 108 8.108 A 50-mm-diameter nozzle is installed at the end of a 80-mm-diameter pipe through which air flows. A manometer attached to the static pressure tap just upstream from the nozzle in- dicates a pressure of 7.3 mm of water. Determine the flowrate 4 @d=Sonm 2,20 O=CnAn| SEER, where p= 2m a th Ape Bat O-Pa= Syyoh “98004, (7.3010 3m) = 71.54, us, with Ay= Lr 2(71.5 nt) ¢ Gy F (0.050m) [asta yiaae) a d= 0.0230Cy Assume, Cn= 0.97 so that Q= 0.02232 Qe 0.02232" < and Vegpe FooenF 44¢R or MD Re= ¥2 = eae By eee) = 2.43x/0% With the Re and @ we obtain Cy = 0.963 #0.97 (the assumed valve ) (See Fig. 8.43) Thus, assume Cy = 0.963 so that Q = 0.0230 (0.963) =0, 0221-2 andy. 1 003218 yon ¥ (0.08m)* Check Gn: With Re= oe = 2.4/x10 we obtain 6y=0.963 from Fig. 843 (checks) Thus, Q= 0. 221° 8-104 8.109 ar bh 8.109 A 25-in-diameter nozzle meter is installed in a ed 3.8-in.-diameter pipe that carries water at 160 °F. Ifthe inverted. air-water U-tube manometer used to measure the pressure dif- t c ference across the meter indicates a reading of 3.1 f, determine V. ih the flowrate. ~e)D=3.Bin 3 d=2.5in. + Qe Gon] Ee where @=-$ = 28% 0.858 o From Table Bl: @=/.896 SHE , w= @32x10' 143 co that Re= 2D pVb _ (1. 996 HE) y (32 ff) ase Re = 7.22x/0 *V, where Y~ @ Also, with Q= £o*V £4.) becomes (using Ay; -p2=0h): R220) V= Cy FZEnY lprce 2.6 (1,896 HEN(3.1#1) I (1.8% shige :) (1-0.658") V2 6.78 Ch @ Trial and error solution using Fig. 8.43 for Cy= Gy (Re, @=0.658)+ Assume Gy=0.99 From £4.03) V=6.78 (0.99) 26.02 From Eg. (2) Re=7.22x/0%(6.71£) = 484x105 which from Fig, 8.47 gives Cy =9.99 (checks with assumed valve) Thus, V=6.718 and = FOV~#(38H)'(6.7/8) = 0.520 L 8-105, 8.110 Water flows through the Venturi meter shown in Fig. P8.110. The specific gravity of the ‘manometer fluid is 1.52. Determine the flowrate FIGURE P8.110 O=Cy An] Bhtah » where O-f = Fh <0 Also, Py +L = pet tUL-h) 48h oF py-pa= B(SE-Ih = 09 (S6-Dh Hence, Q=G,Ay 2 Dh (32.2%) (152-1) (2A) he = ¢, Flan" peezatey ota a | Thus, Q= 0.1198 C, Assume C,=0.99 so that Q= 0.190 (0.98)=0.117 4° Hence, of V= ap = Fegay 7058 so that Re = VD - (05968 )(E#) vO 2x SE From Fig. 8.45 af this Re, Cy*0.96 #0.98, the assumed valve. Hence, assume Cy= aon or Q=0.1198 (096) = 0.1SL ond V= PUES =0.586# FE Therefore, Rg = 258608) 2.42310 so the from Fig. 8.45 Cy=0.96 Checks with assumed valve. Hence, Q= = 2.46x/0" 8-108 S111 Ifthe fluid flowing in Problem 8.110 were air, what ‘would the flowrate be? Would compressibility effects be im- portant? Explain, FIGURE P8.110 = fh -05 o Also, since b- Ar faxth=egh and Qo it yee esol (f ft “ Vo gos = pregp 7 t508 Rene Tames = 910 Trial and error solution? From 9.1) 7 4 of =, B(d #1) [ewe | or aooent= Ease where d~ff (2) Assume B= 0.6,0r d= 2@= 2 (0.6)=0./0H. Thus, from Ey.(2) Cg =0.759, However, trom Fig. 8.4! for this Re and @, C,= 0.615 #0.759 Assume @=0.65,0r d= 7 (0.65) = 0.10841, From Ep, (2) ea 0.633, From Fig. 8.41 , C,= 0.6/8 #0.633, Assume @=0.67, ar d= fe(0.67)= 0.1124, From Ep, (2) Cy= 0.580 From Fig. 8.41 , Co=0.619 #0.580 Thus, d* 0,109 ft 8-108 B//4 Xd Fig. P81 flowrate, half Water flows through the orifice meter shown in 12 such that A = 1.6 ft with d = 1.5 in, Determine the G . FIGURE P8.112 Q= Cha] 2B? , where 0 f= L$ = 0.25 and g,-pa=h= egh Thus, aT 2 plsa.24fy(16ei)] 2 z he Q=G F(4EH) [8am | or Q=0.1510, ¢ wo Also, fe= pa ashe =1,38K10°V, where Ve #5.8Q @) Trial and error solvtion* Assume Cy= 0-6; or from Ey.t0,Q = 0.181 (0.8)= 0.0906 Hence, from £9.