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Let’s Practice:

Questions About Trains / Buses Buying a Train Ticket

 Could you tell me the time of the next train / bus  I'd like a ticket to London, please.
to Cardiff, please? o Single or return?
 Is it an express train / bus, or do I have to  Return. How much is the fare?
change trains / buses? o That's £150.00 peak time, or if you
 What station / stop does it leave from? travel off-peak between 10am and 3pm
 What time does it depart? it's only £65.00.
 What time does it arrive?  I'll travel off-peak then thanks. Can I reserve a
 How long is the journey? seat?
o Yes, but it's an extra £5.00.

Let’s Practice:

Questions About Flying Buying a Plane Ticket

 Is there a flight to London, please?  I'd like a ticket to London, please.

 Is it a direct flight, or do I have to change o Single or return?
planes?  Return. How much is it?
 Do they serve food? o That's £150.00 business class, or
 What terminal does it leave from? £65.00 budget.
 Is there an airport bus?  Budget then thanks. Can I have a window /
 Can I have a window/aisle seat? aisle seat, please?
 What time do I have to check in? o Yes, certainly.
 What time does it take off?
 What time does it land?
 How long is the flight?

Discussion Questions:
 What do you think is the cheapest way of travelling?
What is the most expensive way of travelling? What is the most dangerous way of travelling?
 Which means of transport creates the most pollution? Are there any traffic jams in your city?
 Can you drive a car? (If yes) Have you got a driver’s license? How did you learn to drive?
 Have you ever seen a flying car? How do you imagine a car in the future?

Conversation Practice: Taking the Bus
A. Asking about Where to Get Off
A: This bus goes all the way to the airport, right?
B: Yes, it'll take us there.
A: Are you sure?
B: I always catch this bus.
A: How long is this bus ride?
B: It only takes half an hour.
A: Where do we get off at?
B: We can get off the bus right behind Marriot Hotel.
A: There's a stop right next to the airport?
B: Yeah, it's right in the parking lot.
A: That's cool.
B: Yes, I know.

Asking about Where to Get Off 2

A: Are you sure that this bus will take us to Santa Anita mall?
B: Yes, it will.
A: You know that for a fact?
B: Yeah, I catch this bus all the time.
A: Is it a very long bus ride?
B: It's about thirty minutes long.
A: Do you know where we get off at?
B: There's a bus stop right behind Macy's.
A: Really, there's a bus stop right by the mall?
B: There's a bus stop in the mall parking lot.
A: That's convenient.
B: Absolutely.

Discussion Questions:
What mode of transportation do you use when going to the airport from your home?
How long do you travel going there?
Do you have many malls in your province?
How do you describe your malls? How does it differ from the Philippines?
How long does it take you to go to the nearest mall?

B. Why Buy a Pass
A: Did you ever get your bus pass?
B: I don't think I'm going to get one.
A: Why not?
B: It's just a waste of cash.
A: Actually, it'll save you money.
B: Oh, really?
A: Because you can use your bus pass as many times as you want.
B: Really?
A: Yes, and you never have to worry about scraping for change.
B: That sounds like a good deal.
A: So, are you going to buy one?
B: I will.

Why to Buy a Pass 2

A: Have you bought a bus pass yet?
B: I'm not getting one.
A: Why is that?
B: It's cheaper if I don't buy one.
A: Buying a bus pass will save you money.
B: How do you figure that?
A: There's no limit to how often you can use your bus pass.
B: Really?
A: Plus, you don't have to use change for the bus anymore.
B: I like that.
A: You want to buy one now?
B: I'm going to.

C. How to Buy a Bus Pass
A: I need to buy a bus pass.
B: What kind of bus pass would you like to buy?
A: What are the different kinds?
B: You can get a day, weekly, monthly, or student pass.
A: Could I get a student pass, please?
B: Sure, can I see your student ID?
A: Sure, here it is.
B: Very good.
A: How much for the pass?
B: It's free, but the monthly sticker is $24.
A: I'll take it.
B: Thank you for your purchase.

How to Buy a Bus Pass 2

A: I would like to get a bus pass.
B: Do you know what kind of pass you want?
A: Can you tell me my options?
B: There are passes for a day, month, and week, and there are student passes.
A: I would like the student pass.
B: Let me see your student ID.
A: Here you go.
B: Thank you very much.
A: How much will it be for the pass?
B: The monthly sticker is $24, but the actual pass is free.
A: That'll be fine.
B: We appreciate your business.

Discussion Questions:
How do you pay for bus transportation in your country?
What is the most convenient transportation you have there? Why?
What public transportation do you usually ride?
What mode of transportation do you use in going to your work?

D. Which Bus to Take
A: I really need to find a bus that goes by the airport.
B: Where do you need to catch this bus at?
A: All the way up on Las Flores Drive and Fair Oaks.
B: I can tell you what bus to catch, but you have to walk a little bit.
A: Walking isn't a problem for me.
B: The bus 267 stops at Altadena Drive and Fair Oaks.
A: Which direction do I go?
B: Get on the bus heading west.
A: Do you know where I get off at?
B: You should get of at Del Mar and Hill hotel, then walk a little bit going to the airport.
A: Thanks for letting me know.
B: No problem.

Which Bus to Take 2

A: I need to get to the airport, but I don't know which bus to catch.
B: Where exactly are you coming from?
A: I'm coming from Fair Oaks and Las Flores Drive in Altadena.
B: Do you have a problem walking a little bit?
A: I don't mind walking.
B: If you walk down Fair Oaks to Altadena Drive, you can catch the bus 267.
A: Tell me which direction it should be going.
B: Make sure to catch it going west.
A: Where do I get off?
B: You get off on Del Mar and Hill.
A: Thanks for the help.
B: Don't mention it.

E. Where to Change the Bus
A: Do you know which bus will take me from the airport to Vanda Mall?
B: Which Vanda Mall do you want to go to?
A: It's on Fair Oaks and Orange Grove.
B: You actually need to catch two buses.
A: Which ones do I need to take?
B: The first bus you need to get on is the bus 268.
A: What do I do next?
B: Once you get to Fair Oaks and Washington, get off.
A: Then what should I do?
B: You need to get on the 261. It goes all the way to Vanda.
A: Is that it?
B: That's it.

Where to Change the Bus 2

A: Which bus should I take from airport to Vanda mall?
B: Can you tell me which Vanda mall you want to go to?
A: I believe that it's on Fair Oaks and Orange Grove.
B: You'll have to catch two different buses to get there.
A: Do you know which buses I need to take?
B: The 268 is the first bus you need to catch.
A: What do I do after I get on the 268?
B: Get off when you get to Fair Oaks and Washington.
A: Then what?
B: Catch the 261 and get off at Vons.
A: That's all?
B: That's all you have to do.

 What vehicles from the pictures have you experienced riding already?
 Which among these vehicles do you usually see in your city?
 What modes of transportation are most important in your own city? Why?


Discussion Questions:
 Which among these boats and ships have you experienced riding already?
 Where did you go? Who were with you?
 How was your experience riding that boat/ship?
 What other vehicles in this picture would you like to experience? Why?



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