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The crashing sound of broken glass pierces the silence of the dark night as the car
rushed down the road smashing everything before it. The driver seemed to keep on
accelerating. “Vroom! Vrooom! Vroooooooooooom!” All of a sudden, the car took off
like a plane, leaving the road on an imaginary track towards the clouds.

 Employ R.A.F.T Strategy thinking method to elaborate on two strategies for the
above storyline.

 Produce an eight panel script for the above storyline

 Identify with the help of illustration the four types of framing. Explain four
circumstances where framing and panel shapes can be used as narrative device to
create immediate ambiance based on the above storyline.

 Identify with the help of illustration the four types of speech bubbles. Explain four
circumstances where the four bubbles could be used.

 Identify with the help of illustration and briefly describe four type of shot angles.
Explain four circumstances where the four different shot angles could be used.

 Present the above storyline in a creative set of eight multi-panel sequential imagery
for a comic strip using the parts above

Role Who is the character? 1. An adult
2. A child
3. An animal
Audience Who will be reading the text? 1. Children
2. Teenagers
Format In which form will the text be 1. Storybook
presented 2. Comic Strip
Topic What is the subject of the text? 1. Freed
2. Dark journey to dream

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