(2), V= 45.8 (0.0906)= 4/5 and Re=5.73x)0% From Fig. 8.41 with this Re and @, C,=0.62#0.6 (the assumed valve) Assume Cy= 0.62 or Q=0.151(0.62)= 00936, Thus V= ¥5.8 (0.0936) or V=%294 and Re=5.92x10", From Fig, B41 , C,=0.82, the assumed valve. Hence, Q= 0996 # 8-109 BUS. sus 8.115 and Vistev V8.6 (also see Fig. 8.46) is directly propor- tional to the volumetric flowrate. With a scale reading of 2.6 the water bubbles up approximately 3 in. How far will it bub- ble up if the scale reading is 5.07 Wy ‘The scale reading on the rotameter shown in Fig. Rotameter @ FIGURE PS.115 Aizale Boh = A tate a wn z,=0, 4-0 s0 be with no losses (h, =?) ve 3% For the rotameter @=K+SR_ where SR=scale reading and Thus, Kis a constant, Ye fe Heer so that when combined with £7.0)), K°(say K7(2.8)" ‘5.07 se “4 Jagr 7 (2H) and eee eh By dividing these two equations, cn = 0.928 Hh = Uhl aie Tam A= 0.925 tt = /h/ in. 8-10 8.116 8.116 Friction Factor for Laminar and Transitional Pipe Flow Objective: Theoretically, the friction factor, f; for laminar pipe flow is given by = 64/ Re, where the Reynolds number, Re = pVD/, is based on the average velocity, V, ‘within the pipe and the pipe diameter, D. Also, the flow is normally laminar for Re < 2100. “The purpose of this experiment is to use the device shown in Fig, P8.116 to investigate these two properties. Equipment: Small diameter metal tubes (pipes), air supply with flow regulator, rotame- ter flow meter, manometer. Experimental Procedure: Attach a tube of length L and diameter D to the plenum. Ad- just the flow regulator to obtain the desired flowrate as measured by the rotameter, Record the manometer reading, h, so thatthe pressure difference between the plenum (tank) and the free jet atthe end of the tube can be determined. Repeat for several different flowrates and tube diameters. Record the barometer reading, Hoy, in inches of mercury and the air tem- perature, T, so thatthe air density can be calculated by use of the perfect gas law. Calculations: For each of the data sets determine the pressure difference, Ap = Yah, between the plenum pressure and the free jet pressure. Here Yq is the specific weight of the manometer fluid, Use the energy equation, Eq. 5.84, to determine the friction factor, f. ‘Assume the loss coefficient for the pipe entrance is K;, = 0.8. Also calculate the Reynolds number, Re, for each data set. Graph: On log-log graph, plot the experimentally determined friction factor, f as ordi- nates and the Reynolds number, Re, as abscissas. Results: On the same graph, plot the theoretical friction factor for laminar flow, {f = 64/Re, asa function ofthe Reynolds number. Based on the experimental data, determine ithe maximum value of the Reynolds number for which the flow in these pipes is laminar Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem. |—prenum SS = @ FIGURE P8.116 (cont) e-ill 81Hb | Ccon’t) Solution for Problem 8.116: Friction Factor for Laminar and Transitional Pipe Flow Lyin, Hem in. Hg T, deg F 24 28.9 3 Theoretical hin, Q,mlmin Qf. Vv. fps Re f Re f D=0.108 in, Data 100 0.6400 75 6600 0.003887 61.11 3202 0.0341 +2100 (0.0305 675 6200 0.003652 57.40 3008 —0,0349 6.26 6000 0.003534 $5.55 2911 0.0345 5.54 5650 0.003328 «52.31 2741 (0.0344 4.66 5150 0.003033 «47.68 2499 © 0.0349 4.29 5000 0.002045 46.29 2426 0.0339 3.92 4860 0.002863 45.00 2358 © 0.0325 3.48 4600 0.002709 42.59 2232 © 0.0322 3.21 4500 0.002651 41.66. 