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Gal Iosif
Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a
Recapitulare activități zilnice – tema 3
1 Scrie în dreptul fiecărei expresii ce înseamnă în română.
get up = a se trezi
go to school = a se duce la școală
have a shower =
get dressed =
tidy your room =
go to bed =
do homework =

2. Completează spațiile cu ora potrivită.

seven 7.15 7.30 eight three six

1 I get up at ______ o’clock.

2 I have a shower at _______ o’clock.

3 I get dressed at _______ o’clock.

4 I go to school at __________ o’clock.

5 I do my homework at ________ o’clock.

6 I tidy my room at __________ o’clock.


3 Citește textul ca să răspunzi la următoarea întrebare.

1 What is Jade’ s favourite school subject? ____________________________________

My name is Jade. I am 13 years old and I live in 1New York. I go to high school2. I am good at
music and I can play the drums.3 I often practise at school4 because there are good music rooms.5

I live in = stau în
high school = liceu
I can play the drums = știu să cânt la tobe.
(often) practise at school= exersez adesea la școală
because there are good music rooms = pentru că sunt săli de muzică bune
On a school day, I always get up up at half past six because I start school at 8 o’clock. I have a
shower, get dressed and have breakfast6.

I sometimes play the drums for a few minutes7 before school!8

My favourite school subject is ICT because I love computers and technology.

have breakfast = iau micul dejun
for a few minutes = pentru câteva minute
before school = înainte de a mă duce la școală

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