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Adult ESL Conversation Practice

Complied by Ms. Cheenee Villanueva

Licensed Professional English Teacher
St. Paul University Manila

Teacher’s Copy


1. Good (day), (name)!
How are you?
How’s your day?
What did you do today?

2. For your English conversation practice, we will be talking about you. I will be asking you some
questions to exercise your speaking skills.

 Name
Chinese Name:
-What is your Chinese name? What is the meaning of your Chinese name?
-Who gave you your Chinese name?
-Do you like your Chinese name? Why?
English Name:
-Who chose your English name?
-Why did you choose that English name?

Oh great! I’m glad to know that. Now let’s talk about some more topics about you.

 Family
-Let’s talk about your family. How many people are there in your family?
-What is the work of your parents? Do you live with them?
- (*If married) What is the work of your husband?
-How old is your son/daughter? What things do you like doing together with them?
-Describe your *mother, *father, *husband, *son, *daughter

 Hometown
-Where is your hometown?
-What are the beautiful places I can visit in your hometown?
-What are the common foods in your place?
-What is something special in your hometown?
-What do you like most in there?

 Place
-Where is your favorite place?
-How does it look like?
-When was the last time you went there?
-How often do you go there?
-What place would you like to go someday? Why?

 Work
-What’s your job? Where do you work?
-What are your main duties in your job?
-What do you usually do in your job? Can you describe your typical day in your job?
-What do you enjoy most in your job?
-Do you have to work overtime? How often? How long?
-Do you have to work on Sundays?
-Do you like your boss? Why? Do you like your job? Why?
- How long have you been working at your present job?

 Holiday
-What type of activities do you like to do during holidays?
-Where do you usually go during holidays?
-Where do you want to go next holiday?
-What do you like to do there?
-Who would you like to be with?
 Hobbies
-What are the things you enjoy doing? Why?
-How often do you do that?
-What do you do when you want to relax?

 Goal/Dream/Ambition
-What is your goal/dream/ambition that you want to achieve someday?
(examples: buy a house, go to USA, get a high paying job)
-What are you going to do to fulfill this goal/dream/ambition?
-When do you like to achieve this dream/goal/ambition?

 Language
- What language is spoken the most in your country?
-Do you have a second language in your country?
-How many languages do you speak fluently?
- Is English important for people in your country? Why?
- When you study a language, do you like to study reading, writing, speaking and
-What do you think is the importance of learning English?
Most of the time, we will greet people along the way in any place and time.
This time, we will be learning different ways on how we greet people.
There are a lot of ways on how we greet in English.
Now, let’s practice these dialogues.
By the way, dialogue means there are two people talking to each other or having a
conversation. In our dialogues, I will be letter A and you will be B.
Then after each conversation practice, we will switch roles.
I will then be letter B and you will be A. Are you ready?

1. Greetings 1
A: Hi, how are you doing?
B: I'm fine. How about yourself?
A: I'm pretty good. Thanks for asking.
B: No problem. So how have you been?
A: I've been great. What about you?
B: I've been good. I'm in school right now.
A: What school do you go to?
B: I go to SPUM.
A. What is SPUM?
B. It’s St. Paul University Manila
A: Do you like it there?
B: It's okay. It's just a small campus but it’s beautiful.
A: Good luck with school.
B: Thank you very much.

Greetings 2
A: How's it going?
B: I'm doing well. How about you?
A: Never better, thanks.
B: So how have you been lately?
A: I've actually been pretty good. You?
B: I'm actually in school right now.
A: Which school do you attend?
B: I'm attending SPUM right now.
A: Are you enjoying it there?
B: It's not bad. There are a lot of people there.
A: Good luck with that.
B: Thanks.

Greetings 3

A: How are you doing today?

B: I'm doing great. What about you?

A: I'm absolutely lovely, thank you.

B: Everything's been good with you?

A: I haven't been better. How about yourself?

B: I started school recently.

A: Where are you going to school?

B: I'm going to PCC.

A: How do you like it so far?

B: I like it so far. My classes are pretty good right now.

A: I wish you luck.

B: Thanks a lot.

Discussion Questions:

 Are there any greeting expressions that are new to you in these dialogues?
 What greeting expressions do you usually say when you are talking in English?
 What are the new words you discovered from the conversations?
 How do you usually greet people in your country?
 Are there any differences on how you greet people in your country and in the
 Do you have any question?