2183 0.0307 2.34 3700 0.002179 (34.26 1795 0.0338 1.86 2900 0.001708 26.85 1407 0.0461 nt 1800 0.001080 16.67 873 0.0758 0.63 1100 © 0.000648» 10.18 534 0.1194 D = 0.046 in. Data 9.52 560 0.000330 28.58 638 0.1007 7.68 475 0.000280 © 24.24 541 0.1134 7.08 425 0.000250 21.69 4840 0.1311 5.26 315 0.000186 = 16.08 359° (0.1785 3.39 221 0.000130 11.28 252 «0.2348 2.61 165 0.000097 8.42, 188 (0.3256 063 in. Data 4.58 925 0.000545 25.17 770 0.0838 3.32 680 0.000401 18.50 566 0.1140 2.51 530 0.000312 14.42 441 0.1431 1.48 325 0.000101 8.84 270 0.2270 0.86 190 0.000112 5.17 158 (0.3803 = Pare/RT where aims = Yie20"Hatm = 847 Ib/f*3"(28.9/12 ft) = 2040 Ibift*2 1716 ft Ib/slug deg R 3 + 460 = 533 deg R T Thus, p = 0.00223 slug/ft®3 and y = p'g = 0.0718 Ib/ft"S Also, y= 3.83E-7 Ib s/ft"2 ‘Theoretical for laminar flow: f = 64/Re = 64/(pDV/u) Aply = (1LID + K, + 1)(V*2/2g) where K, = entrance loss coefficient = 0.8 and V = Q/(nD*2/4) (cont) e112 BM6 (con't) Problem 8.116 Friction Factor, f, vs Reynolds Number, Re e113 8.7 8.117 Calibration of an Orifice Meter and a Venturi Meter Objective: Because of various real-world, nonideal conditions, neither orifice meters nor Venturi meters operate exactly as predicted by a simple theoretical analysis, The purpose of this experiment is to use the device shown in Fig. P8.117 to calibrate an orifice meter and a Venturi meter Equipment: Water tank with sight gage, pump, Venturi meter, orifice meter, manometers. Experimental Procedure: Determine the pipe diameter, D, and the throat diameter, d, for the flow meters, Note that each meter has the same values of D and d, Make sure thatthe tubes connecting the manometers tothe flow meters do not contain any unwanted air bubbles. ‘This can be verified by noting that the manometer readings, hy and hy are zero when the sys- tem is full of water and the flowrate, Q, is zero. Turn on the pump and adjust the valve to give the desired flowrate, Record the time, f it takes for a given volume, V, of water to be ‘pumped from the tank. The volume can be determined from using the sight gage on the tank. ‘At this flowrate record the manometer readings. Repeat for several different flowrates. Calculations: For each data set determine the volumetric flowrate, Q = V/t, and the pres- sure differences across each meter, Ap = q/, where Yq is the specific weight of the manome- ter fluid, Use the flow meter equations (see Section 8.6.1) to determine the orifice discharge coefficient, C,, and the Venturi discharge coefficient, C,, for these meters. Graph: Ona log-log graph, plot flowrate, Q, as ordinates and pressure difference, Ap, as abscissas. Result: On the same graph, plot the ideal flowrate, Ques (see Eq. 8.37), as a function of pressure difference. Data: To proceed, print this page for reference when you work the problem and click here to bring up an EXCEL page with the data for this problem, {Pe \nusiner Steer FIGURE P8.117 (con't) elle

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