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Ryhle Nodnylson E.

Guinto BM1 – CS155-2

A Brief Overview of Software Reuse and Metrics in Software Engineering

The paper discusses the importance of software reuse in software engineering. It

studies the process of reusing existing programs’ framework to create new and
improved software. From what I’ve read, this is an effective way of creating better
software. This paper dealt with several topics such as Software Metrics, Software
Reuse, Software Reuse Fundamentals, The Benefits of Software Reuse, The Problems
created by Software Reuse, and Object-Oriented Programming.

There were vast researches about Software Reuse. At first, I did not think of it
being this serious. I did not expect people would commit their time on researching about
this but as I continue to read the research paper, I slowly realize that Software Reuse
was not that simple. It’s not as simple as copying the entire program and converting it to
your own, but it also requires analysis, and this is where software metrics gets in.
Software reuse can also lead to negative results such as difficulty writing proficient and
useful software. I also learned that importing libraries is also a result of software reuse.
This was implemented for programmers to automatically use certain functions instead of
writing those declaration and definitions by themselves.

OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is also a result of software reuse. I imagine

OOP as LEGO blocks. They are like LEGO blocks because of the way you can
manipulate programs and treating them as objects. The reuse part in OOP is the ability
of the program to inherit attributes from other classes. OOP has revolutionized the way
of Software Reuse.

Software Reuse and Metrics is very important for software engineers Software
reuse and metrics always come together. With these two, not only the software
engineer will benefit from this, but the stakeholders as well. It can lower costs and
resources. It can mitigate possible problems that may occur during the process. With all
these together, developing software would be effective and less costly.

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