2. Receiving Visitors
Discussion Questions:
 Have you ever received a visitor in your house?
 How do you entertain them?
 Do you usually serve some foods or drinks?
 What kind of foods and drinks do you usually serve?
 Have you ever experienced receiving a foreigner in your house?
 Why did they visit you?

This time, we will be practicing some conversations on how we receive visitors at home.
Let’s try these dialogues. I will be A and you will be B. Then after each conversation
practice, we will switch roles. I will then be letter B and you will be A. Are you ready?

Receiving Visitors 1
A: Thanks for coming to see me today.
B: It's no problem. I was really missing you anyway.
A: I missed you too.
B: Why haven't you tried to come see me then?
A: I've been really busy.
B: Doing what?
A: Working.
B: I would've come to see you sooner, but I've been busy too.
A: What have you been doing?
B: I've been working too.
A: Well regardless, I'm very happy that you came to see me.
B: I am too.

Receiving Visitors 2
A: I'm really glad that you came to see me.
B: I had to. I was missing you a lot.
A: I was missing you too.
B: So, why haven't you visited me?
A: I've actually been busy lately.
B: What have you been doing?
A: I've just been working really hard.
B: I've also been busy.
A: Tell me what you've been doing.
B: Basically, I've been working too.

A: Well whatever, I'm glad you came.
B: So am I.
Receiving Visitors 3
A: I'm really happy that you came to visit me.
B: I really missed you a lot.
A: I've been missing you like crazy.
B: I don't understand why you haven't come to visit me.
A: Lately, I've been quite busy.
B: Tell me what you've been up to.
A: I've really been working a lot lately.
B: I've been pretty busy myself.
A: So what have you been up to?
B: I've just been working a lot.
A: Whatever the reason may be, I'm glad you visited me.
B: I'm glad I did too.

3. Expressing Concern to Someone

Do you know what “concern” means?.....
When we say “I’m concerned about you”, it means I care or I am worried about you.
There are times when we want to show to a person that we care.
There are some English expressions on how to say that.
Now, let’s practice how to express our concern to someone in these dialogues.

Expressing Concern to Someone 1

A: Why weren't you at school yesterday?
B: I wasn't really feeling well.
A: What was wrong with you?
B: My stomach was upset.
A: Do you feel better now?
B: I don't really feel too well yet.
A: Do you want anything to make you feel better?
B: No, thanks. I already took some medicine.
A: I hope you feel better.
B: Thank you.
Expressing Concern to Someone 2

A: What reason do you have for missing school?

B: I was sick.

A: How were you sick?

B: I had a stomachache.

A: Did it get any better?

B: I'm still feeling under the weather.

A: Would you like anything for your stomach?

B: I took something earlier.

A: Oh, get well soon.

B: Thanks a lot.

Discussion Questions:
 When your friend is sick, how do you show to him or her that you care?
 Have you visited a sick person?
 Who is that person?
 What was his/her sickness?
 Where did you visit him/her? How is he/she now?
 Did you ever get very sick? What was your sickness?
 Were you hospitalized or you just stayed at home?
 How long were you ill?
 Who came to visit you?
 What did you feel when they visited you?
 How were you able to recover from that sickness?

Vocabulary and Pronunciation:
Appetizer- noun. /ˈæpɪtaɪzə(r)/ /ˈæpɪtaɪzər/ 开胃菜 (Kāiwèi cài)
Tremella soup – noun. 银耳汤(Yín'ěr tang)
Steamed dumplings – noun. /stɪ́jmd /ˈdʌmplɪŋs/ 蒸 熟 水 饺(Zhēng shú Shuǐjiǎo)
Lemonade – noun. /ˈleməˌnād/,ˌleməˈnād/ lemon soda 柠檬汽水(Níngméng qìshuǐ)
Barbeque wings—noun. grilled chicken wings 烧烤翅膀(Shāokǎo chìbǎng)
Baby-back ribs—noun. Small ribs 小排骨(Xiǎo páigǔ)
Garden Salad—noun. fresh vegetables 蔬菜沙拉 Shūcài shālā
Cheeseburger—noun. /CHēzˌbərgər/ 芝士汉堡 Zhīshì hànbǎo
Fries—noun. 薯条 Shǔ tiáo
Potato chips—noun. 土豆片 Tǔdòu piàn

Tremella soup Steamed dumplings lemonade

Barbeque wings Baby-back ribs Garden salad

Cheeseburger Fries Potato chips

4. Restaurant Conversations
The words we practiced are just some of the common meals that we can order in a restaurant.
There are different English expressions on how we order the foods we like in a restaurant.
Some restaurants are fast-food which means your order will be prepared and served quickly.
There are also some restaurants where you will have to wait for some minutes before the food
will be ready. We will practice how to order foods in a restaurant in the following conversations
A. Ordering Foods and Drinks 1
Waiter: Can I start you off with anything to drink?
You: Yes, may I have some water, please?
Waiter: Sure, would you like any appetizers today?
You: May I get an order of tremella soup?
Waiter: No problem, can I get you anything else?
You: No, thank you, that'll be all for now.
Waiter: Let me know when you're ready to order your food.
You: I'm ready.
Waiter: What can I get you?
You: May I have the Wonton noodles and steamed dumplings?
Waiter: Will that be all?
You: Yes, that's it.

Ordering Foods and Drinks 2

Waiter: May I get you anything to drink?
You: Yes, please. May I get a glass of lemonade?
Waiter: Would you like an appetizer?
You: May I get an order of barbeque wings?
Waiter: Sure, would you like anything else?
You: That'll be fine for now, thank you.
Waiter: Tell me when you want to order the rest of your food.
You: Excuse me. I'm ready to order.
Waiter: What would you like?
You: Let me have the baby-back ribs.
Waiter: Sure, will there be anything else that I can get you?
You: That will be it for now.
Ordering Foods and Drinks 3
Waiter: Good evening, can I get you a drink?
You: Sure, I would like a hot green tea.
Waiter: Would you like to order anything off the appetizer menu?
You: Let's see, can I get some potato chips and garden salad, please?
Waiter: Would you like to order anything else?
You: No, that's it, thank you.
Waiter: No problem, call me when you're ready to place the rest of your order.
You: I would like to order my food now.
Waiter: What did you want to order?
You: Can I get a cheeseburger and some fries?
Waiter: Can I get you anything else?
You: That's all, thank you.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation:

Waiter—a male server in a restaurant

Waitress—a female server in a restaurant
Cashier—the server who receives orders and payment
Dine-in—to eat inside the restaurant
Take-out—to bring out the food from the restaurant
Dessert— /dɪˈzɜːrt/ any sweet food usually eaten after meals
Receipt— /rəˈsēt/ a proof of payment
Lower bill—smaller amount of cash paper money
Inconvenience— /inkənˈvēnyəns/ trouble or difficulty

B. Ordering Foods and Drinks in a Fast-food Restaurant 1

Cashier: Good day Ma’am! May I take your order please?
You: I’d like to order a fried chicken with rice.
Cashier: Would you like to get a drink?
You: Do you have a fresh pineapple juice?
Cashier: Yes, we have available fresh pineapple juice.
You: Ok, I’d like the large glass of fresh pineapple juice, please.
Cashier: Would you like some dessert?
You: No. That’s all. Thank you.
Cashier: I repeat your order: fried chicken with rice and a large fresh pineapple
juice. Is it right?
You: Yes, you got it right.
Cashier: Would you like to dine-in or take-out?
You: I will eat here so this is for dine-in.
Cashier: Ok. Your order is amounting to 300 only.
You: Here you go.

Cashier: I received 1,000. Do you have a lower bill?
You: I’m sorry, that’s all I have.
Cashier: No problem, Here’s your change and your order of fried chicken and
pineapple juice. Thank you for ordering. Enjoy your meal.
You: Thank you for the fast service!

Ordering Foods and Drinks in a Fast-food Restaurant 1

Cashier: Welcome to Chow King! What’s your order?
You: Can I have a pork fried rice with dumplings?
Cashier: Sorry but the dumplings are sold out already. Would you like to order another one?
You: No, I’ll just have the pork fried rice anyway.
Cashier: Would you like to order for a drink?
You: Yes, please. I’d like to taste your new blend of brewed coffee with creamer and sugar.
Cashier: Would you like anything else, Ma’am?
You: That would be all. Thanks.
Cashier: The pork fried rice will only be available after 15 minutes. Are you willing to wait?
You: Ok, I can wait for it.
Cashier: Is this for dine-in or take-out?
You: I will take it out.
Cashier: This is for a total of 150 only.
You: Here you go.
Cashier: Thank you for giving the exact amount. Here’s your receipt and your ordering
number. Please seat for a while. Your order will be handed to you in 15 minutes.
Thank you! Come again!

Discussion Questions:

 What is your favorite restaurant? If none, what restaurant do you usually go to?

 Where is it located?

 What are the famous foods in that restaurant?

 What do you usually order there?

 What foods or drinks can you recommend me to try there? Why?

 In your opinion, what is the most famous restaurant in China?

 Have you tried going there? What is their specialty?

 What other restaurants would you like to try?

 What kinds of foods or drinks would you like to order there?

Vocabulary and Pronunciation:

Scrambled eggs Fried egg Boiled eggs

Pan cakes waffles bacon

C. A mistake by the waiter

There are times when the waiter or waitress would give us the wrong food. There are polite
ways on how we tell them that they had a mistake. Let’s practice the following conversations
on telling about the mistake by the waiter.

Conversation 1. A mistake by the waiter

Waiter: Here is your breakfast!
You: I ordered my eggs scrambled, and these are fried.
Waiter: Sorry, your friend over there ordered fried eggs, and I gave you his by mistake.
You: Oh yeah. Here, I will just exchange with him.
Waiter: Here are your pancakes, sir.
You: But I ordered waffles.
Waiter: I am so sorry!
You: That's OK. I will eat my eggs and bacon, and you can take my pancakes back.
Waiter: Good. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.
You: Thank you so much!

Conversation 2. A mistake by the waiter

Waiter: Here’s your order Ma’am.

You: Oh, good! You know, I am looking at my plate and I ordered scrambled eggs, not fried.

Waiter: I just noticed that I accidentally brought you your friend's breakfast.

You: I can just exchange with him, thank you.

Waiter: And pancakes for you, sir.

You: I am sorry, but I think I ordered waffles.

Waiter: I am sorry that I misheard you.

You: Just please take my pancakes to exchange for waffles. While I am waiting, I will eat my

bacon and eggs.

Waiter: I will get straight back to you with your waffles.

You: I would appreciate that.

Conversation 3. A mistake by the waiter

Waiter: Here’s a breakfast for you!

You: Thanks. You know, I just noticed that these eggs are fried, and I ordered scrambled.

Waiter: Thank you for pointing that out. I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast.

You: Not a problem. I can just change my plate with his.

Waiter: A special order of banana pancakes for you!

You: Pancakes? Sorry but I ordered waffles.

Waiter: I am so sorry, Ma’am!

You: I can eat my bacon and eggs while you are exchanging my pancakes for waffles.

Waiter: I will go change those pancakes for waffles right now.

You: It’s alright. Thank you.

5. Shopping Conversations

Vocabulary and Pronunciation:

Laptop computer Desktop computer plug Digital barbie

 Suggest— /sə(ɡ)ˈjest/ propose; recommend; advice

 Daughter— /ˈdôdər,ˈdädər/ a female child
 Niece— /nēs/ a daughter of one's brother or sister
 Instruction— /inˈstrəkSH(ə)n/ a direction or detailed information
 Popular— /ˈpäpyələr/ famous; common; well known
 Cherish—love; treasure; appreciate

A. Looking for a Perfect Gift 1

A: Can you help me pick out a gift for my daughter?
B: She might like a laptop computer.
A: That sounds like a good idea.
B: Might I suggest a Mac?
A: How much?
B: Well, a 15-inch Pro is $2,100.
A: That sounds great. I'll take it.
B: Great. How would you like to pay for it?
A: Here's my VISA.
B: Let me ring you up. Okay, sign here, please.
A: Everything I need is in this box?
B: It'll take her only a few minutes to get online.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: You’re welcome Ma’am. Thank you for shopping here.

Looking for a Perfect Gift 2

A: I'm looking for a gift for my daughter.
B: How about a laptop?
A: Yes, she needs something to help her at school.

B: How about a Mac?
A: That sounds good. How much is one?
B: Our newest 15-inch Pro is only $2,100.
A: Only $2,100? Okay, let me have one.
B: That's great. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
A: Let me find my VISA out of my purse.
B: If you'll just sign here, please.
A: Do I need to buy anything else?
B: All she has to do is open the box and follow the instructions.
A: Thank you so much.
B: You are welcome and thank you for shopping with us. If you have any problem,
just call.

Looking for a Perfect Gift 3

A: I need help finding a gift for my daughter.
B: Would she like a laptop?
A: That sounds like a good idea.
B: A Mac is a very popular brand.
A: She mentioned a Mac. How much is it?
B: A 15-inch Pro model is $2,100 plus tax.
A: That sounds like a great price. I'll take one.
B: This is a gift she'll cherish for years. How do you want to pay?
A: I'll use my VISA.
B: We're almost through. Just sign here, please.
A: Just take it home and plug it in?
B: She'll be online 20 minutes after she opens the box.
A: She's going to be so pleased with this.
B: Remember us for all your computer needs.

Looking for a Perfect Gift 4

A: Do you have anything for a little girl?
B: Well, we have some new Barbie dolls.
A: That's a great idea. Show me the Barbie dolls.
B: Here's one, the new, beautiful Digital Barbie. This doll is great!
A: How lovely! How much is it?
B: It's only $29.95.
A: No problem. Let me have one.
B: That's great. Anything else?
A: No, thank you. That's all I need at the moment.
B: The total is $32.42. How would you like to pay?
A: I'll give you cash.
B: Thank you so much for shopping here. Here's your change and receipt.
Looking for a Perfect Gift 5
A: Can you help me find a nice gift for my young niece?
B: Barbie dolls are quite popular, you know.
A: You're right. Girls love Barbie. Show me a Barbie doll.
B: Take a look at the newest Digital Barbie.
A: She's beautiful. What's the price for Digital Barbie?
B: Our regular price for Digital Barbie is $29.95 plus tax.
A: Only $29.95? I'll buy it, of course.
B: Another one sold. Do you see anything else you would like?
A: Thank you, but no. This will do it for now.
B: Tax brings your total to $32.42. How would you like to pay?
A: Cash, please.
B: Here's your change. Thank you.

B. Grocery Shopping
Vocabulary and Pronunciation

mangoes grapefruit citrus

orange ripe fruits unripe fruits

sharp knife mango seed

peel off
Grocery Shopping 1
A: I'm looking for some fresh fruits that's on sale.
B: Well, we just got in some mangoes.
A: Mangoes. What are they?
B: Well, it's a fruit with a big nut in it.
A: Can you eat the nut?
B: No, you peel off the skin and throw out the nut.
A: How much are they?
B: Well, the sale price is $1 each.
A: What does a mango taste like?
B: They're like a citrus fruit.
A: How do I know if it's ripe?
B: You can buy them hard. Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel.
A: Where do they come from?
B: Most of them in this store are from Philippines.

Grocery Shopping 2
A: Can you direct me to some fresh fruit that's on sale?
B: Well, we've got some great mangoes on sale.
A: Mangoes? What are mangoes?
B: Well, it's a fruit with a big seed in it.
A: Can you eat the seed?
B: No. Peel the skin with a sharp knife, and throw out the seed.
A: How much are they?
B: Well, they're on sale today for only $1 each.
A: Can you describe their taste?
B: They usually taste sweet, but they remind me of an orange.
A: How can I tell if they're ripe?
B: You can buy them either ripe or unripe. Unripe ones are hard.
A: Where do they grow mangoes?
B: The ones that are on sale are from China.

Grocery Shopping 3
A: I'm looking for some good deals on fruits.
B: You might want to try the mangoes.
A: Can you describe a mango to me?
B: It's a fruit a little smaller than a grapefruit. It has a big seed in it.
A: Do I eat the seed?
B: Maybe some animals eat the seed, but humans don't.
A: What's the price of these mangoes?
B: Today you get a 50-percent discount. They're only $1 each.
A: Tell me what they taste like.
B: Their flesh is soft and juicy. It has a citrus taste. It's sweet.
A: Do I need to buy them ripe, or will they ripen at home?
B: Just press into it gently with your thumb. If it feels soft, it's ready to eat.
A: Where do mangoes come from?
B: These are from Vietnam, but we're going to start getting mangoes from India.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Fruits


Do you like
fruits? Why?

What fruits do
you like to eat?

What fruits are

common in your

Are fruits cheap

or expensive in
your place?

What fruits in the

picture have you
not tasted yet?

Which among
these would you
like to try?

What fruits you

don’t like?

Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Vegetables

Do you like

What vegetables
do you like to

What vegetables
are common in
your province?

Are vegetables
cheap or
expensive in
your place?

What vegetables
in the picture
have you not
tasted yet?

Which among
these would you
like to try?

What vegetables
you don’t like?

Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Things you can buy in the shopping mall for your home


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